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Workers at Tar Heel plant ignite widespread call for justice at world's largest pork plant
Tar Heel, North Carolina--After a two-day walk out by hundreds of workers, Smithfield Packing agreed to workers demands to halt the wholesale firings of employees and agreed to reconsider their implementation of immigration policies in the plant. The company, for the first time, also agreed to meet with a group of workers elected by the workers themselves to further negotiate about plant issues and employee concerns on Tuesday.
The catalyst for the protest was a disagreement between the workers and the company about Smithfield's improper use of social security data to wrongfully terminate employees. Social security data is no determinant of work authorization or immigration status. In other Smithfield operations where workers are represented by the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW), contract language provides for a systematic and constructive process for workers and the employer to resolve issues such as immigration and work status. Workers at the Smithfield Tar Heel plant have been struggling for the protection of a union contract for over a decade.
The walk-out generated thousands of calls to the company from national religious, civil rights and immigrant rights organizations demanding that the workers? rights be respected. Organizations included the National Baptist Convention, the Progressive Baptist Convention, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the North Carolina NAACP, National Council of Churches and Rainbow Push. Eric Schlosser, whose new movie Fast Food Nation opens this weekend, issued a public statement condemning the company for its victimization of the workers.
Following the walk out, the company agreed to negotiate around the workers? issues through the Catholic Church and its attorneys. The company acknowledged that they had misinterpreted the law and agreed to make appropriate adjustments to comply.
"We're glad the company did the right thing and recognized that they were mistaken in the way that they were applying these policies. The fact that they sat down and negotiated over the workers' concerns is an example of the kind of process that benefits everyone, the company, community and employees allowing all to resolve differences. This is a historic break from Smithfield Packing's long history of confrontation and intimidation of their workers in Tar Heel and we hope this will continue" says Gene Bruskin, UFCW Director of the Smithfield Justice campaign, a coalition of labor, immigrant rights, civil rights, faith and student groups.
Specifically, the workers and the company have already agreed to the following:
- Smithfield has agreed to increase the time allowed for employees to respond to "no match" letters from the Social Security Administration.
- Employees who have been laid off for failure to resolve Social Security issues may return to work while they sort out these issues.
- Smithfield's Human Resources Department will designate a staff member to help process "no match" Social Security issues and respond to questions.
- Smithfield has agreed that if mistakes have been made, they will be addressed.
- No disciplinary actions of any kind will be taken against those employees who participated in the walkout.
- Tar Heel plant manager Larry Johnson will meet again with a group of Smithfield employees on Tuesday, November 21 at 2:00 pm.
Employees will return to work on Saturday, November 18th.
The UFCW represents 1.3 million workers, including 250,000 in the meat packing and food processing industries.
*Click in the link below to SIGN UP for the Smithfield Tar Heel Free Holiday Celebrations
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