Sunday, December 04, 2022

Vanguardia Proletaria: Towards the Third Meeting of Women of Latin America and the Caribbean, Brazil 2023

Vanguardia Proletaria, #636, November 15 to 31, 2022 [ ]

Central Organ of the Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist-Leninist)  

Towards the Third Meeting of Women of Latin America and the Caribbean, Brazil 2023  


As noted in the first and second Meeting of Women of Latin America and the Caribbean (EMALyC), held in the Dominican Republic and Ecuador, in 2015 and 2018 respectively, there is being held the Third Meeting of Women of Latin America and the Caribbean in Brazil in 2023.  

The effects of the health-care crisis due to Covid-19 have postponed its realization that was scheduled for 2021, so the Preparatory Committee for the Third Meeting of Women of Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Medellín Colombia in October 2021, considered it necessary to hold Regional Meetings. There were three: Central America and the Caribbean, the Andean Region and the Southern Cone, in order to advanc[e] in the study, analysis and debate of the 15 topics of the EMALyC that were previously explained. Likewise, the next meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the EMALyC will assess these regional meetings and the progress of the organization towards the 3rd EMALyC.  

In this context, the second meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the Third EMALyC was held in Lima, Peru, with the agenda of: Assessment of the Regional Meetings, Report of the organization of the headquarters of the Meeting, Character of the Meeting, Review and approval of the theme, Regulation and call. In addition, in order to expose the current situation of women, as well as to disseminate the different struggles that each organization is undertaking in each country, the forum "We are Resistance" was held, where we in the Popular Revolutionary Front, as a revolutionary organization, participated on November 5 and 6 of this year.  

We recognize that the struggle of women is part of the class struggle of all the workers, exploited and oppressed by the owners of capital. We consider that the struggle of women is part of the collective aspirations, that their definitive victory is based on the emancipation of the proletariat and the peoples, on a government that represents them. We are clear that the eradication of the violence and oppression of women will not be possible within this capitalist system, because it is its basic form of domination; therefore, we aspire to a different society, socialism and communism.  

Karl Marx stated that: "Social transformations are impossible without the participation of women; agitation among them is essential."  

Although each country has its own particularities, we are united by the same struggles and objectives, aimed at putting an end to the different forms of oppression, violence and exploitation which women have experienced for centuries. Given this scenario, we see in the Third Meeting of Women of Latin America and the Caribbean the building of a movement that fights for the defense of human rights, progress and the dignification of life, forming a powerful contribution to the emancipation of humanity.  

Therefore, we hereby invite all organized women to join in the unity, solidarity and strengthening of the women's movement in Mexico, to collaborate in the development and participation in the Third Meeting of Women of Latin America and the Caribbean to be held on July 21, 22 and 23, 2023 [just before the annual SIPRAL meeting in Ecuador].  




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