Monday, October 29, 2012

Celebrating the 95th anniversary of the Russian Revolution on The Peoples Channel and Durham Community Media

The September-October episode of Communist Voice has been broadcast for 8 weeks, so under TPC/DCM rules it won't be shown October 29th, but the next episode should air November 6th, just in time for the anniversary of the socialist stage of the Russian Revolution, November 7th. This is the most complex episode to produce up to now, editing together videos from DVD, VHS, and YouTube. It includes a re-airing of the English language Soviet video Chronicle of October- 1917, another short Soviet video and a YouTube clip featuring songs of the October Socialist Revolution, and a few music videos from the Pakistani communist pop band Laal [Red]. Laal's channel on is laalpakistan and the lead singer and guitarist is a leader of the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (Communist Workers and Peasants Party).

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