Sunday, September 15, 2024

Statements on the Uhuru 3 verdict and foreign intervention in Haiti

The FBI raids against the Uhuru Movement and the APSP were July 29, 2022, a Federal indictment was revealed April 18, 2023, the relatively short trial was in Florida in early September, and sentencing will be November 25th , , and  Also note the annual Black People’s March on the White House on November 2nd.  APSP chairman Omali Yeshitela was born October 9, 1941 in Saint Petersburg, Florida:

This was originally posted at on September 14th.

Official statement by Chairman Omali Yeshitela on behalf of the Uhuru 3, including Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel

On September 12, 2024 a jury in the federal courthouse in Tampa, Florida repudiated the more serious charge of the U.S. government’s frame-up of the Uhuru 3 by finding myself, along with Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel, NOT GUILTY of being agents of the Russian government.

The prosecutors unleashed a barrage of lies and distortions of the law, along with deliberately confusing jury instructions, to mislead the jury into returning an inconsistent verdict, convicting us on the lesser charge of “conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States,” which we intend to appeal and are confident we will win. But more importantly, the jury’s “not guilty” verdict on the “Russian agents” charge means that the jurors agreed with the legitimacy of our efforts to advocate for the liberation of Africa and African people.

We congratulate the jury for their ability to see through the U.S. government’s attempt to criminalize criticism by the African Liberation Movement of U.S. government treatment of African people in the United States.

The jury rejected the bogus charge that African people require leadership from Russians or groups characterized as “white” to define and lead our struggle to end domestic colonialism.

We salute the people’s multi-faceted and ubiquitous movement for anti-colonial free speech and democratic rights whose tireless and heroic organizing contributed profoundly towards this massive victory.

The U.S. government did not intend to lose their case on the charge that the Uhuru Movement was working for the Russians. Their political goal was to use the “foreign agent” charge to deny the legitimacy of the Black Liberation Movement when we criticize the U.S. government for its treatment of African people. Their charge that we are “foreign agents” was meant to mute the significance of our criticisms of the killings of Black men and women by police, the mass incarceration of our people, the gentrification and other forms of colonial terror in our communities, by saying that it was actually the “Russians who told us to say it.”

The U.S. government expended a tremendous amount of resources, at least tens of millions of dollars and hundreds of FBI agents and other government personnel to carry out this sham trial. They stole from our properties at least 13 terabytes of data, the equivalent of two and a half million books’ worth of information. They put 14 witnesses on the stand to present their “evidence,” all of them FBI agents except for two “expert witnesses” who admitted they knew nothing about our case and claimed they couldn’t remember how much the government had paid them to testify.

We defeated them without calling any witnesses to the stand. Instead, our incredible legal team used their opening and closing arguments along with their withering cross-examination of the government’s witnesses to educate the jury about who we are and what our struggle is about. Our attorneys told the jury that Chairman Omali Yeshitela is a revolutionary who is not for sale. We showed evidence of Burning Spear newspapers and other political documents by our Party dating back to the 1970s illustrating that we have fought for more than 50 years for the liberation of our people.

Under cross-examination one FBI agent after another was forced to admit that there was no evidence that we ever agreed to work under the “direction or control” of Russia. The lead investigator from the FBI even had to admit, under oath, that the FBI and the DOJ knowingly lied to the people when they indicted us for “election interference” despite the fact that not a shred of evidence of anything of the sort was ever identified.

The jury saw right through it and was able to declare that the African People’s Socialist Party and Chairman Omali Yeshitela have never worked for the Russians; we have always worked for Black people.

This was a political trial. The colonial State’s goal was bigger than simply convicting me and putting me in prison; their failed efforts to convince a jury that we are “foreign agents” was part of a larger political goal to forever discredit speech by Black people and other colonized peoples against our oppression at the hands of the U.S. government.

The U.S. government told the jury that when we demanded reparations to our people, it was the Russians who told us to do that. The jury said no. They told the jury that when we fought to expose and end the genocide against African people in the U.S. and around the world, it was the Russians who told us to do it. The jury said no. They told the jury that when we go around the world to win friends and allies to our struggle for freedom, it was the Russians who made us do that. The jury said no.

The U.S. government lied, and they lost. We told the truth, and we won.

The jury saw the evidence, presented both by the prosecutors and by our attorneys, of our more than five decades of consistent, revolutionary work to free our people from colonial oppression. They saw that we are principled and passionate about freedom. The jury heard me speak through videos of presentations that were screened by both sides. Our legal team was brilliant.

We applaud the relentless work by our attorneys Ade Griffin, Mutaqee Akbar, Leonard Goodman, Angela Reaney and Tom Inskeep.

Here’s what we’re calling on everyone to do:

1. Submit letters to the judge as we approach our sentencing date scheduled for November 25, after which we intend to file a motion to appeal the conspiracy conviction.

2. Make plans to come to Tampa, Florida on November 25 to pack the courthouse for our sentencing hearing. Details will be announced soon. 

Mobilize for a massive anti-colonial free speech mobilization in Washington, DC on November 2, 2024, the annual Black People’s March on the White House sponsored by the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations. This will be an anti-colonial march, led by Africans, Mexicans, Palestinians, Indigenous, Filipino and other colonized peoples.

4. Continue to stand with the Uhuru Movement and the African liberation struggle. Support, protect and defend our dual power programs for African working class economic development and self-determination. Donate to our work at

5. Finally, the most important thing you can do right now is to inform the world that the U.S. government lied and lost. The Uhuru Movement told the truth and won.

The verdict is in: Chairman Omali Yeshitela and the African People’s Socialist Party are not for sale. We have our own agency. We are our own liberators. We don’t work for the Russians; we work for Black people. And we will continue to do so until all African people and the oppressed peoples of the world are free.


This was originally posted at on September 13th.

The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns U.S. Convictions

of Uhuru 3 As A Fascist Farce

After being forced to acquit Omali Yeshitela, Jesse Nevel, and Penny Hess – the “Uhuru 3” – on being agents of Russia, a U.S. federal court jury resorted to the sham conviction of “conspiracy,” in what amounted to them being guilty of internationalism and the work of liberating African people. The state’s claim is that the defendants are guilty of “planning to sow discord and inflame American political tensions at the behest of Russia,” a charge carrying a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

Although the conspiracy charge is being regarded as the less serious of the two changes, it presents a threat to all anti-imperialists and internationalists working in the bowels of the capitalist, U.S. settler state. “Conspiracy” is a U.S. legal fiction that can mean almost anything. From the definition, it is clear that determining what counts as conspiracy is often left up to the creativity of prosecution. In other words, “conspiracy” should be understood as the state deploying anything vague and circumstantial to use against our movement when it cannot get a conviction on anything else.

The Black Alliance for Peace sounds the alarm about the danger this particular ruling represents – the severe undermining of the human right to free speech and the free flow of information. It is the creation of Orwellian, totalitarian legal precedence in support of “thoughtcrimes,” the offense of thinking in ways not approved by the U.S. settler state.

The trial of the “Uhuru 3,” members and supporters of the African People’s Socialist Party, is “proving to be one of the most important First Amendment cases thus far in the 21st century,” according to the group’s attorney Jenipher Jones. The case also exposes the fact that the U.S. has no regard for human rights. It violates Articles 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which protects the right to freedom of expression and opinion and freedom of association, as does Article 19 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

It is also significant that a small Pan-Africanist group is the first to face legal charges and other overt repression for speaking out against the racist and imperialist policies of the U.S. regime.

After the verdict Omali Yeshitela said:

“The most important thing is that they were unable to convict us for working for anybody except Black people, that's the most important thing. They could not convict us for working for anybody except black people. They had to say we were not working for the Russians and I am willing to be charged and found guilty of working for black people.”

But BAP suspects that this is a test case for what is to come from the racist U.S. settler state. All activists and anti-imperialists should be concerned about what has happened to the “Uhuru 3.”

As we declared in our September 10th statement: “BAP and our movement will not be intimated. We recognize that the complete abandonment of constitutional and human rights by the U.S. and other Western states represents an irreversible crisis of legitimacy. We will continue to stand in support of the right to resist as a core human right.”

No Compromise!
No Retreat!

BAP Coordinating Committee

This was originally posted at on September 10th.

BAP Condemns U.S. Plans for Yet Another UN Military Occupation of Haiti

We urge people of conscience around the world to stop another United Nations invasion of Haiti.

Once again, the Haiti/Americas Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) strongly denounces the latest attempts by the U.S. to push for yet another UN military occupation of Haiti. We condemn this action and the relentless assaults on Haitian self-determination by the US and its criminal allies. We also urge Caribbean and Latin American governments to stand in solidarity with Haiti – just as they have stood with one another against violations of national sovereignty in Venezuela, Cuba, Honduras, etc. – as the Haitian people continue to bear the brunt of U.S. imperial policies and actions in the region.

On September 5th and 6th, the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Haiti and the Dominican Republic. In Haiti, Blinken met with members of the US- and CARICOM-imposed “presidential council” and the illegitimate Prime Minister of Haiti to discuss support for the Kenyan and U.S. occupation forces currently present in the country.

On September 5, 2024, a group of Haitian and Dominican organizations released a statement denouncing Blinken’s visit to the island (English translation here). The statement titled, “Repudiation of the Presence of the Representative of Yankee Imperialism in Haiti and the Dominican Republic,” declared:

“This interventionist visit will bring no good to the Haitian people, nor to the Dominican people. Rather, it will seek to consolidate the neocolonial domination imposed on Haiti since the first U.S. military occupation (1915-1934) and on the Dominican Republic (1916-1924). In fact, Blinken’s only mission is to protect the interests of imperialism in Haiti and those of Haiti's small, repugnant elite class. He will do the same in the Dominican Republic.”

Soon after Blinken’s departure from the island, Western media revealed the true U.S. objective of his visit: transforming the illegal, unpopular, and inept U.S.-led Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission of 400 Kenyan police officers into a full-scale UN occupation (cynically referred to as a “peacekeeping operation.”). This was further confirmed by reports that the UN Security Council is considering a resolution to deploy a military force to Haiti.

BAP’s position has been consistent and unwavering: we support Haitian self-determination. We will continue to struggle against foreign invasion and occupation of the country. Since 2021, we have advocated against U.S. imperial machinations in Haiti, including the continuing renewal of the mandate of the UN office in Haiti (BINUH), which Haitian people see as an occupation force, and the establishment of the MSS. BAP challenged the narrative of “gang violence” as a pretext for occupation and argued that it is the U.S.’s own puppets and Haitian oligarchs that are arming young men in Haiti. We warned that the MSS was a temporary cover for a more permanent military occupation of Haiti through proxies, and with the blessing of the UN. And we continue to remind people of the brutal repercussions of the two decades-long 2004 UN intervention and occupation of Haiti.

In solidarity with Haitian and Dominican organizations opposing U.S. imperialism, and in defense of Haitian self-determination and sovereignty, the Haiti/Americas Team of the Black Alliance for Peace demands an end to the current occupation of Haiti, calling for the closure of the BINUH office in Haiti, and the removal of Kenyan and U.S. militarized police from the country. We also demand that the UNSC cease its interference in Haitian affairs on behalf of the U.S.

We urge people of conscience around the world to help stop another UN invasion of Haiti and, we also warn leaders of the Caribbean and Latin America – who have either remained silent or are actively participating in the U.S. usurpation of Haitian sovereignty  – that if Haiti is not free from U.S. bullying and imperial control, no other country in the region will be free.




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