Friday, October 18, 2024

Grover Furr ICSS talk October 20th: Trotsky's Comintern Conspiracy - The Case of Osip Pyatnitsky

An announcement about Grover Furr and Vladimir L. Bobrov's new book, Trotsky's Comintern Conspiracy -- The Case of Osip

On the publisher's website:

[Response to a critic: or

[November 9th Grover Furr sent out video and text links from the talk:

On YouTube

The amended text: ]

To join the lecture and Q and A via

From the ICSS (Institute for the Critical

Study of Society, based in Oakland, California); slightly edited:

[A photo goes here.]  [The above link has a YouTube video of the talk.]

From the ICSS
From the ICSS

Trotsky’s Comintern Conspiracy – The Case Of Osip PyatnitskyGrover Furr — October 20, 2024 10:30 AM Pacific Time

Starting on December 1, 1934, when Leningrad Party leader Sergei Kirov was assassinated, leading to capture, trial and execution of a Party member, Leonid Nikolaev, a number of conspiracies shook the Soviet Union’s Communist Party.  As revealed in the three Moscow trials, although Trotsky’s followers hotly contest it to this day, the 1929 exiled former Party member and once the Commissar of War, Leon Trotsky, was at the center of these conspiracies; Furr and Bobrov’s research is based on newly released files from the archives after the fall of the USSR.  In his new book, Furr and Bobrov examine the conspiracy within the Comintern by studying the investigation file of Osip Aronovich Pyatnitsky, head (secretary) of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (ECCI) from 1923 to 1935. Pyatnitsky’s investigative file contains a great deal of evidence, allowing the reader to see for the first time the vast extent of this combination of interconnected conspiracies.

Grover Furr is a professor of Medieval English literature at Montclair State University and a widely-published author focusing on Stalin and the USSR.  [His faculty website:  ]

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