Saturday, August 24, 2024

Update for week 35 of 2024, the US Peace Council on Venezuela, Veterans for Peace on Gaza, and other news and events

I might add to this post later in the week.  Week 34 is at and a previous and longer calendar post is at:  There is a technical problem again.

August 22nd -- Late in the day on the 22nd (?) I saw a resting light orange 16-spot (?) ladybug (a beetle) on a willow oak sapling in dayflowers.  It was clear and the waning but still bright Moon wasn't up or high yet, so I could see Libra, Scorpius, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius, and maybe the beginning of Capricornus through the window after dark on August 22nd or before.  The traditional Virgo astrological period in the West begins on the 23rd.  The nocturnal gray weevil on the big sicklepod around the 22nd?

August 23 -- I counted 31-35 tiny black swallowtail caterpillars on the parsley.  Two or more green anoles were out, at least one a signalling male.  They were around the Ipomoea, 9 darker blue (one might have been purple), three white with blue, and two little white Convolvulus (?); they might not have been the first this year.  I saw a female ruby-throated hummingbird examining the Ipomoea, but it doesn't seem to have nectar for them.  No golden tortoiseshell beetles on the morning glories, etc.? A little white Lobelia-like flower, low to the ground, opened.  A light brown skipper zoomed by.  A light purple rose of Sharon flower opened on the 23rd or 24th and three or four white and dark red flowers.  The large gray dragonfly was back.  Several wasps, including a long, very thin, black species I saw on the 23rd and 24th, sometimes on the elephant's foot, a native flower in the aster family.  What else?  I found another oak gall on the 23rd or earlier?  Up to three fragrant Gardenia flowers, investigated by a carpenter bee one morning.  There will be very few persimmons this year, because of the early summer drought?  There are still many unripe green fruits on the sharp trifoliate oranges.  There is supposed to be an Osage orange near UNC's Morehead Planetarium -- at the nearby church??  I haven't been able to find it.  UNC has a few fruiting East Asian persimmons.  Did I hear an explosion at or just before 9:30am on the 23rd?  It seems like I hear dumpsters being emptied much more now.  There might have been a butternut sapling here.

Internaut Day was on the 23rd? 

August 24th -- Before dawn it was clear with some mistiness and very cool, but it might have been a bit invigorating; the Moon was high, in surprisingly bright Aries (?) and obscured the stars.  Saturn seemed brighter than usual.  Over in the east Jupiter seems whiter than usual.  I surprised the rabbit out foraging August 23rd and 24th shortly before dawn.  I first saw Procyon, the tip of the Big Dipper (Dubhe), and maybe Gemini rising above the trees on the 23rd and I saw bright Sirius through a gap in the trees in the blue sky close to dawn today.   Cancer was somewhere between Gemini and Ursa Major.  Cetus and maybe Eridanus [the star Zurak, a boat on the river?] were sort of visible.  A satellite going north and east almost passed in front of Aldebaran, or maybe it was a planet, I forget the exact scene.  Too late for the Perseids now? The volunteer cypressvine might have vanished recently, eaten by a deer, probably at night, if it is gone.  There was loud engine noise very nearby earlier in the night.  Did a cold front come through again?  It warmed up, but is still very cool at night, maybe unseasonably.

I stepped outside again in the late morning, warm sun, clear, with a breeze, I think a monarch butterfly flew by, literally going south, very fast and low to the ground.  It rose to clear a hedge and vanished.  I often see the cloudless sulphurs going south down the street, but they aren't supposed to go back south and can't survive very cold winters.  American ladies likewise move north, but not back in the fall.   Many cicadas calling when there is warm or hot sunlight, but both they and the nocturnal katydids are slowing down with the cool temperatures, being eclipsed by the crickets.  I haven't noticed meadow-katydids.  I saw one of the dark, yellow-lined large leafhoppers.  Most birds aren't very talkative in late summer, though I heard a red-bellied woodpecker around the 22nd or 23rd and they seem more audible in fall.  Saw a small green anole today.  I saw a very small one sometime recently.  One or more tiny dark gray moth flies have been around recently. 

It has been cool so the dayflowers are a slightly paler blue and some have trouble opening.  Because of the temperature or the dryness, fewer opened today.  A green sweat bee went to a dayflower and a tiny and fast-moving bee of some kind was waiting on sunny leaflitter?  The sicklepods also seem to be holding their leaves differently -- they close together at night and are held in an angled when in hot sunlight.  There has been dew, but much less than at the beginning of the month?  I haven't been able to find any sulphur caterpillars, though something has been nibbling around the leaves.  The same light brown and mottled skipper butterfly was on a light purple rose of Sharon flower.  I haven't seen it very close up..  There is around one white rose of Sharon today.  The Ipomoea has six blue flowers.  [There was a group of young bright red true bug nymphs on a morning glory leaf, I think on the 24th.]  One or more white to bluish nightshades, horse nettles, Solanum carolinense (?) have been flowering, with one today.  The Hypericum plants have fewer flowers, and they are mostly open in the morning.  I'm digging a hole blogging this weekend?  My effort might be judged poor, but I am putting in work.

[August 25th -- It was very clear and warm, with a breeze.  I saw probably more than one darker brown skipper butterfly, maybe more than one kind, nectaring at elephant's foot and checking out a bright blue dayflower.  One or more small orange crescents, also visiting elephant's foot, and yellow hawkweed.  One or more gray-colored hairstreaks.  As I said before, a yellow cloudless sulphur flew south down the down the street.  A smaller, pale yellow sulphur of some kind also seemed to be trying to go in that direction.  There were two dark buckeyes (?) at a distance, perhaps laying eggs.  The black swallowtail caterpillars molted and have a belted galloway type pattern.  There might be around 29 now.  The cicadas were calling a lot around 11am again, and I probably saw two males on low branches.  I found three small oak galls again.  Dark ants with pointed abdomens were taking a dead small fly on a walkway.  There was a small green katydid and a meadow-katydid.  The various crickets are loud at times now.   An anole, the rabbit, and gray squirrels were around.  Two or more red-shouldered (?) hawks called close by, and a red-bellied woodpecker.  This would be a good time to visit UNC's parks, for both flowers and their pollinators.  I need to look for the red (and pink) Lycoris in Coker Arboretum, and see the relatively new Battle Grove (?) between Forest Theatre and Coker again.  UNC probably has parsley or relatives.  [There was a white and gold moth around the 24th or 23rd, a maple...?] [I found a large barred owl feather here recently (?).] [None of the tiny brown beetles recently?]

There were six blue morning glory flowers, one purplish, and one new orange Nasturtium flower opened and another bud will probably open by the 26th.  I found, or noticed again, a small rattlesnake or grape type (?) small woodland fern.  A Solanum had a white flower with four rather than the usual five 'points.'  Gama grass in a drier location is still blooming.  Daisy fleabane (?), white clover, and Abelia (?), which seems to be attractive to moths, are still blooming, while the pink Spirea stopped again earlier in August or July.  Another little white Lobelia-like flower opened during the day.  Something defoliated some blue aster plant(I thought of the deer first, but maybe it wasn't) and earlier I noticed rough defoliation of goldenrods.  I found two bright red evergreen Magnolia (?) seeds, but I'm not sure how they got here [By the 26th they were gone?  There are also some arrowwood (?) seeds around].  A few tuliptree seeds blow here now.

The Big Dipper is up in the northwest after dark, but I didn't look for it and don't have a good view in that direction.  Parts of it might always be above the horizon here, but I don't have a good view.  There was a good view nearby when a relatively young forest on a ridge was clearcut and then left fallow, but there is now a crop of condominiums or townhomes there.  An unusally large holly survived the clearcutting, but was cut before the construction.  Arcturus was in the west after dark on the 25th and Draco and Cepheus to the north, with Pegasus rising above the trees in the east.  [Scorpius, Sagittarius, and Capricornus were going by in the trees to the south.] There wasome engine noise nearby again on the night of the 24th.]  

Earlier in the summer the large blue dragonflies might be great blue skimmers and the black and bright red dragonfly might have been a blue-[faced]eyed meadowhawk, a first for me.  Apparently the greatest diversity of dragonflies in the East is in New Jersey [in Sussex County [in the north], with 145 odonates] and the north in general, not in a warmer Southern state, but there are still many around here, earlier in the summer.] [According to the Princeton field guide Dragonflies and Damselflies of the East, 2011.]

[September 9th:  The deer must be coming around, but I saw one, now back to being brown-colored, crossing the street in late afternoon around September 6th or 7th.  I haven't seen any of the rabbits that were such common sights in May-June The molefilled in their open holes after Debby, etc.  On the 8th I found around four sleepy orange caterpillar(?) on sicklepods.  The cypressvine regrew nearby.  In the end I think there were 19 black swallowtail caterpillars, all pupated by now.  I saw something like a clouded sulphur (visiting the elephant's foot and maybe dayflowers), three skipper specie(at elephant's foot), a crescent (at elephant's foot), a hairstreak, a hummingbird clearwing (identification?; newly hatched out? on a Japanese honeysuckle) and large darts or cutworm moth[and cloudless sulphurs around August, but I haven't seen any Carolina or gemmed satyrs, etc, this year; maybe in September-October.].  There have been about three ladybugs and a few of the red and black leaf beetles.  Yellow tickseed, a major flower in the Triassic Basin here, began blooming around the end of August.  The roses of Sharon are blooming again, and morning glories and Convolvulus.  I stepped on a small female (?) cicada under a streetlight at night, but it seemed okay.  A few have called, despite the quite cool weather.  No dragonflies and few wasps.  Tiny caterpillar-like larvae turned some dayflower leaves white.  Many tiny thrip(?) were in Nasturtium flowers.  There are two female yellow garden spiders.  There is a very small bullfrog.  There was another small bullfrog and a small green frog, but it was light brown.  The anoles were around two weeks ago, and I might have seen a ground skink escaping to cover.   A cat must have killed something like a little rough earth snake.  The weather seems unusually cold, though it is often sunny.  There is also an unusual lull in hurricane season.  Sirius is pretty high by dawn now.  I was looking at Mothallah in Triangulum, Cepheus, Cetu(Kaffaljidhma, etc.), etc. a week or two ago.  Deneb Kaitos is brighter than I remembered when it is very clear.  Not sure about Mira.  Mars seems to be getting lower in the east, while Jupiter is moving higher.  I hope to post photos later on; the first glass plate photograph was taken September 9, 1839  by John Herschel, son of astronomer William Herschel, and John Herschel invented the word "photography?"]  [Zebra, Indian, and other grasses are or will soon flower.]  [Sometime recently a male downy (?) woodpecker was apparently drinking from a hollow in a red maple.]  [Am I forgetting something?]

[September 11th:  There are two or more very small bullfrogs and a few anoles; today I saw a light brown to yellow skipper at a tickseed (a quite yellowish one was at elephant's foot on the 10th), two dark brown skippers of one or two species at elephant's foot, one or more medium-sized sulphur(on the 10th one was at a dayflower), and a red-spotted purple (an egg-laying female?).  A large sleepy orange caterpillar (?) ran out of food and wandered off before I could move it.  I found a small, bright green sphinx caterpillar, resembling a pawpaw sphinx, on a deciduous holly, but it has 7 wasp cocoon(one hatched?) on its back and maybe 50 holes in all (??) and will die.  I found a first small brown tick on the 10th.  White with blue, blue, and red purple Ipomoea recently, and Convolvulus.  I think I found a bright red Ipomoea coccinea on the 10th, and maybe it began flowering on the 9th.  Some cicada calls, warmer, maybe a treefrog peeped after a loud helicopter went over.  A large, manic, dark and light wasp, maybe hunting for crickets.  A small anole signalled?  Usually early September isummerlike, sunny, and dry here.  An earwig on the 10th?  Canada geese in the morning and a cardinal sang like it would in the spring recently.  More?]  [I avoided the mainstream media mosof the day on the 11th.] 

[September 13th was relatively warm, humid, and wet, but it was quite loud at rush hour.  More mushrooms coming up?  An Ipomoea coccinea flower bud for the 14th?  I found a thin, winged, brown and green mantis, maybe a male.  A Chinese mantis?  The NHBC [NHBA] came out against them.  Really?  saw the first yellowjacket (?) in a while on the 12th, interested in my left hand.  The sphinx caterpillar had vanished by the 12th.  I found a dead male (?) carpenter bee in early September; female(?) were at the elephant's foot.  A few cicada calls at dusk.]  [Immature green Spanish oak acorns have been falling or cut off recently.  The woodpeckers?] [Reclusion?]

[2nd September 21st:  One day there were four or more small bullfrog(?) here, and three or more on the 20th.  A very small bullfrog was on the wet road one night.  Many potter wasps and other insects on the tickseed.  [The first of the two yellow garden spiders moved a week or two ago.]  male (?) red-bellied woodpecker was picking persimmons off the nearby tree on the 19th.  There are very few persimmons on it this year.  Heard a downy woodpecker in the oaks?  Abundant mushrooms after the cyclone, red with white 'warts,' red-orange, purplish, brown, yellow, older earthstars, and especially yellow to brown clustered mushrooms.  Attractive to animals?  The red and black leaf beetles.  Indian grass has been flowering.  A few cicada and katydid calls.  A katydid of some kind was eating a white rose of Sharon flower [on the 20th].  A female (?) hummingbird investigated an Ipomoea flower recently.  Two bright red Ipomoea coccinea flower buds will open today?  Osmanthus blooming.  White fall-blooming asters began blooming on the 19th here.  ]I dreamed of red newts, I think in a large bucket filled water, among other things, on the 20th.[  

Copperheads could be lying on roads at night; see the two posts about a year ago.

Around mid-October I've seen swallowlike chimney swifts going to roost near the old Chapel Hill post office and now they are apparently roosting in UNC's giant, and hollow, Davie Poplar, their habitat before they became "chimney"  Tours in Chapel Hill, Durham (at the Mechanics and Farmers Bank), and Raleigh (shown on Exploring NC or whatever on PBS; there is an artificiaroosting structure at Horseshoe Farm Nature Preserve on the Neuse River in northeastern  I don't see actual swallows where I live, but I have seen them at UNC, FallLake, maybe along the Neuse at Horseshoe Farm, at the Swanquarter ferry landing, etc.]


[Minister John Brown of Haddington 1722-June 19, 1787: ]

[Uranographer Wil Tirion February 19, 1943-July 5, 2024: ]

[On the August 15, 1977 "'Wow!' signal:" ]

[According to this October 5, 2023 post, the Durham City Council temporarily 'unfriended' the city of Kostroma, Russia August 15, 2022, by a 6-0 vote, with one member absent: ]

Bolivian military officer and politician, Bolivia's 36th president, Víctor Germán Busch Becerra -- March 23, 1903-August 23, 1939:án_Busch  

[David Hume or Home May 7, 1711-August 25, 1776: ]

La Tomatina in Bunol, Valencia, Spain will be August 28th in 2024 and the 27th in 2025:

[Around the morning of September 5, 2024 a Bosnian Austrian shooter, 18, was killed by police in Munich, Gerrmany near an Israeli consulate and a "Nazi Documentation Center."  September 6th a Canadian is being accused of planning an attack for IS in the US.  Discord banned Colt Gray in 2023 for what Bloomberg called "extremism."]

[According to Wikipedia:  September 7, 1601 John Shakespeare, father of William, passed away; in 1652 an anti-Dutch rebellion in Taiwan began; in 1778 US-allied France invaded British Dominica; in 1936 the last thylacine in captivity passed away at the Hobart Zoo in Tasmania and the species is considered extinct; in 1940 the WWII Blitz against London, etc began; September 7, 2010 there was a confrontation or incident between a Chinese trawler and the Japan Coast Guard near the disputed Senkaku Islands, held by Japan and claimed by the PRC and ROC.]

[September 7th was International Vulture Day in 2024:  I saw a single turkey vulture fly over once or twice in recent days August-September, but they might roost in large numbers in the fall and winter, or maybe I'm thinking of early spring.]

[September 8, 1814-January 8, 1874:Étienne_Brasseur_de_Bourbourg ]

[September 8, 2000 -- 500 US ELAM scholarships were announced by Fidel Castro at the Riverside Church in New York.]

[Syria was again attacked, no doubt by Israel, around September 8, 2024.]  [14 or more people were killed and 5 sites were bombed, including a rocket research center (? [The BBC mentioned missilelate on September 8th, but then chemical weapons, like what US police and the Israel military use, or are accused of using, early on the 9th; but Syria gave up its CW stock.).]

[Democratic People's Republic of Korea was founded September 9, 1948, after the ROK; the People's Republic of Korea had been founded September 6, 1945 as the Japanese occupation of Korea ended with WWII: ]

[One of Catalonia's national days iSeptember 11th, marking the capture of Barcelona in the Principality of Catalonia, following a siege, by Spain and France in 1714, during the 1701-1714 War of the Spanish Succession:  There is also of course the September 11, 1973 US-abetted coup in Chile and the September 11, 2001 conspiracy to attack the WTC, Pentagon, etc., starting the "War on Terror," which more or less ended by 2021, so the war in Ukraine could really step up a few monthlater in early 2022, and the multi-front, multi-country Middle Eastern war could begin in late 2022, under Biden-Harris, though Trump isn't really advocating for peace either.  Just before the September 10th Harris-Trump debate NPR was portraying Harris' foreign policy advisor as an advocate of humility, against the 20th century coup in Iran, etc., but I doubt that, though it hasn't been completely like the Bush-Cheney years under Trump and Biden, so far.  See the August calendar linked above for a fuller listing of the anniversaries.]  [Satire on the 1973 coup: you're allowed to have was born: neoliberalism ] [ ]  [ The Free Press Zionists and CEP neocons made statements and here is: ]  ["9/11 truth" from 2001, but 'truth' is out in the open in the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East?  Conspiring for war and working with far right forces?  Slowly 'boiling' the public?]  [On Catalonia: and  on Chile: ]  [ ]

[July 26, 1938-September 11, 2024: article]

[Yax Nuun Ahiin I, a son of "Spearthrower Owl" (of Teotihuacan, now in Mexico?), ruled Mayan Tikal, now in GuatemalaSeptember 12, 379-June 17, 404 CE: and ]

[Revolutionary Amilcar Cabral was born September 12, 1924 in Bafata in what is now Guinea Bissau.  He was assassinated January 20, 1973 in Conakry, Guinea: andílcar_Cabral ]

[September 12-November 2, 1948: ]

[Bantu Stephen Biko December 18, 1946-September 12, 1977: ]

[September 12th is the Day of the Programmer and Video Games Day?]

[Born September 13, 1953 in New York state: ]

[August 1-September 14, 1863 in Arkansas: ]

[Saccharine was patented so long ago, September 15, 1885??  Penicillin was discovered in 1928 and "hanger" brain research in 2011??]  [1789 James Fenimore Cooper was born; 1852 Jan Ernst Matzeliger (he invented a shoe last machine; thus the song "Peg and Awl??"); 1857 William Howard Taft; 1890 Agatha Christie; in 1984 the UK's Prince Harry.]  [Battle of Britain Day, 1462 Ottoman capture of Lesbos, 1830 first inter-city railroad, 1954 Marilyn Monroe photo?]

[January 8,1881-September 15, 1945: ]

[September 15th is Democracy Day??]  [The Constitution was written September 15, 1787 and signed on the 17th??]

[A second alleged attempt against Trump September 15th, by a warmonger from North Carolina (Greensboro?); Ryan Wesley Routh was captured alive, yet the story still dropped from the news; note the low-key title: ]

[September 17-25th in 1944: BBC coverage of the commemoration.]

[September 17-18th:  Did Israel do it, alone?  Why did an unnamed US official tell NPR that it was an action carried out by Israel, and they reported it? The BBC reported that a bombing in [southern] Beirut September 20th killed senior Hezbollah military officers, and probably civilians.]  [A death toll of 31 (total?) and 15 Hezbollah members so far??  A skyscraper type building was hit.]  [Seven women, etc.?  Digging people out.]  [Ibrahim Aqil and Radwan Force officers were targeted, killing or injuring many Lebanese civilians:  The US government doesn't want the Middle East to ignite??]

[September 18, 1924 -- the US WWI occupation of the Dominican Republic, from 1916, ended: ]

[September 15-21:  Mentioned on On Point.]  [Sheriff "authoritarianism," unchecked and armed power, see a new book.]

[September 21st:  International Day of Peace]

[September 24, 2005 (and copperheads could be lying on roads at night here):

[February 27, 1799-September 27, 1854: ]

[Michaelmas, for Saint Michael the Archangel and sometimes others, is often September 29th, or November 8th or 21st.  Apparently St. Michael is associated with Ukraine, Kyiv, Arkhangelsky (Russia), Brussels, the island town Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy, the 82nd Airborne, etc.  When and where did Michael originate in the Old World?  As an aside, supposedly Buddha is present in a hidden form in many other religions.  There is also more recent syncretism to note, later on ]

[There will be a partiasolar eclipse in Argentina and Chile October 2nd.]

[October 4-11th -- World Space Week]

[The 50th death anniversary of Secretary General Miguel Enriquez of the Chilean MIR is October 5th in 2024; ]  [March 27, 1944-October 5, 1974:íquez_(politician)  MIR was founded October 12, 1965 or August 15th: ]

[The weak Draconid meteor shower peaks October 7th.  Hera could be launched on or after the 8th and Europa Clipper on or after the 10th?]

[Born October 9, 1941 in Saint Petersburg, Florida: ]

[October 10, 1950-October 22, 1996 by self-immolation that morning, in Philadelphia, at the University of ]

[Albanian revolutionary, Partisan, and statesman Enver Hoxha October 16, 1908-April 11, 1985: ]

[October 17, 2004: ; a book came out about it.]

[The Orionid meteor shower peaks October 21-22.  "Supermoons" from September to November?]

[October 28, 1217, the day of saintSimon and Jude, the canon at the Dunstable Priory in Bedfordshire, England reported a cross seen in the night sky, and it has been suggested that it was the Blaze Star/T Coronae Borealis, a visible now and in the spring and set to have another outburst in 2024-2025, though I don't see how a nova would appear as a giant cross.  In Germany Burchard von Ursberg reported having seen a beam in the sky and the repeating nova sometime in the fall of 1217:  "A.D. 1217.  That autumn, in the early evening, a wonderful sign was seen in a certain star in the west.  This star was located a little west of south, in what astrologers call Ariadne's Crown.  As we ourselves observed, it was originally a faint star that for a time shone with a greater light, and then returned to its original faintness.  There was also a very bright ray reaching up the sky, like a large tall beam.  This was seen for many days that autumn.”  This was brought up by Cicely Botley Sky and Telescope magazine in 1967, volume 33, page 339.  Historian Barbara J Becker of UC Irvine (retired) found a similar account in the Nuremberg Chronicles, folio CCVIII (verso), which were compiled around 200 years later.   It was wedged in at the bottom of a page after 1224 and before 1214 (?):  "There is also a wonderful sign in the west, after sunset, in a star placed in the south, declining to the west in an indirect direction, which the astrologers call Hadrian's [Adriagne] crown. And behold, a beam like a great beam, ascended for many days into the height of the firmament. The preachers of these times asserted that many other signs had taken place."  The quotes and other information come from a message Dr Becker posted to the HASTRO listserve August 30th.  I might have seen a rainbowlike circumzenithal arc in a high cirrus-type cloud shortly before 7pm today, Friday, September 6th.  It might rain on the 7th and become cooler again on the 8th.]  [It was warm enough for cicadas to call on the 6th and I saw a red-spotted purple, but it has been cool for days and even chilly at night, at least to me.  It felt hot, like June about a week ago.  I heard a catbird, nuthatches, a sonorous owl, etc. today and maybe a calling narrowmouthed toad a few days ago.  A few Rana frogs have been around and various moths and butterflies.]  [  The morning of April 10, 1535 over Stockholm.]

[Ali Kelmendi was born November 3, 1900 in Ipek, now Peja, Kosova, and passed away February 11, 1939 in Paris, France: ]

[Norman R. Morrison (December 29, 1933 in Erie, Pennsylvania – November 2, 1965 shortly after burning himself at the Pentagon over the Vietnam War): ]

[The Taurid meteor shower peaks November 4-5th.]

[The Hoxhaist Party of Labor of Albania or PPSh was founded November 8, 1941 (it was called the Communist Party of Albania, PKSh, until 1947): ]

[Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev November 9, 1818 in Oryol/Orel/Oriol-September 3, 1883 in Bougival, near Paris in France:

[Catholic Worker Roger Allen LaPorte (July 16, 1943 in Geneva, New York – November 10, 1965 in Manhattan) burned himself fatally November 9th (?) in front of the UN'Dag Hammarskjold Library in New York City for pacifism (?): ]

[Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe November 16, 1930-March 21, 2013: ]

[The Leonid meteor shower peaks November 17-18th.]  [Mercury's greatest eastern elongation will be on the 16th and Uranuwill be at opposition on the 17th.]

[November 19, 2005: ]

[November 28, 1805-October 13, 1852: ]

[In Albania:  Independence from the Ottoman Empire was declared November 28, 1912 and the WWII liberation was November 29, 1944 (the capital, Tirana, had been liberated by the Partisans November 17th): and ]

[Jupiter will be at opposition on December 7th.]

[The Geminid meteor shower peaks December 13-14th.]

[Anthropologist Ross Hassig was born December 13, 1945: ]

[April 3, 1943-December 13, 1973: ]

[The 1991 Communist Party of Albania was founded December 14, 1991 and led by former PLA officer Hysni Milloshi until 2012: ]

[April 21, 1838-December 24, 1914: ]

[Albania's official name became the People's Socialist Republic of Albania with the new constitution of December 28, 1976? ]

August 24th is Saint Bartholomew's day, William Wilberforce was born in 1759, the burning of Washington, DC was in 1814, Antonio Stoppani was born in 1824, the WWI Battle of Cer ended in 1914, Ukraine separated from the USSR in 1991?  Zelensky promises more than proportional revenge in Russia (and Belarus?), and Ukraine is already carrying out or assisting in terrorist activities in the EU, Africa, and Russia.  The US, Ukraine, and Israel aren't interested in ceasefires, and apparently the warring parties in Sudan aren't ready to stop fighting either.  Amelia Earhart's solo flight across North America was finished today in 1932?  The North Atlantic Treaty became effective August 24, 1949, Windows 95 came out in 1995 (when did Windows 3.1 come out? I liked it better than 95 back in the day: and ), Pluto was reclassified as a "dwarf planet" in 2006?  The largest "dwarf planet??"  In 2019 Victor Vescovo went to the deepest point in each ocean, ending with the Artic Ocean?  Smoky Mountain Knife Works calls today National Knife Day.  [8/26:  The UK has begun an amnesty period before a knife control law goes into effect [in September?].  "Ghost" knives or machetes.] [A 2016 ban failed.  Like "assault rifles," big, serrated, or otherwisshowy blades have been banned, unless the owner has 'a good reason' for it.] ["Zombie knives"] [9/4:  I would like to learn how to chip blades out of obsidian/volcanic glas(not available in nature in NC), flint, and other rocks.  Maybe manmade glass can be used, and old-fashioned American fighting kites had glass blades.  Apparently obsidian can take a sharper edge than steel, but it is more brittle.  I've seen pieces of raw and chipped obsidian sold on the Internet, maybe on eBay and SMKW.  Somewhere in the world there were wooden "swords" or clubs edged with shark teeth.]  [For example: ] [9/14:  Knife bans in Germany also, but then IS could use fossil fuel-burning vehicles, which won't be banned?]

[The anniversary of the discovery of EnceladusAugust 28, 1789, a first commercial vineyard in Jessamine County, Kentucky in 1798; a tornado was photographed in the vicinity of Howard, South Dakota in 1884, not the first such image, but that was long after many astronomical first photos??  The Western Roman Empire was overthrown by Odoacer in Ravenna, Italy September 4, 476 CE?  A French garrison surrendered Malta in the Mediterranean to the UK September 4, 1800, after enduring a two year siege.   There was an earthquake in Canterbury, New Zealand in 2010.]

NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me had a joke today, the 24th, about the Clintons and polyamory, a week after a re-run (?) giving Hillary Clinton soft press.  It will be on again at the same time (12pm) on the 25th on WUNC.

On NPR the morning of the 23rd -- 19th century books with poisonous pigments.  How dangerous and common are they?  In the current Fortean Times, a few 19th century, etc. books bound in human skin have became an ethical issue at Harvard, etc.

Youthful (?) disrespect for paper mail on WUNC, but does the USPS really have priority on the road?  Benjamin Franklin headed it?  Email has decimated the mail?  I send letters, including to USPS, but they wouldn't be very legible or carefully edited if I wrote them by hand.  If I'm not mistaken the US government openly images the outside of every piece of mail, while the monitoring of electronic communications is more secretive.

On the BBC on the 23rd or 22nd -- They waited until August 2024 to investigate whether the Zelensky government is mistreating alleged "colloborators."  How does the western government intend to treat the people in the east and Crimea if Ukraine ever does regain control there?  Let Ukraine's neo-Nazis have a free hand?  Around the same time there was something related on NPR about...

Hints of fearmongering about the Russian Africa Corps, which replaced the Wagner group, last week.  Today, the 24th, at 5:17pm some guy from the National Security university or something talked to Adrian Ma and claimed that the US could have used the Wagner mutiny to end the Ukraine War in 2023, but supposedly the US isn't used to thinking of "mercenaries" as a part of modern warfare.  It's like the US never worked with Blackwater and other "security contractors" during the War on Terror! 

[On the 25th in the morning James Acton (?) seemed to put the blame for a new nuclear arms race on Russia and China, as if the US hasn't pulled out of almost all arms control treaties, expanded itnuclear war-related facilities in Europe, and threatened China, predicting that there will be a war over Taiwan in this decade, though that talk seems to have died down recently.]

RFK Jr suspended his campaign and endorsed Trump August 23rd.  About a week or two ago NPR basically bemoaned that Georgia might or will have seven parties on the ballot this year, like North Carolina.  Green Jill Stein can get ballot access because she is on enough ballots in other states.  Her running mate is professor Butch Ward [Ware]:  Unlike NC, Georgia will have the PSL on the ballot, to NPR's horror? 

? --

The astronauts stranded on the ISS since June after problems with the Boeing Starliner will have to stay on the ISS until February, while the Starliner will return without a crew.

[Starlink's new Direct to Cell "cell tower in spacesatellites appear blue; despite (?) efforts to reduce their visibility from the ground, these satellites are almost five times brighter than the earlier ones, probably because of their size and low altitude.  Many more of thessatellites are coming, from Starlink and other companies, unless they cause a catastrophic chain reaction of space junk or get destroyed in WWIII. --

[August 4th in Pittsboro: ]

[John Birch, the namesake of the John Birch Society, was killed in China August 25, 1945? -- NYRB]

[August 26th is Dog Day, Webmistress Day, Cherry Popsicle Day, etc.?]

The 2024 National Hunger Strike Commemoration will be Sunday, August 25th in Derry City -- from Sinn Fein.   

Electronic Intifada will have a weekly live YouTube update on the war in the Middle East and political issues, with interviews, etc., August 28th?

[The Biden-Harris administration's prosecution of the Uhuru 3 will go to trial September 3rd in Tampa, Florida and there will be a rally in St. Petersburg August 31st.]

[August 31st iSocial Justice Sunday, especially in Australia?  Pet Rock Day on September 1st.  College Colors Day on August 30th.  There is an InternationaLottery Day on the 27th, they say -- Days of the Year.  Gambling is very limited in North Carolina, except that there is a statewide education lottery and Indian gambling operations.]

[We the People Party issues in North Carolinalawsuits over ballot access, and now to remove the party, with many of the 2024 ballots already printed, but RFK Jr. isn't their only listed candidate in the state in 2024.]  [9/6:  Over 200 people are registered as voters of We the People in NC, and none in Cornel West's party??]

[On a proposed open pit copper mine in Oak Flat, Arizona 

From 7 Directions of Service:  Meet a delegation from Apache Stronghold at the Avila Center (711 Mason Road) in Durham at 10am and at the Raleigh Mennonite Church (121 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh) at 5pm on Wednesday, September 4th.

For more information see: 

Upcoming Directions of Service events:

  • WED Sep 4 at 6:30pm – Online Workshop: How to Write a Letter to the Editor – register here

  • SAT Sep 14 at 4pm – CAROLINADAZE: Music & Arts Festival featuring Crystal and Jason from 7DS – get tickets!

  • SUN Sep 22 (day-long) – International Rights of Nature Tribunal against MVP and other major violators – register here

  • SAT Oct 5 (day-long) – Land Day & Community First Aid Training – register here ]

[Meet CAUSE, the movement for an Amazon warehouse union at RDU1 in Wake CountySeptember 4th 11:45-12:45 in Classroom Buildng 106 on Duke's East Campus.]

[September 4th is a global day of action to close Gua[n]tanamo, with vigils in DC, NYC, Cobbleskil(New York state) Detroit, MinneapolisSan Francisco, LA, Mexico City, London, Brussels,, etc., according to WCW.]

[The annual Hopscotch Music Festival was September 5-7th in downtown Raleigh.]

[The NC Folk Festival was September 6-8 in ]

[A Voice for Justice in Palestine webinar September 12th at 7pm "U.S. Gaza Doctors Speak Out:" ]

[A September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows webinar September 12th at 7pm "Guantanamo 101:" ]

[ArabCon 2024 will be September 12-15th in Dearborn, Michigan.]

[Hillsborough Hog Day will be September 13-14th.]

[Bugfest 2024 will be 10am-7pm September 14th at the NCMNS in Raleigh, with a nice looking, bold black and white leopard moth in the logo: ]

[National Clean Up Day in Carrboro

"If you, your family, or group would like to help with the annual cleanup, contact Galen Poythress at (919) 918-7392 or email jpoythress [at carrboronc gov].

Date: Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024

Time: 9 - 11:30 a.m.

Location: Carrboro Century Center, 100 N. Greensboro St., Carrboro, NC 27510"

Orange County Short Range Transit Plan survey, ending September 11th, and the Town of Carrboro's announcement wasent out at 3:42pm on the ]

[Music September 14th at the Red Hat Amphitheatre: ]

[Chatham County Sculpture Show September 14th and 21st in Pittsboro: ]

[#ObserveTheMoon September 14th]  [ ]  [Incoming CMEs? -- ]  [A murky sky, but the Moon was visible a dusk if not later.]

[September 15th-October 15th will be Hispanic Heritage Month in Pittsboro.]  [And in Carrboro.  More?]

[The NCBG's 36th annual Sculpture in the Garden will begin September 15th.]

[La Fiesta Del Pueblo will be September 15th in downtown Raleigh .]

[September 15th:  Triangle VegFest]  [A Black Farmers' Market in Durham.]

[Conserving Carolina auction, open until September 22nd: ]

[NYC Peace Week?]

[September 16th at 5pm Friends of Bolin Creek there will present a briefing online regarding the coal ash dump plans ]

[September 17th iNational Voter Registration Day, with a drive 10am-2pm at the Chatham Community Library in Pittsboro.]

[From BAJ

            7:30 PM Tuesday September 17
   at the Community Church of Chapel Hill
               106 Purefoy Rd, 
Balance and Accuracy in Journalism
         Beth Brockmanreport 
on a recent Interfaith Solidarity Delegation
        to Palestine and Israel 

BAJ programs over the years have sought to reduce
the distance between our understanding and our role
as citizens who care about policies and outcomes.  

Beth Brockman’s talk and photos will open our discussion
of shared insights, responsibilities and action.
We’ll see photos and hear her thoughts on the recent 
peace delegation experience in Israel/Palestine.

As a spiritual director and a member leader in the multi racial
LGBTQ liberation organization Southerners on New Ground 
(SONG),  aware of our predecessors history in NC, the 
Occaneechi band of Saponi Nation, Beth had much
to process from this experience in Israel/Palestine.

The delegation met with Palestinian peace advocates 
and survivors of the longest military occupation in 
modern times, to bear witness and affirm relationship
with people of the region.  What future do Palestinians see?
What options do we have as citizens of countries 
supporting chaos and dispossession?

Rehearsals for a musical play are occurring in the sanctuary
where we usually meet, so watch for entrance to 
Community Room, in the building to your right!

         See below for related events 
           especially Friday Sept 20

BAJ programs have, for many years, featured reports by
travelers to the MidEast or Latin America, with insights
on forces driving conflict and oppression, presented
by people working for solutions and cooperation.

Speakers have included Kathy Kelly on Iraq relief efforts; 
Stan Goff’s “innovative" role in Haiti intervention; Tom Stern 
and Tema Okun with “Two Jews visit the West Bank;” 
Gail Phares and Jeff Boyer, from Honduras following 
assassination of environmental leader Berta Caceres;
Lisa Sullivan and Lois Ann Hobbs on Venezuela's native
pro-democracy movement; and two Jewish peace advocates 
from UK who sailed on a boat to Gaza challenging Israel's blockade.
Rania Masri has equipped us with durable Mideast insights, 
and Miko Peled shared his remarkable journey into peace advocacy 
from his “General’s Son” beginnings.

            Next Friday:

NC Peace Action Award Dinner
Friday September 20 6:30PM
Highland United Methodist Church
1901 Ridge Rd, RALEIGH 
  Honoring Dr. Mark Perlmutter and 
  Hashem Amireh / UNC Students for Justice in Palestine
Hashem recently spoke to BAJ on the student encampment
and the need for public calls to the administration to drop remaining
criminal charges against one of the students.

Lauren Steiner of Asheville wil facilitate the evening.


The following discussion is posted online and [accessible] any time:

Burmese genocide scholar returning from Palestine & Israel: 
expresses alarm he's "never seen a situation where genocidal paradigm 
or policies and practices are so creatively pursued and so total
[in] a vast ecosystem of genocidal methodologies.”  22 minutes


[A partial lunar eclipse September 17-18th:

[An NC DEQ hearing on the Town of Chapel Hill's plans regarding the coal ash dump will bSeptember 18th at 6:30pm in Room B at the Chapel Hill Public LibrarySeptember 16th at 5pm there will be a Friends of Bolin Creek online briefing: ]

[According to the NC Department of Public Instruction [media:  984-236-2000], the NC Council on the Holocaust will meet September 19th at the Durham Jewish Community Center 11:45am-2:45pm (at 1937 West Cornwallis Road)]  [I've never heard of this officia(?) group before.  Is it new?  There is no mention of current news in the agenda (?):  efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ ]

[September 17-22: the Wilson County Fair in Wilson.]

[The 74th Chatham County Annual Fair will bSeptember 19-22.]

[An STN anti-Guantanamo vigil 12-1pm September 20th outside Congresswoman Deborah Ross' office, at 300 Fayetteville Street in Raleigh.]  [ ]

[September 20-22, hybrid format: ]

[September 20-21 Carolina Indie Fest in Sanford.]

[Cary Environmental Symposium September 20th at 7pm with Doug Tallamy;  September 25th, etc.: ]

[Volunteer wetland monitoring signup:  September 6th at Hemlock Bluffs, September 21st at Robertson Millpond, and September 29th at Mason Farm Biological ]

[A Long March for Unity and Justice from Cullowhee to Wilmington in NC, September 20-29th, in this area on the 24th, and another event at the Hayti Heritage Center in Durham on the 15th at 2:30pm, but the unstated purpose of the NC Poor People's Campaign in doing this is "GOTV" for Harris and the Democratic Party.  Did they mean to echo the name of the Communist Party of China's Long March?]

[The 49th Centerfest will be September 21-22 in downtown Durham: ]

[The Raleigh Tamale Festival will be September 21st.]  [ ]

[September 21st 2-6pm Morrisville International Festival; 12-5pm Mead Fest in Pittboro; Cary Public Safety Day 11am-2pm; Taste of Lebanon at Saint Sharbel Church in Raleigh September 21-22; Hispanic Heritage Fiesta at the Shakori Hills Arts Center in Pittsboro September 21st 12-6pm; Goat Fest 2024 in Fuquay-Varina; Burwell SchooFestival; Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge tours; Festa Italiana 11am-7pm in ApexRaleigh Food Truck Rodeo September 21st 12-6pm; Come Out and Play'sculpture show August 24th to September 21st in Pittsboro ends.]

[NARGS "Hidden Gems of the Southern Blue Ridge Escarpment" at 10am September 21st, October 19th, November 23rd, January 18th? -- ]

[Julian Assange Is Free! victory events -- September 21st at 6pm in NYC 22nd 7-9pm in Berkeley, CA ; and September 28th at 5pm at Busboys and Poets in DC.]

[The American Monetary Institute's 20th International Monetary Reform Conference will be September 21st and 26-29th.]

[The equinox is on September 22nd in 2024.]  [Mabon?]  [ and ]

[Raleigh Market and the September 22nd Free Stuff Market]

[September 13-22 open house at the Juniper Level Botanic Garden in Raleigh.]

[The IBMA's World of Bluegrass will be September 24-28th in Raleigh: ]

[September 24th 6-7:30pm Democracy for Affordable Housing at the PSH ]

[The 28th annual Carolina Stampede Music Fest will be September 27-28th in Williamston, and the Carolina Wetlands Association will ]

[Rage Against the War Machine -- 12pm September 28th at the Washington Monument in ]

[September 28th:  Asia Fest in Cary, Plain Air Festival in Durham]

[The Gorges Monarch Festival will be 10am-4pm September 28th in Sapphire, in WNC: ]

[On September 28th, National Public Lands Day -- A rare California condor release at Vermilion Cliffs NM in northern Arizona in-person and livestreamed, at 1pm MDT in Utah/12pm MST in Arizona: ]

[Paperhand Puppet's current show ends September 29th (?): ]

[September 29th in Pittsboro: ]

[?? -- October 1st Morehead Planetarium's monthly Carolina Science Cafe, "Data on Contemporary Authoritarianism," in Carrboro.]

[Durham's Big Sweep iin October ]

[Discuss Durham's ongoing "Unified Development Ordinance" rewrite procesthis fall

Tuesday, October 1 at 5:30PM, East Regional Library, 211 Lick Creek Lane

Saturday, October 5 at 10AM, South Regional Library, 4505 S Alston Ave

Tuesday, October 22 at 6PM, Zoom Virtual Meeting

Saturday, November 9 at 10:30AM, North Regional Library, 221 Milton Rd

Tuesday, November 19 at 5:30PM, Main Library, 300 N Roxboro Rd

[On Raleigh's next Comprehensive Plan: ]

[Chatham County released its 750-page proposed new UDO August 31st, the Planning Board was to vote on it October 1st, and there will be a hearing October 7th at the Chatham County Agricultural Center: , , etc.]

["Parmer Edge" annexation hearing in Durham October 7th: ]

[The 20th annual Fall Shakori Hills GrassRoots Festival of Music and Dance will be October 3-6th in ]

[October First Friday Raleigh October 4th]

[Camellia Forest Nursery open houseOctober 4-6, 11-13, and 18-20 in Orange County: ]

[A Taste of Greece in Durham will be October 5-6th.]

[October 5th 9am-1pm Meridian Waste Shotwell Environmental Park Charity Pumpkin Patch and more.]

[Prime event October 8-9th?]

[Ends October 11th? -- ]

[The NC State Fair will be October 17-27 in Raleigh, with political activity going on, probably the WRC's button of the year, etc. ]

[October 18th a Third Friday Durham Art Walk and Galley Crawl?]

[Zombiepalooza in Cary October 25th]  [Pumpkin Flotilla at Bond Park in Cary]

[November 1-2in Pittsboro: ]

[Festifall in Chapel Hilwill be October 26th and November 2nd, 12-5pm, this year: ]

[The Orange County Studio Tour will be over a few weekends early November: ]

[From the Uhuru Movement/APSP:

1. Submit letters to the judge as we approach our sentencing date scheduled for November 25, after which we intend to file a motion to appeal the conspiracy conviction.

2. Make plans to come to Tampa, Florida on November 25 to pack the courthouse for our sentencing hearing. Details will be announced soon. 

Mobilize for a massive anti-colonial free speech mobilization in Washington, DC on November 2, 2024, the annual Black People’s March on the White House sponsored by the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations. This will be an anti-colonial march, led by Africans, Mexicans, Palestinians, Indigenous, Filipino and other colonized peoples.

4. Continue to stand with the Uhuru Movement and the African liberation struggle. Support, protect and defend our dual power programs for African working class economic development and self-determination. Donate to our work at

5. Finally, the most important thing you can do right now is to inform the world that the U.S. government lied and lost. The Uhuru Movement told the truth and won.] ]

[The US general election will be November 5th.]

[DarkSky International's Under One Sky conference will be November 8-9th.]

[November 17th 12-6pm in Pittsboro: ]

[Downtown Raleigh Tree Lighting 5-8pm November 22nd.]

[What I remember from recent NPR headlines:  The UNC fraternity party [Flagstock2024for their deeds in April [on the 30th] (covered in the current [July-August issue of Carolina Alumni Review] alumni magazine issue, to add [the named fraternities are Pi Kappa Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, etc.]) was around the 2nd at an American Legion office, with 200-300 participants, not 3000, or 2000.  Duke University's graduate student union [through UE?] celebrated a year of recognition on the 2nd.]


[The Scrap Exchange in Durham had to close August 25th due to the coronavirus, and hopes to re-open on the 27th.  They say that closing for one day could remove $10,000 dollars from their monthly earnings, and they are asking for donations and social media shares  The world seems to be pretending that the coronavirus ilong gone, out with the 2022 mid-term elections (?), and the Ugovernment recently declared the coronavirus to be "endemic."  There is a new vaccine, but people get infected despite getting multiple vaccinations and/or having had previous infections, and I'm guessing that the new vaccine won't prevent people from carrying the virus.  A few years ago they said that the vaccination would prevent life-threatening illness.  I kept wearing a simple mask in 2024, though it probably doesn't work against the coronaviru(or influenza?), and I was thinking about finishing with it this year.  And now there is a new pox.]

Durham City Council annexation and zoning hearings September 3rd after 7pm:  the Leigh Valley project on Wendell and George King roads, bordering Little Creek (formed by Bolin and Booker creeks in Chapel Hill), DPS' Creekside school and the Chapel Hill town limits (?); this is being continued from April 1st; and two hearings on the Woodlands Preserve project, one for Torredge Road and one for Koback Drive

[Among other hearings October 7th at the DCC183.169 acres around the headwaters of Northeast Creek and a current or former Coca Cola 'farm;' nearby there was a vast Parmer... at the north end of RTP, east of Northeast Creek Parkway and the Creek, in what must now be a former forest; nothing from the Planning Commission:

"Parmer Edge (Z2300027A) is a request to change the zoning from Industrial Light (IL) and Residential Rural (RR), Falls/Jordan District B Watershed Protection Overlay (F/J-B), County jurisdiction to Industrial Light (IL) and Residential Rural (RR), Falls/Jordan District B Watershed Protection Overlay (F/J-B), City jurisdiction located at 3426, 3442 and 3516 Angier Avenue, 651, 675 and 683 Ellis Road, 3402, 3520, 3540 and 3602 Rigsbee Road, and 2435, 2505, 2590, 2801, 2815 and 3654 Glover Road."

The Durham Board of [County] Commissioners will discuss annexations outside the urban growth boundary at their work session at 9am on the 3rd. 

[Democratic Party-run Durham city/county allegedly believes in protecting the environment, but serving construction interests near Falls Lake/ the Neuse River is more important? --

The Alston Chapel Road project issue continues in Pittsboro in Chatham County.

An opening ceremony Tuesday, September 10th at 10am:

[New murals are to be painted on the high concrete manholealong the Bolin Creek Trail in Chapel Hill in mid-September, replacing existing artwork.]

[Fridays on Franklin at 140 West Franklin Street in Chapel Hilwill be 3-8pm September 6, 13, 20, and October 4 and 11.  Festifall?]  [October 26th and November 2nd, 12-5pm: ]

[From Keep Durham Beautiful:

In Vanceboro:

Durham'annual Centerfest ialso coming up in September.]  [ [Also the annual NC Big Sweep trash cleanups and it is or was Creek Week in Rowan County, NC (?), etc.] [The Birmingham Botanical Garden's Fall Plant Sale will be September 5-7th in Alabama.  More locaplant sales are probably coming up in September-October.] [The NCBG's Fall Plant Sale will be September 27-28th and the Paul J Ciener Botanical Garden's Fall Plant Sale will be October 5th 8am-12pm.]  [The Brunswick County Master Gardener Volunteer Association'Fall Plant Sale will be September 20-21 in Bolivia, NC (?) ] [The 8th Annual Fall for OrchidShow will be September 13-15th at the JCRA in Raleigh.]  [The Asheville Botanical Garden'Fall Plant Sale will beSeptember 14th 9am-3pm.]  [ -- October 3-5th]

[Upcoming library book sales:

The Friends of the Durham Library will have an in-person sale September 13-14th at their Shoppes of Hope Valley location (3825 South Roxboro Street in Durham).  FODL and the Museum of Durham History will host author Miguel Chirinos on his book Simon Bolivar in the United States: Bicentennial Visit (1807-2007) September 6th at 7pm at the above location; Chirinos is from Venezuela and moved to the USA in 1996, and lives in Durhamfor more information and free tickets, see:

The Friends of the Chapel Hill Library plans in-person book sales December 6-8, April 10-13, August 21-24, and December 4-7, 2025.  There will be a Fall Book Giveaway for Members at the Library October 26, 2024 from 10am to 3pm, during early voting, they say:

The Friends of the Chatham County Library will have its regular Fall 2024 Book Sale September 26-28th at the Chatham Community Library (197 NC Highway 87 North in Pittsboro):  

This isn't an exhaustive list.]

Wikipedia event is coming up at ECU's Joyner Library Thursday, September 5th 12-2pm. s

[Basically Democratic Party propaganda for three hours the evening of the 19th on WUNC? -- a senior NYT political editor on Fresh Air at 7pm (on before in 2022); Anti-Democratic author (who is he?), etc. on Due South at 8pm; and pro-NATO propaganda, versus warmonger Trump, on The Middle at 9pm, with a former ambassador to the Czech Republic (?) and a journalist woman.  Almost every caller bought into it, and the rest probably weren't very left.  Poor Estonia and Poland, "Russia" was "90 miles" way in Cuba (though a caller brought up the US missiles in Turkey, "democracy" (Franco? Turkey? Greece?), Ukraine has a right to join NATO, NATO fights "fascism," Harry Truman on WWI and II, Putin fears Finland joining NATO, etc.  They might air late calls.  The election isn't until November 5th, and NPR has become even more partisan.]

[The Usoldier who crossed the Korean DMZ has been released by the US military on time served.]

[On September 19th NPR briefly mentioned that Lee Roberts has UNC's police investigating a pro-Palestinian anti-war demonstration that alleged damaged buildings recently.] 

[October 7th foreknowledge? -- ]

[For the first time in 22 years Germany sent two warships through the Taiwan Strait, on the other side of the world; other military exercises in the Pacific; harassing China and DPR Korea; is the FRG even an important naval power in the early 21st century? -- ]

[An ad for NPR's next weekday Morning Edition, September 16th at 5am -- how the Ukraine War benefits the US economy [in Pennsylvania], they say.  Lindsey brought up the natural resources, as in the Iraq War.] ]

[ ]

[ ]

[An interview with the author of on the US and Ukrainian fascists: ]  [Incudes fanciful maps of a divided up Russia, with a US zone in the middle; "decolonization" Russia is a code word for abolishing the country?]

[Israel's US and NATO-backed war crimes in Gaza:

[On the next item: ]

[? -- The Hannibal Directive on October 7, 2023:

[Nine MQ-9 Reaper drones have been shot down by Yemen? -- ]

[ ] ] ]

[NATO escalation of the Ukraine War, hidden in plain view?  WWIII? -- ]  [American warmongers think the US government istabbing Ukraine in the back, setting up for terrorism in NATOland after the war ends?  Don't believe that Russia has "red lines?"] ]

[Looking at a nuclear world war in Eastern Europe for the DOD: ]

[From Elon Musk: ] on the wars, et., in the "Rust Belt"] ]

[On Goat Life: ]

[A review of I Saw the TV ]  [Around September 12th or 13th Thom Hartmann blamed Trump for a decline in romcoms or difficulties in love and incels coming out of the closet, while Bill Clinton inaugurated an era of love.  Mixing up causes and effects to confuse voters?  I think a handsome young Romanian Trotskyist in ChapeHill once told me that the revolution will be the panacea for problems of love.  I think Enver Hoxha of Albania is supposed to have been one of the few communist leaders to have addressed love, but I don't know when and where.]

[On Russians at War and the Toronto Film Festival ]

[ ]

[Ukrainian nationalists against a documentary shown at the Toronto Film Festival September 13th : ]

[On ]

[Two warmongers running for president: ]

[? -- ]

[ ]

[ , etc.]

[ ]

[Leningrad in WWII: ]

[In ]

[Freelancing with ]

[On the Ukrainian biolabs charge: ]

[On Dick ]

[On the ]

[A coup plot Honduras? -- ]

[On "AI:" ]

[ ]

[ ]

[  A petition below?]

[The LiUNA union backs Israel; a Canadian petition: ]

[An MIR founder: ]

[Ukraine attacked a humanitarian center in ]

[Two more on Matt ]

[ ]

[Self-immolation during the "Gulf War" or the first Iraq War and the "Arab Spring:" ]

[On Matt Nelson's self-immolation September 12th in Boston (?): ]  [In one of these links Sam Husseini mentions several cases, some currently anonymous.  An official pointed a gun at Aaron Bushnell, but someone who set themselves on fire outside a royal palace in Jordan sometime before September 14th was actually shot.]

[On Matt Nelson: ]

[In the UK: ]

[In the UK: ] ]

[? -- ]

[? -- ]

[Travelling to the UK: ]

[From November 2024, US travellers will be fingerprinted by the EU? --

[? -- ]

[On and

[?? - ]

[By the recently deceased H Bruce Franklin in November 1982, on Encyclopedia ]

[ ]

[September 10th Spanish movement statement on developments with presidential candidate Edmondo Gonzalez and the Venezuelan election: ]

[? -- ]

[ ]

[Truckers on strike in ] ]

[ ]

[On "Havana Syndrome:" ]

[? -- ]

[? -- ]

[ ]

[On the PCB dump protests in Warren County, NC in 1982 and utopian "Black capitalism" in [Floyd] McKissick's Soul City ]

[ ]

[Haleu and MOX: ]

[On the Federal ]

[On Ukraine: ] ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ Ukraine]

[? -- Ukraine and neo-Nazism: ]

[?? -- Ukrainian nationalists on the new cancellation of writer Mikhail ]

[Ukraine conspiring with the PKK/PYD and the renamed Hayat Tahrir aSham in Idlib, Syria to recuit Chechen and Georgian Islamists? -- ]

[Ukraine, Ivory Coast, and terrorism:  ]

[French backing of terrorists in Mali and Niger? -- ] ]

[ ]

[On the September 10th Trump-Harris debate (note that no third parties need apply): ]

[ ]

[? -- ]

[? -- ]

? -- ]

[? -- Potentially exonerating DNA evidence was sabotaged by the government? -- ]

[? -- ]

[? -- ] ]

[USAF F-35s from RAF Lakenheath, a German Eurofighter Typhoon, a Finnish Hawk, etc. practiced landing on Hosio Highway in Ranua, Finland in early September in preparation for WWIII: ]

[ ]

[Finland'Lenin Museum is being closed down this year; it opened in 1946, in the historic Tampere Workers' Hall

[Images of J.V. Stalin that vanished from the Moscow Metro after 1953:  See also on the art in the Moscow Metro: ]

[? Language:  Vladimir Putin and other Russians can be seen smiling on TV and in photos.]

[Arnoux's beaked ]

[ ]

[July 8, 1871 and August 8, 1878 ]

[On Sarah Wilkinson ]

[In France: ]

[ ]

[AIPAC and Russia influencing ]


On an extreme lockdown under Walz?  What about in China's effort to stop the cornonavirus?  --

Repeated drive-by gunfire at a military base in the US? --

Pro- to anti-Hoxha:

The star Nunki, a name in Babylonian, sigma in Sagittarius, is supposed to be associated with the ancient Babylonian city of Eridu.  [As was Canopus I think.]  [9/14:  According to: ]  Why?  Nunki is in the upper center left of the constellation, apparently associated with the military god Nergal, etc.  Pabilsag?  On Eridu: and see the annotated 1899 book Star Names, linked online on the right.

For Greek mythology, but who made the website? --

Against gun control:

On China:

Against gun control:

A few documents:

The binational kites journal was replaced by US and Canadian sites a while ago.

The Voice of Albania

More on modern Albanian writer Ismail Kadare, deceased July 1st ( ), etc.:  

Jared Kushner and potential construction in a wild part of coastal Albania:  [This came up more than once on the BBC recently.]  [Rick Steves and another tour guide badmouthing socialist Albania and Enver Hoxha, etc. September 15th program on the Balkans; you have to be "democratic" to join the brigands and marauders of NATO??]

[On the BBC 9/14:  Is Denmark giving anti-whaling activist Paul Watson the Julian Assange treatment?  Is this common?  He has been held in Greenland for week(on a flimsy pretext?), and Japan wants to get him?  The Japanese justice system is "medieval" Watson said.]

[Hvladimir, a friendly and mysterious beluga whale, was found dead in Risavika Bay at the south end of Norway around the beginning of September: ]

[A new issue of the USFSP's Bulletin: ]

Trotskyist and other Marxist ephemera

[VFP -- 55 copies for $35, with no extra shipping cost: ]

[On United ] ] ]

[Petition against Biden-Harris' September 2nd airplane heist from Venezuela: ]

[The USA's broad economic

[US nuclear false alarms, as in Hawaii in January 2018: ]

[ million from AIPAC concerned about Russian interference]

[ ]

[ ]much, it blackmails members of the LGBT community...

[ ] ]

[Pakistan, etc.: ]

[On ]

[On September 11, 1973 in Chile ]

[Terrorism in ESalvador organized by Leopoldo CastilloEdmundo Gonzalez Urrutia (the  2024 presidential candidate of the rightist Venezuelan "opposition"), and the CIA? -- ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ In ]

[On Bolivia: ]

[RFK and AIPAC as a "foreign agent:" ] ] ] ] ]

[On Nikki Haley in Taiwan, etc.: ]

[ ]

[They OK the killing of Palestinian ] 

Petition related to the above and violent but non-fatal Israeli attacks on US and EU citizens in the West ]

[On Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, etc.: ]

[A letter on the killing of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi to sign: ]  [The same letter, for individual signatures: ]

[ ]

[ ] ] but three huge lies] 

[ ]

[MintPress News:  Biden's words February 3rd versus now: ]

[ On Eygi: ]

[The morning of September 6th the BBC and NPR (it briefly came up at midday on NPR's 1A  program) reported that an unnamed Turkish-American peace activist [a woman, 26] [with ISM] [from Seattle, Washington] had been shot in the head by an Israeli soldier (?) during a regular (?) protest  [of illegal settlementsin the occupied West Bank  and has died.  This event will no doubt be kept quiet in the US mainstream media [or blamed on the victim or the "fog of war?"].]  [The US wants Israel to investigate its own conduct, and Israel says that an "instigator" of violence [far off stonethrowing?] was shot?]  ["A main instigator of violent activity," as in alleged stonethrowing by Eygi.] [Is Rachel Corrie well-known for NPR listeners?  I don't recalNPR (or the BBC) ever mentioning the International Solidarity Movement or one of its martyred members before September 6th.]  [Aysenur Ezgi Eygi was killed in or near the Palestinian town of Beita (near Nablus?), where the settlement Evayatar was authorized or regularized by Israel in July 2024: ]  [ ]  [The Faz'a farmer protection campaign? -- ]  [The ]  [A September 10th article: ]  

[Propaganda against Venezuela from John Otis and others on the BBC and NPR September 8-9th, but no more mentions of Eygi?]

[Green Party presidential candidate JilStein was denied ballot access in Nevada, through a clerical error by the secretary of state's office, or is it a conspiracy, carried out by which party? -- ]

[A Florida abortion measure and the police; nationamedia brings this up, because it is being done by a Republican governor: ]  [WUNC mentioned issues here, but NPR ignores the many attacks on democracy by the Democratic Party, including in-person harassment and calls, just not by police officers, and weak lawsuits meant to drain money from opponents.]

[Booker Ngesa-Omole [no hyphen], the national vice chair of the Communist Party of Kenya, was taken from a Qatar Airlines plane and arrested September 7th: ]

[September 11 edit:  Around September 8th? -- the NPR ludicrous headline -- Russia and anti-Trump Iran are doing whatever, and China is 'focusing on down ballot races' or something.  They sound like prospective voters.  What happened to Iran wanting to get revenge against Trump?  September 11th post debate I heard something else strange on what is almost Harris' radio channel.  Due South on labor and the "purple ballot" September 10th, but labor for politicians like "Union Joe."  Voting began to become distasteful and a chore in the Biden era.  You 'can't' vote against Bidenism [there is Trump, but he is not an option, being a warmonger too], the wars, government-private repression, government mercenaries, some anti-environmental policies, etc.  "Block and Build," they say, but they are with NATO on Ukraine.  [They can work for the Democratic Party, but it won't treat them as allies it needs to court and respect.]  "The couch" or JilStein, and what of Josh Stein, etc. down ballot?  In I think Northern Ireland there was a strategy of running for office and then refusing to serve if elected, sidestepping complicity with the bourgeois government.  Earnest callers to The Middle or whatever last week were such a familiar type.]

[In detail: ]

[Maria Butina interview: ]

[Uhuru 3 trial article from September 6th: ]

[For Uhuru 3 updates: ]

[Electronic Intifada's weekly live update on the war in the Middle East and political issues, has been frozen by YouTubeso the September 11th program was streamed through Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, and X/Twitter.]

[Deleted from YouTube:  A chill beyond the unseasonable weather last week?]

Arrested for pro-Palestinian speech in the UK:  It has been claimed that the Democratic Party promotes violence abroad while Trump promotes repression and violence at home, but have the Democrats decided to join in on domestic repression, to protect their foreign policy?  Vote blue to prevent "fascism?"  Also discussed on Consortium News. ]

[Rising "fascism" in NATOland, under Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, Olaf Scholz, Emmanuel Macron, Volodymyr Zelensky, Rishi Sunak, and Keir Starmer?  Government targeting of Richard Medhurst, Sarah Wilkinson, Danny Shaw, Mary Kostakidis, Craig Murray, Scott Ritter, John Kiriakou [he was in a CodePink Zoom event on the 3rd], the Uhuru 3, and others.  It is going beyond what Obama did and approaching George W Bush (a member of the anti-Trump "Resistance")?  Sharmine Narwani and The Cradle were permanently banned across Meta when the DNC kicked off.  YouTube censored Andrew Napolitano's program, over Kyiv's Azov and neo-Nazism, in June.  The recent arrest of Pavel Durov under Macron and the banning of social media companies by the USA and Brazil might be related (TikTok was banned in part to censor pro-Palestinian and anti-war thought)Washington can't really complain now when China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, etc. ban a US social media company or website-- ] ] ] ] ]

[On the indictment of US citizen Dimitri Simes and his wife ]

[ ]

[Silencing RT as a Lebanese TV channel was silenced in the USA? --

[ ]

[An (elected?) AfD politician's bank account was closed ]

[Repressive legislation in ]

[August 19th at the DNC Palestinian-American Dr Nadia Ahmad of Florida was beaten with "We Love Joe" signs by five men from the LIUNA union and other Muslim delegates were barred from the DNC: ]

[On the DNC, etc., "Long Live the Palestinian Resistance Movement!" -- ]

[I forgot to add -- the quiet banning of certain free periodicals at the Chapel Hill Public Library in 2024?  Librarian "free speech" using tax payer-funded institutions and banning the legal free speech of regular people?]

[A North Carolina Bidenist on foreign policy and the election, pre-Trump assassination attempt style:

[Anne Applebaum and Peter Pomerantsev decrying those fascistic Republicans and lack of love for the Ukrainian coup government; through The Atlantic: ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[A rightist take on the Twitter/X ban, etc.: ]

[On the Twitter/X ban in ]  [The same article? -- ]

[ ]

[Pavel Durov, the ex-pat Russian founder of Telegram, or the Russian Mark Zuckerberg, was arrested on the 24th in France -- another case of "Western" hostage-taking and information war?  Would the UK seek to arrest Elon Musk?  Did the French government do this on its own?  Even western Ukrainians use Telegram.  Durov is supposed to be a citizen of the Russia, St. Kitts and Nevis, and the UAE, and has a French passport.  He flew from Azerbaijan to France by private jet and was arrested in Paris.  Reminiscent of the case against Kimdotcom or a more recent prosecution?]

[ ]

On ]

[Volume 22, Issue 8, on free speech in ]

[In Australia ]

[September 6th: ]

[ ] ]

[ ]

[ ] ]

[Liz Cheney endorsed Harris at Duke:  The Chronicle.]  [ ]

[The party of Liz and Dick Cheney versus the party of Trump and DeSantis, both parties of war and barbarism: ]

[Saying yes to appeasement? -- ]

[? -- ]

[? -- A confederation of Poland and Galicia ]

[ of Nazism]

[Brandenburg election September 22nd and more? -- ] ]

[Shipping workers in harm's way in the Middle Eastern war ]

[Granma on aircraft stolen from Venezuela by the ]

[A heavy topic on NPR and the BBC, yet the USA elects many of its judges and many condemn our appointed Supreme Court; Mexico has pervasive "narco" gangs, they say?  They have a problem with the even slightly "pink" new Mexico. -- ]

[Healthcare reforms in Niger: ]

[The Intercept -- No Palestinian-Americans were allowed to speak at the DNC (any Arab-Americans?)?  The Democratic Party and the death penalty?  A claim that the NYPD illegally leaks sealed juvenile criminal records.]

[James J Zogby's DNC spin: ]

[ ]

[ war]

[ ]

The media claims that Harris isn't like Biden, and it doesn't talk about him much now; satire:

A collection of Harris' past statements on Russia, the Ukraine War, etc.:

[? -- ]

[? -- ]

[September 4th:  New US charges against Hamas, not those committing ethnic cleansing, and the "Department of Justice" actlike Israel can be believed when it claims that Hamas executed prisoners.  Would Harris keep Merrick Garland in office, or again try to put him on the Supreme Court, where he could continue serving the Democratic Party's Eurasian war effort?]

[Ray McGovern on Russiagate II ]

[ ]  I read about the FPS somewhere.  Does the Social Security Administration facility count?  And there are military and other Federal facilities in the Triangle.

Phil Donahue passed away August 18th:

The CIA on campus, "chaotic good:"  I once heard that students chased the CIA out of Chapel Hill around 40 years ago. 

[?? -- ]

[?? On Cleve Backster and the CIA: ]

[Anti-ANSWER and pro-UFPJ: 

[September 8th: ] ]

[ ]

[California under Gavin Newsom: ]

[On Malcolm Harris ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[September 5th NPR's "1A" again found it acceptable to have (only) real estate and construction interests and their supportive "journalists" address housing problems.  Jerusalem Demsas of The Atlantic condemned people for daring to speak up in opposition in planning decisions (it's undemocratic and an often white and more well off minority hurting the majority), called for more state control over local planning decisions (as when the Republican-run and trending rightward NC General Assembly forced Durham to approve 751 South around 10 years ago), and she said that it is "innumerate" to blame any cause other than a simple lack of supply for any US housing problems.  Jeremy Garcia (?) might have been Jenn Whyte/White's (?) other guest.  Everything was great with the housing "market" until the 40's-50's.  Jerusalem Demsas' book:  Vote blue, because they 'believe' in climate change, "our democracy," and protecting the environment.  Preserve 30% of the world or something for the environment.  Where?  It has just been claimed that the loss of bats due to a European fungal disease causes an increase in pesticide use, leading to higher human mortality [ ]  [ ].  I recently saw a comment saying that the Republican Party stabs the public from the front, while Democratic Party stabs the public in the back (but people keep voting for them).  More from "liberal" or "neutral" NPR.  That evening on Fresh Air someone from the New Yorker decried free speech protections that prevent the great FBI from doing more to name and target potentially violent "white nationalists."  I doubt that the FBI or the US government as a whole has much regard for free speech protections, and it would use any new powers to do more against the left.]  

[Around September 3-5th On Point discussed the government's program or plan to kill a huge number of barred owls in the Pacific Northwest to preserve the endangered Northern spotted owl.]

[To verify if you are registered to vote in NC, or to stalk voters like the Democratic Party:  NC is the first state for early voting??  Since when is (General) Election Day, November 5th, the 'last day to vote' or whatever NPR and the Democrats are calling it in 2024 (though it is technically the end of voting, with the addition of mailed votes)?  US DST will end November 3rd and EST will return here as normal, DST will not become the new time year-round.]

The mayor of DurhamLeonardo Williams, was at the DNC and there will be a 2024 campaign event at a Durham restaurant today, the 24th, at 7pm at Zweli's Kitchen downtown

The mayor's campaign website:

[Schoolkids Records in Chapel Hill will close at the end of 2024, but newer All Day Records opened in Carrboro in 2010.]

[ ? -- On the northern Outer Banks of North Carolina:

? -- ]

[Three British Griffon 12000TD hovercrafts will begin operating in Oita Prefecture, Japan this year, reviving a hovercraft service that ran from 1971 to 2009, replaced by a new highway; this is Japan's only hovercraft transit operation -- the September 2024 issue of Monocle magazine.']

[??? -- Behind a paywall?  The same trend has occasionally been discussed or manifested on NPR, etc.? --

[Skeptical of Maduro's election win: ]

[?? -- ]

[? -- ]

[Could be interesting, a year-long road trip series, though in a pro-Israel US rightist outlet: with America]

[NASA's solar sail ACS3 is as bright as the bright star Vega: ]

There was a fireball over Makurazaki, Kagoshima, in southern Japan at night on August 11th 8:12-8:13pm:

[A fireball was tracked over the Philippines before September 6, 2024?]

"'A magnificent meteor'" like "'a dragon,'" or "'a tapeworm,'" white to dark red, reportedly flew from Perakirchen to Windhag over Austria around 10pm September 27, 1924:  FT448.

There was an accidental release of non-native Atlantic salmon from a Cooke Aquaculture Pacific, LLC fish farm (the company has changed its name since then) close to Cypress Island in northwestern Washington state August 19, 2017:  [August 20, 2023 inörður_farmed_salmon_escape ]  As an side, there is an GMO Atlantic salmon:

In the spring a traffic accident killed about 25,000 juvenile chinook salmon from Lookinglass Hatchery and released about 77,000 into Lookinglass Creek in Oregon, and 350-700 will probably return to the Creek to spawn as adults.  The fish had been meant for the Imnaha River:  FT448.

[Traffication author on the BBC recently? -- A chemical released by tirekills coho salmon in the Pacific Northwest?]

Around 5pm May 20, 2024 several people were hit by lightning by the Elba River in Dresden, Germany.  A very brief and undetected hailstorm at 20,000' destroyed the nose and damaged the windows of an Austrian Airlines Airbus A320 coming into the Vienna Schwechat airport June 9th:  FT448.

Damion Green did not feel that it was proper to cast a self-vote in a Rainier, Washington city council election, and lost by one vote:  FT448    

The solar 365 day counting xiuhpohaulli in ancient Mexico (to edit for the fall, but I will probably post again before then.):

Teotleco (Arrival of the Deities) [Richard F Townsend (1992) gives September 22-October 11th and George C Valliant (1944-1953) September 20-October 9], [9/6:  Wikipedia October 7-26 or September 10-29], Tepeilhuitl (Feast of the Mountains) [Townsend gives October 12-31 and Valliant October 10-October 29], [Wikipedia October 27-November 15 or September 30-October 19], Quecholli (Precious Feather = a bird, the roseate spoonbill, a large, rose-colored wading bird sometimes seen in the Carolinas?  Or a quail?) [Townsend gives November 1-20 and Valliant October 30-November 18][Wikipedia November 16-December 5 or October 20-November 8], Panquetzaliztli (Raising of the Banners) [Townsend gives November 21-December 10 and Valliant November 19-December 8], [Wikipedia December 6-25 or November 9-28 Atemoztli (Descent of Water) [Townsend gives December 11-30 and Valliant December 9-28][Wikipedia December 26-January 14 or November 29-December 18], etc.  

[8/26:  Huey Tecuilhuitl (Great Feast of the Lords) -- Townsend gives July 4-23, Wikipedia [9/4:ōhualli ] July 19-August 7 or June 22-July 11, and Valliant July 2-21; Miccailhuitontli or Tlaxochimaco (Little Feast of the Dead or Birth of Flowers) -- Townsend gives July 24-August 12, Wikipedia August 8-27 or July 12-31, and Valliant July 22-August 10); Huey Miccailhuitl or Xocotlhuetzi (Great Feast of the Dead or Great Fall of the Xocotl Fruit, signifying the harvest?) -- Townsend gives August 13-September 1, Wikipedia August 28-September 16 or August 1-20, and Valliant August 11-30; Ochpaniztli (Sweeping) -- Townsend gives September 2-21, Wikipedia September 17-October 6 or August 21-September 9, and Valliant August 31-September 19; etc.  

[See Edward King, Viscount of Kingsborough's 1831-1848 Antiquities of Mexico, reproducing the corpus of ancient Mesamerican codices known at the time:  More might come to light even now.]  [November 16, 1795-February 27, 1837 in Ireland:,_Viscount_Kingsborough ]

U.S. Peace Council Supports the Right of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela to Defend Itself Against Violent External and Extra-Parliamentary Attempts at Regime Change

August 23, 2024 [ ]

On July 29, 2024, Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) declared President Nicolas Maduro the winner of the presidential election with close to 52 percent of votes cast.

As expected, the US-backed opposition called the July 28 election in Venezuela fraudulent when they lost. They had announced that intention even before the election, as it has been their practice in every one of the 31 national contests since the Bolivarian Revolution began a quarter of a century ago — except for the two contests lost by the Chavistas, the movement founded by Hugo Chávez and carried on by his successor Nicolás Maduro.

In the two days following the CNE’s announcement of the presidential election results, Venezuela was wracked by violent demonstrations by the losing party. Some 25 people were killed and 192 injured, including government security personnel, and extensive property damage mainly on public institutions such as universities, secondary and primary schools, hospitals and health clinics, and transportation facilities were perpetrated.

This repeated illegal and violent reaction to election results in Venezuela is because the far-right opposition, funded and largely directed by Washington, pursues an insurrectionary strategy, rather than a democratic one. Neither they nor the US have recognized the Venezuelan government since Maduro was first elected in 2013.

The US bases its hostile action on the claim that these have not been free and fair elections. But if there is any unfairness in these elections, it is not due to the machinations of the ruling Chavistas — but because of conditions imposed by Washington by their hybrid war against Venezuela. The 930 unilateral coercive measures imposed on Caracas by Washington — euphemistically called sanctions — are no less deadly than bombs with thousands of casualties.

In fact, the Venezuelan people went to the polls on July 28 with a gun aimed at their heads, knowing that if they voted for Maduro the coercive measures would likely continue and even be intensified. This fundamental reality is ignored by the Western press and other current critics of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution. This form of interference and collective punishment is illegal under the charters of the UN and the Organization of American States (OAS) and even US law. After all, what gives the US the credentials to be the world’s arbiter of democracy?

The narrative on the Venezuelan election has been shifted by the Washington and its echoes in the corporate press away from the paramount interference of US’s coercive measures into the intricacies of Venezuelan electoral law. The shifted narrative is designed to place the burden of proof on the sovereign government to prove its legitimacy. Solutions are being proffered by outside actors and supported by US president Biden for calling for new elections in Venezuela and establishment of a “transitional government.” There are no democratic mechanisms for doing that in Venezuela, nor are there any such mechanisms in most countries, including the US. More importantly, this is a violation of Venezuelan sovereignty.

The USPC commends President Maduro’s statement: “Venezuela has the sovereignty of an independent country with a constitution, it has institutions, and the conflicts in Venezuela of any kind are solved among Venezuelans, with their institutions, with their law and with their Constitution.”

The USPC calls for respect for the sovereign institutions of Venezuela, especially now that Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice has confirmed the results of the presidential elections.

We firmly reject all outside interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela.


Shared Governance: A Bet Gone Bad

How Anti-Democratic Governing Boards Are Destroying Universities and What We Can Do About It


SFNDHE Virtual Forum Thursday, September 12 at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT. Register here.

Boards of Trustees are the culprits behind so many of the current threats to higher education in the United States –whether it’s  attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion programs; restrictions on academic freedom; implementation of consultants’ recommendations to eliminate programs and cut faculty; the failure to provide all campus workers with living wages and decent conditions; or the recent wave of campus repression against Palestinian solidarity protests. Learn more about how governing boards (and their financial and political backers) came to exercise so much institutional power, and what it will take to attain the democratic control over higher education that we need and deserve.

Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn, Baker Ferguson Professor of Politics and Leadership Emeritus, Whitman College and author of 
The Autocratic Academy: Reenvisioning Rule within America’s Universities (Duke University Press, 2023) will be in conversation with Jennifer Ruth, Professor of Film and Associate Dean at Portland State University. Ruth is the co-author with Michael Bérubé of It’s Not Free Speech: Race, Democracy, and the Future of Academic Freedom (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022) as well as the co-author with Ellen Schrecker and Valerie C. Johnson of The Right to Learn: Resisting the Right-Wing Attack on Academic Freedom (forthcoming from Beacon Press). Read Ruth’s review of The Autocratic Academy from the Winter 2024 issue of Academe.

Originally posted August 2nd at:

September Days of Solidarity with the People of Palestine

Members of Veterans For Peace do not need to recount the horrors that have engulfed the people of Gaza in order to rekindle our blood-boiling anger.

We witness those horrors in real time as the bombs we pay for rain day and night on innocent people.

Anyone possessing a shred of humanity, especially we who have seen the terrors of war, instinctively feel Martin Luther King’s “fierce urgency of now.” Therefore, it unmistakably follows we must do all in our power to halt the ongoing nightmare in Palestine.

As military veterans who have witnessed war’s depravity and who are casualties of the lies that started those wars, we have the right and the duty to express our outrage but more importantly, to call for a new wave of resistance to compel our government to stop Israel’s genocide.

Specifically, during “September Days of Solidarity with the People of Palestine,” we call on all VFP members and chapters across the U.S. to commit to organize with our allies, the following three actions from September 1 through 7:

1. Deliver to Congressional offices, military bases or any appropriate government office, the VFP letter that lists the U.S. laws government employees and weapons makers violate with every arms shipment to Israel.

2. Do our nonviolent best to enforce those laws with simultaneous civil resistance actions stopping operations at those facilities.

3. Join local campaigns to get governments and universities to boycott Israeli goods and divest Israel government bonds.

Dr. King’s “Fierce urgency of now” demands we risk for peace at least as much as we once did for many unjust wars. We are Veterans For Peace. We are ready once again to answer that call.

Originally posted August 13th at:  The brackets and notes are in the original press release.


For immediate release August 13, 2024


All urge U.S. military personnel to tell Congress “Stop Funding Gaza Genocide!”


A group of former fighters from Palestine and Israel, plus active duty U.S. G.I.s will announce they are conscientious objectors and urge U.S. soldiers, sailors and airmen to tell Congress to stop funding Israel’s genocide in Gaza.


During an online, live-streamed news conference Thursday, three active duty U.S. military members, an Israel Defense Force (IDF) veteran and a former Hamas member will each explain why they decided to stop participating in war and will urge U.S. military members, via the “Appeal for Redress v2,” to demand Congress call a ceasefire in Gaza.


Elik Elhanan, a former special forces soldier in the Israeli Defence Forces from 1995-98, served in south Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza.  In 1997, his 14-year old sister was killed by a suicide bomber in Jerusalem.  He joined Courage to Refuse in 2002, co-founded the Israeli-Palestinian group Combatants for Peace in 2005 and now serves on the board of American Friends of Combatants for Peace. 


He said, “My service made it clear that violence became an end rather than a means.  In nonviolence I found a language for community building that allows for self expression and exchange, while engaging in fierce resistance against the hegemonic discourse.”

Elik received his Phd in Middle East studies from Columbia University and is currently teaching at City College New York.


Sofia Or, 19, spent 85 days in an Israeli military jail for refusing to join the Israeli Defense Force. Granted conscientious objector status and released in June, Or wrote in her statement of refusal, "I refuse to enlist in order to show that change is needed and that change is possible, for the security and safety of all of us in Israel-Palestine, and in the name of empathy that is not restricted by national identity...I want to create a reality in which all children between the Jordan River and the [Mediterranean] sea can dream without cages."


Ahmed Helou, now 52 living in the West Bank and a member of Combatants for Peace said, “I was born to a refugee family that was forced to flee from their home in 1948. Most went to Gaza while my parents fled to Jericho. They told me how Palestinians were killed right in front of them and how they passed by many bodies as they ran for safety.


At 15, I was invited to join a group called Hamas, to fight for the freedom of my people. It was 1987, the First Intifada. I threw rocks and made Palestinian flags.  In 1992, I was sentenced to seven months in an Israeli military prison as a political detainee. When my parents visited they told me about the Oslo process and I couldn’t stop thinking about how we could have another life.


In 2004, a friend invited me to participate in a workshop with Israelis. I was shocked and angry. How could you ask me to meet my enemy who killed my people, took my land, and made me a refugee? By the fourth day, I found myself asking them, ‘Are you really Israelis?’ I had never met any who were not in uniform or carrying out violence – until then, I could not see their humanity. After the seminar, I wanted to know more about the ‘other side,’ to hear their stories and understand them. Then I found Combatants for Peace. 


My wife and I have lost over 80 members of our extended family, including parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins in this war. My one remaining sister, Eman, and her five children are still alive. We are desperate to save them. Every day we awake in fear of what news will come. I hope I will be able to reunite with my sister and her family and be able to live together in peace, safety, and security. All we want is to live together without fear. We are scared for our children’s lives and are doing all we can to protect them from the violence.”


USAF Senior Airman Larry Hebert said, “As an active duty servicemember who joined believing our military was a force for good in the world, I'm horrified by the position of the United States government to fully support the genocide and occupation of civilians in Palestine. I'm also horrified by the true nature of war and its motives. The men and women who recognize their morals and beliefs and act on them are sometimes mistakenly taken as emotional. The truth is that having morals and standing firm on them is a sign of moral intelligence that many people seem to lack. Our complacency towards human suffering while seeing who profits from it is intolerable. I extend my heart to Palestine and those suffering from the country I used to have pride in. These are my views, not those of the Dept. of Defense.”


USAF Senior Airman Juan Bettancourt said, “After 311 days, the death toll is appalling: nearly 41,000 innocent lives brutally taken, the majority women and children. Excruciating reports estimate a devastating total of 186,000 deaths, with almost 93,000 more suffering from severe injuries. Stories of widespread sexual violence, merciless executions, torture, and an endless list of war crimes flood the news, and yet our government remains apathetic to the suffering of Palestinians and the cries of millions calling for a lasting ceasefire and justice. As conscientious objectors, as advocates for peace and human rights, as service members with a shred of moral decency left in us, we adamantly refuse to be accomplices in this genocide. We demand an immediate, unilateral ceasefire and the cessation of all weapons transfers to the reprehensible state of Israel. These are my views, not those of the Dept. of Defense.”

USAF Second Lt. Joy Metzler said, “As an active duty service member, I have been told repeatedly that military strength is the only way to counteract the threats we face in the world. But once again we see that violence, this time perpetrated by the Israeli government, only leads to death and destruction in an ever growing conflict. Hate begets hate, so I am calling for a ceasefire and an end to the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. These are my views, not those of the Dept. of Defense.”

(Ed. note: U.S. active-duty members above are available for comment by calling Bill Galvin, Center on Conscience and War, at  202-446-1461.)


Mike Ferner, Special Projects Coordinator for Veterans For Peace, said “It is highly significant that former fighters from Israel and Palestine have joined American G.I.s to say ‘War is not the answer.’ A growing number of G.I.s tell us they are disturbed about being in the military while our government funds the bombing of innocent people in Gaza. Now we can see that soldiers from all sides of this conflict are sickened by a war run by tyrants benefitting only weapons makers, that is both morally repugnant and violates U.S. laws with every weapons transfer to Israel.” 


Tiffany Goodwin-Van Camp, Executive Director of American Friends of Combatants for Peace shared a message from the Combatants for Peace movement, “We refuse to be pitted against each other as enemies. We support peace, freedom and dignity for all peoples between the river and the sea and an end to the occupation harming both Palestinians and Israelis. Our ultimate goal is collective liberation because we know that the fate of Israelis, Palestinians and all of us is intertwined. Every day, CfP activists live out the values of nonviolence, empathy and mutual recognition, holding each other’s grief and pain. The trauma is endless and ongoing but our community provides hope. It shows that another way is possible; that violence is not inevitable but a human choice that we can change. The only real solution is a hostage/prisoner deal now and a political agreement based on our shared humanity.” 


Civilian defense attorney James M. Branum said, "Too many service members are wrongly told by their commanders that they 'have no right' to speak out about what is happening in Gaza. This is not true as communications to Congress, such as the Appeal for Redress v2, are ‘protected communications’ under military regulations."


Bill Galvin, Counseling Coordinator at the Center on Conscience & War, said, "Our office has received calls from six new conscientious objectors in the past week. Some of them have said they feel complicit in the violence happening in Gaza. All of them have clearly said that participating in that conflict is morally wrong. That's why the Center on Conscience & War is supporting this Appeal for Redress."


Ariel Gold, Executive Director of Fellowship of Reconciliation said, “Despite the pro-war hysteria that countries use to justify their military endeavors, conscientious objection remains a courageous option for those committed to peace. The Fellowship of Reconciliation supports resistance to war as we know that war is an abomination in the eyes of God and inherently unable to birth peace.” 


Diana Oestreich a former Army combat medic in the Iraq War, was a conscientious objector and is development coordinator for Red Letter Christians.  She said, “As soldiers we gave an oath to serve our Country. Seeing the destruction in Iraq first hand showed many of us our duty to be a conscience to our Country. To stand up, instead of stand down when lives and our country and faiths integrity is on the line. We are serving our country by refusing war. These military members today are following in the footsteps of courageous soldiers before them who are countering the failed narrative that we can bomb our way to peace.” 


To increase the awareness of this campaign among members of the military, civilian supporters of the appeal are encouraged to share it on social media and to ask peace and justice organizations to share it with their membership.


Initiated by active-duty military members, veterans and G.I. rights groups, “Appeal for Redress v2,” is modeled after the 2006 Appeal for Redress conducted during the highly unpopular occupation of Iraq, to allow G.I.s to tell their representatives they are opposed to U.S. policy.
