Friday, May 17, 2024

A few more spring-fall 2024 events and anniversaries

A few technical problems.  This was intended for weeks ago.  Recent calendar postings:

THAAD:  At the Lowes Grove Elementary School site DRE rezoning map

Vote for Biden and don't even think of objecting to
 the wars, because of Trump; beyond TINA:  

5/7:  NPR and Biden prepare to tar opposition to the war in the Middle East with "anti-semitism?"  And then Biden and Co. willose and blame the people he insults and ignores, the 'ignorant' youth, RFK Jr, the GPUSRussia, China, etc.  What "trademark [Biden] empathy," Tamara Keith?

The May 13, 1999 NATO bombing of Korisa in Kosova; the May 15, 1974 storming of the Netiv Meir Elementary School, held by DFLP guerrillas, killing the three militants and 31 civilians or hostages, including 25 children; Israel bombed Lebanese refugee camps May 16th;  May 12, 1949 the British Parliament approved the treaty to join NATO and May 18th two Labour Party members who had voted against were purged by Labour:

NATO's bombing of the Chinese embassy 5/7/1999 (with victim photos), Germany'Brandt, J Edgar Hoover, etc:

The French Foreign Legion is now openly in Ukraine, May 4th?

A Latvian law passed June 16, 2022 banned Soviet-era monuments and in late April 2024 May 9th Victory Day was banned; to "divide society...question solidarity with the Ukrainian people," etc. is bannedsomeone in Rezekne, around 250 km southeast of Riga, faces years in prison for placing flowers at the former site of the Aliosha monument

saw 6-7 StarLink-type satellites pass over in a spaced out line, going into rising Pegasus, after 5am May 3rd.

Police officers were ambushed and killed in Charlotte in late April.

Bogdan Syrotiuk, 25, of Pervomaisk, in southern Ukraine, a member of the Trotskyist YGBL, was arrested April 25th: (petition)

Birding in Gaza:

On the 13-year

Upcoming festivals in the area, etc.:

DRAD on the campus protests:

The ACLU on the campus protests and free speech: 

Find an encampment:

Pressure REI's board before May 9th:

NC Labor History Revealed:  

May 1st: 




Of course NPR covered a new Indonesian independence history text, after it was covered in The Atlantic 

Establishment Democrat idpol (not just NPR retooling?) so over to a rightist former weekday Morning Edition male NPR host, a male Hillary Clinton connected right Democrat 'representing' the "left," and a Republican (?) rightist woman; TINA on NPR, politically and economically:

The ultimatelviolent uprising in Hong Kong a few year ago and "EuroMaidan" = good and the so far much more peacefuUS campuoccupations = extreme, violent, and anti-semitic (despite the Jewish participation).  Coups, civil war, and draft dodging in Myanmar versus in Ukraine.

Are Russian, Belarusian, Chinese, Iranian, Arab, Muslim, Sikh, Indian, and Afghan students being subjected to Trump-Biden-instigated hate speech and incitement?

Trump is even more pro-Israel than Biden, but Trump would discredit Israel further, so a second Trump term would be a Pyrrhic victory for the Israeli government?

University occupations

NPR's On the Media went after NPR dissenter Uri Berliner April 27th.

A Voice of Revolution (USMLO) article was reprinted in a CPCML email bulletin recently.  ROL, USA activity as well.

From Seven Directions of Service:

Several articles about student protests; Biden's campus crackdown:  COLUMBIA Act?

Catawba Rhododendrons were blooming purple along Morgan Creek behind the NCBG about three weeks ago (not around June?).  American columbo began blooming around May 2nd, was nearing full bloom May 7th, and will bloom for about a week, blooming only once in a decadelong life:   Some trillium leaves were still up in late Apriand yellow stargrass (in the Amaryllis family, or is it in its own family now?), blue-eyed grass (in the iris family), hot pink and yellow Oxalises, faded bluets, green-and-gold, star chickweed, hawkweed, maple-leaved viburnum, pawpaws, tuliptrees, American fringetrees, black locusts, the last of the dogwoods, gill-over-the-ground/ground ivy (?)blackberries, buttercups, a pale yellow species of cinquefoil, lyre-leaved sage, maybe a spiderwort, etc. were blooming there.  A yellow 'indigo'-type plant was about to bloom?  Chinesfringetrees (?) and the last few downy arrowwoods (a Viburnumwere blooming at Durham's Southwest Library. 

HRA Target Circle Partnership vote by June 30th.


Crackdowns on Stop Cop City, etc:

A militia base in Iraq was bombed by an unknown party around April 19th according to the BBC.

Upcoming events:

Occupying UNC for Gaza Friday, April 19th?

On US-Russian cooperation in Arctic research:

In the Chatham Park area:

Red auroras in Missouri, etc. 4/19:  From 5/10, down to Puerto Rico:

On the recent auroras and CMEs, visible as far south aPuerto Rico in the Northern Hemisphere over the past few nights:

An IATSE unionist running for NC Commissioner of Labor in 2024:

April 19, 2024, a man, 37, from St. Augustine, Florida set himself on fire in a park near the New York City (Manhattan) courthouse where Donald Trump is on trial for the falsifying business records-Stormy Daniels payments trial.  The police and NPR said something like the "victim" threw "pamphlets," relating to "propaganda-based almost conspiracy theories" in the air before burning himself.  The "conspiracy theories" might not relate to Trump.  The man was still alive immediately afterward and a few police officers were injured by the fire.  See the second link at the top.

NYT: Don't say Palestine:

April 18th after 10pm:  BBC report from the US that Israel bombed in Isfahan (?), in central Iran and there was a large IS attack in Syria.

Uri Berliner ( , ?) resigned from NPR April 17th; some responses, possibly missing some of the points  David Folkenflik, who apparently once worked at the Durham Herald-Sun: ; ; Steve Inskeep ; Code Switch: 7451e4dc72b294ecdb74cd4999eed4f7c49b 97c9dd0faa432780dfeeab6ad2f1210248e710668a3e1470f534d6e45d0ac773a787b3bc5163a9671b24797667f2e2b78c15391417a ; and Shereen Marisol Meraji and Eric Deggans:

A gun battle April 17th (?) in the parking deck of Durham's American Tobacco Campus, where I think NPR has an office, moved from UNC's Friday Center, where their antenna is located.

April 18th Robert Wood, representing the US, vetoed Palestinian statehood April 18th at UNSC no "statehood" without Israel's agreement, though Palestine is mostly under Israeli control.

Ilya Kharkow, a writer from eastern Ukraine, later a refugee in Lviv, western Ukraine January 4th:

Look magazine August 3, 1948:  "Could the Reds Seize Detroit?" The tradition of US elite russophobia; the mainstream media sometimes says something like the governments of Iran, DPR Korea, Cuba, etc. require external enemies to attack and blame, but they don't discuss Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, the military-industrial complex, NATO, Estonia, Poland, the UK, etc. beyond taking what they say about external threats as more or less the Truth.   The UK and US considered starting WWIII right after WWII, for example there was a plan dated September 15, 1945:

Vulcan, West Virginia appealed to the Soviets and the GDR for help when they were told that there wasn't funding to replace a collapsed bridge (but there is always money for warmongering):

The Ewoks and the Siberian Kalmyk indigenous people:

A fishing gear tangled juvenile humpback whale washed up dead on Pea Island, NC April 16th, and four others not long before, in March?  Also in Virginia and New Jersey.  Five in NC in 2024?

The always imperialist John Otis on NPR – something like 'the election will be little more than a farce,' referring not to the orchestrated re-match of Trump and Biden (third parties, primaries, caucuses, and debates should be banned) but to the July 28th (?) election in Venezuela.  Machado would win, they claim, and President Maduro would then probably be imprisoned in the US for alleged drug trafficking and corruption.  Biden, Netanyahu, Putin, etc. don't have to worry about being prosecuted for any of the allegations against them, and the media says that there are no allegations against Biden, though he iso working closely with Netanyahu and Ukraine, and there are domestic allegations, etc

Probably an attack on anyone who rejects the ruling duopoly:

Iranian legislative statement April 15th:

In Germany –

On Assange:


– Anne Applebaum wants NATO air forces to join the war in Ukraine, as in the Middle Eastern war?  Slow 'boiling' public opinion? –  A US military officiasaid that NATO will eventually enter Ukraine.

April 17th PM:  A professor somewhere was fired for "expressing support" for Hamas.  In what way?  I expressed support for Hamas and Hezbollah.  An NPR headline about something like 'anti-vaccine activist" RFK Jr and Cornel West creating "minor parties," because ballot access is easier to obtain that way, under NC and other state laws, made it sound illegitimate.  The dominant parties are only major because people keep voting for them and giving them money. NC might join other states in further cracking down on pro-Palestinian free speech.  Biden doesn't talk much about attacks on free speech and association.

April 16th PM:  David Ignatius and Mary Louise Kelly on the lamentable rise of the unstable "new cold wars," after everyone thought that the former USSR and China would stay subservient.  The US could ignore their concerns and do whatever in Europe, etc.  The Russians wanted to trade and wanted to join the EU and NATO.

2024 #AXADivest social media storm April 16th 5-6pm France/Ramallah?  Their annual meeting was April 23rd in Paris:

CRISPR genetic engineering is easy and great, or so the mainstream media says – unless a US government targeted country uses it:  In the past Cuba has been accused of things, maybe just because it invested in advanced medical technology.  Why wouldn't DPR Korea have CRISPR?  I thought 'everyone' was hacking away at genomes now.  Maybe even al Qaida types out on the periphery.  In East Asia it was Japan and the USA that were accused of carrying out biological warfare in the 20th century.

John Kirby (born June 3, 1963 in Saint Petersburg, Florida: ) on The WorlApril 16th said something very much like: "Joe Biden has been a Zionist his whole life," the point being that Netanyahu should listen to Biden.  Vote for an ardent non-Jewish Zionist.  Many Jews are against Zionism, and many Christians support it, such as Biden and Trump.  More:

The Grover Furr talk in Spanish:

Cracking down on pro-Palestinian speech in Germany: and ; and in Texas:  More:  Columbia occupation crackdown April 18th.  Ilhan Omar's daughter Isra Hirsi was among the three suspended students?  Occupations in Italy:  ; 4/16 Google: and ; 4/19 at UNC and the University of Miami in Ohio.  Ethnic cleansing in Palestine and the beating down of pro-Palestinian speech in academia and in NATOland generally.  The only "genocide" today is in pro-Israel, pro-German collaboration, pro-NATO collaboration western Ukraine, which might want to cleanse eastern Ukraine of its ethnic Russian Ukrainians and dissenters, and perhaps trade unionists.  Maybe some in the media stilwant to talk about Xinjiang, but not about what the US government does, or 'our' "Indo-Pacific" ally India.  Both the USA and Afganistan banned TikTok. An unusal 100 degrees in Gaza recently.  Burning with war and climate change. 

A protest at the University of California Berkeley: and   By a rightist law student there:

Keir Starmer in the UK on nuclear war:

Canadian war planning:

An article was planned in UNC'Daily Tar Heel about Chapel Hill's former Internationalist Books, a now closed left bookstore.  There is a photo in an old calendar post.

An article on the Chapel Hill/Carrboro's old left bookstore, Internationalist Books (it closed several years ago, after a few decades in operation), wain UNC's Daily Tar Heel in late April:

– Whaling:

– Russian "propaganda" in Japan:

On Cowboy Carter:




– Jeju Island:

Voting for Biden: and   Some comments:

Anniversaries: and

From Keep Durham Beautiful

Ovaherero under Samuel Maherero attacked the Germans in Okahandja, Namibia January 12, 1904 and in January 2024 Germany waat the ICJ for Israel; January 26, 2024 ruling; October 2, 1904 genocide ordered in Namibia? – the April 25th London Review of Books

Alfonso Caso y Andrade (February 1, 1896 – November 30, 1970):

BUFORA's hotline UFO Call began February 10, 1989 in the UK  April 2024/#443 Fortean Times magazine.

Rightist historian and TV personality Sir Simon Michael Schama (born February 13, 1945 in Marylebone, London, UK):

Lebanese leader Rafiq al-Hariri was assassinated February 14, 2005:

Edward King, Viscount Kingsborough (November 16, 1795 – February 27, 1837):,_Viscount_Kingsborough 

The Soviet BM-21 Grad (Hailstorm) truck-mounted multiple rocket launcher, deployed by many countries, was first used in March 1969, in the border dispute between the USSR and China:

José Fernando Ramírez (May 5, 1804 – March 4, 1871)

Thierry Meyssan's L'Effroyable Impostre 9/11: The Big Lie was published March 8, 2002: and

Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, a Boeing 777, vanished early on March 8, 2014.  A new search in the Indian Ocean is planned  April 2024/#443 Fortean Times magazine.

The second military coup in modern Turkey was March 12, 1971:

3/13/1963  The Internationalists founded, later forming the CPC(M-L) March 31, 1970: and

March 15, 1910 Harry Houdini was the first person to fly in Australia?  Anti-aircraft guns preceded military aircraft?  Now anti-drone weapons are needed.

Mahir Çayan (March 15, 1946 – March 30, 1972):Çayan

March 17, 1876:

March 28, 1966 Gerald Ford on the record about UFOs and disclosure – UFO Exist!, 1976.

Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov (Ю́рий Валенти́нович Кноро́зов; November 19, 1922 – March 31, 1999):

Roger Bastide April 1, 1898 in Nimes, France – April 10, 1974 in Maisons-Laffitte

David Humiston Kelley (April 1, 1924 in Albany, New York – May 19, 2011):

International Workers Day/May Day was first marked in Japan April 2, 1901, as a "Cherry Blossom Viewing by Laborers" (Roudousha Kan'oukai) by the Heiminsha (Commoners' Group)?  To avoid the police, people marched through GinzaKyoubashiNihonbashiImagawabashi, and Kanda in Tokyo with large red drums and red banners emblazoned with "Shakaishugi (Socialism) banzai" and "Shakaishugi Dendoutai" (Group to Propagate Socialism).  At 12pm they ran to Takeno-dai in Ueno Park, Tokyo, where the police had been led to think that the gathering would be held.  31 men were arrested and seven were held for the rest of the day.  Around 30 Tokyo and Yokohama non-radical (?) unions were allowed to gather April 3rd.  The emperor was praised and the national anthem (?) sung.  Sea bream-shaped hats were a thing for some reason:  Kamikaze, Cherry Blossoms, and Nationalisms by Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney, 2002.

John Burroughs (April 3, 1837 – March 29, 1921):

UFO reports in Robeson County and elsewhere in North Carolina April 3rd, 4th, and 6th in 1975?  UFO Exist!, 1976.

Quds Day waApril 5th in 2024?

April 8, 1913 a shadow was reportedly seen moving upon the ground in the Dallas-Fort Worth area (?) of Texas, but no object causing it could be seen.  In mid-April 1897 a "great airship" with giant butterflylike wings was reported – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

large bird was reportedly seen April 9, 1948 in Caledonia, Boone County, in northern IllinoisApril 9th in Freeport; and April 10th in Overland (only?).  Reportedly a flying man was seen in the Chehalis area of Washington state January 6, 1948 and then three were seen Longview, WA April 9th – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.  And in AltonGlendale, and Richmond Heights in Illinois and in St Louis, Missouri that April – The Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint.  A "flying humanoid" in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago and elsewhere March 22, April 7, June 3, 2017, etc.:  Flying Saucer Digest #218 Fall 2017.  And at an airport?

black panther reportedly stopped a car and attacked the driver at night (?) on SR 3 next to Shawnee National Forest, near Olive Branch, Illinois April 10, 1970.  A truck scared the panther away and the man went to Cairo for medical attention – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

ROK legislative elections April 10th.

April 11, 1964 a "glistening" UFO was reportedly in Homer, New Yorkseen by a "former military pilot" and others for 45 minutes – UFO Exist!, 1976.  Seaford, New York, in February and April 1958, reportedly "two 'burning' objects, one resembling a giant bird, fell from the sky over the [James M] Herrmann neighborhood." – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

German forces attacked the Nama in Hornkranz, Namibia April 12, 1893:  the April 25th London Review of Books

April 12, 1950, etc:

Following a sudden "windstorm" April 13, 1976 white pelicans fell down dead at the Clifford O Jenson ranch on County Road 219, about 8 mileeast of Cranfills Gap, Texas, south of Meridian, near Dallas – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.  American white pelicans can be seen in North Carolina and might be increasing in numbers, but don't breed here (?); brown pelicans are much more common and do breed. 

April 14th National Dolphin Day and National Gardening Day?

Fredric Jameson (born April 14, 1934 in Cleveland, Ohio); at Duke? –

Potawatomi leader chief Menominee (circa 1791 – April 15, 1841 at Saint Mary's Mission, Kansas; he was part of the Potawatomi Trail of Death, forced to remove to Kansas from Twin Lakes, Indiana):

David Émile Durkheim (April 15, 1858 in Epinal, France – November 15, 1917 in Paris):Émile_Durkheim 

More on April 15, 1561 in Nuremberg: and  2/2/1765 in PA? –

Abraham Lincoln was shot April 14, 1865, but passed away on April 15th.

Asa Philip Randolph  (April 15, 1889 in Crescent City, Florida May 16, 1979 in New York City): 

April 15, 1974 Patty Hearst's bank robbery with the SLA

April 15, 1999 $45.5 million dollar fine against the Allied Pilots Association union:

The Boston Marathon Bombing was April 15, 2013:  Tamerlan Tsarnaev died early April 19th after being shot by the police in Watertown, Boston:  His younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured that evening and is sentenced to execution after a US government appeal to the Supreme Court; accepted March 22, 2021, with the ruling handed down March 4,  2022:  Ibragim Todashev was killed by an FBI agent May 22nd in his Orlando, Florida apartment:

The Notre-Dame de Paris cathedraburned late (?) April 19, 2019 and restoration might be complete by December 8th of this year:  The Borsen, the bourse in Copenhagen, Denmark, caught fire the morning of April 16, 2024:ørsen

The current civil war between the Sudanese military and the paramilitary RSF began April 15, 2023; unlike in Ukraine and Palestine, the US, etc. want the war to end immediately and for international law to be followed (?):–present).

Wilbur Wright born in April 16, 1867 in Dayton, Ohio:

William Thomas Stearn (April 16, 1911 – May 9, 2001): 

The OECD was founded by the Marshall Plan countries, as the OEEC, April 16, 1948:

April 16, 1969 a wheel landed on a moving car in Palm Springs, California – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

On April 16th:  National Orchid Day?  1972 launch of Apollo 16 

April 16, 2009 redacted Bush administration torture defense memos were released:  ?  

The ROK'MV Sewol sank April 16, 2014:  DPR Korea on the sinking  –  It's "propaganda" if the other side says it.

There was a bread riot in Savannah, Georgia April 17, 1864.  I think the anniversary of a riot in Richmond, Virginia was weeks ago.  They also list Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, Macon, and Milledgeville, Blackshear, Cartersville, Colquit, Forsyth, Hartwell, Marietta, Stockton, Thomasville, and Valdosta in Georgia; Petersburg, Virginia; Mobile, Alabama; and Salisbury and High Point in North Carolina: and  I think a recent book argues that the Confederacy lost the Civil War due to starvation.  There were also riots in the North, and a town in New York state (?) seceded for whatever reason, and I think was left alone anyway.

French forces were completely evacuated from Syria by April 17, 1946, marked as Evacuation Day.

National Banana Day and National Crawfish Day are April 17th?

Palestinian Prisoners Day demonstration in New York City's Union Square April 17th at 6:30pm:  In the mainstream media, only Palestinian groups, China, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, etc. take hostages and political prisoners, unlike Canada, India, Israel, Pakistan, the UK, the USA, etc.

Paul Revere 4/18/1775

Clara Elsene Peck (April 18, 1883 – February 1968):

April 18, 1924 breaking a quarantine created to keep hoof and mouth disease from entering Arizona from California:  In the 1930's there were attempts to keep "Okies" from migrating to California.

April 18, 1959 an 11-week UAW strike ended:

Reportedly a fireball and electrical problems (?) April 18, 1962 in Eureka, Ohio:  UFO Exist, 1976

April 18, 1989 five innocent teenagers were arrested over the rape and beating of a woman jogging in New York City's Central Park:

National Animal Cracker DayNational Lineman Appreciation Day, and National Exercise Day are April 18th; National Garlic Day April 19th?

Linda Schele (October 30, 1942 in Hendersonville, part of Nashville, TN – April 18, 1998):

RFK Jr. entered the presidential election April 18, 2023?

Workday – :  

Prairie Island is a Piedmont prairie landscape just south of Blackwell Street and Morehead Avenue, established and maintained by Extra Terrestrial Projects in collaboration with the Durham Parks and Recreation Department. It contains over 40 species of indigenous plants. The greenspace is composed of historical flora of Durham County. These plants that once sheltered and fed local jaguar [?], elk, and bison, are also well suited for Durham’s future cityscape- requiring little water and supporting pollinators. The newest iteration of this ancient landscape highlights our millennia-long relationship that has developed between plants and other creatures, and the important role of local plants play in creating future thriving communities.

Prairie Island was established with the aid of funds received from the County of Durham and is provided for the benefit of all Durham County residents. Thanks for the additional support from Burt’s Bees Foundation, Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, and Rachel’s Network.

Where is Prairie Island?

Directions: Prairie Island is just south of Morehead and Blackwell Street in Durham, at the entrance to the American Tobacco Trail.

There was a riot in Baltimore, Maryland April 19, 1861, in which Federal soldiers and civilian rioters were killed:

Elections began in India April 19th.

North Carolina Highway Historical Marker recognizing the Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe was installed (?) in a ceremony at the tribal headquarters in Hollister Friday, April 19th at 11am.  Future markers will recognize the NC-recognized CoharieLumbeeMeherrinOccaneechi Band of the SaponiSappony, and Waccamaw Siouan tribes and the former East Carolina Indian School and and Buie Mound, in Robeson County.

Bodie Island Lighthouse was to open for stair climbing season April 19th while the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse will probably remain closed until summer 2026, during renovations.

Youthful Rebellion in Japanese Cinema April 19-27th at the Lightbox Film Center, part of the Subaru Cherry Blossom Festival of Greater Philadelphia:  Japan donated thousands of Yoshino cherry and other flowering ornamental trees beginning in 1926.  In 2007 the EU banned donations, to pressure Japan to accept "foreign agricultural products:"  Kamikaze, Cherry Blossoms, and Nationalisms by Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney, 2002.

April 19th 8-9pm ET with leaders of the Carrizo/Comecrudo tribal nation in South Texas:

Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival April 19-20th in Jamestown, New York:

The famed painting Vädersolstavlan ("The Sundog Painting" in Swedish), by Urban målare and Jacob Heinrich Elbfas is supposed to depict the sky over Stockholm, Sweden on April 20, 1535:ädersolstavlan

April 20, 1939 the first recording of "Strange Fruit" by Billie Holiday:

April 20-July 30, 1949 the Yangtze or Amethyst Incident, between the PLA and the UK's Royal Navy during the Chinese revolutionary civil war: and   Comparisons to today's "freedom of navigation" exercises through the Taiwan Strait?   

420 Day April 20th

Volunteer Recognition Day, NationaLima Bean Respect Day

Backyard Snake eventin Apex April 13th and in Cary:

When:        April 20, 2024

What time: 9am to 4pm                           

Where:       Buehler Shelter at Bond Park

150 Metro Park Drive

Cary, NC 27513 

April 20th cleanup and hike 9am-12pm at Flower Hill NP

Brookgreen Gardens Spring Plant SaleEarth Day Festival, and Earth Day Labyrinth Walk April 20th.

The People for Palestine in Durham (PSH) and on Zoom April 20th at 5pm:

April 20th For Garden'Sake 25th anniversary party 12-4pm

There was a military coup in Greece April 21, 1967, ending July 24, 1974:

In an incident of fragging April 21, 1969 at the Quang Tri Combat Base during the Vietnam War a fragmentation grenade was used to kill a Marine First Lieutenant; a private plead guilty and was sentenced to 40 year prison, one of only 10 people convicted for fragging.  There were 900 or more cases of fragging between 1969 and 1972, killing at least 99 people, and they were daily events in 1971, just before the war ended: and

Anwar al-Awlaki:

Anwar Nasser Abdulla al-Awlaki (أنور العولقي Anwar al-'Awlaqī ; born April 21 or 22, 1971 in aCruces, New Mexico and Obama had the US citizen assassinated September 30, 2011 in Al Jawf governorate of Yemen, followed by the assassination of two his children, age 16 and 8, under Obama and Trump, in the same order): 

Bike Durham Earth Day April 21st 12-5pm at Durham Central Park.

April 22, 1864 "In God We Trust" first put on US coins?

Two million acres in central Oklahoma that had been given to tribes were taken to give to settlers in 160-acre plots in about one day, beginning at 12pm on April 22, 1889? –

German genocide order againsthe Nama in Namibia April 22, 1905? – the April 25th London Review of Books

Campaign Nonviolence:  Earth Week April 22-May 1 and Action Week September 21-October 2:

#StandUpDaimler Global Day of Solidarity April 23rd:  Contracts expire on the 26th.

English Jack, a hermit in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, passed away April 24, 1912  April 2024/#443 Fortean Times magazine.

Ireland's Easter Rising waApril 24-29 in 1916: 

April 24, 1964 at 10am Gary T Wilcox, a farmer, encountered a Socorro, NM-type UFO in Newark Valley, New York? – April 2024/#443 Fortean Times magazine.

Mumia Abu-Jamal (Wesley Cook; born April 24, 1954 in Philadelphia):

April 24, 1967 Soyuz 1 death on re-entry April 24, 1993

WUNC began another pledge drive April 24th.  April 29th break?  Ended May 3rd?

The WWI invasion of Ottoman Gallipoli by ANZAC forces April 25, 1915.

Liberation Day in Italy April 25, 1945, the Meeting on the Elba, the HST deployed in 1990 

The nuclear-powered (double) USS Triton returned after reportedly circumnavigating the world underwater April 25, 1960:

Portugal's Carnation Revolution began April 25, 1974:

4/25/2015 Nepal earthquake

4/25 National Zucchini Bread Day, Hug a Plumber Day, Take Our Son or Daughter to Work Day, NationaLingerie Day (according to Venus Fashion; I think a Japanese equivalent is at the beginning of August)?

Bullington Gardens Spring Plant Sale April 25-27th

Veterans for Peace event on Zoom April 25th 12pm EDT "Genocide in Gaza?  Voices from the Region" on art, the environment, and the war:

Battle of York, in Canada, April 27, 1813.

April 27th National Arbor Day, Dissertation Day, Historic Marker Day, Pretzel Day?  

April 27, 2007 – the e-memorandum political crisis in Turkey:

"McIntyre’s Books at Fearrington Village, a cherished locally-owned and woman-owned bookstore – recently featured in Southern Living, will celebrate its 35-year anniversary on Independent Bookstore Day, Saturday, April 27th. Opened in 1989 in Fearrington Village, McIntyre’s has proudly served its local North Carolina and greater national community for decades!

In celebration of their anniversary and Independent Bookstore Day, 35 cents of every book sold on April 27th will be donated to Chatham Reads. There will also be an outdoor Storytime (weather permitting) for the pre-k crowd at 10:30am in the Village Center with Johanna Banana and Billy Sugarfix. At 11am, Brian Panowich will read from his latest novel, Nothing But The Bones. We will have Anniversary cookies made by the Fearrington House and giveaways every hour on the half hour of bags packed with books and McIntyre’s merchandise.

“At the heart of McIntyre’s Books is its people – the readers, authors, and our truly amazing team,” said founder Keebe Fitch. “We’re a dedicated group of readers and hand-sellers. Between Pete, Johanna, Sarah, Beth and myself, we bring over 135 years of combined book selling experience to help our readers find that perfect volume. McIntyre's Books thrives not just because of one person but because of our beloved community of book enthusiasts. We are invested here for the long haul.” 

Keebe Fitch
McIntyre’s Books
220 Market Street
Pittsboro, NC  27312
Call: (919) 542.3030"

Brookgreen Gardens Art Festival April 27-28th.

April 27th National Rebuilding Day?  The USS Sultana exploded north of Marion, Arkansas in 1865.

Fourth Saturday in April Celebrate Trails Day 4/27

Tariq Aziz:

Tariq Aziz (طارق عزيز Ṭāriq ʿAzīzMikhail Yuhanna, a Christian Assyrian in the Iraqi Baathist government, April 28, 1936 in Tel Keppe, Nineveh Governorate, Iraq, near Mosul, – June 5, 2015 in  Nasiriyah?):

Wayne Madsen (born April 28, 1954): 

A report about the Utorture (and execution?) of prisoners held in Abu Ghraib, Iraq aired on CBS' 60 Minutes II program April 28, 2004, and there was an article in the New Yorker by Seymour Hersh April 30th, but there had been reports of torture and prisoner uprisings since June 20, 2003, etc. and it is now buried, and they will try to bury what they are doing in the current wars: in Durham tour April 28th 1-5pm

April 28th, rain date May 5th, 3pm Orange-Chatham Sierra Club event, meeting at Lanza's Cafe, 601 West Main Street in Carrboro – Have the Orange-Chatham Sierra Club and other local environmental and civic groups been captured by real estate and construction interests, and the Democratic Party?  The two named are connected through NEXT NC, connecting the TBB and the Sierra Club.  And the Durham City Council was in with the Ukraine War, though it did eventually say something about Palestine.  I don't know if Chapel Hill or Raleigh ever passed resolutions, while Carrboro I think was the first to do so locally.

Workers' Memorial Day in NC:  April 28th at 3pm in Bicentennial Plaza (1 East Edenton Street, on  the Jones Street side) in Raleigh, remembering 217 killed working in NC: , , and April 28th


Triangle Labor Council AFL-CIO May Day Cookout and Kickball Worker Social April 28th 5-8pm at Biltmore Hills Park (2617 Fitzgerald Drive) in Raleigh; RSVP : and

4/28 National Great Poetry Reading Day?

April 28th-May 2nd a US aircraft carrier in Souda, Crete and a French carrier May 2nd-7th; aimed at Lebanon, over Rafah? 

Jill Stein was arrested at Washington University in Saint Louis ~7:30pm-1:08am 4/28; see 4/30 post

James Cook reached Botany Bay, Australia Sunday, April 29, 1770: and

4/29 National Peace Rose Day?

5-6 UFOs were photographed from an X-15 rocketplane April 30, 1962:  UFO Exist!, 1976.

The Vietnam War ended April 30, 1975.

April 11-30 seed library raffle at the Hopkinsville-Christian County Public Library in Kentucky.

April 30th Duke/NC Carbon Plan hearing and protest at the Durham County Courthouse at 5:45, 7pm:

May 1st Beltane; International Workers' Day / May Day 5 and 6pm at CCB Plaza in Durham, 7pm in NYC:  NYC 4pm:

May 1, 1540 Hernando de Soto reached Cofitachequi, now in South Carolina.

May 1, 1960 Francis Gary Powers' U-2 spyplane downed over the USSR.

NC Labor History Revealed exhibit ) May 1st at UA Local 421 (285 Litaker Lane, in Concord, NC.

May 1st Durham County Government Career Fair 10am-2pm at the Main Library.

May 1st in Durham:  CCB Plaza (PSL?) 5pm or (Scrap Exchange) parade 6pm, prepare 4/29th at Northgate Park 5-7pm.

Around May 1st umbrellatrees will bloom in Durham.  13-year periodical cicadas called by the 28th.  Catawba Rhododendrons, fire pinks, and false Solomon's seawill bloom in May?  Many rosebloom in May or have already started.  Pink ladyslipper orchids and bluestarbloom in May.  Red mulberries, fruiting trees are abundant in Chapel Hill, ripen in May or June?  Magnolias, such as umbrellatrees/umbrella magnoliaand evergreen Southern magnolia(blooming in May or June?)spreading around here

May 2, 1935 – Boulder (now Hoover) Dam on the Colorado River was finished.

May 2, 1962 John C Whimpenny flew 993 yards, five feet high, with a human-powered machine in Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK? – The Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint. 

May 2, 1964 – the USS Card sunk near Saigon.

large bird on the Tamiami Trail in Florida in 1961 and near the Hudson in May 1961; in winter 1968-69 near Haymarket, Virginia at night (?); Marines on a summer evening in 1969 near Da Nang, Vietnam; May 21, 1973 in a wooded area in Kristianstad, Sweden – The Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint.

Osama bin Laden:

Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (أسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادنUsāma bin Muḥammad bin ʿAwaḍ bin Lādin supposedly March 10, 1957 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia early May 2, 2011 in Abbottabad, Pakistan and his body was dumped in the Indian Ocean or an ocean?):

May 2nd 100th anniversary of Craters of the Moon NM and NP.

May 2-4 Crossnore Communities for Children Winston-Salem annual Plant Sale.

Two UFOs reportedly came up to an aircraft flying 140 mph at 15,000' over 10 minutes around Tequesquitengo (?) and Tlalpan, Mexico May 3, 1975:  UFO Exist!, 1976

May 3, 2016 Fort McMurray, in northern AlbertaCanada fire evacuation; April 27, 2020 flood; record high, near 105 degrees Fahrenheit, June 30, 2021:

Asheville Botanical Garden Spring Plant Sale May 3rd-4th


Author of The Death and Life of Great American Cities, etc. Jane Jacobs (born Butzner; May 4, 1916 in Scranton, Pennsylvania – April 25, 2006 in Toronto, Canada):

May 4th Youth Day, the May 4th (1919) movement, the May 3, 1928 Incident in Jinan, Shandong, PR China:

May 4-8, 1942:

May 4, 1970 12:24pm EDT the Kent State Massacre:

"Hunt Recycling will host a plant swap every first Saturday of each month from April through September, from 9am-12pm. 

No registration is required, free to all.  Come for the entire time, or drop in when you can. 

Bring plants, seeds, or clippings that you would like to trade or swap and enjoy the company of other gardening/planting enthusiasts!

Next Plant Swap:  Saturday 5/4/24
When:  Saturday 5/4/24
Where:  840 Moncure Pittsboro Rd, Moncure, NC 27559
Time:  9 am-12 pm

Hunt Recycling will have some tables, chairs and tailgates available for set up, but feel free to bring your own to add to the event. 

Hunt Recycling will also have the Smokin’ Dreams BBQ food truck on hand for the event, so even if you do not have plants to swap or trade, stop in and say hello, and enjoy some BBQ! 

Jason Hoyle
Vice President-Operations
Hunt Forest Resources, LLC
Hunt Forest Products, LLC
Hunt Transload Enterprises, LLC
Hunt Recycling, LLC
East Coast Firewood, LLC
P.O. Box 877
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Cell:  Call: 919-414-2295
Office:  Call: 919-542-0792"

In Raleigh May 4th or 11th 10am-12pm from Crank Arm Brewing 6-milHistoric Bike Ride with RHDC:

May 4th at 2pm in Chapel Hill, from Peace and Justice Plaza to the Hargraves Community Center House Us Now March and Founding Assembly of the TenantShout Out Union:

May 4th 9am-5pm Kiefer Landscaping and Nursery 40th anniversary festival.

May 4th:  Running dog Australia versus China over the Yellow Sea, on the BBC May 6th.

Karl Marx was born May 5, 1818 in Trier, Germany and passed away March 14, 1883 in London, UK:

A triangular, spinning UFO the size of a quarter Moon was reportedly seen by the staff of an astronomical observatory in Majorca May 5, 1960:  UFO Exist!, 1976.

The Myanmar Civil War is supposed to have begun May 5, 2021, following a military coup February 1st:–present)

May 5th 12-5pm Durham Bike Month Kick-Off, free tickets:

Cinco de Mayo 1862, National Astronaut DayLemonade Day, Hoagie Day, Totally Chipotle Day, Infertility Survival Day, Cartoonists Day, etc.?  Rikka?

Around May 5th an alleged rocket attack killed four occupation soldiers at a border checkpoint, so the planned invasion of Rafah began?

May 6th – the Exposition Universelle opened, with the Eiffel Tower, in 1889; the Hindenburg crash in 1937.

May 7th – from the National Day Calendar, etc.:  National Teacher Appreciation Day, Packaging Design Day, Paste-Up Day, Foster Care Day, Barrier Awareness Day, etc.; Dien Bien Phu Viet Minh victory in 1954; the AMA and Sony were founded; Mackinac Bridge construction began in Michigan in 1954; 27th Amendment ratified; Ishiro Honda and Eva Peron born; etc.  Third Shift Workers Day May 8th.

5/7/1968: May 7, 21, and 28 NC Medicaid Expansion events

May 7th and 21st RTP South Rezoning meetings (the area south of HUB RTP bordered by 54, Davis, Hopson, and Miami – the Burdens Creek headwaters?  The UDO Rewrite in 2024:

May 8, 1929 a US company contracts to design the first Soviet tractor plant and more:

May 8th World Donkey Day?

May 8th Bank of America HQ protest in Charlotte, NC


European WWII Victory Day iMay 9th:

5/10/28 BCE sunspots observed, not for the first time:  In 807 CE: circa 775-3/14/840

JW Booth born in 1838; 5/10/1869 the transcontinental railroad completed in Promontory, Utah; 1872 Victoria Woodhull nominated; first Mother's Day, in Grafton, WV in 1908; Betamax in 1975?

Richard John Steves Jr. (born May 10, 1955 in Barstow, California):

May 10th National Shrimp Day?

The APGA's Go Public Gardens week:  May 10-19  #GoPublicGardens

5/11 National Archery Day?  J Cochrane born in 1906; Deep Blue victory in 1997 

5/11/2014 independence and , with a Zelenskyy government bias?

Transylvania Master Gardeners Plant Sale May 11th 8am-12pm

May 11th 11am ET "Black Liberation and People's China" FSC webinar:

John Brown Day 2024 May 11th 2-4pm in Westport, New York:

May 11th Stamp Out Hunger letter carriers' food drive

May 11th the Piedmont Environmental Center annual Wildflower Sale in High Point 9am-12pm

UNC's Spring Commencement will be Saturday, May 11th in 2024, instead of the traditional Sunday.

Saturdays 10am-5pm starting May 11th help build Paperhand Puppet Intervention's new show, Earth and Sky, to be performed August 9th-September 29th in Chapel Hill.

May 11th 10am at Cedar Fork District Park:


May 12th Odometer Day; J Carter to Cuba in 2002; Florence Nightingale born in 1820?

Mountain laurel blooms around the anti-war holiday Mother's Day, May 12th?

5/13 Frog Jumping Day, Apple Pie Day?

James Warren Jones (May 13, 1931 in Crete, Indiana – November 18, 1978 in Jonestown, Guyana): 

The Southwest Death Cafe will be at Durham's Southwest RegionaLibrary March 25, April 22, May 13, and June 24.

The Raid on Port Arthur, in Canada, May 14-16, 1814:

Michael Douglas Coe (May 14, 1929 in New York City – September 25, 2019 in New Haven, CT):

5/14/1931 inÅdalen_shootings

5/14/1959 – the first wade-in in Biloxi, MS:

5/14 Underground America Day, the Corps of Discovery set out in 1804, 1904 Olympics in St. Louis, George Lucas born in 1944, the launch of Skylab in 1973, Mark Zuckerberg born in 1984?

Nakba Days of Action May 14-15th in Washington, DC:

Nakba Day May 15th:

A "white hot" 18" piece off "heavy chain" reportedly fell on a bulldozer operating on Crestvale Avenue in Rock Hill, St. Louis, MO May 15, 1959; an explosion and a "red-hot cylindrical object" was found on S.R. CC close to FestusSt. Louis (?) and Herculaneum May 26, 1970 – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

5/15 – Chocolate Chip Day and Nylon Stocking Day?

Communist and supposedly Nazi symbol(what of Azov?) were banned in Ukraine May 15, 2015?

5/16  Love a Tree Day, Biographer's Day, Sea Monkey Day, etc.;5-cent coin created in 1866

The Israeli consul-general in Turkey, Efraim Elrom, was seized by the THKP.C May 17, 1971 and killed by the 23rd:

5/17 – Endangered Species Day?  Walnut, "Pack Rat" Day; first Usubmarine launched in 1897 in NJ?  5/17/1954 Brown v Board of Education of Topeka.  5/17/2004 MA gay marriage.  5/18 Learn to Swim Day?

PITTSBORO, NC— The Chatham County Parks and Recreation Department invites community members of all ages to express their creativity and create a chalk masterpiece at the fourth annual Sidewalk Chalk Festival on Saturday, May 18, 2024, at The Park at Briar Chapel located at 1015 Andrews Store Road, Pittsboro.

Chatham County artists – amateur and professional alike – are invited to draw their chalk creations. Residents also are invited to spend the evening in the park enjoying the artwork, food trucks, art activities and vendors, yard games, face painting, popcorn, and a Movie in the Park. Drawing and activities will begin at 5:30 p.m., judging and awards will begin at 7:30 p.m., and the Movie in the Park will begin at 8:30 p.m. The featured movie is Barbie, and families are invited to bring chairs, blankets, snacks, and enjoy a movie under the stars.

There will be three categories for the Sidewalk Chalk Festival: Family (group with kids 12 and under), Teen (ages 13–17), and Adult (ages 18+), as well as a crowd pleaser award. Artists are encouraged to pre-register online at, but registration will also be available on site, the day of the event. A tabletop drawing option is available upon request for those who are not able to draw on the ground.

“We enjoy having the opportunity to celebrate the art community in Chatham County and bring people together in this way,” said Tracy Burnett, Chatham County Parks and Recreation Director.

For more information on participant registration or vendor station inquiry, individuals may visit the Chatham County Parks and Recreation website at, or contact Mallory Peterson at the Parks and Recreation Department at Call: 919-642-7086 or mallory [period] peterson [at chathamcountync gov]. Information and updates will also be shared on Chatham County Parks and Recreation’s social media channels (Facebook and Instagram).

Kara Lusk
Public Information Officer
Chatham County Government

Water Melon 5K Fest for Palestine May 18th at WakeMed Soccer Park in Cary: May 18-19th on 751. May 18th at Moore Square in Raleigh.  NC Voter Photo IDs 12-3pm May 18th May 18th 10am-4pm

5/19/1919 US government Black Chamber wiretapping began; 5/17/1919 the Army admitted that it had lied about Germany's ability to invade the US, encouraging entry into WWI:

Halley's Comet was at perihelion April 20th in 1910 and the Earth passed through its tail, rumored to be poisonous and a threat to life, May 20th.  First photographed during this apparition?  Supposedly there was an attempted human sacrifice (of a Jane Warfield by Henry Heinman and othersrelated to the Comet in Aline, Alfalfa County, in northern Oklahoma towards the panhandle, the evening of Wednesday, May 18, 1910 (?).  People reportedly dropped dead; went insane; committed suicide; refused to go to work; Paul Hammerton, a prospector in the San Bernardino range of California crucified himself but was taken down; etc.  The night of May 18th the beloved street dogs of Istanbul/Constantinople were again rounded up.  Two of four Dorsetshire calves born at Amos Rhodes' dairy in Pitcher, New York had star-shaped marks on their foreheads.  In Woodbury, New York the mayor had the police offer a comet wake-up service.  Lights, at least some made by humans, were seen.  Pink and violet in Lille, France An astronomer and his wife in a hot air balloon at night were fired upon in New England.  Mark Twain passed away April 21st and UK King Edward VII the night of May 6th, with his funeral was Friday, May 20th, a historic transition a few years before WWI began, as 9/11/2001 has been called the 'true' start of the 21st century and current wars might loom large in future history – Comet Fever (A Popular History of Halley's Comet) by Donald Gropman with Kenneth Mirvis, published in 1985.  The Comet passed by the Earth April 10th in 1986, after perihelion February 9th.  The first known sighting isupposed to have been May 25, 240 BCE (May 16th or even earlier?):

Albrecht Dürer (May 21, 1471 – April 6, 1528, both in Nuremberg, HRE):ürer

From BAJ:

                   7:30 PM Tuesday May 21
       at Community Church of Chapel Hill
                   106 Purefoy Rd
   Balance & Accuracy in Journalism 
            Student Protests: 
Anti-Semitism or a Call for Justice?
          will be presented by 
Hashem Amireh and JC Fishman 
Hashem Amireh is a member of UNC Graduate and Professional 
Students for the Liberation of Palestine and is the president of the 
UNC Graduate Workers Union Co-chapter. 
He was also recently suspended and banned from campus 
due to his involvement with student protests along with 15 other students. 
JC Fishman is involved with pro-Palestine advocacy in the area 
and is a member of the Triangle Jewish Voice for Peace.

Mainstream Media reports including NC Public TV’s State Lines
have accused students of ignorance and expressed puzzlement that
students found reason to protest.  Asking students themselves
didn’t seem to occur to the State Lines panel.

Bring your questions and comments to our discussion!

Our program in 2019 titled, "Was it Love, or Antisemitism?"
explored a smear campaign against Duke and UNC
for convening scholars to discuss Gaza.  The accusation
of anti-Semitism, based on an attack video aired on Channel 11
led to a civil rights investigation that was dismissed in part by 
testimony by Dr. Judith Ferster who attended the 2019 conference.
Ferster will join us on Tuesday evening. If we have time we will
screen a central piece of evidence.

As with all the years of war that Mainstream Media have 
justified to the public, we are treated to narratives that fail
to match real history and evidence.

Artist Ellen O’Grady sketched her interview with UNC professor
and organizer Danielle Purifoy in the form of a cartoon, posted on Instagram.

Watch for further info and updates!

     For Balance and Accuracy in Journalism
[  ]

May 21-June 1 art exhibit:

Joseph Wood Krutch (November 25, 1893 in Knoxville, TN – May 22, 1970 in Tucson, Arizona):

Ibragim Todashev was killed by an FBI agent May 22nd in his Orlando, Florida apartment:  Stop the Bleed workshop, but full?

The Laotian Civil War began May 23, 1959 and ended December 2, 1975?

The Greek destroyer HNS Velos, commanded by Nikolaos Pappas (Νικόλαος Παππάς; June 21, 1930 – April 5, 2013; ) mutinied against the Greek coup government May 23, 1973 during a NATO execise between Sardinia and the Italian mainland:

May 23-26: [in downtown Raleigh]

[May 24-26th in Atlanta, ]  Blood drive May 24th 11am-4pm.

May 24-26th in Detroit,

Rightist?  TV presenter Michael Denzil Xavier Portillo (born May 26, 1953 in Bushey, Hertfordshire, England, UK):

Marcia and Mel Rothenberg memorial May 26th 10:45am-2pm in Chicago.

[5/27/1520: ]


The first military coup in modern Turkey was May 27, 1960:état

Friday, 5/31/1889: in PA

Naksa Day June 5th?

June 6, 1975 a "pearl-colored 50' disk" reportedly landed in Greensboro, North Carolina UFO Exist!, 1976

[The first post to this blog was June 6, 2005.]

Manuel Orozco y Berra (June 8, 1816 – January 27, 1881)

Daniel Ellsberg Week June 10-16:

Three orange or purplish to orange UFOs Thursday, June 12, 1958, around 8pm, over Dillon, Dillon County, in northeastern South Carolina.  See Circle, etc.  Johnny Griffith, Mr and Mrs Don Barclay, Mrs EC Currin, etc. In the Florence Morning News June 13, 1958.  Flying Saucer Digest #219 Winter 2018.

June 14, 1972 a 4' eel was found in the water pipes of a Medford, Massachusetts apartment, and reportedly would have had to have come from Quabbin Reservoir 100 miles away.  American eels breed far out in the Atlantic but mature inland, and even cross moist ground, often at night – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

June 14-August 9th in Philadelphia:

 A 'batman' in a pecan tree in Houston, Texas June 18, 1953 at night (?) – The Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint.

June 18, 1958 dark gray fish about 3" long with red spots reportedly fell on Pentagon Parkway in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas.  On January 27, 1964 a burning object flew around and landed at the home of Melvin L Lewis, setting the yard on fire and producing a strong sulfurous smell.  Reportedly rocks fell on a field of corn in Trenton, New Jersey June 16-17, 1884 – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

The Northern Hemisphere's summer solstice is June 20th this year.

Karl Anton Nowotny (June 21, 1904 in Hollabrunn, Austria – December 31, 1978 in Vienna):

June 24th iSaint John's Day or Midsummer Day.  

World UFO Day June 24th (Kenneth Arnold's sighting of what the media termed "flying saucers"and July 2nd (the crash in Roswell, New Mexico):  

Reportedly a train left Tomashgrodsky, USSR June 24, 1983 pulling 28 cars filled with crushed rock (aggregate?) and was not seen again – Curious Encounters:  Phantom Trains, Spooky Spots, and Other Mysterious Wonders, by Loren Coleman, 1985-86.  Wathere really such a train that day and, if so, what happened to it?

June 25-26, 1876:

June 28, 1973 two red UFOs over New York City:  UFO Exist! (Paris Flammonde, 1976).

June 29, 1881 – claimed to be the Mahdi:

June 30, 1521:

June 30, 1962 a "red disk" seen for 10 minutes in Richmond, Virginia – UFO Exist!, 1976.

The famous Michel de NostredameLatinized as Nostradamus, (December 1503 in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone, France July 1566 in Salon-de-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone):

Beginning 7/1/1892, a battle 7/6:

July 1st GoTriangle bus fees return?

7/4/1941 and 9/1/1987:

The Battle of Chippawa, in Canada waJuly 5, 1814:

July 5, 1950 in divided Korea:


July 8, 1994 and October 29, 1998 Mukai Chiaki, born May 6, 1952, went into space.

Cindy Lee Sheehan (Miller; born July 10, 1957 in Inglewood, California); her son:  Casey Austin Sheehan (May 29, 1979 – April 4, 2004) : ; her website is linked on the right.

Rudolf Ivanovich Abel (Рудольф Иванович Абель), William August Fisher (July 11, 1903 –  November 15, 1971):

July 11, 1908 Russian VK Arsenyev said that he had disturbed a large flying creature along the "Gobilli River." He asked the "Udehe-men" (Udege? – it that (?) evening – quoted in The Mothman Prophecies by John Alva Keel (born Alva John Kiehle; March 25, 1930 in Hornell, New York – July 3, 2009 in New York City: and ), 1991 reprint.

July 12, 1961 small, "hard green peaches" reportedly fell at 2065 LoverLane and 2062 Shadywood Lane in Shreveport, LA; hickory shad and other freshwater fish October 25, 1947 7-8am in MarksvilleLA; a "warm and sticky," "reddish, oily" bloodlike 'rain' reportedly fell from a red, pink, and green cloud over 440 BoaStreet in Cinncinnati, Ohio July 22, 1955, harming peach trees and causing a stinging sensation on bare skin – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

7/14/1877 RR strike began:

The Soviet Katyusha multiple rocket launcher was first used by an NKVD unit in a battle July 14, 1941 in Rudnya, Russia and more units were formed after August 8th:

There was a coup in Cyprus July 15, 1974.

There was a coup attempt in Turkey July 15, 2016.

July 17, 1829 "a meteor of rather singular character" was seen in the Schuylkill (opposite?), Kensington, and Delaware River area of Pennsylvania for "about fifteen or twenty minutes" around 11pm-12am, going east into NJ (Jersey)?  "A long trail of light, like that of a shooting star was seen to follow it in the beginning of its ascension; large sparkles that separated themselves from it and descended slowly, were distinctly visible until hidden from view by the tops of the houses.  Its motions were rapid, irregular, and wavering, like the fluttering of a kite or the rocking of an air balloon. / Its appearance was of a deep red color, and remarkably brilliant, seemingly about half the size of the moon.  It arose until it crossed the Delaware, when it appeared but an inconsiderable speck scarcely discernable, and then descended with astonishing velocity until within a short distance of the horizon, where it remained stationary for a few moments.  Suddenly it became exceedingly large and brilliant, sparkles again separated it [?] from the main body, and descended as before.  It soon after became dim and disappeared behind the trees."  From "Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania July 18, 1829, via Martin Piechota" – Flying Saucer Digest #218 Fall 2017.

The 40th Cullowhee Native Plant Conference will be July 17-20th at WCU in Cullowhee, North Carolina:

large bird in Salt Lake City July 18, 1966; "a whitish man-shaped flying object" just after 2pm in Scot, Mississippi September 1, 1966 (year?); a 9' humanoid of some kind walking in the middle of Buffalo Mills, Pennsylvania August 19, 1973 – The Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint.

An explosion and falling rocks July 19th and an explosion and an earthquake (?) August 18, 1912 in Holbrook, in northeastern Arizona – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

Robert Michael Pyle (born July 19, 1947 in Denver, Colorado):  

July 19-20 and July 26-27, or July 12-29, in 1952 UFOs seen and detected by radar over Washington, DC; escaped from interceptorsUFO Exist! (Paris Flammonde, 1976) and,_D.C.,_UFO_incident

Turkey invaded Cyprus July 20, 1974, following the July 15th Cypriot coup.

Uday and Qusay Saddam HusseinAbdul Samad al-Hadushi, and Mustafa Hussein were reportedly killed in a raid by the 101st Airborne, involving hundreds of soldiers on the ground and in the air, over a few hours  at mid-day, July 22, 2003 in Mosul, Iraq: 


July 23 or 25 in 1948 a UFO near Montgomery, Alabama 

The Downing Street Memo covered a meeting July 23, 2002

Around 4:15pm July 24, 1973 papers were reportedly seen falling from high in a clear sky over North Greenbush, near Albany, New York; a few were picked up off of Lape Road 30-45 minutes later and found to have "complex mathematical formulas and accompanying graphs" – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

The Battle of Lundy's Lane or Niagara, in Canada, waJuly 25, 1814:

The 2023 coup in Niger was July 26th:état  There have been recent military coups in neighboring countries, such as in Mali:

July 28th  elections in Venezuela?  An delegation July 21-31st.

Halley's Comet will next be at perihelion July 28th in 2061 and be near the Earth on the 29th, and then again March 27th and May 7th in 2134:

The Courier-Journal of Louisville, Kentucky reported July 29, 1880 that a man with flapping mechanical wings had been seen by CA Youngman and Bob Flexner – The Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint.

July 30, 1962 a red UFO was reportedly seen in Ocean Springs, Mississippi – UFO Exist!, 1976.

Ayman al-Zawahiri:

Ayman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiri (أيمن محمد ربيع الظواهريAyman Muḥammad Rabīʿ aẓ-Ẓawāhirī supposedly June 19, 1951 in Giza, Egypt – July 31, 2022 in Kabul, Afghanistan): 

Around 1:30am August 2, 1905 JA Jackson of Silshee, California reportedly saw a bright airship (while in Silshee?) with flapping wings – The Mothman Prophecies by John A Keel, 1991 reprint.

At noon August 7, 1869 a bright flying object reportedly landed in a dry area 200 yards north of Adamstown, Lancaster County, in southeastern Pennsylvania.  "It was square and became a column about three or four feet in height and about two feet in thickness" and shone in the sun "like a column of burnished silver."  It vanished after 10 minutes and there were no signs that it had been there.  From The Reading Eagle August 14, 1869 via Martin Piechota:" Flying Saucer Digest #219 Winter 2018.  About the town, founded July 4, 1761 and incorporated April 2, 1850:,_Pennsylvania

Paperhand Puppet Intervention's new show, Earth and Skywill be in UNC's Forest Theatre August 9th-September 29th.

Five crew members were killed and one hospitalized on a fishing boat in Punta Gorda, Florida August 11, 1968; golf balls reportedly fell September 3, 1969, but it is unclear if there were witnesses to a rain of golf ballsAugust 11, 1965 at night an explosion and cubical pieces of a very hard metafell on the William Belt farm on Walker Road in Parkton, Maryland; ice reportedly fell in Davenport, Iowa August 30, 1882 and "small living frogs" enclosed in ice in Dubuque, Iowa June 16, 1882 with  – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

Cyprus became independent from the UK August 16, 1960.

Paul Kirchhoff (August 17, 1900, Halle, Province of Westphalia – December 9, 1972):

The night of August 18, 1962 there was an unexplained sound like "a flight of heavy airplanes" in the San Francisco area; blasts in May and June 1951; across the country in summer 1959, including in Henderson (Vance County?and in Warren County, North Carolina (?); October 22, 1971 over Daly City, CA; more in CA; etc. – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

Joaquín García Icazbalceta (August 21, 1824 – November 26, 1894)

Uğur Mumcu (August 22, 1942 – January 24, 1993):ğur_Mumcu

The White House, the Capitol, Navy Yard, etc were burned by the British August 24, 1814:  It will surely be inundated, burn, reap the whirlwind, etc. again eventually.

Tatiana Proskouriakoff (Татья́на Авени́ровна Проскуряко́ва, Tatyana Avenirovna Proskuryakova; January 23, 1909 – August 30, 1985):

9/1/1859 first solar flare, during the Carrington Event: , born 5/26/1826

September 1, 1872 Icaiche Maya raid into Belize, from Mexico

September 2, 1885  Rock Springs, Wyoming anti-Chinese riot or massacre.

September 2, 1898 in Sudan:

After 9pm on September 2, 1958 a piece of ice hit 336 Greystone Road, in Old Bridge, New Jersey, nearly hitting a resident – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

September 6, 1901 President William McKinley was shot in Buffalo, New York.

Elizabeth Hill Boone (born September 6, 1948):

An explosion and falling debris over Salt River Canyon in eastern Arizona September 9, 1970 at 4:30am, a meteor– Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

Sir John Eric Sidney Thompson (December 31, 1898 – September 9, 1975):

The NC AFL-CIO's 67th Annual Convention will be September 19-20th in Raleigh.

Palestinian poet born 9/23/1979, assassinated 12/6/2023, more:

New York City's Fawcett Building, at 67 West 44th Street, was evacuated due to unexplained shaking September 24, 1966.  Unexplained booms in Howell Township, New Jersey, four miles north of Freewood Acres, in June 1974 and September 22nd and 25th – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

9/24/2023 the Cuban embassy was attacked:  Expect more under Trump?

Günter Wallraff (born October 1, 1942):ünter_Wallraff

A UFO was reportedly seen in Greenville, North Carolina October 4, 1973 and there were many reports in the South on or around the 4th:  UFO Exist! 1976.

A 'fireball' landed in Putnam County, New York, near BrewsterOctober 8, 1967 around 3:30am; summer 1976 women were darted nearby – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.

John Lloyd Stephens (November 28, 1805 – October 13, 1852):

October 18, 1973 a UFO near Cleveland, Ohio

Early kamikaze attacks began during the Battle of Leyte Gulf, October 25, 1944:  Kamikaze, Cherry Blossoms, and Nationalisms by Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney, 2002.

The afternoon of October 25, 2018 F-15s were dispatched to fruitlessly look for a white UFO, not appearing on radar, at an altitude of about 40,000,' between Seattle and Portland – Flying Saucer Digest #219 Winter 2018.

Manadel al-Jamadi (مناضل الجمادي) was killed during CIA interrogation at Abu Ghraib, Iraq November 4, 2003:

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