Monday, June 22, 2009

BOCC meeting Monday

I hope eveyone had a good summer solstice on Sunday, the longest day of the year.  It's hard to believe that the days will start getting shorter now, though the temperatures will keep rising for a while longer. 
In other County news, this weekend is the three-day summer booksale at the Main Library.

           [Please contact the Clerk to the Board at (919) 560-0025 for information related to items on the agenda.]





Monday, June 22, 2009


County Commissioners' Chambers

200 East Main Street, Durham, North Carolina




"Public Charge"



The Board of Commissioners asks its members and citizens to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous manner, both with the Board and fellow citizens.  At any time, should any member of the Board or any citizen fail to observe this public charge, the Chairman will ask the offending person to leave the meeting until that individual regains personal control.  Should decorum fail to be restored, the Chairman will recess the meeting until such time that a genuine commitment to the public charge is observed.


As a courtesy to others, please turn off cell phones during the meeting.



6:00 P.M.—Closed Session


The Board is requested to adjourn to closed session to consult with an attorney, to preserve the attorney-client privilege, and to consider the performance of a public officer pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 143-318.11(a)(3) & (6).



7:00 P.M. Regular Session


1.     Opening of Regular Session—Pledge of Allegiance                                                                    5 min.


2.     Agenda Adjustments                                                                                                                   5 min.


3.     Announcement                                                                                                                             5 min.


The July 27 Regular Session of the Board has been moved to July 20. 


4.     Minutes

                                                                                                                                                       5 min.

a.       May 26, 2009 Regular Session

b.      May 28, 2009 Budget Worksession


5.     Recognition of Durham County's Receipt of Five NACo Awards for 2009

                                                                                                                                                       5 min.

Durham County has won five NACo (National Association of Counties) Achievement Awards this spring.  The Library received four awards and Social Services received one for their inventive programs. 


The NACo Achievement Awards program annually recognizes innovative county government programs across the country.  As the NACo award letters cite, it honors high caliber county programs and projects and is "proud to confer this award and recognize [Durham County's] hard work to promote quality, efficient, and responsive management and administration."


Durham County Library Winning Programs:

·      GenText Book Club – a book club for people in their 20s and 30s that meets monthly in Durham restaurants and bars.

·      Get Set, Get Ready, Let's Read! – an early literacy program where library personnel visit 15 in-home childcare centers with star ratings of 1 or 2 (the lowest possible ratings).

·      Poetry for Everyone – a series of events, held at various library facilities, during which local celebrities, elected officials, and poets share their favorite poems in public.

·      Write On! – a writing workshop for teens that teaches young people to redefine their relationship with the written word by turning them into writers as well as readers.


Department of Social Services Winning Program:

·      GAP (Guardianship Assistance Program)the State's first child welfare kinship care program.


Resource Person(s): Skip Auld, Library Director, and Sammy Haithcock, DSS Director


County Manager's Recommendation: Congratulate the respective leadership and staff from Durham Library and Durham Social Services for receiving these outstanding national achievements.


6.     Proclamation for "Durham College Day"

                                                                                                                                                       5 min.

Sixty-two years ago, Dr. Lucinda McCauley Harris started a school to prepare youth for successful business careers.  The school eventually became Durham Business College and finally Durham College.  The two-year school was nationally accredited as a junior college and trained students in many areas such as accounting, business administration, computer science, and medical technology between 1947 and 1980 when it closed.


Alumni will gather on June 26, 27, and 28 in Durham to hold a reunion and to celebrate the 62nd Anniversary of the founding of the college.  A proclamation has been prepared at the group's request.


Resource Person(s): Commissioner Joe Bowser


County Manager's Recommendation: The Manager's recommendation is that the Board approve the proclamation and present to Durham College Alumni Representatives.


7.     Left blank intentionally


8.     Recognition of Retiring DSS Director—Sammy Haithcock

                                                                                                                                                       5 min.

The Board of County Commissioners is requested to recognize the Department of Social Services Director, Sammy Haithcock, as he prepares to retire from a successful and noteworthy career in social services.  A resolution has been prepared and will be presented by the Board of County Commissioners.


Resource Person(s): Durham County Commission Chairman Michael D. Page, Durham County Commissioner Joe W. Bowser, and Durham County Manager Michael M. Ruffin


County Manager's Recommendation:  The Manager's recommendation is that the Board present the resolution honoring Sammy Haithcock for his outstanding career in social services, note his many contributions to the Durham community, and wish him well in his retirement.


9.     Consent Agenda

                                                                                                                                                     15 min.

a.    Property Tax Releases and Refunds for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 (accept the property tax release and refund report for May 2009 as presented and authorize the Tax Assessor to adjust the tax records as outlined by the report);

b.   Appointments—Juvenile Crime Prevention Council;

c.    Approve the Sale of 414 Salem Street to Michael Hamblin for $3,800;

d.   Approval of the Amended Documents Related to the 2009B Variable Rate COPS (adopt the resolution and authorize the execution of the required documents upon approval by the Local Government Commission);

e.    Authorize the County Manager to execute a one-year contract with the Animal Protection Society of Durham Inc. for the operation of the Durham County Animal Shelter for $571,199.00);

f.    Left blank intentionally;

g.   Commissioner Appointment to Downtown Durham Inc. Board of Directors (reappoint Vice-Chairman Ellen W. Reckhow to Downtown Durham Inc.'s Board of Directors for FY 2009-10);

h.   Approve funding for the final Cultural Master Plan Projects;

i.     Purchase of Self-Check Machines and RFID Based Security Gates for Main, Southwest, and South Regional Libraries (authorize the execution of a contract with 3M in the amount of $436,439 for the purchase of RFID [Radio Frequency Identification] systems for the Main, South, and Southwest Libraries);

j.     Request for Lease Extension for the Scarborough & Hargett Funeral Home (authorize the County Manager to execute the lease amendment for Scarborough and Hargett Funeral Home to transition out of the property by August 31, 2009 at a rate of $9,250 per month; after such time, the premises should be vacated in order for the Justice Center to remain on schedule);

k.   Stormwater Agreement for the Southwest Regional Library (approve the stormwater agreement for the Southwest Regional Library and authorize the Manager to execute);

l.     Interlocal Agreement with the City of Durham regarding Construction of Alternate Storm Drain Piping associated with the Construction of the Human Services Complex (approve the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Durham related to the construction of an alternate storm drain pipe along the 500 block of East Main Street and authorize the Manager to execute the agreement);

m. Budget Ordinance Amendment 09BCC000075—Recognizing Additional Revenue for DSS (Child Care Subsidy Funds—$277,738; Net Medicaid Cost Settlement—$201,255 for FY 2007-08—designate $92,000 in fund balance for subsequent years and $109,255 in fund balance for DSS);

n.   Budget Ordinance Amendment No. 09BCC000076—Technical Adjustment for Collection and Use of Lottery Funds (Agreement with Durham Public Schools Regarding 3% Reduction of Fiscal Year 2008-09 Operating Budget) (make technical adjustments to the General Fund and Debt Service Fund related to collection of Lottery Funds; this amendment makes those technical adjustments without altering the original intent or amount of the lottery funds);

o.   Budget Ordinance Amendment 09BCC000077—Recognize Additional Revenue of $58,141 for FY 2008-2009 Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP);

p.   Contract Approval: Medical Services for the Durham County Detention Facility and the Youth Home (RFP # 07-012) (authorize the execution of a one-year contract with Correct Care Solutions Inc. to provide comprehensive health care services for persons in the custody of the Sheriff and the youth detained at the Youth Home; the contract will be for an amount not to exceed $3,068,027, plus a per diem charge of $2.78 per inmate, per day for any month with an average daily population greater than 610);

q.   Capital Project Ordinance Amendment 09CPA000018—Appropriation of Reimbursement Funds for the Open Space and Farmland Preservation (DC083) Capital Project (increase the DC083 Open Space and Farmland Preservation Capital Project from $7,957,755 to $8,500,755 to reflect NC Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund grant monies and open space partnership contributions received);

r.     Capital Project Amendment No. 09CPA000019—Durham Public Schools General Obligation Bond Project Budget Adjustments (move $235,000 from the completed 2003 GO Bond funded Mangum Elementary capital project to the 2003 GO Bond funded Morehead Elementary capital project); and

s.    Health & Human Services Financing (2009B certificates) (adopt the resolution and authorize the execution of the required documents upon approval by the Local Government Commission).


10.   Public Hearing—Zoning Map Change—Wilson Property (Z0900003)

                                                                                                                                                     15 min.

To approve a request for a zoning map change for approximately 0.67 acres located at 4905 and 4933 Wake Forest Highway, north side of Wake Forest Highway east of Patterson Road [PINs 0851-03-90-9899 (partial) and 0861-03-00-1861 (partial)]. 


Request: RR; F/J-B to RS-20; F/J-B; and to adopt as support for its action on the proposed zoning map change the determinations that the action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is reasonable and in the public interest in light of information presented in the public hearing and in the agenda materials; or


Alternatively, in the event that a motion to approve the item fails, the Commissioners adopt as support for their actions on the proposed zoning map change the determination that, notwithstanding its consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, the request is neither reasonable nor in the public interest in light of information presented in the public hearing and in the agenda materials.


Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and considering the information provided in this report.


Planning Commission Recommendation and Vote: Approval, 12-2 on May 12, 2009.  The Planning Commission finds that the ordinance request is consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan.  The Commission believes the request is reasonable and in the public interest and recommends approval based on the information in the staff report and comments received during the public hearing.


Resource Person(s): Steven L. Medlin, AICP, City-County Planning Director, and Amy Wolff, Planner


County Manager's Recommendation: The Manager recommends that the Board conduct a public hearing on the proposed zoning map change and approve it, if appropriate, based on the comments received.


11.   Adoption of FY2009-2010 Budget Ordinance

                                                                                                                                                     15 min.

The Durham County Manager presents the FY2009-2010 Annual Budget Ordinance to the Durham County Board of Commissioners for approval.  This submission is in accordance with the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, which requires adoption of the budget ordinance no later than July 1.  


(As the public hearing for the recommended budget was held on June 8, no citizen comments will be allowed at this meeting.)


Resource Person(s):  Mike Ruffin, Durham County Manager, and Pam Meyer, Director Budget & Management Services


County Manager's Recommendation:  The County Manager recommends the Board approve the FY2009-2010 Budget Ordinance. 


12.   Modifications to the SWAP

                                                                                                                                                     30 min.

The Finance Department is recommending that the 2004 Swap be modified as follows:   Extend Maturity to:                                 May 1, 2031

Increase the Notional amount to:            $186,365,000 

Increase the Indicative Margin


These changes have been discussed with the LGC, and it intends to request approval during its July 7 meeting.


These items are included in the resolution for Board approval.


Mr. Quick recently discussed the performance of the Swap with the Commissioners and the savings generated over the past 58 months.  These modifications are expected to increase the savings going forward.


Resource Person(s): George K. Quick, Finance Director


County Manager's Recommendation: The County Manager recommends the adoption of the resolution and authorize the execution of the required documents upon approval by the Local Government Commission.


13.   Board and Commission Appointments

                                                                                                                                                     10 min.

Vonda Sessoms, Clerk to the Board, will distribute ballots to the Board to make appointments to the following boards and commissions:


·      Area Mental Health Board

·      Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee

·      Board of Adjustment

·      City-County Appearance Commission

·      DTCC Board of Trustees

·      EMS Advisory Council

·      Environmental Affairs Board

·      Jury Commission

·      Juvenile Crime Prevention Council

·      Transportation Advisory Board

·      Women's Commission

·      Workforce Development Board 


Resource Person(s):  Vonda Sessoms


County Manager's Recommendation: The County Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners vote to appoint members to the above-mentioned boards/commissions.


                                                                                                                                                             2 hrs.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What's up with

A few months ago Alliance Marxist-Leninist's website disappeared, and currently the front page is online at instead.  The website is down because of a bureaucratic problem with the service provider, rather than political censorship, so the situation should be resolved soon.   

Monday, June 15, 2009

City Council meeting Monday - citizen participation, UDO, health care items

Besides dealing with the usual appointments and contracts, the Council is also discussing changing how citizen boards are appointed, Unified Development Ordinance changes, and supporting Obama on healthcare. 

The Mayor calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm

Call To Order

Moment Of Silent Meditation

Pledge Of Allegiance

Roll Call

Ceremonial Items

Announcements By Council

Priority Items By The City Manager, City Attorney And City Clerk

[Consent Agenda]

1. Approval of City Council Minutes

To approve City Council minutes for the May 4, 2009 and May 18, 2009 City Council Meetings; and

To approve City Council action taken at the April 23, 2009 and May 7, 2009 City Council Work Sessions.

(Resource Person: D. Ann Gray — 4166) (PR# 6188)

2. Durham Board of Adjustment — Receive and Accept Applications

To receive and accept applications for citizens to fill two (2) vacancies for Regular Members on the Durham Board of Adjustment with the terms to expire on June 30, 2012.

(Due to the terms expiring of Lynn A. Andrews and David J. Neill)

(Resource Person: LaVerne V. Brooks — 4166) (Attachment #2 — 8 pages) (PR# 6222)

3. Durham City-County Environmental Affairs Board — Receive and Accept Applications

To receive and accept applications for citizens to fill two (2) vacancies on the Durham City-County Environmental Affairs Board to represent Solid Waste and Energy with the terms to expire on June 1, 2012.

(Due to the terms expiring of John Manuel and James A. Stivers)

(Resource Person: LaVerne V. Brooks — 4166) (Attachment #3 — 8 pages) (PR# 6228)

4. Durham City-County Appearance Commission — Receive and Accept Applications

To receive and accept applications for a citizen to fill one (1) vacancy on the Durham City-County Appearance Commission with the term to expire on April 1, 2012.

(Due to the term expiring of Nakira Devon Carter)

(Resource Person: LaVerne V. Brooks — 4166) (Attachment #4 — 7 pages) (PR# 6220)

5. Durham Cultural Master Plan Advisory Board — Receive and Accept Applications

To receive and accept applications for Citizens to fill three (3) vacancies on the Durham Cultural Master Plan Advisory Board with the terms to expire on June 30, 2010.

(Due to the terms expiring of Sherry L. Devries, Beverly Meek, and Douglas Zinn)

(Resource Person: LaVerne V. Brooks — 4166) (Attachment #5 — 12 pages) (PR# 6080)

6. Capital Program Advisory Committee — Receive and Accept An Application

To receive and accept an application for a citizen to fill one (1) vacancy on the Capital Program Advisory Committee representing Project Management with the term to expire on March 31, 2011.

(Due to the expired term of Patrick Byker)

(Resource Person: LaVerne V. Brooks — 4166) (Attachment #6 — 4 pages) (PR# 6212)

7. Housing Appeals Board — Receive and Accept Applications

To receive and accept applications for a citizen to fill one (1) vacancy on the Housing Appeals Board for an Alternate Member to represent At-Large with the term to expire on June 30, 2010.

(Resource Person: LaVerne V. Brooks — 4166) (Attachment #7 — 7 pages) (PR# 6213)

8. Audit Services Oversight Committee — Receive and Accept an Application

To receive and accept an application for a citizen to fill one (1) vacancy on the Audit Services Oversight Committee representing Business Community with the term to expire on June 1, 2013.

(Due to the term expiring of Pamela Gorham)

(Resource Person: LaVerne V. Brooks — 4166) (Attachment #8 — 3 pages) (PR# 6214)

9. Human Relations Commission — Appointments

To appoint Shawn M. Ross and to reappoint Alba Onofrio and Ryan L. Urquhart to the Human Relations Commission with the terms to expire on June 30, 2012.

Note: At the Work Session on June 4, 2009, all of the above citizens received seven (7) votes.

Due to the terms expiring of Ryan L. Urquhart, Alba Onofrio and the resignation of Kamala L. Uzzell) (Resource Person: LaVerne V. Brooks — 4166) (Attachment #9 — 8 pages) (PR# 6215)

10. Citizens Advisory Committee — Appointments

To reappoint Dorcas M. Bradley, Delvin Davis, Kyla Sweet-Chavez and Faith M. Thompson to the Citizens Advisory Committee with the terms to expire on June 30, 2012.

Note: At the Work Session on June 4, 2009 all of the above citizens received seven (7) votes.

(Due to the terms expiring of Dorcas M. Bradley, Delvin Davis, Kyla Sweet-Chavez and Faith M. Thompson)

(Resource Person: LaVerne V. Brooks — 4166) (Attachment #10 — 10 pages) (PR# 6217)

11. Durham Workforce Development Board — Receipt and Acceptance of Applications and Appointments

To receive and accept applications and to reappoint the following citizens to the Durham Workforce Development Board with terms expiring on June 30, 2011:

Marsha Basloe (Community Based Organizations), Jamie Glass (Educational Agency), Carl E. Harris (Educational Agency) and Denise Motley Johnston (Private Sector)

Note: At the Work Session on June 4, 2009, Ms. Basloe received seven (7) votes, Ms. Glass received five (5) votes, Mr. Harris received seven (7) votes and Ms. Johnston received five (5) votes.

(Due to the terms expiring of Marsha Basloe, Jamie Glass, Carl E. Harris and Denise Motley Johnston)

(Resource Person: LaVerne V. Brooks — 4166) (Attachment #11 — 14 pages) (PR# 6245)

12. Citizens Advisory Committee — Receive and Accept an Application

To receive and accept an application for a citizen to fill one (1) vacancy on the Citizens Advisory Committee with the term to expire on June 30, 2010.

(Due to the resignation of Gil Bernie Stewart)

(Resource Person: LaVerne V. Brooks — 4166) (Attachment #12 — 3 pages) (PR# 6232)

13. Street Acceptances

To accept the streets on the attached list for maintenance by the City of Durham.

(Resource Persons: Edward R. Venable and Nathan L. McHenry — 4326) (Attachment #13 — 8 pages) (PR# 6211)

14. This item can be found on the General Business Agenda.

15. Home Investment Partnerships Agreement and Loan Agreement between the City of Durham and the Center for Community Self-Help for First Mortgage Financing of 1101 South Street

To authorize the expenditure of up to $65,000.00 in HOME funds to be provided to the Center for Community Self-Help as a forgivable loan holding a first position;

To authorize the City Manager to execute a Forgivable Loan Agreement and related legal documents with the Center for Community Self-Help; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the agreements and other related documents before execution provided that the modifications do not increase the dollar amount of the agreements and do not lessen the obligations of the contractor.

(Resource Person: Shepherd Smith — 4570 ext. 227) (Attachment #15 —57 pages) (PR# 6241)

16. Amendment of Existing Home Investment Partnership Agreement with Housing for New Hope, Inc. Providing an Additional $200,000.00 in Home Funds to Support the Construction of Williams Square Apartments Phase II

To authorize the expenditure of $200,000.00 in HOME funds for the purpose of affordable housing;

To authorize the City Manager to amend the existing HOME Investment Partnership Agreement with Housing for New Hope, Inc. to increase the amount by $200,000.00 funded from FY 2007-2008 HOME funds, for a total of HOME investment of up to $452,000.00, in the form of a construction/permanent loan for Williams Square Apartments Phases I and II;

To authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the loan agreement with Housing for New Hope, Inc. for the additional loan amount; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the amendment and other related documents before execution, provided that the modifications do not increase the dollar amount of the agreement and do not lessen the obligations of the contractor.

(Resource Person: Richard Valzonis — 4570 ext. 226) (Attachment #16 — 38 pages) (PR# 6244)

17. Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Implementation Contracts and Grant Project Ordinance

To adopt the City of Durham/North Carolina Department of Commerce project ordinance in the amount of $2,100,000.00;

To authorize the expenditure of $1,802,500.00 in NSP funds and $300,000.00 in HOME CHDO funds;

To authorize the City Manager to execute an NSP subrecipient agreement with Community Alternatives for Supportive Abodes (CASA) in the amount of $630,000.00 for the purchase and renovation of 217 W. Geer Street or equivalent affordable rental units as approved by the City Manager;

To authorize the City Manager to execute a HOME CHDO loan agreement and related documents in the amount of $300,000.00 with Community Alternatives for Supportive Abodes (CASA) for the renovation of 217 W. Geer or equivalent affordable rental units as approved by the City Manager;

To authorize the City Manager to execute an NSP subrecipient agreement with Durham County Habitat for Humanity in the amount of $602,500.00 for the acquisition of approximately 13 foreclosed/abandoned or blighted properties in Northeast Central Durham;

To authorize the City Manager to execute an NSP subrecipient agreement with the Center for Community Self Help in the amount of $570,000.00 for the acquisition of approximately 12 foreclosed/abandoned or blighted properties in Southwest Central Durham/Southside; and

To authorize the City Manager to make changes to said agreements or contracts prior to execution that do not increase the grant or loan amounts or lessen the duties of the contractors.

(Resource Person: Larry Jarvis — 4570 ext. 273) (Attachment #17 — 125 pages) (PR# 6249)

18. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Subrecipient Contract with Urban Ministries of Durham, Inc.

To authorize the expenditure of CDBG funds in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00;

To authorize the City Manager to execute a Subrecipient Contract with Urban Ministries of Durham, Inc. to support the Community Kitchen; and

To authorize the City Manager to make changes to the documents that do not increase the contract amount, lessen the Subrecipient's duties or extend the term of the contract by more than an additional two (2) months beyond January 2, 2010.

(Resource Person: Tamesha E. Thompson-Eleanya – 4570 ext. 225) (Attachment #18 — 21 pages) (PR# 6256)

20. This item can be found on the General Business Agenda.

22. FY10 Contract between the City of Durham and Doc Arts, Inc. for Economic Development through Cultural Arts

To authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Doc Arts, Inc. for cultural arts-based economic development services, in an amount not to exceed $65,000.00; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the contract provided that the modifications do not increase the dollar amount and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the contract.

(Resource Person: Kevin Dick — 4965 ext. 15219) (Attachment #22 — 16 pages) (PR# 6272)

23. FY10 Contract between the City of Durham and Downtown Durham, Inc. for Downtown Economic Development Services

To authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Downtown Durham, Inc. for Downtown Economic Development Services, in an amount not to exceed $148,048.00; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the contract provided that the modifications do not increase the dollar amount and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the contract.

(Resource Person: Kevin Dick — 4965) (Attachment #23 — 13 pages) (PR# 6266)

24. Emergency Telephone System Maintenance Contract

To authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company LLC d/b/a Embarq for a Telephone Maintenance Contract in the amount of $126,834.36 annually for three years payable from the Emergency Telephone System Surcharge fund; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the agreement before execution provided that the modifications do not increase the dollar amount of the purchase price or decrease the amount of goods and/or services received.

(Resource Person: James Soukup — 4191) (Attachment #24 — 18 pages) (PR# 6218)

25. Fire Station 15 CMAR Construction Services Amendment

To authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute Amendment No. 2 with Balfour Beatty Construction for the construction of the Fire Station 15, if the final Guaranteed Maximum Price does not exceed $2,828,921.00;

To establish a project contingency of $425,000.00 (approximately 15%);

To authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute change orders on the Fire Station 15 Project, provided the total project cost does not exceed $3,253,921.00, which is the full amount, budgeted for construction phase services plus the project contingency;

To increase the design contingency by $3,000.00; and

To authorize the City Manager to execute amendments to The G.H. Williams Collaborative professional services contract, provided the total amount does not exceed $109,600.00.

(Resource Person: Trish Creta — 4197 ext. 258) (Attachment #25 — 9 pages) (PR# 6192)

26. Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Durham and the County of Durham to Change the Name of the Durham Civic Center Authority to the Durham Convention Center Authority

To authorize the City Manager to execute the third amendment to the 1987 interlocal agreement between the City of Durham and the County of Durham to change the name of the Durham Civic Center Authority to the Durham Convention Center Authority; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the agreement before execution provided that modifications do not increase the dollar amount and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the existing version of the agreement.

(Resource Person: Sharon DeShazo — 4197) (Attachment #26 — 4 pages) (PR# 6226)

27. Five-Year Lease Agreement with Shaner Hotel Group Properties Two Limited Partnership at the Durham Convention Center

To authorize the City Manager to execute the lease with Shaner Hotel Group Properties Two Limited Partnership for space in the Durham Convention Center; and

To authorize the City Manager to make changes to the lease provided such changes do not materially affect the intent and purpose of the lease agreement.

(Resource Person: David Fleischer — 4197 ext. 288) (Attachment #27 — 12 pages) (PR# 6233)

28. Contract for Design Services, Lyon Park Upgrades

To authorize the City Manager to execute a contract for Professional Services for the Design of Lyon Park Upgrades with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. in the amount of $39,000.00;

To authorize the City Manager to make changes to the contract before executing it if the changes do not increase the compensation to be paid by the City and do not decrease the goods and services to be provided to the City;

To establish a contingency in the amount of $6,000.00; and

To authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute amendments on the contract for Professional Services for the Design of Lyon Park Upgrades, with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., provided the total project cost does not exceed the amount budgeted for professional design services plus the contingency.

(Resource Person: Marilee Martin — 4197 ext. 285) (Attachment #28 — 42 pages) (PR# 6242)

29. Fourth Amendment to DPAC Operating Agreement for Parking Voucher Program and Operation of City Volunteer Program

To authorize the City Manager to execute the Fourth Amendment to the DPAC Operating Agreement between the City of Durham and Durham Performing Arts, LLC, JN Worldwide, LLC and Professional Facilities Management, Inc.; and

To authorize the City Manager to make modifications to the agreement prior to execution so long as the modifications are consistent with the agreement.

(Resource Person: Harmon E. Crutchfield — 4197) (Attachment #29 — 10 pages) (PR# 6274)

31. Annual Report — Development Review Board

To receive the 2008 Annual Report from the Development Review Board.

(Resource Person: Steven L. Medlin, AICP — 4137 ext. 223) (Attachment #31 — 3 pages) (PR# 6225)

32. 2009 M/NC Joint Fugitive Task Force Grant Project Ordinance

To authorize the City Manager to accept the 2009 M/NC Joint Fugitive Task Force Grant by executing the grant documents; and

To adopt the 2009 M/NC Joint Fugitive Task Force Grant Project Ordinance, superseding Grant Project Ordinance #13752, in the amount of $7,800.00.

(Resource Person: Steve Mihaich — 4322) (Attachment #32 — 6 pages) (PR# 6236)

33. The City of Durham and the N.C. State "Controlled Substance Excise Tax Funds" Grant Project Ordinance FY2007-2008 Superseding Grant Project Ordinance #13644

To authorize the City Manager to accept the City of Durham and the N.C. State "Controlled Substance Excise Tax Funds" Grant by executing the grant documents; and

To adopt the City of Durham and the N.C. State "Controlled Substance Excise Tax Funds" Grant Project Ordinance FY 2007/2008 superseding Grant Project Ordinance # 13644.

(Resource Person: Steve Mihaich — 4322) (Attachment #33 — 3 pages) (PR# 6238)

34. Contract SD-2009-03 Stormwater Drainage Repairs and Improvements

To authorize the City Manager to execute a contract for SD-2009-03, Stormwater Drainage Repairs and Improvements, with Billings & Garrett, Inc. in the amount of $265,408.35;

To establish a contingency fund in the amount of $92,892.92 (35%);

To authorize the City Manager to negotiate change orders provided that the cost of all change orders does not exceed $92,892.92 and the total project cost does not exceed $358,301.27; and

To authorize the City Manager be to modify the contract before execution provided that modifications do not increase the dollar amount of the contract and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the existing version of the contract.

(Resource Person: Dana Hornkohl — 4326 ext. 246) (Attachment #34 — 4 pages) (PR# 6231)

35. Contract ST-234: 2009 Street Repairs and Resurfacing

To authorize the City Manager to execute a contract for ST-234: 2009 Street Repairs and Resurfacing, with Triangle Grading and Paving, Incorporated in the amount of $4,929,476.75;

To establish a contingency fund in the amount of $1,232,369.19 (25%);

To authorize the City Manager to negotiate change orders provided that the cost of all change orders does not exceed $1,232,369.19 and the total project cost does not exceed $6,161,845.94; and

To authorize the City Manager be to modify the contract before execution provided that modifications do not increase the dollar amount of the contract and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the existing version of the contract.

(Resource Person: Edward R. Venable — 4326 ext. 233) (Attachment #35 — 8 pages) (PR# 6235)

36. Laidlaw Transit Services Contract Amendment

To authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to contract between City of Durham, North Carolina and Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. for paratransit services; and

To authorize the City Manager be to modify the contract before execution provided that modifications do not increase the dollar amount of the contract and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the existing version of the contract.

(Resource Person: Stephen A. Mancuso — 1535 ext. 209) (Attachment #36 — 8 pages) (PR# 6237)

37. Municipal Agreements for Work Performed on State Highway System Streets

To authorize the City Manager to enter into four new Municipal Maintenance Agreements with NCDOT for: (1) Schedule "A" – Signs; (2) Schedule "B" – Markings and Markers; (3) Schedule "C" – Traffic Signals; and (4) Schedule "D" — Computer, Communications Equipment, and System Operations for Computerized Traffic Signal System; and

To authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the initial agreements provided the modifications do not change the dollar amounts in the agreements and are consistent with the general intent of the version of the agreements approved by the City Council.

(Resource Person: Philip M. Loziuk — 4366) (Attachment #37 — 38 pages) (PR# 6248)

38. Amendment No. 1 — Professional Services On-Call Supplemental Agreement for the Design of the Fayetteville Road Phase II Extension

To authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the On-Call Supplemental Agreement No. 2 for Fayetteville Road Phase II Extension Design (Riddle Road/Buxton Drive Re-alignment), in the amount of $6,500.00; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the agreement before execution provided that modifications do not increase the dollar amount and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the existing version of the agreement.

(Resource Person: Edward R. Venable — 4326 ext. 233) (Attachment #38 — 2 pages) (PR# 6254)

39. ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) — Municipal Agreements and Grant Project Ordinances for Surface Transportation Program Direct Attributable (STPDA) Projects to be Managed by the City of Durham

To authorize the City Manager to execute eighteen "Locally Administered Project" agreements with the North Carolina Department of Transportation having the descriptions as provided in Table 1 (Attachment C) using the agreement template (Attachment A);

To authorize the City Manager to modify the agreements provided that the changes do not increase the dollar amounts and the modifications are consistent with the intent of the agreements; and

To adopt the following eighteen Surface Transportation Program Direct Attributable Grant Project Ordinances in Attachment B.

1. ARRA NC 751 (Hope Valley Road) Sidewalks, $77,274.00
2. ARRA SR 1116 (Garrett Road) Sidewalks, $438,840.00
3. ARRA SR 1666 (Dearborn Drive) Sidewalks, $388,755.00
4. ARRA SR 1321 (Hillandale Road) Sidewalks, $500,000.00
5. ARRA US 40 Business (Hillsborough Road) and Markham Street Sidewalks, $477,500.00
6. ARRA Washington Street Sidewalks, $345,000.00
7. ARRA SR 1183 (University Drive) Sidewalks, $505,000.00
8. ARRA Third Fork Creek Trail Construction, $827,000.00
9. ARRA North-South Trail Resurfacing, $128,847.00
10. ARRA American Tobacco Trail Resurfacing, $228,450.00
11. ARRA American Tobacco Trail Resurfacing, $55,230.00
12. ARRA Renaissance Parkway and American Tobacco Trail Traffic Signal, $100,000.00
13. ARRA Northpointe Drive and Home Depot Traffic Signal, $200,000.00
14. ARRA Renaissance Parkway Southpoint Mall Traffic Signal, $200,000.00
15. ARRA William Penn and Ben Franklin Traffic Signal, $200,000.00
16. ARRA Miami Boulevard and Geer Street Intersection Reconstruction, $80,000.00
17. ARRA Urban Forestry and Landscaping, $75,900.00
18. ARRA Traffic Signal Upgrades, $179,918.00

(Resource Person: Ellen Beckmann — 4366) (Attachment #39 — 46 pages) (PR# 6258)

40. North Carolina Department of Transportation Small Construction Program Project Priority List

To approve the priority ordered list of Proposed Small Construction Projects as provided in Table 1; and

To direct the administration to forward the list to the Division 5 Board of Transportation Member for funding consideration.

(Resource Person: Philip M. Loziuk — 4366) (Attachment #40 — 6 pages) (PR# 6263)

41. Contract Amendment No. 1 — Contract ST-233, 2009 Street Repairs and Resurfacing

To authorize the City Manager to execute a contract amendment for ST-233, 2009 Street Repairs and Resurfacing in the amount of $100,000.00 increasing the total contract to $4,500,617.60; and

To authorize the City Manager be to modify the contract before execution provided that modifications do not increase the dollar amount of the contract and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the existing version of the contract.

(Resource Person: Edward R. Venable — 4326 ext. 233) (Attachment #41 — 2 pages) (PR# 6264)

42. ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) — FY 2008-09 Budget Amendment and Grant Project Ordinances

To adopt an Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2008-09 City of Durham Budget Ordinance, the Same Being Ordinance #13648;

To adopt the FY 2008-09 Transit Planning and Capital Grant Project Ordinance Superceding Grant Project Ordinance #13637 and Authorization to Execute Grant Agreement; and

To adopt the FY 2008-09 Transit American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Grant and Authorization to Execute Grant Agreement.

(Resource Person: Stephen Mancuso — 1535 ext. 209) Attachment #42 — 5 pages) (PR# 6278)

43. This item can be found on the General Business Agenda.

44. On-Base Automated Contract Management, Approval and Tracking Workflow Solution

To authorize the City Manager to execute the contract with Information Access Systems, Inc. for an automated contract management, approval and tracking workflow system in the amount of $83,336.00.; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the contract before execution provided that modifications do not increase the dollar amount and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the existing version of the contact. (Resource Person: Fred McCurdy — 4122 ext. 33223) (Attachment #44 — 18 pages) (PR# 6209)

45. Automatic Vehicle Location System Purchase

To authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with CompassCom Software Corporation to purchase the Automatic Vehicle Location System in the amount of $119,111.00; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the contract before execution provided that modifications do not increase the dollar amount and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the existing version of the contact.

(Resource Person: Marcus Bryant — 4122 ext. 33249) (Attachment #45 — 35 pages) (PR# 6255)

46. This item can be found on the General Business Agenda.

47. Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Citations Update and Resolution

To receive a report from Water Management regarding OSHA Citations and Penalties.

(Resource Person: Vicki Westbrook — 4381 ext. 266) (Attachment #47 — 3 pages) (PR# 6247)

48. Contract WSR-3, Southern Reinforcing Main, Phase I

To authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Park Construction of North Carolina, Inc. for Contract WSR-3, Southern Reinforcing Main, Phase I, in the total amount $3,357,113.13;

To establish a contingency fund for the contract in the amount of $671,422.63;

To authorize the City Manager to negotiate change orders for the contract provided that the cost of all change orders does not exceed $671,422.63 and the total project cost does not exceed $4,028,535.76; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the contract before execution, provided the modifications do not increase the dollar amount of the contract and is consistent with the general intent of the version of the Contract approved by City Council.

(Resource Person: Tony K. Thomas — 4381) (Attachment #48 — 3 pages) (PR# 6260)

50. This item can be found on the General Business Agenda — Public Hearings.

54 — 55. Those items can be found on the General Business Agenda — Public Hearings.

59. Revisions to Procedures for Appointing Citizens to Boards, Committees and Commissions

To approve revisions to the Procedures for Appointing Citizens to Boards, Committees and Commissions as recommended by the City Council Procedures Committee.

(Resource Person: D. Ann Gray — 4166) (Attachment #59 — 4 pages)

[General Business Agenda]

14. Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget and 2010-2015 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

To adopt the FY2009-10 City of Durham Budget Ordinance, 2010-2015 Capital Improvement Plan Ordinance and Other Related Ordinances.

(Resource Persons: Bertha T. Johnson and Robin Bibby — 4111) (Attachment #14 — 98 pages) (PR# 6276)

20. Third Amendment to Contract between the City of Durham and Community Partnerships, Inc., for WIA-Funded Youth Services

To authorize the City Manager to execute a third amendment to the Workforce Investment Act Contract with Community Partnerships, Inc. for WIA-Funded Youth Services, in an amount not to exceed $379,126.00; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the contract provided that the modifications do not increase the dollar amount and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the contract.

(Resource Person: Nicholas McCoy — 4965 ext. 15220) (Attachment #20 — 7 pages) (PR# 6261)

21. Amendment to Contract between the City of Durham and Achievement Academy, Inc. of Durham for WIA-Funded Youth Services

To authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Workforce Investment Contract with Achievement Academy of Durham, Inc. for WIA-Funded Youth Services, in an amount not to exceed $64,409.60; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the contract provided that the modifications do not increase the dollar amount and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the contract.

(Resource Person: Nicholas McCoy — 4965 ext. 15220) (Attachment #21 — 7 pages) (PR# 6267)

43. Recyclable Materials Processing and Marketing Services

To authorize the City Manager to execute a contract between the City of Durham and FCR Recycling, LLC to receive, process and market recyclable materials for a period of ten (10) years effective July 13, 2009 and ending June 30, 2019, plus a two year renewal period; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the contract prior to execution provided the modifications do not increase the dollar amount of the contract, and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the version of the contract approved by City Council.

(Resource Person: Donald M. Long — 4186 ext. 222) (Attachment #43 — 4 pages) (PR# 6259)

46. Time Warner Fiber Optic Service Agreement

To authorize the City Manager to execute an Optical Access Service Agreement with Time Warner Cable in the amount of $171,876.00 for the term of one year; and

To authorize the City Manager to modify the agreement before execution provided that modifications do not increase the dollar amount and the modifications are consistent with the general intent of the existing version of the agreement.

(Resource Person: Bill Hess — 4122 ext. 33231) (Attachment #46 — 10 pages) (PR# 6265)

[General Business Agenda — Public Hearings]

50. ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) — Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP2) Competitive Funding Application Submittal

To conduct a public hearing and receive public comments on an NSP2 application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and

To authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute all administrative requirements and contractual documents necessary to submit an application for and to implement the NSP2 Program including all program agreements and related documents.

(Resource Person: Larry Jarvis — 4570 ext. 273) (Attachment #50 — 4 pages) (PR# 6251)

54. Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Text Amendment — Outdoor Recreation (TC0900001)

To conduct a public hearing and receive public comments on the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Text Change — Outdoor Recreation (TC0900001); and

To adopt an ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance, incorporating revisions to Article 5, Use Regulations.

(Resource Person: Steven L. Medlin, AICP — 4137 ext. 223) (Attachment #54 — 5 pages) (PR# 6208)

55. Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Text Amendment — Technical Changes V (TC0900003)

To conduct a public hearing and receive public comments on the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Text Change — Technical Changes V (TC0900003); and

To adopt an Ordinance Amending the Unified Development Ordinance, incorporating revisions to Article 3, Applications and Permits, Article 4, Zoning Districts, Article 5, Use Regulations, Article 6, District Intensity Standards, Article 7, Design Standards, Article 8, Environmental Protection, Article 9, Landscaping and Buffering, Article 10, Off-Street Parking and Loading, Article 11, Sign Standards, Article 14, Nonconformities, Article 15, Enforcement, and Article 16, Definitions.

(Resource Person: Steven L. Medlin, AICP — 4137 ext. 223) (Attachment #55 — 50 pages) (PR# 6221)

[Supplimental Items]

60. Health Care Reform Principles

To adopt a Resolution in Support for the Administration's Health Care Reform Principles.

(Resource Person: Mayor William V. "Bill" Bell — 4333) (Attachment #60 — 2 pages) (PR# 6285)



Sunday, June 07, 2009

BOCC Monday - Hunger Awareness Month, UDO, etc.

I thought something regarding moving Jordan Lake's watershed boundaries based on Neal Hunter's surveys was supposed to be coming up Monday, but that might be at a Planning Commission meeting.  There are two UDO revisions on the BOCC's agenda. 
At the BOCC meeting there will be a proclamation on Hunger Awareness Month.  The USA is the most powerful capitalist country, and has social welfare programs, yet there are still many suffering from hunger and malnutrition, as well as homelessness and involuntary unemployment.  Surely the proclamation won't point out that capitalism cannot create full employment and that many people are underemployed, and this, combined with the capitalist elite's lack of concern, leaves many Americans without enough food.  I doubt that hunger in poor countries is because the world has reached some absolute Malthusian carrying capacity for humanity.  There are many social and climatic factors that contribute to hunger.  
Apparently Hillside High School is growing.  When I went there it was undercapacity, but the BOCC is voting on a new modular classroom building and expanding the cafeteria. 

           [Please contact the Clerk to the Board at (919) 560-0025 for information related to items on the agenda.]





Monday, June 8, 2009


County Commissioners' Chambers

200 East Main Street, Durham, North Carolina




"Public Charge"



The Board of Commissioners asks its members and citizens to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous manner, both with the Board and fellow citizens.  At any time, should any member of the Board or any citizen fail to observe this public charge, the Chairman will ask the offending person to leave the meeting until that individual regains personal control.  Should decorum fail to be restored, the Chairman will recess the meeting until such time that a genuine commitment to the public charge is observed.


As a courtesy to others, please turn off cell phones during the meeting.



7:00 P.M. Regular Session

1.     Opening of Regular Session—Pledge of Allegiance                                                                    5 min.


2.     Agenda Adjustments                                                                                                                   5 min.


3.     Announcements                                                                                                                           5 min.


Applications are now available for the Durham Neighborhood College 2009 Fall Term.  This nine week program is co-sponsored by the City and County of Durham and consists of presentations that help residents learn about government operations directly from the elected officials and staff responsible for overseeing key services.  Applications are available on the City or County websites and in the Clerk to the Board's office.  The deadline to apply for Fall Term is July 27, 2009.  Call 560-0000 for more information.


4.     Minutes

                                                                                                                                                       5 min.

a.       May 4, 2009 Worksession

b.      May 11, 2009 Regular Session


5.     Recognition of NACo Nationwide Scholarship Winner—Allen Marcos Faircloth

                                                                                                                                                       5 min.

For the 4th consecutive year, Nationwide Retirement Solutions and the National Association of Counties (NACo) have partnered to offer high school seniors an opportunity to apply for scholarships.  This year, Nationwide will award four NACo college scholarships—each worth $2,000—to four high school seniors whose parent or grandparent participates in NACo's 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.

Allen Marcos Faircloth is one of the four students selected from a pool of nearly
600 students who responded.  This scholarship was established in recognition of the long-term partnership that Nationwide Retirement Solutions and the National Association of Counties (NACo) have, helping County employees save for retirement.  Allan will use the funds to attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  His application was sponsored by his parent, Maria Velaz-Faircloth, who is a Durham County Public Health employee.


Resource Person(s): Debbie Turner, Nationwide Retirement Solutions, and Marqueta Welton, Durham County Human Resources Director


County Manager's Recommendation: Extend congratulations to Allen Marcos Faircloth for receiving this prestigious scholarship.


5a.   Hunger Awareness Month Proclamation

                                                                                                                                                       5 min.

June is Hunger Awareness Month, providing an opportunity to educate the community about hunger throughout the world and in Durham County. 


In the United States, hunger is, generally, less severe than in developing nations.  This is in part because established programs—like Food and Nutrition Services (Food Stamps) and the Women, Infant and Children's Program (WIC)—help provide a safety net for many low-income families.  However, in this recession, more Americans are having difficulty putting food on their tables.


Despite the good work of those programs, too many Americans and Durhamites are hungry.  Hunger occurs when people are unable to obtain sufficient food for their household.  Some may find themselves skipping meals or cutting back on the quality or quantity of food they purchase.  This recurring and involuntary lack of access to food can lead to malnutrition.  Hungry children struggle in school.  Hunger in elderly adults can lead to serious health problems.


More than 27,700 people in Durham have food on their tables thanks to the Food and Nutrition Services program, yet the State estimates that only 69.96% of those potentially eligible for the program are enrolled.  Many receive meals and non-perishable food from local non-profit organizations. 


To raise awareness about hunger in our community, the Food and Nutrition Services staff at DSS will distribute food bags on June 10 to 100 clients.  Staff is also conducting outreach to help more families get connected to the Food and Nutrition Services program.


Resource Person(s): Sammy Haithcock, DSS Director; Pinkie Davis-Boyd, Program Manager, Food and Nutrition Services


County Manager's Recommendation: Recommend approval of proclamation declaring hunger awareness month in Durham County and to raise community awareness of the need for good nutrition to support the health and well-being of everyone in our community.


6.     Consent Agenda

                                                                                                                                                     15 min.

a.    Resolution to Approve the Durham County Ten-Year (2009-2019) Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan (adopt a Resolution to Approve the Durham County Ten-Year 2009-2019 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan and forwarded it NC-DENR, not later than June 30, 2009);

b.   Approval of Durham's Home and Community Care Block Grant Funding Plan through the Department of Social Services (funding for the Plan has been incorporated into the Manager's proposed FY 2010 Budget);

c.    Purchase of Library Books and Cataloging/Processing Services (authorize the County Manager to enter into a contract with Baker & Taylor Inc. for the acquisition of library books and cataloging/processing services for a total amount not to exceed $944,262, with an option to renew the contract for five successive one-year periods);

d.   Purchase of Audiovisual Materials and Cataloging/Processing Services (authorize the County Manager to enter into a contract with Midwest Tape, LLC for the acquisition of audiovisual materials and cataloging/processing services for a total amount not to exceed $187,000, with an option to renew the contract for three successive one-year periods; authorize the County Manager to enter into a contract with Books on Tape Inc., a division of Random House, for the acquisition of audio books on discs and cataloging/processing services for a total amount not to exceed $15,000, with an option to renew the contract for three successive one-year periods;

e.    Lowes Grove Middle School—Right-of-Way Dedication and Plat (approval of the right-of-way dedication and corresponding Final Plat that will be recorded in the Durham County Register of Deeds Office);  

f.    Durham Public Schools Construction Project at Creekside Elementary School (approve the owner/contractor agreement with H.M. Kern Corporation for the classroom addition project at Creekside Elementary School in the amount of $2,229,000; authorize the Manager to execute the agreement pursuant to the terms of the Interlocal Agreement with Durham Public Schools);

g.   Durham Public Schools Hillside High School New Tech Modular Classroom Building (approve the owner/contractor agreement with Modular Technologies Inc for a new modular classroom building at Hillside High School in the amount of $319,329; authorize the Manager to execute the agreement pursuant to the terms of the Interlocal Agreement with Durham Public Schools);

h.   Durham Public Schools Auditorium Lighting Upgrades at Northern High School (approve the agreement with Watson Electrical Construction Co. LLC for auditorium lighting upgrades at Northern High School in the amount of $218,935; authorize the Manager to execute the agreement);

i.     Durham Public Schools Hillside High School Cafeteria Expansion Project (approve the owner/contractor agreement with C.T. Wilson Construction for cafeteria expansion project at Hillside High School in the amount of $417,816; authorize the Manager to execute the agreement pursuant to the terms of the Interlocal Agreement with Durham Public Schools);

j.     Recognize Asset Contributions for Durham County EMS from the Welch Allyn Time-MC Study Ended October 1, 2008 (approve acceptance of the donated equipment for Durham County EMS from Welch Allyn Protocol Inc.);

k.   Cultural Master Plan Projects Funding Approval (approve funding for the final Cultural Master Plan projects as follows:  Public Art Grant Initiative Pilot Project [$25,000]; Cultural Group Resource Sharing Initiative [$4,092]);

l.     Approve Final Budget and Acquisition of Conservation Easements for the Tilley Phase II Conservation Easements (approve the final budget for the 137-acre Tilley Phase II conservation easements; authorize the Manager to execute the conservation easement agreements on the 137-acre Phase II Tilley Farm project);

m.    Annual Report—Durham Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission;

n.   Replacement Appointment to the 2009 E&R Board (appoint Mr. Spurgeon Booth Jr. to the 2009 special Board of Equalization and Review due to a vacancy);

o.   Update on Conservation Subdivisions;

p.   Annual Report—Development Review Board;

q.   Durham Cooperative Extension—Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service (NCCES), North Carolina State University (NCSU), North Carolina Cooperative Extension Program (NCCEP), and North Carolina A&T University (NCA&T);

r.     Budget Ordinance Amendment No. 09BCC000074—Appropriate Lottery Funds ($1,514,458) for Debt Service Support and Transfer an Equal Amount from the Debt Service Fund to the General Fund to Support an Agreement Between Durham Public Schools and Durham County; and

s.    Health & Human Services Financing (2009B certificates) (adopt the resolution and authorize the execution of the required documents upon approval by the Local Government Commission).


7.     Public Hearing on the FY 2009-2010 Recommended Budget

                                                                                                                                                     90 min.

The Board of Commissioners will conduct a public hearing to receive citizen input on the FY 2009-2010 Recommended Budget.  To be able to hear from all interested citizens, the Commissioners usually set a time limit of three minutes for each speaker; however, the time limit may be adjusted at the discretion of Chairman Page.


County Manager's Recommendation: The County Manager recommends that the Board receive input from speakers and incorporate in the deliberations prior to finalization of next fiscal year's budget.


8.     Public Hearing—Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Text ChangeTechnical Changes V (TC0900003)

                                                                                                                                                     10 min.

Receive public comments on Text Change—Technical Changes V (TC0900003) and adopt an ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance, incorporating revisions to Article 3, Applications and Permits, Article 4, Zoning Districts, Article 5, Use Regulations, Article 6, District Intensity Standards, Article 7, Design Standards, Article 8, Environmental Protection, Article 9, Landscaping and Buffering, Article 10, Off-Street Parking and Loading, Article 11, Sign Standards, Article 14, Nonconformities, Article 15, Enforcement, and Article 16, Definitions.


Resource Person(S):  Steven L. Medlin, AICP, City-County Planning Director, and Julia Mullen, Planner


County Manager's Recommendation:  The Manager recommends that the Board conduct a public hearing on the proposed UDO text change and, if appropriate based on the comments received during the hearing, approve the change.


9.     Public Hearing—Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Text Change—Outdoor Recreation (TC0900001)

                                                                                                                                                     10 min.

Receive public comments on Text Change—Outdoor Recreation (TC0900001) and adopt an ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance, incorporating revisions to Article 5, Use Regulations.         


Resource Person(s): Steven L. Medlin, AICP, City-County Planning Director, and Julia Mullen, Planner


County Manager's Recommendation: The Manager recommends that the Board conduct a public hearing on the proposed UDO text change and, if appropriate based on the comments received during the hearing, approve the change.


                                                                                                                                                             2½ hrs.