Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer Solstice Friday + book sale

The summer solstice is this Friday, meaning the Sun will reach its highest point in the sky as the northern hemisphere of the Earth tilts the most towards the Sun, and it is the longest day.  This is what is often called the first day of summer, though I would rather talk about when it starts to look and feel like summer, which happened a while ago, despite the cool weather in May and this week.   
The Durham County Library's summer book sale is this weekend at the Main Library (see  You have to be a member of the Friends of the Library or join to go in on Friday afternoon, but Saturday is open most of the day and Sunday is a $7 dollar bag sale.  These sales are three times a year at the Main Library and can be good (and very cheap) places to find Marxist-Leninist books (in the philosophy and history sections) and books on communist history, current events, and many other non-fiction and fiction titles.  Last year the Library started having continuous book sales at each branch.
There are other sales in the area, and I think there is a sale later in the month at the Chapel Hill Public Library, but I don't know how much selection they have.  That library has more sales per year than the Main Library.     

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