Saturday, June 04, 2022

The Fraud of the "Testament of Lenin" by Grover Furr and repression in Poland

The Fraud of the "Testament of Lenin" described on Amazon:  

"The canonical accounts of Lenin’s last writings accept the version that Lenin left a 'testament' that included a number of negative remarks about Joseph Stalin, and that Lenin wished to remove Stalin from the position of General Secretary of the All-Union Communist Party (bolshevik). This version stems partly from Trotsky, who embraced it eagerly in his campaign to replace Stalin as Party leader; partly from Lenin’s wife Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya; and partly from Nikita Khrushchev and the Khrushchev-era fifth and last edition of Lenin’s works, the Polnoe Sobranie Sochinenii ('Compete Collection of Writings'), or PSS.

The present book is largely based on the research of Professor Valentin A. Sakharov of Moscow State University. His 2003 book, Lenin’s 'Political Testament,' published by Moscow State University Press, is the result of years of access to and study of many of the archival copies of Lenin’s works, drafts of those works, and originals of other important documents related to the question of Lenin’s 'testament.'

The present study draws the same conclusion: Lenin’s so-called 'Testament' is a fraud. The present book includes chapters that examine the role in these falsehoods of Leon Trotsky and the errors and falsehoods in the book Lenin’s Last Struggle by the late historian Moshe Lewin, as well as individual chapters on the role of Lenin’s wife Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya and that of Lenin’s sister Maria Il’inichna Ulyanova."

Until June 18th copies can be ordered in the USA for $25 dollars (by check or money order) sent to:

Grover Furr, English Department,

Montclair State University, Montclair NJ 07043-1624

It is also available on Amazon, possibly with $5 added for shipping:

The Mystery of the Katyn Massacre

Furr's argument that the Katyn Massacre of April - May 1940 was carried out by Germany, not the USSR, is apparently banned in Poland as a crime "against the Polish nation," as is communist propaganda, and stores are afraid to sell his 2019 book.  People face arrest for making these arguments (and the situation for Ukrainian leftists under the government created by the 2014 coup is apparently similar, with parties and common symbols banned).  The book's Polish title is Tajemnica Zbrodni Katyńskiej: dowody, rozwiązanie and it is available online at:   

Apparently Amazon will not publish books in Polish, but physical copies can be bought at:  

A flyer listing Furr's books on Soviet history:

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