Sunday, August 17, 2008

USA to Russia: Do as I say, not as I do

It's amazing to hear the level of shamelessness from capitalist politicians and media about poor "democratic" Georgia's sovereignty being violated by Russian imperialism, and how imperialism and territorial aggrandizement are allegedly old-fashioned and Soviet behaviors (revisionist Soviet maybe).  This despite the fact that the US invaded Afghanistan and toppled the Taliban government, invaded sovereign Iraq and toppled the Baathists, and is still controlling both of countries.  The US also fought Yugoslavia to create a protectorate in Kosova under Clinton and Bush, using the legitimate national aspirations of the Kosovar Albanians.  And the US supports Israel's seizure of territories from 3 Arab nations and Israel's invasion of Lebanon.  A US-fomented coup toppled the Haitian government, and the US tried to topple the Venezuelan government in recent years, not to mention its role in Gaza, Belarus, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, Tibet, and other countries.   
The USA and Russia are both brutal imperialists.  Georgia, a US and EU ally with a major pipeline route, thought it could re-occupy South Ossetia, possibly with US incitement.  Russia used this as an excuse to invade Georgia, for its own imperialist objectives.  The Ossetians and Abkhazians might be nations and therefore deserving of self-determination, and for now Russia is defending them as part of its imperialist policy, but it thinks nothing of attacking the Chechens.  
Georgia shows yet again what happens when a country relies on imperialists and becomes their pawn.  At least those in the US who want to start World War III over Georgia are not in control, and most imperialists only want a diplomatic offensive, for now.  I can't believe Georgia expected the US to risk war with Russia.  Progressive Americans should oppose American imperialism in Georgia, but also not think Russian imperialism is any better, and Russians should oppose their imperialism.  The international working class gains nothing from supporting either imperialist in their struggle for domination.     

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