Friday, May 24, 2024

Attacks on CodePink in the Capitol over Palestine and more news

An alleged member of the Zionist mob that attacked the UCLencampment has been arrested, the only person arrested for the attack, though it was carried out about a month ago, April 30th/May 1st:

May 18th trucker strike over mobilization in Ukraine (?):  In Ukraine, Haiti, and the Palestinian Authority the USA and EU are fine with leaders who stay in power far beyond their legal term in office. ] ]

NOAA Predicts 'Extraordinary' Atlantic Hurricane Season as Ocean Temperatures Soar:

May 10th speech by PFLP Deputy Secretary-General Jamil

[ ]

The BRICS Games, June 11th-23rd: ]

[Google's machine translation -- The Sun is insubordinate:  The coming geomagnetic storm -- ]

Rocks and soil electrified by the superstorm [and more may be coming in June]:

[On Nicaraguan revolutionaries German Pomares/El Danto and Blanca Arauz ]

[NPR gave John Otis what seemed like over 5 minutes after 5pm on the 26th to say that the US and the ICC are basically going to get Venezuelan president Maduro, unless he leaves his country, as the US ordered Saddam Hussein to leave his country around spring 2003, or else.  NPR often has Latinos voice its US government propaganda against Latin America countries, and so on by ethnicity.  Otis quoted someone from the Atlantic Council pointing out that Maduro wouldn't have an incentive to give up power if that means imprisonment; as with Netanyahu and other US allies, they didn't mention.  They assume that Maduro will lose, citing a poll.  Polls indicate that bloody and not very democratic warmonger Biden is heading to a loss in November, after all of the talk about "democracy," including at 4pm today.  There were even quotes from the US-appointed "president" Juan Guaido, etc.  They ended by quoting that 'no good' Diosbado Cabello of the PSUV saying that the only transition coming in Venezuela is the transition to socialism, though it has stayed capitalist throughout the Bolivarian period.  If they can give up on prosecution, are they admitting that they don't have a real case?  Otis brought up how "dictators" used to go into exile, without noting that in Latin America those leaders were just about all US-backed rightists, and they often fled to the USA.   Someone claimed that they had offered to let Maduro and anyone else flee the country, but that it is too late now, and here Maduro says that he has been threatened:

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi:  notorious terrorist or American agent? --  The Battle of Fallujah was in April 2004 and al-Zarqawi is supposed to have been assassinated June 7, 2006.

Jill Stein became the GPUS' official presidential candidate May 25th [by the delegate count].  The BBC and NPR didn't report about that, but they have played a recording of Trump being booed at the Libertarian convention this weekend.  RFK Jr also spoke there.  I haven't heard the media say anything about the actual Libertarian candidates. 

Apparently May 25th is Geek Pride Day and May 26th is Paper Airplane Day, etc., according to the National Day Calendar website.  Africa Day is May 25th.  The Confederate Army of Trans-Mississippi surrendered May 26, 1865?  May 24th is Brother's Day, Escargot Day, Road Trip Day, Aviation Maintenance Technician Day, Wyoming Day, etc. and Pluto was given its name in 1930?  May 22, 2017 Trump became the first president to go to the Western Wall in Jerusalem while in office; he also went to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.  The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, was born May 22, 1942, and Arthur Conan Doyle in 1859.

Julia Ward Howe was born May 27, 1819; Wild Bill Hickok was born May 27, 1837; Rachel Carson was born May 27, 1907;  May 27, 1931 humans first flew into the stratosphere, by balloon; light from the star Arcturus in Bootes, up now, inaugurated the Chicago World's Fair May 27, 1933; pedestrian traffic began on the Golden Gate Bridge May 27, 1935; and May 27, 1999 Discovery became the first Shuttle to dock at the ISS.  The Battle of Cempoala [1520], US Memorial Day, Grape Day, Cellophane Tape Day, etc.?

There are reports that Hamas fired rockets from Rafah, some of which hit in Israel, for the first time in a while and there are reports that more Israeli soldiers have been captured and taken underground.  Perhaps in return, Biden-backed Israel bombed a supposedly safe camp for displaced civilians.

From Balance and Accuracy in Journalismslightly edited:

Born of skepticism over war talk in 1991,
our BAJ programs have consistently given voice to
those working for equality and cooperative existence
rather than chaos and bloodshed or simple passivity 
while global issues need however much or little we can do.

    Details follow.

The Orange County Peace Coalition and Eisenhower Chapter
of Veterans For Peace have invited former Marine captain and
State Department officer Matthew Hoh, to speak this Monday.                
Hoh publicly resigned his Afghanistan post in protest in 2009, .
He has shared his insights at our BAJ programs and recently 
at the UN Security Council.

Our local Raging Grannies will sing, and NC orthopedic surgeon
Mark Perlmutter, just back from emergency room service in Gaza, 
sends us a brief video with his views, and our role in stopping genocide.


Th program centers on all the victims of war, 
including needs unmet at home.

     For Balance and Accuracy in Journalism
     Jerry Markatos  [ ]

A Memorial Day Commemoration for ALL Victims of War

Monday, May 27 • 2 - 3:30 p.m. 

Extraordinary Ventures (200 S. Elliott Rd. Chapel Hill)


Now an independent analyst, his writings have appeared in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA

Today, and many other national and international publications. Most recently, he presented

a Briefing before the UN Security Council on “Threats to International Peace and Security." 

Songs of Peace and Justice: Triangle Raging Grannies

Municipal Proclamations: Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough Reflections from Gaza: Dr. Mark Perlmutter

Memorial Day Message: Douglas Ryder for Veterans For Peace Poetry Reading: Jeremy Berggren
Taps: Christopher Megli

[I had planned to post again last week about the 13-year cicadas, which or who are still going May 26th, though many have died.  Annual cicada species will beginning calling in a few weeks, in late June.]

CodePink actions:

CODEPINK Demands Rep. Burchett Retract Lie Told In Foreign Affairs Hearing



May 24, 2024

Media Contact: Melissa GArriga | melissa [at codepink ] 

CODEPINK Demands Retraction of Representative Tim Burchett’s Deflamatory Claim in House Foreign Affairs Committee

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, during the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing with Secretary of State Antony Blinken,Tennessee Rep Tim Burchett falsely claimed that someone from CODEPINK threatened to kill his wife and daughter. That is a dangerous  and horrific accusation from someone in power. 

When pressed on this outrageous lie, a staffer for Burchett claimed it happened two days ago. Knowing that no one from CODEPINK would ever threaten to kill anyone, the D.C. team continued to ask questions about the alleged encounter. The staffer could not identify the person and said he had no witnesses. The congressman also did not file any report about receiving a death threat. 

CODEPINK spends countless hours in Congress trying to stop the U.S. support of the murder of innocent people, like mothers and daughters in Gaza . We would never threaten the lives of mothers and daughters here in the United States. However, what we often do is ask these elected officials who wholeheartedly support the ongoing genocide to consider how they would feel if their own families were bombed and starved to death. That is an attempt to appeal to their humanity. We are asking for empathy, not threatening violence. It is a shame that Rep. Burchett would take such an appeal to humanity and twist it into a death threat. 

We ask Representative Burchett to retract his unfounded claim. He does not have to agree with us about Israel’s actions, but it is unacceptable for him to defame our organization and the passionate volunteers who try to hold our elected officials accountable. 

We know that wars, genocides, and occupations are driven by hate and lies. With all that is happening in the world, all the death and destruction, we need peace and cooperation now more than ever. CODEPINK remains committed to promoting diplomacy and disarmament through creative, nonviolent actions to address issues of militarism, injustice, and inequality.



Take Action:  Congress Must Stop Threatening the ICC

Capitol Police Arrest CODEPINK Staff Member Without Just Cause



May 21, 2024

Media Contact: Melissa Garriga | melissa [at codepink ] 

CODEPINK Condemns Repression by Capitol Police: Staff Member Arrested for Quietly Exiting Hearing Room

WASHINGTON – A CODEPINK staff member was arrested this afternoon after she quietly exited a room where a hearing was taking place. At CODEPINK, we routinely risk arrest at congressional hearings while we disrupt warmongering politicians – but that was not the case in this instance. Our staff member awaits a court date for a previous arrest and did not intend to be arrested today. At the time of her arrest, she was exiting a hearing room without saying anything or holding up any signs, just holding up her hands for a brief moment. This symbolic action alone has never resulted in an arrest in our last 20 years of protesting on Capitol Hill. No disruption was taking place.  According to the police, she will be held overnight or potentially until her court date in June. 

"The Capitol Police know our faces well at this point; we are there daily. Julia's arrest today is nothing short of political repression and intimidation. Earlier today, they assaulted our members at a hearing, and now they are threatening to hold our members in jail for doing nothing at all." Danaka Katovich, the National Co-Director of CODEPINK. "In what democracy do police forces arrest recognizable activists? Julia's arrest and assaults on our activists earlier today signal a larger state of repression we are entering in our fight for a free Palestine. We will continue to stand by our staff and all activists against political repression," she continued. 

Today, as well, police forces at the University of Michigan raided a student encampment, using pepper spray and landing several people in the hospital. More and more arrests are taking place at peaceful protests for Palestine all over the country. And now, in our very own congressional buildings that our tax dollars pay for – activists are assaulted and arrested for interrupting politicians and holding up signs, or even, in Julia's case – for just being a recognizable activist who is doing nothing illegal. 

We condemn all acts of political repression against advocates for peace and justice, whether it's attacks on our non-profit staff or students from Columbia to Michigan.  

You can watch footage of her arrest here.


BREAKING: Four Peace Activists Arrested, One Left Bleeding After Disruption of Antony Blinken



May 21, 2024

Media Contact: Melissa Garriga | melissa at codepink ]

Peace Activists Face Charges of Resisting Arrest During a Disruption of Secretary Blinken’s Testimony in a Senate Foreign Affairs Committee

WASHINGTON -- Peace activists with CODEPINK and American Muslims for Palestine disrupted war criminal Antony Blinken this morning in the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on American Diplomacy and Global Leadership. In the United State’s true authoritarian and anti-democratic fashion, two activists face charges of resisting arrest and were threatened with charges of assaulting a police officer.” There were plenty of witnesses who can attest that neither activists assaulted anyone. 

The only people assaulted today were the disrupters. CODEPINK member Ann Wright received an injury to her wrist when the police violently removed Mohamad Habehh from American Muslims for Palestine. Mohamad, disrupted Blinken by evoking the name of Hind Rajab, a 6-year victim of Israel’s 7-month long genocide of Gaza. Hind is one of tens of thousands of children murdered by Israel with the aid and support of the United States. 

“Hind Rajab was 6 years old when Israeli soldiers killed her. Over 35,000 Palestinians have been murdered in Gaza with American taxpayer dollars. Their blood is on your hands. You will be remembered as the butcher of Gaza. Your legacy is genocide. You’re just as guilty as Netanyahu. You’re killing our families, Blinken,” charged Mohamad. 

 “As a retired US diplomat, I am horrified by what Tony Blinken is doing a secretary of state and being a part of the genocide the Israeli genocide of Gaza, Tony Blinken, and the state department should be ashamed of themselves for assisting in the destruction of Gaza and the killing of 10 of thousands of Palestinians,” explained Ann Wright who was there to also disrupt Secretary Blinken. 

We are witnessing a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, where over 35,000 Palestinians have lost their lives, with American taxpayer dollars funding this violence. Secretary of State Antony Blinken bears direct responsibility for these atrocities and will be remembered as the "Butcher of Gaza." His legacy is one of genocide, on par with the actions of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

CODEPINK volunteer, Tina, reminded Blinken of the war crimes he is purposely turning a blind eye to when she disrupted. She yelled to the “undiplomatic” diplomat, "There have been 7 mass graves outside of hospitals. This is sick. This is deranged. You are a war criminal. Shame on you!" 

Secretary Blinken is actively funding and financing this genocide. As the Secretary of State, it is his duty to ensure that U.S. weapons supplied to foreign militaries are used in accordance with international law. This obligation has been egregiously neglected, as evidenced by the continued bombing and starvation of hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, and refugee camps. Blinken's actions constitute a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Olivia DiNucci, who alongside Mohamed is being charged with resisting arrest, made it clear that the United States is responsible for death and destruction around the globe - not diplomacy and leadership as the hearing titled implied. 

“The U.S. has given billions to Israel, but our country urgently needs these funds for healthcare, housing, and addressing climate change. We must end our complicity in this destruction and focus on building a just and equitable society at home,” DiNucci explained. 

For more information about the disruption and arrests, including access to videos, please contact Melissa at melissa [ at codepink ]. 


PRESS CONFERENCE: Peace Activists to Address Dangers of Fleet Week



May 20th ADC email:

Community Pulse: Presidential Survey Results

May 20, 2024

Media Contact: Melissa Garriga | melissa [at codepink ]

CODEPINK San Pedro and San Pedro Neighbors For Peace and Justice to Hold Press Conference During Fleet Week to Counter The Week's Celebration of War

SAN PEDRO, CA—We invite you to attend a press conference hosted by CODEPINK San Pedro and San Pedro Neighbors For Peace and Justice. This conference aims to address the sponsors of Fleet Week and raise awareness about the objections from many seaside communities regarding the propagation of war propaganda. In a time when diplomacy and democracy should prevail, war and conflict stand as antithetical forces.

Press Conference Details:

  • Notable speakers: 
    • Jack Eidt is the Founder and Publisher of WilderUtopia, a platform for his work as a novelist, urban planner, environmental journalist, and climate advocate. He also produces the EcoJustice Radio show and podcast, which is nationally syndicated, and co-founded SoCal 350 Climate Action.
    • John Parker is a prominent anti-war organizer and founder of the Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice. He is a member of the Socialist Unity Party and contributes to Last November, Parker was detained in Egypt for 37 hours while participating in the Global Conscience Convoy, protesting U.S. and Egyptian policies to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza.
  • Location: 3rd and Harbor Blvd., USS Iowa
  • Date: Saturday, May 25, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM

This press conference is part of the week-long actions of the 9th Annual L.A. Harbor Peace Week. We aim to resist the normalization and promotion of war during the U.S. military's "L.A. Fleet Week." Instead of sponsoring Fleet Week, we believe communities should advocate for peace and democracy, both locally and globally. We hope our message resonates and inspires you, igniting a spark to join us in this cause.

Your attendance and coverage of this event are crucial in amplifying our message of peace and solidarity.

For more information about the press conference or the 9th Annual Peace Week, please get in touch with Melanie Cohen at melaniecohen372 [ gmail ].


BREAKING: Medea Benjamin and Others Arrested For Telling Truth at House Foreign Affairs Hearing on US Aid



May 17, 2024

Media Contact: Melissa Garriga | melissa [at codepink ]

CODEPINK Members Arrested at House Committee on Foreign Affairs Hearing on US Aid

Washington, D.C. - Four members of CODEPINK were arrested today at a House Committee on Foreign Affairs hearing focused on eliminating U.S. aid to entities designated as terrorists.

CODEPINK member Julia Norman challenged the testimonies presented during the hearing, accusing those testifying of disseminating false information. Another member, Mary Beth, vocally confronted the participants, asserting that their actions were directly responsible for the starvation of children in Gaza.

After the meeting adjourned, Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, addressed the room, stating that she had visited Gaza seven times. She emphasized that she has personally witnessed the operations of UNRWA schools and distribution centers and refuted claims made during the hearing that U.S. aid intended for Gazans is going to Hamas. Benjamin emphasized that the allegations made in the hearing were without evidence. CODEPINK member Pua Ali’i Lum echoed her sentiments. 

Despite the hearing being officially over and no signs being used, Medea Benjamin and Pua Ali’i were detained and arrested in the hallway for "demonstrating in a federal building." The arrest decision appeared to have been made by Capitol police rather than the committee chair.

The sham hearing featured three witnesses, yet failed to entertain any testimony from witnesses on behalf of UNRWA. The actual criminal act is when elected officials and their "witnesses" lie under oath in the people's house. It is even especially heinous when those lies are directly contributing to the death by starvation of innocent men, women, and children. 

Despite the oppressive tactics today, CODEPINK will continue to speak truth to power that lies. We will continue to call out those who are directly contributing to war crimes. 


For more information about the arrests, please contact Melissa at melissa [at codepink].


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