Sunday, August 06, 2006

More on the Lebanon meeting

This is a quick note, but here are a few more things.  Price might have made a big admission when he said H. Res. 921 was a Republican attempt to split Jewish voters and the Democratic Party.  In my group people suggested that the influence of the Zionist lobbying group AIPAC might have been a big factor.  Overall the meeting spoke some of class (but weekly, referring the "elites," though I am guilt of this soft playing too, sometimes) and national sovereignty (though not of an overall Arab sovereignty, as opposed to Lebanese sovereignty individually).  Obviously this was not a Marxist meeting, and insight doesn't only come from Marxists, but I felt it was missing a practical class struggle or broader viewpoint (like connecting this issue to others, calling into question Price's positions and other things).  Maybe it didn't use the language I prefer, like national liberation, but there was also something objective.  Overall it was going in a good direction though.  
The workshop agendas might be up by now at the OCDP's blog, but I will mention them here.  The questions to be answered, were:  What should be the U.S. do short term?, What should the key principles for long-term US policy in the Mideast and L., and What can we do locally?  For my group, the ideas were 1)  stop sending arms to I, not vetoeing more security council resolutions, no new wars (?), humanitarian aid to L, and resisting plans to occupy L.  Actually, I can't type this now, so maybe more later or see OCDP.   

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