Originally posted November 17th at: www.evrensel.net/haber/534287/cipoml-29-konferansi-dunya-barisinin-yolu-kapitalist-emperyalist-sisteme-son-vermek
November 13th: "XXIX International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations, ICMLPO" -- www.pcmle.org/EM/spip.php?article13472
November 13th: "Declaración Final de la XXIX Plenaria de la Conferencia Internacional de Partidos y Organizaciones Marxista-Leninistas — CIPOML" -- www.pcmle.org/EM/spip.php?article13474
Available in English, Spanish, and Turkish, posted November 13th: cipoml.net/en/final-declaration-of-the-xxix-plenary-session-of-the-international-conference-of-marxist-leninist-parties-and-organisations-cipoml/ , plus conference documents
Also: "Enver Hoxha, brave defender of Marxism-Leninism" -- www.pcmle.org/EM/spip.php?article13437 (October 22nd)
En Marcha #2116, November 12-18,
Central Organ of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of
Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the ICMLPO
In Hamburg, Germany, the twenty-ninth Plenary of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations, ICMLPO, which is the highest body of the Conference, was held.
This year's agenda analyzed the international situation and assessed the experiences of the 30 years of the Conference's existence. Each party and member organization presented its activity report. The debates strengthened ideological and political unity; the reports allowed us to see the richness of the activity that the ICMLPO carries out in each country. In the end, the resolutions were passed. The Conference in this event reaffirmed its will and commitment to advance, expand its influence and presence and ratified the impulse of international events and actions that are already being carried out, such as the Youth Camps and the Unity and Struggle journal, whose 49th edition is a few days away from its publication.
Later, in a public festival, the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the ICMLPO was celebrated, which was attended by more than 600 people, where important interventions were made, among which we can point out the following:
Diethard Möller, representative of the Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of Germany, recalled that the ICMLPO was founded in 1994 with the participation of 15 parties and that it is now continuing its revolutionary path with about 30 parties from different continents. "The 30-year history of the ICMLPO, in the struggle against exploitation, against imperialism and war, is the history of the struggle for socialism. But this is not enough for us, we will not stop in any way. We are determined to continue this fight until the end," he said.
For her part, Sevda Karaca, Vice President and MP of the Party of Labor of Turkey (EMEP), stated that: "The proletariat is an international class that cannot be content with international solidarity alone, it has to organize itself as an international class. While it is obliged to fight within the national state borders, it cannot neglect the international dimension and organization of its struggle." In addition, she ratified the idea that the Conference, at the present time, is the most advanced and revolutionary form of international organization of the proletariat. "For our part, we are working and will work to strengthen the ICMLPO and extend its organization to all countries. First of all, of course, we know that we can successfully fulfill this duty by turning factories into our strongholds and maintaining strong positions against the bourgeoisie in our own country," he said.
Pablo Miranda, on behalf of the delegation of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador (PCMLE), said: "The responsibility to work for the unity of communists on an international scale has always been a necessity. We and the Marxist-Leninist Communist Parties, those who were present and those who were not, at the founding meeting of the ICMLPO, which took place in Quito on August 1, 1994, faced this task."
Miranda emphatically reminded the Marxist-Leninist communists of the international obligation to rebuild the Communist International, in which the Conference plays an important role. "We have come a long way, but we still have to go further and faster," he concluded.
Source: Evrensel Newspaper
Final Declaration of the 29th Plenary of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations — ICMLPO
Below, this weekly reproduces the Final Declaration of the 29th Plenary of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO).
Imbued with the revolutionary vitality that characterizes the actions of the parties and organizations that make up the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations, ICMLPO, its 29th Plenary Session has met. Its work has been developed in an atmosphere of camaraderie, objective and critical analysis of the characteristic elements of the economic, political and social scenario worldwide. We have also analyzed the fulfillment of our responsibilities aimed at organizing and leading to victory the struggle of the working class and the peoples for revolution, socialism and communism.
The world is going through a complex time, characterized by the sharpening of the general crisis of the capitalist system. The inter-imperialist confrontation, the contention among the monopolies and the states of the most developed capitalist-imperialist economies have developed to the point that they have seen in war the means to resolve their differences.
The inter-imperialist war that is taking place in Ukraine is not the only military conflict today, more than fifty local wars are spreading in different parts of the planet, in all of them the interests of one or another imperialist country, of one or another capitalist-imperialist bloc are at stake. In all these conflicts, the workers and peoples are the main victims. Inter-imperialist wars among capitalist states and aggression against the peoples are phenomena of capitalism, this system must be put to an end in order to achieve world peace.
The aggressive and criminal nature of imperialism manifests itself openly and cynically in the genocide facing the Palestinian people, now spread to the people of Lebanon.
Israeli Zionism, US imperialism and their allies are responsible for these crimes that are claiming the lives of thousands of children, young people, women and the elderly.
The workers, youth and peoples of the world reject genocide, we show it in massive mobilizations that are taking place everywhere. Banners for peace are flying alongside condemnation of Israeli Zionism and its supporters.
The negative social effects caused by capitalist exploitation are repudiated by the workers, youth, women and the peoples. Massive mobilizations, workers' strikes and popular uprisings are taking place against the austerity policies implemented by the governments of the bourgeoisie, whether they are liberal, neoliberal, social democratic or "progressive". In the midst of the struggle for employment, better wages, quality public education, health care, and social security, in defense of the environment, among other aspects, the feeling of repudiation of capitalism and the desire for change are growing among the peoples. However, this discontent of the masses is being exploited by the very people responsible for its existence: the bourgeoisie and the oligarchies.
We note the dangerous growth of the right and extreme right in some regions of the planet; fascist and pro-fascist forces have had the ability to manipulate the consciousness of the masses and capture governments in several countries, with their apparently anti-system discourses, but in reality, they are sustained by reactionary, racist, xenophobic and misogynistic points of view. Fascism today constitutes a real danger to all the democratic gains of humanity. As already demonstrated in the last century, it is a return to barbarism.
We warn the workers and peoples about this danger, but we must also do so in the face of the apparently revolutionary and left-wing political positions, such as "progressivism", which in reality represent the economic and political interests of bourgeois factions and imperialist powers.
The 29th plenary session of the ICMLPO confirmed the development experienced by our parties in this period. In our daily work, we have demonstrated our revolutionary commitment to the workers and peoples. However, we are fully aware that we must work better and do much more to fulfil our historic political responsibility.
Our Conference met, coincidentally, together with the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the ICMLPO and, 30 years after its formation, we continue to raise the banners of Marxism-Leninism and the proletarian revolution with the same optimism and commitment. Only the social revolution of the proletariat will liberate the workers and peoples from capitalist-imperialist exploitation.
Hamburg, November 2024.
With Marxism-Leninism,
for revolution and socialism!
29th Plenary of the International
Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations — ICMLPO
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