Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Octubre: The 1943 Famine in India and the Role of Winston Churchill

Below is a translation followed by the original article from the January 2019 issue of Octubre, newspaper of the Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) (PCE m-l, pceml.info/actual/index.php/2014-09-05-18-40-32/octubre ):

The 1943 Famine in India and the Role of Winston Churchill

Marcial Tardón

If we do not investigate history strictly, we could speculate that Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain in two periods (1940-45 and 1951-55), was a jovial man, a great leader and a man of much charisma.  However, history tells us that behind this bright facade lies an obscure truth: Churchill carried out an economic and military strategy in Bengal, India, during the Second World War, which caused a famine that ended up killing millions of people. This theme is not taken up in the history books, nor is it remembered as a controversial fact. However, it is worth examining it to make known one of the cruelest and most deplorable events in world history.

Very few people today know about the genocide in Bengal, let alone how Churchill planned it. Churchill's hatred of the Indian people led several million people to die during the Bengal "famine" of 1943. "I hate Indians. They are a bestial people with a bestial religion," he said.

The 1943 famine in Bengal was one of several famines in Bengal, an administrative division of British India that was under the British Crown. It is estimated that around 2 million people died of malnutrition in that period. Much of the consequences were due to the decisions of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, as he feared that the Japanese would advance through Burma and attack the eastern border of Bengal. As a preventive measure, a scorched earth initiative was launched in two parts, eastern and coastal Bengal. The impact of the policies on the development of the famine was decisive. At the end of March 1942, Governor Herbert, acting under the direct orders of Winston Churchill, issued a directive requiring that surplus stocks of rice and other food be removed or destroyed throughout Bengal.

That year Bengal had a better than normal harvest, despite the state of war that extended to the Asian colony. The British army took millions of tons of rice from the hungry people to send to the Middle East, where it was not even needed. When the hungry people of Bengal asked for food, Churchill said that the "famine" was caused by the Bengalis “multiplying like rabbits." The viceroy of India declared that "Churchill's attitude toward India and the famine as negligent, hostile and contemptuous." Even the right-wing imperialist Leo Amery, who was the British Secretary of State in India, said he "did not see much difference between his [Churchill's] and Hitler's outlook." Churchill rejected all offers of aid to send rice to Bengal; Canada offered 10,000 tons. Meanwhile, several million men, women and children died of hunger in Bengal.

The British tried to limit the dramatic situation by attributing it to the bad times that India had had in that period. However, as noted by economist and Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen, there was no overall shortage of rice in Bengal in 1943: its availability was somewhat greater than in 1941, when there was no hunger. In part, this was what led to the slow official response to the disaster, as there had been no crop loss and, therefore, hunger was unexpected. One of its root causes, says Sen, was the rumors of the shortage that caused hoarding and price inflation. This was caused by the rapid demand in wartime that made rice consignments an excellent investment (prices had already doubled over the previous year). In Sen’s interpretation, while the peasants owners of the land where the rice grew and the workers in industries in urban areas and on the docks saw their salaries rise, it led to a disastrous change in the situation of groups such as landless peasants, fisherfolk, barbers, hullers of rice and other groups who found that the real value of their salaries had been cut by two-thirds since 1940. Churchill prevented the alleviation of the burden on India, and on the contrary increased it. The Indian industries were converted to help in the manufacture of weapons and uniforms for the troops in Africa and those near Japan. This left the large Indian cities without industries for basic necessities that, together with an increase in grain shipments, caused the collapse. When the factories were occupied with arms manufacture, goods such as agricultural and livestock tools were in short supply. This led to a decrease in agricultural production and an inability to deliver the amount of grain that the British required to be produced; Indian landowners delivered the grain to local food warehouses. Having less grain available for trade, the price doubled while with the war effort salaries were frozen for 5 years. This led to 2 million people dying in 1943 in the worst famine in India in the 20th century. In short, although there was enough rice and other grain in Bengal to feed people, they did not have enough money to buy it.

As stated above, more than 2 million people died in Bengal due to this terrible situation. It is one of the most terrible and dishonest crimes against humanity that is known."

La hambruna de la India (1943) y el papel de Winston Churchill

Marcial Tardón

Si no indagamos de forma estricta en la historia, podríamos llegar a especular que el primer ministro de Gran Bretaña Winston Churchill en dos periodos (1940-45 y 1951- 55), era un hombre jovial, un gran líder y un hombre de mucho carisma. Sin embargo, la historia nos dice que detrás de esta fachada luminosa se encuentra una oscura verdad: Churchill llevó a cabo una estrategia económica y militar en Bengala, India, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que provocó una hambruna que terminó matando a millones de personas. Este tema no es recurrente en los libros de historia, ni es recordado como un hecho controvertido. Sin embargo, vale la pena hacer una revisión del mismo para dar a conocer uno de los hechos más crueles y lamentables de la historia mundial. 

Muy pocas personas conocen a día de hoy el genocidio en Bengala, y mucho menos cómo lo diseñó Churchill. El odio de Churchill hacia los indios llevó a varios millones de personas a morir durante la “hambruna” de Bengala de 1943. “Odio a los indios. Son un pueblo de bestias con una religión de bestias“, dijo.

La hambruna en Bengala de 1943 fue una de las varias hambrunas ocurridas en Bengala, una división administrativa de la India Británica que se encontraba bajo el mandato de la Corona británica. Se estima que alrededor de 2 millones de personas fallecieron de desnutrición en ese periodo. Gran parte de las consecuencias fueron debidas a las decisiones del primer ministro británico Winston Churchill, ya que temía que los japoneses avanzaran a través de Birmania y atacaran la frontera oriental de Bengala. Como medida preventiva se lanzó una iniciativa de tierra arrasada en dos partes, Bengala oriental y costera. El impacto de las políticas sobre el desarrollo de la hambruna fue decisivo. A finales de marzo de 1942, el Gobernador Herbert, actuando bajo las órdenes directas de Winston Churchill, emitió una directiva que exigía que las existencias excedentarias de arroz y otros alimentos fuesen retirados o destruidos en toda Bengala. 

Aquel año Bengala tuvo una cosecha mejor de lo normal a pesar del estado de guerra que se extendía a la colonia asiática. El ejército británico cogió millones de toneladas de arroz del pueblo hambriento para enviarlas a Oriente Medio, donde ni siquiera era necesario. Cuando el pueblo hambriento de Bengala pidió comida, Churchill dijo que la “hambruna” era causada “por criar como conejos“. El virrey de la India declaró que “la actitud de Churchill hacia la India y la hambruna es negligente, hostil y despectiva“. Incluso el imperialista derechista Leo Amery, que era el Secretario de Estado británico en la India, dijo que “no veía mucha diferencia entre su perspectiva [la de Churchill] y la de Hitler“. Churchill rechazó todas las ayudas que le ofrecieron para enviar arroz a Bengala, Canadá llegó a ofrecer 10.000 toneladas. Mientras, varios millones de hombres, mujeres y niños morían de hambre en Bengala. 

Los británicos intentaron matizar la dramática situación atribuyendo la situación a las malas cosechas que había tenido la India en dicho periodo. Sin embargo, como ha señalado el economista y Premio Nobel Amartya Sen, se considera que no había escasez global de arroz en Bengala en 1943: la disponibilidad era algo mayor que en 1941, cuando no había hambre. En parte fue esto lo que condicionó la lenta respuesta oficial al desastre, ya que no había habido pérdidas de cosechas y, por lo tanto, el hambre era inesperada. Una de sus causas fundamentales, sostiene Sen, estaba en los rumores de la escasez que provocaron el acaparamiento y la inflación de los precios causada por la rápida demanda en tiempo de guerra que hizo que las partidas de arroz fueran una excelente inversión (los precios ya se habían duplicado respecto al año anterior). En la interpretación de Sen, mientras que los campesinos propietarios de tierras en donde creció el arroz y los que trabajaban en las industrias de las zonas urbanas y en los muelles vieron cómo sus salarios se elevaban, se condujo a un cambio desastroso en los derechos de intercambio de grupos como los campesinos sin tierra, pescadores, barberos, descascarilladores de arroz y otros grupos que encuentran que el valor real de sus salarios había sido recortado por dos tercios desde 1940. Churchill impidió aliviar la carga a la India, y por el contrario la aumentó. Las industrias indias fueron reconvertidas para ayudar en la manufactura de armas y uniformes a las tropas en África y la frontera con Japón. Esto dejó sin industrias de primera necesidad a las grandes ciudades Indias, lo que sumado a un aumento en los envíos de granos, provocó el colapso. Al estar las fábricas ocupadas en armamentos, bienes como herramientas agrícolas y ganaderas estaban en escasez. Esto contrajo la producción agrícola y al no poder entregar la cantidad de grano que los Británicos pedían producir, los terratenientes indios entregaron los almacenes de comida locales. Al haber menos grano disponible en los comercios, el precio se duplicó mientras los sueldos con el esfuerzo de guerra se congelaron por 5 años. Esto causó que en 1943 murieran 2 millones de personas en la peor hambruna de la india del siglo XX. En pocas palabras, a pesar de que en Bengala había suficiente arroz y otros granos para alimentarse, la gente no tenía suficiente dinero para comprar. 

Como queda dicho unas líneas más arriba más de 2 millones de personas murieron en Bengala, debido a esta terrible situación. Se trata de uno de los crímenes contra la humanidad más terrible y deshonesto que de que se tenga noticia. 

Monday, December 28, 2020

Towards Marxist-Leninist Unity Vol. 2, No. 4 published

A new issue of Towards Marxist Leninist Unity is out, though not yet available at redstarpublishers.org/TMLU.htm (the previous issues have been posted, through Vol. 2, No. 3, out in late October).  The next issue should come out in February.  Articles in this issue:

We are in Great Depression Two

A Great Technical Achievement

Biden Represents Imperialism as Usual

Why the Military Establishment Backed Biden

Jail Killer Cops for Life!

Humor and Stupidity Section

Merry Xmas

Over 250 million workers and farmers rise up against India’s right-wing government

Bolivia: October 18: Popular Victory over the Pro-Coup and Fascist Oligarchy

Peru: For the Call for a Sovereign and Popular Constituent Assembly!

Artículos en español  

Bolivia: 18 de Octubre: Victoria Popular sobre la Oligarquía Golpista y Fascista

Perú: ¡Por la convocatoria a una asamblea constituyente soberana y popular!

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Grand Conjunction, US Dept of Labor responds on H2A labor contractor abuses, and some red anniversaries

A response from the US Department of Labor to the Farm Labor Organizing Committee's letterwriting campaign regarding abuses of workers' rights by agricultural guestworker labor contractors (see durhamspark.blogspot.com/2020/11/floc-songs-for-justice-concert-124-and.html ) is below.

The FLOC fundraising concert advertised in that post was delayed a day, but is online at: youtu.be/a87gbLcYfTU (1 hour 12 minutes).

FLOC December benefit concert program, from Facebook.

December 21st is the winter solstice, when night is longest and the Sun rises and sets far south on the horizon and is relatively low in the sky all day. Many or maybe all cultures have winter solstice traditions or festivals, such as Iran's Yalda Night or Chelleh Night ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yald%C4%81_Night and highlighted yesterday on NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday www.npr.org/2020/12/20/948315562/yalda-night ).

Adding to the significance of the day, there will also be an unusually close conjuction of Jupiter and Saturn shortly after sunset. A conjuction of Jupiter and Saturn occurs every 20 years, but this is the closest such conjuction visible at night in centuries (the last close Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that was easily seen might have been one in 1226, according to this month's Sky and Telescope magazine, skyandtelescope.org/ ), and I think the next one will be on a morning in March 2080, the month of the Northern Hemisphere's spring equinox, when day an night are about equally long and the Sun rises due east and sets due west. These two bright planets have been visible in the southern sky for months, but now appear very close together, peaking early this evening in the faint zodiacal constellation Capricornus, in the southwest. I looked for Jupiter and Saturn a few days ago, but they must have been very low behind trees or had already set by then. These gas giants are among the brightest objects in the sky (visible even through urban light pollution, the subject of a future post), and unlike stars, planets don't really twinkle. With a telescope or maybe with binoculars some of their moons and rings are visible, and from the continental USA Ganymede can be seen passing across Jupiter tonight. It was misty and overcast here this morning, but is now completely clear, and the planets will probably remain close together in the sky for a while after the 21st.

Later tonight (about 4am) the Ursid meteor shower peaks (Ursids can be seen from about the 17th to 26th every December), though it is a weak shower, with 5 to 10 or 15 meteors an hour. There are meteor showers with varying numbers of meteors per hour and other characteristics throughout the year, as well as random meteors not associated with a known shower. Earlier in December the Geminid shower peaked with up to 50 to 150 meteors an hour, and is predicted to reach 200 by 2080, according to an article in this month's issue of Sky and Telescope.

Other conjuctions happen periodically during a year, and can involve more than two objects. It might not have been a conjunction, but several planets were lined up in the sky, I think in the southwest after sunset, at one point in the 90's. Brilliant Venus is currently a “Morning Star,” while reddish Mars (orange-colored to me) is in the southeast in the evening (it was brighter months ago); Neptune, Uranus, and the asteriod Ceres are also currently in view (see Astronomy magazine, astronomy.com ), but probably only with binoculars or a telescope. Mercury was faintly visible in the morning in November and maybe into December, but will be up in the evening later in the winter.

Some useful stargazing websites:




International Meteor Organization: www.imo.net/

December 21st is also the birth anniversary of Georgian Bolshevik Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Djugashvili) and Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso, known as Africa's Che Guevara. Chinese revolutionary Mao Zedong (or Tse-tung) was born December 26th in China's Hunan province.

There is a post today about Stalin's continuing significance, denied by revisionists, “democratic socialists,” etc. at michaelharrison.org.uk/

FLOC Facebook post about workers' rights violations by H2A labor contractors.

The US DOL's December 15th letter (by email):

The U.S. Department of Labor (Department) received your letter expressing concerns regarding the Department's H-2A visa program and request for a moratorium on the approval of H-2A applications filed by H-2A labor contractors (H-2ALCs). Your correspondence was forwarded to the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) for response.

You allege certain H-2ALCs are violators of federal law. The Department takes very seriously employer compliance with the Department's H-2A program regulations, which include provisions for worker protections and impose employer requirements concerning wages and working conditions [footnote: See 20 CFR Part 655, subpart B; and 29 CFR Psart 501.]. However, these regulations do not allow the Department to impose a moratorium or cessation on the review of properly filed applications that meet H-2A regulatory requirements.

The Department's regulations at 20 CFR Part 655, subpart B, permit H-2ALCs to file H-2A applications with the Department and to receive a certification where the application meets the requirements of 20 CFR 655.161. The Department's regulations define H-2ALCs in 20 CFR 655.103 as “any person who meets the definition of employer under [subpart B] and is not a fixed-site employer, an agricltural association, or an employee of a fixed-site employer or agricultural association...who recruits, solicits, hires, employs, furnishes, houses, or transports any worker....” H-2ALCs must meet the same program requirements as other H-2A employers, including assurances and guarantees, and are subject to additional requirements for participation in the H-2A prigram. For example, to receive H-2A certification, an H-2ALC must also provide the Department with the following: an original surety bond demonstrating the H-2ALC's ability to meet payroll and financial obligations to workers; pertinent details related to each fixed-site employer they will service, with expected start and end dates of work and descriptions of the crops and activities for each location; copies of fully executed work contracts with each fixed-site employer; a copy of a valid Farm Labor Contractor certificate of registration and Farm Labor Contractor Employee certificates of registration, if applicable; and proof that housing and transportation for workers meets all applicable standards and regulations, if provided by the fized-site employer. See 20 CFR Part 655.132. The Department will continue to receive and evaluate each application on its merits for compliance with H-2A program regulations and determine whether each application meets the requirements for certification.

While your letter alleges violations of a general nature, you may report a specific suspected violation of H-2A's provisions by contacting the Department's Wage and Hour Division for direct assistance at (866) 487-9243 or https://www.dol.org/agencies/whd/. Please know the Department remains in frequent contact with our federal and state partners and the stakeholder community to ensure employer compliance with H-2A program requirements. If you have any additional questions, please contact ETA's Office of Foreign Labor Certification at (202) 513-7350.


[Signed by an administrator at the Office of Foreign Labor Certification]

Friday, December 18, 2020

Six years since the last of the Cuban Five political prisoners were released; Gerardo Hernández elected to Cuba's Council of State

The Cuban Five - Gerardo Hernández, Fernando González, Antonio Guerrero, René González, and Ramón Labañino

The last three of the Cuban Five political prisoners, imprisoned by the USA after monitoring US-based terrorist groups, were released December 17, 2014.  Among them was Gerardo Hernández, who was elected to Cuba's Council of State and is the national coordinator of Cuba's Committees in Defense of the Revolution.  He was once mentioned by the BBC as a likely candidate for a high position in the Cuban state.  Improving relations with Cuba was a positive foreign policy of the Obama-Biden administration, as was negotiating with Iran, though overthrowing the Cuban Revolution and again dominating Cuba politically and economically was and is the US objective.  Restoring normal diplomatic relations and trade with Cuba would probably be economically beneficial for North Carolina and the US as a whole.  Below is an email sent out yesterday by the Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee (formerly the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, www.freethefive.org/ , which organized demonstrations, prison solidarity with the Five, forums, carried out legal research, etc.), www.cuba-venezuela.org/index.php/en/ :

Gerardo Hernández elected to Cuba's Council of State

Six years to the day after Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero and Ramon Labañino joined their previously released comrades Fernando González and René González in returning home to Cuba, Gerardo was elected to the prestigious Cuban Council of State. It is a post of great honor and great responsibility, for which Gerardo is both fully deserving and fully capable. Even before conducting their dangerous mission in the United States, preventing acts of terrorism against Cuba, the Cuban Five Heroes dedicated their lives to serving and defending the people of Cuba and the Cuban Revolution. Gerardo was also recently named the national coordinator of the Committees in Defense of the Revolution, a critical task in the face of the ever-escalating U.S. aggression against Cuba.

Recalling the work of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five

The predecessor of the Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee, the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, was formed just days after the unjust conviction of the Cuban Five on June 8, 2001. We worked tirelessly from that day until the day all five returned to Cuba on December 17, 2014, fulfilling the promise made by Fidel Castro — Volveran!

A complete timeline of the key events during that period can be found on our old website, which is still accessible. The website also contains invaluable resources in studying the history of the struggle to free the Five, including legal documents, audio and video files, and lots more. You can see the first national march on Washington for the Five, held on Sept. 23, 2006, the unveiling of billboards for the Five in Los Angeles and San Francisco, speakers at many antiwar marches spreading the word about the case of the Five, and lots more.

Here's one of the many speeches on the site, with committee coordinator Gloria La Riva speaking at a march for political prisoners held at the Democratic Convention in Denver in August, 2008 (please excuse the lower resolution; technology has advanced since 2008!).

March on Washington to free the Cuban Five, September 23, 2006.

17 de diciembre de 2020: sexto aniversario del regreso de los Cinco Héroes cubanos

Hoy, seis años después del día en que Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero y Ramón Labañino se unieron a sus compañeros previamente liberados Fernando González y René González al regresar a Cuba, Gerardo fue elegido miembro del prestigioso Consejo de Estado de Cuba. Es un cargo de gran honor y gran responsabilidad, del que Gerardo es plenamente merecedor y plenamente capaz. Incluso antes de realizar su peligrosa misión en los Estados Unidos, previniendo actos de terrorismo contra Cuba, los Cinco Héroes cubanos dedicaron su vida a servir y defender al pueblo de Cuba y la Revolución Cubana. Gerardo también fue nombrado recientemente coordinador nacional de los Comités de Defensa de la Revolución, una tarea crítica ante la creciente agresión de Estados Unidos contra Cuba.

Recordando el labor del Comité por la Libertad de los Cinco Cubanos

El antecesor del Comité de Solidaridad Cuba y Venezuela, el Comité Nacional por la Libertad de los Cinco Cubanos, se formó pocos días después de la injusta condena de los Cinco Cubanos el 8 de junio de 2001. Trabajamos incansablemente a partir de ese día hasta el día en que los Cinco regresaron a Cuba el 17 de diciembre de 2014, cumpliendo la promesa hecha por Fidel Castro - ¡Volverán!

Se puede encontrar una cronología completa de los eventos clave durante ese período en nuestro antiguo sitio web, que aún está disponible. El sitio web también contiene recursos invaluables para estudiar la historia de la lucha por liberar a los Cinco, incluso documentos legales, archivos de audio y video, y mucho más. Puede ver la primera marcha nacional en Washington para los Cinco, celebrada el 23 de septiembre de 2006, la inauguración de vallas publicitarias para los Cinco en Los Ángeles y San Francisco, oradores en muchas marchas contra la guerra que difunden la noticia sobre el caso de los Cinco, y mucho mas.

Este es uno de los muchos discursos en el sitio, con la coordinadora del comité Gloria La Riva hablando en una marcha por los presos políticos celebrada frente a la Convención Demócrata en Denver en agosto de 2008 (disculpe la resolución más baja; ¡la tecnología ha avanzado desde 2008!).

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Commemoration of the October Socialist Revolution repressed; RCWP seeking international solidarity

The Russian Communist Workers' Party of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is seeking international statements of solidarity after a demonstration commemorating the Great October Socialist Revolution was repressed November 7th in Tyumen (a city in southwestern Siberia, near the Ural Mountains and Kazakhstan).  Local RCWP leader and journalist Alexandr Kipriyanovich Cherepanov is being charged with assault on the police, with the possibility of five years imprisonment.  The RCWP sent out the article below (I changed a few typos).  Organizations can send letters in solidarity to ak_rkrp /at/ mail period ru.  Letters have already been received from groups in Greece, Hungary, Italy, France, Belgium, and elsewhere.  The RCWP-CPSU's website in Russian and English is:    rkrp-rpk.ru/

Alexandr Kipriyanovich Cherepanov

Alexandr Kipriyanovich Cherepanov was born on January 21, 1950 in a working class family.

From 1991 to the present day  he is a communist of the Russian Communist Workers' Party. He is the first secretary of the Tyumen regional committee and secretary of the Central Committee for organizational and party work. He graduated from the Oil and Gas University and the Leningrad Academy of Civil Aviation. For 24 years he worked in civil aviation as an engineer, deputy head of the Roshchino airport. Was elected a deputy of the Tyumen City Council and a deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma of 1-3 convocations. He is editor-in-chief of the newspaper Trudovaya Tyumen. He is a staunch Leninist-Stalinist, known as an implacable fighter against the arbitrariness of officials and for his active support of the Donbass people’s struggle.

Marital status: Married, has two adult sons, a granddaughter and 5 grandsons.


From Russia:

We accuse the authorities of fascism!


On November 7, the day of the 103rd anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the city and regional authorities  of Tyumen got their test to pass. Constantly assuring us that they honour the history of the country and strongly oppose its rewriting, they simply deceive the people. And the events of November 7 very well confirmed this. Speculating on the dangers of the coronavirus, the authorities are completely brazen. Since the end of March this year, by relentlessly prohibiting the Communists of the RCWP-CPSU celebrating the memorable dates of the Soviet era, they are actually trying to erase the Soviet period and its great achievements from the memory of the peoples of Russia. They themselves rewrite the history of the country. Who gave them the right to do this?


The coronavirus somehow does not prevent them from holding trade fairs (as many as four at once in one day! And all on November 7!), opening hot springs, theaters, holding concerts in the Philharmonic hall and various mass events. It's not dangerous. But the Communists should be completely banned, which they were. Apparently, the well-known plan of A. Dulles is the inspiration for our authorities. Yes, the same Dulles, who planned to gradually, step by step, shake the foundations of Soviet society, destroy, and then erase the Soviet era from the memory of the peoples. To divide the nations forever into masters and slaves. Today, the Tyumen authorities are actually implementing the Dulles plan.


In fact, Tyumen banned Communists from all events and banned Communists in General. And the ban on Communists equals fascism. The Tyumen authorities inculcate the ideology of fascism. When they were eager for power, they "chattered" about multiparty, tolerance, and the diversity of forms of ownership. Where is it? They took power by deception and usurped it. They even managed to steal the Victory Day from the people!


On November 7, a mass of police officers, young and healthy, staged outrages at the Technocenter, where the Communists of the RCWP-CPSU gathered to march to the Central square of the city in honour of the 103 anniversary of the Great October. There were many elderly people among the Communists. But this did not bother the police in the least. They grabbed the first Secretary of the regional Committee A. K. Cherepanov and dragged him to the car. They threw him into the car on the floor, and a young "policeman" grabbed his hands from behind and did not let him get to his feet. I then found his photo on the Internet at night, this young, real "policeman". What was he thinking at that moment? I repeatedly demanded that he release Cherepanov's hands and let him get into the car normally. But he didn't listen. The desire to curry favour overshadowed his mind. Apparently, this new gendarme did not know that he was holding in his "claws" a Communist figure well-known not only in Tyumen, but also a well-known active figure in the international Communist movement. Alexander Kiprianovich is very well known abroad, and we will make every effort to make the outrages of the Tyumen police done with the blessing of the Tyumen authorities, known to the international community.


"Gendarme", apparently, does not know that Alexander Kiprianovich is far from a young man, a former Deputy of the Tyumen regional Duma of three (!) convocations. He is well known not only in the Tyumen region, but also in both Northern districts. People trust him. As a Deputy, he helped hundreds of thousands of people, without refusing to help anyone. Perhaps Alexander Kipriyanovich, helped the mother or father of this "policeman" to survive in the 1990s. The head is actually given to a person in order to think, and not just to stare. So, think "policeman", think.


Four police officers pushed me away from the car with A. K. Cherepanov. At this time, by some miracle, Cherepanov's wife T. N. Cherepanova managed to get into the car with Cherepanov. She firmly told the police that Cherepanov was ill, and she would not leave him, but would go with him. As it became known, a Protocol was drawn up for her under article 19.3 of the administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Insubordination to police officers". I immediately remembered the recent story of N. F. Trapsh, a woman, a veteran of the oil and gas industry, who was accused by the former Deputy head of Tyumen, M. Afanasyev, of attempted murder. This is an 82-year-old woman! So Tatiana Nikolaevna, this little woman, how could she cope with the police who tried to push her out of the minibus?


By banning us from holding demonstrations and rallies, the administration of Tyumen, Mr. Kuharuk and Malygin violated the decisions Of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. They are violators of the law, not Cherepanov and the Communists. And they are the ones who should be on trial, if the truth to be told.


None of this could have happened if the Tyumen authorities respected the people and agreed to give permission to the Communists of the RCWP-CPSU who have declared their intention to hold this event three times (!). Since this is a Holy holiday for every worker, it is simply impossible not to celebrate it. But the Tyumen authorities despise the people! And all the Soviet and red flags just infuriate them. The plans of Hitler and Dulles are much more closer to their heart. They forgot that after a new war with the people there will be a new Nuremberg trial. And that they will have to answer for all the atrocities!



In the Tyumen region, we have a  fascist dictatorship


November 7 is a day that is revered all over the world as the day on which the Great October Socialist Revolution took place, the day when the whole world changed and went along the path of confrontation with the power of capital to build socialism. All over the world, this holiday is revered and respected, but not in the homeland of the Great October. The bourgeois government, which seeks to silence the achievements of the socialist revolution by all possible means, removed the status of a holiday from November 7, replacing it with an incomprehensible "Day of Unity". And this year the administration of Tyumen in general committed an unprecedented act- it banned a demonstration and rally of workers on November 7. All under the pretext of fighting the pandemic. That is, it is normal to hold festivities on November 4  (the "Unity Day") or mass parties in honour of Halloween, or trade fairs with thousands oof people in Tyumen on November 7. But if people take to the streets on November 7, mass infection will immediately begin. This is the logic of power.


Representatives of the Communist party of the Russian Federation immediately agreed with the proposal of the Tyumen administration that laying flowers at the monument to V. I. Lenin would be enough for them on this day, but the Communists of the RCWP-CPSU understand all the significance and revolutionary essence of this day and therefore, until the very last moment, they proved to the Tyumen administration that they would hold a demonstration and rally on this day. But the city administration and law enforcement agencies really did not want such a demonstration to take place. That's why they were threatening with reprisals, forced to sign warnings and warned in every possible way not to hold a demonstration.


On November 7, 2020, the Tyumen authorities "distinguished themselves" throughout whole Russia by banning the demonstration of Communists of the RCWP-CPSU in honour of the Great October Socialist revolution. Even with the arrests of the Communists. Even in Moscow, where the coronavirus is rampant (according to official data), much stronger than anywhere else in Russia, and even more so than in the Tyumen region, where there are at most 150 cases a day – there the Communist party calmly held all the festive events, including a demonstration.


Why is this happening? Because in the Tyumen region and in the city of Tyumen, the most real fascists are entrenched, followers of Vlasov and Bandera, who fiercely hate the Communists, the red flag, Victory Day on May 9 and the October revolution. So don't be surprised, comrades. Hitler and Mussolini did the same, forbidding Communist marches, demonstrations, and rallies. They also threw Communists behind bars.


Tyumen's  Vlasov followers  in power did not invent anything new. A. K. Cherepanov (first Secretary of the Tyumen regional Committee of the RCWP-CPSU) writes directly to them in his letters: "Are Moore and Kuharuk ideological followers of Hitler and Mussolini?" And according to their deeds, it turns out that they are – they are ideological followers of Hitler and Mussolini.


As they, apparently, rejoice in the coronavirus – now they can create any lawlessness, break all the laws and nothing will happen to them. Because the coronavirus is rampant. Everything can be blamed on it- the refusal of medical care, and forcing everyone wear masks around the clock, and it gives an excuse to destroy the Communist movement by nipping it in the bud. In general, to eradicate any opposition, any dissent -this is their dream.


But at least one Communist party in Tyumen is still alive–  we will continue to fight for Soviet power, for socialism and against fascism, no matter how high in the government offices they hide.


Therefore, in Tyumen on November 7, despite the fact that the police blocked a demonstration of Communists of the RCWP-CPSU and detained three people, the March still took place, as well as a meeting with the laying of flowers.


On November 7, 2020, residents of Tyumen came to the traditional gathering place of the demonstration-the Tyumen Technopark. There were already a fair number of police here, and they looked as if they would not allow the demonstration to take place. Moreover, they declared several times that the demonstration was illegal and demanded to disperse. But the Tyumen residents who took to the streets that day were ready to go to the end.

When it was time to start the March, the demonstrators tried to cross the road to start moving along the sidewalk of Republic street to the monument to Lenin, but the exit was blocked by traffic police cars. The police seized A. K. Cherepanov, dragged him to the car, and threw him into the minibus. He had only been released from the hospital a couple of days ago, where he was suffering from pneumonia, with 64% lung damage. He has a bad heart, but no one was going to give him any help, they were even not going to allow him to get his pills.


Then the Chairman of the Tyumen regional Committee of Soviet women T. R. Tselykh and T. N. Cherepanova ran up to the car and tried to help A. K. Cherepanov, to give him medicine, but the police used brute force on them. They started pushing them out of the van. Cherepanov's wife was able to stay in the van’s doors, and the police, led by the Deputy chief of police of the Tyumen region, Lieutenant Colonel V. S. Volkovitsky, threw her out of the minibus. Other members of the RCWP-CPSU tried to block the exit to prevent the car from leaving the square. The police immediately attacked them, knocking several pensioners to the ground, and detained the Secretary of the Tyumen regional Committee of the RKRP-CPSU S. M. Tselykh.


As we learned already at the meeting, which took place on the Central square near the monument to V. I. Lenin, all three were going to be detained for 2 days for allegedly “attacking police officersQ. But neither A. K. Cherepanov nor his wife attacked the police. Nor did S. M. Tselykh. On the contrary, they were subjected to violence by the police. The whole process of police brutality and fascist lawlessness on the part of the authorities is captured on video and photographed. Anyone can view it on the Internet.


Let's go back to the procession and the meeting. The police were clearly going to escalate the conflict and intimidated people that if they did not disperse, they would all be detained. The people began to sing in unison: "Boldly we will go into battle." And we decided to go to the Central square. Then the police tried to forbid us going with flags and banners. To which they received the answer that fascism was defeated under these flags, and to carry these flags is a tribute to the memory of the real Communists who died. Some participants asked the police the question: what flag should be carried – the American flag or maybe the flag of Nazi Germany? Or shall we raise the Vlasov tricolor? To please all sorts of fascists, Vlasovites, traitors to the Soviet Motherland?!

After negotiations with the police, which were very stormy, the March along the sidewalk of Republic street began.


People went anyway. And they went with the banner of the party, the red flags of the USSR, the RCWP, the Rot Front, the Left front, with banners and songs. No matter what. And we reached the Central square, where the largest monument to V. I. Lenin in Russia stands. The column went along Republic street – the Central street of the city. People cheered and joined the column. Already at the entrance to the Central square, police officers tried to detain the Secretary of the Tyumen regional Committee of the RCWP-CPSU, M. A. Savelkov, allegedly for organizing a march down the street. But thanks to the activity of the marchers, it was repulsed.


The city administration "graciously" agreed to lay flowers for a small number of participants, after which the participants, according to the Tyumen administration, immediately had to disperse. But the Communists of the RCWP-CPSU held a full-fledged solemn meeting in honour of the 103rd anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, at which there were many bright speeches.


The meeting was opened by the Secretary of the Tyumen city Committee of the RKRP-CPSU V. N. Minina. After the election of M. A. Savelkov as the Chairman of the Assembly, the USSR Anthem with a Stalinist version of the text was played. After that, he gave the floor to A. K. Cherepanov, who was in the police Department No. 5. Alexander Kiprianovich congratulated everyone by phone, from the name of the Central Committee of the RCWP-CPSU and the Central Committee of the CPSU. But as soon as he started talking about the achievements of V. I. Lenin and the Soviet government, the police began to take away his phone, which he tried use to speak  for the meeting, and disrupted his speech.


Member of the Tyumen regional committee of RCWP-CPSU V. I. Belendir with a thunderous voice first congratulated everyone on the occasion of the Great October Socialist Revolution, and then asked, what right have the authorities of the city of Tyumen and the police to encroach on the red flag that saved the world from fascism. Our ancestors went into battle under the Red Banner, marched on Red square on November 7, 1941 to defend Moscow and the country. And now, if the authorities and the police think it shouldn’t be carried on the streets,  is it an outlaw?!!


Professor of the Tyumen Industrial University, doctor of technical Sciences M. Kh. Uteshev said that the revolution is beginning in the United States and is spreading to other countries of the world. And we will have a new socialist revolution in Russia. It will definitely happen.


Candidate of Historical Sciences L. A. Pashkova in her speech said that November 7 should be the day of national unity, if you refer to historical documents. It was on November 7 that the Kremlin was liberated from the Polish invaders (in the early 17th century) and not on November 4, as the bourgeois, anti-people government had invented. And today we need the unity of the people to expel this bourgeois power.


The Chairman of the Tyumen regional Committee of Soviet women, T. R. Tselykh, reported that in Tyumen, the authorities and the bourgeoisie are tightening repression against the people, introducing a ban on communism as the criminal Boris Yeltsin did. Since November 8, hot springs have been opened, so in fact the coronavirus is not as dangerous as officials write in letters in response to Communist requests. At the end of the speech, T. R. Tselykh read poems by Marina Strukova about heroes and those who stay at home:

   There are few who will get out of line

   Sleep, cowards, you will be saved by heroes -

   Three People for the whole country.

   It's easy for you – your way is to the window from the door

   And someone’s way is from fire to fire.

   Somewhere in the open field, animals howl,

   And Peresvet (Russian hero of 1380 Kulikovo Field Battle) approaches the horse.

   Sleep, cowards. On this dark night

   Candles light up in the distance.

   Your banner is torn to shreds,

   Someone picks it up out of the dust.

   There's a war going on for your tomorrow,

   There's someone who cares about faith.

   It is clear – someone protects from the enemy

   The truth that you have betrayed.

   In the muddy mud of a well-fed rest

   You're frozen forever anyway.

   Sleep, cowards, you will be saved by heroes!

   Freedom to the freedom loving ones and the bottom of shame to those who were saved.


This is just about those ordinary people who sit like mice in holes, huddled in their cosy apartments.


Chairman of the meeting, Secretary of the regional Committee of the RCWP-CPSU for youth policy M. A. Savelkov read out the draft resolution of the meeting participants. Among other requirements, it contained the demand of prosecution of the Chairman of the Committee on Inter-Ethnic Relations of Tyumen, R. V. Malygin, for illegally obstructing the Communists of the RCWP-CPSU in holding public events. Malygin, by the way, was present on the square, and the participants of the meeting together shouted to him several times " Shame!".


Shame on Malygin and the rest of the city and regional government officials who finally descended to fascism. However, what else to expect from those who sit in offices under the Vlasov flag. If they are sitting under such flag, then they share the ideas that the traitor General Vlasov preached, while faithfully serving the Nazis headed by Hitler. And the current Tyumen bourgeois authorities inherited this brutal hatred of the Communists and the red flag to the full extent. They jump even ahead of Moscow and its mayor Sobyanin. Hitler would have applauded them.


The participants of the meeting unanimously voted for the Resolution with strict requirements for the authorities to improve the social and political situation in the country and the requirement to take real measures to improve the medical situation in the region. The Resolution also included a requirement to release all detained participants of the March and not to bring them to criminal or administrative responsibility.


At the end, to the tune of the eternal song "And the battle continues again...", flowers were laid at the monument to V. I. Lenin. This would have been a fitting end to the day on November 7 in any other case. But not in 2020. Even during the meeting, the participants learned that the detainees A. K. Cherepanov, T. N. Cherepanova and S. M. Tselykh were threatened to be locked up in the police station for 2 days, allegedly for attacking police officers. Then many demonstrators moved to the police station to demand the release of the detainees. We managed to achieve our goal, and all three were released on the same day, at about 19 o'clock in the evening.

Monday, November 30, 2020

ICMLPO's Unity and Struggle #41 published

The winter issue of Unity & Struggle, journal of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations ( www.cipoml.net/ , available in English, Spanish, and Turkish) has been published and is available in the USA for $6 dollars from Red Star Publishers/Ediciones Estrella Roja ( redstarpublishers.org/U&S41.htm ).


Honor and Glory to Comrade Raul Marco
International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and organizations

Their "Democracy" and Ours
Revolutionary Communist Party of Bolivia (PCB)

The Betrayal by the Communist Party of China (CPC) of the Working Class and the 1949 Revolution
Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR)

Burkina Faso
Solidarity with the People’s Struggles in the United States against Impunity for Police Violence and Racist Crimes
Revolutionary Communist Party of Volta

The Strengthening of the European Union on the Backs of the Working Class
Workers Communist Party, APK

Dominican Republic
An Experience in the International Communist Movement
On the 40th Anniversary of the Communist Party of Labor
Contributions to the Critical and Optimistic Assessment

Communist Party of Labor (PCT)

Modern Revisionism, Direct Enemy of the Revolution and Socialism
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador – PCMLE

“For a Revolutionary Rupture with the System”
Communist Party of the Workers of France

“Covid and the Question of Value”
Organization for the Construction of a Communist Workers’ Party of Germany

Covid 19 and the Working Classes
Revolutionary Democracy

The Coronavirus in Italy, from a Class Point of View
Communist Platform – for the Communist Party of the Proletariat of Italy

Two Years of the Oligarchic Regime of the 4T in Mexico
Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist-Leninist)

The Road to the Revisionist Abyss: Notes on the Historical Experience of the Soviet Union
Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) – PCE(ml)

Friedrich Engels: the Journey of a Great Thinker and an Outstanding Activist
Party of the Workers of Tunisia

Engels as an Organiser and Propagandist
Party of Labour (EMEP)

What Was and Is the Cuban Process
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Uruguay – PCMLU

In Venezuela the Struggle Advances in the Midst of Contradictions
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela – PCMLV

Tambien disponible en español.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

FLOC "Songs for Justice" concert 12/4 and "Stop Corrupt H2A Labor Contractors" petition, and CODEPINK Iran petiton

The Farm Labor Organizing Committee and the Campaign for Migrant Worker Justice will host their annual benefit concert this Friday, December 4th at 7pm through free live-stream (suggested donation $10 dollars) and in person (with very limited, socially distant seating) at the Sofia Quintero Arts and Cultural Center in Toledo, Ohio (1222 Broadway Street).  Learn about the farm labor organizing struggle through traditional and original Mexican folk songs and narratives presented by FLOC president Baldemar Velasquez and the Aquila Negra Band.  To attend in person, sponsor, or donate (this might be tax deductible), see the links below or call 419 243 3456.  A live concert was being organized here in April.    

Several years ago FLOC released two CDs of songs, mostly in Spanish; Justice Has No Borders is still available through the FLOC Shop ( www.floc.com/wordpress/floc-shop/ ) while Canciones Por La Causa can probably be found secondhand through Amazon.com, eBay.com, etc.  FLOC also sells bumper stickers, logo caps, clothes, bags, water bottles, and art and can take direct donations.  



FLOC also has a petition to the US Department of Labor and Reynolds American, Inc., "Stop Corrupt H2A Labor Contractors," including in eastern North Carolina:  


The Durham-based Triangle Friends of Farmworkers continues to meet monthly, through Zoom ( facebook.com/trianglefriendsoffarmworkers ).

There is also a CODEPINK petition against the assassination of Iranian physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh Friday (November 27th):  www.codepink.org/mohsenfakhrizadeh  There have been many suspected, actual, or attempted murders of Iranian scientists since 2007, especially during the Obama-Biden administration, and according to Wikipedia this is the first during the Trump administration, though the prime suspect seems to be Israel ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Iranian_nuclear_scientists ).    

Friday, November 13, 2020

More comments on the election and another rally in Raleigh Saturday

Below is a comment from TMLU ( redstarpublishers.org/TMLU.htm ) and a letter to the editor.  There is also a new post about the election results at Marxism Leninism Currents Today:  ml-today.com/


Following the rally last Saturday (see earlier post) there will be another rally 1 - 3:30pm Saturday, the 14th at Raleigh's Halifax Mall (16 West Jones Street), announcements posted below or see these pages:  www.mobilize.us/sunrisemovement/event/363067/ or facebook.com/events/400031268036755/


I have to wonder if the talk of a Trump coup was really just hot air from the White House seized upon by the Democratic Party to scare the public.  Violence around an election is possible, but it seems like a successful coup would require support from the military, "the deep state," domestic and international politicians, corporate leaders, the mainstream media, etc. and I doubt Trump has much support from those sectors, even from Republicans.  A civil war would also require military, police, and government support or at least acquiescence.  I can get behind organizing against a rightist coup and for a left fightback, but not rallying support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who are likely to block progress in many areas, after successfully preventing even a left Democrat from winning the primary and then appealing to Republicans during the election.  The left should be preparing to "push" or fight them, not whitewashing what they represent.  US coups are possible - the Supreme Court installed George W Bush and Cheney in 2000 and there wasn't enough organized outrage to safeguard the election or punish those behind the irregularities later.  Obama and Biden then excused the crimes carried out during the Bush Administration, so the guilty parties are still influential, such as at the CIA and in the media.  There is talk of prosecuting Trump for something unspecified, but they let Bush and Co. go free and complain about the chant "lock her up," though Clinton must be guilty of something after being secretary of state during a time of questionable wars and foreign policy).      


Special on the election results by Toward Marxist-Leninist Unity


While Trump represented growing fascism  


Biden Represents Imperialism as Usual  


As Karl Marx pointed out: “The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.”



This is a lesson that must be learned by those participating in the celebrations of Biden’s victory. They were mostly young members of the petty bourgeois, as were unfortunately most of the protestors while Trump was in office. The workers should be the main ones mobilizing against all reactionary policies.  


Biden’s victory shows that bourgeois democracy still has some strength. When it is shaken, it can use outright fascism or social democracy to shore up its interests. The defeat of Trump, and the refusal to allow Sanders to win the Democratic Party nomination, show that the ruling class does not (yet) need to use either of these.  


Clearly, the majority of the bourgeoisie supported Biden. Not only was Trump too erratic, but he was often seen as promoting his own personal business interests (as in his good relations with Putin) over the interests of the U.S. ruling class as a whole. He also angered major U.S. allies, particularly in the European Union, by placing tariffs on their exports, etc.  


While Trump was a proto-fascist, that does not mean that most of his supporters were. Unfortunately, there were many workers (mostly but not only white workers) who believed in Trump’s demagogy, such as bringing back jobs.  


One can see that a good number of working class (and petty bourgeois) supporters of Trump still had a certain class instinct, at least on the economic level, by the example of Florida. While the state went for Trump, a referendum for a $15 an hour minimum wage was passed with 60% of the vote, so a significant number of Trump supporters also had to have voted for this.  


If one recognizes any serious tactical differences between Trump and Biden, then I think my position to only vote for Biden in “swing states” was correct. In several of these states, both “major party” candidates got less than 50% of the vote, which meant that the results could have been swayed by “third party” (mainly Libertarian) candidates. But in a “safe” Democratic state like New York, the Green Party seems to have lost its ballot status, having won only about 23,000 votes. In 2016, Jill Stein won over 100,000 votes in New York State as the Green Party presidential candidate. Many who would have voted Green wasted their vote on Biden, who would have won in New York anyway.  


Where Did Biden Stand on Major Issues?  


We must remember Biden’s position on major questions, both as Senator and as Vice-President under Obama. He supported Obama when he deported more immigrants than any other president (including Trump). He helped pass laws leading to mass incarceration, particularly of Black and other oppressed peoples. He supported both invasions of Iraq. And he helped organize Obama’s trillion dollar bail-out of the banks and monopoly corporations during the 2008-2009 crisis. He will undoubtedly give away more trillions to the members of the ruling class (while giving crumbs to working people), but this will not be sufficient to get the country out of Great Depression Two. He will also involve the US in more local wars, while stepping up preparations for contention with imperialist rivals, particularly Russia and China, on a world scale.  


The Biden fervor will cool off after he takes office and shows that he is an ordinary imperialist president. It is the task of serious progressive and revolutionary fighters to organize for a progressive working people’s party that can take part in the class struggle in all arenas, including but certainly not only the electoral arena. This must go along with the fight to build up a genuine mass Marxist-Leninist party that can take the lead in the fight for socialism in the U.S.  


Towards Marxist-Leninist Unity, c/o Red Star Publishers, www.RedStarPublishers.org

Below is the comment from progressive Green Party member [ ] in opposition to the position put forward in the October 31 issue of Towards Marxist-Leninist Unity calling for a vote for Biden only in “swing” states. My answer can be seen in the main article above.  


I am shocked that the lead article in TMLU recommends that we vote for the other capitalist stooge and imperialist-BIDEN. The rationale is that if Trump were re-elected, he would try to impose a Nazi dictatorship and Biden would not. That is the rationale of the corrupt Democratic Party! The author of the aforementioned article forgets that U.S. presidents do not run this country; the capitalist ruling class, headquartered at Wall Street does.  It is not in its interest at this time to resort to an all out fascist regime. This election will have the most voters ever in our history go to the polls. The overwhelming majority still believes this is a democracy and that there is a real difference between the two major parties. Most voters are voting not on the issues but out of fear that the other major party will win. Capitalism cannot solve and is largely responsible for these existential issues--the climate crisis, the economic meltdown and COVID-19. As Glenn Ford of the Black Agenda Report puts it, "The Democratic Party is not the 'lesser of the two evils', it is the more effective."


[Signed by an influential New York Green; I'm not sure how public this message is supposed to be; see a future issue.]



NC Team Democracy:


North Carolinians who came together this year to protect each other, to raise our voice, and to cast our ballots will come together again in Raleigh to send a clear message -- the people will be heard and the people will rise.

We hope you can join us on Saturday at Halifax Mall. You can click here to register! [see link above]

 We’ve always known the work, and the need to build a stronger movement, would not end on November 3rd. We’re gathering because we refuse to be pushed back by fear, as so many generations have before us. With that courage, we’ll forge forward.

 When we’re fighting for progress — racial justice, affordable healthcare, economic justice, climate action, and more — we have to use every tool in the toolbox to demand the change we deserve and protect our communities. 

More details are below, or you can find them here

 We hope to see you on Saturday!

 In Solidarity,
Team Democracy


WHO: North Carolinians demanding change
WHAT: Team Democracy Presents: The People Will Rise
WHERE: Halifax Mall, 300 N Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27603.
WHEN: 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM



Los habitantes de Carolina del Norte que se unieron este año para protegerse unos a otros, para hacer oir sus voces y para emitir sus votos, se reunirán nuevamente en Raleigh para enviar un mensaje claro: el pueblo será escuchado y el pueblo se levantará.

Esperamos que pueda acompañarnos el sábado en Halifax Mall. ¡Puede hacer clic aquí para registrarse!

 Siempre supimos que el trabajo y la necesidad de construir un movimiento más fuerte no terminarían el 3 de noviembre. Nos reunimos porque nos negamos a que el miedo nos eche para atras, al igual que muchas generaciones antes que nosotros. Con ese coaje empujaremos hacia adelante juntos. 

 Cuando luchamos por el progreso – justicia racial, atención médica asequible, justicia económica, acción climática y más – tenemos que utilizar todas las herramientas disponibles para exigir el cambio que merecemos y proteger a nuestras comunidades.

Más detalles se encuentran a continuación, o puede encontrarlos aquí.

¡Esperamos verlos el sábado!

En Solidaridad,
El Equipo Democracia


QUIÉN: Los habitantes de Carolina del Norte que exigen un cambio
QUÉ: El Equipo Democracia presenta: El Pueblo se levantará
DÓNDE: Halifax Mall, 300 N Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27603.
CUÁNDO: 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM