Saturday, March 30, 2024

On Land Day: BAP connecting domestic repression, Somalia, Cuba, Palestine, and Haiti + Paul Robeson, Stalin, and the History of the Soviet Union talk by Grover Furr March 31st

 March 30th iLand Day in Palestine, commemorating historic and widespread demonstrations on this day in 1976 against the expropriation of Palestinian (Israeli Arab, in this case?) land in the Galilee region, according to:  

The annual US Farmworker Awareness Week is March 25-31, ending on the birth anniversary of labor organizer Cesar Chavez in 1927 in Yuma, Arizona (Chavez passed away April 23, 1993 in San Luis, Arizona, near Yuma) , and  He worked closely with Dolores Huerta, born April 10, 1930 in what is now the ghost town of Dawson, New Mexico, near Cimarron:

The Diggers began occupying Saint George'Hill, Weybridge in Surrey, England April 1, 1649: ?  Billy Bragg has a song about it.

Soviet officiaLavrentiy Beria, mentioned below, was born March 29, 1899 in Merkheuli, Tsarist Russia, now in Abkhazia but claimed by Georgia.

March 27th:  

BAP Groundings: The interconnected struggles of Cuba, Palestine, and Haiti.  

The rare protest that occurred in Santiago, Cuba, on March 17, 2024, featuring chants of "power and food," has garnered attention from the U.S. mainstream media. However, it's important to note that these reports often overlook the significant impact of the decades-long blockade imposed on Cuba. The Black Alliance For Peace Haiti/Americas Team acknowledges the interconnected struggles of Cuba, Palestine, Haiti, and domestic repression in the U.S. under fascism, revealing a shared thread of imperialist oppression and the war on the people. These nations encounter different forms of siege tactics aimed at establishing open-air prisons, perpetuated through methods such as embargoes, sanctions, psychological warfare, and colonial violence.
  1. The Mallory memo of 1960, a declassified U.S. government document, revealed that the objective of the blockade was to induce "hunger, desperation, and overthrow the Cuban government." This context is crucial in understanding the broader dynamics at play and the complexities of Cuban socio-political issues.
  2. The detrimental and illegal US blockade against Cuba stands as a stark example of imperialist aggression and economic warfare. For over six decades, the United States has enforced a cruel and unjust embargo that has inflicted immense suffering on the Cuban people, violating international law and basic principles of sovereignty. The blockade, characterized by severe restrictions on trade, financial transactions, and travel, has deprived Cuba of vital resources, including medicines, food, and equipment necessary for development. Moreover, the blockade's extraterritorial reach seeks to punish any entity or country engaging in legitimate trade or cooperation with Cuba, extending its harmful impact beyond Cuban borders.
  3. In both Cuba and Palestine, the ongoing actions of the United States have contributed to conditions akin to open-air prisons. The U.S. embargo on Cuba has devastating consequences on Cuba's healthcare, education, and overall well-being, and has deprived its people of essential resources, leading to desperation among many. The United States employs imperialist sanctions to impose economic and psychological warfare on nations like Cuba, exacerbating suffering and hindering development in these regions. Likewise, Palestine faces a brutal regime of apartheid, checkpoints, and control over basic necessities by an illegitimate settler state, creating a pervasive sense of imprisonment and oppression.
  4. Haiti's history and consciousness parallel Cuba's, highlighting a heightened awareness of imperialism and capitalism's detrimental impact on their development, sovereignty, and self-determination. Media narratives concerning both Cuba and Haiti serve as potent tools in justifying occupation and regimes, particularly within the context of imperialist agendas.
  5. Similar to the #SOSCuba narrative, U.S. media has manipulated a storyline that blames the Cuban government for issues, advocating for regime change. Headlines portraying the current situation in Haiti with terms like "cannibal gangs" serve as a pretext for occupation. In both cases, the narrative implies that the people are incapable of governing themselves. The romanticized idea of overthrowing the Cuban revolution disregards the deliberate resistance against foreign intervention and the potential outcome mirroring Haiti's struggles under Western capitalism.
  6. The struggle for people(s)-centered human rights (PCHRs) that is a centerpiece of BAP’s programmatic work serves as a counter to western imperialist motives, emphasizing comprehensive strategies for decolonization and radical social change. Cuba's socialist model, despite facing a blockade, demonstrates elements of PCHRs through democratic processes and rights protections, exposing the hypocrisy of capitalism and the relentless attacks on anti-imperialist nations.
For the Black Alliance For Peace, the interconnectedness of these struggles underscores the urgent need to dismantle imperialist structures, reject siege tactics and colonial violence, and champion principles of self-determination, solidarity, and human dignity. This understanding and approach grounded in BAP’s commitment to Black internationalism, People(s)-Centered Human Rights and the Black Radical Peace tradition reflects the interconnection of BAP’s oppositional principles and vision for the future.

We Call for the Respect of Haitian Popular Sovereignty and
an End to Western Imperialist Intervention

A Zone of Peace Campaign Statement in Solidarity with the Haitian People


BOGOTA, COLOMBIA. 19 March 2024 – We denounce the ongoing attempts by Western imperialists to force an armed intervention and another illegitimate government on the Haitian people, as well as the collaboration of regional institutions in this intervention.
After months of the U.S., Core Group, and other imperialist collaborators working to execute an armed intervention into Haiti that they are now calling a “Multinational Security Service,” ex-de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry has resigned from his illegitimately-held position. Those countries calling for military intervention – the U.S., France, Canada – have created the conditions making military intervention appear necessary and inevitable. Now, this same imperialist cabal wants to appoint a favorable “transitional government,” without input from the Haitian people.
As organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign, we also denounce the role of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) working in collaboration with Western imperialists to deny the Haitian people their national sovereignty and collective self-determination. CARICOM has continued to betray the people of Haiti – in their support of western intervention, through select states’ choice to send troops to Haiti, and by including western imperialists in “negotiations” to which popular Haitian movements and organizations were not invited. CARICOM must reverse its position to one that opposes armed intervention into Haiti, and supports the efforts of the Haitian people to assert their sovereignty and reclaim their country.
We also remind all peoples and organizations of our hemisphere about the Community of Latin America and Caribbean States’ (CELAC) 2014 declaration of Latin America and the Caribbean as a ‘Zone of Peace.’ We recognize the recent CELAC statement by President Pro-Tempore Xiomara Castro, who declared that any “military action that violates the Principle of Non-Intervention and the Respect of Popular Self-Determination” in Haiti must be rejected, and we urge the CELAC “Troika” of Honduras, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, and Colombia to stand firm against imperialist aggression and intervention. It is clear that guaranteeing a true Zone of Peace in Our Americas requires a rejection of imperialist intervention in Haiti and all of our nations. This also requires a recognition of the human dignity of the people of Haiti and refusal to succumb to sensationalist western media and politicians that dehumanize Haitians and disregard the longstanding, organized popular mobilizations against imperialist aggression.
In addition to rejecting imperialist interventions and militarism, the call for a Zone of Peace in Our Americas means prioritizing People(s)-Centered Human Rights (PCHRs) in the Americas by observing the principles of national sovereignty, equal rights and self-determination of peoples. These are principles that must be defended through popular struggle. We, thus, support the statement of our comrades in MOLEGHAF, calling for organization and unity of revolutionary forces in Haiti against imperialist machinations.
Finally, we recognize and appreciate the forceful words of solidarity by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro during and after the most recent CELAC meeting, which recognized that the current crisis is the result of western intervention and imperialist violence. President Maduro also called for “comprehensive economic and social support” and solidarity, instead of an intervention that will only cause more bloodshed.
As organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign, we recently gathered in Bogota, Colombia, and agreed on the urgent need to support the people of Haiti and their popular mobilizations against ongoing imperialist violence. We call on all progressive, radical, and revolutionary movements and organizations across the Americas to support the Haitian people’s popular sovereignty and self-determination, to reject the “Multinational Security Support” mission, and to struggle for a peoples-centered Zone of Peace in Haiti and in all of Our Americas.
Hands Off Haiti!
Organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign
Black Alliance for Peace
Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration
Caribbean Organisation for People’s Empowerment
Consejo por la Emancipación Plurinacional de Perú
Diaspora Pa’lante Collective
Friends of the ATC (Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo)
Movimiento Evita
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition
Observatorio de los Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos
Proceso de Comunidades Negras – PCN
Red de Organizaciones AfroVenezolanas
Soli Puerto Rico
World Beyond War


Llamamos por el Respeto de la Soberanía Popular Haitiana y al Fin de la Intervención Imperialista Occidental
Declaración de la Campaña Zona de Paz en Solidaridad con el Pueblo Haitiano

BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA. 19 de marzo de 2024 – Denunciamos los continuos intentos de los imperialistas occidentales de imponer una intervención armada y otro gobierno ilegítimo al pueblo haitiano, tal como la colaboración de instituciones regionales en esta intervención.
Después de meses de los Estados Unidos, el ‘Core Group’ y otros colaboradores imperialistas trabajando para llevar a cabo una intervención armada en Haití que ahora llaman "Servicio de Seguridad Multinacional" (MSS), el ex primer ministro de facto Ariel Henry ha renunciado a su cargo ilegítimamente sostenido. Esos países que piden la intervención militar – los Estados Unidos, Francia, Canadá – han creado las condiciones que hacen que la intervención militar parezca necesaria e inevitable. Ahora, esta misma camarilla imperialista quiere nombrar un "gobierno de transición" favorable, sin el consentimiento del pueblo haitiano.
Como organizaciones de la Campaña Zona de Paz, también denunciamos el papel de la Comunidad del Caribe (CARICOM) trabajando en colaboración con los imperialistas occidentales para negar al pueblo haitiano su soberanía nacional y su autodeterminación colectiva. CARICOM ha continuado traicionando al pueblo haitiano – en su apoyo a la intervención occidental, a través de la elección de estados selectos para enviar tropas a Haití, y al incluir a los imperialistas occidentales en "negociaciones" a las que no fueron invitados los movimientos y organizaciones populares haitianas. CARICOM debe revertir su posición a una que se oponga a la intervención armada en Haití, y apoye los esfuerzos del pueblo haitiano para afirmar su soberanía y recuperar su país.
También recordamos a todos los pueblos y organizaciones de nuestro hemisferio la declaración de 2014 de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) de América Latina y el Caribe como una ‘Zona de Paz’. Reconocemos la reciente declaración de la CELAC por parte de la Presidenta Pro Tempore Xiomara Castro, quien declaró que cualquier "acción militar que viole el principio de No Intervención y el Respeto a la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos" en Haití debe ser rechazada, y urgimos a la "Troika" de la CELAC de Honduras, San Vicente y las Granadinas, y Colombia a mantenerse firmes contra la agresión e intervención imperialista. Garantizar una verdadera Zona de Paz en Nuestra América requiere el rechazo de la intervención imperialista en Haití y en todas nuestras naciones. Esto también requiere el reconocimiento de la dignidad humana del pueblo de Haití y la negativa a sucumbir a los medios de comunicación occidentales sensacionalistas y a los políticos que deshumanizan a los haitianos y desprecian las movilizaciones populares organizadas de larga data contra la agresión imperialista.
Además de rechazar las intervenciones imperialistas y el militarismo, el llamado por una Zona de Paz en Nuestra América significa priorizar los Derechos Humanos Centrados en las Personas (PCHR por sus letras en inglés) en las Américas observando los principios de soberanía nacional, igualdad de derechos y autodeterminación de los pueblos. Estos son principios que deben ser defendidos a través de la lucha popular. Por lo tanto, apoyamos la declaración de nuestros compañeros en MOLEGHAF, quienes llaman por la organización y unidad de las fuerzas revolucionarias en Haití, contra las maquinaciones imperialistas.
Finalmente, reconocemos y apreciamos las palabras poderosas de solidaridad del Presidente venezolano Nicolás Maduro durante y después de la reunión más reciente de la CELAC, lo que reconoció que la crisis actual es el resultado de la intervención occidental y la violencia imperialista. El Presidente Maduro también llamó por un "apoyo económico y social integral" y por la solidaridad, en lugar de una intervención que sólo causará más derramamiento de sangre.
Como organizaciones de la Campaña Zona de Paz, nos reunimos recientemente en Bogotá, Colombia, y acordamos la urgente necesidad de apoyar al pueblo haitiano y sus movilizaciones populares contra la violencia imperialista en curso. Instamos a todos los movimientos y organizaciones progresistas, radicales y revolucionarios de las Américas a apoyar la soberanía popular y la autodeterminación del pueblo haitiano, rechazar la misión del MSS y luchar por una Zona de Paz centrada en los pueblos de Haití y de toda Nuestra América.
¡Fuera de Haití! ¡Hands Off Haiti!
Organizaciones de la Campaña Zona de Paz
Black Alliance for Peace
Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration
Caribbean Organisation for People’s Empowerment
Consejo por la Emancipación Plurinacional de Perú
Diaspora Pa’lante Collective
Friends of the ATC (Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo)
Movimiento Evita
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition
Observatorio de los Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos
Proceso de Comunidades Negras – PCN
Red de Organizaciones AfroVenezolanas
Soli Puerto Rico
World Beyond War

BAP Backgrounder: Haiti Behind the Headlines

March 11, 2024

Haiti is in the headlines again and, as usual, the headlines on Haiti are mostly negative. They are also largely false. Haiti, they tell us, is overrun by “gang violence.” Haiti is “a failed state,” standing on the verge of “anarchy” and teetering on the edge of “collapse.” Haiti, they tell us, can only be stabilized and saved through foreign military invasion and occupation. We have seen these stories before. We know their purpose. They serve to cover up the true origins of the “crisis” in Haiti while justifying foreign military intervention and setting up an attack on Haiti’s sovereignty.

What is the reality behind the headlines? The reality is that the crisis in Haiti is a crisis of imperialism. Those countries calling for military intervention – the US, France, Canada – have created the conditions making military intervention appear necessary and inevitable. The same countries calling for intervention are the same countries that will benefit from intervention, not the Haitian people. And for twenty years, those countries that cast Haiti as a failed state actively worked to destroy Haiti’s government while imposing foreign colonial rule.
On Haiti, the position of the Black Alliance for Peace has been consistent and clear. We reject the sensationalist headlines in the Western media with their racist assumptions that Haiti is ungovernable, and the Haitian people cannot govern themselves. We support the efforts of the Haitian people to assert their sovereignty and reclaim their country. We denounce the ongoing imperialist onslaught on Haiti and demand the removal of Haiti’s foreign, colonial rulers.

What’s Going on in Haiti? 3/11

  • The crisis in Haiti is a crisis of imperialism – but what does this mean? It means that the failure of governance in Haiti is not something internal to Haiti, but it is a result of the concerted effort on the part of the west to gut the Haitian state and destroy popular democracy in Haiti.
  • Haiti is currently under occupation by the US/UN and Core Group, a self-appointed cabal of foreign entities who effectively rule this country.
  • The occupation of Haiti began in 2004 with the US/France/Canada-sponsored coup d’état against Haiti’s democratically elected president. The coup d’etat was approved by the UN Security Council. It established an occupying military force (euphemistically called a “peacekeeping” mission), with the acronym MINUSTAH. Though the MINUSTAH mission officially ended in 2017, the UN office in Haiti was reconstituted as BIHUH. BINUH, along with the Core Group, continues to have a powerful role in Haitian affairs.
  • Over the past four years, the Haitian masses have mobilized and protested against an illegal government, imperial meddling, the removal of fuel subsidies leading to rising costs of living, and insecurity by elite-funded armed groups. However, these protests have been snuffed out by the US-installed puppet government. 
  • Since 2021, attempts to control Haiti by the US have intensified. In that year, Haiti’s president, Jovenel Moïse was assassinated and Ariel Henry was installed by the US and UN Core Group as the de facto prime minister. In the wake of the assassination of Moïse and the installation of Henry, the U.S. has sought to build a coalition of foreign states willing to send military forces to occupy Haiti, and to deal with Haiti’s ostensible “gang” problem.
  • The armed groups (the so-called “gangs”) mainly in the capital city of Haiti should be understood as “paramilitary” forces, as they are made up of former (and current) Haitian police and military elements.  These paramilitary forces are known to work for some of Haiti’s elite, including, some say, Ariel Henry (Haiti’s former de facto prime minister). It should also be noted that Haiti does not manufacture guns; the guns and ammunition come primarily from the US and the Dominican Republic; and the US has consistently rejected calls for an arms embargo.
  • Moreover, as Haitian organizations have demonstrated, it is the UN and Core Group occupation that has enabled the “gangsterization” of the country. When we speak of “gangs,” we must recognize that the real and most powerful gangs in the country are the US, the Core Group, and the illegal UN office in Haiti – all of whom helped to create the current crisis.
  • Most recently, Ariel Henry traveled to Kenya to sign an agreement with Kenya prime minister William Ruto authorizing the deployment of 1,000 Kenyan police officers as the head of a multinational military force whose ostensible purpose was to combat Haiti’s gang violence. But the US strategy for Haiti appears to have collapsed as Henry has been unable to return to Haiti and there is renewed challenge to the constitutionality of that deployment. 
  • The US is now scrambling for control, seeking to force Henry’s resignation while looking for a new puppet to serve as a figurehead for foreign rule of Haiti. While Haiti currently does not have a government, it has not descended into chaos or anarchy. The paramilitaries, it seems, are waiting for their orders to act, while the US strategy for Haiti is in crisis. 

Why Haiti?

For BAP, the historic struggles of the Haitian people to combat slavery, colonialism, and imperialism have been crucial to the struggles of African people throughout the globe. The attacks on Black sovereignty in Haiti are replicated in the attacks on Black people throughout the Americas. Today, Haiti is  important for U.S. geopolitical and economic viability. Haiti is in a key location in the Caribbean for US military and security strategy in the region, especially in light of the coming US confrontation with China and in the context of the strategic implementation of the Global Fragilities Act. Haiti’s economic importance stems from what western corporations perceive as a vast pool of cheap labor, and its unexploited land and mineral wealth.

BAP’S Position on the Current Situation in Haiti

  • BAP, as with many Haitian and other organizations, have consistently argued against a renewed foreign military intervention.
  • We have persistently demanded the end of the foreign occupation of Haiti. This includes the dissolution of the Core Group, the UN office in Haiti (BINHU), and the end of the constant meddling of the US, along with its junior partners, CARICOM, and Brazil’s Lula.
  • We have denounced the governments of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) (with the exception of Venezuela and Cuba), for supporting US plans for armed intervention in Haiti and the denial of Haitian sovereignty.
  • We have denounced CARICOM leaders, and especially Barbados Prime Minister, Mia Mottley, for not only supporting US planned armed intervention in Haiti and offering their police and soldiers for the mission, but for also following US and Core Group dictates on the way forward in Haiti. Haiti’s solutions should come from Haitian people through broad consensus. CARICOM leaders cannot claim to be helping Haiti when they are acting as neo-colonial stooges of the US and the Core Group.
  • We have denounced the role of Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva, for not only continuing Brazil’s role in the Core Group, but for also leading the charge, along with the criminal US government, for foreign armed military invasion of Haiti. We remind everyone that it was Lula’s government that led the military wing of the 2004 violent UN occupation of Haiti. Brazil’s soldiers led the mission for 13 years (until 2017).
  • In solidarity with Haitian groups, we have denounced the UN approved, US-funded, Kenyan-led foreign armed invasion and occupation of Haiti. We are adamant that a U.S./UN-led armed foreign intervention in Haiti is not only illegitimate, but illegal. We support Haitian people and civil society organizations who have been consistent in their opposition to foreign armed military intervention – and who have argued that the problems of Haiti are a direct result of the persistent and long-term meddling of the United States, the United Nations, and the Core Group.
  • We demand US accountability for flooding Haiti with military grade weapons. We demand that the US enforce the UN-stated arms embargo against the Haitian and U.S. elite who import guns into the country.
  • We will continue to support our comrades as they fight for a free and sovereign Haiti.

Long live Haiti!   

Read the online version here.

Black Alliance for Peace Says International Women’s Day Must be a Radical Call to Action Against Colonial Domination from Haiti to Palestine [March 8th]


Historically, African (Black) women in the U.S. have contributed to social progress movements, including the fight against  racial oppression,  patriarchy, capitalist exploitation, western imperialism, and colonialism. Women’s struggle for peace and freedom has challenged the U.S.’ push for war and global dominance. During today’s commemorations for International Women’s Day, women celebrated for their achievements highlight a stark reality of how far our communities have departed from the Black Radical Peace tradition.

Since October 7, 2023, Israeli Occupation forces have murdered over 30,000 Palestinians and displaced millions more. Despite the International Court of Justice's ruling, the U.S. has continued to justify and support Israel in its ongoing genocide, employing individuals like Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield to consistently vote no on proposed U.N. Security Council ceasefire resolutions for a toothless “humanitarian pause”. Thomas-Greenfield's willingness to serve as a loyal Blackface of Empire disregards Palestinians as a whole but also the enduring suffering of Palestinian women under settler colonial occupation, who give birth to still-born babies at checkpoints, and face widespread instances of sexualized torture, rape, and castration, irrespective of gender identity.

Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre is celebrated as a “First Black” for Empire, but her Haitian family background obscures the fact that the Biden administration is pushing the latest call for occupation of Haiti. With the impending Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti, we must remember the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti ( MINSUH ) which occupied Haiti after the removal of democratically elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haitian women experienced various forms of violence, exploitation, and marginalization. Haitian workers, predominantly women, have demanded wage increases and protested against the dehumanizing and demeaning sweatshops where they work. However, they have been met with paramilitary forces, used as a pretext for occupation, which will have detrimental effects on women.

Advocating regime change, supporting genocide, and signing draconian bills into law from Washington D.C to San Francisco, African (Black) women are being used as the faces of disparity and military proliferation, exacerbating the challenges faced by working-class African (Black) women. This is a blatant disregard of people-centered human rights and perpetuates full-spectrum domination, inevitably hindering the advancement of liberation struggles of colonized people worldwide. 

The contradictions of celebrating women's achievements while turning a blind eye to the suffering of colonized women, both domestically and globally, highlight the need to broaden the scope and meaning of International Women’s Day to make it a day of remembrance and resistance focused on the objective of overturning the structures and relationships imposed on the world by the Western colonial/capitalist system that degraded and dehumanized women across the planet. For BAP, International Women’s Day is a call to action. A clarion call to sharpen our weapons of opposition in order to strike at the heart of patriarchy, gender-based violence and capitalism.

Link to online version:

Statement Against U.S. AFRICOM Airstrikes

Feared to Have Killed 2 Cuban Doctors [February 28th] 


Media Contact
communications [at blackallianceforpeace com]
(202) 643-1136

FEBRUARY 28, 2024 – The National Network on CubaThe Black Alliance for Peace, and Lowcountry Action Committee recently released a joint statement regarding the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) airstrikes in Somalia reported to have killed 2 Cuban doctors. Please see the statement below:


The National Network on CubaThe Black Alliance for Peace, and Lowcountry Action Committee strongly condemn the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) airstrikes in Somalia reported to have killed 2 Cuban doctors. We demand the U.S. release all information about the bombing to Cuba and the victims’ families.

Cuba has deployed more than 600,000 health workers to 165 nations over the last six decades on medical missions. Two Cubans serving in Kenya, Dr. Assel Herrera Correa, a specialist in general medicine, and Dr. Landy Rodriguez Hernandez, a surgeon, were kidnapped there in 2019 and held in Jilib, southern Somalia. Unofficial sources reported that a U.S. drone strike in Jilib on February 15 killed the Cuban doctors; an AFRICOM spokesperson confirmed the bombing but would not confirm any civilian casualties. Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs approached the U.S. government through diplomatic channels on February 18, seeking information, and has yet to receive a response. The President of Cuba’s National Assembly is now traveling to Kenya to carry out urgent negotiations and confirm the status of the doctors’ lives. We will continue sharing in Cuba’s hope of finding the doctors alive until there is official confirmation to the contrary.

We call on the U.S. to cooperate with an investigation and to share all information about the attack with Cuba. This attack shows once again that Cuba’s foreign policy is to save lives, while U.S. foreign policy is to occupy, bomb, blockade, and destroy lives. As Cuban leader Fidel Castro famously said, “Our country does not drop bombs on other peoples, nor does it send thousands of planes to bomb cities…Tens of thousands of Cuban doctors have provided internationalist services in the most remote and inhospitable places…Doctors, not bombs.”

U.S. troops should not be occupying Africa in the first place, nor should they be in Cuba at Guantánamo Bay. Despite the disingenuous altruistic spin the U.S. puts on their stated purpose for AFRICOM, its real and only purpose is to use military power to impose U.S. control over African land, resources, and labor in service to Western finance capital. AFRICOM’s drone operations in Africa have only caused violence, vicious anonymity, and "collateral damage." Primarily in Libya and Somalia, the numbers of confirmed civilian deaths from drones are as high as 3,200 in these two countries, and studies have shown these conditions “have inadvertently aided the growth of terrorist groups in the region.”

We join the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and the Black Alliance for Peace in calling for an international “Zone of Peace” in the Americas. We stand in solidarity with all people facing imperialist violence, from Gaza to Guantánamo.

Unblock Cuba!
Let Cuba live! 
U.S. out of Africa and shut down AFRICOM!

Link to the statement online

ICSS meeting:  "Paul Robeson, Stalin, and the History of the Soviet Union," a talk by MSU professor Grover Furr, March 31st at 1:30pm Eastern, 10:30am Pacific – 


    *GOOD FOR SUNDAY, Mar 31, 2024*

    Join Zoom Meeting

Here is the full information from the sponsoring group, the ICSS [=?]:

    Sun, Mar 31, 2024: 10:30am-12:30pm Pacific

    *Paul Robeson, **Stalin and the
    History of the Soviet Union.*

    *Speaker: Grover Furr*

    Grover writes:
    In 1981 Paul Robeson’s son, Paul Robeson Jr, claimed that his father
    had told him privately that in June 1949 he, Paul Sr, learned about
    the persecution of some prominent Jews in the Soviet Union, but had
    never publicly revealed this fact and had asked his son to promise
    not to reveal it during his, Paul Sr’s, lifetime. In later years
    Paul Jr repeatedly confirmed this story. In a recent article I
    checked this story against the evidence that is now available and
    drew the only possible conclusion: that Paul Jr’s story is untrue.
    In our latest book, /Stalin Exonerated: Fact-Checking the Death of
    Solomon Mikhoels,/ Vladimir Bobrov and I show not just that the
    story that Joseph Stalin ordered the murder of Mikhoels is false [March 16, 1890
– January 13, 1948]. We show that it is a deliberate forgery by well-known scholars of Soviet history who are still active today.

    I would like to begin with some falsehoods about Stalin and the
    history of the Soviet Union in his time. Then I will outline why we
    should all be acutely aware of the falsification of Stalin-era
    Soviet history and what it means for the working class and
    progressive persons all over the world.
    Our speaker is *Grover Furr,* Professor of Medieval English
    literature at Montclair State University in New Jersey [ ]
. Prof. Furr is best known for his views on the Soviet Union in the Stalin period, based on his research of declassified documents in Russia after 1991, as in his first of many published books on the subject, /Khrushchev Lied, The Evidence that Every Revelation of Stalin's (and Beria's) Crimes in Nikita Khrushchev's Infamous Secret Speech to the 20th Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on February 25, 1956, Is Provably False./ [Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria was born March 29, 1899 in Merkheuli, Tsarist Russia, now in Abkhazia but claimed by Georgia, and he was executed December 23, 1953 in Moscow.]


    *GOOD FOR SUNDAY, Mar 31, 2024*

    Join Zoom Meeting

[4/16 -- See for text and YouTube links for the talk.]

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