Monday, November 30, 2020

ICMLPO's Unity and Struggle #41 published

The winter issue of Unity & Struggle, journal of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations ( , available in English, Spanish, and Turkish) has been published and is available in the USA for $6 dollars from Red Star Publishers/Ediciones Estrella Roja ( ).


Honor and Glory to Comrade Raul Marco
International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and organizations

Their "Democracy" and Ours
Revolutionary Communist Party of Bolivia (PCB)

The Betrayal by the Communist Party of China (CPC) of the Working Class and the 1949 Revolution
Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR)

Burkina Faso
Solidarity with the People’s Struggles in the United States against Impunity for Police Violence and Racist Crimes
Revolutionary Communist Party of Volta

The Strengthening of the European Union on the Backs of the Working Class
Workers Communist Party, APK

Dominican Republic
An Experience in the International Communist Movement
On the 40th Anniversary of the Communist Party of Labor
Contributions to the Critical and Optimistic Assessment

Communist Party of Labor (PCT)

Modern Revisionism, Direct Enemy of the Revolution and Socialism
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador – PCMLE

“For a Revolutionary Rupture with the System”
Communist Party of the Workers of France

“Covid and the Question of Value”
Organization for the Construction of a Communist Workers’ Party of Germany

Covid 19 and the Working Classes
Revolutionary Democracy

The Coronavirus in Italy, from a Class Point of View
Communist Platform – for the Communist Party of the Proletariat of Italy

Two Years of the Oligarchic Regime of the 4T in Mexico
Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist-Leninist)

The Road to the Revisionist Abyss: Notes on the Historical Experience of the Soviet Union
Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) – PCE(ml)

Friedrich Engels: the Journey of a Great Thinker and an Outstanding Activist
Party of the Workers of Tunisia

Engels as an Organiser and Propagandist
Party of Labour (EMEP)

What Was and Is the Cuban Process
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Uruguay – PCMLU

In Venezuela the Struggle Advances in the Midst of Contradictions
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela – PCMLV

Tambien disponible en español.

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