Sunday, January 27, 2008

UNC Palestine Week: 1/28 - 2/2

     -- Please distribute widely --

palestine · week
        jan 28 - feb 2, 2008 

          at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Monday, Jan 28 · 7:00 pm · Hamilton 100
"Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People"
Reel Bad Arabs takes a devastating tour of the American cinematic landscape,
revealing an astonishing pattern of slanderous Arab stereotyping, and inspires us to
reflect crtically on Hollywoods love affair with Arab villainy and buffoonery. Discussion
to follow with Joseph Palis and Murat Es from Geography, and Srinath Jayaram from
Communication Studies.

Tuesday, Jan 29 · 7:30 pm · Student Union 3205
Israel and Palestine for Beginners
Always confused when people begin talking about Israel and Palestine?
Professor Sarah Shields from the Department of History will summarize the
development of this century-old conflict.

Wednesday, Jan 30 · 7:30 pm · Bingham 103
Tar Heels in Palestine
UNC students Sam Dolbee, Sarah Grossblatt, Shai Tamari, Hudson Vaughan, Haley
Koch, and Clayton Pfannenstiel reflect on their recent visits to the West Bank by
sharing their experiences, photographs, and evolving perspectives on Palestine.
Bring your questions and participate in what promises to be an often heartwarming,
sometimes heartbreaking, and always enlightening dialogue.

Thursday, Jan 31 · 5:00 pm · Student Union 3205
Apartheid, Anti-Semitism, Social Justice, Activism
Join in on a lively discussion with scholars and activists who will address current
critiques of Israeli policy with intellectual honesty. History professor Christopher F. Lee
will trace the origins of 'apartheid' in the context of South Africa and examine
whether its application in Israel/Palestine is analytically and politically useful; Duke
University's Rebecca Stein asks that we consider the question: "Is criticizing Israel
anti-semitic?"; and Rotary Peace Scholar Shai Tamari and Coalition for Peace With Justice's Mary Lou Leiser Smith will highlight effective and ineffective ways to serve as
advocates for a true peace with justice among both Palestinians and Israelis.

Saturday, Feb 2 · 8:00 pm · Great Hall
CONCERT: Hip-Hop for Palestine
When MC's have something to say, it is powerful. Hip-Hop and spoken word artists
from all corners -- from D.C. to Detroit, from Baltimore to Oakland -- are coming
through to perform for the Triangle community. As progressive artists, they bring
lyricism and story-telling to Palestinian solidarity. See these traveled MC's rhyme
about Palestine and connect it to other places and cases.

Sponsoring Organizations:

Solidarity with Palestine through Education and Action at Carolina   ·    
Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations    ·   
Middle East Student Forum    · 
Center for Global Initiatives Student Research Circle: Migration and the Media    ·   
ScreenArts    ·   
National Cinema Film Series    ·    
Graduate Association of Geography Students   ·   
Student Action with Workers    ·   
Psi Sigma Phi Multicultural Fraternity    ·   
Arab Student Organization    ·   
Persian Cultural Society    ·
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions - USA    ·    
Triangle Tikkun    ·   
Coalition for Peace With Justice    ·    
Muslim Organization of Students  Actively Integrating Carolina    ·   
Muslim Student Association    ·      
Students United for a Responsible Global Environment    ·   
Students for a Democratic Society    ·    
Carolina Production Guild   ·   
Media Resources Center    ·    
Women in Geography   ·

All events are free and enthusiastically open to the public. For additional information, please keep checking our updates on:

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