Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Torch #3 published

The December issue of The Torch, newspaper of the Independent Workers' Party, has been published and is posted online at:  This is a united front and welcomes anyone who agrees with the basic principles listed on the website.  People can contribute articles, poetry, and photos; donations and volunteer distributers are also needed.  The IWP has held webinars recently on the second Great Depression and the continuing struggle in Haiti (available on YouTube, in French and Englishlinked on the website).


Inflation and Stagnation:  Attacks on the Living Conditions of Working People! – George Gruenthal

The Fourth Generation of the Iranian People – Noshin Hatami

[ The struggle against US militarism in Hawaii (untitled, with photos) ]

Support for Russia's anti-fascist campaign in Ukraine – Nellie Bailey

On the Russia – Ukraine War – Antonio Artuso

George Gruenthal's reply to Antonio Artuso's article

Russia and America / An interpretation – Dr WEB Dubois 1950 – Chapter I – A quest for clarity (continued) 

Le Canada et les Etats-Unis, pays:  Imperialistes et oppresseurs D'Haiti

Canada / United States, imperialist countries and oppressors of Haiti – Donald Cuccioletta and Robert Ismael

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