Saturday, November 04, 2006

Invitation to an Impeachment - announcement

> From: David Swanson [of the After Downing Street Coalition, which I endorse through 2 supporting groups]
> Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 23:57:57 -0500
> To: 00David Swanson
> Subject: Invitation to an Impeachment
> Invitation to an Impeachment
> We're organizing a new campaign for the impeachment
> ofd Bush and Cheney and
> need your input and participation.
> We've planned a conference call for 9 p.m. ET on
> Monday, November 13th.
> Conference Dial-in Number: (402) 756-9100
> Participant Access Code: 462356#
> RSVP to David Swanson
> For those who can make it, we'll also have a
> face-to-face strategy meeting
> on Saturday, November 11th, in Philadelphia, Penn.,
> from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
> ET. The meeting will follow a forum at the National
> Constitution Center
> entitled: "Organizing for Impeachment: Announcing a
> Movement". In the first
> hour (1:00 - 2:00 p.m.) speakers will include:
> Elizabeth Holtzman, former
> Congress Member; David Swanson, Co-Founder of
> Washington Director of; Tim Carpenter,
> Co-Founder of
>, Director of Progressive
> Democrats of America; Jodie
> Evans, Co-Founder of CODE PINK Women for Peace; Bill
> Perry, Delaware Valley
> Veterans For America; Cindy Sheehan, Co-Founder of
> Gold Star Families for
> Peace; and moderator Bob Fertik, President of
> Representatives of other participating organizations
> will attend. From
> 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. we will lead a Blogger Panel to
> discuss the issues we raise
> in the first hour. If you can attend, please sign
> up and get a ticket here:
> Why are we moving so quickly on impeachment?
> GOP scaremongering persuaded Nancy Pelosi to declare
> impeachment "off the
> table." She even pledged there would be no
> impeachment on "60 Minutes."
> But after Election Day - assuming a Democratic
> takeover of the House - we
> are determined to put Impeachment back "on the
> table" over the objections of
> the Republican Party, the GOP-controlled corporate
> media, and cowardly
> Democrats. Pelosi has a 100-day plan to pass
> "positive" legislation, but
> she will get a rude shock when Bush nullifies her
> bills with
> unconstitutional signing statements. With 51
> percent of Americans
> supporting impeachment (according to Newsweek) and
> an election just behind
> us, the moment seems ideal to create the public
> pressure needed to allow
> those Members of Congress who favor impeachment to
> act.
> Grounds for impeachment are detailed in our
> petition:
> We are looking for suggestions and proposals for
> changes and additions to
> the following tentative plan:
> 1. Declare a mandate for Impeachment based on
> election results, exit polls,
> and local impeachment referenda in CA, IL, WI, and
> VT.
> 2. Start a grassroots petition drive to collect 1
> million signatures. (Each
> group keeps the names and contact info it collects,
> as well as Emailing it
> to us to add to the petition, and we pay $0.25 per
> valid Email address.)
> 3. Form Impeachment Committees in 435 Congressional
> Districts to lobby every
> Member of Congress:
> http://www.afterdowningstreet .org/cdic
> 4. Hold Town Hall Meetings and rallies on
> impeachment around the country on
> December 10th (Human Rights Day):
> 5. Pass Impeachment resolutions in state
> legislatures, cities, towns,
> unions, political parties:
> 6. Expand our Citizens Impeachment Commission to add
> prominent citizens,
> celebrities and bloggers:
> If you would like to be listed on the Citizens
> Impeachment Commission or
> want to recommend someone else to include, please
> send that information to
> david [at] davidswanson [dot] org
> If you are available to speak at an event on
> December 10th, please let us
> know and tell us what contact info for you can be
> posted publicly and what
> area of the country you can speak in.


Anonymous said...

If the kookiest progressive politician with any power thinks pursuing impeachment is a bad idea... how far left are you? How far left do you want to go? How many Americans do you expect to support you and your idea of what this country should be?

I guess we'll find out a few answers on Tuesday and a lot more in 2008.

Patrick Meagher (southplumb) said...

Rep. Price is on the left of the Democratic Party, but definitely not enough to rock that boat. I don't see how you could call someone so 'moderate' the "kookiest politician." Price is just a liberal. What his 'moderation' actual means is appealing to progressive voters by actions that are usually symbolic and amount to nothing. We got him to vote against the Iraq War, but since then all he has done is ask Bush to produce a plan to end the War. And that was with protesters occupying one of his offices, maybe he would have voted for the War otherwise. On impeachment, maybe Price is being practical (since the Republicans control Congress currently) in not co-sponsoring Conyers' bills, but if he truly believes the Bush Administration is so bad, he isn't opposing it in the strong terms one would expect. Price was elected as a leader, but his leadership is lacking in many areas, compared to what many in his base would like.

I hope the Republicans, especially those who strongly support Bush, are dealt a blow Tuesday. On the other hand a "Blue Revolution" will change little. Unless Bush plans to invade Iran or another war starts, or the Iraqis or protests force us out, it is very likely the US will be in Iraq even after 2008. Our health and welfare systems will still be poor under Democratic Congressional leadership. The Democratic Party is the lesser evil, many times only slightly so.

As I said, I hope for a progressive, socialist party based in the working class, which is the largest class in the US. The Populists and Socialists at the beginning of the 20th century might have been like what I am talking about. The Democrats and Republicans get the votes of workers, but they don't serve working class interests. Therefore I don't care much how the Democrats do, except as it hurts the Republicans and the right of the Democratic Party.

Elections aren't very good for measuring public opinion because so few people vote and they have few choices. They have few choices because money dominates politics and the electoral system is rigged against third parties. And if a party ever won that would change society, we would probably have a Venezuela or Chile situation and there would be a coup attempt.

I'm working so that before too long Americans will have a choice, and we'll see how open the electoral process is. If it is closed to those who want a socialist society, than it invites revolution, which would happen if a large number were in favor. If the public hears the actual program of socialists (communists, even!), instead of capitalist propaganda, I think many, even most, will eventually support it.