Wednesday, October 16, 2024

October 2024 issue of Revolutionary Democracy published

The October issue of the English-language Indian Marxist-Leninist theoretical and political journal Revolutionary Democracy ( came out on the 15th and can be ordered from Red Star Publishers ( ) for $7 dollars, which covers the shipping cost within the US.  For more information about ordering see the website or contact them at:  

Red Star Publishers
PO Box 1641
Manhattanville Station
New York, New York 10027

An email is requested if payment is being sent by mail. 

Phone:  212 864 7595

Brick and mortar bookstores, organizations, and individuals selling copies in Canada, India, the UK, and the USA are listed at on the current issue page, linked at the top of the menu on the left.  Many of the articles are also posted there for free.  Unity and Struggle and Revolutionary Democracy issues are sometimes also available from: .


October 2024


Statement: General Elections in India 2024                                
Statement: The outcome of general elections 2024 in India         
Recent events in Bangladesh                                                    
Political defeat of the Awami League in 2024 elections,  Badruddin Umar
Two interviews with Badruddin Umar                                       
On Lenin's approach to the national question, Mustafa Yalciner
Exploitation of contract workers in Indian Railways,  Padam Kumar
Statement on the Union Budget 2024-25, New Trade Union Initiative of India
Statement on Operation Clean Jharkhand, FACAM                     
Declaration of the Marxist-Leninist Parties of Latin America      
‘Against genocide and Imperialist war’ –  Declaration of the 28th International Seminar on the Problems of the Revolution in Latin America
Lenin’s Criticism of Bogdanov’s Reactionary Sociological Views, (Part I) A. V. Shchegolov
The Carpet Weavers of Kuyan-Bulak Honour Lenin, Bertolt Brecht
A War for Freedom, a song by Makhdoom Muhiuddin                
Telangana, a poem by Kaifi Azmi                                              
India's support of Israel against the people of Gaza exposes Modi government Karan Varma
Correspondence between CPI and CPGB on the question of Pakistan and Indian National Unity,1945
Conversation between JV Stalin and Dolores Ibarruri on the Tactics of the Communist Party of Spain, 1948
Stalin - Zhou Enlai Talk, September 19, 1952                            

Book Review: ‘Albania Challenges Khrushchev Revisionism’

Monday, October 14, 2024

Biden-Harris and the pro-war Cheney Republicans, Stein and Ware are coming to NC in October and other events, and more on the war in West Asia

Harris' 'nothing will fundamentally change' moment?

Stein-Ware 2024 campaign email sent out October 13th in the evening:

Kamala is a Dick Cheney Democrat

[ ],

As you know, last week Stein/Ware made history by being the first Green campaign to inspire the DNC and their handpicked candidate, Kamala Harris to release an attack ad against Jill. You probably know that they’re whining about Jill allegedly getting help from Republicans. But for all their lies and fear-mongering, it’s Kamala who can’t stop bragging about her 200+ Republican endorsements, including one of the most diabolical warmongers of the 21st century, Dick Cheney.

On a recent appearance on The View, Kamala was asked what she would have done differently than Joe Biden. Her initial response was that she couldn’t think of a single thing she’d have changed; certainly the fates of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children being slaughtered by U.S. bombs in Gaza for over a year didn’t cross her mind. In fact she makes clear that she played a hands-on role in “most of the decisions that had impact.” But later she stated that there’s one thing she does intend to do differently – she’ll appoint a Republican to her cabinet!

If her embrace of the right-wing Republican Party wasn’t obvious enough for voters to grasp, she doubled down on it on Friday when she posted on X of her intention to “create a bipartisan council of advisors to give feedback on policy and inform (her) administration.” Because, she claims: “Our democracy needs a healthy two-party system.”

Our democracy isn’t healthy, and neither is the two-party system. A healthy democracy would offer robust choices for the people. Instead the anti-Democratic Party has fought us tooth and nail at every turn – from lawfare to overturn ballot access successes, to withholding our matching funds during a critical moment in our ballot access efforts, to siccing their attack dogs on Jill and Butch, and now sinking millions into a slanderous ad to bully people out of exercising their democratic right to vote for who they want. According to Kamala Harris herself, the biggest difference between her and Joe Biden is that she’s promising to govern even further to the right than he has!

Michael, we have just weeks to go to let the voters know that there’s a choice that represents their needs and their values. Give what you can today to make sure we can get the word out everywhere that the people have the choice to vote their humanity with Stein/Ware:

[Donate button]

They can lie about Jill and Butch aiding the Republicans, but there’s a reason they never talk about our policies compared to the dirty duopoly candidates. The Green platform for people, planet, and peace exposes just how similar the Democrats and Republicans really are. Jill and Butch will cut off all aid and weapons to Israel on day one until they end the genocide and the apartheid. They will fight for Medicare for All, a real Green New Deal, a $25 minimum wage, and housing as a human right. Stein/Ware are the only real opposition to both sides of the corporate duopoly that, if Kamala has her way, will ultimately morph into just one corrupt party to rule over us.

Thank you for all you do to power up this movement. Together we can turn the White House into a Green House.

In solidarity and gratitude,

Team Stein/Ware 2024

An NC Green Party email sent out October 13th in the afternoon:

The Triangle Welcomes Green Party Presidential Candidates Dr. Jill Stein (Oct 21) & Dr. Butch Ware (Oct 15)

Dr. Jill Stein and Professor Butch Ware are coming to Charlotte and Raleigh!!!

Hello friends,

This Tuesday, October 15th, we welcome the Green Party Vice Presidential Candidate, Professor Rudolph "Butch" Ware to the triangle. Come and meet the man who has dedicated himself to growing the new political era of real change for the people at home and abroad in the Green Party US. You can hear him for free at the UNC event or come have dinner at the fundraiser that evening. RSVP on the link tree attached. 

Then, October 20 and 21st, Dr. Jill Stein will be at Charlotte and Raleigh, respectively. There are many chances to come out and meet this brilliant change agent who is leading the charge to grow this people-powered party to the next level. Help us reach our 5% threshold by donating, purchasing a ticket or signing up to volunteer with NCGP. 

The movement for people, planet and peace calls us to take action and get involved. There are three things we need you to do today. 

      -Go to NCGP Link tree and purchase 2 tickets for you and a friend! (or just donate if you can't make it)

      -Go to NCGP IG account follow us for future updates and opportunities!

      -Like, comment, and repost the IG graphic for this event and tag a few friends who may want to learn more about this historic campaign for people, planet and peace over profit!

Please email me with any questions or interest in volunteering or joining the party. 

In hope and solidarity, 

Anna Lee Ordoubadi

NCGP Co-chair 

Dr Jill Stein and Professor Butch Ware are coming to Raleigh and Charlotte in October!!
Dr Jill Stein and Professor Butch Ware are coming to Raleigh and Charlotte in October!!

Stein-Ware 2024 campaign email sent out October 13th earlier in the afternoon:

Monday: Join our Green Candidate Forum!

[ ],

Join the Stein/Ware campaign for a Green Party candidate forum on Monday October 14th at 8pm Eastern time / 5pm PT to hear from some of the many Green candidates running for office at all levels across the country!

RSVP now on our website to get your Zoom link to join the candidate forum:

[RSVP button]

After you RSVP, please help spread the word by sharing on FacebookX/TwitterInstagramYouTube and your other social networks, and by forwarding this email!

At the Green Candidate Forum we'll hear from Christina Khalil for US Senate in New Jersey, Justin Paglino for US Senate in Connecticut, Michael Dublin for US Congress (NC-2), Justin Filip for US Congress (OR-4), Chester Todd for US Congress (WI-1), and Toya Lopez for Minnesota House of Representatives (District 61A).

One of the goals of the Stein/Ware campaign is building the Green Party into the new major party that the majority of Americans want. The Green Party is the country's largest independent party that doesn't take corporate money, and Greens have won over 1500 elections while leading the way on countless issues including single-payer healthcare, marriage equality, justice for Palestine, ranked-choice voting, marijuana legalization, reparations, the Green New Deal, canceling student debt, and more.

Join us Monday to hear from amazing Green candidates who are organizing to build power in their communities for people, planet, and peace!

[RSVP button]

Looking forward to seeing you Monday!

In Solidarity,

The Jill Stein/Butch Ware 2024 Team

Unrelated, but the annual Trinity Park Home Tour in downtown Durham northeast of Duke University will be Sunday, October 20th 12-5pm; for tickets and more information see:

How to dispose of or recycle various items in Durham and the pickup schedule:

Housing crisis claims, among others the claim that people want to move to the suburbs, but the media has been saying in recent years that downtowns have become more popular:

[On modern Uindustrial agriculture, Monsanto, GMOs, and the possible internal lives of plants in the ]

It feel relatively spring-like the morning of October 14th and it was relatively mild over the weekend, but I think it will become much cooler later on the 14th.  The amphibians seemed more active at night.  Some mid-level clouds passed over early in the morning, and maybe that was due to a front coming through.  Around 7am I heard a yellow-bellied sapsucker and I might have heard a white-throated sparrow.  Both species only overwinter in this area.  

[It was warmer and sunny that morning and there were two or three cloudless sulphur butterflies, often chasing, despite a light breeze, at a nearby bed of bright red cannas, and I saw one here and then a red-spotted purple.  Potter wasps seemed to be visiting a white aster and a yellowjacket was interested in my left hand.  I had not seen any yellowjackets since around spring.  There was a gray moth fly on the 14th.  There have been few mushrooms recently and the soil is drying out, as is usual in late summer and early fall here.  There might be more mole activity again.  The deer are around, occasionally coming unseen to browse the dayflowers.  A few days ago a croaking great blue heron flew over, which doesn't happen very often.  Canada geese at nearby bodies of water can be heard at night.  I recently found another barred owl feather.  I noticed that the very pale reddish and fragrant chrysanthemums were suddenly opening on the 14th.  When they are blooming they become mostly white, tinged with pink. and attract pollinators, even monarch butterflies occasionally, and tiny crab spiders wait in ambush.  I think spotted cucumber beetles browse the petals.  Manhattan Euonymus and a white viburnum have a few flowers, and there a few remaining tickseed flowers and a few morning glories might continue flowering if is warm.  The large blue and yellow asters, Madagascar periwinkles or vincas, and orange Nasturtiums continue to flower.  More is probably blooming in Chapel Hill, old regrowing fields, etc.  Hot pink-purple Gerardia might still be flowering, and is a larval food for buckeye butterflies.  Hickory horn devils are supposed to be around up in the canopy as late as November.  I'm not sure if the summer cicadas and katydids remain, and it is cold for them.  Halloween nights were usually cold and often clear in my memory, but in recent years it has often been mild to warm, maybe with precipitation.  I think the first serious frost here is usually around November 16th.  I saw lit Christmas decorations in early October.  There are supposed to be regional differences in when and how long people have Christmas decorations, but I think now is extremely early.  I'm just seeing decorations for Halloween, though I've probably missed many.  It is getting late for the dayflowers, but many were fully open, into the evening (though it didn't seem that cool) on the 15th, really glistening blue, but I don't think it waadark a royal blue as in hot summer weather.  It might have been like a sky blue.  Really blue colors aren't common in nature here, other than a blue sky.  It was cloudy by the evening and the bright orange light was reflected over RTP.  There was some precipitation after dark.  A large nearby persimmon has few leaves except at the top.  Muscadine grape vines, crape myrtles, etc. are also becoming leafless.  A few weeks ago transformers were sparking and flashing and the power went out over a large area, though it was a sunny and more or less calm early afternoon.  A fire or sparks were flashing like the Sun through a thicket of saplings.]  

[Allen Dallen Nease -- (February 1, 1914 – an unlisted date in September 1984): ]

[Between September 2023 and mid-April 2024 the Air Force and sinister DARPA experimented with the X-62A, a modified F-16D piloted by an AI, with human oversight, dogfighting with a conventional human-piloted F-16 (over Edwards Air Force Base in California?) The Air Force wants to build up to an inventory of over 1000 pilot-optional aircraft, beginning in 2028.  With what cost? -- From the summer 2024 issue of the Smithsonian's Air and Space Quarterly.]

[Pawpaws ripen around August here and grapes and persimmons in September?] 

[Asteroid 3 Juno was discovered September 1, 1804 by German astronomer Karl Ludwig Harding (September 29, 1765 in Lauenburg – August 31, 1834 in Göttingen).  Star Names?]

[September 1, 1859 -- the first observation of a (?) solar flare, during the Carrington Event: , born May 26, 1826.]

[Abraham H Galloway was born as a slave in Smithville (today's Southport), NC February 8, 1837, but escaped in 1857.  He was involved in the Civil War, rewriting the NC constitution, and was a state senator 1868-1869.  He passed away September 1. 1870 in Wilmington due to fever and jaundice.]

[September 1, 1872 -- an Icaiche Maya raid into what is now Belize, from Mexico: ] was discovered September 1, 1908; not coming back, or not  for millions of years?]

[Martha, a captive passenger pigeon at the Cincinnati Zoo, the last known member of her species, passed away September 1st, 1914 early in the afternoon.  Passenger pigeons may have been the most abundant bird ever known, their flocks darkening the sky, but they were exterminated by habitat loss and wanton hunting.  How far back did the great flocks exist?]

[The Communist Party USA was founded September 1, 1919.]

[Using false flag attacks to create a justification for war, Germany invaded Poland September 1, 1939, which the US-UK media portraying as the start of WWII, though other regional wars that later merged with the world war had already begun.  If humanity exists much longer, might future historians say that we are at the beginning of a global war now, and what will they say about the continuous US warfare, mainly in the Middle East and Western Asia, but also in Europe and Africa, over decades?]  

[Muammar Qaddafi's Free Officer Movement overthrew the Libyan monarchy September 1, 1969.]

[Japan Dolphin Day, presumably to protest the killing of dolphins in Japan, is supposed to be September 1st.]

[Sirte was the capital of Libya September 1-October 2011, when Qaddafi was killed.]

[September 1st -- there was a conjunction of Mercury and the Moon at dawn.]

[The September Massacres of prisoners in Paris during the French Revolution were September 2-6, 1792 (Sunday-Thursday): ]

[September 2, 1804 -- asteroid Juno was discovered, in Pisces -- Star Names, page 341.]

[The author of the Georgist work Progress and Poverty; September 2, 1839-October 29, 1897: ]

[Sherman captured Atlanta September 2, 1864: ]

[September 2, 1885 – the Rock Springs, Wyoming anti-Chinese riot or massacre.]

[September 2, 1898 in Sudan: ]

[September 2nd is Vietnam's National Day, marking independence in 1945: ]

[September 2?, 1955 -- the Zvonkov, Ukraine meteorite]

[After 9pm on September 2, 1958 a piece of ice hit 336 Greystone Road, in Old Bridge, New Jersey, nearly hitting a resident – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.]

[Vietnamese revolutionary and national liberation leader Ho Chi Minh passed away September 2, 1969.]

[September 4, 1955 in Okinawa:  ]

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad was born September 11, 1965 in Damascus:  His father, President Hafez al-Assad, was born October 6, 1930 in Qardaha, in northwest Syria, and passed away June 10, 2000 in Damascus:

[Santiago José Carrillo Solares, formerly of the PCE -- January 18, 1915-September 18, 2012: ]

[Alexander the Great of Macedon defeated Darius III of Achaemnid Persia October 1, 331 BCE, probably near what is now Erbil, in northern ]

[Dennis John Kucinich was born October 8, 1946 in Cleveland, Ohio (in the Tremont area in the West Side?) ]

Wathere a third attempt against Donald Trump on October 12th in Coachella Valley, California, by a rightist sovereign citizen adherent?  The suspect, referred to as "a lunatic," was freed on bail.  [ ]

[Lilly Ledbetter passed away Saturday, October 12, 2024? -- ]

Margaret Thatcher was born October 13, 1925 in Grantham, Lincolnshire, UK and passed away April 8, 2013 in London:

"Nuyorican" Congresswoman "AOC" was born October 13, 1989 in the Bronx, New York City: 

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) now has an anti-tail: ; in general:–ATLAS) and a previous post.  After approaching the Sun at perihelion, the Comet was first 'picked up' from the Earth on September 11th.  It was seen from the ISS with the unaided eye on September 20th and 22nd, and from the ground on the 23rd.  October 8th the Comet was photographed during the daytime.  October 10th it was seen after sunset and on the 12th it was closest to the Earth.  They compare it to Comet McNaught, called the Great Comet of 2007, but I didn't see it at the time and might not even have heard of it until recently.  [ ]

October 14, 1066 during William the Conqueror's the Norman Conquest of

[October 14, 1949 in New York 11 members of the CPUSA leadership were sentenced to years in prison under the Smith Act, and their legal team was sentenced to up to six months in prison for contempt of court.  The WSWS has to note that the leadership of the Trotskyist SWP had been in 1941, without protest from the "Stalinist" CP:  Either way, the Democratic and Republican parties today seem to want to go back to the criminalization of speech in 1949, 1917, and 1798.]

A drone hit a cafeteria at a military base in northern (?) Israel on the 13th or 14th.  The death toll has risen to four on NPR, with many injured (BBC), but this article claims that far more were killed.  I think a former US intelligence agent interviewed on the BBC speculated that the drone could have come from Shia guerrillas in Iraq. --  They don't treat it as war when it is Israeli soldiers being hit, and Israel's military casualties are being kept quiet or covered up, but it is just regrettable or even good when Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Iranians, and UN peacekeepers (from many countries) are harmed.  They come closer to admitting that it is a war with two sides in reporting from Ukraine.  I just heard Steve Inskeep say that Hezbollah "claimed" the attack, as if it weren't a legitimate military action during a war.  They don't treat Israel's attacks on civilians and peacekeepers, or Ukraine's alleged covert operations against civilians and civilian infrastructure, or US government "airstrikes" in countries we aren't at war with as terroristic or illegitimate.  They were leading into a story about Israel's potential (and 'legitimate,' definitely not widening the war) retaliation against Iran, for its allegedly ineffectual missile salvo, True Promise II.

[NPR might not be as bad on the war as commercial Sky News, etc.: ]

NASA's Europa Clipper mission might be launched October 14th; it is thought that icy Europa, a moon of Jupiter, might have a hidden internal ocean, which could harbor extraterrestrial life:  [ ]

NPR's Danielle Kurtz-Leben (?) anti-Trump, but covering his campaign, admitted October 14th that many or at least some in Harris' "base" are "irritated" by Harris' strategy of appealing to Cheney-type anti-Trump Republicans.  

NPR highlighted internal TikTok documents, inadvertently released by a court (in Kentucky?), that make the company look bad (because it began in China?).  Can using social media really produce "addiction" like a drug, and with a quantifiable exposure time?  The morning of the 14th they almost admitted that it is questionable to claim that the concept of addiction covers social media use.  What of Blogger?

The BBC says that the media vacuum left without its many foreign language services is being filled by the 'duplicitous' Russians and Chinese, and I think there was something about the alleged lack of media freedom in many markets.  Here both Democrats and the Republicans are hostile to legal opposition free speech [Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Donald Trump, Republicans in the House of Representatives and the NC General Assembly, UNC's administration, and many others], especially if it criticizes their wars.  In addition an American journalist was recently arrested in Israel, probably to intimidate opposition media, and when I last heard, he was free, but prohibited from leaving the country [Jeremy Loffredo of The Grayzone remains in Israeli custody, though he was reporting the same information as PBS, etc.? -- ].  Police raided a small town newspaper in Marion County, Kansas (?) not long agoleading to the elderly owner's death [the Marion County Record was raided August 11, 2023: ].  I've been commenting on the Chapel Hill Public Library's newspaper bans.

Around 100 Usoldiers operating a THAAD air defense system battery are to be openly deployed to Israel ("integrated with" Israel's US-supported air defense system, a former Marine officer told the BBC; there won't be a general war, he claims-- so it can attack Iran with impunity (assuming that THAAD works as intended)?  Israel has been accused of invading a UNIFIL peacekeeper base in Lebanon, using a non-lethal chemical weapon against them, firing on a peacekeeper base and injuring personnel, sending in drones, etc.  Not a rogue commander now?  If I'm not mistaken, Lebanese soldiers, in theory not a party to the allegedly limited 'Israel-Hezbollah' conflict, have been killed already, and many Lebanese civilians, probably of many religious faiths, have been killed.  Over the decades Israel has been willing to kill US military personnel and civilians, and the US government allowed it. 

[The true realities of the THAAD deployment? -- ]

On the morning of the 14th they mentioned that a study claims that politically isolated people, people who differ from the "political norm in their state," have a higher risk of contracting physical illnesses.  The point of the story is dialogue, without labelling, in your social circle?

Thousands have been arrested in Jordan over the war, October 9th the US banned former Ecuadoran president Rafael Correa and former vice president Jorge Glas over "corruption."  George W Bush-like foreign policy under Biden-Harris?  It's like 2003 abroad, but relatively quiet here, like in 2008 or 2011?? -- , , , , ,  The ROK claims that they detected signs that DPR Korea is preparing to cut more road and rail links across the DMZ, after it gave up on Korean reunification.  I think there was recent news about a Southern drone being flown over Pyongyang.  China is conducting extensive military exercises around Taiwan, including an aircraft carrier group for the first time (?).  A Skripal nerve agent poisoning inquiry is to begin in the UK, but what of the Skripals, who are supposed to be in hiding?  

[The Nobel prize in economics was awarded, by October 14th, for research into the causes of national differences in prosperity; any reference to imperialism?  The well-known study that compared the USA and Mexico?  If they examined the case of Russia and a neighboring country, they would be condemned if they didn't consider the role of force and political subversion?  [Apparently they begin from colonization by European countries and might not consider outside forces after that.  Did Latin American countries freely choose "extractive" and undemocratic socio-economic systems?]  [Very rightist, from the 1500's to today? -- ]  

[Nobel's Economic Sciences press release:

On the Nobel Peace Prize; contrary to the spin on NPR and the BBC, Iran, DPR Korea, and Russia aren't mentioned, and the USA is also not mentioned (NPR and the BBC did not bring up the Nobel Peace Prize again after that morning or day to my knowledge): and ]

[NPR and the BBC can't mention that a founder compared Gaza today to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945: ]

[October 15, 1529 the Ottoman Siege of Vienna failed, a turn in the tide of Turkish advances into central Europe.]

[Friedrich Nietzsche -- October 15, 1844 (180 years ago, in Rocken, Saxony, in the German Confederation)-August 25, 1900 (in Weimar) ]

[The Civil War Battle of Glasgow (Missouri), part of Price's (Confederate) Missouri Expedition, was October 15, 1864:,_Missouri ]

[October 15, 1888 George Lusk, chair of the Whitehall Vigilance Committee in London, received a letter, along with a piece of human kidney, allegedly sent by Jack the Ripper.] 

[b October 15, 1924 a Manifesto of Surrealism, by Andre Breton, a French poet who apparently came to be a supporter of Trotsky, was published in Paris; the WSWS notes its support: ]

[October 15, 1965 David J Miller was arrested for burning his draft card at an anti-war rally in New York City during the Vietnam War, allegedly the first such arrest under a new law.]

[There was a new military coup, with few or no casualties, in El Salvador October 15, 1979.] 

[A Veterans for Peace webinar:  "Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson Shares His Perspective on the State of the World and the U.S." October 15th at 7:30pm EST: ]

[The very large Battle of Leipzig in Saxony was October 16, 1813, during the Napoleonic Wars.]

[Much of the UK's Palace of Westminster on the water in London burned October 16, 1834.]  

[John Brown's raid on the Federal arsenal in Harper's Ferry, at the time in Virginia, now in West Virginia, was October 16-18, 1859; bystander Heyward Shepherd was killed on the 17th, the first of a few casualties; apparently the event has had many names over time, such as insurrection and crusade, raid being a newer name: ]

[Albanian revolutionary leader Enver Hoxha -- October 16, 1908 (in Gjirokaster, part of the Ottoman Empire at the time, now in southern Albania)-April 11, 1985: ]

[Apparently the first family planning clinic in the country was set up October 16, 1916 in Brooklyn, New York City by Margaret Sanger.] 

[Lao Airlines Flight 301 was lost in the Mekong River, near Pakse, October 16, 2013.]

[On the 16th the BBC has representatives of a few Mexican parties on (a rerun?), in a public panel, and Morena, which is present, is being accused of destroying democracy and not fixing the organized crime problem, etc.  Allegedly it will take many hours for people to vote on the judicial candidates, but North Carolina will vote on a few judicial seats November 5th, and many would probably welcome an elected US Supreme Court.  Maybe this episode of World Questions won't be as one-sided as their recent events in the Republic of Georgia and Mongolia.]

[The October 15th edition of the L.A. Times' Essential California email newsletter on the issue of electing judges in the US and the specific candidates in LA County.  Apparently many people just vote for judges randomly or based on whether they had served as prosecutors, public defenders, etc.!  Apparently very few judges face election in California.] [One link, an argument from 2014 against the election of judges in the state:  I recently received a customary non-partisan brochure about the judicial candidates in North Carolina, maybe from the League of Women Voters.]

[According to NPR the morning of October 16th, the 16th (?) is (World) Ether Day, in honor of a chemical that made more or less pain-free surgery possible.]

[A report by a woman with a UK accent -- Germany's intelligence apparatus claims that Russia will be ready to attack NATO by 2029 "at the latest" (So?  I mean, even if it is true, that doesn't mean that Russia will actually attack NATO in a few years, and what happened to MAD?).  They say Russia is a huge threat, yet it hasn't defeated Ukraine in two years.  They bring up the Russian "war economy" -- what happened to those allegedly crippling economic sanctions?  Even more, they claimed that Germany will take 100 years to get back to the (weak?) military it had 20 years ago (!!).  Was this being put out by the Russophobic warmongers of the German Green Party? 

Earlier on the BBC and NPR, Ukraine claims that soldiers from the DPRK's Korean People's Army are training in Russia near Mongolia, to fight the pro-NATO Ukrainians near Kursk, Russia.

On the 15th a WUNC's Colin Campbell claimed to Leonida Inge (?) that they are a "non-partisan" media outlet, while commenting on Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson's focus on friendly media.  Both the local and national NPR organizations seem to be working for the Democratic Party, especially for Biden and now Harris, even if it usually isn't as blatantly partisan as typical talk radio.  Their tone, wording, framing, hiring, and choices about what to cover and how are biased for the Democrats, against both the Republican Party and the left apart from the Democratic Party.  The NPR whistleblower in about 2023 alleged something about NPR planning its coverage so as not to help Trump, and it is obvious.  What happens when the truth or public opinion aren't on Biden's side?  Registered independents and non-voters probably outnumber the registered Democrats in North Carolina if not nationally and independent/unaffiliated voters are a growing demographic, and many people rarely or never vote.  WUNC's Due South program just discussed the issue of NC's large percentage of registered independents several weeks ago.  It has been alleged that the USA's often low-turnout elections still represent the popular will.  When PBS in NC carried Japan's NHK  several year ago, their daily news program covered a large number of Japanese parties and candidates for prime minister, while NPR couldn't be bothered to even profile all of the major candidates in the official debates during the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primary.  Japan has a different system, and only a few major parties, but it still seems like the US mainstream media is rarely unbiased, even when covering well-known Democratic Party candidates, misinforming the public.  I thought that the commercial mainstream media was generally even more warmongering than public media, but maybe that has changed.  I was surprised when a TV news station in Raleigh played video of local "pro-Palestinian protests" and daily life in Gaza several months ago.]

[October 17, 1894 the Ohio National Guard fired on a lynch mob trying to break into the courthouse in the town of Washington Court House.  I thought I saw a note somewhere about an October anniversary of the KKK being driven out of an Ohio location in the early 20th century(?).] 

[October 17, 1974 President Gerald Ford testified before Congress regarding his pardon of Nixon: ]  

[October 17, 1999 two European newspapers claimed that the CIA had had a role in the intentional US bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade on May 7th of that year, during NATO's intervention over Kosova; the bombing killed three Chinese journalists and injured 20 diplomatic personnel: ]

[The Million Worker March was October 17, 2004 in Washington, DC.]

Leftist Peruvian president José Pedro Castillo Terrones, elected in 2021 and removed December 7, 2022, was born October 19, 1969 in Puna:  A coup might be being prepared against leftist President Petro in Colombia.  

[The convictions of the Guilford Four, accused of carrying out two IRA bombings in the UK, were overturned October 15, 1989 because the police had tortured them and ignored contrary evidence.]

The NATO-assisted extrajudicial killing of Muammar Qaddafi was October 20, 2011 in the 
Jarref Valley (?) near Sirte,

Benjamin Netanyahu was born October 21, 1949 in TeAviv; his father's family name was originally Mileikowsky, before moving to Mandate Palestine: and  Very pro-Israel and rightist Argentinean president Javier Milei was born October 22, 1970 in the Palermo neighborhood of Buenos Aires: 

[The Shinjuku Riot (新宿騒乱), part of International Anti-War Day, a year after the March on the Pentagon, was October 21-22 in 1968 at Shinjuku Station in Tokyo: ]

[October 22, 2014 four former Blackwater USA mercenaries were convicted of the Nisour Square Massacre, carried out in Baghdad, Iraq in 2007, but Trump pardoned them December 22, 2020.]

[The major and decisive Civil War Battle of Westport, compared to Gettysburg, was fought in Kansas City,  Missouri October 23, 1864, causing Price's (Confederate) Missouri Expedition to turn back: ]

[A brief counterrevolutionary uprising during the Meiji period, but not the only one, October 24-25, 1876 in Kumamoto,ūren_rebellion ?]

[Paul David Wellstone -- July 21, 1944 in Washington, DC-October 25, 2002 in a plane crash in Eveleth, Minnesota that has been called suspicuous:  If I'm not mistaken there ia memorial to the Wellstoneby Murphey and Bingham halls at UNC.]

[October 26, 2020 Donald Trump signed Executive Order 13957, creating a civil service Schedule F of executive branch employees who could be hired without the typical civil service protections against arbitrary firing; Biden repealed the order when he entered office: ]

[There will be a NHBA Plant Swap October 26th 10am-12pm at the Blackwood Farm Park Pavilion north of Chapel Hill (?); an RSVP is requested, at: ; for more information on the event and businesses they recommend:]

[October 27-November 24 in 1876 in Japan's Fukuoka Prefecture: ]

[October 28-November 5, 1876 in Japan's Yamaguchi Prefecture: ]

[Alexander the Great and Darius III first met in battlNovember 5, 333 BCE in what is now ]

[The Japanese WWI siege of German-held Tsingtau (now Qingdao) on China's Shandong Peninsula began August 27, 1914 and ended with a Japanese victory November 7th.  China regained the territory December 10, 1922: ] 

[Charles Manson -- November 12, 1934 in Cincinnati Ohio-November 19, 2017 in Bakersfield, California: ; it has been suggested that he had a relationship with the US government's intelligence  I think Manson's possible covert government ties or a related topic came up tangentially in a recent issue of Fortean Times, about a long-time but now former government film studio in California.] b 

[Isidora Dolores Ibárruri Gómez of the PCE -- December 9, 1895-November 12, 1989:árruri ]

The National Socialist Underground murder trial in Germany began May 6, 2013, closing statements began November 13, 2017, and it ended July 11 2018?  -- and

[James Warren Jones (May 13, 1931 in Crete, Indiana – November 18, 1978 in Jonestown, Guyana): ]

[Bengali rebel Titumir / Syed Mir Nisar Ali (January 27, 1782 – November 19, 1831)] 

[Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov (Ю́рий Валенти́нович Кноро́зов; November 19, 1922 – March 31, 1999): ]

[UNC SBP president Eve Marie Carson was born November 19, 1985 in Athens, Georgia and killed March 5, 2008: ]

[Wikipedia notes belled buzzards in Western NC around November 20, 1855, etc.: ]

[The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, founded in mid-1991, are named for Izz ad-Din Abd al-Qadar ibn Mustafa ibn Yusuf ibn Muhammad al-Qassam (عز الدين بن عبد القادر بن مصطفى بن يوسف بن محمد القسام / Izz ad-Dīn ibn Abd al-Qāder ibn Mustafa ibn Yūsuf ibn Muhammad al-Qassām; 1881 or December 19, 1882 – November 20, 1935).]

[Joe Robinette Biden Jr. was born November 20, 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania: ]

[Napoleon's attempted Europe-wide Continental Blockade or System against the UK was in operation November 21, 1806-April 11, 1814: ]

[Short-lived soviets in Alsace-Lorraine, at the time part of Germany, were put down by the French November 22, 1918?]

[November 22, 1991-March 26, 1993 OAV: ]

[The traditional Western Sagittarius period, following Scorpio, begins November 23rd.] 

[Joseph Wood Krutch (November 25, 1893 in Knoxville, TN – May 22, 1970 in Tucson, Arizona):  ]

[Writer Wataru Keiji was kidnapped and tortured in Japan by US operatives November 25, 1951-December 7, 1952? -- and ]

[November 25, 1965 Mobutu seized power in Congo-Kinshasa and later renamed the country Zaire; he wasn't deposed until 1997, and was supported by the USA and China.]

[爆炎CAMPUSガードレス aired May 27th to November 25th in 1994: ]

[Rightist Japanese author Yukio Mishima (pen name:  三島 由紀夫, Mishima Yukio, birth name:  平岡 公威, Hiraoka Kimitake) January 14, 1925 at Nagazumi-cho 2-chome, Yotsuya-ku, Tokyo – November 25 1970, by ritual seppuku or "harakiri" at the JGSDF base Camp Ichigaya in
Ichigaya Honmura-chō, Shinjuku, Tokyo, after taking the commandant, Kanetoshi Mashita, hostage and calling for a coup.): ]

[An iron meteorite landed in Mazapil (small deer in Nahuatl, mazatl/deer plus pilli/small?  Traditional homeland of the Chichimec Guachichiles) in Zacatecas, in northern Mexico not far from Texas November 27, 1885, during the Andromedid meteor shower (stemming from Biela's Comet, discovered February 27, 1826), but the meteorite and the Andromedids are now thought to be unrelated.]

[November 27, 1954 Florence, Italy more than one oblong UFOs and falling "angel hair" interrupted a soccer match between Fiorentina and Pistoiese at the Stadio Artemio Franchi before about ten thousand spectators.  The heavy fall of angel hair at the Stadio and nearby is explained away as spider silk, but the fast-moving UFOs were also reported.  Boron, silicon, calcium, and magnesium were detected in the angel hair: , , , and ]

[Artist and music collector Harry Everett Smith, known for compiling the Anthology of American Folk Music, released August 9, 1952, passed away November 27, 1991 in New York City.  Birth date: ; ]

[William Blake (November 28, 1757 – August 12, 1827): ]

[November 29th is supposed to be the 25th anniversary of the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site.]

["The father of meteoritics" German physicist Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni November 30, 1756 – April 3, 1827]

[November 30, 1861 -- the French gunboat warship Alecton, 40 leagues from Tenerife, captured a giant squid? -- In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents by Bernard Heuvelmans, translated from French by Richard Garnett, drawings by Alika Watteau, 1968 edition.]

[Alfonso Caso y Andrade (February 1, 1896 – November 30, 1970): ]

[Frozen mallard ducks and hail are supposed to have fallen in Stuttgart, Arkansas the afternoon of November 30, 1973 – Weird America:  A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, by Jim Brandon, 1978.]

[January 17, 1977 French mercenaries under Bob Denard attempted to overthrow the People's Republic of Benin or the Popular Republic of Benin (around November 30, 1975 to March 1, 1990) under President Mathieu Kérékou.]

[Around 5pm November 30, 1979 in La Palma, Oaxaca, Mexico eight African-looking, tall ufonauts with guns and radios reportedly told a farmworker to cut his penis (genitals?) off, and he did so, with a machete:  Bartholomew and Howard, 1998.]

[From Wake Audubon:  In the Triangle, they advocate participating in Lights Out for migrating birds September 10-November 30th (11pm-6am) and March 15th-May 31st.  Apparently white-throated sparrows arrive later than other migrants, and I know that a few seem to linger into late spring/early summer, I think in to May.]  [From the New Hope BA:  ] [ ]  [And Leave the Leaves in the fall, they both say.  Orange County residents who participate can get a free yard sign.]  [The Durham Wildlife Stewards, with a male Carolina anole in their logo (are these chameleon-like bright green to dark brown lizards found throughout Durham County??), are seeking donations to form an NC Wildlife Federation chapter.]  

[Russian revolutionary Sergei Kirov was born March 27, 1886 in what is now Kirov Oblast.  He was assassinated December 1, 1934.] 

[A brief blue light effect seen from a ship, the MV Trevean, on a windy day "under low cloud" in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean December 1, 1959:  Mysteries of the Unexplained, by The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., 1982.]

[Former US ambassador to Bolivia Victor Manuel Rocha was arrested in Miami December 1, 2023 and charged with alleged spying for Cuba: ]

[The pivotal Battle of Austerlitz was December 2, 1805, during the Napoleonic Wars, Austerlitz is now in the Czech Republic: ]

[Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro Altamirano, 1st Marquess of the Valley of Oaxaca (December 1485 – December 2, 1547)] 

[John Brown (May 9, 1800 – December 2, 1859): ]

[December 4, 1934  -- the Farmville, NC (the renamed Coalglen, in Chatham County or the Farmville in Pitt County?) meteorite]

[President Ford signed Executive Order 11905 February 18, 1976, among other things banning "political assassination."  Similar executive orders were signed by Carter on January 24, 1978 and by Reagan on December 4, 1981.]

[December 7, 1905, around 10:15am, off Brazil's Parahiba River: , , (all by the same author)]

[Hezbollah leader Imad Fayez Mughniyeh was born December 7, 1962 (Tayr Dibba, near Tyre, in Lebanon) and assassinated by Israel and the US around 23:00 February 12, 2008 in the Kafr Sousa neighborhood of Damascus, Syria, using a car bomb: ]

[A Reichsbürger monarchist coup plot was allegedly foiled December 7, 2022 in Germany.  In April 2017 rightist soldiers in Germany's special forces were charged with planning to assassinate several politicians in a Day X plot.]

[December 9, 1519 -- "the first treasure ship from Mexico" docked in Sevilla, in the south of Spain:  Victor Wolfgang von Hagen, 1957-1961.]

[December 9, 1608-November 8, 1674: ]

[Suppressed in the territory of the future ROK December 12, 1945: ]

[December 14, 1944 in the ]

[The Myrotvorets doxxing and hitlist website, alleged to be a joint Ukrainian SBU and CIA operation, was created December 15, 2014, according to Wikipedia.]

[The New Madrid, Missouri earthquakes were December 16, 1811 and January 23rd and February 7th in 1812, under the Great Comet of 1811 (discovered March 25, 1811 and to return around 4785 CE: ) and around when the first steamboat plied the Mississippi basin Fulton (November 14, 1765 – February 24, 1815) patented February 11, 1809 – National Day Calendar).  It was also around the War of 1812, the French invasion of Russia (it was called "Napoleon's Comet"), and the failed Eight Trigrams uprising of 1813 (癸酉之變) in China.  It was used as a sign by Shawnee chief Tecumseh (born March 9, 1768; "Shooting Star" or "CelestiaPanther Lying in Wait" (?) – ) on a diplomatic mission in Alabama ).  Wikipedia puts the birth of the Shawnee ProphetTenskwatawa ("Open Door") in January 1775: and  , , 

[The Ivuna meteorite landed in Mbeya, Tanzania, sister city of Tifariti, Western Sahara (mentioned under the SADR entry in February) on December 16, 1938.]

[Philippine Maoist revolutionary Jose Maria Canlas Sison (Joma) -- (February 8, 1939 – December 16, 2022).]

[Hugo Chavez's Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement-200, founded December 17, 1982, attempted to overthrow Venezuelan president Carlos Andres Perez February 4-5, 1992.  There was a second attempt at a military coup November 27th.]

[Korean statesman Kim Jong Il was born February 16, 1941, when Korea was a colony of Japan, and passed away December 17, 2011 in Pyongyang, capital of resolutely independent DPR Korea, though the struggle for independence from Japan and the first battles with US imperialism were led by his father, Kim Il Sung; some of his works and other documents are online at: , , , and might be available in print at UNC's Davis Library.]

[December 20, 1620 -- the Pilgrim landing at the future Plymouth, MA – This Country Was Ours:  A Documentary History of the American Indian, by Virgil J Vogel, 1974.]

[December 20-21, 1970 in Okinawa: ]

[Spanish Francoist? prime minister Luis Carrero Blanco (March 4, 1904 – died after a massive ETA carbombing December 20, 1973, called 'Spain's first astronaut').]

[Two CPUSA members spoke on the north side of the stone wall along West Franklin Street, next to UNC, March 2, 1966, due to the 1963 NC Speaker Ban? -- (see the photo) and ]

Breaking: Massacre in Gaza, Israel Burns Palestinians Alive

For Immediate Release

ADC Contact: media[at adc org]


Washington, D.C. | | October 13, 2024 - A short while ago Israeli occupation forces launched multiple air attacks, dropping bombs on and around the Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir al-Baha. The bombings have resulted in an ongoing massacre, as graphic images and pictures show Palestinians being burned alive. Many of the victims are patients at the hospital, and all are displaced Palestinians seeking safety. A few hours prior to this massacre, Israel bombed the Al-Mufti school which was sheltering displaced Palestinians. The school bombing has killed at least 19 people so far, including a baby. 


As the genocide and massacres continue, Israel’s unrestrained and calculated brutality against Palestinians and as the besiegement of northern Gaza starts its 10th day of starvation and mass killing, the Israeli regime and its enablers have reached new levels of depravity. Civilians, hospitals, schools, and vital infrastructure are being systematically obliterated, in direct contravention of international laws meant to protect human life. The world is witnessing a humanitarian catastrophe that the Israeli government is perpetrating with clear impunity.


The United States is directly responsible for the unfolding massacre at the Al-Aqsa Hospital, and for all the lives lost during this genocide. By continuing to provide unlimited tactical support, vast military aid to Israel and political and diplomatic cover, the U.S. government is not only enabling, but also coordinating and helping execute these atrocities. The Biden-Harris administration’s refusal to intervene decisively to halt Israel’s genocide in Gaza has exposed a willingness to ignore justice, human rights, and the value of human life itself. This reckless disregard for all Palestinian lives has only fueled further violence and emboldened Israel to continue its genocidal march into Lebanon - where thousands have been killed, many more injured, and millions displaced. 


A majority of the country and world collectively demands the U.S. government take immediate and definitive action to halt Israel’s genocide, end its support for this brutal occupation and dismantle the apartheid system. Gaza, the West Bank and all of Palestine is in an existential struggle. It is time for the U.S. to recognize its role in this ongoing tragedy and to use its influence to end the bloodshed and hold Israel accountable. 


We will continue to demand an immediate halt to this genocide, and an immediate arms embargo of U.S. aid to Israel that enables Israel's aggression. The world has united in unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese people. We demand accountability, justice, and an end to the this carnage once and for all.


Take a moment now and send a message  to your elected official demanding an immediate end to the genocide, and an arms embargo. Your activism is working, we are seeing members of Congress take a principled position after hearing from you. We need to keep pushing, click the link and take action .

Pierre Poilievre of Canada's Conservative Party and and others want to ban the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Networkwhile the country welcomes war criminals:  : and

Verso's UK distributor is going bankrupt, threatening to take left book publisher Verso down with it, so they started their first ever crowdfunding campaign; it will run through October 24th:  So far 3,629 people have pledged $261,297 dollars. ] ]

[Praise for Biden's industrial policy as good for labor and equality: ]

[On a posthumous audio message from Hassan ]

[? -- More on the war in the Middle East -- ]

[On Israel's attack on refugees at the al Aqsa Hospital in Gaza: ]

[? -- More on the war in the Middle East -- ]

[After Ken Klippenstein was banned by Twitter over the JD Vance dossier, the FBI has gotten involved (but the FBI didn't have a problem with the Trump dossier): ]

[On Palau and Japan, Japanese aid to Ukraine, and 'centrist' Japanese election claims (but Japan has a reputation for 'boring,' "technocratic" liberal politics) , , and ]

[? -- ]

? -- The Tintin comics and and "Western" imperialism: ]

[NPR and the BBC can't mention that a founder compared Gaza today to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945: ]

This is the 843rd post here, but another blog with one author had 843 posts in a year, and other blogs I've read, with more than one author, might have many hundreds to more than a thousand posts in a year.