Saturday, August 17, 2024

Summer came in with a buzz and whirr, goes out with a chirp + Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, meteors, Bon, war, news, events, anniversaries

This article is from around late summer 2008 (?) and I haven't re-checked everything for this posting.  I hope to post something new on cicadas later on.  I had plans to post on orthopterans, Sagittarius, hawthorns, hickories, ashes, that park on Booker Creek in Chapel Hill, the Chapel Hill Public Library issue, and more, and I might do so, and there are many old articles.  The Albanian and Kosovar timeline.  Some sort of chronological, choppy notes since May follow.  It could use more editing.  Time and technical problems.  I had intended to add a few cicada photos:  ©   

I found a dying female 13-year cicada on the ground May 30th and she was dead the next day.  I'm not sure if I heard any after that.  They seemed to dwindle rapidly the last week of May.  It seemed like I had been finding mainly males dead in early May and then females.  I started writing this around May 17th, when there was still a roar in the distance on warm days.  It is like the roar of insects and amphibians in the wooded bottomlands and marshy beaver ponds on Grandale Road on summer nights around May-July, with Scorpius hanging over the Northeast Creek bridge a few hours after sunset  I'm missing or missed that too.  I need to go look at the stars below Virgo, Scorpius, Sagittarius, etc. (such as Lupus) while they are up in the evening.  At times in early May the 13-year cicadas would start up briefly at night.  I heard them in previous years, but I don't remember them coming up in my immediate area, except for that one male calling in May 2023, though they must have.  There aren't so many here that they cover the ground, but they are abundant.  I didn't look for them enough.  No hieroglyphic cicadas?  Too early for the scissor-grinders?  Drought, dry, hot in June. 

It seemed early, but I started hearing annual cicadas June 6th or earlier.  I might even have heard the treefroglike Robinson's cicadas of late or mid-summer first this year, but no scissor-grinders at that point.  As I worked on this, after sunset on June 15th it was warm, dry, about clear, and I heard a few Robinson's (?) cicadas and at least one more species.  Yet I hadn't heard any hieroglyphic cicadas, and they are an early species.  May seemed cool, a trend in recent years, but it warmed up towards June.  Usually summer heat, in the 90's, began in the second half of May.  I'm trying to remember if Japanese privet bloomed early in May.  Maybe it did.  Manhattan Euonymus was blooming weeks early in June, instead of around July 4th (?).  Red mulberries were ripe (very dark, and sweet fruit) and falling May 28th, but I neglected to gather some.  It seems like May is the only time when I see very thin and tall towering cumulus.  There are massive gray cumulonimbus thunderstorm clouds in late summer, probably growing from towering cumulus clouds, but I only remember seeing the strikingly tall and thin, billowing white clouds in May.  One artificial cloud in Wake County gets very tall (even miles high?) in September.

Fireflies or lightning bugs, species of soft-bodied beetle, start flashing yellow and maybe green in the evening around late or mid-May here, lasting into about September, though the season is all but over in my immediate area by about July.  Their numbers might even have already declined in my neighborhood in mid-June as the land dried out, though they should be around for many more weeks.   As with cicadas there are multiple species, identifiable by the signals from the males, and the various species have different habits and time tables.  They vary in appearance, but many are very similar looking.  There are a few species in my neighborhood and many species, in large numbers, in wilder and more hydric areas, such as at Grandale, and probably elsewhere along Northeast Creek.  I'm missing or missed them again this year.  Xerces' firefly monitoring program could be made easier to participate in.

Soldier beetles, another soft-bodied beetle, firefly-like, but with light brownish wing covers with a spot at the tail end, seemed scarce, but I saw a few at the Euonymus.  Butterflies also seem scarce, and maybe even wasps, flies, and Japanese beetles.  Maybe I missed a few on the Euonymus.  I saw a potter wasp and two purplish and creamy white wasps in July apart from the Euonymus.  The usual dragonflies have been out here, and I realized that maybe they are here because a nearby intermittent stream now has more water, due to a stormwater control pond upstream.  Dragonflies might be mostly gone by now, July 26th.  Or not?  Missing...

American carrion beetles or crusader carrion beetles (Necrophila americana, formerly Silpha, in the Silphidae family) resemble fireflies, but are larger and rounded.  I found a few on a dead gray squirrel May 28th.  It seemed like roadkill, but had been carried well into a woods, under dwarf pawpaws a few feet tall and a massive white (?) ash, and must have been there for a while.  Some dead magicicadas had also fallen there.  American carrion beetles seem to be somewhat omnivorous and aren't limited to carrion; I saw one interested in moldy bread once, and at kitchen trash of some kind dumped behind Falls Pointe at the Park (on Burdens Creek bluff by RTP, see ) another time.  Do they eat any vegetables?  For more see:

A claim of mimicry between this beetle and a cuckoo bee: and

The various brown, blackish, or reddish May beetles, sometimes called "June beetles," were out at night in May or June and I might have seen a Japanese beetle at the beginning of June.  Very rare in 2024?  Big green and orange June beetles could have been out flying over lawns during the day by mid-June.  At some point during the summer there are large Hercules beetles in Chapel Hill and Carrboro and brown stag beetles towards Goldsboro.  I might have seen a Hercules beetle here in Durham once, but I wasn't sure about the identity.

Waiting in line in the parking lot of a car repair place around mid-day on June 28th a relatively common gray patterned woodboring beetle, in family Buprestidae, probably a pine borer, flew in and stayed on my thumb or finger for a while.  It might have been missing its left antenna.  When it flew out I thought I saw a flash of brilliant red and blue under its glossy but drab gray wing covers.  There seemed to be about six pale yellow spots on the gray.  Next a reddish paper wasp came in and started walked down my leg, but I got it out.  At home I realized a few days before writing this that a few larger brown paper wasps were building a nest in a window.  A year or two ago globular earthen nests were built there also.  There are more common pipe-shaped nests elsewhere.  Drought; no flower beetles or locust borers on the blooming American beautyberries this year?

Around midnight on June 30th a big, shiny black rhinoceros beetle with two horns somehow got in and was trapped in a door.  There used to be rhinoceros beetles under lights in a nearby parking lot, but I haven't seen any in Durham in a long time and I think those 'traditional' rhinoceros beetles were one-horned.  It seemed to be fine.  Related May beetles, or a certain honey-colored species, seem to be especially sensitive to insecticide residue.  There are a few rhinoceros beetle photos in posts on the Roadsend Naturalist blog in Chatham County.

There are many orthopterans, over much of the year, another subject, and I think the loud nocturnal green katydids start in late June and they continue after the cicadas fall silent, and crickets continue after the katydids and grasshoppers or locusts.  The summer katydids were suddenly apparent and loud on the night of June 18th.  I don't think I heard any of the loud spring katydids (?) this year, though I think I did see a large dark brown shieldback katydid.  Katydid nymphs were common on flowers around June and July.  More black and green meadow-katydid nymphs in tall grass in late July.  A mantis weeks ago, fewer in 2024 so far.

The rabbits were out courting in the evenings in early June (May?) and the deer took out the early Asiatic dayflowers.  I haven't seen a stag recently, but I think I heard that they had velvety growing antlers back then.

The Eastern gama grass (Tripsacum dactyloides) here has the most flowers ever this year, and early, with magenta female flower parts first and then reddish male parts.  It could bloom over many weeks.  There were still flowers at the end of July.  Native and perennial gama grass is related to annual corn/maize and was once thought to be an ancestor.  They can be hybridized and might have once been considered congeneric.  I don't plan to sacrifice any, but I wonder if the large seeds, pollen, or roots are edible.  Gama grass grows well if not luxuriantly at Meadowmont in eastern Chapel Hill.  I gathered some of the large, barrel-shaped seeds prior to the construction there and other seeds behind a store bordering a railroad.  Some other native grasses were flowering around June. ,

Wild Turtle Week was June 11-14th ( ) and Amphibian Week was May 5-11th ( ).

More than one endangered leatherback sea turtle nest was found on North Carolina's Outer Banks in June, WUNC/NPR reported.  Other rare sea turtles, bottlenose dolphins, presumably pilot whales (not harbor porpoises?), etc. also breed around the Outer Banks in the summer.  I found and reported a stillborn bottlenose dolphin on the Pamlico Sound side of the OBX south of Pea Island once.

It was reported that Florida carpenter ants (?) amputate injured limbs for their nestmates and that a pair of white-tailed eagles (?) in Scotland (?) spent a breeding season restoring a fledgling from a pervious year to health.

It became hot and dry in June, then it rained a few days ago, at the end of June, and now, July 4th, it is  warm and dry and many plants are wilted again.  It has been dry and I don't have a good view, so there haven't been many 'interesting' summer clouds, though there were thunderstorms about a week ago and occasional cumulonimbus-type clouds in the distance.  Mourning doves, cardinals, rufous-sided towhees, barred owls, red-shouldered hawks, Carolina wrens, etc. were calling again some.  Even in June small flocks of grackles flew over in the evening, probably going to a communal roost, maybe in a nearby roadside stand of bamboo.  Because it was so dry gray treefrogs hadn't called much.  I need to go check for the green treefrogs (?) and bullfrogs at night,  but it is late in the season.  At one point I thought I heard a large Rana frog call here, maybe a green frog, which would be unusual.  Narrowmouthed toads might call late in the summer.  It is harder to find the green anoles during the summer, but in June they frequented the Euonymus and were courting conspicuously.  There is or was a colony of fence lizards nearby, but only in one small wooded area.  They are more common along the Eno and around Falls Lake, which seems much richer in lizard and snake species than my area, including broadhead skinks, six-lined racerunners, corn snakes (?) and one or more species of kingsnake.  I hadn't known that broadhead skinks and six-lined racerunners are found this far inland.  There are only about three lizard species in my immediate area, up from two about ten years ago.  Four if the fence lizards were counted.

It rained a little around 9pm in the open on July 4th, without thunder or wind, but then the power went out for a few hours.  Nearby thunder and clouds on the 5th, without rain or wind, but the power is out in places.  

Early July 6th it was clear, with Aquila, Capricornus, Casseiopeia, and Pegasus in the east. The katydids were loud.  Few or no fireflies, but it shouldn't be too late for them elsewhere in the area.  Overnight fog over the ponds at Grandale starts in August, or later?  A nearly 4" pale green mantis nymph perched upside down in a goldenrod and a large gray treefrog was on a sedge.  The air might be relatively humid and it rained some a few days ago, but many plants were wilting again.  I think there is a chance of rain each day coming up, and the air seems more humid, with some clouds, rather than dry heat and wind under a cloudless sky. 

Piscis Austrinus the Southern Fish (mainly the brighter southern star Fomalhaut), Cetus the Sea Monster or Whale, Taurus the Bull, etc are starting to rise before dawn again now.  I don't have a clear view of the horizon to see their very first heliacal risings of the year.  I still need to go look to the south under Scorpius and Sagittarius where there is a relatively clear horizon.

July 7th early in the morning I think I saw Saturn in the south under Pegasus, maybe in Pisces.  A bright 'star' in the east might have been returning Mars.  A much brighter object coming out of the trees must have been Jupiter.  Cetus and Taurus were hidden.  Soon Orion and Gemini will be visible before sunrise.  Snapping thunder one day.  

There was thunder and a lot of rain in the afternoon on the 7th I think.  It might have rained July 6th and 7th.  It wasn't windy but two large limbs fell on the 7th (PM?), but one or both were already dead.  A diminutive dark to light bluish and green damselfly was hunting in the wet river oats early on the 8th.  Two or more red-colored deer came by?  I might have heard a hieroglyphic cicada in the hot (?) and sunny mid-afternoon.  Later two mourning doves were calling.  The mosquitoes were worse before it rained?

I think I heard a hieroglyphic cicada just after 8pm on the 9th.  A rabbit.  Muggy, but not that humid?  

Nearly three dozen firefly species in NC?  Hieroglyphic cicadas July 10-11?  In the morning on the 11th an immature or a male (?) bluebird perched on a bare loblolly pine branch.  A blue-gray gnatcatcher fluttered and hawked (?) a green or yellowish insect from a hackberry or peppervine nearby and perched on another dead branch higher up and then on the same branch?  The bluebird took the insect.  The gnatcatcher flew off, then returned, but had to go search in the live pine branches for its breakfast.  I started hearing chimney swift chicks nestlings July 11th or 10th?  July 25th?

A few rabbit sightings, 12th in front, one around the 7th?  Heard a goldfinch on the 11th.  More Asiatic dayflowers, a few white and dark red rose of Sharon flowers, pokeweed, first St. John's wort on the 11th, 2 12th?  Dry air 10th or 11th after rain, then muggy?  Cooler, wet, thunder, off and on showers during the day Friday, July 12th.

The light red caterpillars in silk shelters on the dogbane.  None of the green insects?  Swifts nesting.  More pondweed flowers.  A bluebird altercation on the 13th?

July 13th at 8:48pm heard a scissor-grinder-type cicada for the first time this year.  Once or twice as of the 29th.   Getting dark, warm, not that humid, dry, mostly clear, after being cool, wet, with thunder on the 12th and there was often rain in early July, after the 4th?  I dreamed of a small anole said to have been sickened by a non-native red and black flower, khaki-colored military surplus police vehicles, etc. on 14th?

A record high of 101 Fahrenheit at RDU July 15th?  "Heat advisories" for four days, and they aren't the first in 2024.  On the other hand, the mugginess decreases when it is hot and clear (with higher air pressure?), which WUNC doesn't ever notice.  No rain though.  

Despite the drought in early summer a sicklepod growing in clayey soil in full sun by the road is the largest to grow here in a long time.  I've seen larger ones at an irrigated plant nursery in Durham and in the Atlanta area.  There was a large patch north of Duke University and the seedbank probably lasts for years in the soil, so they might come back.  I'm not sure where sicklepods are native, but they are a larval foodplant for two or more native yellow sulphur butterflies.  Sicklepods are annual legumes with light orange flowers and fold their compound leaves closed at night.  They have also been used as a coffee substitute, food, etc.  No doubt named for their long, curved seedpods.  Sort of lipstick-shaped brown seeds.

One doe and fawn have been around, and moles.  Booming calls, hawks and maybe a flycatcher early July 17th.

Humans were in South America 20,000 years ago, but I thought that the depth of time during which humans have been in Americas had become old news.

The Venetian blue-glass beads I mentioned before, dating to 1440-1480, were found in the 60's and in 2004 and 2005 at Punyik Pont, in the Alaska's Brooks Range and at two other sites.  52 miles of the Bering Strait separates Russia and Alaska and there was a trade hub at Shasalik:  Fortean Times magazine June 2021 issue FT406.

 A hieroglyphic cicada around 832-833p.m. on the 17th.

A front and storms around 4-5pm on the 18th.  It was already cooler on the 18th, and it is forecast to be cooler July 19-20th.  I vaguely remember that the heat suddenly dropped off twice in 2023 or 2022 and it is about a month since the solstice, heading towards winter.  Drop off around the 19th and again by the 26th?

A practically unknown spade-toothed whale, a kind of deep sea beaked whale, washed up dead in New Zealand in June or July.  July 4, 2024 near Taieri Mouth, Otago in southeastern New Zealand; Maori permission? -- NPR and  Was a dark whale with a tall, thin dorsal fin seen near Antarctica in about 1902 ever identified?  It is now okay to report an unknown conventional whale or a red giant squid, but not a sea monster, mammalian or otherwise, or a giant octopus.  "Drones," but not UFOs.

I found another sort of red-speckled white and egg-shaped 1cm+ oak gall July 13th.  Cloudy, cooler, misty, and it rained.  Found a brown mushroom coming up.  Around August can be a good time to look for mushrooms around here.

Dogday annual cicadas calling July 19th in the evening (?) and the morning of the 21st, but it was cool and wet for them for a few days.  Busy on this.

Many Robinson's cicadas when it was sunny on the 21st.  A pinkish oak gall and a white mushroom on the 22nd.  Dogbane?  More than seven vultures going over to the NE before 2pm?  High crow calls at them? Goldfinch?  Swift nestlings.  They mowed south July 21st and 27th two, east 27th, southwest and northwest? 30th, southeast on the 26th, ENE and three north the 31st?  Two south, north, and west  August 5th; nearby southwest on the 4th or 5th?  Sprinkling, thunder.  Few dogbane caterpillars are left.  Many dayflowers on the 22nd.  I gave up after the 21st?

Cloudy, wet, July 25th, 23? 24?  Lyric (?, and more calling recently?), 'evening,' and Robinson's cicadas at dusk on the 23rd?  An about 4" anole on the 23rd or 24th?  

A 'tiny' brown speckled gall and more on mushrooms on the 25th.  Have the dragonflies 'left?'  Mosquitoes after the rain.

A larger, pale gray robberfly on the 26th or 27th?  A pale, spotted caterpillar on the Vinca major, a first, but they have been eating for about a month? .

July 27th:  Two female white-tailed skimmers and a large, very dark bluish or violet dragonfly  An American (?) lady butterfly on Antennaria (pussytoes), laying eggs?  A (cabbage?) white butterfly and a buckeye weeks ago.  People mowing, out.  Cool but sunny.  An animal (a raccoon?) yowled twice down the road early July 27th and the katydids near me paused?

July 28th near dawn it looks like Jupiter and Mars are very close to the Hyades, the face of Taurus.  The waning crescent Moon and Saturn are not very far west.  I couldn't see Orion, but there is Capella in Auriga

July 28th AM -- Sunny, warm, very wet from 'dew' (some from within the plants?).  Many cicadas calling, a fallen fuzzy black and white Datana moth caterpillar (eats willow oak), mosquitoes, another and larger paper wasp nest, a few young gray treefrog tadpoles (eggs at least), a brown ground skink, a large anole, a hidden rabbit, more mole tunnels, wrens, many Madagascar periwinkles, more dayflowers, red roses, white daisy fleabane (Erigeron?) (found another, pungent "fleabane?") yellow hawkweed, pokeweed, catmint, biennial black-eyed Susans flowering again after nearly dying in the drought, flowering (?) tall 'crabgrass,' most crape myrtles, Lantana, butterflybushes, pale bluish elephant's foot, a tiny white flower, red Begonias, grape hyacinth like Liriope, white spiderplants, a mimosa, etc.  American beautyberries finished again?  A pink milkweed will bloom soon.  Typically a good time to visit the NBG area.  See the dragonflies before they leave  for the year.  A dark purple or violet and cream-colored wasp tried to get a hidden Vinca caterpillar (they tie large leaves together tightly with silk).  A brown nocturnal orbweaver spider in front around the 24th or 17th?

July 29th -- A rabbit in tall grass again; yellow persimmon leaves have been slowly falling in July, from at least one fruit-bearing tree.  A white clover flowering, or many.  Heard a hummingbird?  No pale yellow dune primroses this year?  The blue-purple Ruellia flowered, but was then browsed to the ground; they re-grew slowly during the drought.

July 30th -- Many cicadas calling.  One or more large blue dragonflies, two large dragonflies at a distance, a small yellow and black dragonfly; a small blue skimmer back in about June; no pond hawks so far, etc.?  A first orange crescent and a first red-spotted purple butterfly today, though both species should have been out long before now.  An air-breathing aquatic snail and a leech survived the drought?  New waterlily leaves, but no more duckweed?  A white and dark red rose of Sharon flower, more yellow Hypericum, and white clover.  An orange Nasturtium to bloom tomorrow.  A pink "fleabane" to flower?  Nipped by August 4th?  A brown mushroom and two reddish mushrooms up or coming up.  A brief sprinkle around 3:43-3:44pm and humidity.  Scorpius.  A different frog call?  Two moth flies.  It is hard to finish this.

Wednesday, July 31st -- Another gall, waning crescent Moon by beta Tauri or El Nath, Orion up? (Bellatrix and Betelgeuse near dawn?), Cetus? Aries, a guttural Rana frog?, large blue dragonfly, a shiny black bee or fly investigating elephant's foot?  Didn't see a firefly?  Hotter, a warming trend.  The orange Nasturtium opened.  A white mushroom.  Two more moth flies.

Thursday, August 1st -- Orion, but couldn't see on the 2nd; a yellow tiger swallowtail butterfly; a large ochre-colored darner-like dragonfly, the only dragonfly that day?; a large anole low on a cedar; a female (?) cicada from a pine's trunk to a cedar; a black sweat bee (?) and little black ants at elephant's foot; a shiny black bee (?) to dayflowers; a pair of molting cardinals anting in the sun?; different frog call, or not? Hawk calls; the pink milkweed opened by today; A Lobelia-type sprout?  Hot again, after late July.  Forgetting something??

Friday, August 2nd -- Capella in Auriga visible for a long time very near dawn; some high clouds; very thin waning crescent Moon; very hot, they claim; another gall; a bat went into a nearby attic vent (and raccoons got into a nearby house); a different frog call? ; a small yellow and black dragonfly; a cloudless sulphur, their caterpillars eat sicklepods and adults seem to like a nearby red Canna; a black-colored swallowtail butterfly, not the first of the year; a large bagworm on the concrete?; catbird and thrasher (?) calls; chimney swift nestlings long gone, or not?  Camel crickets gone?   Many dayflowers; red with white, yellow, brown, and purplish mushrooms coming up.  A female white-tailed skimmer.  The same large anole?  Pondweed beginning to seed?  Windier today, and drier air?  Hot on the ground in the sun.  Storms or rain predicted, thunder by 5:11pm.

Saturday, August 3rd -- No rain on the 2nd, but thunder and brief rain today, after 2:39pm.  Off and on rain the late afternoon and cloudy overnight.  A dark brown spread-winged skipper butterfly, resembling a mottled or Juvenal's duskywing (Erynnis) to a white daisy fleabane (?) and yellow hawkweed. A brownish dove.  A large, tan robber fly.  A rabbit?  A small camel cricket and a cricket, and two not very close by barred owls, early.  A yellow Oxalis flowering again.  Squirrels running around.

Sunday, August 4th -- Saw one rabbit twice?  An orange crescent (likely) or a buckeye flying off?  Hard to tell. An immature, but whitening, male white-tailed skimmer dragonfly.  A green sweat bee at a yellow hawkweed flower.  The first, late flower on a white and blue Ipomoea.  Arcturus visible in the west late.  Warm, dry air, but became cloudy and more muggy at night.  Nearly done??

Monday, August 5th -- A dark brown skipper butterfly with a few white spots, resembling a common roadside-skipper or a clouded skipper, seen twice?  Grass-eating as caterpillars.  A spicebush swallowtail butterfly, missing its right tail, at the pink milkweed.  A large blue dragonfly?  Many cicadas?  A gall?  Another three white marked with blue Ipomoea flowers.  I thought that I was about done.

Tuesday, August 6th -- Found four more pink or brown oak galls.  A dead yellow and black oakworm, 3-4."  Gray treefrog eggs hatched?  Scissor-grinder like cicada calls recently, around 9:20-9:21am today.  The skipper at elephant's foot today.  An American lady butterfly on Antennaria (pussytoes) laying eggs again?  Rosemary caterpillars at some point.  A potter wasp in the window.  Barred owl, hawk, mourning dove, and other calls.  The chimney swift nestlings are still there.  The rabbit every day in the same place.  Was a Euonymus overbrowsed by deer and killed?  Eight sicklepods here, most small, though with irrigation or good conditions there have been many more.  Tiny purple flowers on a lawn legume.  Fomalhaut was briefly visible to the south.  Rain forecast around mid-morning, but it rained around 12:12pm, with thunder later.  Sun out briefly in the morning?  Mild and moist early, light, warm rain later.

Wednesday, August 7th -- Cooler?  Precipitation around 12:12pm.  Not much wind or precipitation.  A small Eumeces skink came out to sun (but it is cloudy); its blue tail wagging.  A few cicadas calling, more after the Sun came out, around 3:37-3:38p.m.  Many mosquitoes.  A green longlegged fly on my left hand.  An oakworm.  The male white-tailed skimmer dragonfly?  A female (?) green katydid nymph with reddish eyes, missing its right leg.  Six oak galls.  An aquatic snail with gills survived.  A small flock of robins.  A male bluebird fed a fledgling on top of a streetlight, a bright insect?  Finches?  Pink Spirea has been blooming again.  Many yellow Hypericum flowers and a white flower, two more Ipomoea flowers.  Dry, but up to around 10" of rain from T.S. or T.D. Debby was forecast through Friday this week.  Drier and sunnier than the 6th?  Desultory precipitation and a light breeze late.  Rain picking up around midnight??  Katydids calling some anyway.  Not the time, but editing through again.

Thursday, August 8th -- Eleven oak galls?  The skipper and green katydid nymph.  A mature meadow-katydid.  Two morning glories?  A neighboring pokeweed fell over?  Another bright orange Nasturtium?  A 'fleabane' entirely vanished by the 7th or 8th -- pulled up by deer?  Found a cypressvine (?), nipped by the deer?  Three whitish and yellow 'nightshade' flowers.  Clear rivulets flowing in the mole tunnels, but going where?  Hawk and red-bellied woodpecker calls?  Treefrogs calling.  A turkey vulture flew overhead.  Sunny around 1-4pm.  The clouds were going about northwest in the afternoon.  Light to heavy rain after dark.  More damage after dark?  A dead Sigmoria aberrans type large yellow and black millipede.  Killed by the rain?  Another little gray moth fly, problematic.

Friday, August 9th -- Three oak galls?  One morning glory.  Lots of yellow Hypericum flowers.  The Indian grass is getting taller, for flowering.  Perennial Rudbeckia suffering from the deer.  Small mushrooms on a living cedar and other mushrooms around mimosas, etc.  A large blue dragonfly.  The male white-tailed skimmer dragonfly?  A female white-tailed skimmer.  A whitish snail; snails are not very common where I live.  A small bull or green frog in a puddle.  Barred owls calling early on the 8th or 9th?  The booming call in the morning which day?  Sunny in the afternoon, then thunder and some precipitation.  Did I see a firefly flash, twice?  It can be hard to tell when watching for fireflies or meteors.  "Heat lightning."  Barred owls calling again near midnight, closer by.  Again editing.

Saturday, August 10th -- Cloudy and mild early.  Moist, but not muggy.  A round, gray millipede.  Moved, or tried to move, an ornately-patterned green, black, and white medium-sized female cicada under a streetlight (should try to identify it while I remember the pattern).  [It resembled a Robinson’s cicada.]  How may more are there?  Saturn, Jupiter, etc. visible before dawn.

The first cicada killer wasp of the year, searching near the ground.  A male??  A skipper.  A smallish dragonfly with a red and black abdomen, tipped with white, grayish sides, and bluish eyes.  Perched low, in shade; captured mosquitoes?  A female white-tailed skimmer?  Webbing on a mimosa.  A shedbuilder-type ant on the pink milkweed flowers.  On the blue Asiatic dayflower plants -- a black and white cutworm, a bright red and black leaf beetle, and four very small red fruit fly-like flies (one hid under a leaf, from my camera flash (?), then I saw a mating pair, and then four mating).  Fewer mosquitoes, and very near the ground?  Heard a hummingbird?  Common crows, Carolina wrens, etc.  The rabbit.  As if very few squirrels are around.  A shaded purplish pink crape myrtle here began blooming August 10th or earlier; one more has yet to flower.  Buds, I think.  One white and blue morning glory?  Water dried up, warm, not very humid in the daytime.  New neighbors moved in, their lights are on...  Mowing only somewhere southwest in the afternoon.  What I'm missing, lost.  Clear early August 11th to see Perseids.  There is Saturn, with the star Fomalhaut south.  The  waxing Moon crescent Moon in the southwest after dark, but a murky sky then.

Sunday, August 11th -- Some brownish to pinkish mid-level (?) clouds near dawn, but in the east I could see bright Jupiter and Mars close together above Taurus' head (the Hyades), next to Auriga.  Orion was higher then before.  A mating pair of 'dark' millipedes before dawn around August 11th?  More activity and traffic here overnight than usual?

Two cicada killers had an altercation early on the 11th or 12th.  A yellow, black, and blue tiger swallowtail butterfly attracted by one of the many very florid crape myrtles on the 11th?  Found a garden spider.  A very young bullfrog 8/11.  Ears and eyes about the same size.  The skipper?  One Ipomoea?  A brown paper wasp gathered fibres from old cattail stems on the 10th or 11th  The rabbit ran out from the azaleas, but not so far today.  Deer ate more of the dayflowers before 8/12.  No mosquitoes?  Going to bed, a large grayish or brownish cellar spider, and a different dark spider in the tub.  Dolly?

Monday, August 12th -- Moist but cool when cloudy, and cool over the weekend?  Very sunny in the morning?  On the 12th?:  A green sweat bee at a light yellow Hypericum, one of many blooming now.  A large yellow with black bumblebee at the elephant's foot.  One or more purple and white wasps, the skipper, a brown butterfly flew by too quickly to identify, the garden spider.  Few mosquitoes?  No dragonflies? Quite a few cicadas calling.  Gray treefrog tadpoles.  Then I found the young bullfrog with a progressive paralytic disease, making pitiful cries, but otherwise it looked fine.  This has happened at least once before that I know of and I'm afraid that I brought something contaminated here, but I don't know what the source is.  Is it a container, but which?  I thought that it would be dead the next day.  I don't really have a vet to consult, about a small wild animal.  I knew of a rehabilitator.  I'll have to look into it.  Maybe I could get advice.  Saw a firefly flying in the daytime?  The Madagascar periwinkles might have a disease but I found a seedling here for the first time.  They mowed east and nearby on the 11-12th.  Heard the barred owls, hawk(s), bluejays, goldfinches, a thrasher, etc. around now.

Tuesday, August 13th -- Small brown ants attacked the frog, but it seemed to be uninjured.  Again it yelped.  Dilated pupils?  I washed it off with rain water and moved it again.  It was dead after 4pm and the ants, etc. will get to eat it.  Cool and wet.  Few cicada calls.  The rabbit from the usual azaleas.  The yellow garden spider.  Three fallen oakworms (Anisota).  A pastel light orange sicklepod flower opened by the 13th.  One morning glory.  A Ruellia was eaten off again.  Mostly cloudy in the morning.  Wet, but they mowed two north.  I need to be done with this, but I can't finish.  Cool and dark earlier now.  More slugs out now.  The Moon through mid-level clouds? Some cloudiness, but Vega and Deneb were visible late, and Saturn and Fomalhaut early on the 14th.  For more on the planets see the August 13, 1596 entry.  A commotion nearby early on the 14th?

Wednesday, August 14th -- Mostly clear to more cloudy, dry, sunny, and warm; for a few days?  Quite warm stones again.  September-like??  Tiny black ants at the bullfrog now.  A cloudless sulphur going south near the Canna.  They mowed, etc. north of east around 9am-12pm.  After dark nearby in July.  Fewer cicada calls.  Heard a hummingbird, hawk, etc.  A female white-tailed skimmer.  A large dark gray dragonfly, perching low, not very skittish.  More mosquitoes.  A meadow-katydid.  A dark and vivid small Eumeces skink climbed up a brick wall to sun.  One blue rosemary flower again.  No blue catmint.  More mushrooms again.  Supposedly crop plants generally like these much cooler or even chilly nights in the 60's.  Their pollen?  I think tomatoes are supposed to prefer dry and warm weather.  Auroras down in the mid-latitudes again.  CMEs from the Sun.  Copperheads at night?  Do I post this now?  Two orange sicklepod flowers and an opening bud, again a gray lined weevil, and a round, dark red egg on the 14th or 15th?  A meadow-katydid and a tiny brownish fly roosting there.  The cellar spider?

Thursday, August 15th -- September-like.  Six round, creamy yellowish black swallowtail eggs on parsley.  A very small bristly caterpillar?  large whitish crab spider lurking amid the pink milkweed.  Fewer mosquitoes?  Two greenish flies at the dead bullfrog.  Heard a hummingbird, hawk, goldfinches, etc. again?  The rabbit.  Dayflowers browsed near the door.  Four rosemary flowers.  One blue catmint flower.  They mowed nearby south.

Friday, August 16th -- Looked at Antares Sheliak, Altair, Fomalhaut, Sheratan, Hamal, Menkar, Deneb Kaitos, El Nath, Capella, Menkalinan, etc. during the night.  Phi Aquarii?  By yellowish Jupiter, Mars didn't look reddish?  Mars versus Aldebaran.  An earwig inside?  I haven't seen any others lately.  A bright red and black dayflower leaf beetle.  More mosquitoes than on the 15th, and more.  The crab spider had a small, dark bee (?) this afternoon.  Frog mostly skeletonized.  Two old oak galls.  After the drought curtailed the season, another white Gardenia flower is opening.  Two bright blue catmint flowers.  Reddish new growth on an oak.  Mowing briefly by the blackjack oak and west.  The Summer Triangle is still relatively low in the east after sunset and Arcturus is relatively high in the west.  

Saturday, August 17th -- Becoming overcast, drizzled?  A killed round, gray millipede from sometime.  The pale gray lined weevil is still on the largest sicklepod, with about two flowers open and two spent.  A loud comment from a nearby barred owl, not a hoot and not quite a shriek or moan.  I did not check the late crape myrtle for flowers or the black swallowtail eggs before posting.  There are yellowish passionflower plants nearby but I don't know of any of the large blue ones in this part of Durham.  The tickseeds are doing well after the drought ended?  Missing or missed the yellow bear's foot in Chapel Hill.

Aquarius has been called Cecrops, a cicada? -- Star Names, page 46.  Going down the river Eridanus in winter by Aquarius' urn, Orion's toe, the mouth of Piscis Austrinus, and Cetus' feet/"paws"/"flippers," to the southern hemisphere, or Alabama, Louisiana, or Florida. Or even Texas, New Mexico, northern Mexico, or Belize.  Or is Wilmington, NC far enough south?

Mentioned on NPR August 16th:  The 20th giant oarfish to wash up in California since 1901?  Why are they so colorful if they live very deep underwater?  

July 3rd an NC Venus flytrap license plate was authorized:  the NCBG, etc.

July 21st?:  No one ever finds air-conditioning too cold and wasteful (except when blaming men for the temperature)?  Muddied ideology online.  They claim that heat waves are very dangerous and kill many people, but winter cold is painful and bleeding and it is now in the down going part of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.  Naming heat waves?  Overforested?  Bees to protect Kenyan mangroves?

1M+ birds are killed in the US by "green" wind turbines -- People Fixing the World on the BBC?  I don't find wind turbines unaesthetic, but I don't know how they sound en masse.

"Housing crisis" -- a lack of supply, a real lack in the number of units, versus an issue of prices and rent, what people want?  Maybe in Chatham County, but they never seemed to stop building in Durham County during the Obama-era recession.  The Democrats, Republicans, NPR, maybe even "socialists," etc. say surrender to the "developers" and interests and give them money, and maybe prices and rents will decrease. 

Summer came in with a buzz and whirr, goes out with a chirp

Buzzing, whirring, stridulating, and chirping insect songs are hallmarks of summer, though we might not always notice them. The sounds of spring are mostly from amphibians and birds, but late summer belongs to the insects. Cicadas started in June when summer break was young and were soon joined by the katydids of deep summer nights.

Cicadas are strange-looking insects related to the humble aphids, scales, spittlebugs, and treehoppers, in the order Homoptera, but sometimes they are classified with the true bugs, Hemiptera [they are now considered hemipterans]. Homopterans are plant sucking insects so named because both sets of their wings are membranous, unlike insects like beetles. Cicada nymphs and at least some adults suck on a plant’s xylem, the vessels that carry water and minerals from the roots - not very nutritious fare. Cicadas seem almost mechanical, with unaerodynamic looking hard bodies, bug-eyes, short antennae, dragonfly-like wings, raspy calls, and gripping but slow moving legs. Face-on they look like they have facemasks.

Listening to cicadas I realized that there are a few species, but I didn’t know that many have similar light and dark greenish patterns, so the different sized annual or dogday cicadas I have seen attracted to lights or dead in the fall could be different species. The cicada guides online are not complete and I am going by ear, so these identifications are tentative. What I now think is the hieroglyphic cicada, Neocicada hieroglyphica, has probably finished for the year now. Its call is a loud monotonous whine with an initial piping quality. Based on the sound, I called it the ‘beach cicada’ because, while they live here, they are common on the Outer Banks, where they call from the few junipers in the hot, sun-drenched swales behind the dunes and in scrubby trees around beach cottages. They are named for their intricate pattern, but they are hard to find. This could be the same one I call a ’90° degree cicada,’ because it calls on hot afternoons early in the summer [or are these seaside cicadas, Diceroprocta viridifascia?] . The typical dark green cicadas that are relatively easy to see perched in deciduous trees and calling during the day are probably the morning cicada, Tibicen tibicen (formerly chloromera) [apparently now in Neotibicen], and the great dusk-calling cicada, Tibicen auletes [now in Megatibicen], but there could be others [lyric, etc.?]. It is hard to tell, but I think they really do call as their names indicate. On late summer afternoons something makes raspy trilling calls, and I long wondered if it is a rain-calling treefrog, but I sometimes hear it and then see a flying insect, so I decided it was probably a cicada, and it sounds like Tibicen robinsonianus [apparently now in Neotibicen].  I prefer more descriptive names, but it is called Robinson’s cicada. Another great mystery is what cicada makes loud, pulsating metallic calls during afternoons and evenings starting around July. It could be Tibicen latifasciata [now Neotibicen latifasciatus] [, Neotibicen winnemanna], or T. pruinosa [scissor-grinders, now Neotibicen pruinosus], or both [T. pronotalis sounds similar]?  [The genus Tibicen was apparently done away with.] A species unique to the island of Bermuda seems to have gone extinct after insect species were introduced from the USA during WWII, killing many of the native Bermuda cedars, see below.]   

Along with the annual cicadas there are the rare outbursts of periodic cicadas (appropriately named Magicicadas) [apparently their official name is periodical cicadas, but I'm not alone in preferring periodic]. The adults are black with yellow wings and red eyes [there can be other very rare eye colors]. Periodic cicadas come in 13 and 17-year varieties, which might or might not be separate species, and for each 17-year there is a 13-year variety. They are divided into mostly multi-specific broods that emerge together [ever 13 or 17 years]. An interesting pattern is that broods 4 years apart can overlap, but not those one year apart. In central NC it looks like there are three broods; the 17-year broods are II (last seen in 1996 and returning in 2013) and VI (last seen in 2000 and back in 2017), and the only 13-year brood is XIX (1998 to 2011 [and in 2024, and again in 2037; it coincided with Brood XIII in Illinois in 2024, and every 221 years]) [I think that only Brood XIX occurs in the Triangle].

A male calls using a pair of plate-like tymbals on the underside of his white abdomen. The tymbals cover cavities and flexing the tymbals and raising and moving the body produces the distinctive calls. A cicada’s ears, or tympana, are close to the tymbals.

Females lack tymbals and have a pointed ovipostor at the tip of their abdomen, which they use to lay eggs in tree bark [or twigs].  [Female periodical cicadas might make much quieter sounds with their wings.]  Newly hatched nymphs descend to the ground where they burrow for one or a few years. The brown mature nymphs slowly creep up trees at night, showing their impressive jagged front legs. The adult form emerges from a split in the thorax, leaving the clinging cast off shell [their shed exoskeleton or exuviae].  [Periodical cicadas if not others spend a stage lasting a few days between the final molt and beginning to call and reproduce.] Periodic cicadas compensate for their lack of defenses by coming out in such numbers that it reduces their individual chances of being eaten, though they do suffer from a fungus [but I have never seen it here or elsewhere]. There can be up to 1.5 million periodic cicada grubs per acre, though usually it is only in the hundreds of thousands.  [Their periodicity has not been fully explained.]

There is one specialized predator [on annual species], cicada killer wasps. These are the biggest wasps in the area, with black and off white abdomens, and they are solitary. Cicada killers often dig burrows near houses, which they stock with paralyzed cicadas for their young [in late summer].

The relaxed dog days of summer may be over, but there is still time to be reminded of summer memories by these loudest of insects. Approaching fall has its own cricket soundtrack [already getting louder in late July?  And meadow-katydids]. The hushed calls of tree crickets herald the return of classes, and field crickets join in, marking the end of summer and the cooler days of fall.

Listen to cicadas at: Cicada Central ( for mp3s and Cicadas of Michigan ( for wavs and aiffs.

For more on periodical cicadas see the Mid-Atlantic Cicada Database ([see below]) and Cicada Mania (

Some links, added in 2024:

Northern Florida cicadas (recordings):

SINA -- cicadas, katydids, and crickets -- Marlatt, CL, 1907; Myers JG, 1929; and other books and papers as PDFs:

Cicada Central:

In Pennsylvania:

Proto-periodic cicadas in Fiji:

In India:

In India: or

In Australia:

In Durham:

Further north:

? --  Extinct 13-year Floridian Brood XXI?

Extinct Brood XI? --

On the extinct Bermuda cicada, related to the lyric cicada (N. lyricen) of the eastern US:  Apparently this is another extinction caused by US involvement in WWII; the construction of military facilities introduced two scale insects (more hemipterans) that nearly exterminated the native Bermuda cedar, related to our red cedar, and species that depended on the cedar went extinct or nearly so, and their recovery is still up in the air.  The US military also left a legacy of pollution when the Navy vacated Saint David's Island in 1995 after the Cold War and returned the brownfield land in 2002: , , and  The UK also had or has military and censorship facilities on Bermuda.  Vital caves polluted.  Kiskadee?

In Bermuda:


? --

? --

? --

? --

? --

? --

Reprints after 100 years on Amazon

Speaking of hemipterans, a swarm of giant strong-nosed stinkbugs, etc. was found flying over the Atlantic off Brazil:

Giant strong-nosed stinkbugs? --

I saw one of those very dark brown leafhoppers with two transverse yellow lines and a light red body June 14th; I think I once found their name, but I lost track of it.  Later there are more cryptic sharpshooters, chalky white or green hoppers, tiny but vivid red and blue leafhoppers, green buffalo treehoppers, a cicada-like green insect with clear wings partial to dogbane, and others.  A very angular, dark, mottled hopper can be found on sunflowers and tickseed later in the summer.

It was reported on the Chatham Chatlist that a black bear was seen around 2:30pm June 9th (?) on Chatham Church Road, near the Chatham United Methodist Church.  I don't know if bears are still supposed to live in the Triangle, but they sometimes appear in built-up areas.

There is a Save Alston Chapel Woods (Pittsboro) group on Facebook and there was a community meeting Tuesday, June 25th at 7pm at Alston Chapel Church (1832 Alston Chapel Road, Pittsboro).

I haven't been able to re-locate the reference to a Mesopotamian observation of an asteroid impact in Europe in a recent issue of Fortean Times, but my note seems to say that it was supposed to have been June 29th over 5000 years ago.  I did find some anniversaries of mystery drones/"TicTacs"/"UAPs" and falls of various things mid-year.

International Asteroid Day is June 30th every year.

There is a claim that an asteroid, part of the Northern Taurid meteor shower, came down September 22, 2193 BCE at 10:56am, hitting the capital of the Akkadian  A Taurid might have been seen to hit the Moon November 7, 2005:

A meteorite hit a house in Trenton, New Jersey before May 9th in 2023?  

2018 LA landed in southern Africa June 2, 2018.

A large meteor hit Reisadalen, in Nordreisa, Troms County, Norway on June 7, 2006.

2019 MO exploded south of Puerto Rico June 22, 2019. 

The Great Daylight Fireball of 1972 passed through the atmosphere and back into space August 10th over western North America.

A large meteor landed near Carancas, Peru, near Lake Titicaca, September 15, 2007, releasing noxious gases.

2008 TC3 landed in Sudan October 7, 2008, the first impactor to be tracked prior to entering the atmosphere, for 20 hours.

WT1190F, a temporary satellite, came down November 13, 2015, but might have been part of the Lunar Prospector probe. 

December 18, 2018 the third largest object known to have hit the Earth since 1900 exploded off Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula.  There was a news item about European (?) beads thought to have reached North America prior to Columbus through the Silk Road and trade across the Bering Strait, and there have been other cases of anomalous objects and other evidence of occasional contact between the New and Old Worlds prior to Columbus, not involving the Vikings.

2014 AA was tracked coming down January 1-2, 2014.

A large meteor exploded above Whitehorse, in Yukon Territory, Canada early on January 18, 2000:

A meteor over New York City recently.  A temporary satellite when?

On the August 14th conjunction:

For more on the planets see the August 13, 1596 entry.  

On T Coronae Borealis / the Blaze Star:

Diario Octubre ancient solar calendar and Sumerian cuneiform articles:

Koko the signing gorilla to add?

The solar 365 day counting xiuhpohaulli in ancient Mexico:

Huey Tecuilhuitl (Great Feast of the Lords) -- Townsend gives July 4-23, Wikipedia July 19-August 7 or June 22-July 11, and Valliant July 2-21; Miccailhuitontli or Tlaxochimaco (Little Feast of the Dead or Birth of Flowers) -- Townsend gives July 24-August 12, Wikipedia August 8-27 or July 12-31, and Valliant July 22-August 10); Huey Miccailhuitl or Xocotlhuetzi (Great Feast of the Dead or Great Fall of the Xocotl Fruit, signifying the harvest?) -- Townsend gives August 13-September 1, Wikipedia August 28-September 16 or August 1-20, and Valliant August 11-30; Ochpaniztli (Sweeping) -- Townsend gives September 2-21, Wikipedia September 17-October 6 or August 21-September 9, and Valliant August 31-September 19; etc.  

Teotleco (Arrival of the Deities), Tepeilhuitl (Feast of the Mountains), Quecholli (Precious Feather = a bird, the roseate spoonbill, a large, rose-colored wading bird sometimes seen in the Carolinas?  Or a quail?), Panquetzaliztli (Raising of the Banners), Atemoztli (Descent of Water), etc.  Syncretism note to add?

The Inca calendar, according to Lewis Spence, 1920, 1994; could be inaccurate:

 July -- Chahua Huarqui Quilla (Irrigation Moon)  According to Victor Wolfgang von Hagen, 1957-1961:  Anta Situwa (Earthly purification)

August -- Tarpuy Quilla (Sowing Moon)  Capac Situwa (General purification-sacrifice)

September -- Ccoya Raymi Quilla (Moon of the Moon Feast)  Coya Raymi (Festival of the Queen)

October -- Uma Raymi Quilla (Moon of the Feast of the Province of Uma)  Uma Raimi (Festival of the water), followed by Ayamarca Raymi Quilla (Moon of the Feast of the Province of Ayamarca) or Ayamarca (Procession of the Dead) in November.

March 26, 1899 to 1917 Robert Johann Koldewey began excavations in the ruins of the ancient ciity of Babylon, sort of close to modern Baghdad, Iraq -- the fall 2024 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review magazine.

The Jeju Uprising on Jeju Island off the south end of what is now the Republic of Korea officially began April 3, 1948 and ended in 1949, after tens of thousands had been killed.  The ROK police and military apologized for the brutal suppression of the uprising April 3 in 2022?  The US military directly controlled the southern part of Korea during most of this time and later the US had indirect control through the undemocratic ROK government it established.  

Born April 4, 1936 in New York City:

April 9, 2024 a US-Japan agreement promised that a Japanese astronaut would the first non-US astronaut to go to the Moon, at least through the Artemis program, and Japan will develop a lunar rover with a pressurized crew cabin? -- Astronomy magazine August 2024 issue. 

The catastrophic Black Monday hailstorm near Chartres, France during the Hundred Years' War was on Easter Monday, April 13-14, 1360 and killed or injured many English soldiers and horses, more than had been harmed in battles:

Zionist and colonial British ethnic cleansing of the port of Haifa beginning April 21, 1948? -- the New York Review of Books August 15, 2024 issue.

The movie Grave of the Fireflies火垂るの墓, Hotaru no Hakaset in Japan during WWII, premiered April 16, 1988:

Communication was restored with Voyager 1 April 20, 2024, after 5 months:  Astronomy magazine August issue

Cornel West apparently declared his vice presidential running mate back in April:  April 10th:

May 1, 1540 Hernando de Soto reached Cofitachequi, now in South Carolina.

The expedition of Hernando de Soto, coming from the town of Cofaqui, Ocute, now in Greene County, Georgia, entered and occupied the Mississippian chiefdom of Cofitachequi, now lost, but thought to have been near the Wateree River in what is now northern South Carolina, southwest of Durham, May 1, 1540.  The Spanish army was in the town for about 10 days.  They looted a treasure of pearls from a temple and took the apparently ruling "Lady of Cofitachequi" with them by force when they left for Joara, in what is now Burke County, North Carolina.  She escaped on the way.  Cofitachequi's 'original' inhabitants left or otherwise vanished sometime after about 1672, when Henry Woodward visited the area.  In 1701 John Lawson (December 27, 1674 –  September 16, 1711, tortured to death by the Tuscarora around the beginning of the Tuscarora War) said the area was inhabited by the Congaree.  The Muscogee, Catawba, and other groups today are supposed to have ties to Cofitachequi.  See: , , and the current issue of the Archaeological Institute of America's Archaeology magazine ( , online at: ).

May 1, 1542 -- the Witchcraft Act by Henry VIII:  Fortean Times June 2024 issue FT445.

May 1st Beltane; International Workers' Day / May Day 

May 1, 1960 Francis Gary Powers' U-2 spyplane was downed over the USSR.

An exceptionally large NATO exercise targeting "Russia and the terror groups" began in Europe in late January 2024 and continued into May? --  Followed by RIMPAC 2024 in the Pacific?

May 2, 1935 – Boulder (now Hoover) Dam on the Colorado River was finished.

May 2, 1962 John C Whimpenny flew 993 yards, five feet high, with a human-powered machine in Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK? – The Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint. 

May 2, 1964 – the USS Card was sunk near Saigon.

A large bird on the Tamiami Trail in Florida in 1961 and one near the Hudson in May 1961; in winter 1968-69 near Haymarket, Virginia at night (?); Marines on a summer evening in 1969 near Da Nang, Vietnam; May 21, 1973 in a wooded area in Kristianstad, SwedenThe Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint.

Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was reportedly killed early May 2, 2011 in Abbottabad, Pakistan; his body was allegedly dumped in the ocean:

May 2nd -- the 100th anniversary of Craters of the Moon NM and NP.

Two UFOs reportedly came up to an aircraft flying 140 mph at 15,000' over 10 minutes around Tequesquitengo (?) and Tlalpan, Mexico May 3, 1975:  UFO Exist!, 1976.

May 3, 2016 Fort McMurray, in northern Alberta, Canada fire evacuation; April 27, 2020 flood; a record high, near 105 degrees Fahrenheit, June 30, 2021:


Author of The Death and Life of Great American Cities, etc. Jane Jacobs (born Butzner; May 4, 1916 in Scranton, Pennsylvania – April 25, 2006 in Toronto, Canada):

May 4th Youth Day, the May 4th (1919) movement, the May 3, 1928 Incident in Jinan, Shandong, PR China:

May 4-8, 1942:

May 4, 1970 12:24pm EDT the Kent State

Ramune Day commemorates May 4, 1872 in Japan.

May 4, 2024:  Australian versus Chinese aircraft over the Yellow Sea, but Australia was targeting DPR Korea; on the BBC May 6th.

José Fernando Ramírez (May 5, 1804 – March 4, 1871)

Karl Marx was born May 5, 1818 in Trier, Germany and passed away March 14, 1883 in London,

Cinco de Mayo 1862, National Astronaut Day, Lemonade Day, Hoagie Day, Totally Chipotle Day, Infertility Survival Day, Cartoonists Day, etc.?  Rikka? –  The fall term?

A triangular, spinning UFO the size of a quarter Moon was reportedly seen by the staff of an astronomical observatory in Majorca May 5, 1960:  UFO Exist!, 1976.

The Myanmar Civil War is supposed to have begun May 5, 2021, following a military coup February 1st:–present)

Around May 5th an alleged rocket attack killed four occupation soldiers at a border checkpoint, so the already planned invasion of Rafah began?

An Inca army under Manco Inca Yupanqui laid siege to their capital, Cuzco, held by Spanish and allied forces under Hernando Pizarro, May 6, 1536 to early March 1537:  

May 6th – the Exposition Universelle opened, with the Eiffel Tower, in 1889; the Hindenburg crash in 1937.

May 7th – from the National Day Calendar, etc.:  National Teacher Appreciation Day, Packaging Design Day, Paste-Up Day, Foster Care Day, Barrier Awareness Day, etc.; the Viet Minh victory at Dien Bien Phu in 1954; the AMA and Sony were founded; Mackinac Bridge construction began in Michigan in 1954; 27th Amendment ratified; Ishiro Honda and Eva Peron born; etc.  Third Shift Workers Day May 8th.

A mass fainting, in minutes, mostly of female students, while outside at New Hanover High School in Wilmington, NC on May 7, 1938:  Fortean Times June 2022 issue FT419.

Sir James George Frazer (January 1, 1854 – May 7, 1941)

Edward Gibbon (May 8, 1737 – January 16, 1794)

May 8, 1929 a US company contracted to design the first Soviet tractor plant and more:


May 8th World Donkey Day?

WWII Victory Day in Europe is May 9th:

5/10/28 BCE sunspots observed, not for the first time:  In 807 CE: circa 775-3/14/840

January 10, 1951 close to Dusseldorf – a deadly fall of ice?  Ball lightning onboard an airliner March 19, 1963; May 10, 1928 horizontal waterspout?; an ice fall May 11, 1894 in Vicksburg, MS; May 28, 1881 in Worcester, periwinkles fell:  Mysteries of the Unexplained, by The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., 1982.

JW Booth born in 1838; 5/10/1869 the transcontinental railroad completed in Promontory, Utah; 1872 Victoria Woodhull nominated; the first Mother's Day, in Grafton, WV in 1908; Betamax in 1975?

Four DuPont employees reported eight UFOs over the Savannah River nuclear weapons plant in Ellenton, SC May 10, 1952, according to the book Weird Carolinas.

Richard John Steves Jr. (born May 10, 1955 in Barstow, California):

There was a Weather Underground bombing at the National Guard Association of the United States May 10, 1970.

May 10, 1978 Emilcin, Poland UFO report by Jan Wolski; a memorial was installed in 2005: and  Robert Bartholomew

May 10th National Shrimp Day?

The APGA's Go Public Gardens week:  May 10-19  #GoPublicGardens

Student George Winne Jr. (April 2, 1947 in Detroit – May 11, 1970 around 2am in La Jolla?) burned himself fatally after 4pm May 10th in Revelle Plaza at the University of California, San Diego, over the Vietnam War:

5/11 National Archery Day?  J Cochrane born in 1906; Deep Blue's victory in 1997 

Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, working for Al Jazeera, was killed May 11, 2022 in Jenin, in occupied West Bank, Palestine.  Abu Akleh was wearing a protective vest identifying her as a member of the press and was apparently shot in the head despite wearing a helmet, suggesting that she was targeted by a sniper.  A very common occurrence now, in 2023-2024, targeting young children, etc.  The new normal under Biden, or in our era.  The Israeli government claims that a gun battle was going on at the time and Abu Akleh might have been shot by the Palestinian side.  Other Palestinian journalists at the site were injured but survived and say there was little shooting going on at the time.  Reportedly Abu Akleh's home was raided by Israel after the killing.  There has been international condemnation of the killing, with some calling it an assassination and/or blaming Israel.  This wouldn't be the first time that the Israeli military has purposefully killed an American, if that is what happened.  The killing has been seen as acceptable to report in depth on the BBC, etc., though there was little mention of the Middle East or violence in Palestine for what seemed like weeks that spring (?).  Juilan Assange was also out of the news, and the media avoided mentioning him. 

May 11, 2023 -- A labor court in Cologne, Germany, hearing the case of a Frankfort Airport worker -- an online hearing error somehow resulted in a trial without a trialFortean Times July 2024 issue FT446.

UNC's Spring Commencement was Saturday, May 11th in 2024, instead of the traditional Sunday.

Comet 96P/Machholz and others might also be sources of the Quadrantid meteor shower; Machholz last approached the Sun January 31, 2023 and will approach again on May 12, 2028;  it was discovered May 12, 1986:


May 12th Odometer Day; Jimmy Carter to Cuba in 2002; Florence Nightingale was born in 1820?

Mountain laurel blooms around the US anti-war holiday Mother's Day, May 12th?

Swedish naturalist Daniel Carlsson (Charles) Solander (February 19, 1733 – May 13, 1782).

5/13 – Frog Jumping Day, Apple Pie Day?

The Raid on Port Arthur, in Canada, May 14-16, 1814:

May 14, 1874 Castalia, NC (Nash County?) meteorite

Michael Douglas Coe (May 14, 1929 in New York City – September 25, 2019 in New Haven, CT):

5/14 – Underground America Day, the Corps of Discovery set out in 1804, the 1904 Olympics in St. Louis, George Lucas born in 1944, the launch of Skylab in 1973, Mark Zuckerberg born in 1984?

5/14/1931 inÅdalen_shootings

5/14/1959 – the first wade-in in Biloxi,

Born May 14, 1950 in Chicago:

December 14, 1981 Israel's Knesset passed the Golan Heights Law, applying Israeli laws to the Golan Heights, Syrian and disputed Lebanese territory occupied by Israel.  This was seen as annexation and condemned even by the Reagan administration, demonstrating how much more pro-Zionist the US government has become.  The Trump administration recognized this annexation March 25, 2019.  Moving the embassy to Jerusalem May 14, 2018 might have been recognition of Israel's claim to all of the city and a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 478.  The Biden administration hasn't reversed what Trump did, but condemns Russia.  In addition several Palestinians claim that the site of the embassy includes land that was stolen from them, and the US government knows this and some of these claimants are US citizens.  One March in a recent year the USAF might have first conducted military exercises with Israel over the occupied West Bank, another form of recognition of Israeli annexation of foreign territory by force, within the USA's "norms" and 'rules-based international order.'

The French demonstration of May 15, 1848 -- like our "J6??" --

Nakba Day is May 15th, marking the dispossession of the native Palestinians in 1948 through violence, such as at Deir Yassin April 9th.

A "white hot" 18" piece off "heavy chain" reportedly fell on a bulldozer operating on Crestvale Avenue in Rock Hill, St. Louis, MO May 15, 1959; an explosion and a "red-hot cylindrical object" was found on S.R. CC close to Festus, St. Louis (?) and Herculaneum May 26, 1970 – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

Two students were killed and 12 injured May 15, 1970 at Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi after state highway patrol and Jackson police fired into a crowd. 

The last known sighting of a Costa Rican golden toad was May 15, 1989 and they are thought to be extinct.  The species was first described scientifically in 1966.  There is still debate about the cause, but this might be an early example of anthropogenic climate change killing a species.  Possibly the cause was a chytrid fungus epidemic, possibly assisted by climate change and pesticide pollution, a major threat to frog species in many countries.  Apparently there are additional still unidentified diseases killing endangered amphibians.   

5/15 – Chocolate Chip Day and Nylon Stocking Day?

Communist and supposedly Nazi symbols (what of Azov?) were banned in Ukraine May 15, 2015? –

5/16 – Love a Tree Day, Biographer's Day, Sea Monkey Day, etc.; the 5-cent coin was created in 1866

Asa Philip Randolph (April 15, 1889 in Crescent City, Florida – May 16, 1979 in New York City): 

After withdrawing from Afghanistan, Biden announced May 16, 2022 that soldiers would be sent back into Somalia to do much the same thing:  Apparently the Geledi Sultanate, a predecessor of modern Somalia, was the first independent African state to recognize the new American state, in 1776.

The Israeli consul-general in Turkey, Efraim Elrom, was seized by the THKP.C May 17, 1971 and killed by the 23rd:

5/17 – Endangered Species Day?  Walnut, "Pack Rat" Day; the first modern US submarine launched in 1897 in NJ?  5/17/1954 Brown v Board of Education of Topeka.  5/17/2004 MA gay marriage.  5/18 Learn to Swim Day?

May 17th (the third Friday in May) is supposed to be Endangered Species Day ( ) and Bike-to-Work Day

José Gabriel Condorcanqui or Túpac Amaru II (circa 1742 – May 18, 1781):úpac_Amaru_II

"Big Bill" Haywood, a founder of the Industrial Workers of the World and at one time a leader of the Socialist Party of America, was born February 4, 1869 in Salt Lake City.  He was charged under the Espionage Act of 1917 and in 1921 sought refuge in the USSR, where he passed away May 18, 1928.  Half of his ashes are in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis and the other half in the Haymarket Martyr's Monument in Chicago.   

Kurdish communist İbrahim Kaypakkaya (1949 – May 18, 1973):İbrahim_Kaypakkaya

There was a massive eruption, far more powerful than the WWII atomic bombs, at Washington state's Mount St Helens May 18, 1980, killing a number of people and remaking the landscape.  Traces to inches of volcanic ash fell over several states.

May 18 1988 Torino, Italy meteorite:

Vietnamese revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh was born on or around May 19, 1890.  Some of his works are online at:

José Martí, one of the leaders of the movement for Cuban independence from Spain and the USA, was born January 28, 1853 and died in the Battle of Dos Ríos against the Spanish military, May 19, 1895.  The US later entered what became Spanish-American War and gained control of Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.  This is often seen as the beginning of US imperialism, though the seizure of Hawaii, the idea of Manifest Destiny, and the Monroe Doctrine predate the War.  

Born May 18, 1895 in Niquinohomo, Nicaragua:ésar_Sandino

Muhammad Abdullah al-Hussein May 19, 1910 in Brooklyn-July 12, 1981 in Karachi, Pakistan:

5/19/1919 -- the US government's  Black Chamber wiretapping began; 5/17/1919 the Army admitted that it had lied about Germany's ability to invade the US, encouraging entry into

May 19, 1920 in Matewan, West Virginia seven agents of the Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency (employed by the Stone Mountain Coal Corporation), two miners (one just fired for belonging to the United Mine Workers of America and one unarmed), and Mayor Cabell Testerman were killed and a few people wounded in the Battle of Matewan, seen as a victory for the miners and dramatized in the 1987 movie Matewan

The Viet Minh, a Vietnamese abbreviation of the League for the Independence of Vietnam, was founded at Pác Bó May 19, 1941.

There was a bombing at the Pentagon May 19, 1972, claimed by the Weather Underground

David Humiston Kelley (April 1, 1924 in Albany, New York – May 19, 2011):

Cultural historian and revolutionary Howard Bruce Franklin was born February 28, 1934 in New York City and passed away May 19, 2024 in El Cerrito, California.  He wrote about Herman Melville, science fiction, the menhaden, prison literature, and the Vietnam War, in which he fought.  He wrote The Essential Stalin:  Major Theoretical Writings 1905-52 (1972), available at UNC.  He was one of the 24 founding members of the Revolutionary Union, now the RCP; later Franklin and about half of the RU's membership broke away and joined Venceremos.  He was arrested and lost a tenured position at Stanford.  In recent years he sometimes wrote for CounterPunch online.  For more information see: and

The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence is supposed to have been signed by a citizens' committee in Charlotte May 20, 1775, and would be the first call for independence from the UK following the beginning of hostilities in Massachusetts in April, but there are doubts about its authenticity.  The original document is supposed to have been lost in a fire in 1800.  Historical or not, the date is emblazoned on North Carolina's flag. 

Possibly related to the above date, North Carolina seceded from the USA on May 20, 1861, after the start of the Civil War at Fort Sumter, near Charleston, South Carolina April 12th.

The La Paz Incident, May 20, 1863 near the southwest corner of Arizona, somewhat close to Yuma, was one of the westernmost acts of violence during the US Civil War, between a recently released Confederate sympathizer from California and apparently unarmed US soldiers. 

A French army under Napoleon laid siege to Ottoman Acre (now Akko in Israel) March 20-May 21, 1799, but failed, freeing him to take power in France:

V.I. Lenin's older brother Aleksandr Ilyich Ulyanov was born April 12, 1866 in Nizhny Novgorod.  He was involved with Narodnaya Volya and was executed May 20, 1887.  He studied zoology; Lenin is supposed to have said something like a revolutionary can't devote so much time to the study of the annelids (earthworms, etc.).  He is the namesake of asteroid 2112 Ulyanov, discovered by Soviet astronomer Tamara Mikhailovna Smirnova July 13,1972 while on the Crimean Peninsula.  

Halley's Comet was at perihelion April 20th in 1910 and the Earth passed through its tail, rumored to be poisonous and a threat to life, May 20th.  First photographed during this apparition?  Supposedly there was an attempted human sacrifice (of a Jane Warfield by Henry Heinman and others), related to the Comet, in Aline, Alfalfa County, in northern Oklahoma towards the panhandle, the evening of Wednesday, May 18, 1910 (?).  People reportedly dropped dead; went insane; committed suicide; refused to go to work; Paul Hammerton, a prospector in the San Bernardino range of California crucified himself but was taken down; etc.  The night of May 18th the beloved street dogs of Istanbul/Constantinople in Ottoman Turkey were again rounded up.  Two of four Dorsetshire calves born at Amos Rhodes' dairy in Pitcher, New York had star-shaped marks on their foreheads.  In Woodbury, New York the mayor had the police offer a comet wake-up service.  Lights, at least some made by humans, were seen.  Pink and violet in Lille, France.  An astronomer and his wife up in a hot air balloon at night were fired upon in New EnglandMark Twain passed away April 21st and British king Edward VII passed away the night of May 6th; his funeral was Friday, May 20th, a historic transition a few years before WWI began, as 9/11/2001 has been called the 'true' start of the 21st century and current wars might loom large in future history – Comet Fever (A Popular History of Halley's Comet) by Donald Gropman with Kenneth Mirvis, published in 1985.  The Comet passed by the Earth April 10th in 1986, after perihelion February 9th.  The first known sighting is supposed to have been May 25, 240 BCE (or May 16th or even earlier?):

An Afro-Cuban uprising May 20-July in 1912, mainly in Oriente Province in eastern Cuba; the US Marines were dispatched in June:

Samurai Champloo aired in Japan May 20, 2004 to March 19, 2005:

The UN's 6th (?) annual World Bee Day is May 20th:

Albrecht Dürer (May 21, 1471 – April 6, 1528, both in Nuremberg, HRE):ürer

The traditional Western Gemini period, following Taurus, begins May 21st.

Author Richard Ellis April 2, 1938 in Queens, New York to May 21, 2024 in Norwood, New Jersey:

May 21st-June 1st art exhibit:

Around 9am on May 22, 1917 the armed merchant cruiser HMS Hilary reportedly encountered a large animal with a long neck and a triangular dorsal fin 70 miles southeast of Iceland, with very sunny, calm weather.  Captain FW Dean RN said "We never missed a chance in those days to do a bit of anti-submarine practice, and it at once struck me that here was a good target..."  After examining the animal at a closer distance the ship drew off and fired a six-pounder gun from about 1200 yards.  Quoting Heuvelmans:  "The second shot of the third salvo hit the poor inoffensive beast.  For three seconds it thrashed in agony.  Then it lay still and sank. / This cruel sport and senseless massacre was duly revenged two or three days later when a U-boat torpedoed and sank the Hilary." -- In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents by Bernard Heuvelmans, translated from French by Richard Garnett, drawings by Alika Watteau, 1968 edition ;

Edward Bellamy March 26, 1850-May 22, 1898, both in Chicopee, Massachusetts:

Transcendentalist writer Ralph Waldo Emerson was born May 25, 1803 in Boston and passed away April 27, 1882 in Concord, Massachusetts: 

May 18, 1946 Angelholm, in southern Sweden, a UFO in the Kronoskogen woods: ,Ängelholm_UFO_memorial , and

Albrecht Dürer was born May 21, 1471 in Nuremberg, Holy Roman Empire and passed away April 6, 1528 in Nuremberg:ürer

The French diesel-electric submarine Minerve disappeared January 27, 1968 in the Gulf of Lion, south of Toulon, France; its remains were found July 21, 2019.  The Israeli diesel-electric submarine Dakar disappeared after January 25, 1968 in the eastern Mediterranean; an emergency buoy was found February 9, 1969 in Khan Yunis, Gaza; the lost submarine was found May 24, 1999 between Crete and Cyprus.  Egyptian sources claim that the frigate Assyout sank the submarine.  The Soviet diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine K-129 was lost around March 8, 1968 in the Pacific; in the summer of 1974 the CIA used the Hughes Glomar Explorer, allegedly picking up what are now being called "polymetallic nodules," to raise pieces of the K-129, risking a nuclear explosion when an intercontinental ballistic missile fell a great distance underwater.   The nuclear-powered USS Scorpion was lost after May 21, 1968 near the Azores: , , ,  

Ukraine's decommunization law came into force May 21, 2015, banning not only Soviet symbols but also red stars and images of Che Guevara, Mao, and Trotsky:  More recently the rightist Ukrainian government has repressed (and more?) leftist elected leaders and people accused of being pro-Russian.

May 21: ,

5/22/1884 9pm and 12pm 5/23? – "flinty" rocks fell in Bismarck, NDWeird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

According to Wikipedia, President Theodore Roosevelt signed the first agreement to lease Guantánamo Bay from Cuba February 23, 1903.  This was one of the demands of the Platt Amendment giving the US control of Cuba in exchange for ending the direct military occupation that followed the Spanish-American War.  The Platt Amendment was added to Cuba's constitution verbatim December 25, 1901 and the same demands were included in a treaty signed May 22, 1903.  Today the US government attempts to hide some of its crimes, such as extrajudicial detention and torture, by carrying them out on this stolen Cuban territory.  And Israel can torture likewise?

Hatched around 1936 in the wild in Mississippi – May 22, 2020 at the Moscow Zoo; he survived a bomb hitting his aquarium building at the Berlin Zoological Garden November 23, 1943; many of his crocodilian compatriots did not; British soldiers gave Saturn to Soviet authorities and he was taken to Moscow in July 1946; said to have been sad when a mate died, dangerously unhappy about moving in 1990, and remembering WWII during the events of fall of 1993 in Moscow:

The UN's International Day for Biological Diversity is May 22nd: ,

May 21-22, 2023?  it was reported that a colonel in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Quds Force, Hassan Sayyad Khodayari, was killed in Tehran by gunmen on two motorcycles, similar to the assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists and General Qassem Soleimani, also of the Quds Force.

Ibragim Todashev was killed by an FBI agent May 22nd in his Orlando, Florida apartment:

The Laotian Civil War began May 23, 1959 and ended December 2, 1975?

The Greek destroyer HNS Velos, commanded by Nikolaos Pappas (Νικόλαος Παππάς; June 21, 1930 – April 5, 2013; ) mutinied against the Greek coup government May 23, 1973 during a NATO exercise between Sardinia and the Italian mainland:

Sumter, SC's annual Iris Festival was May 23-26 this year:


Jean-Paul Marat (May 24, 1743 – July 13, 1793)

May 24, 1607 the landing at Jamestown, VAThis Country Was Ours:  A Documentary History of the American Indian, by Virgil J Vogel, 1974.

May 24, 1892 Cross Roads, NC (which one?) meteorite

MiG-19 – first flight, May 24 1952; shot down a B-47 bomber over the Arctic (claimed to be outside of a national territory) 7/1/60; a MiG-19 was accidentally shot down, with Gary Powers' Lockheed U-2, over Sverdlovsk, now Yekaterinburg, in the USSR 5/1/1960.  The CIA had his wife committed for a time:

The European Day of Parks is supposed to be May 24th.

May 24-26th in Detroit,

Alice Jeanette Herz (Strauß or Strauss; May 25, 1882 in Hamburg, Germany – March 26, 1965 in Detroit) fatally burned herself March 16th in Detroit over the Vietnam War, the first American to do so (?): 

May 25-31 is the International Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories, including Western Sahara, the US and British Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Bermuda, and French New Caledonia: ,

Anthropologist and archaeologist Laurette Séjourné (October 24, 1914 in L'Aquila, Italy – May 25, 2003 in Mexico City), known for Burning Water: Thought and Religion in Ancient Mexico, Quetzalcoatls' Universe, etc. She married in France, but later divorced and married Victor Serge in Mexico:éjourné move?

George Floyd was killed May 25, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  He was born October 14, 1973 in Fayetteville, NC, but lived in Houston, Texas for most of his childhood.

Rightist?  TV presenter Michael Denzil Xavier Portillo (born May 26, 1953 in Bushey, Hertfordshire, England, UK):

The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was signed May 26, 1972 and the USA withdrew June 13, 2002, under George W Bush.

May 26, 2024 (the last Sunday in May) is Arbor Day in Venezuela.


François-Noël Babeuf or Gracchus Babeuf was born November 23, 1760 in Saint-Quentin, France and was executed by guillotine May 27, 1797 in Vendome for the Conspiracy of Equals that May; in the 19th century Neo-Babouvism was named after him:çois-Noël_Babeuf


May 27, 1919 a US Navy Curtiss NC-4 flying boat landed on the Tagus River in Lisbon, Portugal, following a pause in the Azores, making the first transatlantic crossing by aircraft.  From the summer 2024 issue of the Smithsonian's Air and Space Quarterly.

The Coal Glen mine disaster in Chatham County in May 27, 1925

The first of several military coups in modern Turkey was May 27, 1960:état

A very strong tornado hit Jarrell, Texas May 27, 1997, one of 20 tornadoes in central Texas that day:

World Otter Day is supposed to be May 27th, and river otters probably live in many of Durham's creeks and rivers, though they are rarely seen.  Mink, another water-loving weasel relative, also live in the area.  I've seen mink and maybe evidence of otters, a wake from one??

5/28/2018:  Radio Ya in Nicaragua was burned.

May 29:

MIT historian of science Giorgio de Santillana was born May 30, 1902 in Rome, Italy.  His father David was apparently a Tunisian-Italian specialist in Islamic jurisprudence.  He passed away June 8, 1974 in Beverly, Massachusetts:


May 31, 1775 the Mecklenburg County Committee of Safety adopted the Mecklenburg Resolves, declaring that laws based on the power of the British king and parliament were nullified and that legislative and executive power was with the Continental Congress, the first such proclamation.  It is thought that this might be the true basis of the alleged Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence above, but the Resolves did not go as far as declaring independence.  The original document was lost in a house fire in 1800, but a copy was found in a South Carolina newspaper.

Writer Walt Whitman (Walter Whitman Jr) was born May 31, 1819 in Huntington, New York, on Long Island, and passed away March 26, 1892 in Camden, New Jersey:  

Friday, 5/31/1889: in Pennsylvania.

The Second Boer War between the UK and the Boers of South Africa ended May 31, 1902:  The very short First Boer War ended March 23, 1881:

The WWI Battle of Jutland between the British and German navies was May 31-June 1, 1916, in the waters off Denmark and Norway.

During the Tulsa Race Riot May 31-June 1, 1921 in Oklahoma there was fighting on the ground and private airplanes dropped incendiaries.  For background about the massacre in Tulsa and the murder of Osage Indians for their rights to oil and other resources in Oklahoma see: 

World Parrot Day is supposed to be May 31st.

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) was founded sometime in June 1965:

The Battle of the Beanfield, waged by the police in Wiltshire, England against the Peace Convoy of New Age Travellers, to end the annual Stonehenge Free Festival, was June 1, 1985.  Many were injured and hundreds were arrested, one of the largest ever mass arrests (?) in the UK.  Their vehicles were also damaged or destroyed.  There were successful lawsuits against the police, but the victories did not cover the legal costs, the police might have tampered with evidence and hid their identification, the journalists were at risk that day, and there hasn't ever been an official inquiry.  The future, whether Trump or Harris wins? It began before October 7, 2023? -- , , and

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (informally, the INF Treaty) between the USA and the USSR/Russia was ratified June 1, 1988.  Trump Administration suspended the Treaty February 1, 2019, followed the next day by Russia, and the US formally withdrew August 2, 2019, possibly as an act against China rather than Russia.

The Lone Gunmen, a spinoff from The X-Files, aired March 4-June 1, 2001.  It wasn't meant to end after just 13 episodes, though at least it got 13.  Crusade was also ended prematurely after 13 episodes.  After 9/11/2001 it was claimed that it was unthinkable, but it wasn't; for example the "Pilot" episode of Lone Gunmen March 4th happened to featured a plot very much like 9/11, even targeting the WTC.  A guess?  The zeitgeist, an idea whose time had come?  Prophetic fiction doesn't come along very often??  -- 

Days of the Year -- apparently June 1st is Dinosaur Day.

Controversial project 751 South (built by Ryan Homes?) near New Hope Creek had an opening event Saturday, June 1, 2019 12 - 4pm at 812 Watercolor Way ( ).


Hurricane season in the North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico is officially June 1st to November 30th. Move?


June 1st:

June is/was NC LGBT Pride ).

National Trails Day is June 1st.

World Reef Day is supposed to be June 1st.

June 1, 2024 – the Chang'e 6 lunar landing


The WWII German Massacre of Kondomari in Crete was June 2, 1941:

Born June 2, 1953 in Tulsa, Oklahoma:

Brian William Haw (January 7, 1949 – June 18, 2011) began camping on, or "occupying," Parliament Square in London June 2, 2001 as an anti-war protest.

Melita Stedman Norwood (Sirnis; March 25, 1912 – June 2, 2005):

Apollo asteroid 2018 LA, or ZLAF9B2, came down June 2, 2018 around 16:44 UTC around Botswana-South Africa; discovered around 8:22 UTC from Arizona; the first piece was found June 23rd, Motopi

On the June 2nd Mexican election results:

June 3, 1844 a breeding pair of great auks or garefowl (Pinguinus impennis), the original penguin, though they are  not related to the penguins of Antarctica, and their egg were killed by commercial collectors (Jón Brandsson, Sigurður Ísleifsson, and Ketill Ketilsson) on the island of Eldey, Iceland, eliminating the last known breeding pair.  The UK's last known auk was killed in Scotland in July 1840, suspected of being a malevolent witch.  Wikipedia says that a lone auk was seen off Newfoundland, Canada in 1852.  There were conservation laws as early as 1553, but the the great auk was hunted to extinction on both sides of the Atlantic, and specimens became more in demand as their numbers dwindled.  During the winter these large penguinlike birds, related to puffins, ranged as far south as the coast of South Carolina and possibly further.  Fossils have been found in southern France and Italy.  There has been discussion of attempting to bring the auk 'back to life,' which would be good, though it should be remembered that cloning is not the same as resurrecting a species exactly as it once was.  There is a review article in the August 15, 2024 issue of the London Review of Books and see Wikipedia.

Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov was born June 3, 1885 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia and passed away March 16, 1919 of the Spanish flu or typhus, and is buried in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis.

Raúl Modesto Castro Ruz (born June 3, 1931 in Biran, in Holguin Province in eastern Cuba):úl_Castro

The Zoot Suit Riots were June 3-8, 1943 in Los Angeles:

Nâzım Hikmet, or Mehmed Nâzım Ran, (January 15, 1902 – June 3, 1963)

The Fort Fisher Hermit, Robert E Harrill, was born February 2, 1893 in Shelby, NC.  He is officially supposed to have died of a heart attack June 3, 1972, but appears to have been murdered, possibly to remove an obstacle for "development."

Prior to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, the largest ever oil spill was at the Ixtoc I well, 164 feet down in the Gulf of Mexico near the Yucatan Peninsula, on June 3, 1979.  The well was operated by Pemex, Mexico's state-owned oil company.

The on going anti-nuclear White House Peace Vigil began June 3, 1981, started by William Thomas Hallenbeck Jr (March 20, 1947 – January 23, 2009).  See the WMOP post in October 2018:   There was a vigil against the sanctions on Iraq and then the "War on Terror," etc. for years in Durham and Chapel Hill and shorter anti-war vigils at Durham's Brightleaf Square and at Crabtree Mall (?) in Raleigh, but I think that they have all ended.  There was also an anti-torture vigil on Highway 70 in Johnston County and occasionally on Wednesdays (?) in Raleigh.  There might have been a vigil, over the war on Palestine, at Moore Square in Raleigh on Sundays around 2 or 3pm for a few months after October 7, 2023.

The UN's World Bicycle Day is June 3rd: and

June 4, 1828 Richmond, VA meteorite

The International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression is June 4, and was created in 1982 following the deaths of many Palestinian and Lebanese children due to Israeli aggression.  And Biden back then? --

The pivotal WWII Battle of Midway was June 4-7, 1942. 

The Tiananmen Square protests were April 15-June 4 in 1989:

2009 falls of aquatic animals in Japan, etc.:  About 100 dead tadpoles over 10 square meters of parking lot at a civic center in Nanao, Ishikawa Prefecture June 4, 2009 heard falling around 4:30pm; 20-30 tadpoles June 6th in Hakusan, Ishikawa; 13 crucian carp about 3cm long found around a truck in Ishikawa; "tiny dead fish" in Nakanoto June 9th; just after 1pm Nanao official Mayumi Tsuiki, 38, found two dead tadpoles on a car at her home; around 3pm liquor store proprietor Nobutake Takada found about 70 dead tadpoles on a bridge sidewalk? ; about 10 small fish in front of a house in Noto; No storms, wind, or ponds to account for it; birds? ; the morning of June 13th a teacher found over 30 dead tadpoles over an area 10m in diameter? at an athletic field at Seien Girls' High School in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture; a woman, 67, heard a sound around 6pm and "found about a dozen tiny fishlike creatures," some alive, "on a sheet covering crops in Shiwa, Iwate Prefecture; a woman, 60, found 13 dead tadpoles and a frog across 20m in her garden and a parking lot not a car park? in Miyoshi, Hiroshima around 8am on June 15th; around 5pm that day in Taiwa, Miyagi Prefecture Haruko Kikkawa?, 74, heard a sound and saw about 50 dead tadpoles fall at her home; in Saitama Prefecture over 20 dead tadpoles and small fish were found June 16th.  

Something (an opossum??) vomited up a stomachful of slugs here one night in late fall 2023 or 2022? 

A frog species was said to have been introduced to Port-au-Prince?, Haiti before 1851 in a fall -- the same event as Moreau de St-Mery's May 5, 1786 fall of many "black eggs" that hatched a day later, "shed their skins several times [and] resembled tadpoles"?  Very small frogs and tadpoles on the Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK High Street after a severe storm in 1910. 

September 24, 2007 -- the Marlborough Country Convenience Store in Marlborough, New Hampshire was robbed of over $1000 dollars, through hypnosis, by two turbaned Punjabi men, from New York? claiming to be guruji religious adepts, the victim was Yogesh Patel, 29.  Peru.  -- Fortean Times magazine June 2024 issue FT445

While camping near Kensington, Prince Edward Island in Canada June 4, 2014 John Sheppard saw many lights over the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and recorded a 22 minute by cellphone: and

Irish revolutionary James Connolly was born June 5, 1868 in Edinburgh, Scotland.  He was executed by firing squad May 12, 1916 after the Easter Rising against British rule was crushed.

General Francisco "Pancho" Villa was born June 5, 1878 (under the name José Doroteo Arango Arámbula).  He sent a raiding party into Columbus, New Mexico March 9, 1916 during the Mexican Revolution, and was accused of having been behind raids in Texas.  A US Army force was sent into Mexico for a year and was the first to use motorized transport and aircraft, but failed to find Villa.  He was assassinated July 20, 1923.  The future?

US Secretary of State George Marshall discussed what came to be known as the Marshall Plan (the European Recovery Plan) in a speech at Harvard June 5, 1947.  The Plan started operating April 3, 1948 and lasted for four years.  Apparently 5% of the funds went to CIA operations.

Naksa Day is June 5th.  According to Wikipedia it marks Palestinian losses after the 1967 war.

World Environment Day is June 5th ( ) and the International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, for example the plundering of fisheries around war-torn or weak countries that can't adequately patrol their coastlines. ( ).

Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004); an attempted assassination in March 1981.

Apparently there is an early account of a UFO crashing to earth in Max, southwest Nebraska, June 6, 1884: 

The Spanish-American War Battle of Guantánamo Bay was June 6-10, 1898, with US and Cuban forces defeating the Spanish.

Novelist Huguette Gaulin Bergeron fatally burned herself June 6, 1972 in the Old Port of Montreal's Place Jacques-Cartier; she was born in 1944:

June 6, 1975 a "pearl-colored 50' disk" reportedly landed in Greensboro, North CarolinaUFO Exist!, 1976.

The first playable version of the Soviet videogame Tetris was created June 6, 1984.  It went on to become one of the most popular videogames ever made and may be useful therapeutically and have health benefits. 

The UN's Russian Language Day is June 6th:

The first post on Durham Spark was June 6, 2005.

Nuclear-armed Israel bombed Iraq's unfinished Osirak nuclear reactor June 7, 1981, killing 10 Iraqi soldiers and a young French engineer.  9/30/1980, at the beginning of the Iran-Iraq War, Iran had bombed the facility.  1/19/1991 the US bombed it.  , , , and

World Food Safety Day is June 7th:

Manuel Orozco y Berra (June 8, 1816 – January 27, 1881)

Historian Alfred William McCoy was born June 8, 1945 in Concord, Massachusetts:

The Israeli military tried to sink the USS Liberty, a signals intelligence spy ship, in international waters off of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula June 8, 1967, during the 1967 War, and got away with it, except for having to pay damages.  LBJ prevented naval air support.  34 American personnel were killed 34 and 171 or 174 injured  For example see: and  At some point during the Suez Crisis the UK's HMS Crane (U23) was attacked by Israeli aircraft and might have shot one down.  Apparently none of the Crane's crew were killed.  March 27, 1952, during the Korean War, the Crane was hit by DPRK artillery, with little damage:

World Oceans Day is June 8th: , and

The January 6, 2021 riot at the US Capitol has been compared to the Jacquerie of French peasants in early summer 1358 on CounterPunch.  It began May 28, 1358 in Saint-Leu d-Esserent?  A Paris uprising led by Etienne Marcel, assassinated from within the Paris organization July 31st, followed by a violent purge? --Étienne_Marcel  The Jacquerie was smashed through treachery and extermination June 10th at the Battle of Mello and the Battle of Meaux, after which the town was obliterated (?): , , or Jacques Bonhomme.

June 9-10, 1817 in Pentrich, Derbyshire,

June 9th Macron dissolved the National Assembly?

French painter and member of the Paris Commune Jean Désiré Gustave Courbet (June 10, 1819 – December 31, 1877), blamed for the May 16, 1871 destruction of Paris' Vendôme and

June 10-11, 1871 -- an early US attack on Korea:

The League for the Defense of the Rights of the Albanian Nation, or the League of Prizren, was formed June 10, 1878.  Add HC.

Mary Morton Allport (May 17, 1806 –  June 10, 1895): Wjo?

The Hagerty Incident near Haneda Airport in Tokyo, June 10, 1960:

A chronicle by Benedictine monk Gervase, of the Christ Church Cathedral Priory in Canterbury, UK, might contain the earliest known description of ball lightning, near London, by the Thames River (?), June 7, 1195.  The previous record was during a severe storm in Widecombe, Devon on October 21, 1638.  He also recorded what might have been a large impact on the crescent Moon.  Ball lightning hit and killed a Canada goose in Booths Park in Knutsford, Cheshire, UK?  A 477 mile long megaflash of lightning from coastal Texas to Louisiana was seen from space on April 29, 2020.  It was 37 miles longer than a 2018 record from the south of Brazil.  October 31, 2018 a storm in Uruguay and northern Paraguay produced a 17.102 second megaflash, besting an older record by 0.37 seconds.  A huge CME during a Solar Minimum.  A Hopewell Culture airburst, 1600 years ago? --  Fortean Times April 2022 issue FT417.

Daniel Ellsberg Week June 10-16th:

Italian-American anarchist Bartolomeo Vanzetti was born June 11, 1888 in Villafalletto, Italy and was executed with Nicola Sacco August 23, 1927 for an alleged armed robbery and murder. 

Maurice Audin, an ethnic French member of the Algerian Communist Party and a mathematics assistant at the University of Algiers, was born February 14, 1932.  The French Army seized him at his apartment June 11, 1957, during Algeria's war for independence, and then used his home as a trap for others.  He was taken elsewhere and tortured to death, something French President Macron acknowledged in September 2018.  This was not an isolated case. 

The end of the Alcatraz occupation was June 11, 1971 – This Country Was Ours:  A Documentary History of the American Indian, by Virgil J Vogel, 1974.

Timothy James McVeigh was born April 23, 1968 in Lockport, New York and was executed June 11, 2001 at the Federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana for having carried out the Oklahoma City Bombing April 19, 1995.  See also:

International Lynx Day is supposed to be June 11th.

The Philippine Declaration of Independence (from Spain) was made by Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy June 12, 1898.

The World Day against Child Labor is June 12th:

National Cougar Day is supposed to be June 12th.

President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un met at a summit June 12, 2018 in Singapore, a first between the USA and DPR Korea, technically still at war.

The WWII battleship USS North Carolina was launched June 13, 1940, decommissioned June 27, 1947, and stricken from the Naval Vessel Register June 1, 1960; she is now on display in Wilmington, NC, opening to the public April 29, 1962; a floating seafood restaurant on the Cape Fear River suffered minor damage as the battleship was towed upriver October 2, 1961; a WWII-era Vought OS2U Kingfisher floatplane that had been salvaged in British Columbia, Canada was donated in 1964:

The Battle of Marengo, between French and Austrian armies in Piedmont, was June 14, 1800:

June 14-July 22, 1866 Austro-Prussian

Ernesto (Che) Guevara was born June 14, 1928 in Rosario, Argentina, but became famous for his role in the ongoing Cuban Revolution.  He also fought in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Bolivia, and travelled to many other countries.  See also:

Three orange or purplish to orange UFOs Thursday, June 12, 1958, around 8pm, over Dillon, Dillon County, in northeastern South Carolina.  See Circle, etc.  Johnny Griffith, Mr and Mrs Don Barclay, Mrs EC Currin, etc.  In the Florence Morning News June 13, 1958.  Flying Saucer Digest #219 Winter 2018.

June 14, 1971 – the Chicago Indian VillageThis Country Was Ours:  A Documentary History of the American Indian, by Virgil J Vogel, 1974.

June 14, 1972 a 4' eel was found in the water pipes of a Medford, Massachusetts apartment, and reportedly would have had to have come from Quabbin Reservoir, 100 miles away.  American eels breed far out in the Atlantic but mature inland, and even cross moist ground, often at night – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

June 14, 1980 Israel is thought to have assassinated Yahya El Mashad, the Egyptian head of Iraq's nuclear program, while he was in Paris.  There were other suspicious deaths in Western Europe, bombings, and threats.  Tzipi Livni was allegedly involved: , , and

The Grenfell Tower fire in a 24-story publicly-owned residential building in North Kensington, west London, UK June 14, 2017 ultimately killed 72 and injured over 70, with 223 evacuating.

The Congressional baseball shooting was  June 14, 2017 in Alexandria, VirginiaJames Thomas Hodgkinson shot Republican House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, a Tyson Foods lobbyist, a legislative aide, and a Capitol Police officer, but Hogkinson was the only fatality.  There was a Capitol Police detail there to protect Scalise, due to his position.

June 14th (2024?) a Russian aircraft approached Gotland, Sweden; one (just one) Su-24, was met by two JAS-39s; what did they expect?  A repeat from 2013.  As if Sweden and Finland weren't on the US government side well before 2023.  The USA, etc. constantly threaten and probe the defenses of other countries, and the rulers of Sweden, Finland, and Ukraine want to join in and sacrifice their people and economies in the next Iraq War or WWIII, for a Biden, Harris, or Trump. -- the New York Review of Books August 15, 2024 issue, applauding Swedish and (even "bellicose!" ; allegedly "never neutral at heart") Finnish militarism.  William Shirer:  Joining NATO=joining the "West"  In 1966 allegedly non-NATO Sweden gave up its nuclear weapons program and made allowances for NATO aircraft, in exchange for US nuclear 'protection?'  How are they going to fund rising militarism and "Scandinavian socialism?"  Lean on the USA?  Growing anti-immigrant feelings in Sweden as "Scandinavian socialism" is destroyed.  Increasing gang turf wars, fought with guns and even bombs.  Conscription (of men and women?) returned in 2018.  More than they need?   Northern European family abolitionism?  The LRB versus the NYRB.  Another article, conflating every foreign 'enemy,' and the Republican Party, as 'authoritarian,' and blaming "authoritarianism" on a lack of societal willpower??  Pro-Hillary Clinton and Biden, but beating up on Biden in the end.  A 1911 Arabic performance of Hamlet in Gaza; a book since banned by Israel in the West Bank? 


The Venezuelan Flavor and Culture - Venezuelan Celebration in Cary was June 14th at 5pm Tastes

The Magna Carta Libertatum was enacted June 15, 1215 near the English town of Windsor.

There was a major Battle of Kosovo June 15, 1389.

Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov (June 15, 1914 – February 9, 1984)

Xi Jinping was born June 15, 1953 in Beijing:

Ufonauts reportedly asked a Chilean miner for water in the vicinity of Arica June 15, 1964:  Bartholomew and Howard, 1998.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15th:

Global or World Wind Day is June 15th. 

June 15th is Megalodon Day (a very large or gigantic shark, similar to the smaller great white, but thought to have gone extinct long ago, and naturally; their teeth are apparently the state fossil of North Carolina, though they are found around the world:, Nature Photography Day, etc. Paleontologist Jack Horner was born in 1946  1945 Don McGregor, creator of the Black Panther franchise, was born June 15, 1945.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15th: ?

Apache leader or guerilla Geronimo was born June 16, 1829?  I haven't found the reference again, but I think there was a scare about him in New York state even in the early 20th century, and the Indian Wars weren't fully over or forgotten in the early 20th century.  They called OBL Geronimo.  Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first female space traveller June 16, 1963, in Vostok 6.  China's first female taikonaut was Liu Yang June 16, 2012, in the Shenzhou.  Besides Father's Day, June 16th is apparently Fudge Day and Turkey Lover's Day, but this is an occasion for eating our native turkeys, not appreciating them.  June 16, 1933 the Federal Reserve Act created the FDIC, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and June 16, 1911 a group founded the Ford Motor Company.  Che Guevara was born in Rosario, Argentina June 14, 1928 and was killed in La Higuera, Bolivia October 9, 1967:  June 14th is also US Flag Day (1777) and the US Army was founded in 1775, and in 1954 "under God" was added to the US Pledge of Allegiance.  Cucumber and Bourbon days?  Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811); Ida MacLean (1877), the first female member of the London Chemical Society; US chemist Fred Baur (1918) of Pringles fame; and Donald Trump (1946) were also born June 14th.  June 13, 1966 we gained Miranda rights and Yeats was born June 13, 1865.  Weed Your Garden Day June 13th.  George HW Bush was born June 12, 1912, Anne Frank June 12, 1929, and the Loving decision June 12, 1967?  3 World Trade Center opened to the public June 11, 2018?  Forklift Safety Day, Corn on the Cob Day, etc June 11th and Iced Tea Day June 10th.  Hungarians patented the ballpoint pen June 10, 1943 and the trademark Mylar was registered June 10, 1952?  The automatic airbrake was patented June 10, 1902 and the first issue of the Chicago Tribune was published June 10, 1847.  Children's Day June 9th in 2024.  Donald Duck appeared June 9, 1934 and there was that deconstruction:  the National Day Calendar, etc. 

Adam Smith was born around June 16, 1723 (the date of his baptism) in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland and passed away July 17, 1790 in Edinburgh:

Overthrown Iranian prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh was born June 16, 1882 in Tehran and passed away there March 5, 1967:

Kenneth C Brugger (June 16, 1918 – November 25, 1998) and Catalina Trail are credited with having discovered the overwintering grounds of eastern monarch butterflies in Mexico, January 2, 1975.

Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to go into space, on June 16, 1963, piloting Vostok 6 and spending about three days in orbit.  According to Wikipedia, with this mission, Tereshkova logged more time in space than the entire US astronaut corps at the time. 

Caramel, Indiana native Steve Alan Inskeep of NPR was born June 16, 1968:

There was unrest in the GDR June 16-17 and on to June 24th in 1953, marked on June 17th each year, until 1990, in the FRG:

The Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires, filled with a pro-Juan Peron rally at the time, was attacked by the Argentine Navy and Air Force June 16, 1955:

The International Day of Family Remittances is June 16th: 

World Sea Turtle Day is supposed to be June 16th.

Maurits Cornelis Escher June 17, 1898 in Leeuwarden-March 27, 1972 in Hilversum, both in the Netherlands:

The Battle of the Rosebud was June 17, 1876.

June 17, 1910 the American barkentine Aurora, under Captain Samuels, travelling from Callao, Peru to Port Townsend, Washington encountered a white sea for about a day at latitude 11 degrees south by longitude 80 degrees west.  AV Potter, third officer on the British steamship Asphalion reported going through white water in the Atlantic for five hours at latitude 12 degrees 51 minutes north by longitude 54 degrees 55 minutes west, sometime before he reported it October 31, 1931 in Baltimore.  Unexplained expanses of milk white ocean are sometimes reported in certain places:  Fortean Times June 2022 issue FT419.  

Late July-early September 2019 satellite photos of a possible milky sea south of Java; a report from the superyacht Ganesha around 9pm August 2, 2019, going from Lombok, Indonesia to the Cocos Islands:  Fortean Times October 2022 issue FT423.

June 17, 1928 -- Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, but was not piloting.  June 17, 1972 -- the DNC headquarters break-in for Nixon.

China tested its first thermonuclear bomb June 17, 1967.

The last captive dusky seaside sparrow, a male named Orange Band, died at Disney World June 17, 1987, though dusky seaside sparrows were apparently a Florida subspecies of the still existing seaside sparrow.  A wild male, named Green Band, was last seen July 23, 1980.  

Stanley Faulder, a 61-year-old Canadian from Jasper, Alberta, was executed by George W Bush's Texas June 17, 1999, though Canada was only informed of the arrest and trial 15 year after the fact, apparently violating the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.  This wasn't an isolated case in the US or Texas:

Up to 100,000+ bumblebees (representing hundreds of bee colonies, mostly yellow-faced bumblebees, Bombus vosnesneskii, a West Coast species), along with fewer ladybugs and other beneficial insects, were killed outside a Target in Wilsonville, Oregon June 17, 2013, at the beginning of National Pollinator Week that year, after 55 European linden trees, flowering, were sprayed to prevent aphid honeydew from getting on cars underneath.  The sprayers had come to the lot for black vine weevils.  The insecticide is produced by a sponsor of National Pollinator Week.  There was at least one demonstration afterward.  The trees were wrapped in netting, $2,886 in fines applied, and spraying this insecticide on linden and related trees was banned.  There were at least six mass bee kills around linden trees in Oregon in 2013-2014.  For more information and photos of the parking lot littered with dead bees, see: and 

The Hōkūleʻa, a replica Polynesian voyaging canoe built with some modern materials but piloted using traditional techniques, sailed around the world May 18, 2014 to June 17, 2017.  Hōkūleʻa, star of gladness or joy, is the Hawaiian name for the bright star Arcturus, probably still visible in the evening, in the 'Western' constellation Boötes, the Herdsman or Ox-driver, but apparently seen as a frigatebird in Hawaii.  The ship was built by the Polynesian Voyaging Society and is based in Hawaii.  It has been theorized that there was pre-Columbian contact between Polynesia and South America, and that Chinese ships might have reached North America.   

Elected Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi – August 8, 1951 – June 17, 2019:

June 17-23 was Pollinator Week  June 22th -- A Moth Night with the TLC:   Annual Moth Week was July 20-28th.

The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is June 17th:

World Croc Day is supposed to be June 17th.

The War of 1812 (June 18, 1812 – February 17, 1815)

French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated at the pivotal Battle of Waterloo, June 18, 1815 in what is now Belgium, facing armies from the UK, the Netherlands, Prussia, and three other German states, and his power and the Napoleonic Wars ended shortly afterward:–7_July)  First Napoleon had been exiled to nearby Elba, but now he was sent to far away Saint Helena, never to return alive. 

Bulgarian communist Georgi Dimitrov was born June 18, 1882 and was a general secretary of the Comintern and prime minister of Bulgaria.  Among other things, he is well-known for his definition of fascism and for advocating popular fronts against the fascists. Some of his works are online at: , , , and in print from  More links at:  Also: 

June 18-29, 1924 -- Canadian Federation of Postal Employees strike in Ontario and Quebec:

In the summer of 1934 something like an owl was attacking people along 241st Street between Snell Boulevard and Rushmore Avenue in Queens borough of New York City, apparently without provocation.  According to a June 18th article in the New York Times, quoted by Brandon, "a bird 'with blazing eyes' and resembling an owl had been fluttering in the faces of residents, most of them prominent financiers."  After being driven off it attacked again and then left, without actually injuring anyone. – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

At the UN Security Council June 18, 1952 the USSR accused the USA of using biological weapons in the Korean War, not the first time the charge was made.

A 'batman' in a pecan tree in Houston, Texas June 18, 1953 at night (?) – The Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint.

June 18, 1954 the US-fomented Guatemalan coup began:  June 18-27, 1954:état

June 18, 1958 dark gray fish about 3" long with red spots reportedly fell on Pentagon Parkway in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas.  On January 27, 1964 a burning object flew around and landed at the home of Melvin L Lewis, setting the yard on fire and producing a strong sulfurous smell.  Reportedly rocks fell on a field of corn in Trenton, New Jersey June 16-17, 1884 – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

June 18, 1974 Pinochet's Chile established the CIA-connected DINA intelligence agency; it was replaced by the CNI after having carried out a carbombing in Washington, DC to kill former ambassador to the US Orlando Letelier in September (?) 1976.  The leader of the DINA implicated the CIA in the assassination, and he was paid agent of the

The F-117 Nighthawk first flew June 18, 1981?

June 18, 1983 Sally Ride became the first female US astronaut (a female Soviet cosmonaut went into space long before, returning to the ground June 19, 1963, after 71 hours in space), on a flight of space shuttle Challenger

The British Battle of Orgreave between union picketers and police in Rotherham, in South Yorkshire, England was June 18, 1984, contemporary with the March 1984-1985 UK Miners' Strike and the Margaret Thatcher era:  There is an article about the spring-summer 1984 labor struggle at the Cammell Laird Shipyard in Birkenhead in the June 20th issue of the London Review of Books (see: ); there is also an article "Israel's Descent."  The AV-1 gas drilling rig and the Type 42 destroyer HMS Edinburgh, under construction at the yard, were occupied by workers, forced out when cut off from accessing drinking water:

The UVF carried out the Loughinisland Massacre in Northern Ireland June 18, 1994.

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter was launched June 18, 2009?

June 18th:

International Sushi Day is June 18th, and Autistic Pride Day?  And Go Fishing Day, but a fishing license of no to varying cost is required for most people in North Carolina, except on July 4th (see below).  There are also separate inland, coastal, and combined licenses, with varying costs.  

Sarah Rosetta Wakeman, serving in Company H of the 153rd New York Infantry Volunteer Infantry as Lyons Wakeman, passed away due to disease June 19, 1864 during the Red River Campaign (?), which had ended May 22nd; she had been born January 16, 1843 in Chenango County, NY:

Emperor Maximillian I of the Second Mexican Empire was executed June 19, 1867.   He had been born July 6, 1832 in Vienna.  Apparently German-speaking "conspiracy theorists" claim that he lived in El Salvador as Justo Armas, passing away in 1936:

The commerce raider CSS Alabama was sunk by the USS Kearsarge in the Battle of Cherbourg, off the coast of France June 19, 1864; the Alabama had been launched July 29, 1862 in Birkenhead, and

Washington state is supposed to have had the first US Father's Day June 19, 1910, the Federal Communications Commission was created June 19, 1934, and the Rosenbergs were executed June 19, 1953 (and there is a connection personal between the prosecution and Donald Trump?).

British naturalist Sir Joseph Banks, 1st Baronet, February 24, 1743 – June 19, 1820.

June 19th is Juneteenth, from 1865:  Condoleezza Rice claims to have a background with Juneteenth in The Free Press in 2024 and has been rehabilitated, or was never even anathematized, on NPR.

R (Rajani) Palme Dutt, a leading official of the Comintern, general secretary of the Communist Party of Great Britain, and editor of the CPGB's Weekly Worker and founder of the Labour Monthly, was born June 19, 1896 in Cambridge, England, UK.  He is well-known for his analysis of fascism. 

Watch Day, World Sauntering Day l etc. is also June 19th. 

June 2, 1919 there were package bombings, followed by a campaign of repression June 19th: 

The WWII naval Battle of the Philippine Sea was June 19 - 20, 1944.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed by electric chair June 19, 1953 for giving the USSR information on US military technology, though whatever they provided might not have been very useful and the charges mainly apply to Julius Rosenberg.  There are theories that Ethel Rosenberg was prosecuted to threaten her husband and that there was misconduct during the trial.  Reportedly Elizabeth Warren to her credit petitioned President Obama in January 2017 to posthumously pardon Mrs Rosenberg.  The Rosenbergs were apparently the only American civilians executed for spying during the Cold War, and were tried during the Korean War.  They were both from Jewish families and born in Manhattan, New York, and left behind two young children.

As early as 1945 the UK and USA considered plans to attack their Soviet ally, which lay devastated by the heavy fighting against Germany on the Eastern Front, though the Soviets were still very strong militarily and even with a re-activated German military the "West" had too few conventional forces and the too few nuclear bombs to risk starting WWIII that soon. 

The International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict is June 19th:  June 19th is also Juneteenth.

Conn "Ringo"  Hallinan passed away June 19, 2024: , his blog:

The night of June 20-21, 1791 -- the Flight to Varennes -- attempted escape from Paris by the royal family during the French Revolution.

June 20, 1919 Saint Mary's County, MD meteorite

The solstice was June 20th this year.  World Horseshoe Crab Day (not actually a crustacean, )?  The National Day of the Native Peoples of Chile since 2021:

June 20th is apparently also Seashell Day, Hike with a Geek Day, etc.

June 20-22, 1943 Detroit race riot, one of a few that summer:  The 1967 riot was July 23-28th:  Another riot was March 6, 1863.

Truman signed the Central Intelligence Agency Act, creating the CIA, June 20, 1949:

June 20, 1979 ABC News reporter Bill Stewart was killed at a government checkpoint in Managua, Nicaragua, shortly before the victory of the Sandinista revolution:

World Refugee Day is June 20th: 

The Northern Hemisphere's summer solstice was June 20th this year.

February 8, 1928 Camden, New Jersey and summer 1972 Elberton, Georgia 'sky lines'; summer 1970 Caldwell, NJ shooting of a kind, without projectiles being found? – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

The traditional Western Cancer period, following Gemini, begins June 21st.

Donald Culross Peattie (June 21, 1898 – November 16, 1964)

Karl Anton Nowotny (June 21, 1904 in Hollabrunn, Austria – December 31, 1978 in Vienna):

John W. Dower (born June 21, 1938 in RI)

The Manchester Baby or SSEM experimental computer at the University of Manchester in the UK first ran a program June 21, 1948:  The German Z3 computer came out May 12, 1941:

June 21, 1964 three Congress of Racial Equality volunteers were killed in Mississippi:

Ongoing UK railway strikes began June 21, 2022, while "Union Joe" prevented a US railroad strike:–present_United_Kingdom_railway_strikes

June 21st is supposed to be World Giraffe Day:  Day of the Gong, Selfie Day, etc.?

The Moon was full Friday, June 21st.

A small fleet of English privateers attempted to capture the 2000-ton Portuguese carrack Cinco Chagas, carrying about 1400 people, off of Faial or Fayal Island in the Azores June 22-23, 1594, during the Anglo-Spanish War (Portugal and Spain were united through the Iberian Union at the time, so Portugal and England were enemies).  The English were winning, but the Cinco Chagas caught fire and later exploded, sending what is thought to have been one of the one of the richest cargoes ever sent from the East Indies to an unknown grave over a mile underwater.  Hundreds on both sides (mainly Portuguese) were killed, crew, passengers, and enslaved persons.  The English are also supposed to have killed escaping Portuguese males, though some high-ranking officials were taken back to Portsmouth, England and ransomed.  The English military secured the treasure that had been captured: and  The smaller Portuguese carrack Madre de Deus/Mae de Deus/Madre de Dios had been captured around August 3, 1592, but thieves relieved it of much of its cargo in DartmouthSir Walter Raleigh had been released from the Tower of London and was one of the leaders of the expedition: and  A different Madre de Deus carrack was destroyed in a battle off Nagasaki, Japan January 3-6, 1610:ça_incident

John Warner Barber (February 2, 1798 – June 22, 1885).

Malagasy poet Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo lived March 4 in 1901 or 1903 to June 22, 1937:

German and other Axis forces invaded the USSR in Operation Barbarossa Sunday, June 22-December 5, 1941:  Beginning in June 1942 a German offensive targeted Baku, for oil. 

Wikipedia's "On this day:"

The Soviet WWII counteroffensive Operation Bagration began June 22, 1944 and ended August 19th:  The earlier German Operation Citadel and Soviet Operation Kutuzov began in July 1943.  The titanic Battle of Kursk took place that summer, July 5-August 23rd:  The mainstream US-UK media doesn't want to talk much about WWII on the European eastern front.

Apollo asteroid 2019 MO, or A10eoM1, was detected and then landed south of Puerto Rico June 22, 2019 at 21:25 UTC (like a June epsilon Ophiuchid meteor?):

Irie no Hi / Okinawa Memorial Day is marked every June 23rd ( ) to commemorate those killed in the bloody Battle of Okinawa, April 1 - June 22, 1945. 

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts was born June 22, 1949 in Oklahoma City:

June 22, 2009 a DC Metro crash caused by a known equipment failure killed 9 people:

June 22nd is supposed to be World Rainforest Day and World Camel Day: , and the 24 Hour Peace Wave.  HVAC Technician Day, Summersgiving, Kissing Day, etc.?

Pluto's first known and largest moon, Charon, was discovered at the Flagstaff, Arizona Naval Observatory June 22, 1978?  The Green Party advocated DC statehood for decades, but there was a hearing in the US Senate June 22, 2021?  The inventor of masking and cellophane tape, Richard Gurley Drew, was born June 22, 1899; Octavia E Butler was born June 22, 1947; and Erin Brockovitch was born June 22, 1960.

The Saeima, the Latvian parliament, approved a law "On the Prohibition of the Display of Objects Glorifying the Soviet and Nazi Regimes and Their Dismantling in the Territory of the Republic of Latvia." Earlier this year they decided to remove the country's 300 Soviet monuments, violating the Russian-Latvian Intergovernmental Agreement of April 30, 1994.  Over the years there have been clashes and attempted bombings at the 1985 Monument to the Liberators of Soviet Latvia and Riga from the German Fascist Invaders in the capital.  The Latvian prime minister, an American citizen, is "accelerating the ongoing effort [from 2019?] to remove the Russian language from the education system," in favor of "the state language."  This is discussed in an article in the July 21st [2023 or 2022?] issue of the New York Review of Books.  In March 2011 about 27% of the population was ethnic Russian and 34% of the population spoke Russian at home.  Neighboring Lithuania has been accused of recently violating an agreement with Russia regarding transportation through the country to Kaliningrad.  

Confederate Brigadier-General Stand Watie, a Cherokee, surrendered June 23, 1865 at Doaksville in Choctaw territory, now part of Oklahoma, becoming the last Confederate general to surrender, though the commerce raider CSS Shenandoah surrendered in the UK November 6, 1865 (it had been launched August 17, 1863): and

June 23, 1957 -- the Royal Ice Cream sit-in in Durham, NC:,_North_Carolina

June 23, 1969 Life magazine published photos and information about the nearly 250 US soldiers killed in one week during the Vietnam War:

June 23rd Hydration Day, Pink Day?  1926 first SAT, 1961 the Antarctic Treaty came into effect, the hula hoop was patented in 1964, 2016 the Brexit vote?  June Carter Cash was born June 23, 1929?  Clarence Thomas was born June 23, 1948?   

June 24th Take Back the Lunch Break Day, Patch Day ("...send a token of love to a child in need of support, kindness, and healing in the form of a patch"), Pralines Day, etc.  A "home video recorder" (a video camera or a VCR?) was first demonstrated, on the BBC, June 24, 1963?  Carolyn S Shoemaker, the top comet discoverer, was born June 24, 1929? 


June 24th is, among other days, Midsummer or Saint John's Day; John the Baptist was known for living off of locusts.  June 24th is or was also one of two summer dates for World UFO Day, the other being July 2nd:

A dancing plague is supposed to have broken out in Aachen, Holy Roman Empire, now in Germany, June 24, 1374, spreading to a large part of Europe.  Dancing mania happened again in 1375, 1376, 1381, etc. and had happened around Christmas Eve in the 1020's in Bernburg (Germany):  Another case was in Strasbourg, Holy Roman Empire (now in France) from July to September 1518:

June 24, 1572 -- Spanish occupation of the new Incan capital Vilcabamba, now in Peru?

June 24, 1821 Simon Bolivar's Republicans defeated a Spanish force at the Battle of Carabobo in northern or northwestern Venezuela, winning the independence of what was then combined Gran  Simon Bolivar was born June 24, 1783 inón_Bolívar  An AFGJ petition delivery to the US Mission to the UN at the UN Building in New York City was June 24, 2024 at 4pm. 

US president Stephen Grover Cleveland (March 18, 1837 – June 24, 1908) 

There was a revolution or coup June 24, 1932 in Siam (now Thailand), ending the absolute monarchy:   There was a coup from the right April 1, 1933:état and Thailand's first military coup was June 20th that year:état  Siam first became Thailand June 24, 1939:

There was an explosion 12 miles above Pittsburgh, PA 6/24/1938? – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

A riot by US soldiers in the UK, the Battle of Bamber Bridge, in Lancashire, was June 24-25, 1943:

Born June  24, 1946 in Scranton, Pennsylvania:

Robert Parry (June 24, 1949 – January 27, 2018):

Reportedly a train left Tomashgrodsky, USSR June 24, 1983 pulling 28 cars filled with crushed rock (aggregate?) and was not seen again – Curious Encounters:  Phantom Trains, Spooky Spots, and Other Mysterious Wonders, by Loren Coleman, 1985-86.  Was there really such a train that day and, if so, what happened to it?

Lonesome George, the last known Pinta Island Tortoise, from an island in the Galapagos Islands, dies June 24, 2012. ?  More? CBD

Much of the 12-story Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside, Florida, near Miami, collapsed early in the morning on June 24, 2021, ultimately killing 98 people.  There have been suggestions that the collapse is related to climate change and it could reflect the country's decline.

Roe v Wade was overturned June 24, 2022.  Joe Biden has often taken anti-abortion positions and not very many years ago; see for example: 

The Battle of the Little Bighorn was June 25-26, 1876:

The Korean War officially began June 25, 1950, but fighting had been going on years earlier.  Apparently DPR Korea worked on its side of the DMZ in 2024 and has moved away from the formerly shared Northern and Southern goal of reunifying Korea (see the NKNews article linked further down).  The first major US battle was at Osan July 5, 1950.  China entered the war against the US-run "United Nations Command" October 19, 1950:  The current armistice began July 27, 1953 and has held up to now.  Russian president Putin visited the North for the first time in about two decades, and then went to Vietnam in 2024, which the US has been trying to entice into the new cold/hot war. for example the Jeju Uprising officially began April 3, 1948 (see above).  See also:

The John Carpenter movie The Thing came out June 25, 1982; a previous version premiered April 27, 1951; another version premiered October 10 and 14 in 2011; it started with a short story in August 1938:  , , 

The Alien Nine OAV June 25, 2001-February 25, 2002:

Roman emperor Julian, "the Apostate," in Christian tradition, among other epithets, positive and negative, is supposed to have been born in 331 CE in Constantinople, and passed away June 26, 363, after the Battle of Samarra, now in Iraq, against Sassanid Persia, now Iran.  Julian plays a part in the story of saints John and Paul:

The Pied Piper of Hamelin incident, in northwest Germany, is supposed to have taken place around Saint John and Paul's Day, June 26, 1284.

Francisco Pizarro, Marquess of the Atabillos (circa March 16, 1478 – assassinated June 26, 1541 by the half native Panamanian son of a conquistador Pizarro had had executed July 8, 1538): , , and

The WWI Battle of Belleau Wood, near the Marne River in northern France, was June 1-26, 1918:

The ancient meteorite Österplana 065 (Öst 65), was dug up after hundreds of millions of years (from Ordovician deposits) in the rich Thorsberg Quarry in Sweden, June 26, 2011:

Freed June 26, 2024 in Saipan:

There was another attempted coup in Bolivia Wednesday, June 26, 2024; that night the BBC gave a Bolivian "human rights activist" woman in Washington, DC a long time to air what would otherwise be called a "conspiracy theory," that it was just a "self-coup" carried out to increase support for the current MAS president and provide a pretext to target opponents, as if opponents wouldn't be targeted if a real coup had been put down.  On NPR's 1A Friday, June 28th an email brought up allegations of US involvement and the response was no, that is a '1950's thing!'  The BBC or NPR treated the toppling of the Bolivian government in late 2019 as not being a coup.  (And nothing to see in Butler, PA!)  Bolivia is rich in lithium and other valuable minerals and the US government is always likely to have a problem with the "pink" Bolivian government.

The US Army Environmental Command held a community meeting regarding the former Tarheel Army Missile Plant site, contaminated with benzene, solvents, and two kinds of PFAS; the meeting was June 27th 2-4pm and 6-8pm at the Fairchild Community Center (827 South Graham Hopedale Road in Burlington).  

The contaminated Bingham Park and White Street Landfill issue in Greensboro

An NC algae bloom and fishkill reporting tool:

An OWASA PFAS Community Chat was held June 27th at 6:30pm at the Chapel Hill Public Library, on how to fund the removal of the industrial and consumer chemicals from drinking water, though PFAS aren't known to be released in large quantities into OWASA's water sources, unlike the situation in Pittsboro, Cary, and Durham, if it starts drawing drinking water from Jordan Lake.  Another event was set for July.

The first and only Biden-Trump presidential debate was Thursday, June 27th?  How convenient that RFK Jr didn't meet the polling requirements to participate, but I thought it was defined as a major party debate only, anyway.  Another debate had been set for September, now up in the air.

RIMPAC June 27th-August 1st, and more articles:

The last quarter Moon was Thursday, June 27th.

Welsh naturalist Thomas Pennant (June 27, 1726 – December 16, 1798)

Helen Adams Keller was born June 27, 1880 in West Tuscumbia, Alabama and passed away June 1, 1968 in Easton, Connecticut: l

The Tokyo subway sarin nerve gas attack was March 20, 1995 and there had been a similar attack in Matsumoto June 27, 1994, among other crimes attributed to Aum Shinrikyo: 

President James Madison March 16, 1751 – June 28, 1836

Austro-Hungarian archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated late in the morning on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo, part of Austria-Hungary at the time, leading to the beginning of World War I later that summer.  In the preceding years there had been crises, but they had been defused without provoking a general inter-imperialist war.

The Cominform published a resolution condemning the Yugoslav leadership June 28, 1948 and the Cominform moved its headquarters to Bucharest, Romania from Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Israeli journalist Amira Hass was born June 28, 1956 in Jerusalem:

There were labor protests in Poznan, Poland June 28-30, 1956:ń_protests

The Stonewall riots or rebellion took place June 28-29, 1969 in New York City

June 28, 1973 -- two red UFOs were reported over New York CityUFO Exist! (Paris Flammonde, 1976).

There was a US-backed coup in Honduras June 28, 2009, under Obama-Biden, partially 'undone' after a recent election and the 2024 conviction of JOH on US drug trafficking charges:état

Xiomara Castro was sworn in as president of Honduras January 27, 2022, with the US vice president and other international representatives in attendance, and even a reporter from NPR.  There as little mention on NPR of relevant issues such as the 2009 coup against Castro's husband, Manuel Zelaya, which led to the government whose corruption and poor record was later openly criticized on NPR.  The Obama administration's support for the coup is rarely if ever mentioned.  There was talk of mending fences to address the "root causes" of the mass migration from Central America (with no mention of even the possibility of working with Nicaragua) and talk of whether Honduras will continue to diplomatically recognize Taiwan, in the continuing US cold war against China.  The US government's friendliness seemed very surprising.  Down in 2024?

A mass shooting in Annapolis, Virginia June 28, 2018:

Red and white Hibiscus species blooming in July?  Buttonbushes beginning in June?  Teasel in late June.  Yellow Jerusalem artichokes on Alston and Barbee roads in Durham around June??

A very strong tornado is supposed to have taken a 19 mile path around Feldberg, Woldegk, and Helpt, now in northeastern Germany June 29, 1764: the Great Comet of 1861, discovered May 13th, perihelion June 12th, near the Sun June 29th, June 30th near the Earth, Earth was in its tail over two days; aphelion ~2063 and it is to return in 2267?  The same comet at perihelion April 20, 1500?

The Beloeil train disaster June 29, 1864 in Québec was Canada's worst train accident, with around 99 killed and 100 injured:

June 29, 1881 – claimed to be the

June 29, 1927 the Bird of Paradise, a US Army Air Corps plane, landed at Wheeler Field in Oahu, Hawaii, reportedly a first.

Samantha Reed Smith, born June 29, 1972 in Houlton, Maine and famous for her correspondence with Soviet leader Yuri Andropov, was killed in an airplane crash August 25, 1985 in Auburn, Maine.

Space Shuttle Atlantis docked with Mir June 29, 1995, the first time a space shuttle docked with the Soviet/Russian space station (shuttle mission STS-71).  I think I saw this televised, and it seemed to crawl along at a snail's pace, which is understandable given the massive vehicles involved, travelling around the Earth at thousands of miles per hour.  In July 1975 an Apollo module and Soyuz-19 docked in orbit, the first joint US-Soviet crewed spaceflight.   

夏のあらし! aired April 5-June 29 and October 4-December 27 in 2009 in Japan; the original manga is by Jin!

The International Day of the Tropics is June 29th:  

There was an attack with a crossbow outside Israel's embassy in Belgrade, Serbia June 29, 2024; the attacker and a police officer were killed?

"La Noche Triste" was around June 30-July 1, 1520 during the Spanish Conquest of  At the end of June / beginning of July 1520 a large Spanish and indigenous force under Hernan Cortes was driven out of the Aztec capital and faced total defeat, an event the conquistadores called La Noche Triste (The Sad Night).  A pursuing Aztec force was defeated at the Battle of Otumba July 7th (by the Julian calendar).

June 30, 1521:

London's Tower Bridge was inaugurated June 30, 1894.

June 30, 1903 Rich Mountain, NC (which one?) meteorite

June 30, 1908 in Kaharlyk, Ukraine meteorite

Nazi Germany's Night of the Long Knives extrajudicial killings targeting their own SA/Sturmabteilung/Brownshirts organization and others was June 30th to July 2nd in 1934: and

Three cosmonauts on Soyuz 11 were killed in space June 30, 1971 due to depressurization through a damaged valve as they prepared to leave orbit after being the first (and only) crew of Salyut 1, humanity's first space station.  Georgy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov, and Viktor Patsayev are the first humans known to have been killed in space.

June 30, 1974 the Baltimore municipal strike.

June 30, 1985 Russiaville, Indiana's Western Middle School refused to re-admit Ryan Wayne White, because he had contracted HIV from a blood transfusion.  The school system was eventually forced to allow White to attend but the family moved from Kokomo to Cicero, Indiana due to harassment:

International Asteroid Day is June 30th, and something from space exploded over Siberia that day in 1908 with far more force than the WWII atomic bombs, leveling a large area of forest with a sparse human population.  More recently a much small asteroid exploded high above the city of Chelyabinsk in the Ural Mountains of Russia February 15, 2013 with the force of 440 kilotons of TNT, far more powerful than the atomic bomb used on Hiroshima, and injured many people and damaged buildings ( ).

June 30, 1924 the German newspaper Pester Lloyd in Budapest, Hungary reported that the Matin in Marseille, France had claimed that a 16-foot, 1,323 pound "mix between a shark and a ray," with "a row of saw-shaped teeth only in its lower jaw" had been netted, with difficulty, leaving a fisherman very injured:  Fortean Times July 2024 issue FT446.

June 30, 1962 -- a "red disk" was reportedly seen for 10 minutes over Richmond, VirginiaUFO Exist!, 1976.

In another first for a sitting US president, Trump briefly crossed the Korean DMZ June 30, 2019, and for the second time since 1953 a leader of the DPRK crossed into the ROK.  Trump, Kim, and ROK president Moon Jae-in also held a brief private meeting. 

The French elections began Sunday, June 30th?

June 30th -- Social Media Day, Meteor Watch Day?  The wrong date for that activity.  Trump to DPR Korea in 2019.  Elizabeth Timothy was born June 30, 1702, first female editor in the future USA, editor of the South Carolina Gazette?

The famous Michel de Nostredame, Latinized as Nostradamus, (December 1503 in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone, France – July 1566 in Salon-de-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone):

The Roter Frontkampferbund was active around July 1924 to May 14, 1929; it was banned under the Weimar German government and prosecution continued under theämpferbund 

The Federal Peninsula Campaign, in southeastern Virginia during the Civil War, ended after July 1, 1862? --

In July 1882 two roaring clouds of locusts are reported to have converged near the Reese River in central Nevada (?). Dead locusts and drops of water are supposed to have rained down. Locusts, dead for some reason, covered more than 100 acres six inches to 3 feet deep in less than 15 minutes. The masses of dead grasshoppers attracted “thousands of crows and buzzards.” This comes from Jerome Clark's book Unnatural Phenomena: A Guide to the Bizarre Wonders of North America, drawing from an article, “ A Hopper Cloudburst,” in the July 16, 1882 Daily Nevada State Journal.

The species of grasshopper wasn't identified in the account, if this really happened, but maybe they were Rocky Mountain locusts, which once gathered in vast and amazing or terrifying swarms over much of what is now the central USA, but they are now probably extinct. The settlers wanted to get rid of the grasshoppers, but if the species is extinct, it was probably an unintended consequence of settlement/colonization in the Rockies. A wading bird, the Eskimo curlew, might have gone extinct with the locust. The bounty of the land could go to the locusts and other forms of life, as it had for probably millions of years, or to capitalist agriculture. How did the locust interact with native subsistence agriculture and food systems?  The UN and international technocrats might want to repeat this history on other continents. Have they looked for alternatives?  In the East, Americans couldn't coexist with Carolina parakeets, 'boisterous' or large animals of many kinds, etc., though we now ask poorer countries to preserve their wildlife and forests.  Jeffrey A Lockwood.  9/6?

Beginning 7/1/1892, a battle 7/6:

The Siege of Baler in the Philippines:  July 1, 1898 to June 2, 1899

 July 1, 1933 Cherokee Springs, SC meteorite

The First Battle of El Alamein, Egypt was July 1-27, 1942 and the Second was October 23-November 4, 1942:

The Bretton Woods system was created at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire July 1-22, 1944.

Israeli Air Force attaché Yosef Alon was shot to death early on July 1, 1973 outside his home in Chevy Chase, Maryland, possibly by Black September.


Andrés Manuel López Obrador (often called AMLO) won the Mexican presidential election July 1, 2018, becoming the first presidential candidate since 1988 to win in one round and the first president since the early 20th century Mexican Revolution not from the PRI (the Institutional Revolutionary Party) or a related party.

On or around July 1, 2024 there was more rocket fire from Gaza?

July 1st GoTriangle bus fees returned?  Apparently only a few decades ago Duke Power ran Durham's busystem.

Direct flights from nearby RDU to Mexico City on a Mexican airline began July 1, 2024?  Direct flights to Frankfurt, Germany, a European regional hub, began earlier in 2024?

July 1st 2024 Supreme Court ruling upholding the defacto immunity from prosecution that US rulers already seemed to have?  A Guantanamo connection?  Go Triangle bus fees returned, but were optional until August 1st?  Why would people pay in July, then?

Well-known but anti-communist (?) Albanian writer Ismail Kadare was born January 28, 1936 in Gjirokaster, Albania and passed away July 1, 2024 in Tirana, Albania:

Steve Bannon began a four month term in prison for contempt of Congress July 1st?  To read about the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Russian Revolution (by John Reed??)?

Burlington, Vermont -- an aerial explosion and one or more objects that would now be called UFOs were reportedly witnessed by Bishop John S Michaud, former governor Woodbury, and others July 2, 1907 – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

World UFO Day is supposed to be July 2nd, or June 24th: and

The first French nuclear test, called Aldebaran, was July 2, 1966 in Moruroa in French Polynesia.  Nuclear testing left lasting environmental damage on the atoll.  It was mentioned in a 2022 article on CounterPunch.

 The Palos Verde blue butterfly was classified as endangered July 2, 1980.  

The Asian financial crisis of 1997 is supposed to have started July 2nd in Thailand (as the Tom Yum Kung crisis):

Marianne Williamson suspended her Democratic Party presidential campaign February 7th, re-entered the race February 28th, suspended again June 11th, and retracted the suspension again July 2nd:

The Dog Days of summer are July 3rd-August 11th?  The dates have varied over time and place: and and Star Names.

June 1-July 3, 1871: Joseon

The Battle of Santiago de Cuba July 3, 1898 was apparently the largest naval battle of the Spanish-American War, the conflict often seen as marking the beginning of US imperialism.

Julian Paul Assange (Hawkins) was born July 3, 1971 in Townsville, Queensland, Australia:

Operation Cyclone, CIA financing and arming of the counterrevolutionary Afghan mujahideen, is supposed to have begun July 3, 1979, months before the Soviet intervention on December 24, 1979; supposedly the CIA had nothing to do with Osama bin Laden and–Afghan_War

July 3, 1988 the USS Vincennes shot down Iran Air Flight 655 in Iranian airspace while the cruiser was in Iranian territorial waters in the Persian Gulf during the Iran-Iraq War.  Everyone onboard was killed, a total of 290 civilians (66 children), mostly from Iran, but including people from the UAE, India, Pakistan, Yugoslavia, and Italy.  Allegedly the climbing Airbus A300 airliner was mistaken for an F-14 fighter jet descending for an attack.  The US government expressed regret and paid restitution in 1996, but refused to apologize and the captain and crew of the Vincennes later received various awards.

March 10, 1989 the captain's minivan, driven by his wife, was set on fire by a pipebomb in San Diego and who set the bomb remains unknown. 

See also:

July 3, 2013 -- el-Sisi's military coup against the elected President Mohamed Morsi in Egypt. s

A supernova was seen July 4, 1054 CE a degree from the the southern horn tip of Taurus (now Messier object 1); the Battle of Hattin between the Christian Crusader states and Saladin in Palestine (near the former Palestinian village of Hittin, the Horns of Hattin extinct volcano, and Tiberias in the far northeast corner of Israel) and auroras afterward July 4, 1187 ; the American Declaration of Independence was ratified July 4, 1776; the end of the fighting at Gettysburg and Vicksburg July 4, 1863 during the Civil War; and other events around the 4th of July, mentioned in an earlier 2024 calendar posting.  On NPR, a claim the fireworks leave a lot of harmful fine particulates in the air in California every fifth of July.

Penguin(s) were reported in Pillig, Germany in July 2020? -- Fortean Times July 2024 issue FT446.

Writer Nathaniel Hawthorn (Hathorne) was born July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts and passed away May 19, 1864 in Plymouth, New Hampshire: le

The Battle of Helena, in Arkansas was July 4, 1863: 

During the Anglo-Zulu War (January 11 – July 4 in 1879) the British lost the first major engagement, at Isandlwana, or Isandhlwana, January 22nd.  I saw part of a movie set during this war; maybe it was Zulu, (date?) about the Battle of Rorke's Drift, January 22-23: , , and

The First Franco-Dahomean War, one of two, was February 20 to October 4 in 1890, in what is now Benin (formerly called Dahomey, after a powerful Fon or Aja state there, the "Black Sparta," or Mexico?), between Togo and Nigeria in West Africa.  The Second Franco-Dahomean War was July 4, 1892 to January 15, 1894.  In 1860 the Clotilda bought slaves captured by Dahomey and transported them to Mobile; importing slaves from abroad had long been illegal.  There is still a king of Dahomey, who has a role in the Vodun religion, etc.

7/4/1941 and 9/1/1987:

July 4th is Republic Day in the Philippines, after the July 4, 1946 signing of the Manila Treaty with the USA, the colonial power or metropole:

July 4th is Liberation Day (1994) in Rwanda.

Anime Expo was July 4-7 in Los Angeles:

Durham's Festival for the Eno was July 4th and 6th this year:

Fishing does not require a license July 4th in North Carolina, and licenses vary in cost, some being free:  Various NC licenses cost more starting July 1st and new rules came into effect August 1st.  The electronic version of the Federal Duck Stamp has a slightly higher cost starting August 1st. 

The WRC is seeking volunteers to help plant aquatic vegetation waist deep in Piedmont reservoirs late June-early August:

The NC chapter of the Nature Conservancy and others deny it, but I read about two reported mountain lion sightings here around summer during my lifetime.  They are supposed to be extinct in the Eastern US outside of FloridaEno the Emu was running around near the Eno River in late summer a few years ago, but was killed during a capture attempt.  Before that there was a small alligator in southern Jordan Lake one summer, maybe around 10 years ago.  Alligators are native to North Carolina, but are not naturally found this far inland, at least not in modern times.  Venomous cottonmouths or water mocasins also don't usually come this far inland, though they are found much further inland than alligators, reaching the eastern Triangle, but still not very close to Durham or Chatham counties.  There is or was a remnant population of timber rattlesnakes around northern Durham County and of course copperheads are still present throughout.

The British elections were July 4th.  Keir Starmer's "center-left" Labor Party (very Biden-like "centrist") did well, as had been predicted.  Jeremy Corbyn, who was purged by the Starmerites, won.   Is "imposter syndrome" the reason former prosecutor Starmer is a pro-Israel Labor rightist, though he was once anti-monarchist and a "human rights lawyer?"  Tory/Conservative former prime minister Liz Truss lost her seat, but Rishi Sunak won.  Nigel Faraj's rightist anti-immigration Reform Party did well?  The Scottish National Party lost seats to Labor.  George Galloway lost?  Were there any other leftist parties?

Writer Richard Lee Rhodes was born July 4, 1937 in Kansas City, Kansas:

The 45th annual EnoFest was July 4 and 6 in Durham:

The work of Saints Cyril and Methodius in creating an alphabet for Old Church Slavonic, is celebrated July 5th in the Czech Republic/Czechia and Slovakia.?

The Battle of Chippawa, in Canada was July 5, 1814:

Clara Eissner Zetkin was born July 5, 1857 in Wiederau, Germany and passed away June 20, 1933 in Arkhangelskoye, Moscow Oblast; her ashes are interred in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis:  Some of her works are online at: and available in print from

The WWII Battle of Kursk, the largest tank battle, was July 5 – August 23, 1943.

Bikini Day, marked on X, etc.-- references a press conference July 5, 1946 at the Piscine Molitor public pool in Paris, France, though apparently something like a bikini had been invented by multiple ancient cultures: , , and

July 5, 1950 in divided

The US Freedom of Information Act or FOIA came into effect July 5, 1967? --  In Australia a law came into effect December 1, 1982: and January 1, 2005 in the


Drones/UFOs called unidentified drones/"UAPs" -- US military sightings:  summer 2014-March 2015 off Virginia and NC; November 2004 off California; March 2018 off NC

A few out of the many sightings at Gatwick Airport in London, UK:  July 15, 1991; July 14, 2017 around 7:20pm; May 5, 2018 around 12:45pm; April 28, 2019 around 12:40pm

July 5, 2018 around 9:30am Birmingham, UK airport

September 1, 2020 around 10:13pm at Leeds Bradford Airport

The UKAB UK airprox log:  

-- From Fortean Times magazine June 2021 issue 406.

The Moon was new Friday, July 5th.  

Aphelion, the point in the Earth's yearly orbit furthest from the Sun, was around July 5th? --

The Iranian presidential runoff was July 5th?

Joe Biden was on ABC News July 5th.

Slovakia's Robert Fico made a public appearance July 5th, the first following the assassination attempt.  Orban to Ukraine and Russia.  Trump appeared at the RNC July 15th after the attempt on his life Saturday July 13th?

The Battle of Leuctra in Leuctra, Thespiae, Boeotia between Sparta and Thebes July 6, 371 BCE and the Battle of Mantinea in Mantiniea, Arcadia between Sparta and many cities July 4, 362 BCE (Thebes won both battles) weakened Sparta and Greece became dominated by ancient Macedonia to the north: and

Sir or Catholic Saint Thomas More was born February 7, 1478 in the City of London and was executed July 6, 1535 on Tower Hill in London:  Milton?

The Modoc War was July 6, 1872-June 4, 1873; 153 Modoc were held at the Shawnee reservation in Oklahoma until 1909:  

Painter artist Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón was born July 6, 1907 and passed away July 13, 1954, both in Coyoacan, Mexico; she was married to Diego Rivera, twice:

George W Bush was born July 6, 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut:  His father George HW Bush was born June 12, 1924 in Milton, Massachusetts and passed away November 30, 2018 in Houston:

Elizabeth Kolbert (born July 6, 1961):

Biafra surrendered to the Nigerian government January 14, 1970: ending the war that had begun July 6, 1967.

US soldier Barry Winchell was beaten with a baseball bat July 5th and died from head injuries on the 6th in 1999 at Fort Campbell, near Hopkinsville, Kentucky.  An issue in the murder was Winchell's relationship with transwoman Calpernia and  Army command complicity?

Aum Shinrikyo leader Shoko Asahara (麻原 彰晃) born Chizuo Matsumoto (松本 智津夫) March 2, 1955 – executed, with others, July 6, 2018; there were further executions July 26th: and

The 2024 PeaceWalk joined the anti-NATO protests in DC July 6-7th.

East Asian Qixi/Quiqiao/Tanabata was celebrated July 7th in some places in the USA; Tanabata relates to the bright stars Vega and Altair of summer evenings: and  Images for Tanabata

July-August (From 7/7?  8/10/2024 and 8/29 in 2025? – ); a new way of celebrating is to turn off the lights and go outside to look at the stars. 

Joan of Arc, born around 1412 in Doremy, France was burned at the stake in Rouen in Normandy as a heretic May 30, 1431; she was rehabilitated in a trial November 7, 1455 to July 7, 1456:  Jeanne Hachette (also known as Jeanne Laisne or Fourquet) and other women are supposed to have helped defend the town of Beauvais against Charles (the Bold) Martin, the last Duke of Burgundy July 22, 1472 and afterward:

The Battle of Otumba was around July 7, 1520 (under the old Julian calendar) during the Spanish Conquest of Mexico; the town of Otumba still exists, northeast of Mexico City, and the battle itself was on the plain of Temalcatitlán, according

The undeclared Quasi-War with France, mostly naval battles, was July 7, 1798-September 30, 1800, with an ongoing legacy in the numerous undeclared US wars after WWII:

It was reported that, during a thunderstorm the evening of July 7 (?), 1885, “just after the flash of lightning and crash of thunder which made every one believe for an instant that he had been struck,” “a beautiful as well as awe inspiring scene was presented to the gaze of those so fortunate to be upon the street at the time” – “a ball of fire, resembling a meteor” rapidly crossed the sky east to west over Bismarck (?), North Dakota “produc[ing] a whizzing, sizzling sound, and thr[owing] off numerous sparks in its flight.” The sight “fill[ed] the startled spectator with feelings of terror” as the object raced down.  "With terrific force the glaring missile, hurled from some planetary wreck or produced by some freak of electricity, struck the Missouri River about a quarter of a mile below the landing, the gurgle and momentary roar of the aggravated waters being plainly heard on west Main Street.” This comes from an article, “An Electric Ball,” in the the Bismarck Daily Tribune July 8, 1885, reprinted in Jerome Clark's Unnatural Phenomena: A Guide to the Bizarre Wonders of North America.

The Marco Polo Bridge or Lugou Bridge Incident was July 7-9, 1937 in Beijing, at the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War, which merged into WWII in the Pacific:

After having been destroyed in WWII rebuilding began at the USSR's massive Dneiper hydroelectric dam, now in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, July 7, 1944 and it again produced electricity by March 3, 1947.  The world's largest nuclear power station is also in that city, with the first unit having been built starting April 1, 1980.  June 6, 2023 -- dam break.


Sora no Manimani宙のまにまに, aired July 7-September 22, 2009:

Manitoba Pageant January 1960; July 1873 basis of Incident at Hawk's Hill, by Allan Wesley Eckert (January 30, 1931 – July 7, 2011): and and


Haitian protests began over fuel costs July 7, 2018 and President Jovenel Moise was assassinated July 7, 2021:–present) s

A French election was July 7th, and on June 19th Macron brought up ruling by decree?

Kett's Rebellion, over the enclosure of the common land and other grievances, was July 8-August 27, 1549 in the English county of Norfolk, though there had been unrest in June.  Norwich, the second largest English city, was captured July 22nd or 29th (?); a Royal army was allowed into Norwich and defeated August 1st.  The rebel headquarters had been set up at a nearby strategic point on Mousehold Heath Friday, July 12th.  The historic and ancient Kett's Oak (a separate "Oak of Reformation" was cut down in the mid-20th century, maybe for a "car park?") , one of the 50 Great British Trees, still stands, by a road between Wymondham and Hethersett in Norfolk. Robert Kett of Wymondham, about 57, was initially a target of the movement but became its leader, and is supposed to have been hung from the Oak December 7th.  There was "commotion" by "camp men" throughout East Anglia that summer: , , , and  The Vagabonds or Vagrancy Act of 1547 received royal assent December 24, 1547, though it might not have been enforced:

July 8, 1608 Quebec was founded – This Country Was Ours:  A Documentary History of the American Indian, by Virgil J Vogel, 1974.

The Perry Expedition, sent to force Japan to open to US trade, reached Tokyo Bay July 8, 1853.  

July 8, 1860 Regensburger Zeitung article:  a 7-10-foot "sea-serpent" in Venice was fired upon at the Lido; "a small sea-woman" was captured by Giudecca, Venice fishermen May 28, 1683; a whalelike animal with a piglike snout was captured at the Ponta della Pieta in Venice in late February 1889; FT suggested that it was a beaked whale; in early February 1935 a dead animal 26 by 7 feet and 100cwt/5000kg:  Fortean Times July 2024 FT446.

July 8, 1875 the barque Pauline 20 miles from Cap Sao Roque (Brazil?) reported a serpentine animal fighting with a sperm whale?  July 13 at 7am...:  In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents by Bernard Heuvelmans, translated from French by Richard Garnett, drawings by Alika Watteau, 1968 edition

Booker Thomas Spicey, born December 1, 1909 in Blackstone, Virginia, was killed in downtown Durham by a Duke Power bus driver July 8, 1944:  

July 8, 1994 and October 29, 1998 Mukai Chiaki, born May 6, 1952, went into space.

2020 and 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Deborah Williamson was born July 8, 1952 in Houston, Texas: and  The mainstream media, or NPR, pretended that her campaign didn't exist, and when they did acknowledge candidates challenging Biden in 2024, they only mentioned that Biden-like, just younger, Congressman. I forgot his name -- Dean Philips?

Kim Il Sung passed away July 8, 1994.

夏目友人帳 aired beginning July 8, 2008 in Japan:

Mawaru Penguindrum, 輪るピングドラム, aired July 8-December 23, 2011, with movies April 29 and July 22 in 2022 in Japan, and a manga serialized May 30, 2013-January 30, 2017:

Lars Joachim Mittank, a German man born February 9, 1986 in West Berlin, disappeared July 8, 2014 at Bulgaria's Varna Airport (in Varna, a major city on the Black Sea).  A security camera video put on YouTube has been watched millions of times, but what happened to Mittank and whether he is alive remains unknown:

Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated July 8, 2022

In the Islamic lunar calendar, July 8th is Hijri new year's day this year: and  The new year is 1446 Anno Hegirae?  

Monday, July 8th 6-7:30pm Conserving Carolina's French Broad River Series:  Freshwater Mussels of the Western Carolinas at the Transylvania County Public Library 

Arthur Schopenhauer's mother, Johanna (Trosiener) Schopenhauer, apparently the first German woman to publish works under her own name, was born July 9, 1766 in Danzig, Royal Prussia, Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and passed away April 17, 1838 in Jena, Kingdom of Prussia, Confederation of Germany:

The Federal Siege of Port Hudson on the Mississippi River in Louisiana during Civil War the was May 22-July 9, 1863:

Donald Rumsfeld was born July 9, 1932:

The Allies invaded Sicily July 9-August 17, 1943:  See: and Alfred McCoy -- the US government allied with the mafia in WWII and afterward?

The Battle of Saipan was June 15-July 9, 1944

The Vietnam War Battle of Khe Sanh began January 21, 1968 and lasted until July 9th.

July 9, 1969 Princeton, Maine Passamaquoddy road closure – This Country Was Ours:  A Documentary History of the American Indian, by Virgil J Vogel, 1974.

July 9, 1929 Bald Mountain, NC (which one?) meteorite

July 9, 2001 Bukhara, Uzbekistan meteorite

Cindy Lee Sheehan (Miller; born July 10, 1957 in Inglewood, California); her son:  Casey Austin Sheehan (May 29, 1979 – April 4, 2004) : ; her website is linked on the right.  The encampment anniversary is around August 3rd?  In DC at the Pentagon, etc.: 

Democratic National Committee employee Seth Rich was shot around 4:20am July 10, 2016 in the Bloomingdale area in northwestern Washington, DC; he passed away about 1 1/2 hours after the shooting:

Rudolf Ivanovich Abel (Рудольф Иванович Абель), William August Fisher (July 11, 1903 –  November 15, 1971):

July 11, 1908 Russian VK Arsenyev said that he had disturbed a large flying creature along the "Gobilli River." He asked the "Udehe-men" (Udege? – about it that (?) evening – quoted in The Mothman Prophecies by John Alva Keel (born Alva John Kiehle; March 25, 1930 in Hornell, New York – July 3, 2009 in New York City: and ), 1991 reprint.

February 8, 1974 the last crew left Skylab and it came down beginning 7/11/1979.

July 11th is Día del Árbol (Day of the Tree), Mexico's version of Arbor Day (the second Thursday in July); see Wikipedia and:  

Two pilots reported a UFO a short distance south of High Point, NC July 11, 1947 at 7:20pm, according to the book Weird Carolinas.  There was a report in Orange County in the Daily Tar Heel several years ago, I think in the summer; linked in a recent post.  Many interesting reports are probably not publicized at the time or mentioned in published works.  A UFO reportedly hovered over a Duke Power substation in Mount Airy, NC for nearly 45 minutes very early in the morning one day in August 1968.  There is another report, from Copeland, NC, October 19, 1973.  

The Green Party's 2024 National Convention was held online July 11-14th:  More to come??

July 12, 1488 Joseon official Choe Bu was able to return overland to Korea months after a severe storm and pirate attacks off Zhejiang Province, China caused the ~44 Koreans to lose their ship.  They had departed around February from Jeju Island, near Japan:

Henry David Thoreau (July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862):

Pablo Neruda (Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto; July 12, 1904 – September 23, 1973)

UK journalist Robert William Fisk was born July 12, 1946 in Maidstone, Kent, England and passed away October 30, 2020 in Dublin, Ireland.  His wrote for CounterPunch a few years ago:

The expulsion of most of the Palestinian inhabitants, tens of thousands, of Lydda and Ramle (renamed Lod and Ramla by Israel) was ordered July 12, 1948:

UFOs were detected on radar and seen over Washington DC July 12 – 29, 1952, with the result that the government decided that UFOs needed to be just gotten rid of by debunking, by any means, perhaps reminiscent of the way the government and other elites fear that they are losing narrative control in many areas today, though the media itself often sidelines 'adverse' "expertise."  "Inconvenient truth[s]" about the government, its wars, wildlife, etc. are whispered or swept under the rug, and people often don't notice, apparently.  Or the idea of UFOs/'UAPs" can be used in psychological operations.  It turns out that there is an old term, something like Unknown Atmospheric Phenomenon, UAP, separate from the US government's UAP, unidentified aerial/anomalous phenomenon, but it refers to meteorological anomalies like ball lightning.  Anomalies were recently found in astronomical images from the time.  

July 12, 1961 small, "hard green peaches" reportedly fell at 2065 Lovers Lane and 2062 Shadywood Lane in Shreveport, LA; hickory shad and other freshwater fish October 25, 1947 7-8am in Marksville, LA; a "warm and sticky," "reddish, oily" bloodlike 'rain' reportedly fell from a red, pink, and green cloud over 440 Boal Street in Cincinnati, Ohio July 22, 1955, harming peach trees and causing a stinging sensation on bare skin – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

Princess Mononoke premiered in Japan July 12, 1997:


Collateral Murder,” in which fire from two US Army Apache helicopters killed two Reuters journalists and many civilians, including children, happened in eastern Baghdad July 12, 2007.


Muslims protesting in Jammu and Kashmir were fired upon by the princely government and many were killed July 13, 1931:

Ernő Rubik, the Hungarian inventor of the Rubik's Cube, etc. was born July 13, 1944 in Budapest:ő_Rubik

The first quarter Moon was Saturday, July 13th

There was a NC Green Party Triangle branch information meeting, open to non-members, 1:30-3:00pm Saturday, July 13th at at the Chapel Hill Public Library.  

An Ancient American Artifact Lecture July 13th 4-5pm by curator Angel Gonzalez, featuring a sculpture in volcanic stone of a Toltec warrior (?) from the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan.  On loan from Mexico City's National Museum of Anthropology, to be returned soon?  I was thinking that I should visit the NCMA and Duke's Nasher for the Mesoamerican objects.  What happened to the NCMA's traditional art objects from the Pacific islands?  A free event, with registration. --

Moth Madness festival July 13th 8-11pm, with David George of the Moths of North Carolina website, at Pritchard Park by the Chapel Hill Public Library's covered terrace and outdoor classroom; 35 spaces had been open the morning of July 12th and one by the evening.  A free event, with registration: 

Bastille Day July 14, 1789:  Handwringing over political violence here in 2024.

July 14, 1877 -- the railroad strike began:

Woodrow "Woody "Wilson Guthrie July 14, 1912 in Okemah, Oklahoma-October 3, 1967 in New York City:  July 14th -- Machu Picchu found in 1902?  

Valerie Plame was outed as a CIA employee in 2003: and  Born August 13, 1963, in Anchorage, Alaska.

The Soviet Katyusha multiple rocket launcher was first used by an NKVD unit in a battle July 14, 1941 in Rudnya, Russia and more units were formed after August 8th:

おにいさまへ… aired July 14, 1991-May 31, 1992:

Japan's Marine Day or Ocean Day holiday is July 15th this year, the third Monday of July:

Japanese Tanabata?  August 10th in 2024 and the 29th in 2025?  It used to be July 7th? --  

July 14th (French Bastille Day) is supposed to be World Shark Awareness Day, World Chimpanzee Day, and World Orca Day, July 16th is supposed to be World Snake Day, July 29th is supposed to be International Tiger Day, August 4th  is supposed to be International Clouded Leopard Day, and August 10th  is supposed to be World Lion Day, etc.:  Gerald R Ford was born July 14, 1913:

Construction of a pro-war memorial for the first US-Iraq War began July 14, 2022 in Washington, DC.  Continued US "kinetic" and economic/diplomatic aggression after the war officially ended, mostly under Democrat Bill Clinton, prepared the ground for George W Bush's invasion in 2003 and killed or harmed a huge number of Iraqi civilians and destroyed the once relatively prosperous and developed country.  Justifying this is one of the charges against Clinton's secretary of state, Madeleine Albright.  Similar infrastructure damage and killing of civilians, with the addition of torture, destruction of archeological remains, and neoliberal economic 'reforms' that might not be tolerated by Americans or other peoples not under military occupation, happened again during the Bush-Cheney and Obama-Biden Iraq War.  Pro-war Joe Biden proposed cutting Iraq into three countries (for an election  here?):

Japanese Obon or Bon July 15th or August 18th? -- and

Almira Lincoln Phelps July 15, 1793 in Berlin, Connecticut-July 15, 1884 in Baltimore, Maryland:

July 15, 1799 the Rosetta Stone was found in Rashid, an Egyptian port, by occupying French soldiers at Fort Julien

July 15, 1943 Emilia Plater Independent Women's Battalion in the Soviet First Polish Army.

Reporter Christine Chubbuck, born August 24, 1944 in Hudson, Ohio, is thought to have been the first person to commit suicide on live TV, on WXLT 40, now WWSB in Sarasota, Florida July 15, 1974, age 29; she used a gun:

There was a coup in Cyprus July 15, 1974.

July 15, 2006 premiere:

South Korean Psy's Gangnam Style single was released July 15, 2012, and was played on US radio stations that had been basically limited to only songs music in English.  I don't know about since then?

There was a coup attempt in Turkey July 15, 2016.

The RNC began in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 15th and ran to the 18th; little coverage of protests; the media ignored a nearby 'officer-involved' shooting by police from Ohio?:  

July 16, 1940 late 16th century oval, silver coins were found by collective farmers in Meshchera, near Gorky, USSR after a severe storm:  Fortean Times April 2022 issue FT417.

Catholic Worker Roger Allen LaPorte (July 16, 1943 in Geneva, New York – November 10, 1965 in Manhattan) burned himself fatally November 9th (?) in front of the UN's Dag Hammarskjold Library in New York City for pacifism (?): ?

Irene Amos Morgan (April 9, 1917-August 10, 2007) was arrested July 16, 1944 on a Greyhound bus in Middlesex County, Virginia, leading to a Supreme Court ruling that was ignored for decades:

The USA's Trinity nuclear test was early on July 16, 1945 in Alamogordo, New Mexico.

World Snake Day is supposed to be July 16th.

The first photograph of a star other than the Sun is supposed to have been of Vega, visible overhead for much of the night during the Northern Hemisphere's summer, July 16-17, 1850.  The Sun's corona was first photographed during a solar eclipse July 28, 1851.  The Moon was photographed March 23, 1840.

The Romanovs were executed the night of July 16-17, 1918 during the Russian Revolution.

Interstate bus desegregation 7/16/1944, 4/9/1947, 4/12, 8/1/1952:  A page on Chapel Hill's Peace and Justice Plaza as well.

July 16, 1945 at 5:29 Mountain War Time on the Journado del Muerte -- the Trinity first nuclear test:

Korean People's Army soldiers are supposed to have killed a US chaplain and wounded soldiers in the Chaplain-Medic massacre July 16, 1950, during the Battle of the Kum River, and there were two more alleged more massacres in mid-August.  On the other hand the KPA isn't known to have ordered such killings and an intercepted July 28th order prohibited the killing of POWs; both sides, including US and South Korean soldiers, have been accused of carrying out massacres during the Korean War:–Medic_massacre  There is some discussion of conditions in Korea after the war in the August 2024 issue of Harper's magazine.

Heisei Tanuki Gassen Ponpoko, 平成狸合戦ぽんぽこ, premiered July 16, 1994:

Fragmented Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 began crashing into Jupiter July 16, 1994.

July 16, 2024 -- Samuel Sharpe Jr, a homeless man in Milwaukee, was killed by five Ohio police near the RNC:  London Review of Books August 1 issue

Fresh Spinach Day on the 16th?

The pivotal Battle of Castillon in Gascony, in southwest France July 17, 1453 led to the end of the Hundred Years' War between England and France:  France captured Bordeaux October 19th and the English were distracted by the Wars of the Roses May 22, 1455 to June 16, 1487: and

Eunice Foote Newton July 17, 1819 in Goshen, Connecticut-September 90, 1888 in Lennox, Massachusetts:

July 17, 1829 "a meteor of rather singular character" was seen in the Schuylkill (opposite?), Kensington, and the Delaware River area of Pennsylvania for "about fifteen or twenty minutes" around 11pm-12am, going east into NJ (Jersey)?  "A long trail of light, like that of a shooting star was seen to follow it in the beginning of its ascension; large sparkles that separated themselves from it and descended slowly, were distinctly visible until hidden from view by the tops of the houses.  Its motions were rapid, irregular, and wavering, like the fluttering of a kite or the rocking of an air balloon. / Its appearance was of a deep red color, and remarkably brilliant, seemingly about half the size of the moon.  It arose until it crossed the Delaware, when it appeared but an inconsiderable speck scarcely discernable, and then descended with astonishing velocity until within a short distance of the horizon, where it remained stationary for a few moments.  Suddenly it became exceedingly large and brilliant, sparkles again separated it [?] from the main body, and descended as before.  It soon after became dim and disappeared behind the trees."  From "Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania July 18, 1829, via Martin Piechota" – Flying Saucer Digest #218 Fall 2017.

M*A*S*H actor Donald McNichol Sutherland was born July 17, 1935 in Saint John, in New Brunswick, Canada, and passed away June 20, 2024 in Miami, Florida.  He was vocally against the Vietnam War, and was on an "intelligence community" watchlist for it, and was against the Iraq War, but like too many opposed to the war he then backed Obama.  Apparently he had both a political and a romantic connection with Jane  He was part of Free the Army, which began outside the large Army base in Fayetteville, North Carolina formerly known as "Fort Bragg" March 14, 1971 and ended December 22, 1971 in Yokosuka, Japan.  The media doesn't want to say "anti-war" about Americans in the 21st century, and they don't say much about what happened in the 20th century; I'm not sure if I've ever heard of the FTA Show/Tour and I don't know much about what happened in Fayetteville, though there is still the Quaker House, etc. there:   I think the Ken Burns documentary on the Vietnam War (it premiered September 17, 2017) was faulted for misrepresenting the anti-war movement and I don't remember it even having much military history.  What were the various militaries doing for all of those years, and where?  I think his Civil War documentary (September 23, 1990) answered those questions in general, while the Vietnam and WWII documentaries (September 23, 2007) did not, and they ignored the Eastern European front in WWII.  It did said something about the Viet Minh.  Regarding our civil war, they stopped in 1865, and maybe Reconstruction should have been covered, or in a separate documentary.  Maybe that would have been more controversial.  Nothing on WWI (Americans often 'forget' about the Great War) or the Korean War?  Who will make the great 9/11 and "War on Terror" documentary in English in the 21st century, assuming WWIII doesn't destroy the world first.  Not much on the history of the USSR, China, Iran, or even on neighboring countries or the UK.  There was another Vietnam documentary on PBS once and Russia's War:  Blood Upon the Snow (?) about the Eastern European front in WWII.

FFF link: ?

The Spanish Civil War -- July 17, 1936 to April 1, 1939.

 July 17, 1944 in California, under the US

During World War II Numazu (沼津市, Numazu-shi) on the Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, on the coast southwest? of Tokyo, was bombed eight times, with the worst damage and a firestorm caused by a USAAF bombing the night of July 17, 1945: and  

Love Live! Sunshine!! is set in and around Numazu, but unrelated to WWII; two seasons aired July 2, 2016 to December 30, 2017:!_Sunshine!!  The spinoff Yohane the Parhelion: Sunshine in the Mirror aired July 2 to September 24 in 2023.  The original Love Live! School Idol Project was January 6, 2013 to June 29, 2014, Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club was October 3, 2020 to June 25, 2022, and Love Live! SuperStar!! began July 11, 2021; they are set in various places in Japan:!

The ROK's Constitution Day or Jeheonjeol is July 17, 1948, and July 17th is supposed to be the anniversary of the founding of the Joseon kingdom.  By creating the ROK the US cemented the division of the Korea, with the DPRK being created September 9th of that year. 

Mohammad Daoud Khan overthrew the Afghan monarchy July 17, 1973, founding the Republic of Afghanistan, overthrown in the 1978 April or Saur Revolution:état


Nicaraguan president Somoza resigned July 17, 1979 and went to Miami; the FSLN took Managua July 19th:  The FSLN had been founded July 19, 1961:  Bernie Saunders could support them, but no 21st century Latin American revolutionary leftists?

TWA Flight 800 exploded over the Atlantic Ocean off Long Island July 17, 1996.

Eric Garner was killed July 17, 2014 in Staten Island, New

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was allegedly shot down by separatists July 17, 2014 in eastern Ukraine.  March 8th of that year MH370 disappeared and still has not been found. 

Hot Dog Day on the 17th?  World Emoji Day  Romanov they put here

The 40th Cullowhee Native Plant Conference was July 17-20th at WCU in Cullowhee, North

A North Carolina road and greenway survey July 17

Swimming in the Seine in France July 17, 2024.  The mayor, etc.  Like Mao?

Ju1y 18, 1889 Ferguson, NC (which one?) meteorite

The UN gave the USA control of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (but under this "trusteeship" only the Security Council could change its status, not the General Assembly) July 18, 1947, and the Pacific Proving Grounds for nuclear weapon tests was established five days later, though testing had started there in the summer of 1946.

A large bird in Salt Lake City July 18, 1966; "a whitish man-shaped flying object" just after 2pm in Scot, Mississippi September 1, 1966 (year?); a 9' humanoid of some kind walking in the middle of Buffalo Mills, Pennsylvania August 19, 1973 – The Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint.

July 18, 1984 in San Ysidro in San Diego, California:

The deadly Kyoto Animation arson attack was around 10:31am on July 18, 2019 in the Fushimi ward of Kyoto, Japan, carried out with 11 gallons of gasoline:

US soldier Travis King crossed the DMZ to the North at the Joint Security Area July 18, 2023, but was returned by DPR Korea September 27, 2023:  Harper's magazine August 2024 issue.

The Franco-Prussian War was July 19, 1870 to January 28, 1871.

An explosion and falling rocks July 19th and an explosion and an earthquake (?) August 18, 1912 in Holbrook, in northeastern ArizonaWeird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

Robert Michael Pyle (born July 19, 1947 in Denver, Colorado):  

July 19-20 and July 26-27, or July 12-29, in 1952 UFOs seen and detected by radar over Washington, DC; they escaped interception:  UFO Exist! (Paris Flammonde, 1976) and,_D.C.,_UFO_incident

The Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) triumphed in Nicaragua July 19, 1979 and had been founded July 19, 1961.  The Sandinistas were defeated in a 1990 election agreed to in a peace deal, after years of US-backed Contra terrorism, economic warfare, and US meddling in the election, interference far beyond what the US government claims Russia has done here.

The Babylon 5: Thirdspace movie aired July 19, 1998: The short-lived spinoff Crusade aired June 9-September 1, 1999:  Creator Joseph Michael Straczynski was born July 17, 1954 in Paterson, New Jersey and has Eastern European ancestry:

The Farafra or Al-Wadi Al-Gedi ambush July 19, 2014 in western Egypt:

Urban Beekeeping Day on the 19th?

ICJ ruling against Israel July 19th regarding the occupation and colonization of the West Bank; Israel now also owes the Palestinians indemnification.

General Secretary of the CP of Vietnam and a former president of the SR of Vietnam, April 14, 1944 in Dong Anh, Hanoi, occupied by Japan-July 19, 2024 in Ha Bai Trung, Hanoi:ễn_Phú_Trọng  NPR didn't say "regime," but the focus is on what Vietnam means for the US in the new cold war against China.  A hardcore "Leninist," they say.

July 19, 2024 -- the CrowdStrike update failure

Alexander the Great is supposed to have been born around July 20 or 21 in 356 BCE in Pella, ancient Macedonia and passed away June 10 or 11 in 323 BCE in Nebuchadnezzar II's Babylon palace, now in Hillah, Iraq:  The Alexander the Great-related anime Reign: The Conqueror originally aired September 14-December 7 in 1999? --

There was an attempt to assassinate Hitler with a bomb July 20, 1944.

Jordanian king Abdullah I was assassinated in Jerusalem by a Palestinian July 20, 1951:

July 20, 1969 -- Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped on the Moon.  7/20: ?

Turkey invaded Cyprus July 20, 1974, following the July 15th Cypriot coup.

July 20, 1980 Nicaragua became the first Central American country to establish "official diplomatic relations with the Palestinians" and Yasser Arafat, Maurice Bishop,  Fidel Castro, and Thomas Sankara were among the guests celebrating the First Anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution just before:  AFGJ email, cites:

A report about the US torture (and execution?) of prisoners held in Abu Ghraib, Iraq aired on CBS' 60 Minutes II program April 28, 2004, and there was an article in the New Yorker by Seymour Hersh April 30th, but there had been reports of torture and prisoner uprisings since June 20, 2003, etc.  It is now buried, and they will try to bury what they are doing in the current wars:

A Pop-up DVD sale July 20th 11am-3pm at the Main Library in Durham

NC Moth Week July 20-28th:

July 21, 1378 ciompi wool carders and other non-guild workers seized power in the Republic of Florence, now in Tuscany,

The Battle of the Pyramids was July 21, 1798 between a French army under Napoleon and Egyptian Ottoman forces, who were defeated.  The battle was in Embabeh, west (?) across the Nile River from Cairo and further away from the Pyramids, though they could be seen:

The Battle of First Manassas/the First Battle of Bull Run, the first major battle of the Civil War, was July 21, 1861 in northern Virginia near Washington, DC:

July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Cook County, Illinois-July 2, 1961 in Ketchum, Idaho:

Academic Theodor Herzl Gaster was born July 21, 1906 in London, UK and passed away February 2, 1992 in Philadelphia:


July 8-21, 1946:

The first Barefoot Gen movoie premiered July 21, 1983:

The very large and ancient? Chinese paddlefish (白鲟 , 白鱘 , Psephurus gladiuswas declared extinct July 21, 2022?  If it is truly extinct, that leaves only the American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula), also threatened, alive out of this ancient lineage:  The Yangtze sturgeon was also declared extinct.  CAR.

The Moon was full Sunday, July 21st.

Sunday, July 21st -- the end of the season Community Day at the NC Museum of Art, free entry to the To Take Shape and Meaning:  Form and Design in Contemporary American Indian Art exhibit (March 2nd-July 28th) and other activities:  July 26th an event on sustainable and indigenous cuisine.

July 22, 1864:

July 22, 1911-March 28, 1984:

Declared July 22, 1944 in Chelm,

CP of Nepal founder, June 28, 1924-July 22, 1978:

July 22, 1983 solo aerial circumnavigation of the Earth by helicopter?  Inadequate write-up in the email.

Uday and Qusay Saddam Hussein, Abdul Samad al-Hadushi, and Mustafa Hussein were reportedly killed in a raid by the 101st Airborne, involving hundreds of soldiers on the ground and in the air, over a few hours at mid-day, July 22, 2003 in Mosul, 

July 22, 2023 a US ballistic missile submarine was sent to Busan, in the ROK; the last such mission was in 1981.  And in Guantanamo, Cuba?

The traditional Western Leo period, following Cancer, begins July 23rd, but apparently the Sun is now 'in' Cancer from July 7th to August 11th and in Leo August 12th to September 17th.


April 27, 1822-July 23, 1885:

Michael David Wood (July 23, 1948):

July 23 or 25 in 1948 a UFO near Montgomery, Alabama 

The Communist Party of China (CPC) was founded in July 1921.  It's first National Congress was held July 23-31, 1921, moving from the French-held part of Shanghai to a boat in nearby Jiaxing's South Lake, in Zhejiang Province.

The Sri Lankan Civil War, between the government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam / the Tamil Tigers or LTTE, began July 23, 1983 and ended in 2009.

Comet Hale-Bopp was independently discovered by astronomer Alan Hale and amateur astronomer Thomas Bopp July 23, 1995.  According to the Wikipedia entry there might be a record in ancient Egypt of Hale-Bopp's previous entry into the inner solar system in July 2215 BCE; the comet won't appear again for thousands of years.   One prediction was August 6, 4393?

STS-93, July 23-28, 1999, was the first space shuttle mission led by a woman, Eileen Collin, and launched the Chandra X-ray Observatory.  It was apparently the heaviest shuttle mission ever.  There was also the Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment.  The Chandra Observatory might not be maintained much longer.  Its first image, showing the 1690's supernova remnant Cassiopeia A, was released August 26, 1999.  In 2021 Chandra might have found the first extra-galactic exoplanet, in M51, the Whirlpool Galaxy.  From the summer 2024 issue of the Smithsonian's Air and Space , , , and the August 2024 issue of Sky and Telescope magazine.

The Downing Street Minutes or Memo Day July 23, 2002: 

The Downing Street Minutes come from a British government meeting July 23, 2002 discussing the Bush administration's plans to engineer a war with Iraq.  The memo was revealed by a British newspaper May 1, 2005, but seems to have been poorly covered in the USA. 

WHO declared the 2022 global monkeypox/"mpox" outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern July 23, 2022:

Reportedly sometime in July 1851, prior to July 24th, "blood and thin slices of fresh meat showered down on the parade ground" at an Army base in Bernicia, near Vallejo on California's Sacramento River, near San Francisco Bay.  The meat was supposed to have been sliced about 1/8th inches thick and some pieces had "a rim of short bristles."  In three minutes on sunny, clear August 1, 1869 two acres on the J Hudson ranch in the Los Nietos area of Los Angeles are supposed to have been "covered with wafer-thin flakes" of fresh, bloody meat "up to four inches in width" that "seemed to become putrid very quickly."  There were "fine black bristles on one edge."  Pieces of ice of up to 50 pounds, some slightly conical, fell July 4, 1953 around 1400 and 1500 American Avenue in Long Beach and two cars were damaged.  A 5-foot, 60 pound "crocodile" was dropped "with a heavy thump and loud grunt" into the backyard of 2525 Quincy Avenue, belonging to Marion Tucker late in 1960.  From Coleman, 2001 -- July 2, 1843 on Anson Street, Charleston, SC an alligator fell in a thunderstorm; December 1877 before the 26th, in the NYT, six allegedly fell, about a foot long, at a turpentine farm in Aiken County, SC; September 21 (?), 1970 "an 18-inch crocodile" was found in a cotton bin in Brownsville, Texas. In the Brownsville Herald  American alligators and American crocodiles are different species, so which are they?  October 26, 1956 Mrs Faye Swanson found a "small monkey" dead at 723 Stoneyford Drive in Broadmoor, in the San Francisco Bay area.  It had broken a four by four inch post in its fall.  San Francisco International Airport had no explanation.   Somewhere ill-fated (or fortunate?) lobsters got loose in a US military (?) helicopter and fell out.  I think it was said that a vulture dropped a tortoise on an ancient Greek philosopher, killing him.  There were "sky blasts" in the Bernicia area, around Solano and Contra Costa in May 1951, and in summer 1959 (also in Roswell, NM; Amarillo, TX; and over the town of Henderson or in Warren County in North Carolina), August 18, 1962, October 22, 1971 around Daly City, etc?.  A tear drop-shaped "cast-iron object about twice the size of a military grenade" weighing around five pounds, "with a brass screw in the center and a minute hole in the tail end" penetrated a garage at 600 Key Boulevard in Richmond, California and "embedded" in Albert T Haynes' truck July 31, 1957 and was found the next day.  "'Probably an airliner antenna weight?'"  There is supposed to have been a "fall of fleshlike organic matter over Santa Clara County" in the San Jose area, sometime in June 1869.  September 2, 1878 perch and catfish are supposed to have fallen in Chico, "covering several acres."  There were supposedly explosions and falls of something hard there in March 1885.  Warm stones are supposed to have fallen on a warehouse in Chico in mid-March 1922 and off and on for 9 months beforehand.  Rock candy fell over Napa, California in fall 1857?  In mid-April 1958 "large, jagged chunks of ice," not hail, fell at Leo Kozlowski's home in Napa.  There was a report of "angel hair" and UFOs around 8am October 4, 1971 over Monterey Bay.  Police officer Gene Blaney reported the landing of a burning object in Putnam County, New York, near Brewster, around 3:30am October 8, 1967.  An explosion and smell in De Witt, Syracuse, New York August 7, 1971 around 4:20am.  Pebbles pelted fishermen near West Lake Road at Skaneateles Lake in Syracuse the night of October 28, 1973.  An object like a "'golden egg'" supposedly landed September 10, 1973 at Res Clanton's home in Orchard Hill in Griffin, Georgia.  Add the Concord, NC and Manitowoc falls?  October 1958 a brand new 2-franc coin at 1005 Woodland Drive in Gastonia, NC, etc.  An explosion, tremors, and lights around October 8, 1857 in Saint Louis, Missouri.  A fall of "'flinty' stones in Bismarck, North Dakota May 22-23, 1884.  October 12 and after in 1888 -- nails, mixed with some oyster shells and earth, were reportedly flung at the Point Isabel lighthouse in Texas, with many witnesses watching.  Corn crib problems near Buchanan, Virginia in 1871?  A fall of catfish up to one foot in length in Norfolk, Virginia in 1853?  Police officers reported the landing of "a gelatinous mass about six feet across and a foot thick in the center, tapering to a couple of inches at the edges/ with"a dull purple glow" at the corner of 26th and Vare Boulevard Vare at night on September 26, 1950.  It sublimated away in less than 30 minutes.  Salina, Kansas 80-pound block of ice in August 1882  

Decatur, Illinois July 1917 an "'African lion;'" June 25, 1965 "a 'big, black catlike animal;'" June 28th (?) it took a lunch from children in Lincoln Park. -- Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States by Jim Brandon, 1978 E.P. Dutton.

Robert von Ranke Graves, author of The White Goddess, etc. was born July 24, 1895 in Wimbledon, Surrey, UK and passed away December 7, 1985 in Deia, Majorca, Spain:

The Inca mountaintop city of Machu Picchu in Peru was re-discovered by the outside world July 24, 1911, but the inhabitants of the area already knew of the ruins:  The Conquest of the Incas by John Hemming, 1970.  

Around 4:15pm July 24, 1973 papers were reportedly seen falling from high in a clear sky over North Greenbush, near Albany, New York; a few were picked up off of Lape Road 30-45 minutes later and found to have "complex mathematical formulas and accompanying graphs" – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

There was a military coup in Greece April 21, 1967, ending July 24, 1974:

Friday, July 24, 1998 a gunman killed two Capitol Police officers and wounded a tourist at the US Capitol, apparently the first killing of a Capitol Police officer in an attack and the first gunfire in the building since a March 1, 1954 attack by Puerto Rican nationalists, which resulted in injuries only, prior to 2021:  Shooter Russell Eugene Weston Jr had been known to the Secret Service since 1996, but was judged mentally ill.  In July 1996 he had been allowed into the headquarters of the CIA:

7/24/2004? -- 

US forces invaded Puerto Rico July 25, 1898 during the Spanish-American War, first coming ashore in Guánica.

ANSWER etc. organized an anti-Netanyahu demonstration at the US Capitol building in Washington, DC July 24th, starting at 11am.

The star T Coronae Borealis, or the Blaze Star, in Corona Borealis, near the bright star Arcturus in Bootes, all up for much of the night at this time of year, is supposed to have a recurring nova explosion within the next three months or in the near future, and will go from more or less invisible to the naked eye to being as bright as the North Star, Polaris, though that still wouldn't be that bright:  a report on NPR June 20th or 21st and the 28th in the early afternoon and  See Spacewatchtower:

The Battle of Lundy's Lane or Niagara, in Canada, was July 25, 1814:

Rightist (Democrat or not) warmonger Anne Applebaum was born July 25, 1964 in Washington, DC, but now has both Polish and US citizenship; her family apparently originated in what is now Belarus:

The Kenyan vanguard to Haiti arrived June 25, 2024, despite unrest and violence back in Kenya: 


US forces invaded Puerto Rico July 25, 1898 during the Spanish-American War, first coming ashore in Guánica.  See also:

Presenter Razia Iqbal, based in the US, left the BBC around July 18 or 25th in 2022 or 2023. 

Inca emperor Atahualpa was given a sort of trial and executed by the Spanish force under Francisco Pizarro around July 26, 1533.  Pizarro was assassinated June 26, 1541 during infighting among the conquistadors.

Aldous Leonard Huxley was born July 26, 1894 in Godalming, Surrey, UK and passed away November 22, 1963 in Los Angeles County, California:

Apparently the National Security Act, signed by Harry S Truman July 26, 1947, created the Air Force, CIA, Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Security Council.  Truman later regretted creating the CIA?

Argentine political figure Eva (Evita) Peron was born May 7, 1919 in or near Junin and passed away July 26, 1952 in the Unzue Palace in Buenos Aires, Argentina:ón

The last or one of the last battles of the Korean War, Samchion River, was July 24-26, 1953, though a real peace has never been concluded:

Fidel Castro's failed assault on the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba and another military barracks attack under Raul Martinez  Arras in Bayano were July 26, 1953, inspiring the name of the July 26 Movement that succeeded in 1959s:

July 26th is the anniversary of the failed assaults in 1953 on the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba, under Fidel Castro, and the Carlos Manuel de Cespedes Barracks in Bayano, under Raul Martinez Arras, after the possibility of electoral politics had been foreclosed in Fulgencio Batista's Cuba.  The 26th of July Movement was formed a few years later during the Cuban Revolution, which succeeded in removing Batista and then moved in a socialist direction, providing an example and resource for resistance to imperialism in the Americas and elsewhere.  The 26th is a Cuban national holiday.  See: , , , , 

Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal and barred Israeli ships from the Straits of Tiran July 26, 1956, leading to the Suez Crisis.  

The Republic of the Maldives gained independence from the UK July 26, 1965; it had been a British protectorate:

Wataru Kaji (鹿地 亘, Kaji Wataru, May 1, 1903 – July 26/27, 1982):

The ADA was signed July 26, 1990.

India claims victory in the Kargil War, fought around Jammu and Kashmir, May 3 – July 26, 1999: and

The Democratic Party nominated Hillary Clinton July 26, 2016. 

The Nigerien presidential guard overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum July 26, 2023.  July 30, 2023 ECOWAS threatened a military response if Bazoum was not restored to power within a week.  By July 31st Mali and Burkina Faso said that they would give Niger military support if it were attacked and Guinea said that it would not participate in sanctions.  These three countries have also had military coups recently, forcing the French and other NATO country military forces to relocate to Niger, also a source of uranium, gold, and oil.  The Russian Wagner Group replaced French forces in Mali.  Ukrainian aid to terrorists in Mali in summer 2024?

The 2023 coup in Niger was July 26th:état  There have been recent military coups in neighboring countries, such as in

The 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris opened July 26th, though some competitions began July 24th, and close August 11th; Israelis and Ukrainians can participate under their own flags, while Belarusians and Russians have to be "neutrals," and the US impugned Chinese athletes (Absolved?  What of the charges US doping?) : , and  There is Palestinian team?  How many athletes have been killed by Israel in Gaza?  See also: and  Engineered for NATOland medalling?  ?? --

The 2024 Summer Olympics, centered in Paris, officially opened July 26, 2024, though some competitions began July 24th.  The French high-speed rail system was sabotaged around Paris with three arson attacks and an attempted fourth attack.  From the Left?  Israeli and Ukrainian athletes can participate under their flags, while Russian and Belarusians have to compete as "neutrals," and the US attacked the Chinese team's integrity.  The beginning of the NATO Olympics?  There is Palestinian team?  The US, UK etc. of course participated under their flags during their "War on Terror."  See: and  

July 27, 1585 landing at Roanoke Island "Virginia," now in NC – This Country Was Ours:  A Documentary History of the American Indian, by Virgil J Vogel, 1974.

The Gulf War Did Not Take Place / La Guerre du Golfe n'a pas eu lieu by French sociologist Jean Baudrillard (July 27, 1929 – March 6, 2007) was published in Libération and The Guardian newspapers in a series, January 4, February 6, and March 29 in 1991.  Referred to in:

The Korean War armistice began July 27, 1953 and has continued ever since.  ROK president Syngman Rhee did not sign the document.  In DPR Korea July 27th is commemorated as the Day of Victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War.   

July 27th is Remembrance Day for Child Victims of the Donbass

The last quarter Moon was Saturday, July 27th.

July 28, 2005 -- The Provos ceased attacks? --  

July 28th -- Navy Day in Russia.  A Ukrainian assassination plan that day?

Thomas Cromwell was executed by beheading July 28, 1540 on London's Tower Hill:

Wikipedia dates World War I (or the forgotten Great War / the First Inter-imperialist War) to July 28, 1914-November 11, 1918:

The USA occupied Haiti July 28, 1915 to August 1, 1934 and another military intervention is going on in summer 2024 under Biden and Harris.

July 28, 1946 – censoring ghost rocket information in Sweden; dates of red rains page 181-182; from UFO Exist!, by Paris Flammonde, 1976. 

Writer William Tanner Vollmann was born July 28, 1959 in Los Angeles:

The Hackney, London, UK Mole Man, William Lyttle, 75, was temporarily evicted July 28, 2006 for repairs and the filling in of his tunnel works:  Fortean Times June 2024 issue FT445

The 2024 Venezuelan elections, probably marred by US and UK interference and incitement of insurrection, were July 28th. CP ,

The US and UK created the groundwork to condemn the elections in Venezuela Sunday, July 28th and justify a coup attempt.  "Authoritarian" Maduro and the wrecked economy, without a word about US actions.  Venezuelan "socialism" is counterposed to "democracy."  The World, etc. got a Latina with an authentic strong accent to say such things for the elite "Yankees" and NPR has a Nicaraguan immigrant (or maybe his parents immigrated, I don't remember), now based in Mexico City, to vilify targeted Latin American countries.  They brought out John Otis and Carrie Kahn instead.  What they condemn Trump for they want to see happen to a far greater and bloodier extent in Venezuela and other countries, if the candidates preferred by the US government don't gain power, and here comes Trump for Juan Guaido and "Bay of Piglets" II, if not worse.  Here is NPR's Carrie Kahn to build up the legend of "pro-business" Machado, as they admitted, "not even on the ballot."  The point person for NPR on the 28th, and getting an accent too?  The sanctions, only under Trump, didn't wreck the Venezuelan economy, a thinktank says -- and that is that.  Machado wears a large white cross, for what reason?  Their Republican "Christian nationalism" and "white nationalism" boogeymen are okay when voiced by the rightist "opposition" in countries like Bolivia.  They covered up alleged war crimes and lack of democracy for the Ukrainian government and Biden's European war effort, so what are they covering up about Machado and the "Venezuelan opposition" (I read that she called for a US and Israeli invasion of her country, not mentioned by the MSM)?  (What are they covering up about Kamala Harris and Timothy Walz?)

Russian and Chinese aircraft, a first, approached the USA what day? 

Halley's Comet will next be at perihelion July 28th in 2061 and be near the Earth on the 29th, and then again March 27th and May 7th in 2134:

There was a Revolutionary War battle at the House in the Horseshoe in a bend of the Deep River at the northeast corner of Moore County July 29 or August 5, 1781.

Caught July 29, 1897, passed away January 19, 1929? --

Jack Shulman (July 29, 1914-1999?): and

Six people, including close relatives, identified a body found in a ravine in West Peterson, New Jersey as Mrs Myrtle Conklin Voorhees Headwell, 43, of Orange Tuesday, July 29, 1941, but then she turned up alive, reported in the New York Times that July 31st:  Fortean Times June 2022 issue FT419  Fortean Times also covers strange deaths and cases of people coming 'back to life' at their funerals, etc., and some of this used to be free content on their website, but it was cut awhile ago.

The failed Young Ireland Rebellion/Famine Rebellion/Battle of Ballingarry/Battle of Widow McCormack's Cabbage Patch for liberation from British rule was July 29, 1848, during the European Revolutions of 1848, in Farranrory, near Ballingarry in County Tipperary, in the southeast of Ireland: and,_South_Tipperary

Asteroid 15 Eunomia, one of the largest, was discovered July 29, 1851 by Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis.

The Courier-Journal of Louisville, Kentucky reported July 29, 1880 that a man with flapping mechanical wings had been seen by a CA Youngman and Bob Flexner – The Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint.

Filmmaker Ken Burns, Kenneth Lauren Burns, was born July 29, 1953 in Brooklyn, New York:

There was fighting July 29th to August 1st during the 1967 Opium War around northwestern Laos, bordering China and what was called Burma at the time:

The discovery of the distant dwarf planets Eris and Makemake was announced July 29, 2005, and the discovery of Haumea had been announced on the 27th?  The objects had actually first been observed months earlier.  Makemake is named for a god from Rapa Nui / Easter Island.

Dwarf planet Eris was imaged October 21, 2003, discovered in those images January 5, 2005, and the discovery was announced together with Makemake July 29, 2005:  Haumea July 20, 2005:  June 4, 2002 Quaoar, with unexplained rings in 2023:  Sedna November 14, 2003:  Gonggong July 17, 2007:  Salacia September 22, 2004, with moon Actaea July 21, 2006, one of several satellites found around the "dwarf planets" so far: and  Imaged June 21, 2003:

The not so cutting edge F-16s now in Ukraine?

The Civil War Battle of the Crater was Saturday, July 30, 1864:

July 30, 1915 the submarine U 28 sank the 600-foot, 5223-ton British steamer Iberian in the North Atlantic, off Ireland (?) and the German captain, Georg Gunther Freiherr von Forstner, and other officers and crew reportedly saw a crocodilelike animal that was briefly (10-15 seconds?) thrown or leapt entirely clear of the water.  U 109 reportedly encountered an approximately 100-foot crocodilelike animal in the North Sea at 10pm July 28, 1918.  A sailor, P.W., from the Netherlands reportedly saw a large, thin, light gray animal with a long neck about 400 miles north of Suriname July 22, 1916.  July 30, 1875 the Princess between Egg Rock, Swampscott, Nahant, and earlier.  Near Boston:  In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents by Bernard Heuvelmans, translated from French by Richard Garnett, drawings by Alika Watteau, 1968 edition and ,

July 30, 1926-November 3, 2023:

The Japanese destroyer Hatsushimo survived the sacrificial Operation Ten-Go / the Battle of the East China Sea, but was sunk July 30, 1945 near Maizuru by a mine dropped from the air, becoming the 129th and last destroyer lost by Japan during WWII.

April 20-July 30, 1949 the Yangtze or Amethyst Incident, between the PLA and the UK's Royal Navy during the Chinese revolutionary civil war: and   Comparisons to today's "freedom of navigation" exercises through the Taiwan Strait?  The Corfu Strait?  

Simón Trinidad (born July 30, 1950) or Juvenal Ovidio Ricardo Palmera Pineda  See a previous summer post:

July 30, 1962 a red UFO was reportedly seen in Ocean Springs, MississippiUFO Exist!, 1976.

Journalist Herbert Lionel Matthews, author of the 1975 book Revolution in Cuba and other works, was born January 10, 1900 in Manhattan, NYC and passed away July 30, 1977.  He met with then guerrilla leader Fidel Castro February 17, 1957, etc.

The last week in July is National Whistleblower Week, with the official National Whistleblower Appreciation Day July 30th, created by Congress in 2021, marking the first US law protecting whistleblowers, in 1778.  That case involved retaliation against people alleging that British sailors were tortured.  In the 21st century the US government would try to silence or even kill a whistleblower exposing US torture programs and the media would try to keep it quiet and not call it torture: and ?

Tuesday July 30th 10-11:30am:

7/30:  Retaliation with truck-launched missiles?

July 30th comment deadline on the Chapel Hill coal ash dump.  A delay on the remediation of Greensboro's Bingham Park.

July 30, 2024 -- the Southport, UK riots

Etienne Marcel, assassinated from within the Paris organization July 31, 1358, followed by a violent purge? --Étienne_Marcel  

The famous Maud's Elm, once at a crossroads in Swindon, now part of Cheltenham, in Gloucestershire, UK lost a massive limb July 27, 1907 and was toppled with steam tractors July 31st, and so it goes.  Nothing new was planted.  It had been filled with cement, like UNC's Davie Poplar.  It was called Maud's Elm in 1833, Maul's Elm 1806-1832, and Mowle's Elm in 1777.  There was also Piff's Elm nearby, on the Tewkesbury-road:  Fortean Times magazine June 2021 issue 406.

Panamanian leader Omar Efraín Torrijos Herrera (February 13, 1929 – July 31, 1981, an assassination by the US?).  Pro-US, anti-Venezuela Panama now, under a new government? 

In another drone strike, a CIA drone allegedly killed al Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in Kabul, Afghanistan around 6am July 31, 2022, without any non-combatant casualties, and the Taliban was accused of violating promises not to allow terrorist actions to originate in the country.  Born June 19, 1951 in Giza, Egypt Ayman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiri

A three person 9/11/2001 plea deal; rescinded by the Pentagon leadership by the 2nd.

The Southern delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks July 29-30th and Southern delta Aquarids can be seen from July 18th to August 21st:  Their full list, including both major and more obscure or 'esoteric' showers:

The alpha Capricornid meteor shower peaks July 30th-31st and they can be seen from July 7th to August 15th:

Yellow bearsfoot/bear's foot blooms around mid- to late July, to as late as September, followed by crownbeard, in Chapel Hill?  Yellow tickseeds (Bidens) in the Cape Fear River basin southeast of UNC around September.  

The cross-quarter day Lammas / Loaf Mass Day and Gaelic Lughnasadh / Lughnasa are August 1st.

The Celtic/British? quarter day Lughnasadh, Lughnasa/Lughnasadh/Lunasa and Lammas is August 1st or 6th? -- , ,

A French force was defeated by British Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson in the Battle of the Nile in Aboukir Bay, Egypt August 1-3, 1798:  Star Names:  Aboukir is the ancient port of Canopus?

Astronomer Maria Mitchell was born August 1, 1818 on Nantucket, in MA:

Writer Herman Melville (Melvill) was born August 1, 1819 in New York City and passed away September 28, 1891, also in New York:

August 1-16, 1936 -- the Berlin Olympics.

China's PLA Day is August 1st.

The Harlem riot of 1943 was August 1-2: 

Durham's Japanese sister city, Toyama (富山市, Toyama-shi), on the Sea of Japan, sort of facing Korea, the capital of Toyama Prefecture, was largely destroyed by bombing August 1-2, 1945; the hometown of Tsutomu Shirosaki?? --

The Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador, the PCMLE, was founded in August (Wikipedia says the date was August 1, 1964, but this might be inaccurate).

August 1st – 7th is World Breastfeeding

Former Durham County Commissioner Becky Heron, in office December 6, 1982 – August 1, 2011, passed away January 23, 2014 (born in 1927): and

The NC Green Party again gained state recognition August 1, 2022.

Around August 1, 2024 -- the USA and Russia exchanged convicted spies and other prisoners, allegedly innocent "hostages" from NATOland.  "Illegals," meaning undercover spies, in the country via what route?  Their un-PC wording on NPR? 

The Battle of Cannae was August 2, 216 BCE during the Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage.  Carthaginian general Hannibal led an army, including elephants, through mountain ranges from modern Spain to Italy.  The battle was near a village in Apulia/Puglia near the 'bootheel' of Italy. Hannibal was surrounded by a larger Roman army and utterly defeated them?  In the end Carthage, a Phoenician city in modern Tunisia, lost the war:

 August 2, 1790 -- the first census of the USA's population was finished?

Around 1:30am August 2, 1905 a JA Jackson of Silshee, California reportedly saw a bright airship (while in Silshee?) with flapping wings – The Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint.

Oklahoma's Green Corn Rebellion over US entry into WWI and drafting was August 2-3, 1917.

Memorializing August 2-3, 1944; there are other dates by country:

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident was August 2 and 4 in 1964.  Plankton on the 4th?  Blunder into a 21st century major war with China?

Reportedly, around 1:15am August 2, 1983 by the Government Bridge on Basing-stoke Canal in Aldershot, UK a 77-year-old man was rejected for UFO abduction:  "You can go.  You are too old and too infirm for our purpose.  Very few "Grays" in here? --  Bartholomew and Howard, 1998.  FT:  no more abductions??

Apparently the Osaka (?), Japan company Wacoal declared August 2nd Pantsu no Hi, パンツの日, in 1984:  J-List blog.  Link?  Or is August 2nd Bunny no Hi, バニーの日 (hashtag search on X), in Japan?  For some reason the USA has an Underwear Day on August 5th and Shapewear Day on the 10th.  Lingerie Day 2024 already went by.  

James Donald "J.D." Vance was born August 2, 1984 in Middletown, Ohio; he was elected to the Senate in Ohio in 2022:

 At 2am on August 2, 1990 in Kuwait:

Nancy Pelosi and five other Democratic members of Congress made a state visit to Taiwan August 2-3, 2022, the highest American official to go there since Newt Gingrich went in 1997.  This enraged China, which began holding military exercises around the Island, also involving Japan; sanctioned Pelosi and her family; and took other steps.  The Kuomintang lost the Chinese civil war on the mainland to the CPC, but maintained a US-protected dictatorship on Taiwan for decades, with political reforms not that long ago.  There might not be a direct parallel in US history, but the US government often considers neighboring countries such as Cuba to rightfully be under its control.  Imagine the reaction if a country substantially supported the movements seeking independence for parts of the USA today, such as Puerto Rico.  The US Civil War was almost internationalized by military interventions on both sides, which could have created two "American" states, similar to how China, Korea, and other nations were divided.  This happened during RIMPAC in 2022

The 30th Otakon was August 2-4 in Washington, DC, formerly in Baltimore, Maryland:   Anime Weekend Atlanta was a fall convention in the greater Atlanta, Georgia area (Marrietta?) but is now in early December (the 12-15th) in downtown  Haganai at Otakon: ?  Haganai aired October 7-December 23, 2011  The manga ran August 31, 2009-August 25, 2015.

Thomas Francis Meagher was born August 3, 1823 in Waterford, County Waterford County, Ireland.  While serving as the territorial secretary of state and acting territorial governor of Montana Meagher disappeared July 1, 1867 in the early evening while on the Missouri River steamboat GA Thompson in Montana (in or near Fort Benton?), possibly an assassination:

August 3-13, 1903, declared byševo_Republic

Found August 3, 1971 in Mongolia? --

8/3 --

A name changing clinic at the Main Library in Durham August 3rd 10:30am-4:30pm

A supernova in Cassiopeia in our galaxy was recorded in China and Japan August 4-6, 1181.

Susanna Wright (August 4, 1697 – December 1, 1784)

Around 9pm August 4, 1990 in Calvine, Scotland "13 miles (21km) north of Pitlochry" -- a  photo of a large "diamond-shaped UFO" and two Harrier fighter jets (?), given to the Daily Record, the US and UK militaries apparently thought that it was a secret US or UK aircraft (the UK was accused of having misused US secrets to develop its own stealth aircraft); connected to the 1990 events in Kuwait? -- Fortean Times October 2022 issue FT423.

Around August 4, 2023 Ukraine attacked a Russia-flagged civilian tanker in the Black Sea, before such an attack by Russia.

Journalist Helen Amelia Thomas was born August 4, 1920 in Winchester, Kentucky and passed away July 20, 2013 in Washington, DC.  She was a famous and praised journalist at the White House, until she commented against Israel and for the Palestinians May 27, 2010 and afterward and the mainstream media 'cancelled' her.  People might not know who she was now.  She worked for a Falls Church, Virginia newspaper for a few years afterward.  Her parents were from Ottoman Tripoli, Lebanon and she was a practicing Antiochian Orthodox Christian:  US presidents are hardly a concern for the Israeli government in the 21st century, but Israel is losing support even in the mainstream media now.

The Battle of the Pusan Perimeter (now Busan) August 4-September 18, 1950 during the Korean War was the high water mark of the Korean People's Army offensive against the Southern forces and the "United Nations Command:"

The Moon was new Sunday, August 4th.

 August 5, 1861 US income tax, August 5, 1969 Mariner 7 passed by Mars.

The Civil War sea and land Battle of Mobile Bay was August 5, 1864.  US admiral Farragut is supposed to have ordered "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!," but that might not have actually happened.  "Torpedoes" referred to naval mines at the time.  

Also in Mobile but unrelated, a statue of Confederate naval officer Raphael Semmes, who passed away there August 30, 1877, was taken down early on June 5, 2020: Move?

August 5, 1885" The Emblem, from Quebec? "south of the Azores"  A reported animal -- "barred pink and white, but his belly was all white." 1879 "100 miles west of Brest" -- a black animal, reported by the Privateer:  Heuvelmans, 1968.

German revolutionary Friedrich Engels was born November 28, 1820 in Barmen (now Wuppertal), Kingdom of Prussia and passed away August 5, 1895 in London, UK: s

Gratien Fernando was executed August 5 for leading the Cocos Islands Mutiny, May 8-9, 1942, for Sri Lankan independence.  Two others were also executed, the only such executions of British Commonwealth soldiers during WWII.  Fernando was apparently influenced by a Sri Lankan Trotskyist party and tried to contact Imperial Japanese forces.  The Cocos Islands are islands in the Indian Ocean near Indonesia, now held by Australia, and were apparently uninhabited when they were discovered by the East India Company in 1609.

The Touch baseball manga began August 5, 1981, leading to TV series and movies:

Launched August 5, 2011:

Author Chloe Anthony Wofford Morrison or Toni Morrison (born Chloe Ardelia Wofford February 18, 1931 in Lorain, Ohio – August 5, 2019 in Bronx, New York):

The Democratic Party VP announcement was around 9am on Monday, August 5th.

August 6, 1572 -- Tycho's Star?

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima was around 8:15am on August 6, 1945; the USSR declared war August 8th and invaded Japanese-held Manchuria 9th (there might have been more "progressive" government in Japanese-occupied Manchuria than in Japan itself, and US, UK, and Israeli occupations have been claimed to represent progress for the occupied), as had been agreed with the other Allies at the Yalta and ; the atomic bombing of Nagasaki was August 9th, and Japan surrendered August 14-15th;the formal surrender was in September; there was some fighting afterward, such as on the Asian mainland and attacks on B-32s over Tokyo August 18-19th; apparently two former Imperial Japanese soldiers joined communist rebels in southern Thailand until 1990 or 1991: , , and

The US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima a little after 8am on August 6, 1945.  The UK consented under the Quebec Agreement.  Canada and the Manhattan Project?

Unknown serpentine animals were reported around now along the North Atlantic coast between Cape Hatteras and Newfoundland, especially around Gloucester, MA, in New England and Canada over many years in the 18th-19th centuries.  For example August 6, 1817 at Cape Ann, August 10th near Ten Pound Island, 12, 14, 15, 16, 1718, 22nd on the beach, 23rd, 28th two miles east off  Cape Ann, June 19, 1818? Sag Harbor, New York. 1817-1827?

July 30, 1877 the Sacramento, at 31 degree 59' N by 37 degree W in the mid-Atlantic, August; 20, 1872; the Leda departed from Glenelg, Sound of Sleat? Isle of Skye; the Katie May 31, 1882, 8 miles WNW from "the Butt of Lewis (Hebrides)"

July 30, 1875 -- the Princess, between Swampscott and Egg Rock, in or near MA; July 17, 1875 the Norman, south of Swampscott Bay, off Plymouth; July 15, 1877 the Gulnare off Gloucester 

August 10, 1932, October 1, 1933, October 4, 1933 -- Chatham Island, Juan de Fuca Strait in Washington?  The birth of Caddy the Cadborosaurus? Archie Wills of Cadboro, near Victoria:  In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents by Bernard Heuvelmans, translated from French by Richard Garnett, drawings by Alika Watteau, 1968 edition.

Along Bay, Bay of Georgia, MA Bay?; Bobo of Cape San Martin; the Old Man of Monterey Bay; the San Clemente Monster -- who?  Jim Brandon:  Nahant, Long Beach, Red Rock, Cape Ann, MA Bay?  May 27, 1973 White River, Arkansas?  

August 6th quarter day Lammas and Lughnasadh? --

Marshall Thomas Savage August 6, 1955 in Grand Valley, Colorado: and

Between 6am and 12pm August 6, 1977 -- a UFO abduction report in the vicinity of Pelham, Georgia, with a Jimmy Hoffa reference:  Bartholomew and Howard, 1998.

The August 6-11, 2011 English riots:

August 6th 5-7pm -- a Wikipedia event at the Boxyard RTPWikinic 2024; September 5th in Greenville; parts of the Great North American Wikinic:

August 6, 2024 -- a Chinese Thousand Sails launch seen from the central and western US; like a giant comet; launched from Taiyuan in Shanxi

August 7, 1789? -- National Lighthouse Day, noted on the local TV news, etc.

At noon August 7, 1869 a bright flying object reportedly landed in a dry area 200 yards north of Adamstown, Lancaster County, in southeastern Pennsylvania.  "It was square and became a column about three or four feet in height and about two feet in thickness" and shone in the sun "like a column of burnished silver."  It vanished after 10 minutes and there were no signs that it had been there.  From The Reading Eagle August 14, 1869 via Martin Piechota:" Flying Saucer Digest #219 Winter 2018.  About the town, founded July 4, 1761 and incorporated April 2, 1850:,_Pennsylvania

Wilhelm Martin Philipp Christian Ludwig Liebknecht -- March 29, 1826-August 7, 1900:

Gary Edward "Garrison" Keillor (born August 7, 1942) 

August 7, 1964 -- passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution for the Vietnam War, but fighting and bombing of the northern DRV had already begun; the false basis of the Resolution: and

Jonathan Peter Jackson was killed August 7, 1970 while trying to liberate the Soledad Brothers, in an attack on the Marin County Civic Center, containing the courthouse for San Rafael,

August 7, 1998:

August 7th -- Regatta Day?

Svetlana Savitskaya was born August 8, 1948?

August 8th -- International Cat Day?

June 27-August 9, 1704: and February 22, 1700-September 10, 1721  A new Swedish militarism in the 21st century, loyal to the US government?

The city government of Paris was overthrown by Jacobins August 9, 1792?

The USSR and Mongolia entered the war against Japan very early on August 9th, as had long been requested by the other Allies, and quickly advanced deep into Japanese-held areas.

The second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki August 9, 1945 after 11am, the cloud cover that would have saved the city having cleared (Wikipedia articles say that the primary target August 9th was Kokura and that it had been the alternative target on August 6th as well).  The bomb used on Hiroshima was set to explode as it fell, while the bomb used on Nagasaki exploded at ground level, but hills deflected some of the force.  Unlike in Hiroshima there wasn't a firestorm.  Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both hit by atomic bombs (as opposed to more destructive hydrogen or thermonuclear bombs based on nuclear fusion and first developed by the USA for use during the Cold War), but the designs differed.  A recent article claims that the bombing targeted a cathedral and killed many of Japan's Christians:  Boycotted over Israel in 2024, they claim:  An excuse to avoid the event?  And: and more below.  Not only the US and UK boycotted.

Gillian Anderson was born August 9, 1967?  Book Lovers Day, Passion Fruit Day, etc.

The first post on my Bush-Cheney impeachment blog Downing Street Action NC was August 9, 2005 and the so far last post was January 22, 2009.  I thought that I had posted here later.  The name refers to a July 23, 2002 item.

A shark fishing expedition set out from El Limon, Nayait, near San Blas, on the Pacific side of Mexico October 28, 2005, but became adrift, lost until August 9, 2006 when they were rescued by the Taiwanese tuna fishing ship Koo's 102, near Baker Island; not everyone on the Mexican ship survived:  Fortean Times magazine June 2024 issue FT445.

The FBI killed rightist Craig DeLeeuw Robertson  August 9, 2022 (?) in conducting a search in Provo, Utah.

June 14-August 9th in

Paperhand Puppet Intervention's new show, Earth and Sky, will be in UNC's Forest Theatre August 9th-September 29th.  Name change?

August 9th is the International Day of the World's Indigenous 

A Brazilian airliner crash August 9th.  Israel killed many people (the BBC:  around 100; NPR:  around 90) at another school.  A polar bear attack at an early warning radar station in Canada?  A BBC claim that Russia bombed a supermarket in Donbas, and some guy from "Kyiv," without a Ukrainian accent, claims that Russia does this intentionally.  Israel is proud to target schools, hospitals, refugee camps, etc. but Israel isn't anathema on the BBC.  The Democratic Party equivalent of thoughts and prayers from Biden and Harris on the school bombing.

In Revolutionary France:

August 10, 1864-February 20, 1865:

August 10, 1904, during the Russo-Japanese

August 10, 1990 -- the Magellan probe reaches Venus?

August 10, 2003 -- 100 in the UK for the first time.

Chinese Qixi/Korean Chilseok/Japanese Tanabata August 10th in 2024: , , and   Images for Tanabata 2024:

The original light novels of Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai, 俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない, came out August 10, 2008 to September 10, 2021 and the anime aired October 3-December 19 in 2010 and April 7-June 30 in 2013, etc.:

There was a naval battle in the Black Sea off Abkhazia, near Ochamchire, between the Republic of Georgia and Russia August 10, 2008, during their August 1-16, 2008 war?  Ukraine got involved non-militarily: and  The Ukraine War is treated as a surprising aberration, but now it begins to seem foreordained going back many years.  The ground is being prepared now for a major war in East Asia, and of course it won't be portrayed in NATOland as resulting from US aggression.

Agent Orange Awareness Day, Garage Sale Day, Lazy Day, etc. on August 10th.  On Agent Orange Victims

Jeffrey Epstein is supposed to have committed suicide in the NYC's Metropolitan Correctional Center August 10, 2019.

August 10th in 2023 or 2022? the Russian Luna 25 robotic mission to the Moon's south pole launched from the Vostochny Cosmodrome; apparently Russia is no longer dependent on its Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, though Vostochny borders China, an enemy not that many decades ago.  There are now apparently several locations other than Baikonur.  Russia used to want a warm-water port, and now it lacks a spaceport near the equator, where it is easier to get into orbit.

A nature writing workshop at the Main Library in Durham August 10th 10-11:30am

International Youth Day is August 12th:

The Perseid meteor shower peaks August 11-12th and can be seen from July 14th to September 1st: and , covering a few current meteor showers.  Recorded in 811 CE? -- Star Names, page 335.  

Several meteor showers are visible now; the Perseids peak August 12-13, and fall from July 14 to September 1st, originating from Comet 109P/

Another "Great American"  solar eclipse August 12, 2045 and visible from California to Florida will have 6 minutes, 6 seconds of totality.

The beginning date of the Long Count calendar used by the Maya is usually thought to be August 11, 3114 BCE in the current Gregorian calendar, though this could be inaccurate.  Another date in the Long Count was the origin of the December 21, 2012 end of the world claims.  A metaphorical world ending or apocalypse can also be seen as the prelude to the creation of a new and maybe different world.?

Philippe-Joseph-Benjamin Buchez -- March 31, 1796 in Matagne-la-Petite/Doische, Belgium-August 11, 1865 in Rodez, France:

August 11, 1960 -- Chad independence.

Five crew members were killed and one hospitalized on a fishing boat in Punta Gorda, Florida August 11, 1968; golf balls reportedly fell September 3, 1969, however it is unclear if there were witnesses to a rain of golf balls; August 11, 1965 at night an explosion and cubical pieces of a very hard metal fell on the William Belt farm on Walker Road in Parkton, Maryland; ice reportedly fell in Davenport, Iowa August 30, 1882 and "small living frogs" enclosed in ice in Dubuque, Iowa June 16, 1882 with hail – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

August 11, 1979 -- Two Aeroflot Tu-134As collided over what was Dniprodzerzhynsk, Ukrainian SSR

August 11, 1984 -- Reagan's WWIII 'joke?'  

August 11, 2016 -- Greenland shark longevity paper?  Combat forces out of the ROV in 1972?  1999 solar eclipse?  The Mall of America opened in 1992?  1886 Daimler motorcycle patent?  1866 -- the first public roller rink opened, in Newport, RI?  

The Unite the Right Rally was August 11-12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia

August 11, 2022 -- Cincinnati, Ohio FBI office?  APSP raid?

August 11th -- Mountain Day?

Japan's summer Comiket was August 11-12th and in winter December 29-30th, in Tokyo (?):

Johann Karl Rodbertus -- August 12, 1805-December 6, 1875:

William Blake passed away August 12, 1827 and there was a Blake Society gathering Sunday, August 11th at 12pm at his grave site in the Burnhill Fields Burial Ground in London, UK (City Road EC1Y 2BG; the closest subway station is Old Street), later moving to the nearby pub The Artillery Arms.

August 12-14, 1834:

The last captive quagga, thought to be a subspecies of the plains zebra, and native to South Africa, died August 12, 1883 at the Natura Artis Magistra zoo in Amsterdam, Netherlands.  A new photo of a quagga was found on eBay in December 2022:  Fortean Times July 2024 issue FT446

An August 12, 1898 armistice ended the Spanish-American War, with a peace treaty signed in Paris December 10th and ratified by the US Senate February 6th.

During WWII in Italy:

August 12, 1949:    and

August 12, 1960 -- Echo 1A was launched?  The Enterprise flew in 1977?  The Parker Solar Probe was launched in 2018?  The IBM Model 5150 PC in 1981?  In 1953 Ann Davidson sailed across the Atlantic alone?  Here be monsters??  There might not be any help nearby out in the middle of the ocean.  A man lost his small boat/ship after apparently colliding with a whale -- Adrift.  Hallucination, as in a desert?  Nothing but deep water and the sky.  In 1990 Sue Hendrickson found Sue the Tyrannosaurus rex in South Dakota?

August 12-16, 1969:

August 12th -- World Elephant Day

The first quarter Moon was Monday, August 12th.

The Mexican capital Tenochtitlan fell to a force of several hundred Spaniards, and thousands of Indian allies, under Hernando Cortés around August 13, 1521 (the data under the Julian calendar, the corrected Gregorian date could be August 21st), Saint Hippolytus' Day, following a long siege and attacks by land and water (the city was set in a large lake, Lake Texcoco, and crossed by many canals).  Aztec emperor Cuauhtémoc (his predecessor Cuitláhuac, who replaced Moctezuma II, had died of disease in 1520) was captured as a flotilla attempted to escape the last assault in Tlatelolco, Tenochtitlan's connected sister city.  Tens to hundreds of thousands of its inhabitants were killed in battle and by massacres (also involving rape and looting), disease epidemics, and starvation, similar to the numbers killed by atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Followed by torrential rain, again reminiscent of nuclear war.  Much of Tenochtitlan was levelled during the war and modern Mexico City sits on the ruins.  Several thousand Spanish and their native allies were killed (the majority of casualties were allies).  The Spanish force included some non-Spaniards and women.     

Societies far away might not have known about Tenochtitlan and the rest of the Valley of Mexico, but populous Tenochtitlan and the surrounding region could be considered a cultural and political capital of North America in its time, similar to New York City, Washington, and Los Angeles today.  It was the capital of one of the most politically and culturally powerful states in pre-Columbian North America.  I think objects from Mesoamerican cultures have been found as far away as the Southwest and Eastern US, though it is an open question what people there knew about the origins of the objects.  It seems to be less popular in archaeology today to discuss mutual influence between Mesoamerica and cities such as Cahokia, across the Mississippi River from what is today St. Louis, and Pueblo Bonito (has the name changed?) in northwest New Mexico.  Maize formed the basis of the economy over much of the Pre-Columbian Americas and is thought to have been domesticated in what is now Mexico, though that was long before the Mexica and might have started in a different region.  

Amateur astronomer David Fabricus (March 9, 1564-May 7, 1617: ) is credited with having discovered the variability in brightness of the star Mira, "the Wonderful," or Omicron Ceti, in the neck of the monster Cetus, a massive but dim constellation visible to the southeast early in the morning now, called the "Whale."  Fabricus first observed Mira August 13, 1596 and soon thought that it was a nova.  This was the first known discovery of a variable star and Mira or long-period variables are a class of variable.  Mira received its name from Johannes Hevelius in 1662.  Cetus is relatively inconspicuous.  Bright Jupiter and Mars are currently nearby, by the Hyades in Taurus, and Saturn is relatively bright further west, in Aquarius, 1.5 degrees south of  the star Phi Aquarii ( ).  Apparently planets, etc. can appear in Cetus, though it is no classified as a member of the zodiac.  The constellations Andromeda, Pegasus, Pisces, Aquarius, Piscis Austrinus, Taurus, Perseus, and Eridanus are nearby and Cepheus and Cassiopeia are by the north celestial pole.  Uranus is in Taurus, more than 5 degrees SSW of the Pleiades, and Neptune is in Aquarius, 12 degrees east of Phi Aquarii, according to the August 2024 issue of Astronomy magazine. Venus is near setting Leo in the west in the evening, and was joined by Mercury at the beginning of August; at the end of the month Mercury will be a 'morning star.'   Mercury will be 13 degrees lower than the waning Moon on the 31st –*.html – Star Names  

Ferdinand August Bebel was born August 13, 1840 in Deutz (now part of Cologne), Germany and passed away August 13, 1913 in Passug, Churwalden, Switzerland:

Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix -- (April 26, 1798 – August 13, 1863).

August 13, 1905-December 1, 1974:

Fidel Castro was born August 13, 1926 in Biran, in what was Cuba's eastern Oriente province (divided into five provinces July 3, 1976), and he passed away November 25, 2016 in Havana: 

In effect from August 13, 1999 in

Ethnic Albanian unrest in (North) Macedonia January 22 to August 13, 2001: HC

Around August 13, 2004 -- a few storms and hurricanes hit Florida; Bonnie and Charley

Between Venice and Genoa off Sazan, Albania August 14, 1264:

Annexed by the UK August 14, 1816:

August 14, 1909 and the Rainbow Bridge in Utah? --

Released by the US and UK August 14, 1941, before the USA openly joined in  Signed June 10, 2021 by Biden and Johnson:  The US and UK don't abide by it.

British rule ended in Pakistan August 14 and in India August 15 in 1947:–present)

August 14, 1950 in the late morning -- RAF Wing Commander Stanley Hubbard at the Farnborough airfield/base in Hampshire, UK UFO; in the afternoon on September 15, 1950 at Farnborough; UFO reports during the NATO Mainbrace exercise September 19-20, 1952; the UK took UFOs more seriously after a sighting the morning of September 19th at RAF Topcliffe, North Yorkshire of a UFO following a Meteor fighter jet descending to the Dishforth airfield/base:  Fortean Times magazine June 2024 issue FT445.

August 14, 1974 -- a massacre by the EOKA in

Kayla Jean Mueller -- (August 14, 1988 – February 6, 2015 killed by IS in Syria): 

August 14, 1846 -- Cape Girardeau, Missouri meteorite; Boone and Bryan married in NC in 1746; first patent in Japan in 1885; Social Security in 1935; the AT was finished in 1937; V-J Day in 1945; Grace Hopper retired from the US Navy; the Citadel enrolled a female cadet in 1995?

Early August 2020 meteorite in Sumatra;  August 14, 1992 meteorite in Mbale, Uganda, after 12:40 UTC; a  3g/0.11oz fragment hit a young boy in the head, but he was okay: or 

The Rabaa Massacre was August 14, 2013 in Egypt, following the July 3rd military coup. Hundreds to over 1000 protesters were killed and more injured, at two locations in Cairo where they were peacefully protesting the coup against President Mohamed Morsi (August 8, 1951 – June 17, 2019; he died during a trial conducted by the new coup government of el-Sisi).  Morsi was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

August 14, 2021 -- a major earthquake in Haiti.

Sunday, August 14, 2022 shortly before 4am Richard A York III, 29, from Delaware, reportedly drove into a barricade at the US Capitol, might have set his car on fire, fired in the air, and then killed himself: ,

A conjunction of Mars and Jupiter 'peaked' August 14th, but they remain together in the east, over the head and between the horns of Taurus, and below or sort of south of Auriga, before dawn.  In French:

AI annd scams -- 6-7pm August 14th at the Main Library in Durham 

Napoleon Bonaparte -- August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica, France - May 5, 1821 in Longwood, St Helena, a British possession out in the lonely South Atlantic:

The squat, white-painted brick Ocracoke Lighthouse on Ocracoke Island in North Carolina, funded May 7, 1822 and first lit August 15, 1824, was transferred to the NPS June 7, 1999, and had been the local headquarters beginning in 1955: and and

Hardial Bains, August 15, 1939 – August, 24, 1997, founder of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and other organizations in a few countries: 

Chogukhaebangŭi Nal (조국해방의 날) in DPR Korea, commemorating August 15, 1945:  Gwangbokjeol (광복절) in the ROK.

The US and UK arranged the overthrow of Iranian prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh August 15-19, 1953:

August 15, 1969 -- Woodstock --

The "Wow! signal" was detected August 15, 1977 at Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescope, as if coming from near the star Tau Sagittarii, up much of the night during the summer:!_signal  BLC-1 was detected in spring 2019, as if from near Proxima  May 15, 2015 a signal was detected as if from near the star HD 164595 in Hercules, also up now:  SHGb02+14a, between Aries and Pisces, up in the morning now, was detected in March 2003:

The Taliban seized Kabul August 15, 2021.

Back in 2022:  August 15, 2022 -- Kostroma was suspended as a sister city of Durham?  August 18, 2022 -- NPR's Terry Gross on "communist" Russia and Putin, September 18, 2022.  NPR's Franco Ordoñez on "communist" Venezuela around the same time? --

August 16, 1645-May 11, 1696:ère

August 16, 1819 -- the Peterloo Massacre -- and

Tina Modotti was born August 16/17, 1896 in Udine, Italy and passed away January 5, 1942 in Mexico City:

Cyprus became independent from the UK August 16, 1960.

A shower of flesh and blood from a red cloud was reported at a farm on Spring Creek, near Bairds Mills (near Lebanon), in Wilson County, Tennessee August 17, 1841:  Jim Brandon, 1978, etc.?

A supernova was seen in the Andromeda Galaxy August 17, 1885, the first supernova seen in another galaxy and the only one seen in the Andromeda Galaxy; it peaked August 21st.

Paul Kirchhoff (August 17, 1900, Halle, Province of Westphalia – December 9, 1972):

 August 17, 1937-May 12, 1973:

The USSR's Venera 7 probe was launched toward Venus August 17, 1970.

The Soviet nuclear-powered icebreaker Arktika became the first surface vessel to reach the North Pole, August 17, 1977.

August 17th -- World Honey Bee Day?

 A puzzle swap at the South Regional Library in Durham August 17th 10am-12pm.

A plant swap at Southwest Regional Library in Durham August 17 2-3pm.

A Venezuelan rightist day of action on the 17th.

Virginia Dare was born August 18, 1587 in the lost English colony on Roanoke Island in North Carolina:   

Japanese Obon/Bon July 15th or August 18th? -- and  Any higanbana, a red Lycoris, at UNC's Coker Arboretum?  After a hurricane, such as Debby?  The pinkish Lycoris?

The US Constitution's 19th Amendment (XIX), giving women suffrage, was ratified by enough states to be adopted, August 18, 1920. 

August 18, 1921-August 1, 1943, close to Orel --

University of Arizona professor of Classics Thomas DeVoe Worthen was born August 18, 1938 (Google) or January 1, 1937 (the Rutgers database).  He attended Cal Tech, joined the US Army sometime later, and graduated from the University of Washington with a Ph.D. in Classics.  Worthen wrote The Myth of Replacement:  Stars, Gods, and Order in the Universe, published in 1991.  He passed away September 20, 2016: , , , , and

German KPD leader Ernst Thalmann was killed August 18, 1944.

The night of August 18, 1962 there was an unexplained sound like "a flight of heavy airplanes" in the San Francisco area; blasts in May and June 1951; across the country in summer 1959, including in Henderson (Vance County, NC?); October 22, 1971 over Daly City, CA; more in CA; etc. – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

August 18, 1964 -- the IOC banned South Africa, very different from 2024 --

August 18th -- International Delivery Driver Appreciation Day -- by bicycle?

On the evening of Sunday, August 18th -- Fallfest at UNC?

Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev, famous for his work on the Periodic Table, observed the August 19, 1887 solar eclipse from a hot air balloon about two miles up.

August 19, 1909 -- the IWW songbook was published --

Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, Eugene Wesley Roddenberry Sr, was born August 19, 1921 in El Paso, Texas and passed away October 24, 1991 in Santa Monica, California:

Deputy Chair of the Hamas Political Bureau and a founder of the al Qassam Brigades, Saleh al-Arouri (صالح العاروري, Salah al-Arouri or Salih al-Aruri; August 19, 1966 – January 2, 2024), was assassinated with six others around 5:41pm in Beirut's Dahieh neighborhood, one day before the anniversary of the 2020 assassination of Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad, which Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah was to address January 3rd or 4th.

Gorbachev was overthrown in the August Coup, August 19-22, 1991, but it failed and the USSR was dissolved at the end of the year:

World Humanitarian Day is August 19th:

August 19th -- UNC classes begin so early now?  Dorms were open by the 14th?

The Moon will be full Monday, August 19th.

The DNC will be August 19-22 in 'hot' Chicago, but the nominations, etc. were settled in early August? --

 August 20, 1619?? -- the enslavement of captured Africans (captured by --) began in JamestownVirginia ignoring slavery in Spanish or other European colonies (Florida? Louisiana? California?), English indentured servitude, the enslavement of native people, and the slavery that existed before 1492.  Is this even the correct date in 1619? -- from

US president Benjamin Harrison (August 20, 1833 – March 13, 1901), related to Wm. Henry Harrison.

The invasion of Czechoslovakia was August 20-21, 1968:

The Voyager 2 probe was launched August 20th and Voyager 1 was launched second, September 5th, in 1977: and

Russian journalist Darya Aleksandrovna Dugina, 29, daughter of rightist author Aleksandr Dugin, was killed in a car bombing August 20, 2022 around 9:45pm local time near Moscow.  Her father was in another car and it is possible that he was the intended target.  They both supported Russia attacking Ukraine.  Russia accuses Ukraine of responsibility and says that the culprit fled to Estonia.  I got the impression of glee or at least lack of concern from Inskeep, etc., and that is probably true of other mainstream media.  Imagine if vocal supporters of US aggression against countries such as Iraq and Libya, their family members, and pro-government journalists had been targeted.  Even non-violent protests outside the homes of US officials are condemned now.  The mainstream media gives the impression that Russians have done more to oppose the war in Ukraine than many in the US have done to oppose recent American wars of aggression.  In 1989 there seems to have been an unsolved attempt at retaliation against the family of the captain of the USS Vincennes for the downing of civilian Iran Air Flight 655 in July 3, 1988 (see above).  It could be asked if Ukraine, working with the CIA, or others will start assassinating people in "Western" countries opposed to NATO involvement as the war drags on.  Americans are already on Ukraine's US-supported blacklist:  Roger Waters joined a 13 year old Ukrainian girl, Scott Ritter, Henry Kissinger, the assassinated Dugina, assassinated Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli (September 27, 1983 - May 24, 2014, killed with others near Sloviansk), and thousands of others on Ukraine's doxxing and killing list: 

August 21, 1521 -- the corrected date of the Spanish Conquest of Mexico, under the Georgian calendar?

The Haitian Revolution -- 8/21/1791-1/1/1804: 

Joaquín García Icazbalceta (August 21, 1824 – November 26, 1894)

The Kelly-Hopkinsville goblins report in southwestern Kentucky was August 21, 1955

The Hopkinsville Goblins, Kelly Little Green Men, or the Kelly-Hopkinsville UFO encounter was in southwestern Kentucky near Hopkinsville and Kelly August 21, 1955.  Some have attributed the events, including gun fire and a perceived siege, to a meteor, a family of irate great horned owls, and bioluminescent fungi, but did they even check whether there is such a bioluminescent fungi present in the area and would owls, apparently impervious to bullets, besiege a house?  There is or was a festival commemorating the event, possibly a victim of the pandemic:

George Lester Jackson was killed at California's San Quentin State Prison August 21, 1971 , an event that possibly helped spark the uprising at the Attica prison in New York state in mid-September of that year: 

The International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism Day is August 21st: 

A Durham book sale for teachers August 21st during the daytime.

The Battle of Bosworth Field, at the end of the English Wars of the Roses, was August 22, 1485, near Ambion Hill in LeicestershireRichard III was killed, the last king from the House of York and the last British king to fall in battle, and this is considered to be the end of the Plantagenets.  Richard's grave was rediscovered recently, under what is now a parking lot:

David Todd, a former director of Massachusetts's Amherst College Observatory, got the US Army and Navy to have their radio personnel listen for signals from Mars when our two planets were relatively close August 22-25 in 1924.  William Friedman, chief cryptographer for the War Department, was to work on any signals received.  There was an event at Georgetown University's observatory attended by Japan's charge d'affaires.  Many doubted the effort at the time.  From the summer 2024 issue of the Smithsonian's Air and Space Quarterly.

Uğur Mumcu (August 22, 1942 – January 24, 1993):ğur_Mumcu

A rightist UFO contactee arrested August 22, 1968 after bombings in Brazil? -- Bartholomew and Howard, 1998 andélix

"A 50-pound chunk of leadlike metal" hit a street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin August 22, 1974, landed again 60 feet away "and glanced off the side of the William Murray house, where it knocked loose wood splinters.  A police detective said  the object was 'white hot' and couldn't be handled for 10 minutes."  On the 23rd it was alleged that the metal object must come from an unidentified industrial concern -- Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States by Jim Brandon, 1978 E.P. Dutton.

The International Day Commemorating the Victims of Violence Based on Religion or Belief is August 22nd:

The traditional Western Virgo period, following Leo, begins August 23rd.


The WWI Battle of Tannenberg, resulting in a major German victory over Tsarist Russia, was August 23-30, 1914  Elsewhere on the Eastern Front, Russia defeated Austro-Hungarian forces and occupied much of Eastern Galicia in the Battle of Galicia August 23-September 11, 1914:

August 23-29, 1929:

The Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the USSR was signed August 23, 1939, following the failure of negotiations with the UK and other European states to deter Germany, giving the USSR more time to prepare for a German attack and survive WWII:  Today several imperialist countries and organizations, such as the EU and Canada, equate socialism and fascism every August 23rd, while collaborating with US wars of aggression, disappearances, and torture; Zionist aggression; fascists in Ukraine; Islamist terrorists; rightist coups in Latin America; etc.  

The Battle of Stalingrad was August 23, 1942 to February 2, 1943, with pockets of resistance afterward, and was a major turning point in WWII;  February 23, 1943 was marked as Red Army Day in the UK, while today media in the USA and UK typically give the public the impression that WWII was mainly a victory won by the Americans and British (or even Ukraine, apart from the USSR as a whole, in 2022-2023), though much or most of the fighting in Europe was on the Eastern front and it has been argued that Japan surrendered in the end because the Soviets entered the Pacific War, not because of the horror of the Allies' nuclear warfare.  See:

August 23, 1965 Mexico City UFO:  Bartholomew and Howard, 1998.

"Much to their surprise, some bird-watchers saw a Rock Pigeon [Columba livia, the cosmopolitan non-native pigeon of urban areas, bolding added] offshore from [Cape?] Hatteras on August 23, 1997:"  Birds of Carolina:  Second Edition 2006 UNC Press.  Seven species of doves and pigeons have been seen in the Carolinas.  In my lifetime urbanization (?) gave pigeons habitat to move into my general area.  I'm not sure if they live in more urban downtown Chapel Hill yet.  I found one sitting on eggs in a downtown Raleigh stairwell on a late May afternoon one year.  

The International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition is August 23rd, commemorating the beginning the Haitian Revolution on the night of August 22 - 23, 1791 in what is now Haiti and the Dominican Republic on the Caribbean island of Santo

India's Chandrayaan-3 mission successfully landed at the lunar south pole August 23, 2023, making India the 4th country to carry out a soft landing on the Moon and the first to land at the south pole, where there might be valuable water ice.  The media was probably more congratulatory and open minded than if the Russian mission had succeeded or if DPR Korea had successfully launched its reconnaissance satellite, though the DPRK tried again.

The Wagner Group was allegedly decapitated in an airplane crash, near Kuzhenkino in Tver Oblast, Russia August 23, 2023.

Anime NYC will be August 23-25 at the Javits

France first tested a thermonuclear device August 24, 1968 at the Fangataufa atoll in French Polynesia.

The White House, US Capitol, Navy Yard, etc were burned by the British August 24, 1814:  The White House will surely be inundated, burned, reaping the whirlwind, etc. again eventually, through climate change, etc.

Writer Malcolm Cowley -- (August 24, 1898 – March 27, 1989):

The first confirmed discovery of extrasolar and pulsar planets, around pulsar PSR B1257+12, was announced January 9, 1992 (found at AreciboPuerto Rico February 9, 1990 ?):  And a comet? –  Another pulsar planet May 30, 1993 and the first around two stars and in a globular cluster of stars:   The first planet around a main-sequence star was announced October 6, 1995:   Multiple planets around a main-sequence star in a multi-star system, Upsilon Andromedae, in 1999:  The discovery of a planet around Proxima Centauri, only about 4 light years away, but not visible from here, was announced August 24, 2016:   A planet orbiting two stars was announced/discovered September 15, 2011:   About 5,576 extrasolar planets had been found by January 1, 2024, according to Wikipedia.

French revolutionary Louis Antoine Léon de Saint-Just was born August 25, 1767 in Decize and he was executed by guillotine July 28, 1794 in Paris, with Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (who had been born May 6, 1758 in Arras): and l

March 25-August 25, 1989 -- sort of anti-war 機動戦士ガンダム0080 ポケットの中の戦争:  

Well-known anti-Syrian government Trotskyist blogger, founder (?) of the Marxmail listserve, and subject of a comic book autobiography drawn by Harvey PekarLouis Proyect, passed away in his sleep August 25, 2021 due to long-standing illness.  According to the announcement on his blog he was born January 26, 1945.  Some memorial articles were posted at, a site that frequently carried his articles. 

The Battle of Crécy, a French loss, was August 26, 1346, during the Hundred Years'écy 

Murdered on live TV August 26, 2015 in Moneta, Virginia:

The anime movie Your Name, 君の名は Kimi o Na wa, was shown July 3, 2016 at Anime Expo and premiered in Japan August 26, 2016:

The last quarter Moon will be Monday, August 26th.

German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born August 27, 1770 in Stuttgart in the Holy Roman Empire and passed away November 14, 1831 in Berlin, in the Kingdom of Prussia:

Copperheads! -- 6-7pm August 27th at the Main Library in Durham 

Johann Wolfgang (von) Goethe -- (August 28, 1749 – March 22, 1832)

The Battle of Second Manassas/Second Battle of Bull Run was August 28-30, 1862 in northern Virginia near Washington, DC during the Civil l

Naturalist, author, and illustrator Roger Tory Peterson, famous for the series of Peterson field guides, was born 114 years ago, August 28, 1908, in Jamestown, New York and passed away July 28, 1996 in Old Lyme, Connecticut.  There might be events at the Roger Tory Peterson Institute in Jamestown:

The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was August 28, 1963.

The Windsor Free Festival in the Windsor Royal Park in England was suppressed the morning of Wednesday, August 28, 1974:

Around 11pm southbound on US 17, beyond Paris Mountain, near Winchester, Virginia, on August 28, 1979 -- an abduction report from trucker Harry Joe Turner:  Bartholomew and Howard, 1998.  An encounter around 10:45pm March 20, 1967 in the now famous Butler, Pennsylvania area?

Libya's Great Man-Made River has several anniversaries on or around August 28th and September 28th; for example Qaddafi placed a foundation stone August 28, 1984, one of two plants making the pipes was inaugurated by Qaddafi August 28, 1986 in Brega, and water first reached Gharyan in the northwest September 28, 2007.  The Brega plant was bombed by NATO July 22, 2011.

The USSR's first nuclear test, RDS-1,  was early on August 29, 1949 in Semipalatinsk in the Kazakh SSR, breaking the USA's nuclear monopoly and blackmail.

The International Day Against Nuclear Tests is August 29th: , established December 2, 2009 by an unanimous vote of the UN's General Assembly.  I was surprised to learn that the US detonated nuclear weapons as recently as 1992 and France and China in 1996, among other countries:  

Dragon Con will be August 29-September 2nd in Atlanta,

Jacques-Louis David -- (August 30, 1748 – December 29, 1825). 

Louisiana governor and US senator Huey Pierce Long Jr was born August 30, 1893 in Winnfield, Louisiana; he was shot September 8, 1935 in Baton Rouge and died at 4:10am Tuesday, September 10th, at age 42: and

August 30, 1913 around 4:30am dawn on the Great Bank of Newfoundland, at 47 degrees 51' N 48  degrees 30' W, near the wreck of the Titanic, the quartermaster and 2nd officer of the steamer Corinthian, belonging to the Allan Line, travelling from London to Montreal, reported a giraffelike animal, "brownish-yellow" "with spots of a darker hue," "sad" "large liquid blue eyes," goatee-like whiskers, and a "piercing wail like that off a baby.  Its voice was altogether out of proportion to its size:"   Heuvelmans, 1968.

Around 1:45am August 30, 1955 and again September 1 (?) in Mulberry Corners, Ohio David Ankenbrandt reportedly received an anti-war message from a UFOnaut:  Bartholomew and Howard, 1998.

Tatiana Proskouriakoff -- (Татья́на Авени́ровна Проскуряко́ва, Tatyana Avenirovna Proskuryakova); January 23, 1909 – August 30, 1985):

The International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances is August 30th: 

Gennadiy Borisov, an amateur astronomer using a home-made telescope in Crimea, discovered 2I/Borisov August 30, 2019, the first known interstellar comet and the second known interstellar object observed travelling through our solar system.  It is possible that the first meteor from outside the Solar System was recently discovered.  Comet Borisov isn't expected to return.  The first interstellar object, 'Oumuamua, thought to be natural, though some have suggested that it could be artificial, was discovered October 19, 2017, and there has been discussion of sending a probe after it. 

Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev -- March 2, 1931 – August 30, 2022

US and allied military forces withdrew from Afghanistan by the end of August 2022, but the US continues to bomb the country and cause economic hardship and death for Afghan civilians.

Ferdinand Johann Gottlieb Lassalle was born April 11, 1825 in Breslau, now Wroclaw and passed away August 31, 1864 Carouge, Canton, Switzerland, after a pistol duel the morning of the 28th; he founded a predecessor of today's Social Democratic Party of Germany May 23, 1863, a first in global political history: and

November 19, 1937-August 31, 1967 in

August 31st is the International Day for People of African Descent and the International Decade for People of African Descent is 2015-2024:

Ronnie McNutt, an Army Reserve veteran who had been in the Iraq War, etc., was born May 23, 1987 in Alcorn, Mississippi-August 31, 2020 in New Albany, Mississippi, broadcast live on Facebook, Tiktok?

Durham Grown: Native Flowers at the Main Library in Durham August 31st 10-11am.

Allen Dallen Nease -- (February 1, 1914 – September 1984)

Between September 2023 and mid-April 2024 the Air Force and sinister DARPA experimented with the X-62A, a modified F-16D piloted by an AI, with human oversight, dogfighting with a conventional human-piloted F-16 (over Edwards Air Force Base in California?) The Air Force wants to build up to an inventory of over 1000 pilot-optional aircraft, beginning in 2028.  With what cost? -- From the summer 2024 issue of the Smithsonian's Air and Space Quarterly.

Pawpaws ripen around August here and grapes and persimmons in September? 

Asteroid 3 Juno was discovered September 1, 1804 by German astronomer Karl Ludwig Harding (September 29, 1765 in Lauenburg – August 31, 1834 in Göttingen).  Star Names?

9/1/1859 -- the first observation of a (?) solar flare, during the Carrington , born 5/26/1826

Abraham H Galloway was born as a slave in Smithville (today's Southport), NC February 8, 1837, but escaped in 1857.  He was involved in the Civil War, rewriting the NC constitution, and was a state senator 1868-1869.  He passed away September 1. 1870 in Wilmington due to fever and jaundice.

September 1, 1872 -- a Icaiche Maya raid into Belize, from was discovered September 1, 1908; not coming back, or not  for millions of years? 

Martha, a captive passenger pigeon at the Cincinnati Zoo, the last known member of her species, passed away September 1st, 1914 early in the afternoon.  Passenger pigeons may have been the most abundant bird ever known, their flocks darkening the sky, but they were exterminated by habitat loss and wanton hunting.  How far back did the great flocks go?

The Communist Party USA was founded September 1, 1919. 

Using false flag attacks to create a justification for war, Germany invaded Poland September 1, 1939, which the US-UK media portraying as the start of WWII, though other regional wars that later merged with the world war had already begun.  If humanity exists much longer, might future historians say that we are at the beginning of a global war now, and what will they say about the continuous US warfare, mainly in the Middle East and Western Asia, but also in Europe and Africa, over decades?  

Qaddafi's Free Officer Movement overthrew the Libyan monarchy September 1, 1969.

Japan Dolphin Day, presumably protesting the killing of dolphins, is supposed to be September 1st.

Sirte was the capital of Libya September 1-October 2011, when Qaddafi was killed.

September 1st -- a conjunction of Mercury and the Moon at dawn.

The September Massacres of prisoners in Paris during the French Revolution were September 2-6, 1792 (Sunday-Thursday):

September 2, 1804 -- asteroid Juno was discovered, in Pisces -- Star Names, page 341.

The author of the Georgist work Progress and Poverty; September 2, 1839-October 29, 1897:

Sherman captured Atlanta September 2, 1864:

September 2, 1885 – the Rock Springs, Wyoming anti-Chinese riot or massacre.

September 2, 1898 in

September 2nd is Vietnam's National Day, marking independence in 1945: ]

September 2?, 1955 in Zvonkov, Ukraine meteorite

After 9pm on September 2, 1958 a piece of ice hit 336 Greystone Road, in Old Bridge, New Jersey, nearly hitting a resident – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

Vietnamese revolutionary and national liberation leader Ho Chi Minh passed away September 2, 1969.

The Moon will be new Monday, September 2nd.

September 3, 240 BCE -- Jupiter isupposed to have occulted the star Asellus australis / delta Cancriaseen from Egypt -- Star Names, page 112.

The EnglisLord Protector Oliver Cromwell died September 3, 1658 in the Palace of Whitehall in Westminster; he had been born April 25, 1599 in Huntingdon:

Auguste Marie Joseph Jean Léon Jaurès September 3, 1859-July 31, 1914:ès  His assassin, Raoul Villain, September 19, 1885-September 17, 1936, killed by Republican soldiers on Ibiza during the Spanish Civil War:

The First Opium War/Anglo-Chinese War was September 4, 1839-August 29, 1842, beginning the China's "Century of Humiliation:"

Around 3:30pm September 4, 1977 -- a reported UFO encounter in Barrio Abr Centro, Puerto Rico; "How nice Puerto Rico is" -- Bartholomew and Howard, 1998.

The US-mediated Treaty of Portsmouth, negotiated at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Maine, ended the Russo-Japanese War, September 5, 1905.

The First Battle of the Marne in France, at the beginning of WWI was September 5-12, 1914.

Bruce Cumings was born September 5, 1943)

Marty Stouffer was born September 5, 1948 in Fort Smith, Arkansas:

The night of September 5, 1962 -- Hans Klotzbach UFO healing claim, after he jumped off a Luxembourg-bound coal train approaching Wasserbillig, FRG:  Bartholomew and Howard, 1998.

Anti-Cop City RICO September 5th: and 

Zelia Maria Magdalena Nuttall -- (September 6, 1857 – April 12, 1933)

September 6, 1901 President William McKinley was shot in Buffalo, New York.

Elizabeth Hill Boone waborn September 6, 1948:

Patricio José Argüello Ryan -- (March 30, 1943 – September 6, 1970)

An alleged Syrian nuclear site was bombed 9/6/2007 (note 10/5/2003, 10/26/2008, 1/31/2013); May 2014 -- captured by IS; 3/6/2017 -- captured by the 

Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro, "the Trump of the tropics," was knifed while campaigning for the presidency in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais September 6, 2018:

The Battle of Borodino in Russia during the Napoleonic Wars was September 7, 1812:  The French occupied Moscow September 14-October 19th:  The Battle of Tarutinoh was October 18th:  The Battle of Maloyaroslavets was October 24th:  In all the invasion of Russia is supposed to have been June 24-December 14th: s

Oregon Inlet, between Bodie and Pea/Hatteras "islands," was created by a hurricane and discovered by the sidewheel ship Oregon, September 7, 1846 –  The North Carolina Gazetteer:  A Dictionary of Tar Heel Places and Their History:  Second Edition, 2010

The last captive Tasmanian tiger or Thylacine, a male called Benjamin, passed away at Australia's Hobart Zoo September 7, 1936.  Tasmanian tigers, large, striped predatory marsupials, are considered extinct, though sightings are still being reported. 

International Manatee Day is September 7th.

Annual International Vulture Awareness Day is September 7th in 2024, the first Saturday in September: , celebrating these majestic, interesting, ecologically vital, and in many cases threatened birds.  

Around here there are two species, turkey and black vultures.  They look and act somewhat differently, but they can easily be distinguished by the light and dark patterns on the undersides of their wings and the way they hold their wings in flight.  The trailing side of a larger turkey vulture's wing is whitish, while black vultures have whitish triangles at their wingtips.  Turkey vultures find carrion by smell, while black vultures rely on sight.  A few decades ago if not today there were concerns that black vultures were in decline in North Carolina, and both species have become less common with land use changes and changes in sanitation.  They often nest in abandoned rural buildings.  A few more species live south of the US today, including king vultures.  Apparently New World and Old World vultures are not very related.

The International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies is September 7th, with the theme "Together for Clean Air" (?):

The 82nd North Carolina Gourd Festival will be September 7-8th at the State Fairgrounds in Raleigh.

The Siege of Leningrad by German and allied Finnish forces during WW2 lasted from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944, killing well over a million Soviet citizens, civilians and military personnel. 

The Britcom Are You Being Served? aired September 8, 1972 to April 1, 1985:

International Literacy Day is September 8th:  The success of Cuba's 1961 literacy campaign and later initiatives both in Cuba and as aid to other countries have often been noted. 

The International Day of Journalists' Solidarity (generally excluding journalists from or sympathetic to non-"Western" countries, especially countries whose governments the US government seeks to overthrow) is September 8th:  I'm surprised that the mainstream media occasionally brought up Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian-American journalist with Al-Jazeera who was shot to death May 11, 2022 in Jenin in the West Bank, most likely by the Israeli military, for several months.  And what of the media workers killed in Gaza now?

Saturn will be at opposition September 8th in... to the south.

Mercury and the star Regulus together near dawn September 9th. 

September 9, 1850 in Cottingham, Yorkshire, UK-April 15, 1928 in Bloomsbury, UK:

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the DPRK, was established September 9, 1948.  The Republic of Korea had been established earlier that year, cementing the post-WWII division of Korea and helping to create a cold war with the threat of total destruction where there had been an alliance between the USA and USSR. 

An explosion and falling debris over Salt River Canyon in eastern Arizona September 9, 1970 at 4:30am, a meteor? – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

Sir John Eric Sidney Thompson (December 31, 1898 – September 9, 1975):

The X-Files premiered September 10, 1993.  The first movie came out June 19, 1998 and the second July 25, 2008:

World Suicide Prevention Day was September 10th:

David Ricardo April 11, 1772 in London, UK to September 11, 1823 in Gatcombe Park, Gloucestershire, UK:  

The Nestor, on September 11, 1876 around 10:30am in the Malacca Straits:  In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents by Bernard Heuvelmans, translated from French by Richard Garnett, drawings by Alika Watteau, 1968 edition

David Herbert Lawrence (September 11, 1885 – March 2, 1930)

The Chilean military overthrew elected president Salvador Allende September 11, 1973, with the heavy involvement of the US government (far more than Russia was alleged to have done in 2016).  Allende died in the defense of the presidential palace or by suicide.  In the coup and later years tens of thousands of people were arrested, tortured, or killed, and the dead include US citizens; there was a car bombing in Washington, DC September 21, 1976.  There was some armed popular resistance on and after September 11th.  Following the coup Augusto Pinochet came to power and this era is praised by neoliberal economists and rightists in the USA and EU even today.  See also this article from A     

The 9/11 attacks in 2001, allowing the "War on Terror" to go on for twenty years, and has it really ended?  

The highest ranking officer in the US military killed on 9/11, at the Pentagon, and by a foreign force (since Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr, son of Confederate general Simon Bolivar Buckner, was killed June 18, 1945, during the Battle of Okinawa, April 1st-June 22nd): and

The Benghazi attack in Libya was September 11, 2012.

The first quarter Moon will be Wednesday, September 11th.

September 12, 1924-January 20, 1973:ílcar_Cabral

Born September 12, 1944:

The Lausanne Conference of 1949, to settle issues from the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, was held April 27-September 12 in Switzerland.  The Jordanian king Abdullah I was assassinated in Jerusalem by a Palestinian July 20, 1951 over the aftermath of the war? -- and

The Flatwoods Monster UFO encounter was September 12, 1952, starting around 7:15pm, in Braxton County, in central West Virginia, and again has been attributed to a meteor, a passing airplane, an owl, etc.?  There is a museum in Sutton, WV and there is or was a festival: 

Point Pleasant, WV's Mothman Festival might be in September, though the original flap of sightings was around November 15, 1966 to December 15, 1967, when the Silver Bridge over the Ohio River collapsed; note the 2002 movie and John Keel's 1975 book; people still report sightings in various places:  Mothman as a West Virginia cultural hero, to replace toppled statues in the 21st century??  

seaQuest DSV aired September 12, 1993-June 9, 1996:

Overthrown Guatemalan president Juan Jacobo Arbenz Guzman was born September 14, 1913 in Quetzaltenango and passed away January 27, 1971 in Mexico City:Árbenz

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was born September 14, 1965 in Leningrad: 

September 14, 1978-March 28, 1981, etc.: 

National Estuaries Week will be September 14 - 21.

International Observe the Moon Night September 14th:  NASA and

International Day of Democracy is September 15th:

Mexico's Independence Day is September 16th, commemorating Miguel Hidalgo's Grito de Dolores (Cry of Dolores) in 1810.

Libya's Lion of the Desert, Omar al-Mukhṭār Muḥammad bin Farḥāṭ al-Manifī, August 20, 1858 – September 16, 1931, fought Italian, French, and British colonialism in the Sahara.

There was another military coup in Thailand September 16, 1957:

Australian journalist Wilfred Graham Burchett was born September 16, 1911 in Clifton Hill, Melbourne, Victoria and passed away September 27, 1983 in Sophia, Bulgaria.  He was punished for reporting from Hiroshima and in the socialist bloc.  Some of his work, kept out of the US, is available from:  For biographical information:  One of his sons sometimes writes for CounterPunch.

2020 Democratic Party presidential primary candidate and twin of serving Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro, Julian Castro, was born September 16, 1974 in San Antonio.  He endorsed Elizabeth Warren January 2, 2020:

The Sabra and Shatila Massacre was September 16-18, 1982 in Beirut during the Lebanese Civil War, with Israeli military involvement:

The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer is September 16th:  September 16, 2009 agreements protecting the ozone layer became the first universally ratified UN treaties.  The ozone layer (made of a form of oxygen) absorbs some ultraviolet light, but is depleted by industrial chemicals, such as CFCs, which are also potent greenhouse gases. 

There was a military coup in Thailand September 16, 2006; the the US and UK imperialists don't make a big deal about it, unlike their reactions to the February 1, 2021 military coup in neighboring Myanmar:état

The US-Japanese Transformers franchise began September 17, 1984? --

According to Wikipedia, Occupy Wall Street began in New York City's Zuccotti Park September17, 2011, and the protesters were forcefully removed later that year, especially November 11th and December 31st.  The Federal government under Obama-Biden at least spied on the national Occupy movement, and has been accused of actively opposing it.  There were encampments in Chapel Hill and I think at UNC, but I think Occupy Durham took the form of mass meetings in the main downtown  plaza rather than continuous occupation.

There will be a minor partial umbral lunar eclipse September 17-18th over the Americas, other than western Alaska?  The Moon will be full on Tuesday, the 17th at 10:34pm EDT?  The Moon will occult Saturn as seen from the Canadian and US West and northern Mexico in the morning.  A conjunction of Venus and the star Spica in the evening on the 17-18th.  Sky and Telescope magazine September issue ?

The Mukden Incident was September 18, 1931, leading to the Japanese seizure of Manchuria from the Republic of China.

World Water Monitoring Day September 18th: ?

The Battle of Poitiers was September 19, 1356 during the Hundred Years' War:

The NC AFL-CIO's 67th annual convention will be September 19-20th at the Hilton Raleigh North  "#CountMeIn"

Betty and Barney Hill, a multiracial couple (it has been suggested that this is relevant information), are supposed to have been abducted by a UFO the night of September 19-20, 1961 in rural New Hampshire.  A chart recalled under hypnosis led to the idea that there is a "Gray" alien presence at Zeta Reticuli, a binary star in Reticulum, a small and dim far southern constellation near the south celestial pole, not really visible from here.  In Astronomy magazine once?  Maybe part of Reticulum comes above the horizon here.  Ufonauts have been claimed to come from many planets in this solar system and elsewhere.  I wonder if China or another country will have a similar "Space Age," and would the term "astronaut" become outdated if human spaceflight were more extensive?

Gram Parsons' body was 'abducted' from Los Angeles International Airport September 19, 1973 and burned (it was mistaken for a burning log by campers) at Cap Rock in Joshua Tree National Monument in the Mojave Desert of California.  After a week two of the perpetrators, friends of Parsons,' were arrested, but had to be released because they apparently hadn't broken any laws, at least regarding taking the body and burning it.  There is or was apparently a marker at the site of the cremation?  -- Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States by Jim Brandon, 1978 E.P. Dutton.

September 20, 1950 -- Murray, KY meteorite.

The Petrozavodsk phenomenon was seen from Denmark to the Soviet Far East September 20, 1977, but is named for the capital of the Karelian ASSR, bordering Finland.  Some have attributed it to the launch of Kosmos-955 the same day; the satellite returned to Earth September 8, 2000.

Pierre Goldman (June 22, 1944 in Lyon, France  – September 20, 1979 assassinated in Paris, possibly by the Spanish and/or French governments): 

September 20, 2003, the year Iraq was invaded under Bush-Cheney-July 13, 2024:  Quickly dropped, or removed, from the news headlines.

September 21, 1909-April 27, 1972:

The Soviet probe Zond 5 was the first spacecraft to travel around the Moon, and carried several plants and animals.  There was also a fake radio transmission, as if cosmonauts were onboard.  The mission was September 14 - 2l, 1968.

German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer was born February 22, 1788 in Danzig (Gdansk) in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and passed away September 21, 1860 in Frankfurt, German Confederation: 

Belize became independent September 21, 1981; it had been renamed, from British Honduras, June 1, 1973:

The International Day of Peace is September 21st:

September 21-October 4 in 1993:

The Galileo spacecraft was sunk into the clouds of Jupiter September 21, 2003:

The September 21 (2014) Revolution in Yemen

Campaign NonviolenceEarth Week April 22-May 1 and Action Week September 21-October 2: ?

September 22, 1791-August 25, 1867:

June 28 between the Loyalty Islands and New Caledonia, September 22 and 30th, etc. in 1923 unknown sea animals in and near New Caledonia? -- In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents by Bernard Heuvelmans, translated from French by Richard Garnett, drawings by Alika Watteau, 1968 edition.

In the Vela Incident, on September 22, 1979, a possible aboveground nuclear test was detected in the Indian Ocean between South Africa and Antarctica.  There were many theories, including that it was a joint test by South Africa and Israel.  Israel is generally thought to have hundreds of nuclear weapons today and South Africa developed and then dismantled its nuclear weapons program. 

The equinox will be September 22nd this year.

The traditional Western Libra period, following Virgo, begins September 23rd, but apparently the Sun is now in Virgo around September 21st to November 1st.

German astronomer Joann Gottfried Galle, at the Berlin Observatory, discovered the planet Neptune September 23-25, 1846, when it was close to the star Deneb Algedi (meaning tail of the goat), at the east corner of Capricornus the Sea Goat, visible near Aquila the Eagle and Aquarius (Saturn is currently in Aquarius) for much of the night now.  Neptune is currently in or near .  It is apparently the windiest planet and many "sub-Neptunes" have been discovered.  Astronomers can crow that Neptune's existence had been predicted mathematically based on perturbations in the orbit of newly discovered Uranus, another ice giant. Apparently Neptune had been noted by Galileo December 28, 1612 and January 27, 1613; by the Paris Observatory May 8 and 10, 1795; and by John Herschel July 14, 1830.  On Deneb Algedi:*.html -- Star Names

Ken Burns' The Civil War was first aired on PBS September 23 – 27, 1990; it was aired September 7– 11, 2015 for its 25th anniversary and the 150th anniversary of the Civil War.

Palestinian poet Refaat Alareer was born 9/23/1979, assassinated 12/6/2023, more:  The assassination of academics in Gaza?

September 23, 2003 -- New Orleans, LA meteorite?

Neo-Inca leader Túpac Amaru (April 14, 1545 – September 24, 1572 executed in Cuzco, Peru):úpac_Amaru

Ukrainian by ethnicity but born in Siberia – Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko September 24, 1911 – March 10, 1985.

September 24, 1936 -- a "'calendar war'" under Glikerie in Moldavia, part of Romania at the time, against the abandonment of the old Julian calendar:  Fortean Times June 2022 issue FT419.

New York City's Fawcett Building, at 67 West 44th Street, was evacuated due to unexplained shaking September 24, 1966.  Unexplained booms in Howell Township, New Jersey, four miles north of Freewood Acres, in June 1974 and September 22nd and 25th – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

The long-running Urusei Yatsura, うる星やつら, manga began September 24, 1978, leading to an anime (even continuing in 2024), movies, and videogames?:

Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, 機動戦士ガンダム0083 STARDUST MEMORY, came out in Japan May 23, 1991-September 24, 1992, with a movie August 29, 1992:  It includes background music from The Thing (1982) by James Horner?  The 80's and nuclear war aesthetic.

The September 24, 200x anti-war march

WNBA player Brittney Griner, allegedly held by Russia as a political hostage, was sentenced to 9 years in prison and fined August 4, 2022, after admitting to having broken Russian law.  Released...  How many Americans and others does the US government under Biden imprison for marijuana and other "drug" law violations, often with onerous sentences, and how many Americans are held by other countries for similar drug crimes, but without much, or any, publicity?  Allegedly more Americans are "hostages" of governments than of non-state actors.  The US government claims that, unlike its enemies, it does not take political hostages and that US justice is blind, yet the US held Colombian Alex Saab to attack Venezuela, wanted vengeance against Australian journalist Julian Assange, persuaded Canada to hold Meng Wanzhou, Huawei's chief financial officer and the daughter of CEO Ren Zhangfei, from late 2018 to September 24, 2021 for allegedly violating the USA's sanctions on Iran, and there are questions about Aafia Siddiqui, considered a political prisoner by many Pakistanis, among other high-profile prisoners.  Simon Trinidad, that Russian woman, US government whistleblowers, Leonard Peltier, etc.?

9/24/2023 the Cuban embassy was attacked:  Expect more under Trump?

National Hunting and Fishing Day is September 24th.

OSIRIS-REx returns with a sample of asteroid Bennu September 24th: 

The last quarter Moon will be Tuesday, September 24th.

A Spanish expedition under Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama and 'discovered' the Mar del Sur, now called the Pacific Ocean, September 25, 1513:  The Conquest of the Incas by John Hemming, 1970.

September 25, 1847-November 20, 1914:

Novelist William Cuthbert Faulkner (September 25, 1897 in New Albany, Mississippi – July 6, 1962 in Byhalia, Mississippi): 

Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman) September 26, 1774 – March 18, 1845

Anthony Frederick Blunt (September 26, 1907 – March 26, 1983):

World Maritime Day is also September 26th:

Toughie, the last known Rabbs' fringe-limbed treefrog, passed away September 26, 2016 at the Atlanta Botanical Garden.  The species had been scientifically discovered in 2005 in a small area of cloud forest on the Pacific side of Panama.

The border between Colombia and Venezuela reopened September 26, 2022, after being closed due to the US and Colombian attempts to start a coup in Venezuela during the Trump years, not that the Biden administration doesn't want to overthrow the "communist" Bolivarian social-democrats.  Even Bernie Sanders on the left of the Democratic Party called Hugo Chavez a "communist dictator."  NPR blamed all of the border problems on Venezuelan 'authoritarianism,' rather than foreign powers led by the USA trying to impose a rightist puppet government on Venezuela, as Trump and Obama attempted with varying degrees of success in Cuba, Bolivia, and Honduras.

NASA moved an asteroid slightly (DART), to test a method of "planetary defense," September 26, 2022.  On the one hand, a large asteroid hitting the Earth would probably cause a mass extinction, but humans are currently causing a mass extinction and are not very interested in stopping it.  Humanity probably couldn't have evolved without the extraterrestrial impact about 65 million years ago, or whatever caused the mass extinction that ended the age of the dinosaurs, an impact being the leading "American" Space Age theory.  What if we were unlucky and something much larger was hurtling towards the Earth?  Supposedly just Comet Hale-Bopp would have been far worse.  I read that if an alien civilization, perhaps upset by an intentional human signal, could fire off a weapon the size of a car traveling near the speed of light, the force of the impact would devastate the Earth.  I'm not sure if the claim was that the Earth would be destroyed or just damaged.  At some point China or some other new superpower might claim to be the defender of the Earth from cosmic dangers, and the new representative of humanity.  Asteroid Dimorphos was discovered November 20, 2003.

September 27-December 20, 1991 OAV:  A new release comes out around October 8th this year?

September 27th -- Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3) at perihelion:  Sky and Telescope magazine September issue ?

French painter Alexandre Cabanel (September 28, 1823 – January 23, 1889).

Otto Braun (September 28, 1900 – August 15, 1974)

Japanese leftist Fusako Shigenobu was born September 28, 1945 in Setagaya, Tokyo:  See also:

September 28, 1969, around 10:58am, the Orgueil, France meteorite?

Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein January 15, 1918-September 28, 1970

Star Trek: The Next Generation premiered September 28, 1987 and ended May 23, 1994:  The two-part Best of Both Worlds aired June 18th and September 24, 1990: aired June 21 and September 20, 1993:  The franchise began at the beginning of September 1966:

World Rabies Day was September 28th:  I heard from a local licensed wildlife rehabilitator that vaccination against this almost universally fatal virus is offered by the Durham County Health Department, and immunity usually lasts a long time, but the vaccination is expensive.  And it is apparently offered at Walgreens, but for what price?

September 28th is the International Day for Universal Access to

World Rivers Day, the last Sunday in September, the 29th: and 

September 28th Kingston, New York anti-nuclear war Operation DAWN: 

Michaelmas is September 29th, a British quarter day, or November 8th.

Founded September 29, 1526 -- San Miguel de Gualdape in the future SC; it had the first African slaves in future US territory and the first rebellion?

April 26, 1832 to 9/30/32 – the Black Hawk War April; April 1837 – the Sabine, LA Indians; May 5, 1836 to 9/30/1837 – the Creeks in AL – This Country Was Ours:  A Documentary History of the American Indian, by Virgil J Vogel, 1974.

The Italo-Turkish War was September 29, 1911-October 18, 1912.

A meteorite landed on a back porch in Bloomington, Illinois in the summer of 1938: and

September 29, 1938 – a meteorite hit a car parked in a garage in Benld, Illinois :,_Illinois and

The Messir in the Red Sea near Suakin -- 6:30am September 30, 1888, an Arabic baten; the Wisconsin ? 30 miles off Sandy Hook=? "entrance to the Hudson in 1888 Heuvelmans, 1968

US citizen Anwar al-Awlaki, born in New Mexico, was assassinated by the Obama administration September 30, 2011 in Al Jawf governorate of Yemen, followed by the assassination of two his children, age 16 and 8, in that order, under Obama and 

The Obama administration used a drone to kill US citizen and alleged al Qaida leader Anwar al-Awlaki September 30, 2011 in Yemen, the first such assassination of a citizen.  October 14th that year they killed his 16-year-old son Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki, also an American citizen and not known to be involved in terrorism.  Allegedly the military had been trying to kill someone else, not present at the time.  January 29, 2019 Anwar al-Awlaki's 8-year-old daughter Nawar (Nora) al-Awlaki, another US citizen, was killed during a US-UAE raid in the Yakla area of Yemen, and took two hours to die from a bullet wound.  According to the Wikipedia article, more non-combatants (25) were killed than al Qaida members (14), including a three-month-old and other children and a pregnant woman.  Along with the noncombatant casualties more than 120 livestock were killed and over 12 buildings damaged in the poor and wartorn country.  US government lost one soldier and an Osprey aircraft: , , ,

October 1, 1672 -- a predicted occultation of a star in Aquarius by Mars, observed in France and Cayenne, providing useful information:  Star Names, page 51.  

The Polish-Soviet War began February 14, 1919 and ended in October 1920.  The March 18, 1921 Peace of Riga agreement established the Soviet-Polish border that held during the interwar period.    

Georgia UFO witness and "former" president James Earl 'Jimmy" Carter Jr was born October 1, 1924 in Plains, Georgia:

Günter Wallraff (born October 1, 1942):ünter_Wallraff

The People's Republic of China was declared in Beijing's Tiananmen Square October 1, 1949.

October 1st is supposed to be the 50th anniversary of the Boston National Historical Park.

Ovaherero under Samuel Maherero attacked the Germans in Okahandja, Namibia January 12, 1904 and in January 2024 Germany was at the ICJ for Israel; January 26, 2024 ruling; October 2, 1904 genocide ordered in Namibia? – the April 25th London Review of Books

The Moon will be new Wednesday, October 2nd. 

The legendary founding of Gojoseon October 3, 2333 BCE is a holiday in the ROK and marked in  DPR Korea.

The Communist Party of Cuba, the PCC, was founded October 3, 1965:

The 1993 Battle of Mogadishu or the Black Hawk Down Incident was October 3-4 in the capital of Somalia:

The Golden, BC, Canada meteorite--  October 3, 2012 around 11:30pm PT: and  ?

A UFO was reportedly seen in Greenville, North Carolina October 4, 1973 and there were many reports in the South on or around the 4th:  UFO Exist! 1976.

Kannagi, かんなぎ, aired October 4-December 27, 2008:

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3) will be closest to the Earth October 4th ?  It could become quite bright.  View?  Not to return for 80,000 years, or ever? -- Sky and Telescope magazine September issue

World Space Week is October 4th - 10th:

October 5, 1808-January 25, 1871:

The Nez Pearce War was June 14-October 5, 1877:

The Marília, Brazil meteorite -- October 5, 1971:

Ace o Nerae! first aired October 5, 1973:!

The Mountains to Coast Bicycle Ride will be in Pittsboro and a Parkwood Flea Market in Durham October 5th.

HMS Daedalus -- October 6?, 1848 around 5pm between the Cape? and St Helena in the South Atlantic ocean:  In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents by Bernard Heuvelmans, translated from French by Richard Garnett, drawings by Alika Watteau, 1968 edition.

Sarah York visited Panama as a guest of President Manuel Noriega October 5-11, 1988 and again on a family vacation October 8-17, 1989, shortly before the US invaded the country in December 1989. 

After they mine out the Moon? -- The futuristic anime Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo aired October 5, 2004 to March 29, 2005:

おとめ妖怪 ざくろ aired in Japan October 5-December 28 in 2010:ōkai_Zakuro

Derna, Libya was taken over by ISIS October 5, 2014, overthrown by the anti-ISIS Shura Council of Mujahideen in Derna, allegedly linked to al Qaida, followed by the Derna Protection Force, defeated by Khalifa Haftar's Libyan National Army in February 2019.

Add the October 5, 2015 Clustrmap date, not the real beginning date ? 

The Carolina Butterfly Society's annual Symposium will be in Chapel Hill October 5th.

Fish are supposed to have fallen in a "heavy rainstorm" in Aberdeen, South Dakota May 25, 1906. Two eels fell on the Yonkers-Alpine Line ferry Paunpeck on the Hudson River October 6, 1935, dropped by startled gulls.  In Reading, Pennsylvania October 6, 1939 a cooked one foot trout landed by George Stofflet as he stood on his porch.  A heron had dropped the trout on a powerline.  It was claimed that "a fine mist" fell on the location of a murder in Glasgow, Kentucky during the four weeks prior to October 22, 1907.  The seeds of cattails or reed mace noticeably rained down on Times Square and much of Manhattan in New York City October 25-26, 1931.   Many living fish fell in Bordeaux, France in under 30 seconds November 21, 1931:  Fortean Times April 2022 issue FT417.  May 23, 1908 -- a shooting over a long nose on or near the Rue Croix-Nivert in Paris.  Madison Avenue and 40th in New York City exploding manhole cover March 28, 1905?  In Afton, Virginia a woman tragically mistook a bear for her husband February 1, 1907?  

The 1973 Arab-Israeli War October 6-25th:

Students occupying Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand were massacred the morning of October 6, 1976:

Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry's Earth:  Final Conflict aired October 6, 1997 to May 20, 2002:

Neo-Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar II, the Great, is supposed to have passed away October 7, 562 BCE in Babylon:

Russian president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born October 7, 1952 in Leningrad, now St Petersburg:  

October 7, 2000: 

The USA invaded Afghanistan October 7, 2001: 

October 7, 2023 Hamas' stunning Operation al Aqsa Flood offensive by land, air, and sea took the Israeli government completely by surprise, or they knew it was coming, but allowed it to happen, as a justification for their desired ethnic cleansing campaign.

The Second Opium War/Second Anglo-Chinese War/Arrow War/Anglo-French Expedition to China was October 8, 1856-October 24, 1860:

Argentinian politician Juan Domingo Peron October 8, 1895-July 1, 1974:ón

Non Non Byori, のんのんびより, premiered in Japan October 8, 2013 and had three seasons:

The Draconid meteor shower, very weak, peaks around October 8th: 

A 'fireball' landed in Putnam County, New York, near Brewster, October 8, 1967 around 3:30am; in summer 1976 women were darted nearby – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

The Weather Underground bombed the Marin County Civic Center in San Rafael, California October 8, 1970.

January 15th is Chosŏn'gŭl Day in DPR Korea, celebrating the creation of Korea's writing system on that day in in 1444.  The ROK's separate Hangul Proclamation Day commemorates October 9, 1446. 

Australian anti-war journalist John Pilger passed away December 31, 2023.  He was born October 9, 1939 in Bondi, New South Wales, near Sydney.  His website:

A supernova was noticed near Theta Ophiuchi, a star visible now, around October 10, 1604; this was the last supernova in our galaxy that was definitely seen, it is sometimes called Kepler's Supernova.  There was one in Cassiopeia in the late 1600's and in Sagittarius around 1890-1908.

A supernova, Kepler's Star, was seen near the star Theta Ophiuchus, a constellation visible much of the night now, October 10, 1604, the last time a supernova was recorded in our galaxy.  Theta Ophiuchus is near bright Antares in Scorpius, a little further south.

April 7, 1772-October 10, 1837:

Bernard Heuvelmans was born October 10, 1916 in Le Havre, France and passed away August 22, 2001 in Le Vesinet, France:

Writer Robert Allan Caro was born October 10, 1935 in New York City:  

October 10, 1941-November 10, 1995:

The Outer Space Treaty was created January 27, 1967 and came into effect October 10th that year.

Red Lion赤毛 Akage, premiered in Japan October 10, 1969 and here December 17, 1969:

The first major hostilities by the FMNL (founded October 10, 1980) were January 10, 1981:

October 10th -- Moe no Hi, 萌えの日

To be launched October 10, 2024:

Henry Howe (October 11, 1816 – October 14, 1893) 

Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claimed that they were abducted by a UFO while fishing in the Pascagoula River near US 90 in coastal Mississippi October 11, 1973.  A very small USO, an unidentified submerged object, was seen and chased around without success near a Coast Guard station in the Pascagoula area November 6th of that year and there are accounts of strange sounds coming from waterways in the region around Pascagoula and Biloxi, MS.  Parker passed away August 24, 2023 at 8:15am due to kidney cancer, with a private memorial September 2nd:

And October 11th is supposed to be the 50th anniversary of the Big Thicket and Big Cypress national preserves.

Anime USA will be October 11-13th at the Crystal City Hyatt Regency Hotel, near the  Edward Snowden was once an attendee:  The date varies near the end of the year; it began in 1999.

October 12, 271 BCE -- occultation of a star in Virgo by Venus:  Star Names, page 468.

The first discovery of a comet through photography, in a photo taken at Lick Observatory October 12, 1892; the comet was near Altair in Aquila -- Star Names, page 59.

The musical Jesus Chris Superstar premiered October 12, 1971 in Manhattan:

John Lloyd Stephens (November 28, 1805 – October 13, 1852):

Takiji Kobayashi, the author of Kanikousen蟹工船, was born October 13, 1903 in Odate, Akita and is thought to have died from torture February 20, 1933 in Tokyo: andōsen and s

The Battle of Hastings between Norman William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, and Anglo-Saxon English king Harold Godwinson was October 14, 1066 in East Sussex:  Monday, September 25th:

Napoleon won the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt against King Frederick William III of Prussia October 14, 1806, now in eastern Germany:–Auerstedt 

October 14, 1879 -- the HMS Philomel, in the Gulf of Suez, reported a black and red marine animal -- Heuvelmans, 1968

There was a popular uprising against Thailand's anti-communist military government October 14, 1973:

Soviet astronomer Klim Ivanovych Churyumov was born February 19, 1937 and passed away October 14, 2016.

Solar eclipses were visible from the USA October 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024.

German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was born October 15, 1844 in Rocken, Saxony, Prussia, in the German Confederation, and passed away August 25, 1900 in Weimar, Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, in the German Empire:

Elena Stasova October 15, 1873-December 31, 1966:

The night of October 15-16, 1957 -- the Antonio Villas Boas UFO abduction claim, close to Sao Francisco de Sales in Minas Gerais, Brazil:  Bartholomew and Howard, 1998.

October 15, 1997-September 15, 2017:–Huygens

Hickory nuts and acorns start falling in October, earlier at UNC-Chapel Hill than where I live in Durham?

The first Crimean War began October 16, 1853.

Karl Johann Kautsky October 16, 1854-October 17, 1938:

Albanian revolutionary and statesman Enver Hoxha was born October 16, 1908 in Gjirokaster, at the time in the Ottoman Empire, and passed away April 11, 1985 in Tirana, Albania: , etc.

October 16, 1991 in Killeen,

October 17, 1760-May 19, 1825:

The Falksville, Alabama "Metal Man" was reported by Chief of Police Jeff Greenhaw, hired that January, on October 17, 1973? -- 

The Million Worker March in DC on October 17, 2004.

October 17, 2012 -- the Novato meteorite fragmented over northern CA around 19:44PT:

The Moon will be full Thursday, October 17th.

The last known Labrador duck was a male killed in the fall of 1875 off Long Island, New York, and is now preserved in Washington, DC.  Another specimen was supposed to have been killed December 2, 1878 in Elmira, New York, but the remains have since been lost:

Catherine Blake (Boucher; April 25, 1762 – October 18, 1831):  

October 18, 1973 a UFO near Cleveland, Ohio

Launched on Space Shuttle Atlantis October 18, 1989, carrying out flybys of Venus and the Earth to get to

Nature writer Edwin Way Teale passed away October 18, 1980.  He was born June 2, 1899 in Joliet, Illinois. 

Niche Gardens, a pioneering native plant nursery a few miles southwest of Carrboro went out of business October 18, 2019.  Besides the retail nursery there were display gardens.  NCSU graduate Kim Hawks founded Niche Gardens on Dawson Road in 1986, when gardening with native plants was a more unusual concept.  The nursery was also a pioneer in selling plants online. 

The first interstellar object, 'Oumuamua, thought to be a natural object, though some have suggested that it could be artificial, was discovered October 19, 2017. There has been discussion of sending a probe after it.

Kamala Devi Harris was born October 20, 1964 in Oakland, California:

Samuel Taylor Coleridge October 21, 1772 in Ottery-St Mary, Devon, UK-July 25, 1834 in Highgate, Middlesex, near London:  Apparently Eurasian beavers were extinct in the UK after about 1550, yet some were found in the River Otter in 2013.  Bizarrely some people wanted them to be captured and removed.  So far they have been allowed to stay in the Otter, becoming the first native extinct animal re-wilded reintroduced with official sanction in "England:",_Devon

Apparently the Zweiss planetarium projector, of which there is or was one in use at UNC's Morehead Planetarium, was first unveiled at Munich's Deutsches Museum October 21, 1923.  The projector had first been proposed February 24, 1914.  The Deutsches Museum had opened November 12, 1906: 

A very large, very fast gray animal or USO was reported by a few people in the Southwold, UK area, all on October 21, 1938? -- Fortean Times June 2022 issue FT419 and in Heuvelmans, 1968  Logs? -- Fortean Times October 2022 issue FT423. #13 1976?

October 21, 1952 -- a sighting of three UFOs by Air Commodore Michael "Mick" Swiney and Lieutenant David Crofts, while climbing from RAF base Little Rissington, Gloucestershire, UK in a Gloster Meteor VII fighter jet, at around 30,000;' the UFOs were detected on radar but interceptors did not find anything; this was shortly after the UK's first atomic test (date?):  Fortean Times magazine June 2024 issue FT445.

International Observe the Moon Night is October 21st (?): 

National Reptile Awareness Day October 21st: ?

The WMOP at the Pentagon, etc. October 21-22, 2018:

Constantine Samuel Rafinesque-Schmaltz October 22, 1783 in Galatta, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire-September 18, 1840 in Philadelphia:

Historian John (Juan) Ricaro Irfan Cole was born October 23, 1952 in Albuquerque, New Mexico:

The traditional Western Scorpio period, following Libra the Scales/Balance, formerly the claws of Scorpius the Scorpion, begins October 24th, but apparently the Sun is now 'in' Virgo September 21st to November 1st, in Libra until November 23rd, in Scorpius until November 30th, in Ophiuchus until December 18th, and then in Sagittarius, etc.  Add?

Augusta Foote Arnold October 24, 1844 in Seneca Falls, New York-May 9, 1904 in Manhattan:

Disarmament Week is October 24th – 30th:

Global Media and Information Literacy Week is October 24th – 31st:

The Battle of Agincourt was near Azincourt in northern France October 25, 1415, during the Hundred Years' War.  The English defeated a larger French army:

Georgian Bolshevik Sergo Konstantinovich Ordzhonikidze October 24, 1886 in Ghoresha, now in the western central area of the Republic of Georgia – February 18, 1937 in Moscow, interred in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis. 

Richard Evelyn Byrd Jr October 25, 1888 in Winchester, Virginia March 11, 1957 in Boston, Massachusetts:

Early kamikaze attacks began during the Battle of Leyte Gulf, October 25, 1944:  Kamikaze, Cherry Blossoms, and Nationalisms by Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney, 2002.

An October 25, 200x  anti-war event? 

The afternoon of October 25, 2018 F-15s were dispatched to fruitlessly look for a white UFO, not appearing on radar, at an altitude of about 40,000,' between Seattle and PortlandFlying Saucer Digest #219 Winter 2018.

October 25th is supposed to be the 75th anniversary of Effigy Mounds National Monument and the 26th is supposed to be the 50th anniversary of the Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site.

The free Fridays on the Front Porch is still held at the Carolina Inn, across from the main UNC campus in Chapel Hill, 5-8pm April 19th-October 25 in 2024.

Angelina Emily Grimké Weld (February 20, 1805 – October 26, 1879)

Hillary Rodham Clinton was born October 26, 1947 in Chicago:

Hezbollah leader Abbas al-Musawi (عباس الموسوي; October 26 1952 – killed by Israel, using the then new US Apache helicopter, February 16 1992 with his wife and son, age five, and four more).

September 24, 1235 a "General Yoritsume" and his army saw unusual lights in Japan – is this supposed to be Kujō Yoritsune (九条 頼経) / Fujiwara no Yoritsune (藤原 頼経) February 12, 1218 – September 1, 1256, in power 1226–1244? – Mysteries of the Unexplained, by The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., 1982.

October 27, 1180 an object compared to an airborne "'earthenware vessel'" was seen in or near "Kii province" in Japan (in southern Honshu, now part of Wakayama and Mie prefectures; includes the Kii Peninsula?):  Mysteries of the Unexplained, by The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., 1982.

The Great Comet of 1577 reached perihelion round October 27th and was noted 5 days later in Peru.  It was noted in the native Mexican Codex Aubin Wednesday, November 6th.  It was seen around the world, but it is not expected to ever return.

The Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, with Tashkent as its capital, was created within the RSFSR April 30, 1918.  The name varied.  It was abolished October 27, 1924 and ultimately divided into the Central Asian republics of the USSR, today separate countries.

Allen R Schindler Jr of the US Navy was beaten to death in Sasebo, Nagasaki in Japan October 27, 1992 over his homosexuality.  US Navy command complicity?  Schindler was serving on the amphibious assault vessel USS Belleau Wood at the time:

Russia's Znamya-2 space mirror experiment, originally a solar sail experiment, was launched October 27, 1992 on Progress M-15 and was successfully deployed near the Mir space station February 4, 1993.  The 20-meter mirror created a five kilometer wide spot lit as if by the light of a full Moon, racing at 8 kilometers a second from the south of France to western Russia.  I wonder if anyone was upset by this gigantic light trespass, or was everything prearranged?  I remember that a Russian orbital mirror was covered in Durham's Herald-Sun newspaper at the time.  The satellite was deorbited and burned up over Canada after a few hours.  

October 28, 1758-November 13, 1807:éron_de_La_Bruyère

Cuban revolutionary Camilo Cienfuegos, the Hero of Yaguajay, was born February 6, 1932 and is thought to have died in plane crash over the ocean October 28, 1959.  Cuba's Order of Cienfuegos award is named for him. 

March 31, 1882-October 28, 1969: , , and

Louis Jean Joseph Charles Blanc October 29, 1811 in Madrid, Spain – December 6, 1882 in Cannes, France:

The Spartacist/January uprising was January 5-12, 1919 in Berlin during the German Revolution, which began October 29, 1918, according to Wikipedia.

Linda Schele (October 30, 1942 in Hendersonville, part of Nashville, TN – April 18, 1998):

October 31, 1849 -- the Monroe, NC (in Union or Warren county?) meteorite

Bolshevik Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze was born February 2, 1885 in what is now Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.  He was a military leader during the Russian Civil War, operating in Central Asia and Ukraine, was an ambassador to Turkey, a member of the CPSU's Central Committee and Politburo, and chair of the Revolutionary Military Council.  He passed away during a surgical operation October 31, 1925 in Moscow and was honored with burial in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis.  Many things were named for him: Bishkek was called Frunze from 1926 to February 5, 1991, the pre-WWII battleship Poltava was renamed for him January 7, 1926, the Frunze Military Academy in Moscow, etc.; and he is honored with a place in Turkey's Republic Monument in Taksim Square, Istanbul, as is Semyon Ivanovich Aralov, an ambassador born December 18, 1880.  

Future Boy Conan aired in Japan April 4-October 31, 1978, connected to Studio Ghibli:

The Chinese Shenyang FC-31 Gyrfalcon aircraft (鹘鹰, Gǔ yīng, or Snowy Owl, 雪鸮) also known as the J-31 or J-35 – first flew 10/31/2012: 

The Moon will be new Friday, November 1st.

A supernova in Cassiopeia in our galaxy was seen from about November 2, 1572 into 1574 and peaked around November 16th; sometimes called Tycho's Supernova.

Georges Eugene Sorel was born November 2, 1847 in Cherbourg, France and passed away August 29, 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine:

Norman R. Morrison (December 29, 1933 in Erie, Pennsylvania – November 2, 1965, shortly after he burned himself at the Pentagon over the Vietnam War): 

A military standoff between France and the UK on the upper Nile River at what is now Kodok/Kothok in South Sudan (?) from July 10-November 3 in 1898: and  The former capital of the Shilluk Kingdom, renamed by the UK in 1904 to cover up the former troubles with their French new ally, 10 years before WWI?

The ill-fated uprising by the ELN of Bolivia began November 3, 1966 under Che Guevara? --

DST ends November 3rd in 2024

"A dried lemon inscribed 'Given by Mr P Lu Franchini to Miss E Baxter Nov 4 1739'" found in "an antique chest being photographed for auction in Newport, Shropshire" in the UK was "valued at 40 to 60" British pounds, but sold for 1400 pounds:  Fortean Times July 2024 issue FT446.  A live 50-pound tarpon was netted and stolen from a Bass Pro shop in Fort Myers, Florida.

Manadel al-Jamadi (مناضل الجمادي) was killed during CIA interrogation at Abu Ghraib, Iraq November 4, 2003:

According to Wikipedia, the first female head of state who wasn't royal was Khertek Amyrbitovna Anchimaa-Toka (Russian:  Хертек Амырбитовна Анчимаа-Тока΄ Tuvan:  Анчимаа-Тока Хертек Амырбит уруу, Anchimaa-Toka Khertek Amyrbit uruu; January 1, 1912 – November 4, 2008) of the Tuvan People's Republic, bordering Mongolia, once part of China, and part of the Russian Federation from fall 1944.

Travis Walton is supposed to have been abducted by a UFO November 5, 1975 near Snowflake, Arizona, and was missing for a few days.

The Bento Rodrigues dam disaster in Brazil was November 5, 2015

The crazy 2024 US general election will be November 5th.

Fanny Weston Bixby Spencer (November 6, 1879 – April 30, 1930), one of the first female police officers in the US, January 1, 1908, in Long Beach, California, and she was on the left politically.

A meteorite in Ensisheim, now in France, 280pounds/127kg, November 7, 1492, in a meter-deep hole, reportedly heard at least one hundred miles away; 

The epochal October Socialist Revolution in the Russian Empire began Wednesday (?), November 7, 1917:

Apparently there is a Victims of Communism Day, November 7th, with students in Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Idaho, and Utah being given 45 minutes of government indoctrination that includes the 'victims' of capitalist Venezuela and the coronavirus and promotes the "Atlanticist" liberals' "double genocide theory:"  The author of the 2009 book Red Holocaust, Steven Rosefielde, is an economics professor at UNC:  Created when?

November 8, 1519 (under the Julian calendar) -- Hernan Cortes and Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin or Moctezuma II met on a causeway outside Tenochtitlan

There was a military coup in Thailand November 8, 1947:état

Meteorites hit houses in Wethersfield, Connecticut twice over 11 years – April 8, 1971 and November 8, 1982; the first was sold to the Smithsonian and the second is in Yale's Peabody Museum of Natural  

November 9, 1799 -- the coup that installed Napolean Bonaparte in power in France:

November 9, 1979 -- the Dechmont Law or Woods, Livingston, Scotland UFO report by forester Robert "Bob" Taylor; spiked spheres and a landed object; the police called it criminal assault: and

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (December 19, 1906 in Ukraine – November 10, 1982) 

November 11, 1886-September 10, 1983, August 7, 1909 she drove across the US:

November 11, 2022 a Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative substation in Jones County, NC was vandalized, knocking out power for over 12,000 people.  In late November 2023 (?) there were at least six attacks in the Pacific Northwest, two with guns.  The morning of December 25th in  four substations were attacked around Tacoma, knocking out the power to more than 14,000 people.  Two men were arrested January 3rd, but apparently did it only as part of a plan for burglaries.  

Anthonie (Antoon) Cornelis Oudemans Jzn (Jongzoon?) was born November 12, 1858 in what is now Jakarta (then Batavia) , Indonesia and passed away January 14,1943 in Arnhem:  In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents by Bernard Heuvelmans, translated from French by Richard Garnett, drawings by Alika Watteau, 1968 edition.

Evo Morales became president of Bolivia January 22, 2006 and was elected to two more terms, until he was toppled in a violent US-backed coup and received asylum in Mexico, November 12, 2019.  An unelected rightist and anti-Indian government temporarily ruled Bolivia.  The security forces refused to protect the elected government, but were willing to violently represse or kill Morales supporters.  Morales' MAS party returned to power in the next election.

Túpac Katari / Catari or Túpaj Katari) born Julián Apasa Nina (circa 1750 – November 13, 1781):úpac_Katari 

November 13, 1864-March 1, 1870:

The Bremen Soviet Republic/Bremen Council Republic in Germany was declared January 10, 1919 and was toppled February 2nd, but it had apparently begun November 14, 1918: 

November 14-17, 1974 a crash and entity reported in Bald Mountain, WA, near ChehalisWeird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

Pakistani Mir Aimal Kansi carried out a shooting attack outside the CIA's Langley, Virginia headquarters January 25, 1993, killing two and wounding three CIA employees.  Kansi was born in Quetta February 10 or October 22 in 1964 and was executed November 14, 2002 at Virginia's Greensville Correctional Center, near Jarratt.  See also: and,_D.C. 

November 15-December 21, 1864:

David Émile Durkheim (April 15, 1858 in Epinal, France – November 15, 1917 in Paris):Émile_Durkheim 

The Moon will be full Friday, November 15th.

The Battle of Cajamarca, in what is now northern Peru, was November 16, 1532: 

Edward King, Viscount Kingsborough (November 16, 1795 – February 27, 1837):,_Viscount_Kingsborough

A ghost or other entity was reported in Hythe, Kent, UK November 16, 1963, etc., and Sheerness comes up again:  FT439 article.

Mothman 1966 to December 15, 1967.  Add 6 13 76 Co?

The Arecibo Message was beamed towards globular star cluster M13, about 125,000 light years away, on November 16, 1974. A reciprocal crop circle was found at the south end of the UK in August 2001.

R.E.M November 16, 1987:

November 16, 1989 -- a university massacre in El Salvador.

The first of several reports of something in orbit before Sputnik was November 17, 1956 – a captured meteor? – Mysteries of the Unexplained, by The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., 1982.  And in--

Two police officers reportedly encountered a UFO in Gaffney, South Carolina around 4am November 17, 1966:  Bartholomew and Howard, 1998.

November 17, 1975 in Whitefish, MTWeird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978. 

James Warren Jones (May 13, 1931 in Crete, Indiana – November 18, 1978 in Jonestown, Guyana): 

Bengali rebel Titumir / Syed Mir Nisar Ali (January 27, 1782 – November 19, 1831) 

Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov (Ю́рий Валенти́нович Кноро́зов; November 19, 1922 – March 31, 1999):

Wikipedia notes belled buzzards in Western NC around November 20, 1855, etc.: 

The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, founded in mid-1991, are named for Izz ad-Din Abd al-Qadar ibn Mustafa ibn Yusuf ibn Muhammad al-Qassam (عز الدين بن عبد القادر بن مصطفى بن يوسف بن محمد القسام / Izz ad-Dīn ibn Abd al-Qāder ibn Mustafa ibn Yūsuf ibn Muhammad al-Qassām; 1881 or December 19, 1882 – November 20, 1935). 

Joe Robinette Biden Jr. was born November 20, 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania:

Napoleon's attempted Europe-wide Continental Blockade or System against the UK was in operation November 21, 1806-April 11, 1814:

Short-lived soviets in Alsace-Lorraine, at the time part of Germany, were put down by the French November 22, 1918?

November 22, 1991-March 26, 1993 OAV:

The traditional Western Sagittarius period, following Scorpio, begins November 23rd. 

Joseph Wood Krutch (November 25, 1893 in Knoxville, TN – May 22, 1970 in Tucson, Arizona):

Writer Wataru Keiji was kidnapped and tortured in Japan by US operatives November 25, 1951-December 7, 1952? -- and

November 25, 1965 Mobutu seized power in Congo-Kinshasa and later renamed the country Zaire; he wasn't deposed until 1997, and was supported by the USA and China. 

爆炎CAMPUSガードレス aired May 27th to November 25th in 1994:

An iron meteorite landed in Mazapil (small deer in Nahuatl, mazatl/deer plus pilli/small?  Traditional homeland of the Chichimec Guachichiles) in Zacatecas, in northern Mexico not far from Texas November 27, 1885, during the Andromedid meteor shower (stemming from Biela's Comet, discovered February 27, 1826), but the meteorite and the Andromedids are now thought to be unrelated.

November 27, 1954 Florence, Italy more than one oblong UFOs and falling "angel hair" interrupted a soccer match between Fiorentina and Pistoiese at the Stadio Artemio Franchi before about ten thousand spectators.  The heavy fall of angel hair at the Stadio and nearby is explained away as spider silk, but the fast-moving UFOs were also reported.  Boron, silicon, calcium, and magnesium was detected in the angel hair: ,, Dechmont Law Emilcin PO

Artist and music collector Harry Everett Smith, known for compiling the Anthology of American Folk Music, released August 9, 1952, passed away November 27, 1991 in New York City.  Birth date: ; 

William Blake (November 28, 1757 – August 12, 1827):

November 29th is supposed to be the 25th anniversary of the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site.

"The father of meteoritics" German physicist Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni November 30, 1756 – April 3,1827

November 30, 1861 -- the French gunboat warship Alecton, 40 leagues from Tenerife, captured a giant squid? -- In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents by Bernard Heuvelmans, translated from French by Richard Garnett, drawings by Alika Watteau, 1968 edition.

Alfonso Caso y Andrade (February 1, 1896 – November 30, 1970):

Frozen mallard ducks and hail are supposed to have fallen in Stuttgart, Arkansas the afternoon of November 30, 1973 – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

January 17, 1977 French mercenaries under Bob Denard attempted to overthrow the People's Republic of Benin or the Popular Republic of Benin (around November 30, 1975 to March 1, 1990) under President Mathieu Kérékou.

Around 5pm November 30, 1979 in La Palma, Oaxaca, Mexico eight African-looking, tall ufonauts with guns and radios reportedly told a farmworker to cut his penis (genitals?) off, and he did so, with a machete:  Bartholomew and Howard, 1998.

Russian revolutionary Sergei Kirov was born March 27, 1886 in what is now Kirov Oblast.  He was assassinated December 1, 1934. 

A brief blue light effect seen from a ship, the MV Trevean, on a windy day "under low cloud" in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean December 1, 1959:  Mysteries of the Unexplained, by The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., 1982.

Former US ambassador to Bolivia Victor Manuel Rocha was arrested in Miami December 1, 2023 and charged with alleged spying for

The pivotal decisive Battle of Austerlitz was December 2, 1805, during the Napoleonic Wars, Austerlitz is now in the Czech Republic.

Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro Altamirano, 1st Marquess of the Valley of Oaxaca (December 1485 – December 2, 1547) 

John Brown (May 9, 1800 – December 2, 1859): 

December 4, 1934  -- the Farmville, NC (the renamed Coalglen, in Chatham County or the Farmville in Pitt County?) meteorite

President Ford signed Executive Order 11905 February 18, 1976, among other things banning "political assassination."  Similar executive orders were signed by Carter on January 24, 1978 and by Reagan on December 4, 1981.

December 7, 1905, around 10:15am, off Brazil's Parahiba , , (all by the same author)

Hezbollah leader Imad Fayez Mughniyeh was born December 7, 1962 (Tayr Dibba, near Tyre, in Lebanon) and assassinated by Israel and the US around 23:00 February 12, 2008 in the Kafr Sousa neighborhood of Damascus, Syria, using a car bomb:

A Reichsbürger monarchist coup plot was allegedly foiled December 7, 2022 in Germany.  In April 2017 rightist soldiers in Germany's special forces were charged with planning to assassinate several politicians in a Day X plot.

December 9, 1519 -- "the first treasure ship from Mexico" docked in Sevilla, in the south of Spain:  Victor Wolfgang von Hagen, 1957-1961.

December 9, 1608-November 8, 1674:

Suppressed in the territory of the future ROK December 12, 1945:

The Myrotvorets website, alleged to be a Ukrainian SBU and CIA operation, was created December 15, 2014, according to Wikipedia

The New Madrid, Missouri earthquakes were December 16, 1811 and January 23rd and February 7th in 1812, under the Great Comet of 1811 (discovered March 25, 1811 and to return around 4785 CE: ) and around when the first steamboat plied the Mississippi basin Fulton (November 14, 1765 – February 24, 1815) patented February 11, 1809 – National Day Calendar).  Also around the War of 1812, the French invasion of Russia (it was called "Napoleon's Comet"), and the failed Eight Trigrams uprising of 1813 (癸酉之變) in China.  It was used as a sign by Shawnee chief Tecumseh (born March 9, 1768; "Shooting Star" or "CelestiaPanther Lying in Wait" (?) – ) on a diplomatic mission in Alabama ).  Wikipedia puts the birth of the Shawnee ProphetTenskwatawa ("Open Door") in January 1775: and  , , 

The Ivuna meteorite landed in Mbeya, Tanzania, sister city of Tifariti, Western Sahara (mentioned under the SADR entry in February) on December 16, 1938

Philippine revolutionary Jose Maria Canlas Sison (Joma) -- (February 8, 1939 – December 16, 2022).

Hugo Chavez's Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement-200, founded December 17, 1982, attempted to overthrow Venezuelan president Carlos Andres Perez February 4-5, 1992.  There was a second attempt at a military coup November 27th.

Korean statesman Kim Jong Il was born February 16, 1941, when Korea was a colony of Japan, and passed away December 17, 2011 in Pyongyang, capital of resolutely independent DPR Korea, though the struggle for independence from Japan and the first battles with US imperialism were led by his father, Kim Il Sung; some of his works and other documents are online at: , , , and might be available in print at UNC's Davis Library.

December 20, 1620 the Pilgrim landing at the future Plymouth, MA This Country Was Ours:  A Documentary History of the American Indian, by Virgil J Vogel, 1974.

Spanish Francoist? prime minister Luis Carrero Blanco (March 4, 1904 – died after a massive ETA carbombing December 20, 1973, called 'Spain's first astronaut')

I might add more here in coming weeks.  I had intended to post this in early summer and now it is more getting to be late summer.  More 2024 anniversary and event calendars are linked at: and there are the previous years.

Chinese "spy" balloons were in the headlines around winter/spring 2021, and Korean propaganda and "rubbish" or whatever balloons were in the headlines in spring/summer 2024: and

The House of Representatives wants automatic registration of young men age 18-26 (not 18-25) for the  draft, for the coming major war, as in some EU countries, but there isn't national automatic registration to vote.  This is in the National Defense Authorization Act, which the House passed 217-199, according to the CLG.  What about drafting women, etc.?  A GPUS press release:  About the NDAA vote, not the draft:  On German plans for conscription:  In Ukraine April 16, 2024:  See also:  

On June (?) 16th the BBC is reporting that the Greek coast guard threw migrants into the Mediterranean or put them adrift in boats to die.  Earlier their were accusations on the BBC that Greece pushed migrant boats out of Greek territorial waters.  Poland has been accused of firing at migrants on the border.

On the BBC:  A survey (multi-country?) found that 39% "sometimes" or "often" avoid the news (online or all kinds of news media?), up 10% from 2017.  The news was termed "depressing," "boring," or "relentless" (On Ukraine?  The various Trump trials and impeachment hearings here?).

The US government has banned Kasparsky anti-virus software as a "commercial threat" (to NSA backdoor entry into our computers?) under a new law, because it is from a Russian company or something.  TikTok was banned, as an information threat to the US warmongers and Israel-firsters?  Why should other governments allow the Google, Facebook, X, ChapGPT, etc. to operate within their borders? 

July 16th it was reported that Kasparsky is not going to do business in the US.

Another terrorist group attack in Russia, in Dagestan, June 23rd; the "West" will say that the Russian government can't attack Ukraine and prevent terrorist attacks at the same time?  A lot of terrorist interest in Russia recently. 

Attack in Crimea?  When?  "The Documentary" "Online hate and conspiracy theories" against elite women.   "Feminism" used to sell 21st century wars  "gendered disinformation" information war.  No comment on the new, anti-China leader of the Philippines.  The water supply was cut off to Suomi?  Something in Crimea July 5th or 6th.

Friday, July 5th -- WADA accuses the US "Justice Department" of exceeding its authority in opening a investigation into alleged doping by Chinese swimmers due to compete in this summer's Olympics, and why the alleged drug findings were not revealed before.  Of course the Justice Department rarely comments on ongoing investigations -- but if they can tar China they will comment now.

When the US and UK invaded Iraq in 2003, the US media said that the Iraqi information ministry constantly tells obvious lies, it is ludicrous, don't listen to them, and back then the US government had more control over the narrative its population could hear.  Now in 2023-2024 the Israeli government constantly lies, but the US media reports what they say as probably true.  Only Russia is to be disbelieved, cancelled, or ignored by default.  July 8th evening on NPR's "All Things Considered" -- Israel is bombing UN schools, a war crime, and many people are sheltering at the UN schools and get killed, but Israel says that Hamas is using the schools, so bombing them is fine, and the "journalists" leave it at that.  On the other hand, I'm surprised that they aren't going on and on about the children at a hospital in Ukraine (allegedly) hit by a Russian missile.  Maybe the BBC will play it up or already has, and have people on to talk about the Russian 'Hun' and "genocide."  July 8th morning NPR was talking about efforts to make sure voters can't stop the war effort in the US or EU.  You can vote in November, but it won't matter, the government will continue on the course set by the "deep state" and Biden however the election goes.

Biden of all people claiming that the he is being targeted by the elite.  What voter mandate, after the primaries were rigged?  He got some votes, but there wasn't much of a primary in 2024.  NPR on the great non-partisan primaries in Louisiana, getting rid of partisan extremes, in the afternoon on the 7th.  Pushing an agenda. (August 5th -- ranked choice voting does the same thing, and now it is being brought up more often??)

July 9th on The World:  Targeting socially isolated pigeon "superfeeders" and worrying about rising gull numbers in Barcelona, Spain.  In my neighborhood feeding the waterfowl bread, cracked corn, etc. was banned because of the large numbers during the winter, but now there aren't very many mallards or Canada geese around.  Turtles and fish probably ate pieces of bread in the water.

Recently the US Senate looked at or will look at "hoarding" as a problem of the ageing population? 

On All Things Considered July 9th the "sacred" NATO collective defense clause (like the "temple of Democracy" or whatever they called the US Capitol in 2021), "Trump-proofing" (=voter-proofing?) war funding, their strange way of saying "NATO" or "European allies," 'isolationist' war criminal Trump versus 'internationalist' and 'cooperative' war criminal Biden.  Give Biden four more years to start more wars and coups, or is Trump going to start the wars on the deep state's schedule?  Since when does NATO have an anthem?

On NPR around the evening of July 7th a news brief stated that the Russian government ruled out a ceasefire in Ukraine as just an opportunity for Ukraine to re-arm (as with the Minsk agreements?); then they seamlessly went to 'analysis' put out by something like the Center for the Study of War saying that Putin wants something like the political and cultural destruction of Ukraine.  Were they trying to confuse listeners about what Russia says and what a think tank claims that Putin or Russia wants?  Around then the US government admonished Hungary's Orban and India's Modi to follow the US line  with Putin.  Voters have little power to vote out Biden's war policies in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, or East Asia.  The Republicans might differ in emphasis, but the warmongering is bipartisan and Trump went with the "deep state" or couldn't go against them in his first term.  The Democrats want to punish the Russian people for their "authoritarian" government's policies, when the people don't matter much in the "democratic" USA.  Reference to RTP housing 630-7pm

July 6th or7th:  Of course a former Republican would like Biden -- Joe Scarborough (?) claims something like 'this Biden is intellectually and analytically the best Biden ever!'  MSNBC as the Democratic Party's FOX News -- that isn't the role of NPR, PBS' Newshour, the AP, etc.?

Added to previous WSWS ballot access links.  NPR seemed to abruptly pivot back to focusing on Trump, as apocalyptic for "our democracy" July 11th, after two weeks on Biden, post-debate.  25 ways democracies die or whatever talking points for the government laundered by an academic on On Point.  Nothing Biden or the Democrats do in the Middle East, Taiwan, New York City, Raleigh, etc. is ominous or sinister, but the Republicans are the new Nazi Party and there will be concentration camps and civil war next year if Trump wins.  How will Ukraine carry on the proxy war if the USA is pre-occupied with a civil war?   (Shortest Republican Party platform) (And they had a PR piece for Kamala Harris after 5am, after they portrayed her as being even more mentally addled than Biden a year or two ago.  Another segment admitted upfront that Trump denies having anything to do with Project 2025, but then they went through the Democratic Party talking points to tie it to Trump.  NPR isn't a Democratic Party version of Fox News and rightwing talk radio?  They had live coverage of Biden's press conference after 8pm.) 

Friday at 11am 1As' Friday International News Round-up with Elliot Williams, "a legal analyst" from CNN, and a panel from Foreign Policy, The Economist, etc. talked about how Biden's problems overshadowed talk about the 'barbaric' Russian attack on a children's hospital in Kiev.  I might have missed it, but I didn't hear them say a word about Israel's illegality and barbarism, other than to blame the leader of Hamas for the lack of a ceasefire and a mention of the failure of the Gaza pier.  A recent article in the Israeli 972 (??) claimed that Israeli soldiers threw a woman in front of a tank and ran her over because she resisted or objected to their seizure of her male children.  Were they also killed?  Not gong to find out?  An article in Israeli Haaretz gives a specific time when the Israeli government ordered that hostages be killed rather than allow Hamas or others to take them into Gaza on October 7th.  For decades people (anarchists, antifa?) have said 'Punch a Nazi,' but now they say "Vote Blue No Matter Who" (even if Biden is working closely with the modern equivalent) or they back off, for fear of arrest, since the US government is already working with the "far right" here and around the world.  Who invaded Iraq, etc.?

RT July 12th morning -- boys outside in Russia were hit by a drone with grenade, not n accident.  NPR quotes Harris more often now.  

Something happened to Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania around 6:15pm on July 13th, RT and later NPR reported.  NPR has been hammering on "our democracy" again, and will deny any role in the "polarization" of the country and the "Great Sort."  The Democrats and  Republicans  have to stir people up to get votes, since they have little to offer otherwise.  Or, was there a conspiracy, on either side?  There are going to be hours of "special coverage" that says little, other than NPR's usual election 2024 narrative?

They brought up the attack on Ronald Reagan in March 1981 but have yet to mention the very obvious parallel with Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil September 6, 2018.  They never mentioned it.

Talk to Trump.  They wanted unity in 2001 too...  Unity and then decades of war.

RFK Jr complained for many months that he has a right to Secret Service protection as a presidential candidate and was being denied.  Can he trust the Secret Service?  Jill Stein made a request for protection.

They go from saying that Trump is a would be fascistic dictator to bemoaning the incredible events of July 13th.  The Republicans are being "political" and 'irresponsible.'

NPR coverage until 10pm and then the BBC an hour early.  NPR had a correspondent at the event, but the BBC at 10pm had a witness who saw the shooter?  Stirring up Mongolians on the BBC.  Making English a national language.  Why would China or Russia invade Mongolia now?  There is a history with China and Russia, but why would they threaten Mongolia now?  A lot of anti-government and Canadian-level intellectual "Western" propaganda.  The BBC went after the Republic of Georgia a few months ago.

With US support Israel killed 90+ people to kill two supposed Hamas officials today, and Israel has been bombing UN schools, and the Gaza aid pier might have been used to kill many, but Trump is the devil and Biden is the 'lesser evil,' meaning that they think that he isn't an 'evil' at all.

Back to normal on the BBC around 3am July 14th?  A friendly-sounding ex-pat Republican woman pointing at the Democrats and then a worried? dark? pessimistic ex-pat academic, on how Trump is an apocalyptic threat, though there are elected officials other than the president to consider, he admitted (could it have been something like John Stremlau, in Scotland????).  Later another academic, on something like 10% of Americans justifying violence to stop Trump, a third of whom have guns, and 7%  justifying violence for Trump, half of whom are armed, if I remember right, and then sports.  Nether of the two guest commentators was very left.  10-20% of Americans are probably near the political fringes.  Put your energy into voting, they say, but only two similar candidates count.  No mention of Bolsonaro in 24 hours?  RFK was mentioned, but not RFK Jr's long-standing security concerns.  'Everyone' around the world condemns "political violence," unless it serves US government objectives abroad.  NPR staff weren't "responsible" when Ukraine assassinated a Russian journalist near Moscow while trying to get her father, etc. and Ukraine claims to be trying to assassinate Putin right now.  Slovakia's Robert Fico is 'divisive,' or whatever.  Japan's Shinzo Abe? 

The attempted assassin was named as Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, now deceased, apparently born September 20, 2003 in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, where he lived with his parents.  He was a registered Republican, but donated to the Progressive Turnout Project January 20, 2021.  His family is reportedly politically mixed, according to Wikipedia, which could be incorrect.  His parents are cooperating with investigators.  He did not own the gun and had a bomb.  In recent years the media often erases the names of accused shooters. The "Simplicus" SubStack? posted aerial views of the apparent site and a flying bullet.  The Biden campaign is paused and the Republican convention is about to begin.  Protests had been negotiated with the authorities just before the shooting. -- and  Note that "An editor has nominated this article for deletion."  They removed a lot of information in deleting the USMLO entry and maybe others a few years ago, though they kept a related entry.  What record were they (who?) trying to erase?  Why does Wikipedia want to reduce the amount of information it holds?  On the other hand, maybe the original author wanted to erase it.

Trump survived, but an attendee was killed and a few others were injured?   Corey Comperatore, 50 (?) was killed and David Dutch (57, of New Kensington) and James Copenhaver (74, of Moon Township) were injured?

Microsoft is targeting Palestinians, just because they are Palestinian?  You can't say "Zionist" on Facebook?  I haven't checked Facebook.  Is another free speech chill coming after July 13th, but it won't target pro-Biden Democrats on the US "Left?" 

They say all of this on a day commemorating revolutionary violence, Bastille Day, July 14, 1789?  A woman "professor of national security" at Harvard (?) and a man with an Irish accent,  journalist David Gilbert, on "mis- and disinformation," it was just the act of a "loner," the nefarious Russia and Iran will stir things up after the weekend, at 6pm.  When the US and UK try to stir things up in Russia, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, etc it is just "journalism."  Many Palestinian journalists were killed on one day recently.  And then a man with a UK accent (from the CFR?)...

Are they blaming the "far left," when Biden, NPR, etc. went on and on about the threat to "our democracy" and worse?

25% want their state to secede?  I said that over a decade ago? Or 15 years?  Cuba, Nicaragua, Russia on the event...

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison -- the attempted tarring of Jill Stein over Putin and Kim on Twitter on the 9th.  The UK's Met punched a protester in the face?

Exhortations to be 'responsible' by the same media that calls Trump a grave threat and doesn't condemn Israel like it condemns Russia.  Not 1789?  Lauds Ukraine, condemns Hamas   The targeting of Iranians.  Someone blaming the students?  The chairman of Republicans Overseas... 

Have they forgotten all about Bolsonaro?  NPR was ready to talk about the unethical, immoral "conspiracists" by the 14th.  "Conspiracists" is a new word for them at 5am on the 15th.

JD Vance's anti-China position if not warmongering is "America 1st" or MAGA?  Starting a major war with China over Taiwan or whatever is in the interest of the majority of Americans?  In the same way, the Biden administration claimed to be pursing a "middle-class foreign policy." Or is Vance being misrepresented?  The Democrats are also anti-China warmongers.  US support for Taiwanese independence could also be seen as another example of the US redrawing borders with force, since mainland China and Taiwan claim to be two parts of one China, separated through war.  Russia acted to support secession in Ukraine and the USA seems to be going that way regarding one or more parts of China.  People have asked, what if China started supporting the independence of Hawaii or the Western land seized from Mexico (they didn't specify Chicano independence)?

Around 11am July 16th on NPR:  Did I hear it said that Vance is against involvement in foreign wars?  Earlier in the day they portrayed him as something like a 'China hawk' and not indicative of a Trump appeal to a broader group of voters.  They just said that he cooperated with Elizabeth Warren.  Not a hillbilly from Ohio?

It was reported around July 15th in the morning that a Democratic Party office in Carteret (?) County, NC had ben vandalized the night after the assassination attempt.  I'm not sure if anyone was ever arrested for vandalizing the Republican and Democratic state party offices in Raleigh around the 2003 invasion of Iraq, etc.

It was reported around July 16th that RFK Jr's party has received ballot access in NC by a vote of 4-1  (?), but the NCSBE denied Cornel West's party, over signature issues, by a party-line vote.  Is the real explanation that the Democrats think RFK Jr might hurt Trump more, or that the RFK Jr campaign has more money or more signatures, or are there real issues with the signatures?  (RFK Jr received Federal protection at some point, and Jill Stein has requested it?)

As if the Republican Party doesn't have wings today, and didn't have ideology back in 1976.  Ideology must equal bad.  It is asked what ideology the Trump shooter had, but not what ideology motivates the US government's international animus or the decisions of the Federal Reserve or Bill Gates.

Nancy Pelosi's daughter Alexandra was inside the Capitol during the January 6, 2021 "insurrection," while her husband was filming outside for Dutch TV news and met the "QAnon Shaman" (Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley born in 1988 and from Arizona? -- ), etc.  Mixing up Pelosi and the female CEO of "Moonshot."  Talking to "J6" rioters.  'Hate content,' glorifying "domestic terrorism" and 2021, "conspiracy theories," "whataboutism," simple explanations, ideology again.  "Moderation" of the Internet, but they can't get at your email (yet).  What Federal "de-escalation" program?  "A specialist" to de-program people.  Follow you around the Internet.  Appealing to emotion and loneliness.  A Pelosi isn't in the wrong, about anti-China warmongering, redbaiting critics, etc.  MSN portrayed January 6, 2021 as terrorism and FOX News portrayed it as tourism, she says.  Judge them by the prison sentences.  Elsewhere on NPR July 16th they say the judge threw out the Trump documents case wrongly.  Who is "re-writing history" in 2024?  A don't be empathetic to them question.  "Counter-terrorism" and "national security" with a Pelosi.  Get "radicalized" for Nancy Pelosi's two, three, or more front WWIII and police state at home.  Nancy Pelosi and Biden do "fearmongering." She claims to have known January 5th that something was coming on the 6th.  NPR often says "misinformation" and "disinformation," without defining the terms, except that Russian anything, Iran, Nicaragua, Trump=false and Joe Biden, the Pentagon, the Federal Reserve, the NSA, the Ukrainian government, the Israeli government, the Germany government, Bellingcat, Bill Gates=true and basically ideology free.  The great values and culture-free technocracy running the "West," where classes and historical change have been abolished.  TINA, so vote for Biden (Harris; there is no choice). Only those opposed to Biden and the proxy war are 'polarizing.'  July 17th with Oudette Yousef (?), maybe it wasn't a "political assassination."  Not the first time I have heard that theory.  "No evidence" that it happened because of Democratic Party rhetoric.  (There is "No evidence" if said by Iran, etc.)  As with Arab-Americans during the "War on Terror," the non-elite American "left" needs to disavow violence.  What did the Democratic Party expect when it vilified the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, Palestinians, and Trump?  On the other had, Trump and Biden are devils.

Israel killed 50 people July 16th.  Even USA Gymnastics apparently suffered under a "regime," but Israel, Egypt, Peru, India, France, Morocco, Ukraine, Japan, the ROK, the PA, Bahrain, etc. aren't governed by "regimes."  

July 17th -- Amazing, a former CIA employee was arrested as an unregistered foreign agent for the ROK.  Or do they mean an "agent" for the liberal Korean opposition?

3pm -- A well-known official of the "tyrannical" Syrian "regime" just happened to be hiding out in LA, with a green card, and has just been arrested as he tried to escape the US.  Just a "mistake?"  France wants Assad, but no one will arrest Netanyahu.  It's like the Obama-Biden era, another "revolution" of "dignity" in Syria, in this case to remove an impediment to Israel and US-EU imperialism in the Middle East.  The 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine under Obama-Biden was also called a "revolution of dignity."

Ongoing Australian sinophobia?  Aussie journalist Jane Perlez (?) talks to, and like, US-UK spooks.  Iran outed the USA's agents in China 2010-2012.  The "CCP" is a "blackbox."  The US having information on China is no big deal, but China sending a "spy balloon" over the country or listening to military bases in the South from over 100 miles away in Cuba is threatening.  China wants to be the new hyperpower of the world.  The US government has its "self-governing island of Taiwan."  There is probably a simple reason major military bases are common in the South of the US.  It was suggested that Obama eased relations with Cuba to outmaneuvre China.  It has been claimed that the lab leak theory isn't anti-China, yet that seems to be the agenda of the US and Australian officials pushing it.  I think of Biden as a warmonger involved in ethnic cleansing, but if Trump-Vance seemed certain to start a new war, like Bush-Cheney in 2003, Biden-Harris might become a lesser evil.

The attempted assassination of Trump has been forgotten, so Biden is the focus again, and Adam Schiff is calling for him to step down as the 2024 nominee.

Japanese manufacturing expansion in NC was in the news July 16-17th and Japan is now the top foreign direct investing country in the State. 

Republican dis-ease with Vance's supposed "isolationism."  The mainstream media in the NATO countries says, if you are against the wars, go to the right?  And then they worry about the global rise of the "far-right."  The Ukrainian needs US support so it can't, or shouldn't, go after Trump-Vance very much, but Israel and the UK are welcome to openly and covertly meddle in US internal affairs.  The media only reports allegations about Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, and Hezbollah.

Another attack on a UN school, but that is fine, if not attributable to Russia.  Israel even carries out multiple attacks so that they can kill the first responders too.  A CN reference?

Of course they make an issue of Trump and religion after the attempted assassination issue.  Did God guide the bullets that killed one attendee, they ask.  If foreign policy doesn't matter to voters, why did they start RNC coverage at 9pm today and at 10pm on the 16th?  Another lie.

Did I say too much here?  Did NPR's Mara Laisson (?) say too much July 17th, before J.D. Vance's speech?  Biden got a reprieve after the assassination attempt, but she seemed to be saying, gleefully, that Biden is toast.  And Trump and Vance are acting out of baseless "animus" against Ukraine, and Trump is a stooge of  foreign "strongmen," so Russiagate is back?  Laisson is an unreconstructed Hillary Clinton partisan type?  The NPR agenda?  Drunk with power?  Caffeine?  Glucose?

Continuing on On Point July 18th, NPR has a guest to lament that it isn't Ronald Reagan's "internationalist," "democracy"-promoting (through bloody wars and coups) Republican Party anymore.  The poor Condoleezza Rice and Liz Cheney (allying with a Cheney??) .  It wasn't asked if Biden is doing poorly in part because the Democrats are now the party that prefers spending on wars abroad, instead of spending on domestic needs.  (Laisson on how the Democratic Party just wants to help people, unlike the Republican Party).  I'm not saying that the Republicans are no longer a party of war.  I wonder how NPR covered Nixon, Reagan, and George HW Bush 'back in the day,' given how they are now.  NPR was and is warmongering and pro-"national security state," but they seem to have changed drastically even since the Bush and Obama eras, and many people have left or been purged.  

9pm:  A Trump on the military base renaming, Russia, Ukraine

RT:  a drone attack on [a block away from] the US consulate in Tel Aviv July 18th [3am on the 19th, near something like the Tel Aviv embassy branch, now that the Democrats have gone along with Trump on moving the embassy to Jerusalem?]?  They condoned the Israeli bombing of the Iranian diplomatic building in Damascus, Syria and assist Israel's war crimes.

NPR's news briefs seem more bald-faced Friday-Sunday every week.  Regarding the Wall Street Journal reporter tried and sentenced to 16 years in prison in Russia, "no evidence" was given of his alleged crimes, they say, and "journalism isn't a crime" (just quoting, but then the quotes become their statement).  I think General W.T. Sherman thought differently, and they never say that regarding Assange.  David Green (sic?) made a point of explicitly denying that Assange is a journalist back in June or July.  They also rarely emphasize when the US and Israeli governments provide little or no evidence to back up their statements (often the case).

A Svoboda Ukrainian far rightist woman politician former MP was shot to death Friday? July 21st or 20th in Lviv.

July 20 or 21 -- Israeli escalation with Yemen instead of Lebanon?  Does Trump want to escalate the Ukraine War? 

Ethnic Russians, Belarusians, and "far right" and "far left" people can't work in the 2024 Paris Olympics (how do they know their politics?)?  Macronites?  It isn't only Trump who could kill people in public and be re-elected, and he is the one who was shot.....

Biden -- Supreme Court reform, now?  More on July 29th.

Predicted on NC?  Cindy?  2pm July 21st on  RT, NPR say Biden is out.  A really sorry affair??  Lying "Israel says..." Korean balloons in the morning "limited information about the outside world" Nora Rom?; Greg Myri on the 19-20th?  2:51pm Breaking...  Come on....

Ron Elving?  No real primary, Unite - or else...  They are irredeemable  Guy was "jazzed?"  Like 9/11/2001, 7/21/2024??   A University of Pennsylvania social worker "Revolutionary" to have Harris.

Mara Laisson (?) the Democrats represent all that is good, they want to help people (and "lead the free world," and help Netanyahu, in Washington July 22nd, kill Palestinian civilians).  A "serious" and "real"? challenger for Kamala Harris, not "a Marianne Williamson," who is still running.  It was and is a coronation.  A younger, less 'stilted' 'centrist' rightist Harris-supporting black woman from Fordham University.  Her young students don't know that "we" don't vote on single issues like Palestine, unless that single issue is abortion.  Harris and "reproductive justice" which apparently now includes the "pro-natalist" right to have children.  They will call voters racist and sexist if they don't unite behind the 'cackling' Clinton-backed "Cop" Kamala Harris and her war party, combining the 2008 and 2016 Democratic Party campaigns?  In 2023 or 2022 NPR was casting Harris as the politician in the White House with a speaking or neurological problem.  But Trump also leads a war party and RFK Jr backs Israeli war crimes.

A Russian "journalist" working for Voice of America was convicted.  VOA journalism and RTSputnikWikiLeaks, etc. = not journalism, so it is fine with NPR and much of the "Western" mainstream media if Russian, etc. media staff are arrested, or killed by Ukraine or Israel.  The US government doesn't care much about Al Jazeera either, but the WaPo, NYT, WSJ 'can't' be mistreated or killed abroad (yet, though there was the Collateral Kill incident during the "War on Terror").  

Harris' supposed "Marxist" economist father has a Wikipedia entry.

Stalin was quoted on the BBC July 25th, regarding the beginning of the Moscow Subway May 15, 1xx?  UNC-Greensboro -- deep cuts and a great payment to the UNC president?  Pretending Harris is left and not in with Netanyahu, tricking voters.  Zwilick filth on "pro-Hamas" and "anti-semitic" signs 'you can't un-see' at the Capitol  Avril H. -- no evidence of Iranian funding of protesters.  (Yet they are going after them anyway.  Irangate??)

July 27-28th:  Israel is attacking if not blowing up UN schools filled with displaced people, killing many, but a rocket hitting one sports field in the Golan Heights is very grave?  Were the 12+ unfortunate teenage Druze children and other [youth] victims Israeli citizens?  NPR, unlike the BBC, left out "occupied." Israeli-controlled?  "Occupied" July 28th AM on NPR.  The Golan Heights were seized from Syria and some Syrians still live there, under occupation.  IS?  Does Israel want to attack or invade Lebanon, and Biden-Harris won't object? 

On the BBC:  An angry older southern Korean woman -- DPR Korea resents our success; an American-accented (Texas?) Korean (?) Christian Bible 'balloonist' Martyrs Korea?; a "trash balloon" to the heart of political power in the ROK.  [One mention and then nothing.]  Unlike the case with the FR and DR of Germany, the ROK doesn't have the population or economy to seize the North in the 21st century, even if Pyongyang were to roll over to the South.  (Anti-DPRK "red" China?)

Iran, not Israel, Biden-Harris, Germany, France, the UK, the UAE, etc is the heinous, oppressive fascistic, aggressor in the mainstream media and in parts of the left media.  How much do they want a new US war in the region?  Going in with fascism either way November goes?

Venezuela now has the biggest oil reserves, so it is targeted, under Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, and so on?  Even more if they stop selling in dollars, if they haven't done so already?

The New Yorker Radio Hour guest (the communications director for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign?) will claim that, going "meta," "Trump, everything" is because something like "women being in power is now the norm, not the exception," so they are resurrecting the 2016 Clinton campaign.  I've heard a rumor that Harris is connected to Clinton, so is Harris a Clinton-level warmonger?  2016 is here again.

"Authoritarian," bad Maduro, they can get rid of now, they think.  The military and his son.  Does the right plan a bloodbath even if they win?

July 29th:  "Far-left" sabotage of the Macronist NATOland Olympics?

July 6th a Mexican migrant worker died from the heat in Wayne County, NC?  

A Granville County "cockfighting ring."  It has been claimed that modern bullfighting is just a cruel blood sport, unlike ancient bull sacrifice.  I thought that domesticated chickens started out as sort of 'special' animals, before becoming common food animals.  Now I think poultry aren't even covered by many US anti-cruelty regulations.

The NC Democratic Party is sueing 'their' NCBSE to get RFK Jr. off the ballot in NC.

Anne Applebaum's lies and omissions on On Point ("Sandernista?") regarding "authoritarian" Venezuela, Iran, Zimbabwe, Russia, China, etc.  The warmongering Anthony Brooks (who apparently "reported" from Venezuela 8 years ago) on Here and Now interviewing Alexandra Ziegler or something (no accent??) from the CSIS on how the Venezuelan  "opposition" just wants "democracy," family reunification, and 'human rights,' with international support.  Biden-Harris and Blinken welcome "Trumpism" and "political violence" when it is about overthrowing Chavismo in Venezuela.  'Left' Chile and right Argentina are carrying water for Biden-Harris against that 'evil' "authoritarian," Nicolas Maduro.  I had intended to avoid this "news" today, after hearing the election results.

Breaking alleged rapists and torturers out of jail in ever more fascistic Israel?

On The World, students shouldn't study abroad in China anymore?  At the end.  Supposedly both the USA and China want study abroad in China to continue.  Can they say "New Cold War?"  US "academic freedom?"  First, question Venezuela, prepare for a coup.  No "balance." At least they admit that the Golan Heights are occupied and that Netanyahu was protested there after the rocket attack.  No ex-offenders can be in the Olympics, some demand?  What of "prison abolition" and rehabilitation?  "Gender parity?"  Talking up Biles, Griner, etc. on NPR.

And here is John Otis for US government propaganda -- "hardline leftist," or serially US-victimized, Honduras (they 'liked' President Xiomara Castro before!), Nicaragua, Cuba, and Bolivia recognize Maduro as the president-elect, Colombia wants more evidence, and Chile and Argentina do not recognize Maduro.  Nine or so countries want an emergency OAS meeting, and NPR is beating the drum for a bloody "J6" in Venezuela.  The poor right-wing ex-pats in Madrid, etc.  

Is McDonald's down because of its actions in Russia and Israel, not just domestic inflation/food price gouging?

An aside, but WUNC's Rusty Jacobs spoke as if veterans, but not JD Vance, are for US adventurism overseas.  Quill Lawrence.  Pro-war garbage.  Some guy says that countries will just go to war and cause "global chaos" without US wars.  Like in 2003 and 2011 and all over the Middle East in 2023-2024?  If we don't 'help' Ukraine, a veteran says, the weak, rightist-led Baltic countries will (not 'could') get mauled, after having harassed the Russian bear for years, and Americans will have to die for the pro-war European right.  Do they talk about world war for Lockheed, Raytheon, and Boeing, or because they intend to fight one, soon?  Not enough artillery, etc.?  A new draft?  No Iraq Veterans Against the War (the name change?) or VFW on NPR, ever.  

NPR talks about social media memes for Harris in 2024, but not about those for Sanders in 2016 and 2020.  Bern it down?  The Democrats can only castigate Vance for being "weird?"  No more "diversity?"  They love "cops" ("left-leaning Democrats" say that) and the prosecution now, and the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, Homeland Security, etc.  (The Israel-firsters or 'MIGAs' in government, some of whom even joined the occupation army, aren't "weird?"  And the Democratic Party's recent culture wars?  Their supposed deep love for "Kyiv?"  'Make Ukraine Great Again?' (When?  Under German occupation?)  Their sudden feverish love for Harris, a cipher?  "Weird" = ?  They don't support DEI anymore, for "weird" people?  Cancel or even assault "weird" people?  There used to be laws barring strange-looking people from going out in public.  Will the Democrats peacefully transfer power when they next lose?  The "weird" 21st century?)

Michelle Kellerman -- the "authoritarian socialist regime" in Venezuela ("socialism," "communism," "populism," and even left are still words to tar countries and politician with on NPR and the BBC; notice when they bring these terms up and when they don't) .  5:07pm -- protests, few because of the socialist or anthropogenic rain in Venezuela.  Interview Kahn.  Maduro admits to having had only 6 hours of sleep July 28-29th.  As if Biden has gone easy on Venezuela, and then the NATO countries complain about mass immigration from the countries they try to wreck with sanctions and/or bombs.  They seized Citgo and probably also Venezuela's gold reserves and foreign bank accounts and then Anne Applebaum acts like it is wrong or unfair for Russia and China to invest there.  Iran and Venezuela must have a long history of relations through OPEC.  NPR devils.

The USS George HW Bush, en route to Norfolk, Virginia, dumped trash off NC, and 1200 pounds were picked up between Nags Head and Salvo on the Outer Banks/OBX?

They reluctantly admit that Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and Biden went along with it.  So they often say "Israeli-controlled," going along with the government, whether under Trump or Biden?

On the Federal Reserve:  "Sustainable employment" -- defining "maximum employment," so that workers can't easily demand higher wages from the likes of Musk, Bezos, Trump, Bloomberg, and Gates and thereby cause the dreaded inflation.  Blaming the working class for the inflation of food prices.  "Expectations."

On 1A August 2nd -- Dexter Filkins was on at some point. They are strangely soft on the Venezuelan Chavismo they hate so much -- they are afraid of mass migration if they start unrest or war?!?  Worrying about the oil?  Worse if a Trump is elected again?  Allegedly DPR Korea wants Trump II -- said NPR or the BBC. 

August 3rd -- Not much coup-mongering against Venezuela, or have I successfully avoided it?  'Stalinist' Maduro?  I did not successfully avoid rightists who think "communism" or "Marxism" = Harris, the Democratic Party, 'wokeism,' transgenderism, etc., though there isn't much of a US left beyond the Democratic Party, or it has been successfully covered up.  Trump is so bad that many have surrendered to Zionist Harris?  And then what?  Eight years of "neocon" war, recession, neoliberal economics, etc. under Obama-Biden brought forth Trump.  Clinton and Biden vanquished the "Sandernistas."  Some or many ignorant Democrats and NATOlanders apparently don't know what communism is, either, and mix up right and left.  The anti-Venezuela, etc. part of the US left. 

Nothing for Biden, Harris, the member states of the UN, etc -- schools in Gaza were bombed August 1st and 3rd (10 or more displaced people were killed today)?

NPR's Peter Kenyion in Turkey can't quote Iran on Israel being a "regime" and what evidence does the "West" ever offer for its claims?  More from John Otis, to carry out the violent US government goals in Venezuela.

The BBC foments a coup in Venezuela, first up.  They say, don't force the Israeli fascists to retaliate, but no one (openly?) restrains Israel.  

Condemn rampaging mobs attacking police, etc. in the UK, but praise them in Hong Kong.  The 2024 UK rioters = the driving force of UK colonialism over centuries???

August 6th -- Israeli bombing in Jenin, not even in Gaza.  Rocket attacks (truck-mounted) against the empire in Iraq (on the 5th or the 6th?).  By a "new" group.  Warmongering anti-Iran US Pakistani assassination plot innuendo.  The former ambassador, under Trump, John Sullivan's innuendo that Putin is a "proud Chekist," once KGB always KGB, yet Putin took the capitalist, anti-Soviet road, and cooperated with the US warmongers.  Advocating neo-"containment."

Not a word about their supposedly highly valued "hostages" in Gaza in a long time.  One mention?

Why wouldn't the big banks like Harris?

A Ukrainian attack into (pre-2014) Russian territory [near Kursk?] around the 6-7th?  August 9th -- The BBC hypes this, too.  Ukraine and/or Israel could cause a nuclear disaster?

Only the scale of recent US, NATO, and Israeli criminality changed after October 7, 2023?  Looking for change from George W Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, Harris, Walz, and Vance on Ukraine, Israel, Iran, Venezuela, and China?

August 10-11th -- On a recent school bombing by Israel:  according to the BBC about 100 people were killed; according to NPR about 90 people; and according to the Jill Stein campaign over 100 people were killed.  The Democratic Party equivalent of thoughts and prayers from Biden and Harris.  On the BBC:  This, again -- Biden and Harris are frustrated -- an "analyst" at John Hopkins = ?

The Nagasaki 2024 ceremony boycott, over Israel, they claim:

The government of Bangladesh was toppled by a youth movement in August 2024 -- accusations of foreign conspiracy, and in Thailand??  Over the top?  "Democracy" and then no more news.  What of Sri Lanka???

August 11th -- There is a right to roam in Scotland, very unlike the situation here.

A Republican 'Irangate' is coming?  'Friendly' foreign interference in Australia.

August 12th:  A new Kent State under Zionist Biden-Harris?  On NPR:  'Scary' pro-Hamas feeling in DC, etc., as Israel kills and tortures the native Arab population with next to no limits, carries out violent subversion here, and brings the US military into the war they launched.   

August 13th NPR panned the Trump-Musk talk, while the BBC did not?  Why wouldn't big capitalist Musk support both Obama and Trump?  But then working class voters backed bourgeois Obama and Trump.  A UAW lawsuit followed the interview.

Of course the coronavirus is now "endemic," few have been wearing masks here in recent years, and people get infected even if they have been vaccinated or infected before.  And now "Mpox" is evolving.

Around August 15th:  A US diplomat killed a child in Zimbabwe in June while driving and left the country, and it only became public in the West now?  The BBC edged up to the similar case in the UK.

Carrie Khan on NPR -- no major demonstrations called for in "weeks" in Venezuela, until August 17th.  The BBC is hammering on it a bit.  They incite in Venezuela the shocking January 6, 2021 rightist "insurrection" they constantly bring up and condemn here, and leave out the covert foreign war against Chavez and Maduro, as in other countries that rebelled against subservience to their local elites and the elites of the US and other NATO countries.

Is 'always truthful' Biden lying about a ceasefire deal being very close?  Hamas isn't even at the negotiations.  Only Republicans lie, according to the MSM, not the White House, CIA, Pentagon, Ukraine, Israel, FR Germany, the British, etc., and don't give any credence to Russians (the new Huns).  And only the Republicans are anti-democratic and for the rich.  Capitalism portrayed as socialism.  Why would the pro-settler Israeli government condemn a deadly settler attack, now?

Kamala Harris gave an economic speech in Raleigh, NC Friday, August 16th.  

August 15th:  Her husband is 'in' on Israel.  Was Shapiro almost the Democratic Party's VP candidate?

Nine or more people were killed by Israel in Beirut August 16th or 17th (ten were killed, including a woman and children, in a residential building housing Syrian refugees?).

On the BBC:  Once and always a CIA "counterterrorism" officer, implying war and occupation in Afghanistan forever.

They act like it is questionable to go to DPR Korea (or Russia) as a tourist, but it is perfectly 'normal' to go to Israel, Germany, Romania, Poland, Peru, India, Ukraine, Argentina, Canada, Egypt, or the USA during times of war, abuse, illegality, hostage-taking, or violent unrest?

August 9th:  FBI raids on Maury County, TN Republican Congressman Andy Ogles and Scott Ritter.  More?  Government monitoring of Tulsi Gabbard and others, but Asif Raza Merchant of Pakistan was given special entry?

August 9th:  Lee Roberts is now UNC's 13th chancellor and the 15-501 and I-40 (?) interchange in Durham (?) has been re-named for former Congressman David Price.  A 'Bidenist' Democrat?

A Durham DPR branding

An NC algae bloom and fishkill reporting

North and South Buffalo creeks (in the Cape Fear River basin; Haw River?) -- sewage spills in Greensboro around August 4-5th -- 2700 and 5700 gallons.

An NC WRC poaching tipline created in November. 

In Wake County, over

Third party information:

Wayne Turner:  A Green for [NC] Governor --

Green Michael Dublin in Congressional District 2, in Wake County?

Around August 12th -- RFK Jr and Cornel West won in court and will be on the ballot in North Carolina.

Emails and a mailing came from ROL in July, so the organization apparently remains active.  

A Hezbollah leader in Lebanon and separately a top Hamas leader visiting Tehran for the inauguration were assassinated July 30th.

An Al Jazeera journalist in Gaza was targeted for assassination by Israel recently.

Look up Mohammed al-Aswad (not on Wikipedia?) and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (born April 2, 1951: ).

The Chamas Taco restaurant in Valence, France was raided by the police after the "C" in their neon sign failed.  They were ordered to leave the sign unlit until it was fixed.  And if they had meant to refer to Hamas, in "democratic" France, the UK, or Germany?  On October 19, 2023 -- Fortean Times June 2024 issue FT445.  Police beating and maybe even murder if you come out as pro-Palestinian in the UK or US in 2024, even without "fascism?" May 23, 1908 [?]

Jailed over anti-whaling activism:  And contact the State Department over ex-Gitmo detainees.

About Soviet beluga whale rescue operation? --

On the new Indonesian government, on

Tulsi Gabbard is being monitored by the government (for what, speaking against Hillary Clinton??  Biden doesn't target his political opponents for government persecution, they claim.):

The use of Quiet Skies to intimidate political opponents and average Americans, including children:

On the recent Southport, UK riots versus Just Stop

Freedom of speech in

Scott Ritter again targeted by Biden-Harris, beyond just a raid by the FBI: 


Journalist arrested: 

On the coupmaking NED:

On Sweden and

Spain is helping

The anti-free speech ACLU? --

To the Left:  Don't dare protest outside the reactionary DNC? --

? --

Vote for ethnic cleansing in Palestine and repression at home with Harris and Walz:

USA doping --

Team USA doping? --

In Nagasaki:

On the false hope of 'electoralism:'

? --

For Agent Orange Victims

On Paris


The Supreme Court ruling and

Against the pro-Biden-Harris

On Bhagat

Seen a voting site in Caracas,

Ceasefire Assassinated:

David Remnick of the New Yorker -- justifying a US war in the Middle East, again? --

A bizarre claim that someone allegedly pro-Trump would try to assassinate Trump; Biden-Harris- shielding "Trump Derangement Syndrome" has advanced on CounterPunch?  They already suffered from a seeming increase in regular pro-Biden-Harris, not very left Democrat articles:

RIMPAC 2024:

NATO's soft power at home:

I thought that I recently read about another anti-left, anti-communist, and/or anti-Russian persecution in Lithuania or another one of the "Baltics;" this is old news, from Latvia? --    More links?  NLR?  

Self-immolation in Ukraine in protest of conscription? --

Laura K. from Normal Island News on the election in  See also on the assassination in Tehran.

Venezuela:  Edison Research polling and the CIA, in

Fake anarchist operations:

They are going to appoint their anti-free speech and anti-Palestinian/Arab/Muslim enforcer Lee Roberts at UNC? --  They did.

In Pennsylvania:

The London Review of Books August 1 issue articles on NATO, Fronczak's book, etc.

The MSM against Palestine? -- 

The Israeli MAD:

Information war --

On Peru:

On the new assassination in Iran:

Pro-war US and Co. imperialists' statement on the assassination in Iran:

On Venezuela:

On Israel:

US biological warfare:



On Venezuela:

Anti-Venezuelan government if not anti-Marxist (?) professor David Smilde at Tulane, interviewed by Daniel Falcone of the DSA:  "Democracy," "human rights," and the MSM are not looking well after four years of Biden and Harris.

On rightist Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia in Venezuela:

The PCV against Maduro:


? --

On rights in

Terrorism charges:


In Nicaragua:

On Peru:

On Poland:

On Polisario:

Ukraine undermined Mali; so Mali cut off

? Parapolitical--

? -- and

RIMPAC 2024:

? --

Review of San Francisco Reds by Robert W  Heavy Radical or something?


On Discord:

On left organization:

Ukraine under US proxy control after the 2014 coup:

Not so thorough in counter-revolutionary

D-Day in 2024:

There was a story on NPR asking whatever happened with the various municipal greenhouse gas reduction plans, such as in Durham, and here is:

Iraq, Jordan, and Rwanda reportedly rescinded their approval of the Swiss-Ukrainian "peace" conference statement afterward:

Self-defense information:

Edward Snowden on the AI

In Wadi Burqin, Jenin, West Bank:

Eve Ottenberg:


Google Translate -- How the US ran a secret anti-vaccine/anti-vaxx campaign out of Tampa, Florida to undermine China (in the Philippines, etc.), under both Trump and Biden: , , and , and

Matt Taibbi:

More on this case and more on the Zelensky government repression kept quiet in the dominant "Western" media: and

Pro-Zelensky rightists want a Ukrainian Second Amendment, in a country apparently lacking much or all of the US Bill of Rights:

The New York Times on government control of the media in🙈-nyt-alarma-entre-periodistas-ucranianos-por-el-aumento-de-restricciones-en-medios/ and

Vatican wiretapping? --

May 31st US bombing of Radio Hodeidah, part of a US, Emirati, and Israeli intelligence operation operating inside Yemen? --

Preparing action against Saudi Arabia? --

The uses of torture:

FBI malfeasance? --

On Azov:

New Zealand and free

US military nuclear warfare activity at the Pine Gap base and elsewhere in Australia, etc.:

Canada's Trudeau accuses about Russia of genocidal acts while backing Israel, and he used a Banderist Ukrainian slogan:

Cancelling the culture and history of the Russian 'Hun;' the New Yorker Radio Hour and On the Media have taken that route as well:

Nancy Pelosi:  "I wish that he would be a statesmen and do what is right for Israel.  We all love Israel.  We need to help them and not have him stand in the way of that for such a long time.  I think it's going to invite more of what we have seen in terms of discontent among our own." Many Democrats said that they had to attend. --

Ilan Pappe:

Trump recognized both Israeli and Moroccan claims to territory taken through force, and Biden never reversed this, though he condemns Russia for seizing Ukrainian territory; Morocco established relations with Israel and Israel recognized Morocco's claim on Western

On the French Pacific colony of New  Out of the news now.

On Fiji:

From the above:  Even the prime minister of very-pro-US post-capitalist restoration and Yugoslavia wars Albania condemned US imperialism, with Blinken right there? --

On the new Russia-DPR Korea relations:

'Chinagate' and sinophobia in the Philippines:

'Chinagate' in Canada:

Canadian versus French colonial Moroccan soldiers in WWII:

Air-conditioning and climate change:

Reproduction in defiance of Israeli and US political imprisonment and hostage-taking:

Israel's looting and destruction of historical, cultural, academic, and educational sites in Gaza:

On the UN report on the war in Palestine:  

DPR Korea soldiers working in the DMZ:

? --

The British bank Barclays' support for Israel:

In the New York City Public

The University of Minnesota and Israel:  Walz??

Protesting over the war in Palestine and climate change at the Congressional Baseball Game in mid-June:

On the Muslim Brotherhood:

? Funding paradigms --

Has Armenia turned towards NATO?:

More on

Poland cutting support for ex-pat Ukrainians:

Russian warships arrived in Havana, Cuba June 12th, a Canadian warship came June 14th, and a US fast-attack submarine was in occupied Guantanamo around the same time:

Egypt-Russia military exercises:

"After Euroscepticism:"

On the Boeing Starliner:🚀-la-chatarra-espacial-de-boeing-tiene-fallos-que-podrian-afectar-su-regreso-a-la-tierra/

On Serbia:

Child poverty in Uruguay:


On the CIA and DINA:

Granma on El Toque:

The World Bank:  A Critical History revised --

Google Translate -- "The money goes with gun:  French banks are also leaving Africa" --

On French politics:

Hydrogen fuel production:

From Marxist economist Michael Roberts:

? --

? On EVs --

Another worker was recently killed by liquid steel at a Caterpillar plant in

Unionization of school staff in Fairfax County, Virginia, overcoming a state ban on collective bargaining:

A UNC Gaza protester interviewed:

The majority of the Durham City Council and mayor versus the Planning Commission after a 200-acre Virgil Road residential project rezoning?  I don't think anyone can be voted out in 2024. --

1414 West Highway 54 at the DCC August 6th?  And the Ellis and Clinton roads site?

Salvage sheds in Orange County are closing on Sundays, but I didn't even know that they had these or if they are open to all; they don't want people to 'salvage' periodicals from the blue trailers in their recycling centers --  No rummaging for tossed magazines in a Japanese train or metro station either?

Bill McKibben is pro-gerrymandering, if the New York Democrats do it? --

? --

? --

No pause in weapons for ethnic cleansing, maybe soon to include an attempt to invade Lebanon; New York's Democratic Party mayor wants to ban masks, too, to get those student protesters; expanding war in Europe; anti-Chinese warmonger Nancy Pelosi made some new infamous remarks? ---

? On the bird flu threat --

? --


Are insects having an apocalypse worldwide? --

Organizing in Nepal and bees:

On the lives of honey bees:

On bumblebees:

? -- In Pakistan:

A 1A re-run (?) on eating insects August 6th.

In Oaxaca, Mexico:


September 9, 1947 at Harvard, an actual computer  The famous Taj Mahal is the mausoleum of South Asian Mughal empress consort Mumtaz Mahal, October 29, 1593  June 17, 1631:

A remnant of an impact crater on the Slate Islands in Ontario, Canada:

? --

? --


404 error haikus: 

Replying to a cease and desist order directed at beavers in Michigan in 1997: 

The weekend Israel freed four hostages in the Nuseirat refugee camp NPR portrayed it as positive.  The rest of the story came out later, and I don't know how much NPR admitted.  I would guess that they avoided mentioning the rest of what happened and of course the continuation of the war is all on Hamas!

Speaking of the Stanford Internet Observatory, NPR's Shannon Vond (?) claims that it is being attacked by "conservatives," who allege without evidence (!) that the government and tech companies are conspiring to censor free speech online.  Didn't a court order the Federal government to stop continuously communicating with social media companies to 'suggest' who they should censor?  NPR occasionally examines the question of why people 'avoid' or don't believe the mainstream media.  Vond has a history on information war topics.  Oulabi as well.

By Renee Diresta of the Stanford Internet Observatory, originally published in The Atlantic, against Public News, the Twitter Files, etc. (I doubt that "hyper-partisans seeking to manipulate the public" refers to anything the Democratic Party or US government the does, and there are the "hostile foreign governments" and the "Russian-backed governments" overthrown by convenient pro-US "popular revolts."  Once KGB, always KGB, they say of Russians, but you can work in the actual CIA headquarters, and in "finance" and "tech" and think that you shouldn't be suspected of censoring for the elite, if not the CIA and the US "deep state," at Stanford?):

Of course just now in summer 2024 Finland claimed to have found an aircraft carrying US and French diplomats that crashed days before the USSR invaded the Baltic states as WWII was beginning.  Finland was a German ally during part of WWII and fought against the Soviets a few times but lost and so had to be neutral during the Cold War.  Now they have joined NATO and moved back to an anti-Russian position.  Then Finland complains that neighboring Russia is being uncooperative with them.  I think I heard that Finland has hardened and/or closed the border.  Maybe in a few years Finland and Sweden can help the US carry out a war of aggression against a rebellious country like Libya, and absorb the asylum seekers heading to the EU if NATO wrecks that country.  Or maybe the next war will be the big one and they've fully gone in with the empire and given up on neutrality.  Finland is the "happiest country on Earth," yet they eagerly volunteered to join the NATO gang of marauders?  Zucchini bread and other vegetable/fruit breads are unknown in far northern, though well off, or rich, Finland?  Endangered in WWIII?  On WWII: and

More on the Fred Glass article ( , and reposted on Portside; I commented on it at: ) -- Liberation Road says that Genocide Joe is an accurate description, but vote for Biden anyway, to stop Trump, analogous to stopping Hitler or Nixon.  They also back Biden in his proxy war in Ukraine and the evacuation from Afghanistan, the claim that Biden can be lobbied, etc. ( ):  or   Are they now even to the right of the CPUSA?  (Flexing their political muscles, the pro-Obama, pro-Biden, pro-Harris, pro-Zelensky, pro-NATO but not officially Democratic Party left is all over, or tries to appear that way?)

Vote for Biden regardless of the Middle Eastern war: and

Condemning the Abandon Biden campaign, De La Cruz, West, and Stein on the war in the Middle East; a June 13th online event didn't include their SEP candidate Joseph Kishore; I didn't know that they were running a presidential candidate: 

Wasn't Biden supposed to be something like a 'bridge' or a 'transitional' figure in the 2020 election, but now he wants a second term?

Vote for Biden even in 'deep blue' states  Answered on CounterPunch at: to ethnic cleansing here; so vote for the Democrats promoting ethnic cleansing in Palestine and sanctioning Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, Iran, etc., causing their citizens to immigrate or in some cases die from US economic warfare.

Pro-NATO in Ukraine and anti-Israel, in line with the US Solidarity organization:

High on Harris:

Trump, not the Democrats, encouraged July 13th:

More from Lawrence S Wittner, no doubt for Biden:

On the UAW's Shawn Fain and Bernie Sanders backing Biden:


Biden and Trump funded by billionaires:

Rare that someone actually reports Trump's remarks in an extended way now? --

Moving from Micanopy, in northern Florida (a self-proclaimed owl city?), to Norwich, Norfolk in the apparently now impoverished UK:

This week's Roaming Charges:

? --

?? --

? -- On problems with birdfeeding --

On the Communist Workers Party in Greensboro, NC, etc.; targeted through

The editor of the International Socialist Review on the history of the Portuguese

Philadelphia anarchist condemns just about every Marxist group in the city:

? --

? --

? --

? --

? --

? --

Defending Wall Street gambling:

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