Monday, February 16, 2009

Immigration events and Price meetings this week

The Chatham County Commissioners meet Monday evening at 6pm and apparently there might be an anti-immigrant turnout against the recent resolution against participating in 287g and for the human rights of immigrants, so supporters are being asked to come.  If anything controversial happens, it would be during the public comments section at the start of the meeting (you can sign up to speak at  The location is the Superior Courthouse in the center of Pittsboro. 
There are two Prayer Vigils for Immigrants (see and - Monday morning, I think at 10:45, at the The Methodist Building, 1307 Glenwood Avenue in Raleigh and 2/18 7-8pm at Emmanuel Hispanic Presbyterian Church, 2504 North Mangum in Durham.
Also on the 18th there is a dinner and strategy meeting at 6:30 the Quaker Meeting House on the Duke campus.  
The town meetings with David Price are all 7-8:30pm - Monday it is at Durham Main Library, Tuesday at the Cary Town Council meeting chambers at 315 North Academy Road, and Wednesday at the Southern Orange Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead Road in Chapel Hill.    

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