Copperheads on roads in September
On late summer nights, and it seems especially on cool late September nights, many copperheads enter rural and suburban roads and then can't or won't move away when cars approach. I usually see copperheads only at this time of year, though there is evidently a large population Despite being venomous copperheads aren't very dangerous and bites are often the result of people stepping on a snake or trying to kill one, and sometimes people get punctured just handling copperheads that are already dead. At this time of year someone could step on a copperhead and get a defensive bite while walking on a residential street without a flashlight. Like other snake species [the vast majority of which are non-venomous], which people often can't actually tell apart, copperheads would prefer to be left alone and not waste valuable venom biting humans, and they help control rodents and other small animals. I use a grabber to remove copperheads from roads or I try to persuade them to move off, staying far enough away to avoid being bitten. Non-venomous species, such as rat snakes and Eastern kingsnakes, which eat copperheads, can be found on rural roads during the day and frequently get killed. Snakes seem more common, diverse, and large in rural areas than in my neighborhood, so it is up to cats [etc.] to control rodents here (assuming large snakes really are rare) and copperheads could benefit from the absence of [most of] their predators.
Petition to Save the Catsburg Country Store
This iconic building with a black cat logo has been a landmark on Old Oxford Road near Penny's Bend on the Eno in East Durham for 100 years, and is to be demolished for construction. A petition is being circulated to support moving it a short distance to a site by the new Sandy Ridge Elementary School and renovate it as a community center. Closer to the Eno there are several threatened plant species, and hopefully someone checked the Catsburg area before the new project was approved, though endangered plants have fewer protections than endangered animals due to legal history. The NC Botanical Garden is offering a tour at Penny's Bend October 26th 1 - 4pm.
Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 photo contest (with cash prizes) September 1st - 30th:
Solidarity with the United Autoworkers
Local supporters can join a picket line at a service and operations distribution center in Charlotte: GM CCA, 10815 Quality Drive, zip code 28278.
The UAW is taking protest letters to General Motors headquarters:
GM received a $11.7 billion dollar bailout under TARP and concessions from its workers, but now GM wants to close five factories in Maryland, Michigan, and Ohio; hire more full-time, temporary, lower wage workers doing the same jobs as unionized workers, a practice that began after the bailout; and the company wants workers to pay more for health insurance. GM's sales figures are online at:
Communication Workers of America strike against AT and T Southeast
21,000 CWA workers are on strike because their contract expired and the company won't send someone with the authority to negotiate. I was told that there are strikes at the locations below, and union locals can be found at:
27 Cherry St N, Asheville
24 O. Henry Ave, Asheville
33 Trellis Dr, Canton
299 Fenway Ct, Carrboro
625 Old Fayetteville Rd, Chapel Hill
4100 S Stream Blvd, Charlotte
5229 Central Ave, Charlotte
220 S South St, Gastonia
5721 Inman Rd, Greensboro
100 South Eugene St, Greensboro
3129 Flagstone St, Greensboro
500 Duncan Hill Rd, Hendersonville
510 Cornerstone Ct, Hillsborough
140 Southcenter Ct, Morrisville
8811 Westgate Park Dr, Raleigh
1150 Nowell Rd, Raleigh
404 Hubert St, Raleigh
7520 Reba Dr, Raleigh
120 Jones Franklin Rd, Raleigh
5715 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh
146 Rupert Rd, Raleigh
9542 Industry Dr, Raleigh
5120 Fayetteville Rd, Raleigh
520 Eagle Rock Rd, Wendell
5th St Winston-Salem
800 Robie St. Winston-Salem, NC
Emerald ash borers found in Chatham County
Emerald ash borers are now known to be in Chatham County, and have already spread through Durham, Orange, Wake, and other counties. According to an article in the Chatham News and Record, the NC Forest Service detected the beetle through trapping along Wilkinson Creek south of Chapel Hill (,2622 ). The NCFS created a new map in June showing where these East Asian beetles have been found, though they have probably spread further ( ). I have wondered if I am starting to see the effects in Durham, but I'm not certain (and I'm watching for laurel wilt, but so far it has only been found at the southeast corner of the state). Their larvae bore in living ash trees and possibly related fringetrees, and since they are not native to North America and therefore have few natural controls they become so numerous that they kill trees above a certain size. The many species of ash and one fringetree are ecologically and culturally important and common trees (people also plant Chinese fringetrees, and I think there are some at UNC). It is possible to treat individual trees with (controversial) insecticides and various Asian parasitoid wasps are being released to control the beetles, and some trees might be able to survive. On the other hand, it seems like the beetles could ultimately kill all or almost all ash trees where they spread (and ash seeds don't stay viable long enough to replenish the population later), and there is little to stop them (and people transport wood with grubs, etc. so they are spreading faster than they should naturally). Studies show that it is a waste of money to preemptively cut ash and what if a tree that would have withstood the onslaught is cut, so I urge people not to kill healthy trees. For more information see:
Here is a Twitter account that links the latest news on EAB in North America: (be warned there might have been a virus at the Yadkin Ripple link).
Migratory Game Bird Hunting Regulations
The Wildlife Resources Commission underlines that it is illegal under NC and Federal laws to take migratory game birds, such as mourning doves, using bait such as food or salt, and that a location is considered baited even 10 days after the bait has been removed.
Also regarding birds, a recent WRC email update noted that 2019 was a record year for wood stork nesting colonies in the state.
Support the Venezuela Embassy Protectors
The Embassy Protectors, Americans who occupied Venezuela's embassy in Washington with the permission of the elected Maduro administration, to prevent the US government and coup supporters from seizing the building, were removed by the US and now face trials on various charges, and some could be imprisoned for up to a year and fined $100,000 dollars. They are seeking tax-deductible donations to pay $50,000 in legal fees and solidarity messages and actions by other groups. For more information see:
2020 Cuba Agroecology Tour
The Organic Growers School in Asheville organizes an annual tour looking at sustainable agriculture in Cuba, and the next tour will be January 7 - 16th, but the deadline to pay is November 1st: Despite the Trump administration's efforts to chill improving relations with Cuba, the tour will still go on.
Marxism-Leninism Today
Hari Kumar, primary instigator of no longer active Alliance Marxist-Leninist and International Struggle Marxist-Leninist (old articles are online at ), has set up a new blog focusing on Marxist-Leninist history and analysis of current news:
Read Marx Every Day
Several works can be read online at , including Montclair State University professor Grover Furr's Blood Lies (2014), rebutting Bloodlands (2010) by Yale historian and Council on Foreign Relations member Timothy Snyder, which pushes the European imperialist position equating the Nazis and the Soviets during WWII. Snyder was often interviewed by the media (including 'alternative' Democracy Now!, regarding fascism if I recall correctly) during the Obama and early Trump years.
Ten years after the US-supported Honduran coup
School of the Americas Watch is urging support for HR1945, the Berta Caceres Human Rights in Honduras Act, to end "security aid:" There are currently 61 co-sponsors, but none representing North Carolina. Demonstrations and deadly repression is going on in Honduras now, though it is not often mentioned by the mainstream media.
For more information see:
Library booksales
The Friends of the Durham Library will have booksales August 3 - 4, October 5 - 6, and December 7 - 8, and the hours for all of these sales will be 10am - 12pm members only and 12 - 4pm open to all on Saturdays and 1 - 4pm $10 paper grocery bag sales open to all on Sundays. The sales are at Books Among Friends (Suite 252) inside Northgate Mall (1058 West Club Boulevard, Durham), formerly next to Sears (with Sears closed, people will have to enter through entrance 8, between Foot Locker and Plato's Closet; FODL store's back service door won't be open). There are small satellite sales inside the library branches daily ( ).
The Friends of the Chapel Hill Public Library will have book sales September 13 - 15 and December 6 -8 ( ).
There will be a Friends of the Chatham County Library book sale September 27 - 29th at the Chatham Community Library (197 Highway 87 North in Pittsboro, on the east side of Central Carolina Community College, half a mile north of Highway 64 Business/West Street, and there is free parking). There is a 20% discount for purchases over $200 dollars Thursday (9am - 7pm), Friday is half-price (9am - 6pm), and Saturday is $5 for a paper grocery bag or bring a tote bag (9am - 2pm):
Friends of the Lee County Library has a continuous book sale:
[Actually there is a Lee County book sale, September 19th - 21st, and the sale on the 21st (9am - 12pm at 107 Hawkins Avenue in Sanford) is $5 for a bag of books: ]
Niche Gardens is going out of business
This pioneering native plant nursery a few miles southwest of Carrboro is going out of business ( ). It is no longer possible to order online, but they will be open Mondays - Fridays 9am - 5pm in August. Sales will start in September, with all plants available for 25% off September 2nd through 22nd, and even more September 23rd to their close on October 18th. Plants can't be reserved, sales are final, no exchanges or credits, and no itemized receipts. The nursery itself is for sale. Niche is at 1111 Dawson Road (look for a gravel driveway on the left); from Carrboro take Jones Ferry Road across University Lake, turn right on to Old Greensboro Road, and Dawson Road is on the left after 7.5 miles). Besides the retail nursery there are display gardens. NCSU graduate Kim Hawks founded Niche Gardens on Dawson Road in 1986, when gardening with native plants was a more unusual concept. The nursery was also a pioneer in selling plants online. Hawks sold the nursery to employee Blair Durant in 2002, and I think he was still the owner as of last year.
Triangle Friends of Farmworkers events this September
The next anti-VUSE picket, to pressure Reynolds American, Inc. to negotiate with the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, will be Tuesday, September 3rd at the Circle K/Kangaroo store in Carrboro Plaza (102 NC-54 B, Carrboro) from 5:30 - 6:15pm and will include the Raging Grannies.
The campaign to give Circle K one-star reviews on Google and Yelp continues. If you do it at home, let them know your name, the store's address, the date, and optionally your review. Just on July 17th members left about 60 reviews. Below is an example:
Circle-K REVIEW: Location: 5009 Fayetteville Road, Garner/Raleigh, NC July 7, 2019
“This Circle K always has a wide variety of snacks, and a gal can’t live without her favorite snacks and a sturdy cup of coffee. Add to that the convenient location, chit-chatty workers and my loyalty is hooked. It is a source of frustration to me, however, that Circle K continues to stock VUSE e-cigarettes in defiance of a nationwide boycott supporting FLOC, the farm workers union, which means, by extension, that Circle K also supports the inhumane treatment those workers endure from Reynolds Tobacco. Since I, a stubborn Missouri Mule in Garner, refuse to support cruelty in any form, this means I can no longer stop here even if I am craving a Little Debbie Oatmeal Crème cookie. So instead of the high grade I would like to give this business, I must give a "one" until such time as the corporate values of Circle K align with my personal values regarding the way farm workers are treated. Please pressure your management to support this move for justice. Please hurry - ease your conscience and my withdrawal symptoms. Thank you for your consideration”.
TFF will next meet Tuesday, September 10th at 7pm at 130 Hunt Street in Durham (parking is available at the senior center opposite).
The International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances is August 30th:
Scrap Exchange Community Garden Club volunteer request
Volunteers meet every Saturday 10am - 12pm to take care of the pollinator garden and other gardens at The Scrap Exchange in Durham (2050 Chapel Hill Road). The next meeting will be August 31st:
Martha, a captive passenger pigeon at the Cincinnati Zoo, the last known member of her species, died September 1st, 1914. Passenger pigeons may have been the most abundant bird ever known, their flocks darkening the sky, but they were exterminated by habitat loss and wanton hunting.
Using false flag attacks to create a justification for war, Germany invaded Poland September 1, 1939, which the US-UK media is portraying as the start of WWII, though other regional wars that later merged with the world war had already begun.
Using false flag attacks to create a justification for war, Germany invaded Poland September 1, 1939, which the US-UK media is portraying as the start of WWII, though other regional wars that later merged with the world war had already begun.
Labor Day Parades
The 1st Annual Durham Labor Day Parade + Cook - Out will be September 2nd 2 - 5pm: the Facebook page:
"Join the 1st Annual Durham Labor Day Parade and Cook-out!
We will be launching our "Reclaim Our Time" campaign for Fair scheduling and Paid Time Off + Medicare for All!
2pm: Rally and Parade kick-off
Durham County Social Services Building, 414 E. Main Street
Then parade will go down Liberty Street
3pm - Until: Cook-out
Long Meadow Park, 917 Liberty Street
We invite all labor organizations, unions, and workers to join us for this important campaign launch and first inaugural Labor Day Parade!
Join us as we launch our campaigns for Fair Schedules & Paid Time Off + Medicare for All!
- Does your boss change the schedule at last minute, or force you to work overtime?
- Do you not get paid time off for sick days and vacation?
- Does your boss only put you on the schedule 20-30 hours per week just to deny you healthcare?
All workers in Durham need to unite to RECLAIM OUR TIME! Let us know how we can support your workplace organizing!
Come out and enjoy free food and learn more about the Durham Workers Assembly."
The annual Charlotte Labor Day Parade will be September 2nd:
The Canton Labor Day Festival and Parade will be September 1 - 2:
Imperial Japan formally surrendered September 2, 1945 onboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. There were other surrenders elsewhere.
Vietnamese revolutionary and national liberation leader Ho Chi Minh died September 2, 1969.
US and Canadian Labor Day, is Monday, September 2nd. Unions called for the creation of a day for workers in the late 19th century, with some advocating a date in September, and the government supported a September date instead of May 1st, associated with revolutionary labor movements. Around the world May Day is labor day or an official holiday in many countries, such as Mexico, and that date also has roots in the American labor movement. Beginning under Eisenhower May 1st has been called Loyalty Day and Law Day and previously it was Child Health Day.
Digging Durham Seed Library volunteer request
The Digging Durham Seed Library needs volunteers to label and fill seed packets September 3rd 7:30 - 8:30pm at the Southwest Regional Library 3605 Shannon Road):
Wild and Scenic Film Festival
This annual environmental film festival will be Thursday, September 5th 6:30 - 9:30pm at the Carrboro Century Center (100 North Greensboro Street, Carrboro) and is being organized by the Haw River Assembly. Tickets are $20 to 30 dollars, and can be bought at or by calling 919 542 5790.
Rescan Day
Digital TV channels will be changed September 6th at 3am [changed to September 11th at 3am], so people using antennas will have to rescan for channels:
Rescan Day
Digital TV channels will be changed September 6th at 3am [changed to September 11th at 3am], so people using antennas will have to rescan for channels:
The Mountain State Fair will be September 6 - 15th in Fletcher, a little west of Asheville, and among other things to see the Wildlife Resources Commission will have BearWise ( ), an exhibit about black bears and how to safely coexist with them. Bears can be found in eastern and western NC and occasionally venture into the Triangle. Prior to the flooding of Jordan Lake they might have lived along the New Hope River.
Mountains-to-Sea Trail Birthday Hike September 6 - 8th
This is the MST's 42nd birthday and there will be guided and solo hikes and a 42-Mile Challenge in celebration across the NC (including in Durham, Raleigh, Smithfield, Clayton, Hillsborough, and Greensboro): There will be a talk at the NC Botanical Garden September 26th 12 - 1pm (see below).
The annual NC Folk Festival will be September 6 - 8th in Greensboro:
Mountains-to-Sea Trail Birthday Hike September 6 - 8th
This is the MST's 42nd birthday and there will be guided and solo hikes and a 42-Mile Challenge in celebration across the NC (including in Durham, Raleigh, Smithfield, Clayton, Hillsborough, and Greensboro): There will be a talk at the NC Botanical Garden September 26th 12 - 1pm (see below).
The annual NC Folk Festival will be September 6 - 8th in Greensboro:
Porch Party for Our Planet
Join NC Interfaith Power and Light, Environment NC, and the NC League of Conservation Voters for a beach-themed party with a petition to our senators calling for 100% clean energy by 2050. It will be at The Outpost in Raleigh ( 306 East Hargett Street) September 6th at 1pm. For more information see:
The last captive Tasmanian tiger or Thylacine, a male called Benjamin, died at Australia's Hobart Zoo September 7, 1936. Tasmanian tigers, large, striped predatory marsupials, are considered extinct, though sightings are still reported.
Plant the Prairie
Volunteer to help plant a native grasses demonstration garden at the Environmental Education Pavilion at West Point on the Eno in Durham Saturday, September 7th between 8am and 12pm.
The NC Museum of Art is also looking for volunteers to help maintain their Prairie in the Park.
She Changed the World: North Carolina Women Breaking Barriers Kick-off Festival
This festival at the State Capitol (1 East Edenton Street) kicks off a year of events across the state celebrating the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment for women's suffrage. It will be September 7th 10am - 3pm. Organized by the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources: There will be exhibits, performances, food trucks, and people can register to vote:
International Vulture Awareness Day
Annual International Vulture Awareness Day is September 7th: , celebrating these majestic, interesting, ecologically vital, and in many cases threatened birds.
Around here there are two species, turkey and black vultures. They look and act somewhat differently, but they can easily be distinguished by the light and dark patterns on the undersides of their wings. The trailing side of a larger turkey vulture's wing is whitish, while black vultures have whitish triangles at their wingtips. Turkey vultures find carrion by smell, while black vultures rely on sight. A few decades ago if not today there were concerns that black vultures were in decline in North Carolina, and both species have become less common with land use changes and improvements in sanitation. They often nest in abandoned rural buildings.
The 6th Annual Bluegrass Festival at Historic Moorefields (southwest of Hillsborough) will be September 7th 2 - 7pm:
This is a roundtable discussion and community prayer organized by Interfaith Power and Light and will be September 7th 5am - 6pm at Crystal Coast Unity Church (117 East Fort Macon Road in Atlantic Beach):
International Literacy Day is September 8th: The success of Cuba's 1961 literacy campaign and later initiatives both in Cuba and as aid to other countries have often been noted.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea was established September 9, 1948. The Republic of Korea had already been established earlier that year, cementing the post-WWII division of Korea and helping to create a cold war with the threat of total destruction where there had been an alliance between the USA and USSR.
The first plowshare disarmament direct action was September 9, 1980 in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, and the Plowshares Eight were charged.
Fidel Castro and the Problem of Knowledge
Harvard historian Jonathan Hansen will speak Monday, September 9th at UNC's Global Education Center (301 Pittsboro Street,, Room 1005 at 6pm. I don't know what position this talk will take, but Hansen is the author of Young Castro, Guantanamo: An American History, and The Lost Promise of Patriotism: Debating American Identity , 1890-1920. Unfortunately UNC no longer offers free parking on a Monday evening, though the parking fee seems to be low and there could be free town parking nearby and mass transit.
The first plowshare disarmament direct action was September 9, 1980 in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, and the Plowshares Eight were charged.
Fidel Castro and the Problem of Knowledge
Harvard historian Jonathan Hansen will speak Monday, September 9th at UNC's Global Education Center (301 Pittsboro Street,, Room 1005 at 6pm. I don't know what position this talk will take, but Hansen is the author of Young Castro, Guantanamo: An American History, and The Lost Promise of Patriotism: Debating American Identity , 1890-1920. Unfortunately UNC no longer offers free parking on a Monday evening, though the parking fee seems to be low and there could be free town parking nearby and mass transit.
World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10th:
Municipal and special elections in North Carolina
Some areas will have local elections September 10th and there will be special elections in the 3rd and 9th Congressional districts.
The Chilean military overthrew elected president Salvador Allende September 11, 1973 with the heavy involvement of the US government (far more than Russia is alleged to have done in 2016). Allende died in the defense of the presidential palace or by suicide. In the coup and later years tens of thousands of people were arrested, tortured, or killed, and the dead include US citizens. There was some armed popular resistance on and after September 11th. Following the coup Augusto Pinochet came to power and this era is praised by neoliberal economists and rightists in the USA and EU even today. It seems roughly like the situation with Venezuela today, and presumably what will happen if the US is able to carry out a rightist coup (and this can be compared to what is happening in Honduras after the US-backed 2009 coup). See also this article from A Verdade:
18th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 attacks
September 11, 2001 airliners were hijacked and three skyscrapers at the World Trade Center and part of the Pentagon were destroyed, killing thousands of people. The official conspiracy theory says the Islamists of al Qaida, many from Saudi Arabia, carried it out alone. There are other theories, ranging from the position that al Qaida was behind the attack, but received assistance from the US, Arab monarchies, or other governments, to the position that it was a completely state-run false flag operation.
Civil Liberties, Islamophobia, and the Holy Land Foundation Five
Miko Peled spoke at Meredith College September 10th and will speak at UNC-Greensboro's Faculty Center (near Elliot University Circle) 4 - 5:30pm September 11th (sponsored by the UNCG Young Democratic Socialists of America) and later that day in Chapel Hill at a monthly Balance and Accuracy in Journalism meeting, 7:30 - 9pm and the Community Church UU (106 Purefoy Road). Books will be sold. Sponsored by BAJ and the Coalition for Peace with Justice. There is an ad on Jewish Voice for Peace - Triangle NC's Facebook page:
Civil Liberties, Islamophobia, and the Holy Land Foundation Five
Miko Peled spoke at Meredith College September 10th and will speak at UNC-Greensboro's Faculty Center (near Elliot University Circle) 4 - 5:30pm September 11th (sponsored by the UNCG Young Democratic Socialists of America) and later that day in Chapel Hill at a monthly Balance and Accuracy in Journalism meeting, 7:30 - 9pm and the Community Church UU (106 Purefoy Road). Books will be sold. Sponsored by BAJ and the Coalition for Peace with Justice. There is an ad on Jewish Voice for Peace - Triangle NC's Facebook page:
No Coal UNC Rally against NC Division of Air Quality
The third official Democratic presidential candidates debate will be September 12th in Houston, the first time Bernie Saunders and Elizabeth Warren will be on the same stage (the media often characterize them as competing for the progressive "lane"), as well as Joe Biden, etc. Tulsi Gabbard, Marianne Williamson, etc. were excluded by the DNC.
Globalizing Inequality: Housing, Air, and Water Quality in Industrial Zones in Hanoi, Vietnam
As part of the Social Science Speaks lecture series, marking the 95th anniversary of UNC's Odum Center, City and Regional Planning professor Mai Nguyen will talk about her research looking at informal housing and air and water quality in five large industrial parks in Hanoi, the first such research in Vietnam. The lecture will be Friday, September 13th 12 - 1pm in the Toy Lounge at Dey Hall (immediately northwest of Wilson Library). The Facebook event page is:
Harris Nuclear Plant Community Day
This 14th annual event will be Saturday, September 14th 10am - 2pm at the Harris Energy and Environmental Center (3932 New Hill Holleman Road) in New Hill (in Wake County, near Jordan Lake) with tours of the control room simulator and more: On warm days in September with little wind and where there is a good view of the horizon the towering white cloud of water vapor or steam rising from the cooling tower can be seen very far away, probably even in Granville County. I don't know if it has to do with the power plant, but I've heard that the Harris Lake reservoir is a good place to see beds of waterlilies and possibly lotus. It has been a while since I've been to the visitor center, but they have or had a very large aquarium with native fish.
Citizens Climate Lobby meeting
The next meeting will be September 14th 12 - 2pm at Durham's Eno River Unitarian Fellowship (4907 Garrett Road) in the Care Building, Room 5 (participants are recommended to park in the back and enter through the front): They are lobbying for the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.
National Estuaries Week will be September 14 - 21.
International Day of Democracy is September 15th:
National Hispanic Heritage Month
This celebration of Hispanic/Latino culture is September 15th - October 15th, according to Wikipedia.
Kashmir Peace Rally - #standwithkashmir
There will be a protest against what India's Hindu nationalist-led government is doing in Kashmir Sunday, September 15th 12 - 4pm at the State Capitol (1 Edenton Street, Raleigh). There is an ad on Jewish Voice for Peace - Triangle NC's Facebook page:
Kashmir Peace Rally - #standwithkashmir
There will be a protest against what India's Hindu nationalist-led government is doing in Kashmir Sunday, September 15th 12 - 4pm at the State Capitol (1 Edenton Street, Raleigh). There is an ad on Jewish Voice for Peace - Triangle NC's Facebook page:
Mexico's Independence Day is September 16th, commemorating Miguel Hidalgo's Grito de Dolores (Cry of Dolores) in 1810.
The Sabra and Shatila massacre was September 16 -18th, 1982. Hundreds to thousands of people, mostly Palestinians and Lebanese Shiites, were killed by the Phalange, rightist Christian Lebanese allied with and assisted by the Israeli military under Ariel Sharon, in the Sabra area of Beirut and the nearby Shatila refugee camp. The US and European Multinational Force in Lebanon had been protecting the refugee camp, and removed its defenses before withdrawing prior to the massacre.
The Sabra and Shatila massacre was September 16 -18th, 1982. Hundreds to thousands of people, mostly Palestinians and Lebanese Shiites, were killed by the Phalange, rightist Christian Lebanese allied with and assisted by the Israeli military under Ariel Sharon, in the Sabra area of Beirut and the nearby Shatila refugee camp. The US and European Multinational Force in Lebanon had been protecting the refugee camp, and removed its defenses before withdrawing prior to the massacre.
The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer is September 16th: September 16, 2009 agreements protecting the ozone layer became the first universally ratified UN treaties. The ozone layer (made of a form of oxygen) absorbs some ultraviolet light, but is depleted by industrial chemicals, such as CFCs, which are also potent greenhouse gases.
Occupy Wall Street began September 17, 2011 in privately-owned Zuccotti Park in New York's Wall Street district (not only are the new "town commons" online privately owned and not subject to the 1st Amendment, modern city parks and public spaces are often privately-owned as well). Occupiers were forced out November 15, 2011, though there were subsequent demonstrations in 2012. There was an encampment at Chapel Hill's Peace and Justice Plaza and an Occupy Durham protest movement around this time.
Free Edible Campus Tour at UNC
Tour UNC's edible, medicinal, and pollinator gardens Thursday, September 19th 11am - 12pm. The tour is free, but registration is required (see the calendar at ).
Rally in Chapel Hill with Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders, national campaign co-chairs Nina Turner and Ben Cohen, and others will speak at UNC-Chapel Hill's Bell Tower Amphitheater Thursday, September 19th. People can arrive after 4pm and the actual event will be 5:30 - 7. This is a free event, but on a first come, first served basis. It is possible to RSVP. For more information see: There will be a town hall in Greensboro on the 20th.
Rally in Chapel Hill with Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders, national campaign co-chairs Nina Turner and Ben Cohen, and others will speak at UNC-Chapel Hill's Bell Tower Amphitheater Thursday, September 19th. People can arrive after 4pm and the actual event will be 5:30 - 7. This is a free event, but on a first come, first served basis. It is possible to RSVP. For more information see: There will be a town hall in Greensboro on the 20th.
The 62nd Annual Convention of the NC AFL-CIO will be held September 19 - 20 in Charlotte:
Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us, a Facebook joke that went viral, was September 20th at something like 3am and a number of people showed up. Government land that was open to the public was taken over by the military to keep people from seeing what goes on miles away inside Area 51. There was a lawsuit in 1994 alleging that the open burning of chemical waste sickened several contractors, leading to two deaths, but the Clinton administration was able to get the lawsuit rejected through secrecy and the Supreme Court would not consider it. Apparently stealth aircraft and captured Soviet aircraft and other weapons were tested at Area 51, but there are claims and folklore that extraterrestrial craft are also tested and even that extraterrestrial beings have a presence there. There are also claims that whatever was going on at Area 51 was long ago moved elsewhere due to how famous the 'secret' Air Force base has become.
The Global Climate Strike will be September 20.
There will be a Walk Out for Clean Air on Campus at UNC on the 20th, protesting the coal-fired Co-generation Plant. In 2010 the administration said it would close the power plant by 2020, but instead they just renewed permits to continue operating:
Friday, September 20th at 12:30pm on Raleigh's Halifax Mall (300 North Salisbury Street); register at: See also:
There will be a rally and Bike for the Climate protest earlier in the morning in Chapel Hill, starting at Peace and Justice Plaza on Franklin Street:
Town Hall in Greensboro with Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders will also address a town hall meeting at Bennett College in Greensboro on Friday, September 20th 1:30 - 3pm:
People's Mobilization to Stop the US War Machine
There will be demonstrations outside the UN building in New York City September 20 - 21st [23rd, ].
There will be a Climate Forum with Democratic candidates for president September 20 - 21st in Washington, sponsored by MSNBC, Georgetown University, and Our Daily Planet.
Durham's annual Centerfest will be September 20th and 21st (10am-11pm Saturday and 11am to 5pm Sunday) downtown:
Ghanaian independence leader Kwame Nkrumah was born September 21, 1909 in Nkroful, in the southwest corner of what was then the UK's Gold Coast colony. He served as prime minister and later president of Ghana, and was overthrown with the involvement of the USA and UK in February 1966. Following the military coup he lived in Guinea, where he was given the honorary position of co-president, but died in Romania April 27, 1972 while getting medical care.
Ghanaian independence leader Kwame Nkrumah was born September 21, 1909 in Nkroful, in the southwest corner of what was then the UK's Gold Coast colony. He served as prime minister and later president of Ghana, and was overthrown with the involvement of the USA and UK in February 1966. Following the military coup he lived in Guinea, where he was given the honorary position of co-president, but died in Romania April 27, 1972 while getting medical care.
The International Day of Peace is September 21st and this year's theme is Climate Action for Peace:
The NC Museum of Natural History's BugFest will be September 21st and this year's theme is beetles (almost 1/4th of all known animal species are beetles).
Free tour of Coker Arboretum
A Prayer for Compassion film showing
Inherit the Wind film showing
The Justice Theater Project will show Inherit the Wind, about a high school biology teacher arrested for telling students about evolution. There will also be a panel discussion, Thoughtful Considerations on Science and Religion, which will include NC Council of Churches Executive Director Jennifer Copeland. This will be September 21st 6:30 - 10pm at Raleigh's Umstead United Church of Christ (8208 Brownleigh Drive):
Abundance NC's12th annual PepperFest, billed as the State's largest local food festival, will be September 22 3 - 6pm in Pittsboro in Chatham County:
Abundance NC's12th annual PepperFest, billed as the State's largest local food festival, will be September 22 3 - 6pm in Pittsboro in Chatham County:
The Fall equinox is September 23rd.
There was a massive anti-war march in Washington, DC September 24, 2005, organized by ANSWER and United for Peace and Justice. There were other marches that day elsewhere in the US and overseas. There were mutual recriminations between ANSWER and UfPJ regarding the march.
September 24, 2010 the FBI simultaneously searched houses and questioned supposed members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (publisher of Fight Back!) in several states, hoping to find evidence of "material support" to the FARC-EP and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Houses were searched in Chicago, Grand Rapids, and Minneapolis, and everything from computers and books to clothes and family portraits were seized. At one house agents forgot some of their own files about the raids. People were questioned here in Durham as well as in Milwaukee and San Jose. Apparently an FBI informant began infiltrating the group prior to large protests outside the 2008 Republican National Convention in Minnesota and the investigation continued under the Obama administration. Ultimately there were no charges and the only result seems to have been intimidation of anti-war activists.
The International Bluegrass Music Association's annual World of Bluegrass festival is September 24th - 28th in Raleigh ( ).
Yalla: Decolonize this Place
UNC Students for Justice in Palestine is organizing a rally Wednesday, September 25th 4 - 5:30pm on the steps of South Building to protest the US Department of Education's recent targeting of the Duke-UNC Consortium for Middle East Studies:
Yalla: Decolonize this Place
UNC Students for Justice in Palestine is organizing a rally Wednesday, September 25th 4 - 5:30pm on the steps of South Building to protest the US Department of Education's recent targeting of the Duke-UNC Consortium for Middle East Studies:
The International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons is September 26th: The USA, Russia, and other major nuclear powers demand that smaller countries completely and unilaterally denuclearize, and not develop rockets that could carry nuclear weapons, while they have thousands of nuclear weapons ready to destroy humanity and instead of beginning to get rid of them, they spend huge amounts to maintain their current weapons and develop new ones.
Iraq was accused of developing nuclear weapons, and was invaded in 2003, killing many civilians and leading to sectarian conflict and the creation of ISIS. Libya gave up its weapons program and was attacked in 2011, creating a "failed state" and flood of migrants through Libya to the EU. Democrats and Republicans accuse Iran of seeking nuclear weapons and it is under severe pressure and faces war, despite not developing nuclear weapons while under threat from nuclear powers, and agreeing to the JCPOA, which Trump tore up. Iran also has the right to develop peaceful nuclear technology under the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The DPRK developed nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, and seems relatively safe from attack by the USA and other countries, though that isn't only because of its nuclear status, and the nuclear weapons give the US another justification for its Korean policies. On the other hand, the US doesn't mind when its allies, such as Israel and India, develop nuclear weapons and even helps them.
World Maritime Day is also September 26th, and focuses on women working in shipping industries this year:
The 2019 Student/Farmworker Alliance Encuentro will be September 26 - 29th in Immokalee, Florida:
Lunchbox Talk: The Mountains-to-Sea Trail in Orange County and across North Carolina
Join Kate Dixon, Executive Director of Friends of the MST, to learn more about this state trail, Thursday, September 26th 12 - 1pm. Free, but registration is required: From the calendar: "The Mountains-to-Sea Trail (MST) is an 1,175 mile walking trail that traverses North Carolina from Jockey’s Ridge State Park in the east to Clingmans Dome in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The trail provides the opportunity to observe and learn more about the natural and cultural heritage of North Carolina. Are you familiar with opportunities to hike the MST in Orange and nearby counties, or how the MST is part of a greater interconnected trail system across the state? Pack your lunch and come learn more from the Executive Director of the Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail."
Martin Marietta MX Witness
September 27, 1985 three protesters went into Martin Marietta's Denver factory, where the MX nuclear missile was being developed. Unlike similar facilities, this site was well-guarded, so the activists poured blood on inside windows and unfurled a "Swords into Plowshares" banner. At first they were charged with felony burglary and criminal mischief, later changed to just a felony mischief charge. They were not allowed to make a justification defense and were found guilty March 5, 1986, resulting in a two month jail sentence. They had been in jail for a month before the trial, for which they received credit. This account comes from Swords into Plowshares: Nonviolent Direct Action for Disarmament, published in 1987.
Martin Marietta MX Witness
September 27, 1985 three protesters went into Martin Marietta's Denver factory, where the MX nuclear missile was being developed. Unlike similar facilities, this site was well-guarded, so the activists poured blood on inside windows and unfurled a "Swords into Plowshares" banner. At first they were charged with felony burglary and criminal mischief, later changed to just a felony mischief charge. They were not allowed to make a justification defense and were found guilty March 5, 1986, resulting in a two month jail sentence. They had been in jail for a month before the trial, for which they received credit. This account comes from Swords into Plowshares: Nonviolent Direct Action for Disarmament, published in 1987.
NC Botanical Garden's Fall Plant Sale
The members' event (people can join on the spot) will be Friday, September 27th, 4 - 7:30pm. The second day, Saturday, September 28th, 9am-3pm will be open to all. Native plants, seeds, and used books will be sold ( ).
World Rabies Day is September 28th: I heard from a local licensed wildlife rehabilitator that vaccination against this almost universally fatal virus is offered by the Durham health department, and immunity usually lasts a long time, but it is expensive.
September 28th is also the International Day for Universal Access to Information:
The NC Wildlife Resources Commission will host events across the state for National Hunting and Fishing Day.
The Durham County Library's North Carolina Collection location in Northgate Mall will close September 28th, presumably because it is moving back to the renovated Main Library.
The Durham County Library's North Carolina Collection location in Northgate Mall will close September 28th, presumably because it is moving back to the renovated Main Library.
The 22nd annual Carrboro Music Festival will be September 28-29th ( )
Jewish Voice for Peace Triangle NC will have a contingent in the annual Durham Pride Parade September 28th 10am - 1pm:
Jewish Voice for Peace Triangle NC will have a contingent in the annual Durham Pride Parade September 28th 10am - 1pm:
Moth Night
If you missed this summer's annual Moth Week, there will be a Moth Night at the NC Botanical Garden September 28th 9 - 10:30pm. Blacklights and bait will be used to attract moths. Participants are welcome to bring cameras. There is a registration fee of $15 (members $13):
China's National Day is October 1st, commemorating the formal declaration of the People's Republic of China by Mao in Tiananmen Square, Beijing in 1949.
Trident II Plowshares
October 1, 1984 five people went into the General Dynamics Electric Boat Quonset Point factory in North Kingston, Rhode Island and damaged six Trident II nuclear missile tubes. They also put blood and a Call to Conscience declaration on the tubes, put up a banner saying "Harvest of Hope - Swords into Plowshares, and left a pumpkin. They were arrested after less than half an hour and originally charged with possession of burglary tools (a felony with up to 10 years imprisonment), malicious damage, and criminal trespass. Their expert witnesses were qualified with the jury present, but their testimony was dismissed by the judge and a justification defense denied. The five viewed pleading guilty to the malicious damage charge as consistent with nonviolence, so the prosecution dropped the possession of tools charge. The trespass charge was dismissed. October 18, 1985 they were given a year in jail and a fine of $500 dollars. Four were freed after 6 months, while one protester was given an extra two months for refusing to tell the judge who drove them to Quonset Point. The first plowshares action was September 9, 1980. This account comes from Swords into Plowshares: Nonviolent Direct Action for Disarmament, published in 1987.
China's National Day is October 1st, commemorating the formal declaration of the People's Republic of China by Mao in Tiananmen Square, Beijing in 1949.
Trident II Plowshares
October 1, 1984 five people went into the General Dynamics Electric Boat Quonset Point factory in North Kingston, Rhode Island and damaged six Trident II nuclear missile tubes. They also put blood and a Call to Conscience declaration on the tubes, put up a banner saying "Harvest of Hope - Swords into Plowshares, and left a pumpkin. They were arrested after less than half an hour and originally charged with possession of burglary tools (a felony with up to 10 years imprisonment), malicious damage, and criminal trespass. Their expert witnesses were qualified with the jury present, but their testimony was dismissed by the judge and a justification defense denied. The five viewed pleading guilty to the malicious damage charge as consistent with nonviolence, so the prosecution dropped the possession of tools charge. The trespass charge was dismissed. October 18, 1985 they were given a year in jail and a fine of $500 dollars. Four were freed after 6 months, while one protester was given an extra two months for refusing to tell the judge who drove them to Quonset Point. The first plowshares action was September 9, 1980. This account comes from Swords into Plowshares: Nonviolent Direct Action for Disarmament, published in 1987.
The International Day of Non-Violence is October 2nd:
NC Seeds' 16th Annual Harvest Dinner
NC Seeds' Annual Harvest Dinner will be Thursday, October 3rd 6 - 9pm at The Rickhouse (609 Foster Street, Durham); for details and tickets see:
The annual Shakkori Hills GrassRoots Festival of Music and Dance is coming up in October 3rd - 6th ( ).
Big Sweep trash cleanups
World Space Week is October 4th - 10th:
The Bass Lake Nature Festival in Holly Springs will be October 5th 1 - 4pm.
The JamborEno - at the Confluence festival will be October 5 - 6th at the Confluence Natural Area in Hillsborough:
The JamborEno - at the Confluence festival will be October 5 - 6th at the Confluence Natural Area in Hillsborough:
The dubious Afghanistan War began October 7, 2001 and continues to this day, fighting the Taliban and groups that didn't even exist in 2001 and weren't involved in 9/11.
Following the release of what is informally called the Starr Report September 9, 1998, the House of Representatives voted to hold hearings on impeaching President Clinton October 8, 1998, but he was ultimately acquitted by the Senate February 12, 1999. In December 1998 the US intensified its bombing of Iraq, which some saw as an attempt to divert attention from the impeachment process.
Local Elections Tuesday, October 8th
There will be local elections in Durham (including for mayor and city council), Chapel Hill, Raleigh, etc. this fall: It looks like there will be elections in Durham and Raleigh October 8th and in Durham, Chapel Hill, Morrisville, and possibly a run-off in Raleigh November 5th. Early voting is September 18 - October 4th, and the Durham locations are: the Criminal Justice Resource Center (East Main Street near Queen Street), the South and North regional libraries, and the Turner Law School Building at NCCU. During this period it is possible to register to vote and cast a ballot on the same day. An ID is not required to vote this year. The NC Green Party and the Socialist Party are jointly supporting Joshua Bradley in District A of Raleigh.
Following the release of what is informally called the Starr Report September 9, 1998, the House of Representatives voted to hold hearings on impeaching President Clinton October 8, 1998, but he was ultimately acquitted by the Senate February 12, 1999. In December 1998 the US intensified its bombing of Iraq, which some saw as an attempt to divert attention from the impeachment process.
Local Elections Tuesday, October 8th
There will be local elections in Durham (including for mayor and city council), Chapel Hill, Raleigh, etc. this fall: It looks like there will be elections in Durham and Raleigh October 8th and in Durham, Chapel Hill, Morrisville, and possibly a run-off in Raleigh November 5th. Early voting is September 18 - October 4th, and the Durham locations are: the Criminal Justice Resource Center (East Main Street near Queen Street), the South and North regional libraries, and the Turner Law School Building at NCCU. During this period it is possible to register to vote and cast a ballot on the same day. An ID is not required to vote this year. The NC Green Party and the Socialist Party are jointly supporting Joshua Bradley in District A of Raleigh.
Argentine revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara, best known for his role in the Cuban Revolution, was executed in Bolivia October 9, 1967, with CIA involvement.
The Republic of China's National Day is October 10th, commemorating the beginning of the Wuchang Uprising 1911, part of the Xinhai or Chinese Revolution, overthrowing the last Qing emperor and establishing the Republic.
The Republic of China's National Day is October 10th, commemorating the beginning of the Wuchang Uprising 1911, part of the Xinhai or Chinese Revolution, overthrowing the last Qing emperor and establishing the Republic.
Demand an End to War: Rage Against the War Machine
This sequel to the March on the Pentagon last fall [October 21st]( ) will be Friday, October 11th in front of the White House and the Anti-Imperialist Revolution Summit will be Saturday, October 12th ( ).
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee's ADC 2019 Conference will be October 11 - 12 in Cerritos, California (
World Migratory Bird Day is October 12th (the second Saturday every October), this year focusing on the threat posed by plastic pollution ( ). It is common to see limping and ostracized waterfowl at ponds and lakes in the Triangle, possibly due to fishing lines or hooks, and ingestion of plastic is another problem. Several weeks ago there was a report of a black-backed skimmer, a large species that skims the water with its beak as it hunts for food along the North Carolina coast, was seen feeding plastic to its young.
UNC's Tar Heel Service Day is October 12th, also University Day:
Chapel Hill's annual Festifall will be Saturday, October 12th 11am - 3pm along West Franklin Street and includes political groups:
Durham Monarch Festival
This festival celebrates the orange, black, and white monarch butterflies migrating through the state towards a few groves in the mountains Mexico where they spend the winter. Monarchs are also having problems, apparently because current farming practices have reduced the population of milkweed species, which monarchs eat as caterpillars, and probably illegal logging is effecting them in Mexico. I think this event is held every two years in mid-October and will be held this year, at Sandy Creek Park, near the border with Orange County. For more information, see:
The fourth official Democratic presidential candidates debate will be October 15 - 16th in Ohio. [It was recently announced that Tulsi Gabbard will be included, after being one of the progressive candidates excluded from the September debate.]
Albanian revolutionary and statesman Enver Hoxha was born October 16, 1908 in Gjirokaster, in what is now southern Albania, at the time part of the Ottoman Empire.
World Food Day is October 16th:
The fourth official Democratic presidential candidates debate will be October 15 - 16th in Ohio. [It was recently announced that Tulsi Gabbard will be included, after being one of the progressive candidates excluded from the September debate.]
Albanian revolutionary and statesman Enver Hoxha was born October 16, 1908 in Gjirokaster, in what is now southern Albania, at the time part of the Ottoman Empire.
World Food Day is October 16th:
Libyan leader Qaddafi was killed brutally and without trial October 20, 2011, after having given up Libya's nuclear weapons program, such as it was, and opening up to the US and EU imperialists. Hillary Clinton laughed watching the video. This is the model being offered to the DPRK if it unilaterally "denuclearizes," leaving probably nuclear-armed US forces in the south and nearby countries. The case of Iran and rhetoric from Democrats also shows that if the DPRK gives up its nuclear weapons, next there will be complaints over its rocket program, domestic affairs, foreign policy, etc. and so it will remain sanctioned and under threat.
The NC State Fair in Raleigh will be October 17 - 27th, and usually includes tabling by organizations such as the NC Green Party, NC Native Plant Society, the Wildlife Resources Commission, etc. ( )
Disarmament Week is October 24th - 30th:
Lunchbox Talk: Botanical Gardens 2045: Adapting to the Most Diverse Nation in History
Annual Fall Trash Cleanup at Jordan Lake
The annual fall cleanup will be October 26th, 9am - 12pm. For more details see:
Just in time to scare people on Halloween, the United Kingdom is supposed to leave the European Union October 31st, possibly "crashing out" without a withdrawal agreement, resulting in problems such as the return of a "hard" international border between British-held Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and the possibility of renewed fighting. Brexit could also encourage the disintegration of the UK if constituents such as Scotland or Northern Ireland vote to secede in coming years, and there are already calls for referenda. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, elected by Conservative Party members following Theresa May's resignation, is suspending parliament from mid-September to mid-October to limit its ability to interfere with his plans.
There will be events marking the 40th anniversary of the 1979 Greensboro Massacre November 1st - 3rd:
There will be events marking the 40th anniversary of the 1979 Greensboro Massacre November 1st - 3rd:
Walter Reuther stamp campaign
The UAW is petitioning for a 50th anniversary commemorative postage stamp to mark the 50th anniversary of the passing of labor leader Walter Reuther (November 1, 1907 - May 9, 1970). Rightists and the FBI accused him of being a communist and there were attempts on his life, yet he worked to remove Communist Party USA members from the UAW leadership and was a founder of anti-communist Americans for Democratic Action.
The Union Sportsmen's Alliance will hold its Inaugural NC State Conservation Dinner November 6th in Charlotte:
The NC Museum of Natural Sciences' Darwin Day will be November 9th, and this year's theme is Botany:
November 11, 1975 Governor-General Sir John Kerr, representing Queen Elizabeth II, removed Prime Minister Gough Whitlam of the Australian Labor Party, and installed a member of the Liberal Party. There were allegations of US involvement, allegedly to prevent the Labor Party from closing US military bases in Australia.
Close the School of the Americas
School of the Americas Watch is organizing a demonstration outside Fort Benning, Georgia (near Columbus and the border with Alabama) November 15 - 17. November 16th is the 30th anniversary of a massacre at the Central American University in San Salvador, El Salvador in 1989.
Africa Industrialization Day is November 20th:
The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is November 29th:
The 2020 election filing deadlines are December 2nd - 20th, and to run as a Green a person needs to register Green 90 days before filing, meaning the deadline is September 20th:
The presidential primary election will be on Super Tuesday, March 3, 2020, so North Carolina actually has influence this time, and candidates are campaigning here already. Not long ago, by the time North Carolina got to vote in presidential primaries the left liberals, such as Dennis Kucinich or Mike Gravel, had withdrawn or were all but defeated by the bipartisan consensus-backing neoliberals. It looks like there will also be a Republican presidential primary next year [a few people are competing with Trump; there are also several primary candidates among the Greens and Libertarians].
I think there will also be elections here this November [I forgot about all of the roadside political signs, so local elections are coming up]. There will be elections October 8th (see above) and November 5th.
The presidential primary election will be on Super Tuesday, March 3, 2020, so North Carolina actually has influence this time, and candidates are campaigning here already. Not long ago, by the time North Carolina got to vote in presidential primaries the left liberals, such as Dennis Kucinich or Mike Gravel, had withdrawn or were all but defeated by the bipartisan consensus-backing neoliberals. It looks like there will also be a Republican presidential primary next year [a few people are competing with Trump; there are also several primary candidates among the Greens and Libertarians].
I think there will also be elections here this November [I forgot about all of the roadside political signs, so local elections are coming up]. There will be elections October 8th (see above) and November 5th.
The NC Board of Elections now certifies voting machines that could steal the vote electronically, though in previous elections Durham has used machines that scan a voter-marked paper ballot, so there is something to recount.
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