NC Green Party close to being a recognized political party
Recent legislation reduced the number of signatures required for a party to appear on ballots in North Carolina and for people to be able to register as Greens from a nearly prohibitive 94,000 to about 11,700. This is a more manageable number, but money is still required to run a signature gathering campaign. You can donate to the NC Green Party at: The US Green Party donated $5000 to the effort and you can donate to the national Ballot Access Committee here. The national party is also helping ballot access efforts in Vermont, Montana, and Nebraska, and the Greens in Utah just gained ballot access. People can also collect signatures themselves, such as at the polls November 7th. For petitions and tips, see: Occasionally left parties have gained access to the ballot in NC, but for many years the only parties on the ballot have been the Democrats, Republicans, and sometimes the Libertarians, and to my knowledge no NC party left of the Greens is in a position to gain official recognition and appear on ballots anytime soon, though it will be easier now.
Don't cut ash trees!
I recently noticed that the large ash tree next to the University Baptist Church, at the southwest corner of Franklin and Columbia streets in downtown Chapel Hill, is suddenly gone, even the stump. I don't know who did this or why, but I hope it wasn't because I informed some people concerned about the emerald ash borer's arrival in Orange County. As I said before, research shows that pre-emptively cutting ash trees costs more than waiting, and it is possible the ash could have been resistant to this non-native beetle, or biological controls being released would have worked a miracle, and the old tree would have survived, but now we will never know.
Durham's Southwest Regional Library is collecting intact eclipse glasses for Astronomers Without Borders (see )
UNC Sonder Market
This is a student operated food coop, open every Monday and Thursday at the Edible Campus Garden.
Student Action with Farmworkers 25th anniversary
Student Action with Farmworkers, based in Durham, was organized in 1992 and is hosting anniversary exhibits and events throughout NC and in Washington, DC this year. There will be an exhibit at FLOC's office in Dudley, Wayne County May 26th to December 31, 2017. Duke's Center for Documentary Studies is hosting an exhibit until November 11th. For details, see:
More than one story / Mas de una historia: 25 years of farmworker voices from SAF
There will be an exhibit of photos from Wilson Library's SAF archive in the Davis Library Gallery (first floor) until February 2018 (see: )
NC anti-BDS bill is now law
Apparently Governor Cooper did not veto House Bill 161, requiring that the state and its subdivisions divest from and not contract with companies that boycott Israel; the text of the bill is online at:
Supposedly progressive Durham senators Mike Woodard and Floyd McKissick voted for it, along with several other Democrats in both houses (including local senators Valerie Foushee and Jay Chaudhuri) and almost but not all of the Republicans (one senator opposed it, while a few other Republicans were absent for whatever reasons). Among local House Democrats, Representative Marcia Morey (who replaced the deceased Paul Luebke), Graig Meyer, Henry Michaux, MaryAnn Black (replaced Larry Hall after he resigned in January), Verla Insko, Grier Martin, Rosa Gill, and Robert Reives voted against the bill.
Weekly peace and justice vigils
There is a vigil (signs are provided or bring your own) most Fridays 5-6pm (4:30-5:30 after we go back to Eastern Standard Time November 5th) at the Village Plaza shopping center (by Whole Foods) corner of East Franklin Street and Elliot Road in Chapel Hill. It is supposed to be every Friday, but if few or no regular vigilers are there, there might not be anyone at the corner if someone new comes to join in.
From an activist calendar in Chapel Hill:
The City of Durham has released a Sustainability Plan( ) and seeks public input. There is an online survey and there were public information sessions in October, but there might be more in the future. For details see:
"The Sixth Great Extinction: An Unnatural History" discussion
This is part of the Friends of the Chapel Hill Public Library's Books Sandwiched In discussion series, and will be Wednesday, November 1st 11:30am-12:30pm in the Library's Room C. For more information, see:
Last Durham MayorUP Mayoral Forum
There will be an opportunity to question candidates Farad Ali and Steven Schewel November 1st at 7pm at The Rickhouse (609 Foster Street). There will be questions from the audience and online (you can submit questions in advance here). The previous forums and this one will be posted at:
Phytoplankton Monitoring Network training workshop
On the coast there is a NOAA citizen science program to monitor phytoplankton and harmful algal blooms ( ), started in South Carolina in 2001. There will be a training session in Morehead City November 3rd 9am-4pm. The registration page is at:
The fourth Annual Durham County Pottery Tour will be November 4th (10am-5pm) and 5th (12-5pm):
The 23rd Annual Open Studio Tour in Orange County will be November 4-5th and 10-11th:
Refuse Fascism calls for occupation November 4th seems to be the group calling for demonstrations and occupations Saturday, November 4th around the country to end the Trump administration. It is unclear who created this group: black bloc anarchists? the Clinton faction of the Democratic Party (Bernie Sanders and Obama are condemned by name in the Call to Action, but not other Democrats who have cooperated with the Trump Administration)? a Marxist party [on one leftist listserve someone claimed the RCP organized it]? There doesn't seem to be any list of supporting groups on their website, unlike what usually happens with a national protest campaign. They have money and organization for full-page ads in major newspapers, conferences, an office in New York, etc. and claim to have been active since December 2016. No events in North Carolina are listed November 4th, but maybe there will be people at the old Chapel Hill Post Office or the plaza in downtown Durham, where original Occupy events took place.
The fourth Annual Durham County Pottery Tour will be November 4th (10am-5pm) and 5th (12-5pm):
The 23rd Annual Open Studio Tour in Orange County will be November 4-5th and 10-11th:
Refuse Fascism calls for occupation November 4th seems to be the group calling for demonstrations and occupations Saturday, November 4th around the country to end the Trump administration. It is unclear who created this group: black bloc anarchists? the Clinton faction of the Democratic Party (Bernie Sanders and Obama are condemned by name in the Call to Action, but not other Democrats who have cooperated with the Trump Administration)? a Marxist party [on one leftist listserve someone claimed the RCP organized it]? There doesn't seem to be any list of supporting groups on their website, unlike what usually happens with a national protest campaign. They have money and organization for full-page ads in major newspapers, conferences, an office in New York, etc. and claim to have been active since December 2016. No events in North Carolina are listed November 4th, but maybe there will be people at the old Chapel Hill Post Office or the plaza in downtown Durham, where original Occupy events took place.
100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration Forum
During World War I, in November 1917 the UK issued the Balfour Declaration, supporting Zionist goals in Palestine, at the time part of the Ottoman Empire, a German ally. The Abrahamic Initiative on the Middle East, Coalition for Peace with Justice, and the Jewish Voice for Peace - Triangle, NC are organizing a forum November 4th 10am-1pm at Chapel Hill's Brinkley Baptist Church (1712 Willow Drive, near University Mall) in the Fellowship Hall. The panelists will be Cemil Ayden and Sarah Shields from UNC's history department and Mubarak Awad of the School of International Service and the Palestine Center for the Study of Nonviolence at American University in Washington. There will be light refreshments and the event is free, though donations will be appreciated. There is a Facebook event at: and the group's calendar is at:
Sierra Club Capital Group's Autumn Jordan Lake Cleanup
The group pledged to remove trash around part of Jordan Lake through Clean Jordan Lake and the next cleanup will be Sunday, November 5th 10-11:45am. The location will be around the area southeast of the causeway where NC 751 crosses Northeast Creek/Jordan Lake, north of New Hope Church Road.
Russia's October Socialist Revolution was November 7, 1917 (but October 25th by the calendar the Russian Empire used). It was the first socialist revolution to last in a large country and helped inspire and support movements against capitalism and colonialism around the world. For more, see two previous posts: and
1917-2017 centenary commemorations around the USA:
There will be a showing and discussion of the film Mission to Moscow November 5th 5-8pm in Uriah, Arizona. For the location, contact zackarymartyrs [at gmail] or 251 294 3241.
Russia's October Socialist Revolution was November 7, 1917 (but October 25th by the calendar the Russian Empire used). It was the first socialist revolution to last in a large country and helped inspire and support movements against capitalism and colonialism around the world. For more, see two previous posts: and
1917-2017 centenary commemorations around the USA:
There will be a showing and discussion of the film Mission to Moscow November 5th 5-8pm in Uriah, Arizona. For the location, contact zackarymartyrs [at gmail] or 251 294 3241.
There will be a commemoration in New York City Tuesday, November 7 6-9pm at the Center for Worker Education (25 Broadway, 7th floor auditorium). This is a free event and will have food and refreshments. See: and
The New York City event will be livestreamed and discussed 6-9:30pm in Buffalo, New York at Rust Belt Books (415 Grant Street). This is sponsored by the local branches of the USFSP, WWP, and the PCUSA.
There will be an event in Collingswood, New Jersey Sunday, November 12th 1-3:45pm at the library at the corner of Haddon and Frazer avenues. Sponsored by New Jersey Friends of Marxism-Leninism Today.
Los Angeles will have a commemoration Saturday, November 18th 2-4pm at the First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles in the Severance Room (2936 West 8th Street, mass transit Vermont Avenue Metro Line or Bus 204). Sponsored by USFSP and the PCUSA. RSVP at 323 239 6335.
There was an event in Washington, DC the evening of the 4th, but I didn't post it in time.
Local elections November 7th
There will be general elections in Durham, Chapel Hill and Morrisville November 7th. You can find sample ballots, results, etc. at the Durham Board of Elections website: and the State Board is at:
The NC AFL-CIO's endorsements are online at:
The Palestine Exception to Free Speech: A Movement Under Attack
This talk was rescheduled to November 7th, 7-8:30pm in Bingham Hall Room 103 (see above or previous post for details).
Vyacheslav Molotov, an Old Bolshevik who served in many roles in the Soviet government, died November 8, 1986 ( ).
The Party of Labor of Albania, then called the Communist Party of Albania, was founded November 8, 1941.
Seeking 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan comments
The Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization wants comments on its draft 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. There will be a public hearing with local elected officials Wednesday, November 8th at 9am in the Durham City Hall's Committee Room and people can comment by email until December 12th (see: ).
BAJ showing Palestinian student films and "The Occupation of the American Mind"
Balance and Accuracy in Journalism's November meeting (the 8th at 7:30pm at the Community Church, UU, 10 Purefoy Road) will show three short documentaries from Palestine: The In Between, Parkour on the Rubble of Gaza, and In Dura Parkur, along with the documentary The Occupation of the American Mind. These films were among those shown recently at the Festival of Student Films from Palestine at Duke's Center for Documentary Studies. Sponsored by BAJ and the Church's Charles Jones Peace and Justice Committee.
BAJ also highlights trouble at the FCC:
and a related petition:
Library book sales this winter
There will be a regular three-day Friends of the Durham Library book sale November 10-12 and a one-day sale December 2nd. They will be at Books Among Friends in Northgate Mall (1058 West Club Boulevard, Suite 252, near Sears).
The Friends of the Chapel Hill Public Library will have a book sale December 1-3 ( ) .
The Friends of the Chapel Hill Public Library will have a book sale December 1-3 ( ) .
The big Wake County Public Libraries book sale at the State Fairgrounds will be in spring 2018 (watch
for an announcement).
November 11th is Armistice Day, originally a commemoration of Americans killed in WWI and later declared "a day to be dedicated to cause of world peace." After WWII it became Veterans Day and is now often a day to glorify US militarism around the world and for sales. Veterans for Peace is calling for actions in favor of diplomacy with the DPRK and the abolition of nuclear weapons and all warfare ( ), but there aren't any events listed in central NC (there are events in Asheville, DC, and Nashville). There is a peace vigil every Friday afternoon 4:30-5:30 in Chapel Hill (see above).
Wildlife Conservation Planning Field Tour for Educators and Land Use Planners
The NC Wildlife Resources Commission and Triangle Land Conservancy are hosting a hike November 11th 1:30-4:30pm highlighting the park's unique features and discussing how humanity can coexist with rich biodiversity at the TLC's White Pines Nature Preserve south of Pittsboro in Chatham County. White Pines Nature Preserve is at the junction of the Rocky and Deep rivers, where a relatively cool microclimate allowed white pines, mostly found in the mountains and states much further north, to continue growing in the Piedmont after the ice ages ended. The area also has rhododendrons, mountain laurels, and other locally uncommon plants, and endangered Cape Fear shiners live in the water. The organizers especially want to reach planning staff, local leaders, and educators, and participants can get AICP and possibly ASLA credit. RSVP to cc [period] king [at ncwildlife period org]. For directions, see:
Fair Courts Town Hall
"Think our judges should be fair, independent, and removed from political pressure? Unfortunately, politicians in Raleigh are trying to gain partisan control over the courts and rig the system in their favor. First, they canceled primary elections for judges, and now the politicians are planning to return in January 2018 to cancel judicial elections and simply appoint their political friends to fill the bench and tilt the scales of justice in their favor.
Join us Saturday, November 11, at 1 p.m., at the JD Fuller Recreation Center (6627 Old Bunce Rd) for the first "Fair Courts Town Hall."
To register, see the Facebook event at:
Korea Peace Walk: No War on Korea!
This is in Oakland, California, but people anywhere can donate to support the Korea Policy Institute and Hella Organized Bay Area Koreans. The actual walk will be along Oakland's Telegraph Avenue November 11th, 1-4pm. For details and donation information, see: There was a demonstration against renewed war in Korea at UNC a few weeks ago.
Tour of Ecosystem Restoration at the Duke SWAMP
The director of the Duke University Wetlands Center, Dr Curt Richardson, will lead a two-hour tour of the Stream and Wetland Assessment Management Park (SWAMP), an artificial wetland, November 11th 10am-12. Registration is required for parking, which will be at Al Buehler trail parking lot on the south side of NC 751 between Science Drive and Duke University Road. There might be a sign saying it is reserved for basketball parking, but tour participants are supposed to be let in regardless. This is supported by the Carolina Wetlands Association ( ).
Haw River Assembly annual meeting and 35th anniversary celebration and fundraiser
There will be free events and the annual meeting the afternoon of Sunday, November 12th, and a ticketed party in the evening with refreshments and music, at the Haw River Ballroom in Saxapahaw, Alamance County. For registration and details see:
Green burial talk
Anne Weston, founder of the Green Burial Project, will speak about alternatives to conventional funeral customs, which can be surprisingly polluting, as well as legal and financial aspects. The talk will be Tuesday, November 14th 6:30-8pm at Durham's North Regional Library. For details, see the Durham County Library's notice here.
for an announcement).
November 11th is Armistice Day, originally a commemoration of Americans killed in WWI and later declared "a day to be dedicated to cause of world peace." After WWII it became Veterans Day and is now often a day to glorify US militarism around the world and for sales. Veterans for Peace is calling for actions in favor of diplomacy with the DPRK and the abolition of nuclear weapons and all warfare ( ), but there aren't any events listed in central NC (there are events in Asheville, DC, and Nashville). There is a peace vigil every Friday afternoon 4:30-5:30 in Chapel Hill (see above).
Wildlife Conservation Planning Field Tour for Educators and Land Use Planners
The NC Wildlife Resources Commission and Triangle Land Conservancy are hosting a hike November 11th 1:30-4:30pm highlighting the park's unique features and discussing how humanity can coexist with rich biodiversity at the TLC's White Pines Nature Preserve south of Pittsboro in Chatham County. White Pines Nature Preserve is at the junction of the Rocky and Deep rivers, where a relatively cool microclimate allowed white pines, mostly found in the mountains and states much further north, to continue growing in the Piedmont after the ice ages ended. The area also has rhododendrons, mountain laurels, and other locally uncommon plants, and endangered Cape Fear shiners live in the water. The organizers especially want to reach planning staff, local leaders, and educators, and participants can get AICP and possibly ASLA credit. RSVP to cc [period] king [at ncwildlife period org]. For directions, see:
Fair Courts Town Hall
From the NC AFL-CIO:
"Think our judges should be fair, independent, and removed from political pressure? Unfortunately, politicians in Raleigh are trying to gain partisan control over the courts and rig the system in their favor. First, they canceled primary elections for judges, and now the politicians are planning to return in January 2018 to cancel judicial elections and simply appoint their political friends to fill the bench and tilt the scales of justice in their favor.
Right now, members of the North Carolina General Assembly are home in their districts for the holidays. And we have a chance to tell them directly to oppose this brazen conspiracy to rig the justice system for partisan control.
Join us Saturday, November 11, at 1 p.m., at the JD Fuller Recreation Center (6627 Old Bunce Rd) for the first "Fair Courts Town Hall."
During the 90-minute town hall, hosted by Democracy North Carolina, NC NAACP, NC Voters for Clean Elections (NCVCE), and Progress NC, local legislators and other experts will be invited to address our community's concerns, and we'll provide the latest ways to help you fight back for fair courts."
To register, see the Facebook event at:
Korea Peace Walk: No War on Korea!
This is in Oakland, California, but people anywhere can donate to support the Korea Policy Institute and Hella Organized Bay Area Koreans. The actual walk will be along Oakland's Telegraph Avenue November 11th, 1-4pm. For details and donation information, see: There was a demonstration against renewed war in Korea at UNC a few weeks ago.
Tour of Ecosystem Restoration at the Duke SWAMP
The director of the Duke University Wetlands Center, Dr Curt Richardson, will lead a two-hour tour of the Stream and Wetland Assessment Management Park (SWAMP), an artificial wetland, November 11th 10am-12. Registration is required for parking, which will be at Al Buehler trail parking lot on the south side of NC 751 between Science Drive and Duke University Road. There might be a sign saying it is reserved for basketball parking, but tour participants are supposed to be let in regardless. This is supported by the Carolina Wetlands Association ( ).
Haw River Assembly annual meeting and 35th anniversary celebration and fundraiser
There will be free events and the annual meeting the afternoon of Sunday, November 12th, and a ticketed party in the evening with refreshments and music, at the Haw River Ballroom in Saxapahaw, Alamance County. For registration and details see:
Green burial talk
Anne Weston, founder of the Green Burial Project, will speak about alternatives to conventional funeral customs, which can be surprisingly polluting, as well as legal and financial aspects. The talk will be Tuesday, November 14th 6:30-8pm at Durham's North Regional Library. For details, see the Durham County Library's notice here.
3rd Annual UNC Tarheel Ducks Unlimited Oyster Roast
This fundraiser at He's Not Here (112 West Franklin Street in Chapel Hill) will benefit the waterfowl and wetlands conservation group Ducks Unlimited. It will be November 16th, 5:30-10pm. For more information or tickets, see: or call 919 820 1871. Many other Ducks Unlimited events are also listed, including an NCSU dinner November 2nd, a raffle in Raleigh November 10th, and a fall banquet in Durham November 17th.
Water Warriors screening A documentary about a successful anti-pipeline campaign will be shown at the Sierra Club Capital Group's November meeting, November 16th 6:30-8pm at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship's Fellowship Hall (3313 Wade Avenue, Raleigh). There will be refreshments and this is a free event, but people should register at:
22nd Annual American Indian Heritage Celebration
This will be Sunday, November 18th 11am-4pm at the NC Museum of History in Raleigh, and will feature a performance by Jana Mashonee, twice nominated for a Grammy and 9 times the winner of the NAMA. There are eight tribes with state recognition and over 100,000 people of American Indian descent in North Carolina. For more information see:
Water Warriors screening A documentary about a successful anti-pipeline campaign will be shown at the Sierra Club Capital Group's November meeting, November 16th 6:30-8pm at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship's Fellowship Hall (3313 Wade Avenue, Raleigh). There will be refreshments and this is a free event, but people should register at:
22nd Annual American Indian Heritage Celebration
This will be Sunday, November 18th 11am-4pm at the NC Museum of History in Raleigh, and will feature a performance by Jana Mashonee, twice nominated for a Grammy and 9 times the winner of the NAMA. There are eight tribes with state recognition and over 100,000 people of American Indian descent in North Carolina. For more information see:
Albania was officially liberated November 29, 1944, following fascist Italian and then German occupation. Albania's Partisans also helped liberate neighboring Yugoslavia.
NC Commission of Inquiry on Torture hearings
There will be hearings investigating North Carolina's role in extraordinary rendition and torture November 30th and December 1st in the Raleigh Convention Center (for more information about the NCCIT, see ). The hearings are free and public, but registration is encouraged (email info (at nccit dot org). June 26th was the UN's annual International Day in Support of Victims of
The winter solstice will be December 21st.
The 44th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, itself in danger from Trump and the Republicans, but also the Democrats, is December 28th.
The winter solstice will be December 21st.
The 44th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, itself in danger from Trump and the Republicans, but also the Democrats, is December 28th.
US Foreign Military Bases Must Be Closed!
There will be a national conference to discuss the problems caused by the expansive American military presence abroad, January 12-14, 2018 at Maryland's University of Baltimore. The conference is being organized by 13 national peace and justice organizations, including WILPF. For more information, see:
Durham Creek Week 2018 will be March 17-24th.
The 6th annual NC Statewide Star Party, part of the NC Science Festival, will be April 20-21 2018, but groups will need to register their events by November 16th. The theme is "Anyone Out There?" For more, see:
If you can't have a compost pile, CompostNow provides a bin for food waste and replaces it weekly (and they can take pizza boxes, meat, and bones, which are usually left out by backyard composters), and you get compost for your yard and reduce landfill use and pollution in exchange. There is a two week free trial, and the regular cost is $25 dollars a month. For information, see:
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