Saturday, May 14, 2022

Towards ML Unity May issue published

The May issue of Towards Marxist-Leninist Unity has been published and will be freely available online at:  (see also for TMLU's contact information and how to order print copies).  The next issue should come out in July, and any submissions should be sent in during June.


APL on Roe V. Wade: Defend Our Communities From Organized Reaction  

No to imperialist-capitalist wars! Death to fascism!  

Is U.S. dollar hegemony ending?  

Book Review: Turn the Guns Around, by John Catalinotto  

Two Poems From A German War Primer  

Book review: “Mobilizing in Our Own Name”  [About the Million Worker March]

The Failure of Revisionism and the Need For a New Communist International  

The Colonial Presence of France in Martinique  

Richard Leakey (1944-2022)  

Sección en español  

¡No a las guerras imperialistas-capitalistas! ¡Muerte al fascismo!  

El fracaso del revisionismo: por una nueva Internacional  

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