On a related subject, we need to call our representatives and ask them to support Kucinich's House Resolution 333, for impeachment proceedings against Cheney, which will be sent forward, or buried, in Congress on Tuesday. Kucinich is also giving all Americans the chance to be in the official Congressional Record, by name, for impeachment. I suppose that gives the government the names of its numerous opponents, but it is a chance to go on record that this corrupt government does not represent us, and we resisted it (at least this much). We were not 'good Germans' (those who let the Nazis get away with their crimes).

A Message from Dennis Kucinich
Dear [ ],
I am emailing you to ask for your vote in the Democracy For America presidential straw poll. Winning this DFA poll will shock the pundits, create tremendous attention and will greatly increase volunteer support for our campaign.
The DFA community needs to know that there IS a candidate who:
- organized 125 Democratic Congressmen to vote against the 2002 resolution to authorize force in Iraq,
- that there IS a Democratic presidential candidate who voted against the Patriot Act,
- that there IS a Democratic presidential candidate who supports withdrawing from NAFTA and the WTO,
- that there IS a Democratic Presidential candidate who has called for impeachment of the Vice President AND the President.
- And more importantly, there IS a Democratic candidate who stands for a NOT FOR PROFIT health care system, Medicare for All.
Here are three easy steps required to vote in this poll.
1) Please go to the following link:
2) My picture will be added to box #1 automatically for you. Follow the Instructions and vote for 2 additional candidates by dragging and dropping the other candidates pictures into box #2 and #3. If you do not wish to vote for anyone else, simply drag and drop the picture labeled "Other ?" into box #2 and #3 and type in "Dennis Kucinich" in both boxes.
3) Once you have filled in all three of your choices a Registration box will appear below the 3 boxes. You will need to enter your Email Address, Zip Code, First and Last Name and then click on the submit button in order for your vote to be counted. That's it!
After you vote, please forward this e-mail to your friends and contacts.
A few days ago, our campaign moved into fourth place in New Hampshire with 7% according to Rasmussen Polling. This past month, two national polls, USA Today/Gallup and Zogby, have shown our campaign polling in fourth place.
The momentum is in our favor, together, we can win the Democracy for America poll.
877-41-DENNIS (877-413-3664 )
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