Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Communist Workers and Students for Social Change on public worker protests in Puerto Rico

From Rebel to Revolutionary  


Once again, we see how the working class is being attacked by the interests of big capital in its eagerness to maximize its profits. In this case it is the systematic attack against teachers and other public employees. The terrible conditions in which the teachers find themselves and the closure of schools is not enough, but now they are going for more and after the approval of the PDA (Debt Adjustment Plan), the JCF [Fiscal Control Board] and the puppet government of the Island, intend to leave teachers and other employees of the public sector in poverty.  

But the workers said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!  And the teachers have taken to the streets to denounce the outrage and demand a salary increase and a dignified retirement. Other public employees are also fighting, such as firefighters, who risk their lives for miserable pay and terrible working conditions and whose claims have fallen on deaf ears for years.  

Likewise, health-care workers, nurses, doctors, paramedics. laboratory technicians, and others from the health-care services who are in the front line in the fight against the pandemic, at risk of getting infected and dying, as has happened to many, enduring double shifts, often with lack of equipment and above all terrible working conditions and miserable wages. Many of these professionals have had to emigrate in search of better economic and living conditions, and as a result of this the people get poor service due to lack of personnel in hospital institutions and super exploiting the few who have chosen to stay.  

The workers’ demands are more than fair. But the governor of Puerto Rico, as a good representative of the country's elite class and of the great interests he defends, is mocking the working class by offering $1,000 increase to teachers in funds that are neither recurrent nor permanent and that can be eliminated once they run out, in order to appease the teachers’ anger and taking away the motive of the demonstrations. They have no respect for the working class by keeping quiet about the retirement that they have contributed with so much sacrifice and, thanks to the disastrous Debt Adjustment Plan, it will condemn the workers to poverty.  

They have no respect for the working class by saying that no one has to be a firefighter or a teacher... (but the real message is: we pay you badly, you have miserable working conditions and if you don't like it, then leave), ... and scolding them like those who scold their slaves so that the workers do not do what they did again: defend our rights. Well, you know, Mr. Governor, that we workers do not have to recognize your mandate either, AND WE WILL DO EVERYTHING IN OUR POWER TO GET YOU, THE BOARD AND THE RICH OUT OF THIS COUNTRY!  

The above is the result of the capitalist system that rules us and its governing lackeys in the colony, who are there to serve themselves rather than serve the working people. The working class must go beyond immediate demands, but also fight for the abolition of all exploitation under this capitalist system. We have seen that, when one fights for crumbs, eventually these concessions will be snatched away by the bosses and the governments in power, as was the case with the labor (bosses) reform. We must aspire to transform our society permanently and qualitatively.  

We must redouble our efforts in a militant and disciplined manner. We call for unity in principled struggle; for militancy and to fight in the street; to be vigilant and attentive. Our lives are literally gone!  

As communists, we support any demand for improvements in working conditions. But we believe that this is not enough to solve the problem, since the system of capitalist exploitation remains intact. Moreover, these demonstrations can serve as a test for the working class and exploited masses for the decisive battle: the overthrow of colonial capitalism and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat (workers' democracy).  

Only the struggle for communism will achieve the abolition of all exploitation and a new, just and equitable society, in which the working class will dictate the guidelines on the basis of the common interest and not to serve a privileged elite, as is the case in this society. Long live Communism! The working class has no borders!  

[derebeldearevolucionario - at - tutanota] 

Communist Workers and Students for Social Change  




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