Friday, July 26, 2024

Torch #7 Summer 2024 published + news

The seventh or summer 2024 issue of The Torch, newspaper of the Independent Workers' Party, was out by July 24th and will be available online at:  The editors say that it is a united front and welcomes anyone who agrees with the basic principles listed on the website.  People can contribute articles, poetry, and photos; donations and volunteer distributers are also needed.  The IWP has held webinars on the second Great Depression and the continuing struggle in Haiti (available on YouTube, in French and )


2024 Elections and ClasStruggle

Solidarity with the Palestinian People 

American Government Violence – something to consider 

Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU) Stand in Solidarity

Russia and America / An Interpretation Dr W.E.B Du Bois 1950 Chapter 2 – THE SOVIET UNION IN 1926 [continued]

The Mullahs' Murders

No Training of U.S. Police Forces by Israel

The USSR Fought the Deciding Battles to Save the World from Fascism – D-Day narrative debunked

Unrelated news regarding the war in the Middle East In hispeech before Congress on the 24th, which a few members from North Carolina missed, Netanyahu specifically mentioned and praised UNC-Chapel Hill fraternity members over something done with the US flag versus pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel protester(after everything Israel has done, I don't see anything wrong with hostility to and condemnation of the Israeli government and those backing it).  The fraternities received a huge amount of donations as a result and plan an event, I think in September.  The same trustees meeting that approved deep cuts at UNC-Greensboro this week also approved a large payment to the UNC system president, if I remember correctly.  I'm stillooking into whether the Chapel Hill Public Library's actions against free speech were done for Biden and/or Netanyahu.  It has been noted that Democratic NC governor Roy Cooper, reportedly a likely vice presidential candidate, did not actively target anti-war protesters in the spring – but I think he also did not condemn or try to veto legislation officially equating criticism of Israel with anti-semitism in North Carolina.  On 1A on the 25th (?), Zwilick (spelling?) had to point out that there were a few "pro-Hamas" (and?) and "anti-semitic" sentiments expressed in the demonstration outside the UCapitol on the 24th, and that 'can't be unseen,' or something.  On the 25th Fresh Air's Terry Gross interviewed a staff writer from the New Yorker on the prospect of war between Israel and Hezbollah.  I missed most of it, but it was reminiscent of 2003.  Terry Gross, if not Dexter Filkins, seemed to be painting Hezbollah as an aggressive, Shia Islamist puppet completely under the control of Iran, which wants them to attack Israel, and Hezbollah itself wants to invade Israe– yet they haven't done so up to now, and it seems like the best time would have been when Israel was more bogged down in Gaza.  I didn't hear any mention of what Israel has done against Lebanon, such as seizing disputed territory, or any sympathy for Lebanese civilians killed or displaced by Israel.  I think I remember that UN peacekeepers were also killed on the border recently.  Many UN personnel, relief workers, journalists, and their family members have been  killed by Israel in Gaza, and Israel would probably treat Lebanon as it treats Gaza, without much respect for what community people belong to, Shia Muslim or otherwise.  When the media says Biden is going to prioritize peace in the Middle East during the remainder of his term, I think that means "peace" under Israeli, Egyptian, and Saudi boots, the peace of death, and Harris and other Democrats have been working with Biden to bring this about.  I can imagine Trump, Biden, or Harris attacking if not invading Lebanon, Yemen (the US and Co. are already meddling in and bombing Yemen), or even Iran for Israel, and the US already occupies part of Syria and hasupposedly consensual bases in Iraq.  It would probably be very bloody for alsides if Israel and the the "West" start more wars in the Middle East.  It has been suggested by many that Hezbollah is well-armed and would decisively win a war with Israel, and that Russia and China would back Iran in a war with the US.

Inca emperor Atahualpa was given a sort of trial and executed by the Spanish force under Francisco Pizarro around July 26, 1533.  Pizarro was assassinated June 26, 1541 during infighting among the conquistadors.

Aldous Leonard Huxley was born July 26, 1894 in Godalming, Surrey, UK and passed away November 22, 1963 in Los Angeles County, California:

Argentine political figure Eva (Evita) Peron was born May 7, 1919 in or near Junin and passed away July 26, 1952 in the Unzue Palace in Buenos Aires, Argentina:ón

Apparently the NationaSecurity Actsigned by Harry Truman July 26, 1947, created the Air Force, CIA, Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the NationaSecurity Council.  Truman later regretted creating the CIA.

The last or one of the last battles of the Korean War, Samchion River, was July 24-26, 1953, though a real peace has never been concluded:

Today is the anniversary of the failed assaults in 1953 on the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba, under Fidel Castro, and the Carlos Manuel de Cespedes barracks in Bayano, under Raul Martinez Arras, after the possibility of electoral politics was foreclosed in Fulgencio Batista's Cuba.  The 26th of July Movement was formed a few years later during the Cuban Revolution, which succeeded in removing Batista and then moved in a socialist direction, providing an example and resource for resistance to imperialism in the Americas and elsewhere.  The 26th is a Cuban national holiday.  See: , , , , and 

Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal and barred Israeli ships from the Straits of Tiran July 26, 1956, leading to the Suez Crisis.  

The Republic of the Maldives gained independence from the UK July 26, 1965; it had been a British protectorate:

Wataru Kaji (鹿地 亘, Kaji Wataru, May 1, 1903 – July 26/27, 1982):

The ADA wasigned July 26, 1990.

India claims victory in the Kargil War, fought around Jammu and Kashmir, May 3 – July 26, 1999: and

The Democratic Party nominated Hillary Clinton July 26, 2016. 

The Nigerien presidential guard overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum July 26, 2023. July 30th ECOWAS threatened a military response if Bazoum was not restored to power within a week. By July 31st Mali and Burkina Faso said that they would give Niger military support if it were attacked and Guinea said that it will not participate in sanctions. These three countries have also had military coups recently, forcing the French and other NATO country military forces to relocate to Niger, also a source of uranium, gold, and oil. The Russian Wagner Group replaced French forces in Mali.  See also:état  There have been recent military coups in neighboring countries, such as Mali:

The 2024 summer Olympics, centered in Paris, officially opens July 26, 2024, though some competitions began July 24th.  The French high-speed raisystem wasabotaged around Paris with three arson attacks and an attempted fourth.  Israeli and Ukrainian athletes can participate under their flagswhile Russian and Belarusians have to compete as "neutrals," and the US attacked the Chinese team's integrity.  The beginning of the NATO Olympics?  Is there a Palestinian team [no], etc.?  The US and UK of course participated under their flags during the "War on Terror."  See: and

July 27, 1585 landing at Roanoke Island, "Virginia," now in NC – This Country Was Ours:  A Documentary History of the American Indian, by Virgil J Vogel, 1974.

The Gulf War Did Not Take Place / La Guerre du Golfe n'a pas eu lieu by French sociologist Jean Baudrillard (July 27, 1929 – March 6, 2007) was published in Libération and The Guardian newspapers in a series, January 4, February 6, and March 29 in 1991.  Referred to in:

The Korean War armstice began July 27, 1953 and has continued ever since, so far.  ROK president Syngman Rhee did not sign the document.  In DPR Korea July 27th is commemorated as the Day of Victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War.   

July 27th is supposed to be Remembrance Day for Child Victims of the Donbass War:

The last quarter Moon will be Saturday, July 27th.

Thomas Cromwell was executed by beheading July 28, 1540 on London's Tower Hill:

Wikipedia dates World War I (or the forgotten Great War / the First Inter-imperialist War) to July 28, 1914 – November 11, 1918:

The USA occupied Haiti July 28, 1915 to August 1, 1934 and another military intervention is going on this summer under Biden.

The US and UK are creating the groundwork to condemn the elections in Venezuela Sunday, July 28th and justify a coup attempt.  "Authoritarian" Maduro and the wrecked economy, without a word about US actions.  Venezuelan "socialism" is counterposed to "democracy."  The BBC [On the NPR/BBC program The World July 26th and I thought she was on the BBC news before that] gets a Latina with a strong accent [as in, having authentic Latin American roots] to say such things for the "Yankees" [the US elite and government] and NPR has a Nicaraguan immigrant [7/29:  I can't remember, maybe his parents immigrated], now based in Mexico City, to vilify targeted Latin American countries.  What they condemn Trump for they want to see happen to a far greater and bloodier extent in Venezuela and other countries, if the candidates preferred by the US government don't win, and here comes Trump for Juan Guaido and "Bay of Piglets" II, if not worse.  And here is NPR's Carrie Kahn to build up the legend of "pro-business" Machado, as they admitted, "not even on the ballot."  The sanctions, only under Trump, aren't the cause, they say.  Machado wears a large white cross, for what reason?  Their Republican "Christian nationalism" and "white nationalism" boogeymen are okay when voiced by the rightist "opposition" in countries like Bolivia.  They covered up alleged war crimes and lack of democracy for the Ukrainian government and Biden's European war effortso what are they covering up about the "Venezuelan opposition?"

July 30th comment deadline on the Chapel Hill coal ash dump.  A delay on the remediation of Greensboro's Bingham Park.

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima by Truman was August 6, 1945, but there were also illegal anti-war demonstrations August 6, 1950 in Japan during the Korean War and demonstrations against prime minister Eisaku Sato August 6, 1971, according to a Japanese post on X.  Elsewhere on X there is a charge that an undercover Israeli agent burned a US flag at a protest in this country.

The USSR and Mongolia declared war on August 8th and invaded Japanese-occupied Manchuria very early on August 9th, as had long been requested by the other Allies.  A few weeks ago the BBC had Mongolians complaining about Mongolian participation in WWII commemorations in Moscow and fearmongering about China and Russia.

Nagasaki was atom-bombed on the 9th.

I'm trying to post a calendar before August. 

On the 2024 presidential election on the ballot in North Carolina:  the Constitution Party, Democratic Party, Green Party, Libertarian Party, Republican Party, and RFK Jr's party.  Three people are sueing the State Board of Elections for denying ballot access to Cornel West's party.  In Georgia the Democratic Party filed a lawsuit to deny ballot access to the PSL'presidential ticket, and the Democrats and Republicans are working to keep various third parties off ballots across the country.  They split the work of sueing in Illinois.  Green JilStein and PSL's Claudia de la Cruz were standing with the occupied, brutalized Palestinians outside the US Capitol on the 24th?

Off the cuff:  A few days ago, maybe Monday or Tuesday, NPR's Steve Inskeep referred to something like "third, fourth, and fifth parties" – yet more of NPR's allegedly unbiased, objective, neutral, and fair "journalism."  I will note in another post how Laisson and Co. talked at the RNC and when Biden pulled out of the election.  I think a very pro-Harris Democratic Party activist woman in Pittsburgh was identified as merely a community activist type.  NPR worked to get Biden off the ballot after the debate, after keeping those challenging him down, and now they are all in for Kamala Harris.  They claim that there is basically no opposition to Harris within the Democratic Party, and their politicians and Democratic Party-controlled NGOsuch as NOW say, unite behind pro-Israel warmonger Harri(or else, as in the fall of 2001?).  Roy Cooper's NC Democratic Party allowed no opposition to Biden, other than "uncommitted," and has now endorsed Harris 100%, or something (and Florida was even worse, not even allowing a primary vote).  So much free and positive PR for Harris on NPR, and negative coverage of every other candidate they care to mention.  Harris and Zelensky are made out to be popular, heroic, and even epic leaders.  Bernie Sanders and AOC backed Biden hard, for what benefit to "progressives?"  NPR and others keeping bringing up Ronald Reagan, of all people, to criticize the Republicans and praise the Democrats, though they leave out that Reagan took more action to control Israeli aggression, at least at times, than Democrat Biden.  Trump and the Republicans give Harris cover on the left by portraying her as a radical leftist or even a Marxist.  And Obama wasupposed to be a good "community organizer" and "constitutional law" scholar or whatever and he used it to cover over or continue what Bush-Cheney did, and Biden has a lot of gifts to give to whoever wins the election, after all the talk about the end of "our democracy" and no ongoing wars.  I think someone knowledgeable once wrote that constitutional law doesn't really exist.   Some Democrats are pretending to care about Palestine until after the election, though talk of Biden's "frustration" with Israel has mostly ended.  Trump is even more pro-Israel than Biden, but Biden and the Democrats have already gone so far for Netanyahu, helping Israel destroy itself.  They might be destroying the USA as well, with multiple wars and new cold wars and internal problems, not that Trump and the Republicans would fix the situation.

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