Friday, February 08, 2008

BOCC meeting Monday

Below is the relatively short agenda for the BOCC meeting Monday at 7pm.

           [Please contact the Clerk to the Board at (919) 560-0025 for information related to items on the agenda.]


Deleted—Item No. 9





Monday, February 11, 2008


County Commissioners' Chambers

200 East Main Street, Durham, North Carolina




"Public Charge"


The Board of Commissioners asks its members and citizens to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous manner, both with the Board and fellow citizens.  At any time, should any member of the Board or any citizen fail to observe this public charge, the Chairman will ask the offending person to leave the meeting until that individual regains personal control.  Should decorum fail to be restored, the Chairman will recess the meeting until such time that a genuine commitment to the public charge is observed.


As a courtesy to others, please turn off cell phones during the meeting.



7:00 P.M. Regular Session


1.     Opening of Regular Session—Pledge of Allegiance                                                                     5 min.


2.     Agenda Adjustments                                                                                                                    5 min.


3.     Announcements                                                                                                                            5 min.


4.     Minutes                                                                                                                                         5 min.


       a.  December 20, 2007 BOCC/City Council

b.  January 14, 2008 Regular Session

        c.  January 28, 2008 Regular Session


5.    Recognition of Shelly Green, COO of Durham Convention and Visitor's Bureau, for her Appointment to the International Board of Directors for DMAP

                                                                                                                                                             5 min.

Shelly Green, a 19-year veteran in Destination Marketing, with eight years as Chief Operating Officer of Durham's marketing agency—the Durham Convention & Visitors Bureau, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Destination Marketing Accreditation Program (DMAP).  Ms. Green will serve a three-year term on the
11-member board commencing in February 2008. 


DMAP is an independent best practice board that oversees the evaluation of
54 mandatory and 33 voluntary best practice standards in community marketing and promotion including governance, finance, marketing, group sales, management, human resources, technology, services, etc.


The organization was chartered by the Washington D.C.–based Destination Marketing Association International (DMAI) and represents over 1500 professionals in destination marketing organizations in more than 25 countries.  DCVB was the first in North Carolina to achieve accreditation in June 2007 and among the first 27 in North America. 


Resource Person(s): Durham County Commissioner Becky M. Heron


County Manager's Recommendation: The Manager's recommendation is that the Board extend sincere congratulations to Ms. Green for this prestigious selection and wish her well as she serves her three-year term.


6.     Special Award to Sara Houston in Recognition of Work with MADD

                                                                                                                                                             5 min.

Ms. Ollie Jeffers contacted Durham County Manager Mike Ruffin to request time on the agenda to recognize Sara Houston, an employee from Durham County EMS, with a special award.


According to Ms. Jeffers, for the past year and a half, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has sponsored a Victim Impact Panel (VIP) the last Monday of each month in Durham County.  This VIP is for first-time offenders who have been ordered to attend by the judicial system.  Ms. Houston has attended monthly when available and has spoken to the offenders from her professional experience in an effort to help deter drinking and driving.  The organization appreciates her dedication and commitment to their efforts and will present a special award to her.


Resource Person(s): Ms. Ollie Jeffers and Mike Smith, EMS Director


County Manager's Recommendation: The Manager's recommendation is that the Board extend sincere congratulations to Ms Houston for her exceptional collaborative efforts with MADD and VIP to help deter drinking and driving in Durham County


7.     Recognition of The Durham Center for Receiving Two NC Council of Community Program Awards

                                                                                                                                                             5 min.

The Durham Center recently received prestigious Program of Excellence Awards from the NC Council of Community Programs for its leadership in two important initiatives in Durham.  The Durham Center was recognized with the Program of Excellence Award in Public Awareness and Advocacy for its Recovery Culture Program, which unites community partners to work to reduce the stigma of substance addiction and to create a culture of recovery in Durham.


The Durham Center was also recognized with the Program of Excellence Award in Best Practices for its Easter Seals UCP ASAP Integrated Dual-Disorder Team, which provides both substance abuse and mental health services, including intensive case management, medication management, psychosocial and substance abuse counseling, nursing services, and community-based services focused on recovery, as well as supported employment for those with a dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance abuse needs. 


Resource Person(s): Ellen Holliman, Area Director, The Durham Center


County Manager's Recommendation: The Manager requests that the Board of County Commissioners recognize The Durham Center for receiving these two awards.


8.     Consent Agenda                                                                                                                          15 min.


a.   Department of Social Services One Source Contract (approve $146,330 in services to be added to the $159,425 contract to continue the Document Management Imaging Project; amended total not to exceed $305,755);

b.   Execution of Architectural Design Service Contract with DTW Architects and Planners, Ltd., for the Renovations to the Durham County Memorial Stadium (authorize the execution of a $489,500 contract for basic services, plus additional services and reimbursable expenses estimated at $156,775, thus totaling $646,275);

c.   Street Closing—East Institute Drive (SC07-09) (adopt the resolution to set the public hearing for March 10, 2008 to consider the proposed right-of- way closing)

d.   Street Closing—Hanes Drive (SC07-07) (adopt the resolution to set the public hearing for March 10, 2008 to consider the proposed right-of-way closing);

e.   Street Closing—West Institute Drive (SC07-08) (adopt the resolution to set the public hearing for March 10, 2008 to consider the proposed right-of-way closing);

f.    City-County Appearance Commission—Interlocal Agreement (approve the revision);

g.   Budget Ordinance Amendment No. 08BCC000058—Social Services—Recognizing Additional Revenue (approve an increase in Child Support Incentive Funds [$35,023], Crisis Intervention Payments [$402,320], Home and community Care Block Grant [$7,288], and Child Welfare Worker Visits [$28,315], for a total increase of $472,946);

h.   Budget Ordinance Amendment No. 08BCC000059—Public Health (recognize $287,085 in revenue from Duke University's Center for Child and Family Policy to implement Durham Connects, a post-partum home visiting program, and establish 12 new positions [one PHN Supervisor I, one Processing Assistant III, and ten
PHN IIs—12.0 total FTEs]);

i.    Advertising of Tax Liens (approve the Interim Tax Administrator's request to begin advertising the 2007 tax liens in the month of March);

j.    Reimbursement Resolution Relating to the Financing of Certain School Facilities (adopt to establish the intent of the Board to reimburse the County from the proceeds of one or more issues of the $194,240,000 School Bonds of the County); and

k.   Approve the Three-Year Ambulance Franchise Renewal with Johnston Ambulance Service.


9.    Public Hearing on the Closeout of the 2002 CDBG Scattered Site Housing Grant and De-Obligate the 2005 Grant

                                                                                                                                                            10 min.

In 2002, Durham County received a grant from the Department of Commerce—Division of Community Assistance for the CDBG Scattered Site Housing program.  The purpose of the grant was to rehabilitate housing for low-income residents located within the unincorporated areas of Durham County.  The grant was administered by Leah Consulting, the County's contracted Housing Consultant.  All of the projects undertaken for the 2002 grant have been completed.  The Board of Commissioners is required to hold a public hearing to close-out the grant.  Under the 2002 grant, 13 houses were rehabilitated.  In addition to closing out the 2002 grant, the Board is also being requested to de-obligate the 2005 CDBG Scattered Site Housing Grant in order to roll the 2005 funding into a 2007 grant.  This action will afford the County the full three-year period for implementing the subject grant.


        Resource Person(s): Brian Crawford, President, Leah Consulting


County Manager's Recommendation: The Manager's recommendation is that the Board hold the public hearing; receive public comments on the closeout of the 2002 CDBG Scattered Site Housing Grant; and close the grant.  In addition, the Board should
de-obligate the 2005 grant and request that the State allocate the funds to Durham County in the 2007 grant cycle. 


10.   Introduction of Bond Orders

                                                                                                                                                            15 min.

        The Board is requested to introduce the Bond Orders authorizing $500,000 Library Facilities Bonds, $4,950,000 Public Buildings Bonds, and $6,650,000 School Bonds.  The Board is then requested to receive the Sworn Statement of Debt of the County from the Finance Officer and approve on first reading the Bond Orders.  The bonds will not become authorized for issuance until after the public hearing, a second approval by the Board of Commissioners, and approval by the Local Government Commission. 


The Board is further requested to set the public hearing on the proposed bond orders for its regular meeting to be held on February 25, 2008. 


A set of proposed minutes has been prepared by Bond Counsel for the meeting.


        Resource Person(s): Chuck Kitchen, County Attorney, and George Quick, Finance Director


County Manager's Recommendation: Introduce the proposed bond orders, approve on first reading the Bond Orders, receive the sworn statement of debt, and set the public hearing as requested.



                                                                                                                                                           1¼ hrs.                                           

                                                                                                                                        1 hr. 5 min.

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