Friday, September 06, 2024

Some statements on Israel's assassination of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, the US persecution of the Uhuru 3, and the indictment of three officials from Hamas

An organizational letter to sign on the killing: 

The same letter for individual signatures: 

Some articles:

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Petition related to the above and violent but non-fatal Israeli attacks on US and EU citizens in the West Bank: 

MintPress News:  Biden's words February 3rd versus now: ] but three huge lies

[September 10th article: ] ] 

From The Independent: 


An email sent out by 2024 Green Party US presidential candidate JilStein ) on September 6th:

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She was 26 years old. She recently graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle.

She was like millions of our daughters and nieces and sisters – her whole life ahead of her. But now Aysenur Eygi is dead – murdered by Israel today in the West Bank.

[A photo of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi]

I am sickened. I am heartbroken. I am disgusted and outraged. And you should be, too.

Today the Israeli Occupation Forces brutally murdered Aysenur – an American citizen and a peace activist protesting settlements in the West Bank.

Israeli forces shot her in the head. Deliberately. Just as they did Shireen Abu Akleh two years ago.

Mainstream media is already working overtime to whitewash this crime.

They’ve described Aysenur as a “Turkish-American” or “American-Turkish” in an obvious attempt to downplay her identity as a full American citizen (not that her citizenship should matter ... but to our policymakers and the public, it does).

They’ve called it “a shooting” stating that “an activist was killed” without describing how she died – or by whose hand.

This is important. Do not look away. This is what witnesses had to say:


Just after graduation this year, Aysenur joined a group of activists with the International Solidarity Movement, going directly to the heart of danger to hold the line as a peace activist against illegal Israeli “settlements” in the West Bank.

That’s where she was today when, unprovoked, IDF soldiers murdered her in cold blood with a killshot directly to the head.

Biden administration officials like Anthony Blinken can wring their hands and cluck their tongues and “condemn” the horrific violence playing out every single day against Palestinians and peace activists in every part of Palestine (NOT just Gaza).

But those protestations ring hollow when the same people shaking their heads with regret and dismay are rubber-stamping the latest billion-dollar-arms shipment to the murderers pointing the gun.

Aysenur Eygi was a brilliant young woman who dedicated her life to the service of others. As a fresh graduate she could have been chasing the career of her dreams. But she chose to hold the line for Palestine.

In February of this year, following the death of three American soldiers in Jordan at the suspected hands of Iranian-backed proxy rebels, Joe Biden forcefully declared: “If you harm an American, we will respond."

Well Joe. They murdered an American today. Will you finally stop arming the murderers?

The truth is Biden won’t seek justice for Aysenur because he knows that ultimately, he is responsible. By arming this fascist, murderous, apartheid regime and giving them unrestricted political cover, he may as well have loaded the gun.

Aysenur will not rest until we end our support for this violent regime.

As your president, I will terminate all arms transfers and military aid to Israel on DAY ONE of my administration. I will impose an arms embargo until the Israeli government joins the peace process as a legitimate partner and an honest broker. And I will support international arrest warrants for Netanyahu and his cabinet of thugs.

Biden called Israel’s planned assault on Rafah a “red line.” Israel ignored the United States, ignored the international community, and invaded Rafah with a devastating military assault. And nothing happened.

Now they’ve murdered an American citizen – and still nothing is happening.

It ends with us.

In solidarity,


ADC Statement on Execution of U.S. Citizen by Israeli Occupation Forces

Thistatement was sent out September 6th and was originally posted at:

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Federal Indictments of the Uhuru 3 and Denial of their Fundamental Human Rights to Speech, Association, Information and Political Dissent

Tampa, Florida — The process of jury selection on September 3rd, 2024, will mark the beginning of the federal trial of Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP); Penny Hess, Chair of the African People’s Solidarity Committee (APSC); and Jesse Nevel, Chair of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement (USM), together known as the Uhuru 3.

The Uhuru 3 were indicted by the U.S. government in April 2023 on the absurd charges of being “agents of a foreign government.” — charges very similar to the indictment of W.E.B. Dubois, the internationally known Black scholar and human rights defender. Dubois was eighty-one at the time of his indictment as a supposed agent of the Soviet Union for his anti-nuclear and pro-peace advocacy. Omali Yeshitela is similarly eighty-one with an international standing as a human rights and anti-imperialist fighter for more than 60 years. The African Peoples’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement that he helped to found have been organizing and advocating for African people and colonized peoples for over 50 years. 

Ajamu Baraka, Chair of the Black Alliance for Peace’s (BAP) Coordinating Committee who will be an official observer of the trial states that: 

“It is only in the imagination of white supremacists that African people would need smart white people from Russia to guide our people and movement to oppose the U.S./EU/NATO proxy war against Russia and analyze and comment on all aspects of U.S. foreign policy. Internationalism has always been a core principle of our movement from the Garvey Movement and anti-fascist struggles of Africans in America and in Spain in the form of the Abraham Lincoln Brigades, as well as the International Friends of Ethiopia that opposed the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, to our support for the liberation movements in Cuba, Haiti, Africa, Central America, and Vietnam. 

Omali Yeshitela is an outstanding product and an example of that tradition, which, among many other reasons, is why BAP gives its inexorable support to chairman Yeshitela, as well as to Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel, who embody the highest example of revolutionary solidarity with African people. Hess and Nevel have stood with us, and we intend to stand with them against the criminal repression that the Uhuru 3 are targets of.”

BAP recognizes that the ridiculous charges leveled at the Uhuru 3 represent a shot across the bow of the radical Black movement. The U.S. understands that if it is successful in containing Black opposition to the increasingly aggressive militarism abroad and repression within the borders of the U.S., the broader movement in the U.S. will be more easily controlled.

BAP and our movement will not be intimated. We recognize that the complete abandonment of constitutional and human rights by the U.S. and other Western states represents an irreversible crisis of legitimacy. We will continue to stand in support of the right to resist as a core human right.

I'm re-posting this bloodthirsty, lawless US imperialist statement, very reminiscent of the Bush-Cheney era, for educational value.  Both Liz and Dick Cheney have now endorsed Kamala Harris.

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