Friday, February 14, 2025

Some statements on the 2024 presidential election

This article also should have been posted months ago.  I could have added more.  

I thought it was said, seriously or not, that presidential elections could be predicted based on which major party candidate's Halloween mask was most popular in stores, yet I heard nothing about that in 2024.   Was the media hiding bad news for Harris or is it not really predictive?   

Not in much of an order:

November 4th:  The PFLP calls for boycott of U.S. elections

This link to a PDF sent out November 10th by the PCUSA might not work :  chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

From Simplicius:


October 26th:

Portugal:  Belated fruits of the November 1975 coup

Passed away October 12th in Hyderabad, India:  G.N. Saibaba, 1967-2024:

From a July 2010 tour in China  An educational trip to China:  Reflections of a philosopher

Evaluating Lebanon ceasefire deal:

November 3rd, on a demonstration October 20th in New York:

November 2nd:

march in Seattle against the ‘two-party war machine:’

From Monica Moorehead, November 12th:

November 5th:

October 29th: Election Day – and after


November 22nd: compare to

November 4th:  

? --

Trump’s Victory Calls For Amputation – Democratic Necrosis Is To Blame --

? -- 

From before the election:

The Democratic Party consultant con:

From Jack Rasmus: 

From Stephen Semler: 

Seymour Hersh on the Biden Administration's adventurism abroad, etc.:

From Aurelien: and

A war on the environment in

A statement from the

A Hamas report on Israel's ceasefire

A pregnant woman killed by Israel in the West

On the new chair of the DNC:

At the Democratic Party's 2024 National Convention:


Will Gaza's resistance sink both Trump and Biden? -- and

Rights and Dissent on Tulsi

US mercenaries in

On the allegation that KPA soldiers fought in the Ukraine

"Color revolution" tactics and sabotage, to stop Trump and state Republicans, but not the ethnic cleansing carried out under Biden:

International Human Rights Day - the Crime of Sanctions -- December 10th 7-9pm Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1518 M Street NW, Washington, DC --

Originally posted at:


UNAC statement on the 2024 Presidential Election


In the 2024 Presidential elections, neither candidate spoke for peace.  The election was held while there was a US/NATO war with Russia in Ukraine and a US/Israeli genocide in Palestine and an ever-expanding war in West Asia.  The election was held at a time that the US is militarily encircling and threatening China and North Korea and intensifying sanctions against Cuba and some 42 other countries around the world. But there was almost no mention of this or of peace during this campaign.  The US electoral system failed the people by not providing a choice for peace or a choice on other issues that are essential for the people in the US or the people of the world.  Instead, we heard racist rhetoric and name calling.

The wars and the massive military budget which feeds them will continue while food prices, rents, and the costs of other essentials will rise.  More and more adult children are moving in with their parents as job opportunities disappear and higher education is out of reach for most.  Addressing these issues along with the worsening climate crisis could have made a difference.  The campaign could have been used to mobilize people around these issues and the results might have been different, there could have been an advance for humanity.  But instead, it was the people of the US and the world who lost this election no matter who won.

But this is what we expected.  The two capitalist/imperialist parties that are the only two that are allowed to seriously contend in federal elections could never mobilize people to struggle for peace and human needs.  By definition, they are for increasing profits for the obscenely rich which means exploitation of working people in the US and around the world.

So, what do we do now?

This election, perhaps more than any other in the recent past shows us that we will not get our needs met through the 2-party electoral system.  All gains we have won in the past have been through struggle, whether for the right to join a union, the women’s right to vote, abortion rights or other women’s rights, civil rights, LQBTQ+ rights or peace.  This is still the only way forward.  We must continue to build our movement and harness the power of millions of people demanding their right to peace, justice, freedom and the right to thrive.  This will be a movement against these Capitalist parties and their billionaire backers. UNAC, as a peace coalition, is working to build such a movement.  You can join UNAC by going here:

We must accelerate our movement against this new right-wing government by staying in the streets, organizing against the genocide in Palestine and joining with UNAC and others who will be building for a demonstration in DC and around the country during Trump’s inauguration. Join us.

Sent out by email November 20th and posted at:

The Face of the White People's House May Have Changed but the War on the Oppressed Working Class Hasn't

No Matter Who Sits in the White Peoples’ House the War Being Waged by the U.S. Colonial/Capitalist Class Against the Black Colonized Working Class and All Oppressed Peoples and Nations Will Continue

“Hide nothing from the masses of our people. Tell no lies. Expose lies whenever they are told. Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures. Claim no easy victories...”
— Amilcar Cabral

It was under the Democrats and the first “Black” president that the Department of Defense 1033 program that militarizes local police forces was expanded by 2,400%; the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) expanded by 1,900%; Libya, the most prosperous African  and Pan African nation was attacked and destroyed; the war on Yemen began; the Occupy Wall Street Movement was smashed; the FBI created the “Black Identity Extremist” label; the banks were bailed out from the economic collapse that they created, but not the working class; Black people lost more wealth  than was lost at the end of Reconstruction in 1870s; and, despite police killings across the country, including Mike Brown in Ferguson, the Obama administration only brought Federal charges against one killer-cop.  Yet, with the return of Trump, opportunists in our communities and beyond are telling us that the real culprits in our oppression and the targets for opposition are Trump and republicans.

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) rejects this kind of ahistorical opportunism.

We are clear. The anti-democratic duopoly is made up of  representatives of the capitalist class and provides cover for what is, in reality, the dictatorship of capital. In this, the duopoly reveals the class nature of the state. This dictatorship, the true enemy of the people, is the target of our agitation and organizing.

Focusing attention on the Trumpian wing of the capitalist class as the primary or principal contradiction facing the people in the U.S. or in the world, obscures the reality that the dominant wing of capital, finance capital, along with the U.S. based transnational corporations, have captured and are operating through both parties. However, it is the democratic party wing of the dictatorship of capital that has championed what is popularly referred to as neoliberalism. Neoliberalism, first given coherence under Ronald Reagan, eventually migrated to the democratic party under Bill Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Council, whose “third way politics” aligned with both neoliberals and neoconservatives (neocons). Trumpism is the particular (national) manifestation of the global crisis of neoliberal capitalism. The republican party’s capture of the executive and all branches of government will not resolve the structural contradictions of neoliberal capital. What we can expect, then, is the strengthening of the repressive state apparatus and more targeted repression. To be clear, this process would have continued under a Harris administration because Harris promised to maintain the same trajectory of state repression in the name of capital. Because of the bipartisan jettisoning of liberal democratic and human rights in favor of the capitalist order, it does not matter which individual is sitting in the white peoples’ house. Therefore, the correct approach for opposition forces is one that grounds the people’s understanding of the objective structural contradictions of the capitalist order and that builds their capacity to struggle against that order  – regardless of which wing of the duopoly represents it. Focusing on only one part of the duopoly is akin to focusing on only one faction of the capitalist class.

Despite any rhetoric to the contrary, BAP expects Trump will govern as a neoliberal. That is why certain elements of the ruling class turned to him again. Continued austerity, especially at the state and local levels, will persist, as well as privatization of public assets, tax breaks for the capitalist class, the suppression and repression of labor, fiscal and monetary policies that prop-up capitalist profits and undermine human rights and, of course, the targeted use of military power to advance the interests of the capitalist dictatorship. We believe, however, that Trump will make as his main mission the primary concern of the neoliberal elite:  smashing the movement toward de-dollarization.

We cannot afford to have any illusions or harbor any sentimentality about the nature of this system. As we organize in political spaces controlled by Black democrats, it would be suicidal if we did not understand the role these neocolonial puppets play – primarily against any organized opposition – in the war that capital is waging against the people. Under Biden-Harris, we saw  police, judicial, and media suppression of mobilizations in solidarity with the Palestinian people, the student intifada, the Uhuru 3, African Stream media, and many others. And it is no coincidence that so-called “cop cities” are being constructed across the country in those urban areas being managed by Black democrat party functionaries or, what Black Agenda Report refers to as the “Black Misleadership Class.”  

This corrupted Black petit-bourgeois professional/managerial class, positioned in government, corporate and non-profit sectors, provides the buffer and role models for individual material advancement at the expense of the Black working class.

And while we are dealing with cop cities, we also understand what is coming with the mass deportations of non-white migrants and the violent law and order rhetoric that is already emanating from the Trumpian forces. But let us not forget that, under the Biden-Harris regime, mass deportations rose by 250 percent, of which Harris campaigned on being “tough” on the border. Anti-immigrant rhetoric is also bipartisan.

Like all people, we want to live decent, prosperous lives in peace and in harmony with all humanity and nature. But we are going to have to fight for peace. And for that struggle BAP is guided by the principles of the Black radical peace tradition that states clearly:

Peace is not the absence of conflict, but rather the achievement by popular struggle and self-defense of a world liberated from the interlocking issues of global conflict, nuclear armament and proliferation, unjust war, and subversion through the defeat of global systems of oppression that include colonialism, imperialism, patriarchy, and white supremacy.

That is the task and the responsibility that we take on. We are not afraid of any individual or oppressive system. We gladly take on this fight with the certainty that one day we will defeat the Pan European white supremacist colonial/capitalist patriarchy that is the enemy of collective humanity.

The struggles and sacrifices being made by the Palestinian peoples to defend their dignity and popular sovereignty is the example we embrace. This is why we say that, no matter the circumstances, no matter the challenge, no matter the intensity of the repression, we are building on the sacrifices of our people and guided by revolutionary principles. Our call will always be:

No Compromise, No Retreat!

Coordinating Committee, Black Alliance for Peace

This was originally posted November 13th at:  or see: ; slightly edited. 

Scintilla n. 149, November 2024
edited by Piattaforma Comunista – for the Communist Party of the Proletariat of Italy

Trump's Victory and its Consequences

On November 5th, the American people were granted the deceptive right to choose which of the two vampires will suck the blood of workers, exploited workers, oppressed peoples, at home and abroad, for the next 4 years.

The most reactionary and chauvinistic candidate, the proto-fascist tycoon Donald Trump, won.

But the US came out of these elections even more divided and polarized. The election campaign with its side dish of attacks and personal attacks has left wounds that will not heal in a short time.

Trump's victory is the victory of those most aggressive and chauvinistic sectors of finance capital, those super-billionaires (Musk, Horowitz, Mellon, Adelson, Griffin, Uihlein, etc.), the big cryptocurrency operators and AI promoters, who supported his candidacy with hundreds of billions of dollars to achieve higher profits through protectionist policies, the tax cut and deregulation for the big monopolies promised by the tycoon.

The return to the White House of Trump, one of the most aggressive pacesetters of the world reaction, will determine consequences that are not difficult to predict.

First of all, with a second presidential term it will be easier for the Trump-Vance duo to establish an even more reactionary, anti-democratic and repressive system of government. U.S. fascism will take further steps.

The consolidation of white supremacism, authoritarianism and anti-worker policies in the States will lead to the strengthening of the autocrats in power and of the extreme right-wing politicians in the various countries, with a development of racist, chauvinist, populist and fascist movements. 

Social media will be used to the maximum as a sounding board to spread irrationalism, conspiracy theories, fake news and fears that are exploited by the far right. 

On the international level, the struggle to maintain the world hegemony of declining US imperialism will become even harder, and will be directed mainly against the growing Chinese imperialist power, through trade and financial wars, increasing tariffs on imported goods, blockade of investments, accompanied by the strengthening of the military apparatus in the Asia Pacific.

Other than "I will stop wars", as Trump declared. With the MAGA program, the struggle between the imperialist powers will enter a new and sharper phase, increasing international tension in every respect and entering into direct conflict in many countries.

Zionism, with its criminal and genocidal policies, will be even more supported by Washington, even perpetuating the open conflicts between the cliques of the pro-imperialist Arab bourgeoisie. In Venezuela, support for the coup plotters will continue to fight Chinese and Russian rivals who present themselves with the illusory face of multipolarity.

Another consequence of Trump's victory will be the growing tension in relations between the US and the EU.

The result of the US elections will have several impacts. The protectionism of US industry will hurt exporting countries; the increase in military spending to increase military autonomy from the US, always in "unshakable alliance" (Meloni dixit) with the US and NATO, will aggravate the burden weighing on the shoulders of workers and peoples.  

[Two missing paragraphs, translated with Google: 

Hard years await us, of worsening of the general crisis of the imperialist-capitalist system, of more intense reaction, in which the development of the policies of a proletarian united front and of a united anti-imperialist and anti-fascist front will be of fundamental importance.

This is a line that communists must apply at the national and international levels, taking into account the different specific situations to build alliances and tactical agreements subordinated to the strategic goal, without ever renouncing their independence and their political and ideological positions, working to accumulate and prepare forces in view of revolutionary developments.]

This was originally posted 

En Marcha #2116, November 12-18, 2024
Central Organ of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador

USA: The far right wins again with Trump

Trump's election is the result of a demagogic and populist discourse that was based on the great aspirations of the American people, for whom the four years of Democratic government have meant a deterioration in their living conditions.

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, the United States elections took place, which resulted in the triumph of Donald Trump as the 47th president, after having obtained the majority in the Electoral College.

Trump's election is the result of a demagogic and populist discourse that was built on the great aspirations of the U.S. people, for whom the four years of Democratic government have meant a deterioration in their living conditions and disappointment with the failure to comply with the electoral promises made in 2020 by the Democratic Biden – Harris team, in particular, the frustration regarding the offers of protection to the migrant and African-American population.

Under the Biden administration, inflation increased, which meant a reduction in the purchasing power of working-class wages; while families saw their wages purchase less and less, the government invested [b]illions of dollars in military support to Ukraine, but health care and educational services, as well as infrastructure, are deteriorating, as seen in the storms and hurricanes such as Helene in North Carolina.

The Democrats ran the current Vice President Kamala Harris as their candidate, so they had to build a discourse that defended the management of the government, while the Republicans developed their discourse as an option against the war and the economic crisis, something similar to what Trump developed in 2016 in his first election. Another cause is the weakening of the U.S. popular movement that has not been able to stop the massive layoffs by several companies or actions such as those of the Supreme Court, when it decided to ignore the right of women in the U.S. to abortion, which led several sectors, instead of confronting the extreme right, to seek agreements to present themselves as "reasonable" or "rational," accepting measures against migrants and workers.

The American Party of Labor (APL) has pointed out that: "In the face of Trump's victory, democratic, progressive and socialist forces must unite to fight tirelessly against the rise of fascism wherever it appears. To put it plainly, when the contradictions of capital manifest themselves and the workers become radicalized, there must be a communist party present and prepared to confront them."

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